Q4 TQ Eng 9 2023 2024 Final Edited1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga Sibugay
NAME: ___________________________________ GRADE/SECTION: _____________________ DATE: _____________ SCORE: _______
MULTIPLE CHOICE ITEM TEST. Read and understand the questions carefully. Write ONLY the letter that
corresponds to the best answer in the space provided before the number.

_____1. Which DOES NOT describe relevance? _____9. Which type of issue concerns with a person’s
A. It concerns people with how an information be values, beliefs, feelings, and learnings that has the
helpful. potential to help or harm others?
B. It relates to how people use an information at a A. Moral Issue C. Physical Issue
definite time and purpose. B. Social Issue D. Economic Issue
C. It pertains to how appropriate something is to
what is being said at a given time. _____10. Which idea concerns with rightness or
D. It answers people’s doubts and confusions about wrongness of something or someone based on a
issues, trends, and discussions at hand. comparison, importance, value and human behavior?
A. Value judgment C. Factual judgment
_____2. When does an argument become valid? B. Moral Judgment D. Personal Taste/Value
A. When it has an elaborated claim
B. When it has a well-crafted opinion _____11. Which is an example of moral issue?
C. When it has lists of unverified evidences A. Inflation C. Gender inequality
D. When it has a claim supported by evidences B. Pandemic D. Pre-marital relationship

_____3. Which helpful tip concerns with thoroughly _____12. Which type of judgment concerns with how
reading the whole article and not only the headline we see human behavior as good or bad, wrong or right?
alone? A. Value judgment C. Factual judgment
A. Source C. Check the Author B. Moral Judgment D. Personal Taste/Value
B. Read Beyond D. Supporting Sources
_____13. Which type of judgment lies on your likes and
_____4. Which best explains the word evidence? dislikes about an object, place, person, or event?
A. Evidence is a sign which shows that something A. Value judgment C. Factual judgment
exists. B. Moral Judgment D. Personal Taste/Value
B. Evidence is someone else’s belief in a thing that
happened. _____14. Which point is used to determine the worth
C. Evidence is a reason to believe that something of ideas?
happens for a cause. A. Ideas are based on opinions.
D. Evidence is a set of facts, data or information B. Conclusions may be illogical.
used to support a point / claim. C. Arguments may not be based on facts.
D. Discussions must be free of discrepancies.
_____5. Which is NOT an important point to consider
in evaluating the truthfulness of information? _____15. Which sentence is NOT a statistical evidence?
A. Date C. Details A. Studies show that the use of technology
B. Biases D. Influence increases self-efficacy.
B. This weight loss product is very effective. I have
_____6. What consist an argument? been only using for weeks and I can already see
A. Opinion and Claims the results.
B. Claim and Evidences C. Experts warned us about COVID-19 as the
C. Opinion and Examples number of patients have increased by 10% in
D. Conclusion and Premises the last two weeks.
D. According to WHO, about16 million girls
_____7. What type of fallacy assumes that two events between ages 15-19 and around 1 million girls
or concepts are related in the sense that one causes under 15 give birth each year.
another when they are actually not?
A. Post hoc C. Appeal to authority _____16. Which example expresses a circular
B. Slippery slope D. Hasty generalization reasoning type of fallacy?
A. John is weak because he is not strong enough.
_____8. Which idea is defined as error in reasoning that B. Wearing scandalous outfit at night causes rape.
is used to intentionally or unintentionally trick audience C. People are not afraid of love. They are afraid of
to believe a speaker’s argument? being unloved.
A. Bluff C. Fallacy D. My mom loves make-up, so is my sister. All
B. Claim D. Opinion women love make-up.
For items 17 and 18, read the text below C. Green color is a mixture of blue and red colors
Official Statement on the Opening of Classes that makes the mind ease and relax.
D. Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon, has a net worth of
“As per the memorandum, the President has given $188.5 billion ranks as the first richest person
approval to the recommendation of DepEd. Thus, we on the earth today according to Business
will implement such a decision to defer school Insider.
opening to October 5 pursuant to Republic Act No.
11480. We shall use the deferment to provide relief
_____23. What is the most appropriate distinctions
to the logistical limitations faced by the areas placed
between factual judgment and value judgment?
under MECQ and to fill in the remaining gaps of the
school opening that we are currently addressing.” A. Factual judgments are considered true while
value judgments are considered false.
Source: https://www.deped.gov.ph/2020/08/14/official- B. Factual and value judgments are both true at all
times as long as you can defend its validity by
citing relevant and coherent evidences.
_____17. What type of information is used in the text? C. Factual judgment is true to all, yet we can’t
A. factual C. analytical conclude that value judgments aren’t real,
B. subjective D. creative rather it could be true to someone but not for
the others.
_____18. Which of the following reasons discussed in D. Factual judgment is always true and cannot be
the implementation of the decision to defer school challenged for they are backed up by facts while
opening to October 5 is NOT included in the official value judgment is untrue for it is influenced by
statement released by the DepEd? our own preferences and biases.
A. To extend the schools BRIGADA program
B. To fill in the remaining gaps of the school Teenage mothers face critical health risk including
C. To comply pursuant to Republic Act No. 11480 inadequate nutrition during pregnancy due to poor
D. To provide relief to the logistical limitations eating habits, dangers associated with the
faced reproductive organs not ready for birth and
maternal death due to a higher risk of eclampsia.
If we are going to ban firearms, we should also Alarmingly, while maternal deaths are decreasing
ban cars because they cause many more deaths in the Philippines, teenage maternal deaths are
than firearms do. increasing. Ten percent of pregnant teenagers
died last year according to the Philippine Statistics
Agency. Data from World Health Organization also
_____19. What type of evidence is expressed in the show a high and increasing incidence of fetal death
sentence above? in Filipino mothers under 20.
A. Statistical C. Anecdotal
B. Testimonial D. Analogical _____24. What issue is expressed in the excerpt?
A. Maternal deaths are decreasing
An effective way to improve your study skills is to B. The number of teenage pregnancies increases
set your study time from 3:00 to 4:00 in the every year
morning. This will help your brain absorb the C. Teenage mothers face critical health risks.
information quickly. D. Ten percent of pregnant teenagers died due to
_____20. Which fallacy is expressed in the situation
above? PH jobless rate worst in emerging Asia
A. Faulty logic C. Unsupported facts By Ben O. De Vera
B. Emotional appeal D. Hasty generalization May 24, 2021
Philippine Daily Inquirer

Eighteen years ago, when I first began working at

United Nation Refugee Agency, there were just 20 _____25. What idea does the news headline want to
million displaced people worldwide and the numbers convey?
were falling. Today, there are over 65 million A. Many Filipinos has no job.
displaced people, and the numbers are rising. More B. Philippines is a poor country.
countries are experiencing some form of violent C. Filipinos lacks the skill to be employed.
conflicts today than any time thirty years ago. D. Companies has strict standards and
qualifications in hiring employees.
_____21. What critical issues are expressed in the
paragraph above? _____26. How do you determine the validity of
A. War/Hunger C. War/Homelessness evidences?
B. Famine/Hunger D. Malnutrition/Abuse A. Focus on the headlines that interest you most.
B. Identify the point or claim the author is trying to
_____22. Which is a value judgment? prove.
A. Taylor Swift is tall with a height of 5’10. C. Identify specific facts, data, statistics, examples
B. As a branch of Mathematics, Algebra is a tough that support the point.
subject. D. Explain how the pieces of evidences are related
to the claim.
_____27. Which situation helps you obtain factual A. Sleep is for those who are weak.
information? B. Sleep is required among all ages.
A. A resource speaker in the seminar you are C. Sleep boosts your immune system.
attending mentioned names of credible authors D. Sleep is a luxury only few people enjoy.
while expounding his ideas.
B. Your friend saw a cryptic news headline and Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is one of the
shared it in her timeline, but it does not present most infectious diseases that has ever hit
any details about the whole story.
C. A social media influencer stressed, “Filipinos
_____32. Which detail supports the general statement
have no right in the West Philippine Sea.”
below about COVID-19?
However, he failed to cite any source to prove
A. Nobody is vulnerable to coronavirus disease.
his claim.
B. This virus can be transmitted through droplets
D. You are reading an article about the number of
generated when an infected person coughs,
new positive cases of COVID- 19 in your place.
sneezes, or exhales.
Then, you found out that the article is already
C. Most people who fall ill due to COVID-19
out of date.
experience mild to moderate symptoms and
recover without special treatment.
_____28. What is the first thing a reader must do in
D. You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you
order to find the valid evidence in a text?
are within close proximity of someone who has
A. Identify the problem presented in the text.
COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface
B. Identify the point the author is trying to prove.
and then your eyes, nose or mouth.
C. Identify the most important piece of evidence in
a point. I got stuck in heavy traffic this morning that must
D. Identify specific facts, data, statistics, be why bad luck was on my side for the whole
examples, or other information that supports day. I got stuck in heavy traffic this morning that
that point. must be why bad luck was on my side for the
whole day.
_____29. What do you consider when confronted to
_____33. Which fallacy is expressed in the situation
make your own decisions and judgments on a particular
issue or discussion?
A. Post Hoc C. Emotional appeal
A. Focus on the negative biases B. Slippery slope D. Circular Reasoning
B. Give criticisms and unfavorable remarks
C. Freely express a swift and irrational thoughts _____34. Which of the following supports the claim,
D. Always consider a critical and sound analysis of “Teenage maternal deaths are increasing?”
issues at hand
A. Teenage mothers face critical health risks.
Your English teacher instructed the class for the
B. Maternal deaths are decreasing in the Philippines.
submission of your learning output on Friday.
C. According to PSA 10% of pregnant teenagers died
However, you had a hard time answering the
last year.
tasks; you tried seeking some help, but your
classmates, unfortunately, refused to do a favor D. Data from WHO shows a high and increasing
though they got plenty of time to lend a helping incidence of fetal death in Filipino mothers under 20.
hand to you who struggles with completing the
output. They even talked behind your back for
being too dumb.

_____30. How do you see his classmates’ behavior?

A. It is reasonable for they have every right to
refuse since he is not indebted to him.
B. It is acceptable because they have no time to
help him for there is competition in the class.
C. It is unfair since they don’t have the opportunity
to lend a hand and guide him but pay no interest
at all.
D. It is understandable that they value don’t want _____35. What type of critical issue is present in the
to extend help in whatever reasons they have photo?
but it is never acceptable to talk behind A. Moral Issue C. Gender Issue
someone behind his back and make fun of his B. Social Issue D. Economic Issue
_____36. Which news headline depicts an economic
Having enough hours of sleep can have good issue?
effects on your body. A. Death Penalty Danger in the Philippines
B. WTO, WHO” Unequal distribution of vaccines
_____31. Which is the relevant idea that supports the “morally unconscionable”
sentence above?
C. Increased meat importation urgently needed to D. By accepting information from authoritative
temper rising meat inflation figures without question
D. DEPED shifts to asynchronous learning mode
due to rising heat index in the country _____42. Which DOES NOT contribute to better
understand a text in literature?
In the Philippines, gender bias is not just a A. The soundness of author’s reasoning
women’s issue but also of men. B. The vagueness of the meaning of the story
C. The relevance and worth of ideas presented
_____37. What type of judgment is expressed in the D. The effectiveness of the presentation through
sentence above? the use of textual aids
A. Moral judgment
B. Social judgment _____43. Which expresses an argument?
C. Factual judgment A. Hiking is an enjoyable activity.
D. Personal judgment B. Answering modules is a fruitful learning
The longest-lived creature in the insect world is the C. That actress has been brilliant since she her
queen termite (ant). She has been known to live beginnings in the industry.
for over 50 years. During that time, the queen can D. The storybook is interesting due to the colorful
lay over 30,000 eggs each day. So, in her 50 years illustrations and mysterious plot.
of life, it is possible for her to give birth to half a
billion children. Some termite hills can be over six _____44. Why is understanding the four types of
meters high. evidences important for critical thinking?
A. To recognize logical fallacies
mining_relevant_and_irrelevant_information_in_a_passage.pdf B. To strengthen argumentation skills
C. To memorize understand how facts are obtained
_____38. Which is an irrelevant idea from the D. To distinguish between reliable and unreliable
paragraph? information
A. She has been known to live for over 50 years.
B. Some termite hills can be over six meters high. _____45. Why do we need to analyze the type of
C. During that time, the queen can lay over 30,000 information used by the author in giving reasons and
eggs each day. evidence in the text?
D. So, in her 50 years of life, it is possible for her A. To give arguments
to give birth to half a billion children. B. To create a debate
C. To lay critical judgments
_____39. When can we say that evidence is valid? D. To understand the purpose of the text
A. The evidence is valid when it depicts the central
idea of a text.
B. A valid evidence is a supporting detail that does
not exactly support the opinion/claim of the
C. The valid evidence requires truthful information
and details which support the claim/opinion of
the writer.
D. The evidence is valid if the details and
information are relevant and accurate and it
supports the claim/opinion of the writer.

United States of America has the most Miss Universe

title with nine wins.

_____40. Which value judgment appropriately

corresponds to the factual judgment inside the box?
A. USA is a powerhouse all over the world.
B. USA always ace all international pageantry.
C. USA is home to a great number of beauties.
D. USA has the most beautiful women in the globe.

_____41. How can one assess the truthfulness and

reliability of information effectively?
A. By relying solely on personal intuition and gut
B. By cross-referencing with multiple credible
C. By choosing the most emotionally appealing
_____26. Why is it important to determine the What does the selection claim?
relevance and worth of an idea? A. The number of teenage mothers increases every
A. To entertain the audience year.
B. To give critical judgments B. Teenagers have limited access to sex education.
C. To create confusion during reading C. Pregnant teenagers do not know the
D. To understand ideas, the texts, want to convey complications of their situation.
D. Teenage pregnancy results in complications and
_____29. How can one assess the truthfulness and deaths among teenagers.
reliability of information effectively?
E. By relying solely on personal intuition and gut Which DOES NOT contribute to better understand a
feeling text in literature?
F. By cross-referencing with multiple credible E. The soundness of author’s reasoning
sources F. The vagueness of the meaning of the story
G. By choosing the most emotionally appealing G. The relevance and worth of ideas presented
information H. The effectiveness of the presentation through
H. By accepting information from authoritative the use of textual aids
figures without question

Which expresses an argument?

E. Hiking is an enjoyable activity.
F. Answering modules is a fruitful learning
G. That actress has been brilliant since she her
beginnings in the industry.
H. The storybook is interesting due to the colorful
illustrations and mysterious plot.

Why do we need to analyze the type of information used What type of critical issue is present in the photo?
by the author in giving reasons and evidence in the C. Moral Issue
text? D. Social Issue
E. To give arguments E. Economic Issue
F. To create a debate F. Ethnicity and Racial Issue
G. To lay critical judgments
H. To understand the purpose of the text Why is understanding the four types of evidences
important for critical thinking?
A. To recognize logical fallacies
Travelling is an interesting experience since it is an
B. To strengthen argumentation skills
opportunity to widen one’s horizons by meeting other
C. To memorize understand how facts are obtained
people and emerging in other culture.
D. To distinguish between reliable and unreliable
What is the premise in the sentence above?
A. Travelling is an interesting experience.
B. It is an opportunity to widen one’s horizons.
C. Since it is an opportunity to widen one’s horizons
by meeting other people and emerging in other
D. Travelling is an interesting experience since it is
an opportunity to widen one’s horizons by
meeting other people.

For items 31 to 33, read the text below.

Teenage mothers face critical health risk including

inadequate nutrition during pregnancy due to poor
eating habits, dangers associated with the
reproductive organs not ready for birth and maternal
death due to a higher risk of eclampsia. Alarmingly,
while maternal deaths are decreasing in the _____1. Which statement can be considered faulty
Philippines, teenage maternal deaths are increasing. generalization about the environmental issues that we
Ten percent of pregnant teenagers died last year face today?
according to the Philippine Statistics Agency. Data
from World Health Organization also show a high and A. Reckless people are the main cause of the
increasing incidence of fetal death in Filipino mothers world’s environmental problems.
under 20.
B. The truth is humans are greatly affected by the A. Critical reading is understanding the author’s point
consequences of our own wrong doings. of view.
C. All people in this generation are to be blamed for B. Critical reading is developing one’s skill in
all the calamities and disasters that the world interpreting texts.
faces today. C. Critical reading is giving the readers freedom to
D. The worst environmental problems that we express insights about the text read.
encounter in this generation are mainly brought D. Critical reading is pointing the issue raised in the
by our selfish decision and careless actions. text.

Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is one of the While listening to an argumentation, you heard the
most infectious diseases that has ever hit mankind. speaker presenting the similarities and/or differences
of the two major concern
_____2. Which detail supports the general statement
below about COVID-19? _____8. Which technique is used?
A. Analogy B. Definition
E. Nobody is vulnerable to coronavirus disease. C. Comparison-contrast D. Analysis
F. This virus can be transmitted through droplets
generated when an infected person coughs, _____9. What is critical reading in the academic sense?
sneezes, or exhales.
G. Most people who fall ill due to COVID-19 A. Reading to advance reader’s understanding
experience mild to moderate symptoms and B. Reading to develop reader’s own idea
recover without special treatment. C. Reading to evaluate and analyze what have been
H. You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you read
are within close proximity of someone who has D. Reading to support points and possible
COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface counterarguments
and then your eyes, nose or mouth.
_____10. Which technique in argumentation is an
_____3. Why is it important to determine the assumption that two things similar in one aspect are
relevance and worth of an idea? alike in another aspect?

E. To entertain the audience A. Analogy B. Definition

F. To give critical judgments C. Comparison-contrast D. Analysis
G. To create confusion during reading
H. To understand the idea that the texts wants to _____11. Which step in critical reading includes the
convey reading of introduction?

_____4. What will happen to a text if there are multiple A. While you read C. After you have read
irrelevant details? B. Responding to the text D. Before you read

A. There will be a single idea. “Tim is going too fast on his bike.”
B. There will be a single flow of idea.
C. There will be no cohesion and unity. _____12. What could be a logical prediction on this
D. There will be understanding of ideas presented. sentence?

_____5. Which point is used to determine the worth of A. Tim is an athletic person.
ideas? B. Tim will go for an exercise.
C. Tim is going to meet an accident.
E. Ideas are based on opinions. D. Tim is going carefully to his destination.
F. Conclusions may be illogical.
G. Arguments may not be based on facts. _____13. Which best defines evaluation?
H. Discussions must be free of discrepancies.
A. Evaluation is the process of presenting the
“Joyful day, a time for new beginnings, and a time
B. Evaluation is reading extensively and planning the
to be hopeful.”
C. Evaluation is the process of conducting a
systematic investigation of something.
D. Evaluation is the determination of the value,
_____6. What is the implied meaning of this quotation? nature, character, or quality of something.

A. To be optimistic B. To be pessimistic s Chloe wasn't much of a writer but what she could do
C. To be passive D. To be aggressive with a brush and canvas was incredible. You give her
any topic to write on, she would do a decent job but
_____7. What does reading critically mean? if you explain her a scenery she would incredibly
bring it to life on a canvas. Everyone complimented
her for what she was amazing at.
versus what information is interesting but not
necessary for understanding.
_____14. What does it infer? C. It is a process of looking at a series of written
A. Her art skills were amazing. D. It is a goal-directed activity such that a reader
B. She was the worst writer ever. seeks to reach a particular outcome as a result of
C. Chloe could write anything incredibly. reading.
D. Chloe could do anything with incredible means.
_____21. Which sentence is NOT a statistical evidence?
_____15. Why do we need to analyze the type of
information used by the author in giving reasons and E. Studies show that the use of technology increases
evidence in the text? self-efficacy.
F. This weight loss product is very effective. I have
I. To give arguments been only using for weeks and I can already see
J. To create a debate the results.
K. To lay critical judgments G. Experts warned us about COVID-19 as the number
L. To understand the purpose of the text of patients have increased by 10% in the last two
_____16. Which statement is a subjective information? H. According to WHO, about16 million girls between
ages 15-19 and around 1 million girls under 15 give
A. Bohol is found in Visayas. birth each year.
B. The most beautiful beach is found in Mindanao.
C. The capital of the Philippines is located in Luzon. _____22. Which technique in argumentation is an
D. The Philippines is composed of Luzon, Visayas and assumption that two things similar in one aspect are
Mindanao. alike in another aspect?

“Philippines is an island country of Southeast Asia in

A. Analogy C. Analysis
the Western Pacific Ocean.”
B. Definition D. Comparison-contrast

_____17. What type of information is sentence _____23. Which sentence DOES NOT express factual
above? information?

A. Factual C. Analytical A. A resource speaker in the seminar you are

B. Subjective D. Objective attending mentioned names of credible authors
while expounding his ideas.
_____18. Which statement DOES NOT use B. Your friend saw a cryptic news headline and shared
comparison- contrast technique in argumentation? it in her timeline, but it does not present any details
about the whole story
A. Women are like butterfly. Soft and delicate. C. Amanda saw a viral Twitter post from unknown
B. Man are much stronger than women physically, source who asserted that a medicinal plant is being
mentally but emotionally weak. used to cure COVID-19 patients.
C. Womanizer is a man who engage in numerous D. A social media influencer stressed, “Filipinos have
casual sexual affairs with women. no right in the West Philippine Sea.” However, he
D. Secondhand smoke is as dangerous as the smoke failed to cite any source to prove his claim.
being inhaled by the first hand smoker.
If we are going to ban firearms, we should also ban cars
because they cause many more deaths than firearms do.
There might be life on Mars because it has an
atmosphere that contains oxygen just like the Earth.
_____24. What type of evidence is expressed in the
sentence above?

_____19. Which technique in argumentation is used in C. Statistical C. Anecdotal

writing the text above? D. Testimonial D. Analogical

A. Analogy C. Definition That local literary artist is a Nobel Prize winner. His
B. Analysis D. Comparison-Contrast opinion on the renovation of the old town library
cannot be disregarded.

_____20. Which statement BEST defines text _____25. What type of fallacy is expressed in the
relevance? sentence above?

A. Text relevance refers to the match between a A. Post Hoc C. Appeal to Authority
reader’s goal and information germane to that goal. B. Slippery Slope D. Hasty Generalization
B. It is a strategy that readers use to distinguish
between what information in a text is most important For items 26 to 28, read the text below.
G. Identify specific facts, data, statistics, examples
Teenage mothers face critical health risk including that support the pint.
inadequate nutrition during pregnancy due to poor
H. Explain how the pieces of evidences are related
eating habits, dangers associated with the
to the claim.
reproductive organs not ready for birth and maternal
death due to a higher risk of eclampsia. Alarmingly,
_____31. What consist an argument?
while maternal deaths are decreasing in the
Philippines, teenage maternal deaths are increasing.
Ten percent of pregnant teenagers died last year E. Opinion and Claims
according to the Philippine Statistics Agency. Data F. Opinion and Examples
from World Health Organization also show a high and G. Claim and Evidences
increasing incidence of fetal death in Filipino mothers H. Conclusion and Premises
under 20.
Man has always wanted to improve his appearance.
Early man put on animal skins and hung strings of
beads and stones around his neck. He decorated
_____26. What is the excerpt all about?
himself with paint, tattoos, and scars. Bark, leaves,
straw, feathers, or whatever material were closest at
A. Maternal deaths are decreasing
hand were turned into clothing.
B. The number of teenage pregnancies increases
every year
C. Teenage mothers face critical health risks.
D. Ten percent of pregnant teenagers died due to _____32. What is the general idea in the paragraph
complications. below?

_____27. What does the selection claim? A. He decorated himself with paint, tattoos, and
A. The number of teenage mothers increases every B. Early man put on animal skins and hung strings of
year. beads and stones around his neck.
B. Teenagers have limited access to sex education. C. Man wants to improve his appearance.
C. Pregnant teenagers do not know the complications D. Bark, leaves, straw, feathers, or whatever
of their situation. material were closest at hand were turned into
D. Teenage pregnancy results in complications and clothing.
deaths among teenagers.
Chloe wasn't much of a writer but what she could do
with a brush and canvas was incredible. You give her
_____28. Which of the following supports the claim,
any topic to write on, she would do a decent job but
“Teenage maternal deaths are increasing?”
if you explain her a scenery she would incredibly
bring it to life on a canvas. Everyone complimented
A. Teenage mothers face critical health risks.
her for what she was amazing at.
B. Maternal deaths are decreasing in the Philippines.
C. According to PSA 10% of pregnant teenagers died
last year. _____33. What does it infer?
D. Data from WHO shows a high and increasing
incidence of fetal death in Filipino mothers under 20. A. Her art skills were amazing.
B. She was the worst writer ever.
"You can't eat the orange and throw the peel away - C. Chloe could write anything incredibly.
- a man isn't a piece of fruit!" D. Chloe could do anything with incredible means.

I went down to the river,

I set down on the bank.
_____29. Why does Willy say this?
I tried to think but couldn't,
So I jumped in and sank.
A. He is trying to convince his family he isn't crazy -
"a fruitcake."
B. He finally realizes that he has to accept his own _____34. What does the lines from the poem below
shortcomings as well as his son, Biff. suggest?
C. He is telling his family they have to accept him the
way he is, and never expect to be rich. A. Problems in life are unavoidable.
D. He has spent the best years of his life working for B. Never give-up when you are in trouble.
the company, and now, in his old age, they are C. Thinking positively will bring you to happiness.
letting him go since there is no use for him. D. Admit that everything in life desire isn’t always
favorable to us.
_____30. How do you determine the validity of
evidences? Eighteen years ago, when I first began working at
United Nation Refugee Agency, there were just 20
E. Focus on the headlines that interest you most. million displaced people worldwide and the numbers
F. Identify the point or claim the author is trying to were falling. Today, there are over 65 million
displaced people, and the numbers are rising. More
countries are experiencing some form of violent
_____35. What critical issue is expressed in the
paragraph above?

C. Famine/Hunger C. War/Hunger
D. War/Homelessness D. Malnutrition/Abuse

_____39. What event is most likely to occur next?

A. Grandma will buy the children clothes for the cold

B. Maria will return to get her children from her
C. She will buy warm soup at the store to feed the
children while it is cold outside.
D. The children will ask to buy toys for them to play

The enforcement of shifting scheme in classes in Luis

Palad Integrated High School is aggravating as it
_____36. What type of critical issue is present in the hampers the progress of the class. It has also raised
photo? some considerations and concerns that are of course,
worth noting. To accommodate the big turnout of
enrollees, Paladians had to follow different schedules
C. Moral Issue C. Economic Issue
that eventually led to shifting in classes where
D. Social Issue D. Present-day issue
students have to be divided to morning and afternoon
sessions. The shifting scheme enables schools to
accept more students and educate them in less
crowded conditions as well as provide them with
greater access to education. However, more than 6
hours of studying is quite overwhelming for them to
For items 38 and 39, read the text below catch up on all of their lessons and to shape their
Official Statement on the Opening of Classes learning experiences.

“As per the memorandum, the President has given

approval to the recommendation of DepEd. Thus, we
will implement such a decision to defer school
opening to October 5 pursuant to Republic Act No.
11480. We shall use the deferment to provide relief
to the logistical limitations faced by the areas placed
under MECQ and to fill in the remaining gaps of the
school opening that we are currently addressing.”
Source: https://www.deped.gov.ph/2020/08/14/official-

_____37. What type of information is used in the text?

A. factual C. analytical
B. subjective D. creative _____40. What sentence is the argument?

_____38. Which of the following reasons discussed in A. The enforcement of shifting scheme in classes in
the implementation of the decision to defer school Luis Palad Integrated High School is aggravating
opening to October 5 is NOT included in the official as it hampers the progress of the class.
statement released by the DepEd? B. It has also raised some considerations and
concerns that are of course, worth noting.
A. To extend the schools BRIGADA program C. The shifting scheme enables schools to accept
B. To fill in the remaining gaps of the school more students and educate them in less crowded
C. To comply pursuant to Republic Act No. 11480 conditions as well as provide them with greater
D. To provide relief to the logistical limitations faced access to education.
D. However, more than 6 hours of studying is quite
As Abdul wander through the desert, the high overwhelming for them to catch up on all of their
winds blew sand and stung his exposed skin. He lessons and to shape their learning experiences.
looked back and he could see his footprints for
hundreds of feet, beyond that the winds had blown

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