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With the expected theoretical capacity of 2596 mA h g1, phosphorus is considered to be the highest
capacity anode material for sodium-ion batteries and one of the most attractive anode materials for
lithium-ion systems. This work presents a comprehensive study of phosphorus–carbon nanocomposite
anodes for both lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries. The composite electrodes are able to display high
initial capacities of approximately 1700 and 1300 mA h g1 in lithium and sodium half-cells, respectively,
when the cells are tested within a larger potential windows of 2.0–0.01 V vs. Li/Li+ and Na/Na+. The level
of demonstrated capacity is underpinned by the storage mechanism, based on the transformation of
phosphorus to Li3P phase for lithium cells and an incomplete transformation to Na3P phase for sodium
cells. The capacity deteriorates upon cycling, which is shown to originate from disintegration of
Received 14th November 2014
Accepted 3rd February 2015
electrodes and their delamination from current collectors by post-cycling ex situ electron microscopy.
Stable cyclic performance at the level of 700 and 350–400 mA h g1 can be achieved if the potential
DOI: 10.1039/c4ta06186a
windows are restricted to 2.0–0.67 V vs. Li/Li+ for lithium and 2–0.33 vs. Na/Na+ for sodium half-cells. The results are critically discussed in light of existing literature reports.
5572 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 5572–5584 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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5574 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 5572–5584 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 3 P solid-state NMR spectra of red amorphous phosphorus (a),
mechanochemically produced black phosphorus (b), phosphorus–
carbon composite C-1 (c) and phosphorus–carbon composite C-2 (d).
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Fig. 4 TEM analysis of phosphorus and phosphorus–carbon samples. (a and b) Selected area electron diffraction patterns of the red and black
phases of phosphorus (bright-field images are shown as insets); (c–e) an elastic image, carbon and phosphorus energy-filtered elemental maps
of the composite C-1; (f–h) an elastic image, carbon and phosphorus energy-filtered elemental maps of the composite C-2 (colour scheme:
green – carbon, red – phosphorus).
5576 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 5572–5584 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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sodium-ion anodes were also produced via the formation of an Electrochemical performance in the 2.0–0.01 V potential
intermediate black phase of phosphorus in the composite (refer window vs. Li/Li+ and Na/Na+
to the manuscripts and related Supporting Information).
The electrochemical performance of the phosphorus–carbon
Although these authors have described their composites as
nanocomposites in lithium half-cells is shown in Fig. 5. The
“amorphous phosphorus/carbon nanocomposites”, it seems
initial discharge capacity (1930 mA h g1) and Coulombic effi-
that at least some of their materials may be still in the form of
ciency (86.9%) of the composite C-1 are quite attractive,
black phosphorus (which is evident from the presence of crys-
although the capacity declines monotonously in the following
talline spots in electron diffraction patterns (ref. 19 and Fig. 1b)) cycles (Fig. 5a). The discharge capacities measured in the
and weak Raman bands at 466 and 437 cm1 (ref. 8 and Fig. 1b).
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second, seventh and 50th cycles are 1654, 1446 and 349 mA h
Due to the similarity of preparation method and the presence of
g1, respectively. The electrochemical stability of the composite
Open Access Article. Published on 05 February 2015. Downloaded on 7/23/2018 1:35:24 PM.
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Fig. 5 Electrochemical performance of the phosphorus–carbon composites in lithium half-cells within the potential window of 2.0–0.01 V vs.
Li/Li+ at a current rate of 100 mA g1: (a and b) cyclic performance of the composites C-1 and C-2, respectively; (c and d) galvanostatic charge–
discharge profiles of the composites C-1 and C-2.
phosphorus–carbon composites. For example, activated amor- prepared by Wang et al.11 has demonstrated capacity retention
phous phosphorus–carbon composite with the component ratio of 87% at the end of 55th cycle. However, the phosphorus
of 1 : 1 synthesised by Marino et al. displayed capacity retention content in the composite was around 32.6%, very low, which
of 64.9% at the end of 20th cycle.4 The capacity of black phos- might be a reason behind the excellent cycling stability of the
phorus–acetylene black electrode in a solid-state cell declined electrodes in this work.11 Due to the high content of the carbon
from 1746 to about 500 mA h g1 aer 150 cycles.10 The capacity component, the capacity per total weight of the composite was
of black phosphorus–carbon composite prepared by ball moderate, only at a level of 740–840 mA h g1. Sun et al.13 have
milling by Park and Sohn5 dropped from 1814 to about 200 mA reported 80% retention of capacity in the ball milled black
h g1 aer 30 cycles within a potential window of 2.0–0.01 V vs. phosphorus–graphite composite, while Qian et al.8 have repor-
Li/Li+. The latter material, as we expect, is structurally similar to ted 90% retention of capacity in their amorphous phosphorus–
our composite C-1. In the case of our C-1 composite, the cyclic carbon composite (both aer 100 cycles). The last two reports
behaviour was similar at a qualitative level to that for the demonstrate signicantly better cyclic performance of the
composite in ref. 5 but a better capacity retention was observed phosphorus–carbon nanocomposites prepared by ball milling.
(349 mA h g1 aer 50 cycles). This can be correlated with a It is not clear at this stage what leads to such an improvement.
lighter active material loading (1 mg cm2 instead of 2.5 mg Sun et al. have suggested that the formation P–C bonds in their
cm2) and a more suitable binder (sodium carboxymethyl composite played an important role in the improvement of
cellulose instead of polyvinylidene uoride). Taking these cyclic stability, and the cyclic performance was also a function
difference into account, the behaviour of our composite C-1 was of the carbon material used as a precursor to create a
consistent with the behaviour of the black P–carbon composite composite.13 Qian et al. have indicated that the milling time was
reported by Park and Sohn.5 an important parameter for the performance of their compos-
Three other reports have claimed only moderate declines ites. The composites milled for either 6 and 12 h have shown
in capacity and attractive cyclic stabilities over many deteriorating cyclic performance with increasing polarisation in
cycles. Nanostructured phosphorus–porous carbon composite the charge–discharge curves while the composite milled for 24 h
5578 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 5572–5584 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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has demonstrated dramatically improved cyclic performance. The charge–discharge curves of the composites C-1 and C-2
The preparation methods used in this work and in ref. 5, 8 and are shown in Fig. 6c and d. The rst discharge curves of the
13 are quite similar. Further research will be required to composites are different from the subsequent ones and have an
understand the origin of signicant differences observed in the irreversible hump at about 1.1–0.65 and 0.95–0.65 V vs. Na/Na+,
electrochemical performances. for the composites C-1 and C-2, respectively. The second and
The electrochemical performance of the phosphorus–carbon subsequent discharge curves of the composites were different to
nanocomposites C-1 and C-2 in sodium half-cells is shown in the rst discharge. There are three voltage regions in the cor-
Fig. 6. The initial discharge capacity of the composite C-1 was responding discharge cycle (i) a sharp slope down to 0.5 V vs.
1530 mA h g1 and its measured Coulombic efficiency was Na/Na+, (ii) a sloping plateau (or, possibly, a series of plateaus)
86.4%. Aer a minor decline in capacity in the rst 15 cycles to in the range of 0.5–0.15 V vs. (Na/Na+), and (iii) a minor plateau
1193.9 mA h g1, the capacity drop accelerates aerwards and a at around 0.07–0.11 V vs. Na/Na+, which disappears aer a few
capacity of 187 mA h g1 can be measured in the 50th cycle cycles. Most of sodium release takes place between 0.4–0.8 V vs.
(Fig. 6a). The cyclic performance of the composite C-2 is again Na/Na+. The observed behaviour of the charge–discharge curves
inferior to that of C-1. The electrode demonstrates a steeper is similar to that observed elsewhere.18,19 Aer comparing the
decline in capacity (Fig. 6b), and the discharge capacities exact behaviour of the composites C-1 and C-2, we can also note
measured in the rst, second, tenth and 50th cycles are 1427, the appearance of a small plateau, which disappears aer a few
1321, 991 and 119 mA h g1. The initial Coulombic efficiency cycles, at about 0.6 V vs. Na/Na+ during charging of the half cell
was 89.9%. The high Coulombic efficiency emphasises that, in with the composite C-1.
principle, the studied phosphorus–carbon composites may be Literature data on the performance on phosphorus–carbon
highly reversible sodium anodes if the deciencies in their composite electrodes are presented in Table 2. Promising
cyclic performance are addressed. performance of phosphorus–carbon nanocomposites has been
previously highlighted by Kim et al.18 and Qian et al.19 The
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Fig. 6 Electrochemical performance of the phosphorus–carbon composites in sodium half-cells within the potential window of 2.0–0.01 V vs.
Na/Na+ at a current rate of 100 mA g1: (a and b) cyclic performance of the composites C-1 and C-2, respectively; (c and d) galvanostatic
charge–discharge profiles of the composites C-1 and C-2.
former report demonstrates the electrochemical performance at with other reports, where high capacity could be sustained for a
a slightly elevated temperature of 30 C and relatively stable number of cycles and accelerated degradation was observed
cyclability (with only 7% of capacity drop) is shown for 30 cycles. aerwards.
It is not clear if the performance remains stable aer 30 cycles While discussing the performance of phosphorus–carbon
in this report. In the latter report,19 the cyclic performance has composites in sodium half-cells, it is important to point out that
been evaluated for 60 cycles and, although stable for the rst 35 various researchers use different electrolytes (salts and solvents)
cycles, the capacity has been found to decline dramatically for testing as there is still no commonly accepted electrolyte for
between 35th and 60th cycles. These authors have also reported this new type of batteries. We used 1 M NaClO4 in propylene
that the addition of 10% of uoroethylene carbonate (FEC) to carbonate (PC) with 2% FEC in this work. Similar electrolyte was
the electrolyte is capable of improving the cyclic performance, used by Yabuuchi et al.21 A combination of ethylene carbonate
and electrochemical performance with slow continuous decline (EC) and diethyl carbonate (DEC) as a solvent with either NaPF6
in capacity for 140 cycles has been demonstrated. Similar of NaClO4 salt and with or without FEC was used by Li et al.,20
observation about the role of FEC has been reported by Kim et al.18 and Qian et al.19
Yabuuchi et al.,21 suggesting that the addition of FEC improves Another important variable that affects the cyclic perfor-
electrode reversibility. Declining cyclic performance has been mance in both lithium and sodium cells is obviously the choice
reported by Li et al.20 In their work, the reversible capacity has of a binder used in the electrodes. Polyvinylidene uoride
been shown to decline 23.4% aer only 10 cycles but the (PVDF),5,13,21 (sodium) carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC),4,8,9,19
composite was prepared by simple grinding of red phosphorus polyacrylic acid (PAA),18 polyacrylonitrile11 and sodium poly-
and carbon nanotubes by hand. Our results indicate that the acrylate (PANa)21 were used in phosphorus–carbon composite
composite C-1 is capable of sustaining high capacity for the rst electrodes in lithium and sodium cells. CMC was used as a
15 cycles, with accelerating decline aerwards (the electrolyte binder in the present work. Future systematic study is required
with 2% FEC in it was used). It seems to be generally consistent to understand the most suitable binder for this type of electrode
5580 | J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 5572–5584 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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material, the available information is not adequate to choose change is signicantly reduced, leading to a stable capacity of
the optimal binder reliably. The general view is that the the electrode.5 We have attempted to re-check these nding for
conventional PVDF is a poor choice of a binder for phosphorus- the lithium cells and evaluate if similar stabilisation of capacity
based electrodes and gives inferior performance. For example, may happen in the case of sodium half-cells.
an electrode with PANa binder has been shown to provide a Fig. 7a shows the cycling stability of the composite C-1 in the
much better performance than that of the electrode with PVDF potential window of 2.0–0.67 V vs. Li/Li+ in a lithium half-cell.
binder in sodium cells in ref. 21. Intriguingly, one of the best Relatively stable capacity of slightly above 700 mA h g1 can be
electrochemical performances in lithium cells13 was claimed in observed. Some variations in the capacity visible in the graphs
a study using PVDF as a binder. in Fig. 7 are due to the temperature variations in our laboratory
over the course of an Australian winter. It can be concluded
from the measured data that, in line with earlier ndings by
Electrochemical performance in the restricted potential
Park and Sohn5 stable capacity can be achieved in black phos-
windows vs. Li/Li+ and Na/Na+
phorus–carbon composites in a restricted potential window in
It is commonly accepted that the deteriorating cyclic perfor- lithium half-cells. The measured capacity in this study was
mance observed within the potential window of 2.0–0.01 V vs. somewhat higher than that in the previous work
Li/Li+ or Na/Na+ (Fig. 5 and 6) is likely to originate from (600 mA h g1)5 because of a lower cut-off potential used in the
signicant volume changes during the lithium and sodium present work.
alloying and de-alloying processes in the phosphorus compo- Our measurements indicate (Fig. 7b and c), that similar
nent.5,8,19,21 For example, volume change of almost 300% (ref. stable cyclic behaviour can be achieved in sodium half-cells if
21) is expected in phosphorus in the course of its reaction with the potential window is restricted to 2.0–0.33 V vs. Na/Na+.
sodium. The dramatic volume change may impact the integrity Indeed, both composite C-1 (Fig. 7b) and composite C-2 (Fig. 7c)
of the electrodes during the repetitive cycling. Park and Sohn5 are able to demonstrate rather stable capacity of about 400 mA h
have previously pointed out that a stable cyclic behaviour in g1. The cut-off potential used for sodium cells is lower than
electrodes based on black phosphorus can be achieved in a that for lithium half-cells as the electrochemical reactivity of
lithium half-cell if the operating potential window is restricted phosphorus-based electrodes with sodium happens at lower
(to 2.0–0.78 V vs. Li/Li+ in their case). If the operating potential potentials. To sum up, phosphorus–carbon electrodes were able
is restricted to 2.0–0.78 V vs. Li/Li+, black phosphorus trans- to deliver stable capacities (approximately 700 and 400 mA h
forms reversibly into the LiP phase, and the associated volume
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Fig. 7 Electrochemical performance of the electrodes cycled within restricted potential windows at 100 mA g1; (a) cyclic performance of the
composite C-1 between 2.0 and 0.67 V vs. Li/Li+; (b and c) cyclic performance of the phosphorus–carbon composites C-1 and C-2 between 2.0
and 0.33 V vs. Na/Na+.
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acknowledge the use of facilities in the Victorian Node of the 28 S. Lange, P. Schmidt and T. Nilges, Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46,
Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF). 4028.
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