The Ultimate Guide To Creating An App - Adalo App Academy
The Ultimate Guide To Creating An App - Adalo App Academy
The Ultimate Guide To Creating An App - Adalo App Academy
to Creating an App
What Kind Of App
Are You Building?
Do you have a promising idea for an app?
Great! A good idea is just the first step. We
need to give that idea some legs so that
your app building efforts yield the best
possible results.
Step 2
Find your target audience
Your target audience is the group of people that your
app is built for. Generally speaking, your mobile app
target audience can be split into segments across
four categories.
2 Demography
What does the age range look like for your
target audience? You may also want to
consider their gender, and marital status
if those criteria are relevant.
3 Social metrics
What type of background would your target
audience come from in terms of education,
income level, or profession?
4 Behavioral metrics
What are their values? What habits do they
have, and why? What are their preferences?
Step 3
Create a List of All Possible Features
A feature set is a list or a high-level description of
what you want people to be able to do, and how
you’d like them to interact with your app so it can
actually solve the problem that it’s aiming to solve.
Step 4
Mark the Mission Critical Features
Now that you’ve got a full set of features (or as
complete as possible without getting your app in the
hands of your audience) start by marking the ones
that are mission critical. Is this feature 100% necessary
for completing a step along the journey?
Step 5
Do a quick scan of the competition
Are there other apps like yours in the market already?
What are they doing right? What could you be doing
better? This will help you differentiate your app from
the competition.
Step 6
Figure out where to launch your app
The general consensus is that getting an app ap-
proved by the Apple App Store can be harder than
on the Google PlayStore. While Google is home to
a bigger market than Apple globally, the Apple App
Store brings more monetization opportunities for
app developers. Or you could build a web app that
can live on people’s home screen without needing to
be downloaded.
Building a Mobile App:
What Goes on
Behind the Scenes
Understanding the
Basics of Mobile
App Development
Describes what’s on a page
This forms the backbone of the web development
process. It stands for HyperText Markup Language.
Hypertext is text with links (you can click on it, and
it takes you to another page) Markup means text
can be converted into images, tables, or links.
Structures web pages
The structure of a web page is called the Document
Object Model (DOM). It’s a programming interface
that interprets the page so that programs can change
the structure, content, and style of a document
using JavaScript.
Network bandwidth
Another thing to consider is the compatibility of your
mobile app with different types of Internet connec-
tion. Your application architecture will have to be built
with various network conditions in mind.
Building a Secure
Mobile App
Functional Testing
This helps make sure that your app functions like it’s
supposed to, and does what is intended for it to do.
Keep a list of all the different functions your app per-
forms, and use that as a checklist to get started with
your functional testing.
Usability Testing
Mobile app usability testing helps make sure your
application is easy to use and understandable for your
target audience. Surveys, focus groups, and A/B
testing are great ways to test usability for your mobile
app, but keep in mind that your findings may be
quite subjective.
Performance Testing
Testing your app’s performance allows you to make
sure the app is performing well on different devices
and under different conditions. Performance testing
of mobile applications includes checking your mobile
app on different devices, servers, battery levels,
and networks.
Compatibility Testing
Software compatibility testing allows mobile develop-
ers to make sure your app performs well on different
platforms and device configurations. The goal of this
testing is to assess hardware dimensions on mobile
devices – GPS and navigation capabilities, camera
(resolution and type), processing speed, screen (size,
resolution, or rotation), main memory, etc.
User Experience
and User Research
How will this app solve the problem better than other solutions?
2 Focus groups
Get a few people that fit your user personas
together and ask them what they think of your
app, prototype, or app idea. Get detailed
feedback on what they like and what they’d
like changed.
5 A/B testing
Compare one feature or idea with another
using a simple A/B test that helps you choose
features by popular demand.
Prioritize Accessibility
By making designs ‘accessible’, we can create the
same experience for everyone, regardless of any
visual, speech, auditory, or physical differences.
Writing UX Copy
What is UX copy?
The pieces of text on buttons, headings, prompts,
and app screens to guide users through your app.
It explains errors
It sets expectations
Designing Your
Mobile App
Complementary Compound
Designspiration Colormind
Coolors Colordot
Humaaans Lottiefiles
Getting People
to Use Your App
Step 2
Assess Your App’s Existing Market
While you’re in the process of building an app, res-
earch the app landscape by reading about your
competitors and the industry. You can also subscribe
to blogs that talk about the problem your app is
aiming to solve.
Step 3
Create A Landing Page Or A Website
To help build some excitement before your app launch,
and to make your app stand out, you should have
a dynamic, well-designed website that drives people
to the app store. There are plenty of no-code tools
to build a landing page or a website in just an hour
or two; check out Carrd, Webflow, or Wix.
Step 5
Work Out A Content Marketing Strategy
Content should exist to create awareness and en-
gagement around your app. It can be as simple as
discussing related subjects to what your app’s focus
is, or figuring out what problems your target users
may have, and attempting to solve it for them.
Search ads
You can have your app listed at the top of search
engine results pages by paying for advertising on
search engines. For niche markets, it can be a very
efficient way to get your app on the front page.
Step 7
Post Your App To Product Hunt
The Product Hunt community is an exciting bunch
of product developers, founders, makers, and tech
enthusiasts, who vote everyday on the best new apps
and websites. A high ranking on Product Hunt usually
Step 8
Use Slack, Discord, Or Reddit
To Join Relevant Conversations
Forums, subreddits, and other groups give people the
ability to talk about a shared interest. It may seem
like a lot of work, but these are actually a great place
to find new tools and apps (which means it’s a great
place to promote your app too!)
Mobile App Analytics
the number of times that an app gets downloaded
to a device is the easiest and most obvious way to
track its uptake.
Actual app installations may differ from the number
of downloads, so this is another way to track the
popularity of your app.
While you may not know the reason why someone
uninstalled an app, you can corroborate the informa-
tion with an event like an update or a feature change.
Deciding whether or not to register (and enter your
personal data) is an indication of whether users are
committed to buying into your app idea.
Retention Rate
This is the number of returning users after a fixed time
period. Retaining users is generally an indicator of
creating a “sticky” app, because it tells you how many
people consistently use your app. Many businesses
commonly analyze 7-day, 30-day, 60-day, and 90-
day retention.
Active Users
This is the number of engaged users, usually tracked
in terms of daily or monthly numbers.
The number of times a user opens the app is the
number of sessions. Like retention, this is also an indi-
cator of ‘stickiness’ or popularity.
Stickiness is a metric used to determine engagement
by figuring out how often people return to open
your app. It’s calculated by dividing your daily active
users (DAU) by your monthly active users (MAU) to
get a percentage.
Churn Rate
The rate at which active users unsubscribe from or
uninstall your app. Ideally, you want to target a low
churn rate. A high churn is usually indicative of func-
tionality or performance issues, or a lack of new
content on the app.
How Much Does it Cost
to Build a Mobile App &
How Do You Monetize?
Budget can be a big constraint when it
comes to mobile app development, and can
vary drastically based on the type of app
you’re building, how long it takes, where you’re
building it, and how you’re building it.
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App & How Do You Monetize? 52
Factors That Influence
Your App Building Costs
Mobile Platforms
The cost of development usually varies based on
if your app is developed for iOS, Android, or both.
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App & How Do You Monetize? 53
Complexity of UI/UX
User interface, design, and visual objects of the app
can influence the cost, especially if your app has cus-
tom elements, buttons, icons, illustrations, and fonts.
Cost estimates
for building an app
Simple Apps
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App & How Do You Monetize? 54
These types of apps are the easiest to develop and
take the least amount of time, which means they are
also the cheapest to develop.
Complex Apps
Development cost: $100,000+
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App & How Do You Monetize? 55
Tips to Build a Mobile App on a Budget
1 Do Your Homework!
By conducting thorough user research, market
research, and carefully choosing the features
and level of complexity that you’ll need, you
can make sure that you build only what you
absolutely need, while avoiding potential ex-
pensive mistakes.
3 Build an MVP
Start by building an app with the basic, func-
tional features only – your MVP. By starting
with the essential features that are necessary
to solve the users’ needs, you’ll be able to
slowly add on to the features that you need.
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App & How Do You Monetize? 56
launch, you can then move on to something
more complex.
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App & How Do You Monetize? 57
Free With In-App Purchases
To use this approach, you can restrict certain features
in the free version of the app with a goal to “encour-
age” the free app users to upgrade to the paid version.
This in-app purchases model is one of the most pop-
ular app monetization strategies. Tread carefully so
that you aren’t giving away too many options for
free or offering too few features.
User Marketplace
This is the model that many eCommerce or service-
linked apps choose. You can charge a small fee on
each transaction made on your app marketplace.
Apps like Uber and AirBnb charge a commission on
each transaction, with the goal to provide maximum
value to both the buyer and seller on the platform.
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App & How Do You Monetize? 58
In-App Ads
As the name suggests, these are advertisements
that are displayed on an app. However, a big road-
block to hitting success with in-app ads is the fact
that although 90% of consumers are influenced by
advertising, many users consider in-app ads spam-
my, distracting, and intrusive.
Banner Ads
While banner ads were initially popular, they are
becoming less frequently used. Banner ads tend to
affect your app UX quite significantly, and rather
than driving people towards purchasing, it drives
them to uninstall.
Interstitial Ads
A good workaround for banner ads is interstitial ads.
These ads show up in full screen at the end of a certain
task flow – this way it doesn’t interfere with completing
a task, making it somewhat less intrusive.
Native Ads
Native ads integrate seamlessly into the look, feel,
and experience of the app they’re in. Think of
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App & How Do You Monetize? 59
Instagram or a Twitter feed, where an ad shows up
somewhere on the feed or timeline. These ads have
a higher engagement rate and don’t interfere with
the user experience.
Affiliate Ads
Affiliate advertising is a monetization model that
generates commission from other products and ser-
vices by advertising them through your app. You
can monetize your app by partnering with companies
to sell their products. Many companies have affiliate
programs that allow you to insert special links or codes
in your content or ads.
Reward ads
App reward ads are popular for games, particularly
if users spend a lot of time in the app. For example,
you may be offered extra coins if you watch a 10-
second advertisement. Make sure that the reward
is worth the effort that your user will take to watch
the ad.
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App & How Do You Monetize? 60