WB 1435 KC
WB 1435 KC
WB 1435 KC
Description Features
WB1435KC is a high efficiency , Wide VIN Range : 4.8V to 40V
Z 3.5A Continuous Output Current
monolithic synchronous step-down DC/DC
converter utilizing a constant frequency, Up to 94% Efficiency
100% Max Duty Cycle
average current mode control architecture.
Adjustable Output Voltages
Capable of delivering up to 3.5A continuous
+/-2% Output Voltage Accuracy
load with excellent line and load regulation.
Integrated 45mΩ High Side Switch
The device operates from an input voltage
Integrated 23mΩ Low Side Switch
range of 4.8V to 40 V and provides an
300KHz Frequency
adjustable output voltage from 1V to 25V.
Burst Mode Operation at Light Load
The WB1435KC features short circuit
Internal loop Compensation
and thermal protection circuits to increase
Internal Soft Start
system reliability. The internal soft-start Available in SOP8 Package
avoids input inrush current during startup.
The WB1435KC require a minimum
Car Charger
number of external components. and a wide
Rechargeable Portable Devices
array of protection features to enhance
Networking Systems
Distributed Power Systems
Typical Application
Note: When using a solid or ceramic input Cap, It is recommended to parallel a TVS diode.
Absolute Maximum Ratings (at TA = 25°C)
Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit
VIN to GND -0.3 to 40 V
SW to GND -0.3 to VIN+0.3 V
FB to GND -0.3 to +6 V
EN to GND -0.3 to 25 V
Junction to Ambient Thermal Resistance 105 °C/W
Operating Junction Temperature -40 to 150 °C
Storage Junction Temperature -55 to 150 °C
Thermal Resistance from Junction to case θJC 45 °C/W
Thermal Resistance from Junction to ambient θJA 90 °C/W
Electrical Characteristics
TJ = 25°C. VIN = 12V, unless otherwise noted
Block Diagram
Operation current-loop response. The error amplifier
adjusts the ITH voltage by comparing the
The WB1435KC is a high efficiency,
divided-down output voltage (VFB) with a 1.0V
monolithic, synchronous step-down DC/DC
reference voltage. If the load current changes,
converter utilizing a constant frequency,
the error amplifier adjusts the average inductor
average current mode control architecture.
current as needed to keep the output voltage in
Average current mode control enables fast and
precise control of the output current. It operates
Low Current operation
through a wide VIN range and regulates with
The discontinuous-conduction modes
low quiescent current. An error amplifier
(DCMs) are available to control the operation of
compares the output voltage with a internal
the WB1435KC at low currents. Burst Mode
reference voltage of 1.0V and adjusts the peak
operation automatically switch from continuous
inductor current accordingly. overvoltage and
operation to the Burst Mode operation when the
undervoltage comparators will turn off the
load current is low
Main Control Loop Applications Information
During normal operation, the internal top Input Capacitor (CIN) Selection
power switch (P-channel MOSFET) is turned on The input capacitance CIN is needed to filter the
at the beginning of each clock cycle, causing the square wave current at the drain of the top
inductor current to increase. The sensed power MOSFET. To prevent large voltage
inductor current is then delivered to the average transients from occurring, a low ESR input
current amplifier, whose output is compared capacitor sized for the maximum RMS current
with a saw-tooth ramp. When the voltage should be used. The maximum RMS current is
exceeds the vduty voltage, the PWM given by:
comparator trips and turns off the top power
MOSFET. After the top power MOSFET turns
off, the synchronous power switch (N-channel This formula has a maximum at VIN = 2VOUT,
MOSFET) turns on, causing the inductor current where: IRMS ≅ IOUT/2
to decrease. The bottom switch stays on until
This simple worst-case condition is commonly
the beginning of the next clock cycle, unless the
used for design because even significant
reverse current limit is reached and the reverse
deviations do not offer much relief. Note that
current comparator trips. In closed-loop
ripple current ratings from capacitor
operation, the average current amplifier creates manufacturers are often based on only 2000
an average current loop that forces the average hours of life which makes it advisable to further
sensed current signal to be equal to the internal
derate the capacitor, or choose a capacitor
ITH voltage. Note that the DC gain and
rated at a higher temperature than required.
compensation of this average current loop is
Several capacitors may also be paralleled to
automatically adjusted to maintain an optimum
meet size or height requirements in the design. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors have
For low input voltage applications, sufficient bulk significantly higher ESR, but can be used
input capacitance is needed to minimize in cost-sensitive applications provided that
transient effects during output load changes. consideration is given to ripple current ratings
Output Capacitor (COUT) Selection and long-term reliability. Ceramic capacitors
The selection of COUT is determined by the have excellent low ESR characteristics and
effective series resistance (ESR) that is required small footprints.
to minimize voltage ripple and load step Inductor Selection
transients as well as the amount of bulk Given the desired input and output voltages, the
capacitance that is necessary to ensure that the inductor value and operating frequency
control loop is stable. Loop stability can be determine the ripple current:
checked by viewing the load transient response.
The output ripple, △VOUT, is determined by:
Typical Applications
Package Description
8-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOP-8]