Infinity - The Cost of Greed - Modiphius (2d20 System)
Infinity - The Cost of Greed - Modiphius (2d20 System)
Infinity - The Cost of Greed - Modiphius (2d20 System)
A chance discovery on Paradiso leads to the uncovering of a VoodooTech smuggling ring, with the clues
pointing to an intelligence agency or corporation. Follow the rabbit hole, follow the money, and the trail
of breadcrumbs may soon provide clues to a plot that could put the entire Human Sphere at risk.
Cost of Greed is a mini campaign of five non-linear adventures that provide the characters with a chance
to meet, work alongside, and challenge the key characters from Corvus Belli’s Dire Foes Mission Packs
1 to 5.
• FIRST DOMINO: Follow the trail of a smuggling ring trafficking VoodooTech from Paradiso to
the crowded streets of Yinquan. Will the tight-lipped Yănjīng be involved, or perhaps the
shady MagnaObra corporation?
• ICE AND FIRE: Seeking clues to the architect and purpose of the smuggling ring, the
characters will need to brave the icy cold of Svarlarheima to find the answers they seek.
• QUANTRONIC NOISE: A hacking cell operating from an enclave on Bakunin are a key factor
to the operation. Their ability to manipulate the characters’ patinas, however, may flip the
Wilderness of Mirrors on its head, creating enemies of both civilians and friends.
• HOT SANDS: Chasing an executive for the intel she’s hiding will lead the characters into a fight
to survive on the Silk Route, but her enemies could prove more overwhelming than the heat
of the desert sands.
• THE BLACK BOX: With the very war on Paradiso under threat and the safety of the Human
Sphere at stake, infiltrating the operational centre of the cabal responsible could turn disaster
into victory.
ISBN 978-1-912200-30-6
9 781912 200306
MUH050230 Printed in the UK
Giles Pritchard
Francisco Rico
ENIQMA, Vincent Laik, Chester OCampo, Francisco Rico
Marc Langworthy, Rodrigo Vilanova
Benn Graybeaton, Nathan Dowdell, Mark Redacted, Justin Alexander, Marc Langworthy
Thank you to Corvus Belli—Alberto, Gutier, Carlos, and Fernando—for letting us play in your world!
The 2d20 System and Modiphius logos are copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd 2019. All 2d20 System
text is copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. Any unauthorised use of copyrighted material is
illegal. Any trademarked names are used in a fictional manner; no infringement is intended.
This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present, is purely
coincidental and unintentional except for those people and events described in an historical context.
Belli. The first adventure ties closely with the events The GM should first read through the backgrounds
of Mission Pack One, “Train Rescue,” and while the of all five adventures. Doing so will provide a
other adventures take place before the subsequent detailed picture of the plot from beginning to end
mission packs, most of the characters detailed in and should help fill in any questions the GM might
those mission packs may be encountered through- have about the whys and wherefores of what is
out these adventures. If GMs intend for the PCs to happening at any point. It should also provide
interact with them, the statistics for the Dire Foes some insight into what the PCs might discover if
are available as a free download from they investigate or dig in an unexpected direction.
Familiarity with the Dire Foes mission packs is not (Something all GMs can agree on is that players
necessary in order to enjoy these adventures. will surprise you!).
Objective 1: Pass any and all information about the smuggling Objective 1: Gather and pass on evidence of MagnaObra’s
of VoodooTech and associated individuals on to ALEPH for hack on the Yănjīng. This will provide the legal basis for
follow-up and persecution. claiming eminent domain over their properties in Yinquan.
Objective 2: Pass on information, and if possible, the code Objective 2: Implicate Japanese technicians in the hack on
developed by the Yănjīng to ALEPH. the Yănjīng by planting or manufacturing evidence. It could
Floating: If the PCs go to Bakunin: copy the security structures be stupidity, it could be subversive intent, as long as it is not
of the Heatwave Enclave datasphere and pass them onto ALEPH. Chinese Yu Jing.
Floating: If the PCs go to Svalarheima: use contacts made
ARIADNA with shipping firms to attempt to identify potential routes
Objective 1: Pass any information on corporate duplicity for people smuggling out of Chunqiu.
in the VoodooTech smuggling to the Ariadnan Ambassador.
It may be useful leverage in future bargaining. CORPORATIONS
Objective 2: Pass on copies of evidence and code in relation Objective 1: Get hold of a copy of the Yănjīng Key and pass it
to the Yănjīng Key to the Stavka. This can potentially be used on to the corporate tech team for potential adaptation and use.
for leverage on Concilium. Objective 2: Gather information on the shipping routes and methods
Floating: If the PCs go to Bakunin: retrieve intel (data pack) by which MagnaObra concealed their smuggling for so long.
gathered by Isobel McGregor to be returned to the Stavka. Floating: If the PCs go to Svalarheima: any records of research
being undertaken by MagnaObra should be copied and passed
HAQQISLAM on to the R&D Department.
Objective 1: Gather a data pack from Yănjīng operative Li Jun,
a Kempeitai sympathiser, to be passed on at a later date. SUBMONDO
Objective 2: Ensure the follow-up from Yinquan sees the PCs go Objective 1: Get the details of as many of the smuggling
to Svalarheima where they are to pass the data pack to Yuriko Oda. operations used by MagnaObra as possible. They’ll no doubt
Floating: Ensure information linking MagnaObra to illegal be looking for work…
smuggling is leaked to the media. Objective 2: Get a hold of a copy of the Yănjīng Key and
pass it on; the ability to eavesdrop on communications is
NOMADS always invaluable.
Objective 1: Get information linking MagnaObra to a hacking Floating: If the PCs go to Bourak: Make a detailed assessment
cell on Bakunin to a Nomad Moderator. of the Maglevs in and around Maracanda, including security
Objective 2: Secure a copy of the Yănjīng Key code and pass personnel and systems.
it on to the Nomad Tech corp to see if there are any uses or
implications for the security of Arachne. MERCENARIES
Floating: If the PCs go to Bakunin: kill all members of the Objective 1: Pass on details about the smuggling operations
Equinox cell. on Paradiso to the commander. Such information makes for
a good example why certain mercenaries should be hired to
PANOCEANIA perform security details, patrols, and to supplement an already
Objective 1: Pass information about the activities and personnel overstretched military.
of the Yănjīng encountered in Yinquan on to the Hexahedron. Objective 2: Get a copy of the Yănjīng Key; it’s got to be worth
Objective 2: Leak information to the media implicating Yu Jing something to the right bidder.
in a security breach on Paradiso. Floating: If the PCs go to Bourak: persuade Rosario Lena to
Floating: If the PCs go to Svalarheima: collect the numbers and agree a unit of full-time bodyguards is well worth the very
locations of Yu Jing troops in Quanxue and pass this information reasonable price.
on to the Hexahedron.
Introduction 3
Whilst leading a joint task force of Yu Jingese
and PanOceanian troops, a PanOceanian Fusilier OPERATIONAL
misread map coordinates, and his unit inadvert- SUMMARY
ently stumbled into a small-time trafficking ring.
Operating from the front line near Chengling on The characters have been sent to retrieve
Paradiso, the smugglers occupied an overgrown operational intelligence from a PanOceanian
military compound. The Fusiliers discovered contact, Fusilier Angus. This intelligence, it is
that pieces of VoodooTech were being loaded hoped, will help the characters uncover the truth
for transport, and with the support of the Yu to whether this small-time VoodooTech smuggling
Jingese Zhanshi, they assaulted the compound venture was part of a larger operation. If it is a
and seized the VoodooTech. Further investigation smaller piece in a larger jigsaw, they are instructed
by an Indigo operative attached to the Fusiliers to find out who is behind the operation, and why.
suggests these small-time smugglers are but
one part of a larger operation.
Officers higher in the command chain on both the
Yu Jingese and PanOceanian sides opted to turn FUSILIER ANGUS AND
the information over to O-12 rather than pool FUSILIER INDIGO BIPANDRA
intelligence resources. O-12 has sent a Bureau Noir Described by his superiors as ‘that bumbling idiot,’
cell to investigate. Fusilier Angus tends to find trouble in even the
safest of places. Angus is something of a living
legend among the Fusiliers, though legendary status
doesn’t mean his units are happy to have him.
Many small smuggling rings operate throughout
Paradiso, running everything from people to
weapons and drugs. One of the most lucrative, and
by extension most dangerous and illegal trades,
is in VoodooTech. Whether broken or functional,
any piece of Combined technology can fetch a
high price. The outfit the Fusiliers and Zhanshi
stumbled upon was small, and in the firefight,
the smugglers were all killed. One commonality
stood out to Indigo Bipandra, all the smuggling
Bipandra drops where sent to small shipping firms. These
firms were owned by a series of shell companies, If and when the PCs arrive at the MagnaObra
which in turn were all owned by one larger parent offices, the Morat Treitak Anyat, along with a
company. Bipandra suspects the parent company number of other Morats, will also be present.
is either the Yu Jing Interspace Trust Corporation Morat Treitak is there to collect information on
(YJITC) or MagnaObra. a Mag-Lev that will be carrying a certain prisoner
and will fight the PCs before escaping; she has
YU JING INTERSPACE TRUST her own mission to attend to.
One of the largest megacorps in the Human
Sphere, the Yu Jing Interspace Trust Corporation is
also widely understood, within intelligence circles,
to be a front for the Yănjīng, the eyes of the Party The Morat presence in Yinquan is deeply troubling to the Yănjīng, and if
of the Yu Jing StateEmpire. The YJITC operates the PCs manage to eliminate any in the city bounds, they will be appreciative.
through an impressive and almost unbreakable A small force of Morats (see Scene 5), under the command of Treitak Anyat
communications and data network. However, two are, as the adventure takes place, in Yinquan, hiding in the MagnaObra facility.
weeks ago their system was breached. Tracing the As the adventure begins, the Morats have recently arrived at the MagnaObra
origins back through several relays, it appeared facility in one of the short-hop shuttles (see Scene 5). They are only there
that the hack came from Yinquan itself. After a to secure the information they require before leaving, although the PCs
deep internal investigation, it was deemed the will likely encounter them before they do.
most likely source for the hack to be MagnaObra.
The YJITC is concerned the hack may have copied As the PCs play through the adventures in The Cost of Greed, they will learn that
the programming of a new set of protocols they the Combined Army has deeply infiltrated MagnaObra on Paradiso. In this first
have been developing to silently monitor secure adventure, the PCs finding Morats in the Yinquan MagnaObra offices should
communications networks. be a serious concern. It implies MagnaObra has been compromised especially
since the PCs will encounter several Shasvastii and Morats using the facility
MAGNAOBRA in Yinquan.
Dizzyingly wealthy, powerful, and very influential,
MagnaObra is a major player in the corporate Treitak and her companions are there for three reasons:
world of the Human Sphere. MagnaObra is also
widely regarded as a megacorp willing to do 1. To confirm the capture and transport of Angus.
almost anything for a profit. Over the last year, one 2. To gain intelligence taken from the Yănjīng offices at the same time as
such venture has been the sourcing, smuggling, the hack, detailing the train Angus is to be transported on (see Dire Foes,
and resale of VoodooTech from the Paradiso Mission 1).
front. Little known to most at MagnaObra, they 3. To collect the personnel dossiers of targets that the Combined Army are
themselves are pawns in a larger game. Several targeting (see the Ops Room description in Scene 5).
Combined agents have infiltrated the corporation
and are influencing its actions. Another develop-
ment has been the employment of an Equinox
cell to steal security protocols from the Yu Jing
Interspace Trust Corporation. These protocols,
developed by the Yănjīng, have the potential to
be modified to allow deep level espionage against
communications and data networks. A number
of the techs currently working at the YJITC are
secretly on the payroll of MagnaObra and helped
the hack against the YJITC network to succeed.
MagnaObra operations in Yinquan are far too
sensitive to leave to a mere human. The Evolved
Intelligence has therefore placed several Shasvastii
into positions within the MagnaObra offices in
Yinquan. With a plot underway to scout out a
prison on Satori, and a nosy investigator getting
too close, the Shasvastii saw the opportunity to
kill a few birds with one stone. They arranged for
Fusilier Angus to be framed, captured Bipandra
from the YJITC offices, and plan to silence anyone
else who gets too close.
Asking any PanOceanian patrons, all soldiers, will speech praising Huang Lui and is now messing
indicate none of the patrons know him personally, with the music.
but have heard of him. (See his background, p. 4.)
If they show an image of Angus, he will be recog- ANGUS
nised immediately, ‘That’s Angus!’ If the PCs say Angus will be hard to handle. He will recognise
they are meant to be working with Angus, or flash the PCs and not be shy about telling anyone who
their O-12 credentials, much laughter and commis- pauses to listen that they are from O-12. Angus
erations will ensue. All they can add in either case will try to engage the PCs in drinking and betting
is that Angus had been drinking and left earlier, games. However, he is a clumsy drunk and will
probably to either the Xióngmāo Jiŭbā or the break a number of items around the bar. Comically,
Lí Jiŭbā, both nearby bars. Angus will tap his nose when asked about the
information he is meant to pass on, generally
Attempting to hack into the nightclub security avoiding telling the PCs anything of value. He will,
network is a Challenging (D2) Hacking test. It will at least, tell the PCs that he is staying in room 314
allow the PCs to access footage from earlier in at the Lóng Hotel. If pressed further about the
the night, showing Angus clearly arriving, drinking information, he will relate the story of breaking up
quite heavily, and leaving with a group the smuggling ring, declaring, “Bipandra thinks it’s
of four others. all corporate skulduggery! Here!” Angus then will
shush players asking him to elaborate further.
If the PCs are curious as to why the four people
are being identified as soldiers (ie: How do you If the PCs try to fight Angus, or the GM feels that
know they are soldiers?), it is because the night the scene needs to close, Angus will trip into the
life of Yinquan is dominated by off-duty soldiers, tables of the Huang family, instigating a brawl. The
and people have become accustomed to identifying Huang family members will attack both the PCs
them in or out of uniform. and Angus, since the other PanOceanian soldiers
have quietly left. There are a number of enemies
equal to the number of PCs +1. The GM should
THE LÍ JIV̌BÃ use the stats for “Gang Member” on pg. 437 of
the Infinity Corebook.
The Lí Jiŭbā is a small but rather tidy bar only a
block from the Yôuqù de Yèwân. When the PCs If at any point during or after the fight, the PCs ask
arrive, there are a handful of patrons and no sign about Angus, they will immediately notice he has
of Angus. The staff there may recognise Angus as gone. Heading into the street will yield nothing.
having visited on a previous night, but he has not There are no security cameras outside and no
been in tonight. witnesses who might answer questions.
THE YĂǍ NJíNG AGENT If the PCs agree, he will provide them with:
Li Jun will be direct with the PCs: • Angus’s room number, room 314 at the Lóng HEAT
Hotel, which they are probably already aware If the PCs choose to fight
the Celestial Guard, they will
Let me cut to the point. You’re here for Bipandra, of (see Scene 1)
be faced with a number of
or whatever it was she was looking for. She • Bipandra’s room number, room 423 at the
enemies equal to the number
is gone. Fusilier Indigo Bipandra broke into Lóng Hotel, if they don’t already know it of PCs. The GM may spend 2
our YJITC facility earlier this morning during • Permission to carry any weapons left at the Heat during this fight to call
a scheduled emergency drill, and we captured spaceport for reinforcements, which will
her. Within 20 minutes, a team of unidentified arrive in 1d6+1 turns. If the
operatives assaulted her location and took her. FLEE! PCs manage to defeat the
Worryingly, our security system went down at Celestial Guard, they may leave
the time of the attack, and it appears that If the PCs choose to flee, they will need to find a but will be On the Run. Stat
way out. The most likely option is to use the door- blocks for the Celestial Guard
someone has gained access to the system. They
can be found on pg. 423 of the
may even have stolen something important. ways between the rooms to distance themselves
Infinity Corebook.
from the Celestial Guards and escape through a
If the PCs ask who is “they,” then Li Jun will say: window. There will be several vehicles available
for the PCs to take, but they will need to inflict
PanOceania, maybe, but I doubt it. I’m not alone a Breach result on the vehicle in order to gain
in suspecting MagnaObra. They have attempted access (see Infinity Corebook, p. 135).
to hack our systems before. Though this time, If the GM is using Zones to run
maybe they found some support. I don’t know, The GM may use this opportunity to play out a
the chase, the PCs must get to
maybe some Nomad group? If anyone has the chase scene through the streets of Yinquan. If the Long Range before they escape
tech know-how, it would be them. We’ve had an PCs manage to get away from the Celestial Guard, and maintain that range (or
agent, Yuriko Oda, investigating MagnaObra ops they should be treated as On the Run (see above). extend it) for 1 round. Achieving
on Svalarheima. It might be time to reach out and If they are caught, their status as O-12 operatives this requires a number of
see what she’s dug up. To take Bipandra though, will be revealed, and the Celestial Guard will ask face-to-face tests against the
that just doesn’t add up. Maybe she was on to the PCs to work with them (detailed above). Celestial Guard as they will
begin within Close Range
If the PCs are captured at any stage after using the Vehicle Rules on
beginning on p. 133 of
If asked about the something valuable that was having injured or killed a Celestial Guardsman,
the Infinity Corebook.
stolen, Li Jun will reply: the Celestial Guards begrudgingly will be given
orders to work with the PCs. If they want a more abstract
For security reasons, I obviously can’t say anything. system, they can run the chase
Just know that if I say it is sensitive, I mean it. Not WE’RE NOT BITTER as a series of face-to-face tests
just for us either. Cost: 2 Heat against the Celestial Guard. If
Before releasing them, a Celestial Guardsman will the PCs manage to beat the
If asked about the smuggling of VoodooTech, Li Jun carefully stab or shoot any of the PCs responsible Celestial Guard three times in
will respond: for an injury or death of another Celestial Guard. a row, they manage to escape.
This will inflict a single Wound on the affected PCs
There are also rules for
Isn’t that what you’re here for? I don’t know and apply the Conditions: Hindered and Fatigued.
running chases in Infinity:
about the smuggling ring beyond the reports from (See Infinity Corebook, p. 103.)
Gamemaster’s Guide.
our Zhanshi and those shared by PanOceania. I
suspect that Bipandra might, though. And if that is Of course, the PCs may make
what she was investigating, it doesn’t seem like a
coincidence that she was snatched.
SCENE 3: use of terrain such as other
vehicles, piles of boxes, and
ANGUS’S ROOM fruit stalls to help them
Li Jun will attempt to recruit the PCs to investigate escape. The creative use of
MagnaObra in Yinquan if they already don’t have The PCs may visit this scene following two such devices should award
the intention to do so. He will say: different timelines. They may choose to visit the PCs 1-2 Momentum to be
used on that turn’s Pilot test
Angus’s room on the night they arrive in Yinquan,
but will also add 1-2 to the
The StateEmpire could deal with this, sure. following the disappearance of Angus, or they
Complication range of any
But as far as my contacts have it, you’re already may choose to visit this scene the following day, tests performed by PCs in that
on the path. We’re willing to help, at the very in which case they are likely to also have played vehicle. Once the PCs manage
least not stand in your way. If that’s not enough through Scene 2. to get to Long Range or have
then perhaps the gratitude of the Party is two successful tests in a row if
enough to sway you? We’d be happy to provide Read or summarise the following: using the abstract system, the
some material support but would rather this Celestial Guard should be at an
additional +1 Difficulty when
stay an O-12 operation. Plausible deniability The Lóng Hotel is a multi-story hotel close to
making their test.
and all that. You understand how it works. he heart of Yinquan’s commercial district and
Celestial Guard ID Tag As they enter the room, the PCs may want
The ID tag is for He Kun. It could be used for a to roll a Simple (D0) Observation test.
number of things, however, for every hour the PCs
hang onto it, the chance of it being found missing • 0 Momentum will find a flyer for the Yu Jing
increases. The GM could use this as the source of a Inter-space Trust Corporation here in Yinquan.
Complication: tracking the PCs’ movements, alerting This is caught between some blankets that
the authorities, or summoning the Celestial Guard. have been roughly pulled out and shoved back
into the cupboard.
Key-Pass to 423 • 2 Momentum will find a small security
This key-pass has the room number 423 on it, and device, still operating, hidden in one of the
the letter “B” is written on the back in the same decorations on the wall.
handwriting found on the notepad. It will open
the door to room 23 on the 4th floor. As the PCs are searching the room, there is
a hesitant knock at the door. A glance through FLASHBACK
Security Device the door viewer will show a young lady. She If the PCs have played through
The security device is small and untraceable. It is appears nervous, leans close to the door and Scene 2 already, the face of the
currently operating unless the PCs destroyed it. states that she has information for Bipandra young girl rings a bell. It is the
A Challenging (D2) Hacking test will indicate there on MagnaObra. same young girl photographed
with Angus on his night out.
is another such device somewhere else in the
If the PCs become wary as a
building, and the feed is being sent to a location If the PCs let her in, she will wait till the
result, they will not be surprised
in Yinquan. More than that cannot be discerned. door is closed and then attack suddenly, in the following confrontation.
with Surprise (See Infinity Corebook, p. 105).
She is a disguised Shasvastii Speculo Killer.
SCENE 4: (The stats for a Speculo Killer can be found
on p. 473 of the Infinity Corebook.)
If one Speculo Killer is not
strong enough to pose a
If the PCs visit Bipandra’s room on the night they
significant threat to the party,
arrive in Yinquan, it can be assumed that by now it Security Device: The security device is the same the GM should accompany her
is early morning. Bipandra is not in her room; she’s as the one in Angus’s room. arrival with an inward explosion
on a terrace enjoying a light breakfast. Bipandra’s of the window’s
room is neat and thoroughly organised. Her few YJITC Flyer glass and the entrance of a
clothes and possessions are all hung and lined up The flyer caught in the blankets is for the Yu Jing number of Morats (see Infinity
in a precise and ordered fashion, and everything Interspace Trust Corporation. Written in the margin Corebook, p. 465).
has been switched off. are the words, “YJITC or MO?” The PCs may make
an Education (D1) test to connect these acronyms
As they enter the room, the PCs may want to roll with the corporations Yu Jing Interspace Trust
a Simple (D0) Observation test. Corporation and MagnaObra.
There are six security guards on duty at all times: The north end of the ring is walled off, with security
• Two are stationed in the front security rooms doors on either side that open into a large room
of Building 1. that is referred to as the Ops Room. Inside, there
• One is stationed in the Building 2 security point. are a few tables, ten bunks, a basic kitchen, and
• One is stationed in the Building 2 security room. toileting facilities.
• One is patrolling the buildings and grounds.
• One is stationed in Building 3. A Shasvastii Speculo Killer, a number of Morats
(equal to the number of PCs +1), and Morat Treitak
If an alarm call goes up the security guards will Anyat are present at the MagnaObra facility, in the
be notified via their comlogs, and all except the Ops Room, and moving to and from the shuttle.
two in Building 1 will move to the location of
the alert.
The grounds have numerous cameras located around
the perimeter and on the buildings. There are secu- How the PCs want to gain access to the MagnaObra
rity cameras inside Buildings 1 and 2. There are no buildings will affect how this scene plays out, and
cameras inside the Security Room of Building 2, in the GM should encourage the players to be creative.
Building 3, or in the lower ring. The security systems
are all controlled from the Security Room. If the PCs manage to get inside Building 3, the
Landing Pad, or the Underground Ring, they will
The six security guards of MagnaObra should be have caught the Combined Army by surprise.
treated as having the same stats as the Bodyguard As the PCs are infiltrating the MagnaObra facility,
on page 422 of the Infinity Corebook. The other the Morats have moved Bipandra to one of the
staff present in the buildings should be treated vessels on the landing pad and are currently in
as having the same statistics as the Research the underground Ops Room being briefed by the
Scientist on page 452 of the Infinity Corebook. Speculo Killer on their next mission. The PCs may
be able to rescue Bipandra, lay an ambush, or trap
Gaining access to the lower ring is possible the Combined soldiers (for a time at least).
through four different doors. One door is in the
board room in Building 1. This is a meeting room If the PCs are noticed or raise an alarm before get-
for executives, and the door here is carefully ting to any of those points, the Morats and Speculo
concealed in the floor beneath a rug. The door Killer will be expecting them. The Speculo Killer
itself springs slowly open in response to the will approach them first and appear to be nothing
appropriate security tag and leads to a gentle more than a technician scared out of his mind. He
ramp leading down. will rush at the PCs begging for help, possibly with
some other technicians who are legitimately scared.
Two gates are in the courtyard between the build- If he is allowed close enough, the Speculo Killer
ings, which is also the newly finished landing pad. will launch an assault. This will signal the Morats to
On the landing pad are two short-trip vehicles, step in as well. This should be a challenging combat
both locked. One is designed to carry cargo, and encounter for the PCs, but one they should be able
the other is a passenger shuttle the Morats used to overcome if they are careful. As the combat wears
to infiltrate Yinquan and travel to the MagnaObra on, Treitak Anyat will, under covering fire, make her
facility. The gates open onto ramps extending way to the passenger vessel, and escape. (She has
down and may be opened at the key-pads or by a Dire Foes mission to attend.)
using the appropriate security tag. A window in the
Building 2 security room overlooks the landing pad.
The landing pad is only accessible from the Lower
Ring, Building 3, or by scaling the buildings, corri- Bipandra
dors, or gate that surround it. Bipandra has been loaded into the cargo vessel
and is bound and gagged. If Bipandra is rescued,
One gate may be found in Building 3. This is a large she will be able to pass on the files that show
door obviously used for shifting pallets and materi- the smuggling ring was owned and run by a shell
als from the ground floor to below, or vice versa. company that could be traced back either to the
YJITC or MagnaObra. It is obvious now the real
The Lower Ring contains one long continuous rack owner is MagnaObra, but she has no idea what they
of computers and servers running around the outer are doing with VoodooTech. After she feels she has
wall. Not fully complete yet, tool benches and done what she can, she will excuse herself saying:
technical equipment are scattered throughout.
or Metanoia), the GM may
HATAIL AELIS KEESAN spend 2 Heat to give the PC
Hatail Aelis Keesan hates the cold, and Svalarheima the Fatigued Condition. This
MAGNAOBRA is the coldest place she has ever been assigned to. represents the physical and
For nearly a year, MagnaObra has been smuggling She is on an O-12 sanctioned operation seeking a mental wear of living and
VoodooTech from the frontlines on Paradiso to small team of suspected Shasvastii Speculo Killers; working in such a cold and
demanding environment. This
Svalarheima. This operation has been a gold-mine a mission she requested, even if it did mean going
Condition may be applied once
for the company, providing research breakthroughs to the most backward hell-scape in Human Space.
each time a PC suffers a Harm,
resulting in lucrative technology patents. On Paradiso, she was part of a Tohaa strike team with the effects stacking. The
that uncovered the mutilated bodies of multiple PCs may attempt to recover
MagnaObra have been using agents on Paradiso human technicians, private operators employed after 6 hours of rest (rather than
to source the technology, and then pass it to small- to test network systems. Several hours after the the usual 8), following the rules
time smuggling outfits. These outfits transport the technicians were killed, a few of them boarded the for that Condition (see Infinity
technology along a chain of receivers, who carefully C8 Circular headed for Svalarheima. None of these Corebook, p. 104).
mix the VoodooTech in with export shipments ‘dead’ passengers stayed on the Circular headed to
headed out of the Paradiso system. The shipments Dawn, so they must be on Svalarheima. Hatail Aelis
converge on Svalarheima, where commercial intends to find them and make sure that they pay.
delivery services ship them to regional settlements,
and finally to Quanxue. Private transports move
the shipments on from there to the hidden MISSION BRIEFING
research station either by air or overland.
All the comforts of the Sphere are on board a
The research station is under an old, abandoned Circular, but waiting wasn’t a part of the plan.
Hyō Shō Domes some 56 kilometres South from Instead, the PCs managed to catch a berth on a
Quanxue. Unbeknownst even to those working Yu Jingese troop ship, delivering soldiers home
closely with this operation, the VoodooTech after their tour of duty on Paradiso. The trip
from Paradiso is being sourced directly from the wasn’t difficult but cramped and noisy.
WEAPONS IN QUANXUE The PCs are likely to want to find a place to stay
Quanxue is full of soldiers, retired veterans, trappers, and frontiersmen. It has a soon after they arrive so they can work, research,
reputation for being a rough and tumble place, where the rule of law is over- and plan without worrying about the people at the
stretched and underfunded. Explosives are not permitted in the city, but almost next table. Finding a place to stay will require a
everything else is tolerated. Like most places though, walking around with mili- Lifestyle test. If one of the PCs is from Svalarheima
tary grade weaponry is going to attract the wrong sort of attention. Some people and Yu Jingese, the test is Simple (D0). If they are
want to prove how tough they are in front of their friends, and others want the Yu Jingese but not from Svalarheima, the test will
gear for themselves. While the PCs are allowed to take and carry their weapons be Average (D1). If they are not Yu Jingese, the test
around, the reactions they get will be impacted if they are visibly carrying any- will be Challenging (D2). The momentum gener-
thing more than a sidearm. Some will be fearful, some eager to get away, some ated in this test will indicate roughly how lavish,
will be aggressive, and some will deliberately bait a showdown. safe, and secure the place is
strictly prohibited to military personnel only, and personnel door, but the PCs will need to inflict 12
the PCs may not realise this is still a military damage to blast the door enough for them to enter.
facility. If they are quick, they may masquerade as
an officer, an agent of the Yănjīng, or personnel The surface level contains one stairwell and one
from MagnaObra. Alternatively, they can reveal access ramp leading down to the depot itself. The
themselves as O-12 operatives. Pretending to be depot is a single underground floor, and there are a
an officer will require a Daunting (D3) Education number of small rooms for soldiers, officers, and staff,
or Persuade test, and an agent of the Yănjīng and one large storage area. Currently, the storage
will require a Challenging (D2) Persuade test. area contains some barrels of chemicals and about
Pretending to be from MagnaObra will require a dozen crates of explosives. The computer network
a Challenging (D2) Persuade test. is accessible from any one of the terminals. There
are no security measures on the computer systems,
Once they get through the door, they will find an as the facility is disconnected from Maya and the
antechamber containing a number of guards: zero datasphere. Only the dish on the roof is used for
if the lock was picked, four if the door was cut communications, and this is activated remotely
through, two dead and one ready and armed if the from Quanxue.
door was blasted, and two if the PCs convinced the
guard to open the door. If the PCs pretended to be Inside the depot, the PCs will encounter a number
from MagnaObra, the guards will be very confused of Yu Jing soldiers equal to the PCs +1. If the PCs
and want to know why a corporate rep is there. blasted their way through the personnel door, there
While opening the door the PCs will be outside. will be a number of soldiers equal to the number of
Any time the PCs are outside on Svalarheima, PCs and several dead bodies, but the inside of the
the GM should use the ‘It’s Cold’ Special Rule depot should be treated as if the PCs are outside.
found on p. 17. (See the ‘It’s Cold’ special rule found on p. 17 above.)
The transport door is a heavy segmented rolling If the PCs gained access by persuading the soldier-
door. It is designed to slide on rails into the roof sthey are O-12 operatives or from MagnaObra, they
space and is operated from a station inside the will need to show their badges or corporate ID. The
surface level. The transport door is large enough soldiers will ping the city and wait for an officer to
to accommodate a truck-sized vehicle. Getting activate the communication dish in order to validate
through this door will only be possible using the PCs’ access. The PCs will be under trained guns
explosives. Follow the same rules as for the and will be asked to disarm. Convincing the officer
Any PC that makes a quick search for Fāxiàn • One will attack the PCs, likely as a scientist or
Industries, an Average (D1) Hacking test, will tech running toward them asking for protection
find that they are a research company owned during a firefight.
by Guāng Industries, which is a subsidiary of • One will attempt to wipe the computer systems.
Loi Enterprise. No connection to MagnaObra This should appear as a tech in sight of the PCs
can be found directly. desperately accessing the system.
• One will find and execute Vanessa Matheson, the
Gaining access to the facility is tough. The PCs will lead scientist, before disappearing to lay explo-
be required to frontally assault the access way, sive charges throughout the facility. The PCs may
either hacking, picking or demolishing the doors, witness the execution, but then this Speculo Killer
a Daunting (D3) Hacking or Thievery test, or a will appear to flee to secretly plant the charges.
Challenging (D2) Tech with D-Charges or similar.
THE DEFENDERS The data systems in this facility are top of the line
and heavily protected. Gaining access is not easy, but
Defending the facility is a number of security in the main laboratory the access point is completely
guards equal to the number of PCs. They will unsecured. Vanessa, the lead scientist, disabled the
behave in a coordinated fashion, using a mixture security protocols because accessing information
of both combat and hacking to attack the PCs. and logging data was a pain in the backside if you
Use the stats for Corporate Security on p. 427 kept having to enter passwords and key-codes.
of the Infinity Corebook.
See the Quantronic Network Map for details on
In addition to the security team, there are about accessing the system. Gathering the data the
half a dozen Research Scientists (see Infinity PCs require will take access to the system, and a
Corebook, p. 452). Challenging (D2) Hacking test. Copying the infor-
mation will take 8 rounds, with every Momentum
There are also three Speculo Killers present. generated decreasing the time by 1 round.
These will do several things:
The PCs may call for help, in which case Lupe and
SCENE 3: Thrasymedes (and/or Isobel depending on how the
PCs’ interaction with her went) will respond swiftly.
SHOWDOWN They will arrive in 5 turns, minus 1 per Momentum
spent from the PC pool or Heat paid to the GM
to a minimum of 2 turns. These NPCs will hold
GETTING INSIDE off the crowd while the PCs focus on the Equinox
cell. Alternatively, a Breach Effect in the hidden
Gaining entry to the building will require a Daunting quantronic zone may be used to cut the Equinox
(D3) Thievery test to break through the security cell off from the Patinas of the Heatwave Enclave,
or pick the lock. A Breach effect in the hidden in which case the civilians attacking will respond
quantronic zone can also be used to open the doors. like sleepwalkers woken from a nightmare.
Alternatively, the PCs may employ D-Charges or
While attempting to flee Paradiso, Rosario Lena Konstantinos learned of Rosario Lena’s death, like
was brought to the attention of a Hassassin agent. everyone else, on Maya. He also learned that she
Identified immediately as a high-level executive of resurfaced shortly afterwards. How the information
MagnaObra, and one recently announced as killed, that she was being held by the Hassassins fell into his
she was deemed important enough to shelter lap he isn’t sure, but with it came a glimmer of hope.
and bring back to Bourak. The Hassassins have If he could return a MagnaObra executive, perhaps
no love for MagnaObra. Several potential targets the corporation would pay for Nikki’s resurrection?
within the corporation have been identified for Surprisingly, his superiors green-lit his proposal,
neutralization. Lena offered a unique opportunity perhaps because it was connected to MagnaObra.
to gain intelligence about how the company
operates on the ground, the security systems of The chance to kill Hassassins is just icing on the
the facilities, and habits of any of the targets she cake; they were the ones who sabotaged the dome.
may know personally. What she revealed to the
Hassassins was deemed of such importance that
recordings of her testimony were shared with the MISSION BRIEFING
Hachib, and it was decided that she should be
removed to Concilium. With MagnaObra’s close After debriefing following the last mission, wheels
financial ties to the Funduq Sultanate, no move were put in motion to make contact with the
could be made officially. The Hassassins are not Hassassins to negotiate for Rosario Lena. All of this
yet ready to show their hand. When Bureau Noir happened surprisingly quickly, and the Hassassins
contacted the Hassassins in connection to Lena, agreed to have a representative meet the PCs on
the perfect solution presented itself. Gelişmek Station, the main orbital around Bourak.
Read or summarise the following: He swipes to send the PCs a digital map detailing
the route the Maglev will take from Maracanda
Welcome to Gelişmek Station, the gateway to to the sandport, as well as the location of
Bourak. I trust your trip was a pleasant one? Rosario Lena.
After a short exchange of pleasantries, he will ask If the PCs want to ask any questions, he will
the PCs to identify themselves. One of the patrons answer as best he can (see the information in
from the other room will enter and scan the PCs’ the Background section). If the PCs ask for help
comlogs for their IDs. Once he is content the PCs or support, he will state that the Hassassins will
are who they say they are, he will continue: not intervene directly but will provide support.
A Simple (D0) Piloting test will get the PCs to the There are number of military personnel around
safehouse. Every Momentum gained in this test will the Maglev station serving as security. They
give the PCs one extra round before the Spec Ops have obviously been informed in advance, as
team arrive at the scene. they wave the PCs through and close ranks
behind them.
The safehouse is on a quiet side street, and as the
PCs arrive, they see locals fleeing the area. The The Maglev is sitting low on the track, but when
door is smashed, and the PCs hear sounds of a fight. the magnets are powered up it will rise and
Indigo Brother Konstantinos and a group of soldiers move. It’s white, with windows every metre or so
equal to the PCs in number are inside the building. down the length. The driver’s room at the front
As the PCs enter, the last of the Hassassin guards is angles to the track like the bill of a duck, and
killed, and Lena is being restrained and bound. there are two carriages behind. No other passen-
gers are visible. As the PCs board with Lena, the
If the PCs burst in, two soldiers flanking the door doors seal and the vehicle starts to move.
will ambush them, gaining Surprise. If the PCs are
more cautious, a Challenging (D2) Observation test To increase the tension, the GM should feel free
will indicate the presence of the soldiers, negating to pick and choose from a number of possible
their surprise, and providing the PCs with the described obstacles or add their own. Running
opportunity to reverse it through stealth. one into another is ideal; for example, Sabotage
and Swarm happening concurrently. Pick obstacles
Konstantinos will make a fighting retreat through that play to different skills sets to keep all players
the building to the rear where there is an alley and active and contributing.
the vehicle he arrived in. If he makes it to the vehi-
cle, he’ll throw Lena in the back and take off while The scene should culminate in either the PCs or
his soldiers provide covering fire. If the PCs manage Lena calling the Hassassins for help, and then
to cut him off or kill his soldiers before that, he will doing their best to stave off disaster until the
abandon Lena and flee. Hassassins arrive. At every stage, the PCs should
feel like they must keep the train moving. After
The Maglev seems to be getting faster and faster, Found during one of the other obstacles, either
and these things are quick! Soon however, there’s beneath a panel that was blown off, from looking
an uncomfortable rattling noise, soft at first but through the operating system, or digging into the
crescendoing. An Average (D1) Pilot, Education, mechanics, is an explosive device attached to an
Hacking, or Tech test will indicate that something active timer. This explosive packs enough punch to
is not right. An Average (D1) Hacking test will show destroy a majority of the Maglev, damage the rails,
that someone has inserted a nasty little program and kill the people on board. It is brutally wired
into the Maglev’s operating system. The Maglev into the Maglev’s systems. Though obviously done
is increasing speed, and the brakes have been in a hurry, it won’t be easy to disarm. Disarming the
disabled. Getting in to fix the problem will require explosive will require a Daunting (D3) Tech test,
and failure will cause it to go off. If the explosive and follow the PCs to the roof if required.
goes off everyone on board will suffer an attack
from a D-Charge (see Infinity Corebook, p. 350). The Hassassin rescue consists of a small, low-flying
shuttle above the Maglev engine. The PCs must
SABOTAGE climb a carbon-fibre and nylon ladder dropped from
Maracanda has disappeared, and the landscape its side-door. The rescue craft will arrive one round
is desert in all directions. There is a noticeable after the Spec Ops Heavy soldiers do. The ladder
jerk, and the Maglev begins to slow down. An can hold up to two people at a time and climbing it
Average (D1) Pilot, Hacking, or Tech test will to the craft will require two Average (D1) Athletics
reveal the cause of the problem. Fixing it will or Acrobatics tests. If a PC generates 2 or more
require 5 successes using an Average (D1) Tech Momentum in this roll, they may get into the craft
test. Successes from previous rounds contribute in one round. The PCs will need to hold off the Spec
toward this total. For example, if in the first round Ops troops while their team makes their escape.
the PC gains 1 success, in the second round they
gain 2, they now have a total of 3 successes. Once the party gives the all-clear to the pilot, the
Other PCs may assist using Analysis, Education, rescue craft will bank away from the Maglev and
or Hacking. Once repaired, the Maglev will head into the desert, toward the sandport.
continue as normal.
As Maracanda recedes, a number of dust plumes
may be seen in the desert. Looking through the HOT SANDS
scope of a weapon, binoculars, or any similar
device will reveal motorcycles and pickup trucks Their Hassassin rescuers are dressed in the uni-
belonging to the Tokson Erkek (Ninety Men) Kum forms of what looks to be a mercenary outfit. Read
riders gang. The vehicles are angled toward the or summarise the following:
tracks ahead.
Well, we needed you to get Rosario to the sand-
There are a number of vehicles equal to the PCs port, but if we’d known it was going to be this hot
plus 2 (use the stats for cars). It will take them 1d6 this quickly, we’d have done this to begin with…
rounds to get close enough to attempt to board
the train. In boarding, the GM should describe a Five, maybe ten minutes after leaving the Maglev, a
number of successes and failures. For example, he structure starts to grow on the horizon. It is not too
leaps for the handrail running the length of the far from the Maglev track here, which has looped
roof, but bounces back from the side of the Maglev, back. As the PCs get closer, they see a small battle
and is lost in a swirl of dust behind you. The PCs taking place.
may fend off attackers, and in any case where the
PCs manage to succeed in damaging a target, the As you approach the sandport, a conflict rages.
target will be thrown off the Maglev. Any failures Spec Ops teams like those sent by MagnaObra
will allow between one and three attackers to get seem to be everywhere. It is a little unclear from
on board. All attackers will have the same stats as inside the shuttle, but there seem to be multiple
Thug B, found on page 460 of the Infinity Corebook. sides to this conflict.
This obstacle ends when the PCs manage to How this scene is run depends on how the GM
fend off a number of attackers equal to twice the wants the adventure to end. If the scene on the
number of PCs or when as many attackers make train was exciting enough, they may decide to cut
it onto the Maglev equal to the number of PCs plus out a majority of the action in this scene, have the
one. After this, the PCs may need to deal with any PCs make it under heavy fire to the sandport, and
thugs still on board, but no more vehicles will pull get away. Otherwise, the scene should be played
alongside the Maglev. out as a minor battle, where the PCs are simply
trying to escape.
Either the PCs or Lena have made contact with the In the battle on the ground, there are three fac-
Hassassins for help, which will arrive in the nick tions aside from the PCs. Dressed as a mercenary
of time. A number of Spec Ops heavy soldiers have outfit, the Hassassins are defending the sandport,
arrived via combat jump packs equal to the PCs MagnaObra is assaulting it from the east, and
plus two. The will arrive at the rear of the Maglev, Indigo Brother Konstantinos and his men (if still
blow the rear carriage door, and cover their entry alive) are assaulting from the west.
with flashbangs. They will move systematically
through the carriages one-by-one to the engine
Once the shuttle launches, the PCs will hear the
rattle of fire against the hull diminish as the
engines take it clear of the port. The PCs may check
the craft over to see if there are any breaches. A
Challenging (D2) Observation or Average (D1) Tech
test will show there are none. The shuttle already
has the clearances to leave orbit, and the PCs will
note a route to the C7 Circular has already been
loaded. The PCs are expected to take Rosario Lena
to Concilium, and their handler will encourage
them to do exactly this. In orbit around Concilium,
the PCs can hand Lena over to a Bureau Aegis ship,
which will meet them in orbit.
also be provided with other equipment if they Infinity Corebook. It will take all night to scale the
provide a good reason for having it, if it doesn’t cliff, and the PCs will need to Hide Out during
weigh too much all together, and if it isn’t illegal the day if they wish to approach the facility
or overly expensive. If the PCs have played through under cover of dark.
“Hot Sands,” they will also have access codes for the • A small patrol of Morats is seen moving through
facility and server from Rosario Lena. These may be the jungle. The PCs may attack them with
spoofed by the PCs to provide them with multiples. Surprise (but may alert the facility to their
presence), hide from them, or skirt around them.
There are a number of Morats equal to the PCs HEAT
SCENE 1: –1 (see Infinity Corebook, p. 465).
1 Heat – Branches lurch out
of the darkness and into view.
• A human in a MagnaObra uniform has been
THE APPROACH ensnared by a Karava Vinetrap. Their screaming
Roll an Average (D1) Piloting
test. If failed, the PC will suffer
will soon draw attention. The PCs may choose to 2§ in physical damage, and
Read or summarise the following: ignore, execute, or rescue this person. If rescued, each effect rolled counts as the
his name is Daniel Franklin, and he is attempting Vicious 2 quality.
Breakneck, the only term to describe your arrival to escape. He can provide a keypass for the first
to the ground on Paradiso. From low-orbit to the level of the facility and an access code with user
ground. At terminal velocity. At night. The jump level authentication.
packs fire as late as possible. You pull 8Gs or
more when the packs fire up. If the PCs have some form of encounter, the act of
firing unsilenced weaponry will attract the attention
Each PC should then make a Challenging (D2) of the Combined Forces in the Black Box.
Resistance test. Failure will result in them suffering
the Dazed condition (see Infinity Corebook, p. 104).
Any PC that becomes Dazed should roll 1§, the HIDING OUT
number rolled indicates the number of rounds
(0, 1, or 2) until they may attempt to use Absterge The approach to the Black Box may take long
to get rid of this condition (see Infinity Corebook, enough that the early morning is upon the PCs by
p. 110). If they roll an effect, that PC suffers from the time they get close. If this is the case, they may
the Dazed condition for the length of Scene 1. want to hide out for the day. This should involve
finding a small cave or building a concealed shelter.
Once the PCs are on the ground, they need to make The PCs may make a Simple (D0) Stealth, Survival,
their way to the Black Box. The GM can make the or Thievery test to achieve this task with the
trip a simple one, describing the sounds of a jungle Momentum generated providing an indicator for
alive at night opening to a clearing with a dark how well hidden they are. The PCs may assist with
building sitting on the edge of a waterfall. Or, they Observation, Education, Command, or Persuade.
may choose to make the approach more difficult.
Some encounter suggestions are: If the PCs hide out for the day, they will have the
• Each of the PCs makes a Simple (D0) Survival opportunity to see a herd of grazing animals stray
test as they move through the jungle toward close to the Black Box. A motion sensor is tripped,
their target. The PC who rolls the lowest amount and soon a handful of Morats emerge to shoo the
of Momentum (randomly selected from any who animals away. Seeing this will provide the PCs with
tie for lowest) is attacked by a Scorpionette (see two things: they will spot the motion sensors and
Infinity Corebook, p. 493). cameras without needing to roll, and they may
• Each of the PCs should make a Simple (D0) decide to use the grazing animals as a distraction
Observation, Survival, or Education test as they in Scene 2.
move through the jungle toward their target. The
PC who rolls the lowest amount of Momentum The GM may decide to use any of the encounters
(randomly selected from any who tie for lowest) listed above during the day, or if the PCs rolled
is attacked by a Karava Vinetrap (see Infinity well, allow the day to pass without incident.
Corebook, p. 485).
• The landing site was on the opposite side where
the PCs intended. The PCs will need to scale the
cliff face the Black Box sits atop or find a way
around. Scaling the cliff face will require three
Average (D1) Acrobatics or Athletics tests. If the
first test is failed, the PC will fall one zone. If
the second is failed, they will fall two zones, and
so on. For falling damage see page 110 of the
Throughout the following descriptions, various
actions will be described as Creating Noise and
have a number value listed. This represents the
PCs doing things that may attract attention. If the
PCs are sneaking into the facility, they should be
regarded as having the stealth state of Hidden (see
Infinity Corebook, p. 104). If they become Detected,
the general alert will sound.
If the PCs approach hands in the air (or similar), Average (D1) Survival test to light a fire, and so
a tech will be brought out to translate. This is on. The GM should consider spending 1, 2, or 4
a Speculo Killer in human form. It will require a Heat to create a complication around their form
Daunting (D3) Persuade test and a good reason of distraction like attracting a predator (herd
to convince the Combined Army soldiers that the animals), starting a potentially dangerous brush
PCs are legitimate. If this roll is successful, the fire (explosives or fire), or other creative snag.
PCs may either enter the building or draw these
soldiers away from the building. GUNS BLAZING
If the PCs decide to take the aggressive option and
If the PCs enter the building, they will be led to one attack with guns blazing, they will be met by several
of the briefing rooms, where they will encounter waves of Morat soldiers. These will exit the building
Andrew Holland or Nisha Kumar, who will need to in teams of Morats with each team equal in number
be convinced again of their legitimacy. If this test to the PCs. The Morats may be lured away through
is successful, the PCs will be permitted to do what a fighting retreat, and this counts as a distraction. If
they say they are there for but will do so under they are otherwise held back by the PCs, or take a
guard. If any of the tests are failed, the PCs will be number of losses, they will bring out a human tech
fired upon, but the PCs will have the opportunity at gun point. If the Morat holding the tech is shot,
to act first. If the PCs arouse the suspicions of the tech will run toward the PCs for safety. This
the Combined Army soldiers, the General Alert tech is a Shasvastii Speculo Killer and will seek to
will sound. accompany the PCs. The Shasvastii will either reveal
their location if they try and sneak in later or attack
DISTRACTION them when they are particularly vulnerable.
If the PCs create some form of distraction outside
the building, whether by corralling the herd animals
they may have witnessed, by detonating something, WINDOWS AND WALLS
or starting a fire, a number of Morats equal to the
PCs will exit the building to investigate. If the PCs Most of the windows overlook the cliff and
are clever enough with their distraction, they may waterfall, but there are a handful of windows facing
be able to lure the enemy away far enough to sneak away from the cliff. All of these are on the second
in through the door. This could be a Challenging and third floors. Climbing the side of the building
(D2) Animal Handling test to herd the animals, an will require hacking the security system so they
Average (D1) Tech test to set off explosives, an may pass unnoticed, followed by a Challenging (D2)
an encounter earlier in this adventure. Codes and generate 6 Noise. Any assaulting Morats
from Rosario Lena will grant the PC using them that survive the trap will wait 1 round before NOISY, NOISY…
1 Heat - At any stage the GM
superuser authentication; codes from an earlier assaulting again.
may cause a PC to bump into
encounter will provide user authentication.
something, drop something,
Without either, the PCs will need to brute-force or trip, generating 1 Noise.
the security server to spoof authentication THE TRANSMITTER AND
(see Infinity Corebook, p. 116). REPEATER 2 Heat: Whatever the PC
dropped was loud; it generated
Setting up the repeater must be done on the roof 2 Noise.
CAVES and will require an Average (D1) Tech test. A Simple
(D0) Stealth or Thievery test may be made to make 2 Heat: Roll 1§. A PC must take
Beneath the facility, there is an extensive cave it look a part of the other antenna bundles, with the result in Resolve damage
(0, 1, or 2). If an effect is rolled,
system that eventually leads down to the base of the amount of Momentum generated indicating
generate 1 Noise instead.
the waterfall. This is how the Combined Army is how successful the PCs were. The transmitter must
invisibly bringing soldiers to the facility. Sneaking be connected to the secured server on the second
through the cave system requires Average (D1) floor. This will require hacking the server followed
Stealth tests, as well as Average (D1) Survival by an Average (D1) Tech or Hacking test.
tests to not get lost. Any time the PCs must check
for Stealth, a failure will create 2 Noise. Once both items are installed, the General Alert
will sound, and it will take 6 rounds for the data
contained in the server to be uploaded. At this
GENERAL ALERT stage, and irrespective of how many Morats the PCs
have eliminated, all hell should break loose, and
If at any stage the PCs cause the General Alert to the PCs should make their escape quickly before
go off, the Combined Army soldiers inside the facil- the whole facility is shelled from orbit.
ity will be placed on high alert. Groups of Morats
will patrol through the facility from the ground
floor to the roof. If they find the PCs, they will
engage. Once engaged, a new group of Morats
will arrive every two rounds. The PCs may use the Once the data has been uploaded, the PCs will
rooms and contents to help stave off the Morats. have ten rounds to exit the building and get a
safe distance away. Every round, the GM should
The GM should use the Speculo Killers in the make it clear how many rounds are remaining.
sneakiest ways they can— posing as prisoners, They may like to use tokens or markers to track
hostages, or simply relying on their ability to this countdown clock. To intensify the encounter,
infiltrate. They should be able to travel through the GM may roll 1§ per round, adding an extra
the facility faster than the Morats. For example, token or marker to the countdown clock if an
the PCs may be barricaded into a room with Morats effect is rolled.
hammering at the door, when one of the Shasvastii
drops from the ventilation duct. The leader of There are multiple ways the PCs can get out,
the Combined Army forces at the Black Box is including all the ways they could gain entry as
Shasvastii Corax Hasht, who will use whatever described above. If the PCs decide to sneak out,
means possible to stop the PCs. the GM should use the Stealth rules on page 104
of the Infinity Corebook. The PCs may use a break
If the General Alert was set off because the PCs in the fighting to get away into the ducting, up a
have set up both the repeater and transmitter, the stairwell, through a window, or another method. If
Morats will go straight to the second floor. they manage to get away undetected, they should
be regarded as being Hidden. Further actions may
BARRICADING A DOOR OR ROOM cause them to become Detected or Revealed.
If the PCs decide to barricade a door or room, the
GM should roll 1§. If an effect is rolled, the Morats The PCs will need to get out of the building and
break through. Every round, add one more § to the into the jungle, deep into the base of the cave
roll. On the fifth round, the Morats break through. system, or over the falls into the water below to
be safe. If they make it, it should be in the nick of
BOOBY TRAPS time, with the building erupting just as they make
The PCs may set traps consisting of D-Charges it to safety.
or the like and setting them will requires an
Average (D1) Tech test. Triggering them require In addition to the methods described in the previ-
an additional Average (D1) Tech test. Any charge ous scene, the PCs may also want to investigate
set off near a barricade will destroy the barricade the following:
Secured Zone Secured Zone If the PCs survive this adventure, they will be com-
Firewall: 10
N.R. Bharathae mended by their handler, receive whatever medical
Aaron Manuel, Joel Mills, and Ryan McGrath Marshall Oppel
treatments they require, and given a period of leave.