Integrating Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Integrating Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Integrating Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Heather L. Morein
University of California San Diego School of Medicine
Independent Study Project, April 2002
ISP Committee:
Joel Dimsdale, M.D. – ISP Chair
Steven Seagren, M.D.
David Easter, M.D.
Special thanks to: Kerry Harwood, R.N., M.S.N., Director of Cancer Patient Education Program, Duke
University Medical Center and Christine
F. Our Approach 12
II. Information: Where you can obtain information on various cancer therapies 16
B. Web Sites 20
C. Search Engines 22
E. Final Considerations 29
When confronted with the diagnosis of cancer, one of the greatest challenges for
patients involves choice of therapy. This handbook is about your options and choices.
From your physicians, you have undoubtedly heard about standard, or conventional,
treatment techniques such as surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. You may also
have heard about experimental options using new forms of these standard treatments or
novel therapeutic approaches. In the past decade, there has been increasing interest in
comes from a desire to improve overall health and quality of life while offering
opportunities to adopt an active role in one's own health care. For others, interest in
complementary therapies stems from a search for hope when they have a type of cancer
You and your family are likely to face many decisions, one of which may be
choice be made? What types of treatments should be considered and who should provide
"unproven" therapy provoke criticism from your physicians and/or your family? These
questions are difficult to answer. The difficulty lies in the fact that there is so much
information to gather, understand and use in making these choices. Additionally, you
may find this to be a complicated decision due to the range of differing opinions as to
family, friends and/or and national institutions such as the National Cancer Institute
(NCI) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) may each offer a different perspective.
therapies. The purpose of this handbook is not to suggest that any of the reviewed
therapies should be pursued. Instead, the goal is to help you get the information you
need to make informed choices. The starting point for making informed choices is the
recognition that you can play a critical role in your battle with cancer. 2 Scientifically, it
is not known whether personal efforts at healing make a difference in life extension.
However, most psychotherapists report that cancer patients who are actively engaged in
personal healing methods can make a difference in the quality of their lives.
"There is no such thing as false hope for a cancer patient. Hope is as unique with
each individual as a fingerprint. For some it is the hope to make a complete
recovery. But it might also be the hope to die peacefully; the hope to live until a
specific event happens; the hope to live with the disease; the hope to have their
doctor with them when needed; the hope to enjoy today. Just as each case of
cancer is unique, each person is different. Each individual has the right to be told
all their options and then decide for themselves." (Richard A. Bloch, Co-founder
and Honorary Chairman of the Board of H&R Block, Inc.)
Increasing amounts of scientific evidence suggest that a strong desire to live and active
steps taken to improve the healthful quality of life do help some people in their efforts
towards physical recovery. 3 Within this broad category of complementary and alternative
therapies are relatively safe approaches, geared towards improving quality of life and
tolerance of standard cancer treatments, to much more radical approaches which possess
significant toxicity and unknown benefits. This handbook will provide guidance in
What you do with the information presented to you in this handbook is your
responsibility. Each one of you must take the responsibility to make informed health care
choices. No one cancer therapy holds or health care provider knows the miraculous cure
emotionally and spiritually, a treatment that is effective for one patient may not work at
all for another patient with the same condition. Your overall health and well-being are
vital components in your battle with cancer. As part of your cancer journey, we therefore
encourage you to listen to your body, learn about the therapies that may be of interest to
you and communicate your needs to those involved in your care. We hope that this
the relationship between the mind, body and spirit. Wellness is not simply defined as the
absence of disease. Instead, it is a continual process of searching for and using those
tools which enable you to achieve a sense of well-being and a feeling of wholeness, even
in the face of illness. Wellness programs and complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) therapies focus on what comp rises health, causes illness and promotes emotional,
physical and spiritual well-being. These therapies are the foundation of our progress
Many complementary and alternative therapies rely on the natural healing ability
of the human body. These therapies are founded on the belief that within all of us is a
traditional focus on the techniques and technology needed for healing. CAM
practitioners may therefore take the approach of supporting and stimulating the healing
potential within each individual, recognizing that certain stimuli may enhance this natural
healing. 5 Healing can take place at the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. 6
Jeremiah Barondesa stated that many physicians might not deal effectively enough with
illness, elements he identifies as symptoms, anxieties and concerns that make people feel
sick. Instead of an emphasis on promoting overall wellness, there has traditionally been a
focus on treating disease, defined in biochemical terms that are too far removed from the
including psychosocial care, along with the technical expertise of oncology practice is a
merger that can greatly enhance patients' quality of life and satisfaction with care."9
Within integrated medicine, a patient is evaluated and treated as a whole, with attention
paid to all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual signs of dysfunction. Because it
draws from both conventional and alternative therapies, integrated medicine has a wider
range of therapeutic options than either one alone. Treatment generally starts with the
safest, less invasive therapies and moves to more invasive interventions as it becomes
necessary. 10
Our nation’s current health care system is built upon a tradition of treating disease
advancements in treatment of illness and disease, the limitations of the “high tech”
approach are now becoming more obvious. These limitations include ignoring the impact
of mental and spiritual health and well-being on disease. Accordingly, up to fifty percent
of cancer patients in the U.S. now use complementary and alternative medicine, mostly in
percentage may be even larger if lifestyle changes such as prayer, journaling, diet and
The increase in the use of alternative medicine has been accompanied not only by
growing patient interest but also by more accepting attitudes of physicians. In 1998, the
American Medical Association (AMA) ranked alternative medicine as the third most
important topic for continuing research efforts. Thirty-four of the 125 U.S. medical
available for physicians. 12 Such programs are being developed or are already in place at
Understanding these terms will help you to evaluate the different options you are
taught in Western medical schools. They have been tested following a strict set of
surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are the most common conventional
treatments for cancer. However, standard treatments are culturally defined. What is
considered standard in one culture may be different from another. For example, cancer
therapy in the U.S. is more aggressive than any other technologically advanced nation. 16
The aggressiveness of American cancer therapy does extend life for some patients, but
for other patients, the effect on quality of life issues outweighs the benefits of the
aggressive approach. Other countries, such as France and Germany, take a gentler
approach to cancer treatment and are very open to the use of homeopathy and
naturopathy. Very few studies have been done to compare the differences in efficacy of
cancer therapies in other advanced nations, but currently there is no known difference in
treatment outcome between advanced nations. 17 For some types of cancer, standard
therapy may lead to elimination of disease and/or significantly prolong survival. For
other types of cancer, standard therapy may only have a small likelihood of extending life
have been shown to have some benefit to patients with a specific type of cancer through a
series of carefully controlled research studies. These research studies evaluate the
treatment first for safety and dosage, next for response by specific cancer types and
finally in comparison to standard treatments for a specific cancer type. The results of
these studies have been published in peer-reviewed journals, and the treatment has been
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA is the agency
charged with enforcing the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act which states that all
treatments must be conclusively proven to be safe and effective for their stated purpose
structured, closely monitored process to determine if they are effective treatments for
cancer. Before a drug can be used regularly to treat patients, it is first studied and tested
treatment. When a new drug treatment begins the experimental process in humans, it is
labeled an investigational new drug (IND) and is registered and approved by the FDA for
long process and involves three phases, each with a different goal, to evaluate the
In Phase I clinical trials, the new drug is given to a small number of patients. The
goals are to determine the best method of drug administration and the appropriate
dosages that can be safely administered. Doses of the drug increase throughout Phase I
treatments until the maximum dose that can be safely administered to patients is
determined. The information from Phase I clinical trials is used to design the next step,
Phase II trials. In Phase II testing, the researchers want to determine the efficacy of the
treatment on various types of cancer. If the treatment provides some efficacy in Phase II
trials, it may go on to Phase III testing where it will be compared directly with a standard
treatment to determine which is most effective. Through this lengthy and careful process,
investigational treatments become proven treatments and are incorporated as part of the
healing approaches, therapies and philosophies. CAM therapies are practiced to try to
prevent illness, reduc e stress, improve well-being, prevent or reduce side effects and
well-being or help with symptom control. 19 Alternative therapy refers to treatments that
are unproven because they have yet to be scientifically tested or were tested and found to
Depending on how they are used, some therapies are considered either complementary or
process. Stressing prevention and self-care, it neither rejects conventional medicine nor
modalities and treatments, including the science and technology of conventional cancer
patient’s unique and individualized needs for healing. Lastly, and ideally, a fully
F. Our Approach
We recognize that cancer is a complex disease and that your experiences with
cancer will differ from others around you. We also can appreciate the limitations of a
medical system that is not integrative in nature as there is no one method that meets all
needs of all people. Medical treatment that integrates several different types of treatment
therefore our belief that integrative medicine is the most compassionate and
comprehensive treatment approach to cancer and have designed this handbook with
There are several reasons why integrating CAM therapies with conventional
treatments are increasing in popularity. The growing interest in alternatives may reflect a
general dissatisfaction with the technologic and impersonal nature of modern medicine. 21
Many patients are looking for ways to manage the potential symptoms related to
conventional treatments. Others are interested in learning more about the CAM therapies
proposed to treat cancer. In an effort to address these reasons, we have chosen to discuss
the uses of CAM therapies based upon their placement in the following categories:
Therapies in this category are generally regarded as theories and practices which
try to prevent the development of cancer through lifestyle changes that promote
all people, cancer patients or not, may offer benefits such as decreased pain and
longer life. 22 The healthier your body, cancer aside, the better able you will be to
treatments to manage symptoms, side effects and pain. Similar to the category
standard therapy, fewer side effects of treatment and symptoms of disease, control
partial remission. 23
3. To treat cancer
physicians generally frown upon this approach if the patient has not tried
We have chosen this type of classification system to discuss CAM therapies and their
intended uses. This approach may be different from others you have seen or used. For
example, to organize the wide and fast changing realm of CAM therapies, the National
Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) groups them into five
categories 24 . We have included a brief discussion and listing of those CAM therapies
Flint, Vivekan (1996). "How to Use Alternative and Complementary Medicine." [Online]. Available
WWW: Accessed November 6, 2001.
Lerner, Michael. Choices in Healing. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998; pg. 16.
Lerner, Michael. Choices in Healing. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998; pg. 14-15.
Duke University's Integrated Medicine Program. "What is Integrated Medicine?" [Online]. Available
WWW: Accessed November 6, 2001.
American Medical Association (1999). "CSA Reports. Report 12 of the Council on Scientific Affairs,
Alternative Medicine." [Online]. Available WWW:
2523.html . Accessed November 6, 2001.
Lerner, Michael. Choices in Healing. Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press, 1998, pp. 13-14.
Dossey L, Swyers JP. Introduction to Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons. Washington,
DC: US Government Printing Office; 1994. NIH 94-066.
American Medical Association (1999). "CSA Reports. Report 12 of the Council on Scientific Affairs,
Alternative Medicine." [Online]. Available WWW:
2523.html . Accessed November 6, 2001.
Cassileth BR, Chapman CC. Alternative and Complementary Cancer Therapies. Cancer 1996;
Integrated Medicine. "Defining Integrated Medicine." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed November 6, 2001.
Richardson MA. Discovering the Science Behind Alternative Medicine. CALGB Newsletter, Summer
1998, pgs. 6- 9.
Richardson MA. Discovering the Science Behind Alternative Medicine. CALGB Newsletter, Summer
1998, pgs. 6- 9.
Sullivan MJ, Duke University Integrative Medicine Program. "Integrative Medicine - Current Trends and
Future Applications." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
November 7, 2001.
CA - A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, News and Views. On the ACS Web Site: Information about
Alternative and Complementary Therapies. CA, Nov/Dec 1998,48(6):323-325.
American Cancer Association. “Complementary and Alternative Therapies.” [Online]. Available
WWW: Accessed
November 7, 2001.
Lerner, Michael. Choices in Healing. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998; pg. 43.
Lerner, Michael. Choices in Healing. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998; pg. 44.
American Cancer Association. “How to Know What Is Safe: Choosing and Using Dietary
Supplements.” [Online]. Available WWW:
ng_and_Using_Dietary_Supplements. Accessed November 7, 2001
National Cancer Institute (2001). “Cancer Facts - Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cancer
Treatment: Questions and Answers.” [Online]. Available WWW:
Accessed November 7, 2001.
National Cancer Institute (2001). “Cancer Facts - Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cancer
Treatment: Questions and Answers.” [Online]. Available WWW:
Accessed November 7, 2001.
Cassileth BR, Chapman CC. Alternative and Complementary Cancer Therapies. Cancer 1996;
Harwood, Kerry and Seskevich, Jon. "Complementary Therapies for Cancer Survivors."
Lerner, Michael. Choices in Healing. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998; pg. 111.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2001). “Major Domains of
Complementary and Alternative Medicine.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed November 7, 2001.
Before you can evaluate the various CAM therapies, you need to know where to
obtain reliable information. This list contains both organization and literature sources
available at many medical centers and libraries and over the Internet. The following are
information about activities and services offered in your local area. The Society has
System. They support research, educational programs and services for patients and
provide family members with information. You can request free booklets and
informative documents by email, mail or phone. Their telephone hotline is open 24 hours
wanting accurate, up-to-date information on cancer. This service is not just for cancer
patients. The trained staff answers questions and will send written information about
cancer treatments (the staff members are not physicians, but are trained to help answer
your questions). This is a free service provided by the National Cancer Institute. There
therapeutic methods.
NCCAM Clearinghouse
Post Office Box 7923
Gaithersburg, MD 20898
Telephone: 1-888-644-6226 (toll free)
Web site:
Email: [email protected]
evaluate the design and the results of published research. Information is available in
The FDA regulates drugs and medical devices to ensure safety and efficacy for
Numerous publications are ava ilable including "Who Cares: Sources of Information
About Health Care Products and Services" and " 'Miracle' Health Claims: Add a Dose of
They will not discuss therapies on the telephone but will send information to you. They
operate a cancer information network in which you can talk with other cancer patients
and volunteers. They also provide a listing of institutions that give multidisciplinary
second opinions. The web site contains contact information for local support groups.
Three books written by cancer survivor Richard Bloch can be obtained free of charge.
You should be able to use a medical database such as OVID Online or MedLINE.
Through such medical databases, you will have access to the cancer literature of the
world. You can search for articles on any medical subject, display the titles of the articles
and read brief abstracts if you wish. You can also order the full text of any article from
the on-line service. Sometimes the database will have the full text available for printout
at your computer.
Medical school libraries will also have a widely used textbook titled Cancer:
Principles and Practices of Oncology, edited by Vincent T. Devita, Jr., Samuel Hellman
comprehensive medical textbook on all the specific cancers and the major types of
treatment. With this book you can look up information about your disease. After
researching and reading information written, often times, for health care professionals,
discuss with your physician any questions you may have and how the information you
9. Hospital Libraries
Many major hospitals have libraries with patient education materials. Patient care
coordinators and the librarian may provide patients with written, video and audio
the country to act as leaders in laboratory, clinical and cancer control and prevention
cancer patients, their families and the community in which the center is located. Centers
have been established all over the country. In Southern California, comprehensive cancer
centers include UCSD Cancer Center, Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (University
of California, Los Angeles), USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Chao Family
please call the National Cancer Institute Information Service (1-800-4-CANCER) or visit
B. Web Sites
On the Internet the following web sites offer general information on cancer, including
• CBS HealthWatch
A commercial website with search results ranked according to their level of
difficult of reader understanding.
• Medlineplus
Medlineplus is the National Library of Medicine’s consumer-health site. Most of
the millions of articles available come from the National Institutes of Health, journals,
research centers and medical associations.
This NCI site includes news, upcoming events, educational materials and
publications for patients, the public and the media.
This is a comprehensive clinical trials information center run by the NCI for
patients, health professionals and the public.
• OncoLink
Sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, OncoLink was founded to provide
cancer patients, families, health care professionals and the general public with accurate
cancer-related information at no charge.
• Wellness Web
This site offers extensive consumer health information resources, toll- free
numbers and listings of federal resources, online resources and support groups.
C. Search Engines
Search engines on the Internet are a way to assemble a list of relevant Web sites
after typing in a few key words. The derived list is usually ranked in order of relevancy
and usefulness. There are several search engines that have significant health-related sites.
• Achoo
• Alta Vista
• Excite
• Galaxy
• Health AtoZ
• Healthfinder
• Lycos
• MedWebPlus
• WebCrawler
• WebMedLit
Many patients are finding that CAM therapies have a great deal to offer, and an
choices about integrating these therapies with Western medicine. Additionally, greater
numbers of licensed physicians and other credentialed health care practitioners are
offering complementary and alternative therapies as part of their services. The number of
complimentary and alternative therapies now available as well as the different types of
providing you with the “tools” you need to feel you can reasonably and wisely make
informed choices. In this section we will discuss the difficulties associated with
evaluating CAM therapies, the barriers related to researching these therapies and the
questions and information you will need to evaluate the different therapies and
with the same methods used in conventional medicine. However, many of the CAM
therapies cannot be scientifically evaluated because the effects of treatment are more
subjective, based on how a patient feels, both physically and emotionally. Subjective
responses include improved energy, appetite and well-being. Scientific medicine has just
begun the difficult task of trying to evaluate these kinds of "qua lity of life" responses. It
developed in time, but currently few scientific studies of CAM therapies have been
important in understanding if, when and how complementary and alternative therapies
established the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM). In 1998, the OAM expanded into
the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) 1 . The
purpose of this office, as outlined in the Senate Bill, is "to facilitate the evaluation of
Often, less is known about the safety and effectiveness of complementary and
therapies have undergone rigorous scientific evaluation. However, some have found a
role in cancer treatment, not as cures, but as complementary therapies that may help
patients feel better and recover faster. Dr. Michael Lerner, author of Choices in Healing
caution is the best approach when using alternative therapies. 2 It is his opinion that the
best CAM treatments tend to be those that increase quality of life, promote general health
and engage the patient in psychologically and physically beneficial ways. The worst
treatments are those offered by unscrupulous people for financial gain. Between these
two extremes are many therapies with both positive and negative effects.
According to the American Cancer Society, acceptable therapies are ones which
have been subjected to extensive laboratory (in vitro) and subject (in vivo) testing in both
animals and humans and whose results have been published in peer-reviewed journals. 3
benefits of CAM therapies. While clinical trials can and do provide the medical
community with important information on the effects of new treatments, the lack of
scientific proof alone is perhaps not reason enough to dismiss the possibility that a new
The lack of scientific data may partly be the result of the medical community's
past skepticism of the possible validity of a treatment with which it is unfamiliar. For
instance, some alternative clinicians cannot present research data because they have
difficulty finding an interested publisher. However, even after having published in peer-
reviewed literature, controversial ideas have a difficult time gaining acceptance from the
“mainstream” medical community. The lack of scientific evidence may also be due to
the small numbers of physicians and scientific researchers willing to take the huge
professional risk to his/her career and/or reputation to pursue research in CAM therapies.
While this situation is gradually changing because of increased public interest in CAM
therapies, clinical trials are time intensive and costly. Because many CAM therapies
fund research. 5 As a result, anecdotal evidence remains the major source of information. 6
Other factors make data difficult to gather. For example, many alternative
medical clinics are in Mexico and Europe. Collecting follow- up data can be difficult to
impossible. For example, patients may complete a therapy but do not maintain contact
with the clinic. There are also high costs associated with generating follow- up data. It is
apparent that alternative clinics face many hardships in gaining public acceptance, but
this does not mean they are beyond inspection. Every alternative medicine clinic and/or
health care provider should be questioned thoroughly by the patient before any treatment
is agreed upon.
constitutes a positive response to treatment in the eyes of the medical community. The
NCCAM believes that CAM therapies need to be investigated using the same scientific
as rigorous, and in some cases, even more rigorous research methods than the current
concepts and claims, and uses complex systems of practice that need systematic, explicit,
therapies are very difficult to fit into standard double-blind clinical trials, the gold
standard for proof of effectiveness in medical research. For instance, with acupuncture,
massage and chiropractic, it is apparent to both patie nt and physician who is receiving the
“real” treatment. 8
Unfortunately, many responses patients may have to CAM therapies are difficult
to measure in scientific units. If the treatment is not shown to be curative or increase life
expectancy but does appear to promote and enhance quality of life issues such as
increased energy, appetite, sleep and general well-being, how can these be quantified and
proven by the scientific method? For a few therapies, most notably psychological
treatments such as psychothe rapy, imagery and cancer support groups, scientific studies
have reported improved quality of life and possible survival advantages for patients using
those treatments. 9 The available scientific documentation will most probably promote
psychotherapy into mainstream medical practices. If so, its use will become part of the
health are encouraged at any point in time. If you are considering CAM therapies to
manage specific disease symptoms and/or to treat cancer, discuss them with your
conventional medical doctor(s). Great care must be exercised if you decide to forego
standard treatments and choose to use only an alternative treatment. Generally, patients
who forego conventional medicine do so because doctors have said that standard
treatments can no longer help them or they have had poor experiences with "mainstream"
medical team in any decisions you make about your cancer treatment. Together you can
decide what the potential benefits and/or risks associated with combining the options you
When researching the different CAM therapies, a distinction between words like
“effective” versus “palliative,” and “not curative,” should be made. When assessing a
treatment, the word "cure" should be viewed with skepticism because its use can be
that relieves the patient of his/her disease. If the wording of a study is confusing, asking
associated with alternative treatments can be misleading for the following reasons:11
1. Patients may have a form of cancer that is progressing slowly and not
manifesting any symptoms, but the alternative treatment is still credited with
extending life span.
2. Patients may have had a nonmalignant tumor that has essentially disappeared
by itself, but credit is given to the alternative treatment for curing the
3. Patients who have just recently received a course of standard therapy, then
switched over to a CAM program, may be experiencing regression due to the
effects of the original treatment. But again, credit is given to the alternative
However, in cases where there is unusual progress of a patient who begins an alternative
therapy immediately after conventional treatment, and odds were significantly against
E. Final Considerations
When considering complementary and alternative therapies, you should feel free
to ask numerous questions of your health care providers. Questions might include:
• How effective is and what benefits can be expected from this therapy?
• What are the cure or remission rates and how are the statistics/data generated?
• Are there any medical records or clinical trials offering scientific support of
• What are the doctors' credentials? Are they recognized experts in cancer
You should also ask and expect to speak with former patients. Former patients
may provide valuable information on a clinic or treatment. Often, former patients can
provide more legitimate and quantifiable results regarding treatme nt than clinics actively
recruiting patients. However, keep in mind that it is less likely you will be put in contact
with people who were not helped by the treatment than those who experienced dramatic
positive results. The patient you are allowed to speak with may be one out of one
hundred who actually benefited from the treatment. 12 Ask to be put in contact with
several former patients if possible. Remember that patient testimonials used alone do not
adequately assess the effectiveness of a CAM therapy, and great care should be taken
when deciding whether or not it is your exclusive criteria for selecting a therapy.
work. The duration of different treatments can vary significantly and therefore, you must
fully understand the time involved in the therapy and organize your daily activities
accordingly. Strong support from family and friends is vital to help patients complete
treatments. All too often, patients discontinue treatment because family members are not
to reach an agreement and discuss potential difficulties with family members before
treatment begins.
insurance companies will not cover the costs of alternative, experimental or unproven
cancer therapies, but some are beginning to offer coverage of some of the more widely
therapy. In 2000, 30 major insurers, including Blue Cross and Medicare, covered at least
Contact your insurance company to find out what, if any, CAM therapies are
covered by your plan. Financial arrangements should be carefully discussed with both
the alternative care center and the insurance company before beginning treatment. It is a
good idea to have all costs agreed upon and in writing ahead of time.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2001). “NCCAM’s History and Related
Legislation.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed November 12,
Lane, Laura (1999). "Cancer Physicians Discuss the Use of Alternative Therapies." [Online]. Available
WWW: . Accessed
November 12, 2001.
American Cancer Society (1999). “American Cancer Society Operational Statement on Complementary
and Alternative Methods of Cancer Management.” [Online]. Available WWW:
nal_Statement_on_CAM?sitearea=&level=. Accessed November 8, 2001.
Wellness Web (1999). "Alternative/Complementary Medicine." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed November 12, 2001.
WebMD Electronic Library Collection (1998). “Separating Hype from Hope: Making Sense of
Complementary Medicine Research.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed November 12, 2001.
Wellness Web (1999). "Alternative/Complementary Medicine." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed November 12, 2001.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. "What is CAM?" [Online]. Available
WWW: Accessed November 12, 2001.
WebMD Electronic Library Collection (1998). “Separating Hype from Hope: Making Sense of
Complementary Medicine Research.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed November 12, 2001.
Lerner, Michael. Choices in Healing. Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press, 1998, pg. 95.
Flint, Vivekan (1996). "How to Use Alternative and Complementary Medicine." [Online]. Available
WWW: Accessed November 6, 2001.
Barrett, Stephen. Dubious Cancer Treatment. American Cancer Society, Florida Division, 1991.
Flint, Vivekan (1996). "How to Use Alternative and Complementary Medicine." [Online]. Available
WWW: Accessed November 6, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). “Guidelines For Using Complementary and Alternative Methods.”
[Online]. Available WWW:
ry_and_Alternative_Methods?sitearea=&level=. Accessed November 8, 2001.
other patients. However, you can also get information from people who are misinformed
or who care more about your money than your health. This section will suggest some
information. 1 One recent survey estimates that greater than 60 million U.S. residents
used the internet to get health information in 2000. 2 There are thousands of sites to
choose from that offer health-related information. These sites may use medical books,
information. The material present ranges in its accuracy, reliability and value from very
unregulated network. Anyone with access to a computer, modem and necessary software
can create a Web site. Unlike most traditional forms of information, the content of a Web
site does not need to be approved. Information can therefore be published and made
available for the public even if it is false and/or misleading. Unfortunately, no regulatory
body exists to ensure that consumers are not taken advantage of on the Internet. Given
this situation, it is in your best interest as an Internet user to evaluate the information you
locate in order to determine both its quality and value for your needs. On the Internet,
"caveat emptor" - let the buyer beware - are words to live by for the foreseeable future. 3
The explosion of information on the Internet led several federal and international
agencies to become concerned that private companies and individuals might take
international conference on the use of the Internet in healthcare resulted in the creation an
organization dedicated to "promote the effective and reliable use of the new technologies
for telemedicine in healthcare around the world."4 To assist healthcare consumers sift
through the thousands of medical Web sites offering advice and services, HON has
developed a Code of Conduct for the provision of medical Web sites. The principles of
conduct are:5
1. Authority
Any medical or health advice provided and hosted on this site will only be given by
medically trained and qualified professionals unless a clear statement is made that a piece
of advice offered is from a non- medically qualified individual or organization.
2. Complementarity
The information provided on this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship
that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician.
3. Confidentiality
Confidentiality of data relating to individual patients and visitors to a medical/health Web
site, including their identity, is respected by this Web site. The Web site owners
undertake to honor or exceed the legal requirements of medical/health information
privacy that apply in the country and state where the Web site and mirror sites are
4. Attribution
Where appropriate, information contained on this site will be supported by clear
references to source data and, where possible, have specific HTML links to that data. The
date when a clinical page was last modified will be clearly displayed (e.g. at the bottom
of the page).
5. Justifiability
Any claims relating to the benefits/performance of a specific treatment, commercial
product or service will be supported by appropriate, balanced evidence in the manner
outlined above in Principle 4.
6. Transparency of authorship
The designers of this Web site will seek to provide information in the clearest possible
manner and provide contact addresses for visitors that seek further information or
support. The Webmaster will display his/her E- mail address clearly throughout the Web
7. Transparency of sponsorship
The designers of this Web site will seek to provide information in the clearest possible
manner and provide contact addresses for visitors that seek further information or
support. The Webmaster will display his/her E- mail address clearly throughout the Web
The goal of the “HONcode” is to improve the accuracy and quality of consumer
healthcare information available on the Internet. The blue and red HONcode seal on
Web sites complying with the above basic ethical standards helps consumers identify
There are three basic ways to find information on the Internet. You can browse
casually, look in a more focused fashion under categories/subjects, or search using search
engines such as Yahoo and Excite. 7 There is a tendency to assume that information
retrieved by a search engine has been previously evaluated as part of the selection
process, but this is a misconception. Regardless of how you find information on the
Internet, it will be important for you to kno w how to evaluate it. Also, it is a common
assumption that a search engine will retrieve all applicable information. Search engines
are not exhaustive, and each search engine will retrieve different information. Using a
medical search engine, such as Achoo or MedWebPlus, will often result in more
appropriate results.
Traditionally, there are three ways in which written information is filtered. 8 First,
development, it is considered credible. When you begin to evaluate the information you
As you can see, there is no single or perfect indicator of reliability, truthfulness or value.
You must make your own decision based on a collection of your observations. Several
organizations have put together some suggestions to help you determine the reliability of
You are more likely to get legitimate information from an established medical institution
medical practitioners and organizations may have marketing, social or political agendas
that can influence the type of material they offer. Try to weigh the information you
receive against what you think is the intent of the author(s). According to Robert Harris,
objectivity but possessing a hidden agenda of persuasion or a hidden bias is among the
2. Is there a listing of names and credentials of those responsible for preparing and
Look for a listing of the source of the information whether it is an author, editorial board
or sponsoring organization. What is the education, training and/or experience in the field
of these individuals? Answering the above questions may help to determine the author's
reputation or standing among peers. Also look to see if the site is sponsored by a known
In general, a reputable organiza tion will not declare itself to be the only source of
information on a specific health issue. Quality sites often feature more than one
perspective on a health topic. Additionally, it is in your best interest to also compare the
information you find on one site with others. Using other sources is a way of confirming
Usually, the more current the site, the more likely it is to provide timely material. If you
are looking for treatment information, look for sites that are updated weekly or monthly
so that they contain accurate, up-to-date information. If a site has not been modified in
months, it might contain outdated material. This is not so much a concern with
You should be cautious when sites promote specific products that you can buy over the
Internet. Because the Internet is constantly changing, the site you purchase from one
week might not be in existence the following week if you have questions about the
Once you have found information on the Web that you believe to have credibility
and are interested in, write down the name and web address of the site, print out the
information and bring it to your health care provider. 12 Your doctor can help to answer
any remaining questions you may have, help you determine whether the information is
legitimate and if it would be an appropriate therapy for you. It is also important to check
with your doctor to make sure that it is safe for you to begin a new treatment, especially
Assessing the credibility of health and medical information in Internet news and
chat groups is exceedingly important. Information in these forums is shorter- lived and
often, the source is unidentifiable. Although these news and chat groups can provide
reliable information about cancer and offer support to patients, they can also perpetuate
control what is "said" in chat rooms. 14 A Wall Street Journal article stated that, "Online
communication has been widely heralded as a boon for the ill. Patients form support
groups, sharing large pains and small triumphs; they critique wheelchairs and feeding
tubes, discuss symptoms and doctors, or simply comfort and inspire each other.
Treatment testimonials read about in chat rooms should never be the sole source of
In summary, when evaluating Web sites, use your best skeptical judgment to
avoid quacks and misinformation. Selecting sources that provide as much of the
following information as possible will help you to obtain reliable information on the
Rees, Alan M. "Consumer Health on the Internet" in Consumer Health Information Source Book. Oryx
Press, Phoenix, AZ; 1998. pp. 74.
Fox S, Rainie L. The Online Health Care Revolution: How the Web Helps Americans Take Better Care
of Themselves. Washington, DC: Pew Charitable Trusts; 2000.
FDA Consumer (1998). "Health Information On-Line." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed October 29, 2001.
Health on the Net (HON) (1999). "About Health on the Net Foundation." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed October 29, 2001.
Health on the Net (HON) (1997). "HONcode: Principles." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed October 29, 2001.
Health on the Net (HON) (1997). "HONcode: Principles." [Online]. Available WWW: . Accessed October 29, 2001.
Brandt, D. Scott (1996). "Evaluating Information on the Internet." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed October 29, 2001.
Brandt, D. Scott (1996). "Evaluating Information on the Internet." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed October 29, 2001.
FDA Consumer (1998). "Health Information On-Line." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed October 29, 2001.
"Health Information on the Internet." Mayo Clinic Health Letter, April 1997, p. 6.
Harris, Robert. "Evaluating Internet Research Sources." VirtualSalt. 17 Nov. 1997. Accessed October 29, 2001.
FDA Consumer (1998). "Health Information On-Line." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed October 29, 2001.
FDA Consumer (1998). "Health Information On-Line." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed October 29, 2001.
FDA Consumer (1998). "Health Information On-Line." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed October 29, 2001.
Bulkeley, W.M. "Untested Treatments, Cures Find Stronghold on On-Line Services." Wall Street
Journal. February 27, 1995, p.3.
Harris, Robert. "Evaluating Internet Research Sources." VirtualSalt. 17 Nov. 1997. Accessed October 29, 2001.
Your relationships with your health care providers, whether they are conventional
Fundamental to good medical care is the respect of your rights as a patient. The precepts
of the Patients’ Bill of Rights holds true for any provider-patient relationship. As a
• Receive considerate and respectful care in a clean and safe environment free
of unnecessary restraints.
• Receive all the information that you need to give informed consent for any
proposed procedure or treatment. This information shall include the possible
risks and benefits of the procedure or treatment.
• Refuse treatment and be told what effect this may have on your health.
• Receive a copy of your medical records, consistent with the state statutes on
this matter.
In light of your rights as a patient, this section will address those issues essential to
developing effective relationships between you and your health care providers.
Communication can help to strengthen and build relationships with your health
care providers. Each of us wants to feel that our doctors and other members of our health
care team care about us as individuals, and communication facilitates caring. Being able
to communicate about topics that include, but are not limited to, your illness and options
for treatment is important. Although every health care provider has a different
communication style, it is important that you feel comfortable talking with and discussing
with him/her intimate issues that affect your physical, emotional and/or spiritual sense of
essential part of receiving good medical care. When you and your doctor communicate -
explain, question, listen and discuss – a partnership develops. As with any successful
relationship, a good partnership does take time to develop. It will evolve if both you and
your doctor are willing to take responsibility for ensuring its success. As a partner in this
• actively try to understand and learn about your disease and treatment program
• make a commitment to following your doctor’s advice.
assist you in clarifying the responsibilities of you and your health care provider.
Creating good relationships and ensuring quality care may also involve you taking
a more active role in your health care. In Handbook of Behavioral Medicine, Irving Janis
of Yale University states that patients are no longer "seen as passive recipients of health
care who are expected to do willingly whatever the doctor says. Rather, they are
increasingly regarded as active decision makers, making crucial choices that can
markedly affect the kind of treatment they receive and the outcome."2 Taking an active
role in your own health consists of many elements. For example, preparation for and
attention during an appointment can help you get the most benefit from your time with
your providers. The following is a list of guidelines and helpful tips to help you prepare
for your appointment, actively engage your physician during your appointment and take
1. Appointment Preparation
• Make a list of your objectives and concerns to cover during the appointment
in order of importance.
• Write down questions you wish to ask your doctor so that you will not forget
them. Asking questions is essential to getting what you want out of the
• Bring someone with you, if possible. A family member or close friend can
assist you in taking notes or being a 'second pair of ears’ when you are
receiving large amounts of information.
• Bring your insurance cards, names and addresses of your other health care
providers and/or your medical records with you to your appointment.
• Make a list of medicines (na me and dose) you are taking or bring your
medicine bottles with you to your appointment. Your doctor needs to know
ALL of the medicines you take (even non-prescription drugs) because it is
possible for medicines to interact, causing unpleasant and sometimes
dangerous side effects. In addition to over-the-counter medicines such as eye
drops and laxatives, it is extremely important that you inform your health care
providers about any vitamins, minerals and herbs you are taking. For return
visits, make a list of any medication refills you need.
• Answer your doctor’s questions honestly even if you believe your answers are
not what your doctor wants to hear. Your doctor can give you the best
treatment only when you respond honestly to all his/her questions.
• Be concrete and specific about your symptoms and/or any side effects you are
experiencing. Your doctor needs to know your opinions and observations
about what is working and what is not working in order to prescribe proper
treatment for your symptoms.
• Report any unusual symptoms you have noticed such as change in appetite,
weight, sleeping pattern or energy level.
• Tell your doctor about any fears or complaints you have about your treatment.
• Always ask your doctor to explain anything about your disease or your
treatment that you do not understand. If you do not completely understand
your doctor’s explanation, he/she will not know unless you say something.
Do not be embarrassed to ask the same question twice. Part of your doctor’s
job is to educate you about your disease and your treatment.
• Ask about possible side effects of your treatments and what to do if they
should occur. Ask what to do if there is an emergency, or when the office is
• Take notes or tape record the appointment (ask for permission first) if you are
worried about forgetting information your doctor gives you. If medication
instructions are unclear, ask for an explanation or written instructions before
leaving the office.
• Pay attention to and be cordial with the office staff and nurses. You will have
to talk with them often, and a receptionist or nurse can be a powerful ally
when wishing to speak with your doctor on the phone or when making an
• Cancer care often involves a team of health care providers with different areas
of expertise. This may be a team that is used to working together or it may be
a team that you have put together yourself to integrate conventional treatments
and complementary care. When there are many people involved, it can be
difficult to keep several sets of instructions straight. Make sure you
understand all of your instructions. Because you are the focus of this health
care team, it is important that your treatment plan is understood by all the
team members. If you have put together your own team of health care
providers, you may need to be more active in ensuring communication
between members of your team.
• If you have a problem with your treatme nt, consult your doctor before
attempting to change your therapy without assistance.
• Stay alert for side effects. If you do not know or remember specific
instructions about side effects from your appointment, call your doctor.
4. Telephone Tips
• Learn which days are busiest and what times are best to call. It is usually best
to call early in the workday because your doctor is likely to be less busy.
• Before calling your doctor’s office, write down a short description of the
problem you are having, your reason for calling, your symptom list and a few
questions that you might have.
5. Finances
• Do not be afraid to ask your doctor how much something will cost or if there
are less expensive options.
• There are many things you can do for your health that cost little or nothing.
Some examples include eating a healthier diet, starting an exercise routine
appropriate for your health situation or joining a support group.
Taking control of your health also includes identifying and expressing your
physical, emotional and/or spiritual needs. Your doctor should be willing to discuss new
ideas or treatment approaches that you feel would support your overall sense of well-
who is able to support you in a holistic sense is a powerful component in helping you to
It is important to be aware that some conventional doctors will be more open than
practitioners may be more resistant than others to conventional treatments. In either case,
it is important for you to question those providers who quickly dismiss conventional or
CAM therapies. Individual beliefs and biases come from one's education and life
experiences. Ideally, health care providers recognize their own biases and are open to
differing points of view if there are reasons to believe a different strategy may be helpful.
Frank and open discussions with your doctor are important. If the discussion is not
should feel that your rights as a patient are upheld and that you are provided with the
physicians who practice complementary and alternative medicine. 6 The AHHA will
provide you with names of practicing doctors in your area and their specialties.
However, these referrals are not offered with a guarantee. The Healing Web Page also
physicians trained in homeopathy, contact the National Center for Homeopathy and ask
CAM practitioners, many of whom are not medical doctors, vary widely in their
education, training and experience in alternative treatments. Further confusing the issues
are the inconsistent licensing laws for CAM practitioners which vary from state to state.
Please refer to Appendix C for information on CAM practitioner board certification and
health care licensing issues to ensure that your health care provider has the proper
education and experience to provide you with safe and effective treatment. Appendix D
lists many of the professional degrees and titles of CAM practitioners you may find as
New York State Department of Health (1998). “Patient's Rights-New York State Department of Health.”
[Online]. Available WWW:
Accessed December 10, 2001.
Janis, Irving L. "The Patient as Decision Maker" in Handbook of Behavioral Medicine. W. Doyle
Gentry, ed. New York: Guildford Press, 1984.
Quackwatch (1997). "Doctor-Patient Communication Tips." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 10, 2001.
University of Washington (2001). "Helping Your Doctor." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 10, 2001.
The HOPE Heart Institute. “How to Get the Most from Your Doctor’s Visit.” [Online]. Available
WWW: Accessed December 10, 2001.
American Holistic Health Association (2001). [Online]. Available WWW:.. Accessed
December 10, 2001.
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Acupressure
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
How is acupressure thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Acupressure
is believed to be effective in reducing tension and other stress-related ailments such as headaches
and muscle aches, increasing circulation and enabling the body to relax deeply. 2 By relieving
stress, the body's immune system and, therefore, resistance to disease may be heightened. When
tension is released, patients may feel better physically, emotionally and mentally promoting
overall wellness and health.
What has been proven about the benefit of acupressure? While some people do appear to
benefit from acupressure, the mechanism by which this occurs in unknown. Post-operative pain
and nausea has been found to respond to pressure point massage in some cases. Its occasional
effectiveness may be due to relaxation and comfort from hands-on massage or the release of
natural painkillers in the body called endorphins. 3
What is known about the potential risk or harm of acupressure? While there are no inherent
side effects, acupressure should be avoided in areas near varicose veins, wounds and sores.
Because forceful pressure is sometimes used, patients with brittle bones, a history of spinal or
other orthopedic injury or easy bruising should be careful when using acupressure. Patients
undergoing long-term steroid therapy may have fragile tissues and should also use caution. If
treatments are painful or soreness persists beyond a couple of days the therapist should be
informed. 4
How much does acupressure cost? Cost will vary depending on whether acupressure is self-
administered or a therapist is used. If used as a self- treatment, no additional equipment is
Acupressure Institute
1533 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94709
Telephone: (510) 845-1059
Web site:
This treatment modality is thought to manage symptoms of cancer, side effects from conventional
therapies and/or control pain. Acupuncture should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer
What does acupuncture involve? Acupuncture is the insertion of hair-thin, stainless steel needles into
the skin at specific locations, called channels or acupoints, to affect the flow of Qi (energy) in the body.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, each channel is believed to connect with a specific organ
system of the body. The needles are placed into the skin just deep enough to prevent them from falling
out and are kept in place for less than one- half hour. Twirling the needles or applying a small amount of
electrical power is thought to enhance the result. 1 (For more information, please see traditional Chinese
How is acupuncture thought to manage specific symptoms of cancer, side effects of conventional
therapies and/or control pain? Acupuncture is used primarily to relieve pain and symptoms such as
nausea and vomiting. There are two different explanations of how acupuncture works. The
conventional medicine explanation is that insertion of needles stimulates the body's nervous system to
release chemicals that change the feeling of pain and influence the body's internal regulating system,
although scientific research to support this idea is limited. 2 The Chinese medicine explanation is that the
insertion of needles restores of the regular flow of Qi, stimulating the body's natural healing abilities.
What has been proven about the benefit of acupuncture? Acupuncture may be useful in treating
symptoms of disease and side effects of cancer treatment and for inducing relaxation. Two studies have
reported the relief of radiotherapy- induced edema and reduced pain, 3 ,4 and another study has reported an
improvement in chemotherapy- induced nausea and vomiting in 96% of patients studied. 5 However
relief from nausea and vomiting only lasted a short while. There is no scientific proof that acupuncture
can cure or treat cancer, but it does appear to be effective for controlling pain. 6
What is the potential risk or harm of acupuncture? There are no inherent side effects associated
with acupuncture. However, careless practitioners can be hazardous, especially if improperly sterilized
needles are used. Slight bruising may occur at the site of needle insertion, and therefore, patients at risk
of easy bruising or excessive bleeding should avoid acupuncture. 7
How much does acupuncture cost? Costs will vary depending on the practitioner and whether
insurance will cover acupuncture. Generally, treatment may take place over a few days or several
weeks. The cost per treatment typically ranges between $30 and $100, but it may be appreciably more.
Physician acupuncturists may charge more than nonphysician practitioners. 8
Acupuncture: How it Works, How it Cures. Peter Firebrace and Sandra Hill. New Canaan, CT: Keats
Publishing Inc., 1994
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Acupuncture." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18,
Han, J. S. "Acupuncture Activates Endogenous Systems of Analgesia." National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference
on Acupuncture, Program & Abstracts (Bethesda, MD, November 3-5, 1997). Sponsors: Office of Alternative Medicine and
Office of Medical Applications of Research. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, 1997.
Bardychev MS, Guseva LI, Zubova ND. “Acupunture in edema of the extremities following radiation of combination
therapy of cancer of the breast and uterus.” Vopr Onkol 1988; 34(3):3; pg 19-22.
Kuzmina EG, Degtiareva AA, Zubova ND, Guseva LI, Klimanov ME. “Effectiveness of various therapeutic schemes for
patients with radiation edema of the extremities.” Med Radiol 1987; 32(3); pg. 18-22.
Dundee JW, Ghaly RG, Fitzpatrick KT, Abram WP, Lynch GA. “Acupuncture prophylaxis of cancer chemotherapy-
induced sickness.” JR Soc Med 1989; 82(5); pg. 268-271.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. “Acupuncture Information and Resources.” [Online].
Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Acupuncture." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
National Institutes of Health. “Frequently Asked Questions About Acupuncture.” Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of
Health, 1997.
Alexander Technique
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. The Alexander
Technique should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does the Alexander Technique involve? Matthias Alexander, an Australian actor, developed the
Alexander Technique in the late 1800s. The technique focuses on muscle control and body mechanics.
The goal of the Alexander Technique is correct poor body mechanics that lead to poor posture, body
strain and tension. 1
How is the Alexander Technique thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? The
improvement of posture and body movement can relieve muscle strain, aches and pains resulting from
bad body mechanics and has the potential to increase relaxation. 2 The Alexander Technique is not a
curative therapy but may be helpful in alleviating the anxiety many cancer patients experience. By
relieving stress, the body’s immune system and, therefore, resistance to disease may be heightened.
What has been proven about the benefit of the Alexander Technique? There is little scientific
evidence proving the value of this therapy aside from the many positive testimonials of people who have
used the technique.
What is the potential risk or harm of the Alexander Technique? This technique is not harmful and
may be considered safe for everyone.
How much does this therapy cost? Costs will vary based on the number of sessions of instruction
necessary and whether instruction occurs in an individual or group setting.
The Alexander Technique: How to Use Your Body Without Stress. Wilfred Barlow, M.D. Healing
Arts Press, 1991.
Whole Health MD (2000). "Therapies - Alexander Technique." [Online]. Available WWW:,1525,665,00.html. Accessed December 12, 2001.
Whole Health MD (2000). "Therapies - Alexander Technique." [Online]. Available WWW:,1525,665,00.html. Accessed December 12, 2001.
Aloe Vera
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with aloe vera treatments.
What does aloe vera therapy involve? Many of the 200 known species of aloe have been used as
herbal medicines. The best known species, aloe vera, has traditionally been used in a topical gel form to
treat dry or damaged skin, burns and cuts. Since the 1930s, aloe has been used for the treatment of skin
reactions resulting from radiation therapy. 1
How is aloe vera thought to treat cancer? Some proponents claim that aloe strengthens the immune
system by acting directly on abnormal cells, thus preventing or treating cancer. Acemannan, an active
compound found in aloe, has been reported to be a potent immune stimulant. It is thought to work by
increasing macrophage activity, an immune system cell, as well as releasing immune system enhancers. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of aloe vera? Clinical animal research has shown
encouraging results in some skin tumors. In 1991, the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved aloe
vera as an adjunctive treatment for fibrosarcomas in dogs and cats. 3 However, in the one human study
reviewed by the University of Texas Center for Alternative Medicine, no positive responses were
reported for radiation- induced dermatitis. At this time, there is no clinical evidence of efficacy of aloe
vera as a cancer treatment. Currently, the American Cancer Society does not endorse the use of aloe
vera as a cancer treatment and states “used as a cancer treatment, [it] is dangerous and may even be
deadly. 4
What is known about the potential risk or harm of aloe vera? Side effects of aloe use include
contact dermatitis, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and electrolyte balance. Several deaths
attributed to aloe vera injections for cancer treatment have been reported. 5 ,6
How much does aloe vera cost? One gallon of aloe costs around $20. One gallon yields
approximately 32 servings.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Aloe." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
Murray, M ichael T. The Healing Power of Herbs. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1995; pg. 35.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic - Aloe." [Online]. Available
810100508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 18,
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Aloe." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Aloe." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic - Aloe." [Online]. Available
810100508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 18,
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with antineoplaston therapy.
What does antineoplaston therapy involve? Antineoplastons, proteins that occur naturally in the
body, were first identified by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski. Because Dr. Burzynski found these proteins in
the blood and urine of healthy people, but not in cancer patients, he reasoned that antineoplastons may
help control the growth of cancer. Currently, antineoplastons are administered intravenously through a
catheter inserted in a central venous line. A pump infuses the medications at scheduled intervals. 1 The
duration of treatment depends on the patient's response.
How is antineoplaston therapy thought to treat cancer? According to Dr. Burzynski, antineoplastons
are a part of the human body's natural biochemical defense system. 2 He hypothesized that these peptides
inhibit cancer cell growth by causing cancer cells to grow normally instead of uncontrollably. Dr.
Burzynski believes antineoplastons function as "biochemical microswitches;" turning off oncogenes that
are thought to cause cancer while turning on tumor suppressor genes that stop it. 3
What has been proven about the benefit of antineoplaston therapy? After a review of Dr.
Burzynski's best cases in 1991, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) determined that there was
presumptive evidence of antitumor activity. Protocols were developed and begun in 1993 with input
from the NCI and Dr. Burzynski. However, in 1995, the studies were closed prior to completion
because a consensus could not be achieved with Dr. Burzynski on proposed changes in the protocol. 4
No conclusions could be made at that time about the effectiveness or toxicity of antineoplastons due to
the small study population. Since that time, Dr. Burzynski has received a treatment IND for permission
to study antineoplastons from the FDA. Currently, the Burzynski Clinic is conducting 72 FDA-
approved clinical trials of antineoplastons for various cancer types. As patients are treated and
responses are reported, the value of this treatment will finally be known. However, until there is
documented evidence from carefully controlled studies of the efficacy of antineoplastons, the American
Cancer Society urges cancer patients to treat their disease with proven methods of treatment. 5
What is the potential risk or harm of antineoplaston therapy? Antineoplastons are well tolerated by
most patients but they do have side effects. These side effects include nausea, vomiting, stomach gas,
slight rashes, chills, fever, joint and muscle pain, changes in blood pressure and an unpleasant body
How much does antineoplaston therapy cost? Before consultation with Dr. Burzynski, an initial
deposit of $6000 is required from all patients. Treatment costs run between $7,000 and $9,500 a
month. 6 The duration is usually between four and twelve months depending on the patient's response.
Treatment with antineoplastons occurs at the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, TX on an outpatient basis.
Travel and housing costs are not included in the treatment fee. A few insurance companies will pay for
treatment with antineoplastons but the majority do not.
Burzynski Patient Group. "Some Interesting Facts." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Antineoplastons." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
Burzynski Patient Group. "Antineoplaston Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
National Cancer Institute (2001). "Cancer Facts - Antineoplastons." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Antineoplastons." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
Burzynski Patient Group. "Treatment Expenses." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health.
Aromatherapy should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does aromatherapy involve? Natural, highly concentrated, pure oils that result from
distilling flowering plants are used in aromatherapy. Oils from plants are grouped together by
the physical and emotional effects they are thought to produce. Aromatherapists use as many as
40 different highly concentrated oils to treat physical and mental ailments patients experience.
Therapeutic techniques with essential oils include skin massage, inhalation of humidifier steam
and soaking in a fragrant bathtub. 1
What has been proven about the benefit of aromatherapy? While there is no scientific proof,
there are many reported benefits of essential oils, which include stimulation of the immune
system, improved resistance to infection and relief from stress and depression. For example,
rose fragrance is believed to improve appetite, aid digestion and tone the stomach, liver and
spleen. It is known that small traces of a scent can activate nerve cells in the nasal cavity that
trigger the olfactory and limbic areas of the brain. The limbic system is the memory and emotion
center of the brain. Most doctors believe whatever relief might be provided by aromatherapy
stems from an emotional response to the scents rather than any physiological effects. 2
What is the potential risk or harm of aromatherapy? Essential oils should only be used
externally. Toxicity may result if the oils are swallowed. Prolonged exposure to essential oils
may cause allergic reactions. Excessive inhalation of fragrant vapors can cause headache,
fatigue and bronchial spasms. If you have asthma, consult your physician before using
How much does aromatherapy cost? Costs for an appointment with a certified aromatherapist
will vary. Patients can use essential oils as a self- help remedy at home, which will reduce the
cost significantly.
Web site:
Aromatherapy to Heal and Tend the Body. Robert Tisserand. Santa Fe, NM: Lotus Light press,
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Aromatherapy." [Online]. Available WWW: O. Accessed
December 13, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Aromatherapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
13, 2001.
Art Therapy
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Art therapy
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does art therapy involve? Art therapy is based on the idea that a creative act is
therapeutic and part of the healing process. 1 Patients are given tools to paint, draw or sculpt and
are encouraged to engage in a creative, expressive, independent art project.
How is art therapy thought to improve wellness and optimize overall health? Propone nts of
this therapy believe that the uninhibited expression of feelings and emotions through art may
help to release the fear, anxiety and anger many cancer patients experience. 2 Art can also be
viewed as a distraction to the pain and discomfort of disease, allowing patients relief from stress
and increased well-being. By relieving stress, the body’s immune system and, therefore,
resistance to disease may be heightened.
What has been proven about the benefit of art therapy? There is little research available
about the benefit of art therapy, but because of increasing patient interest, art therapy is
frequently offered as a rehabilitation option through many medical centers. Some
neurophysiologists report that art, prayer and healing are all associated with similar brain wave
patterns and stem from the same body source. Art therapy's proponents believe that the creative
energy stimulated by the project contributes to the healing process.
What is the potential risk or harm of art therapy? There is little or no harm associated with
this activity.
How much does art therapy cost? Costs will vary depending on where this therapy takes
place. Art therapists work in hospitals, out-patient facilities, clinics, private offices and art
facilities. It is also easy to practice art therapy at home. Patients must purchase supplies, which
can be found at any art supply store.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Art Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 13, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Art Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 13, 2001.
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Ayurveda
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What is Ayurveda and what does it involve? Ayurveda is an ancient traditional medicine,
lifestyle and philosophy of India. Ayurvedic medicine, similar to traditional Chinese medicine,
is based on a life force and the pursuit of balance between the body, mind and nature. 1 Illness is
believed to be the absence of physical, emotional and spiritual harmony. 2 Its emphasis is on
preventing disease and maintaining good health. Ayurvedic practitioners use diagnostic
techniques, such as examination of the pulse, tongue, face, lips, nails and eyes, to monitor the
disease process. Treatment programs usually include an individualized diet, body detoxification
through the use of fasting and enemas, meditation, yoga, counseling and spiritual therapy.
How is Ayurveda thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Ayurvedic
practitioners' goal is to bring about well-being, prevent disease and ensure harmony of body and
mind by aligning patients' lifestyles with their personal characteristics and medical histories. 3
Certain aspects of this healing system, such as meditation, massage and yoga, have been shown
to enhance quality of life, reduce stress and tension and improve general well-being. 4 Ayurvedic
medicine's emphasis on self-care and prevention is consistent with many health maintenance
programs designed to promote wellness and optimize health. Many of Ayurvedic medicine's
principles can easily be used in conjunction with allopathic medicine.
What has been proven about the benefit of Ayurveda? While Ayurveda is not recognized in
the United States as a licensed treatment therapy much research is underway to study its efficacy.
According to a report by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one clinical study showed that
in 79% of cases, the health of patients with various chronic diseases improved measurably after
Ayurvedic treatment. 5 Laboratory and clinical studies have suggested that some Ayurvedic
herbal preparations may have the potential to prevent and treat certain cancers, including breast,
lung and colon cancers. However, randomized clinical trials in humans are needed to make
conclusions about the role of Ayurveda in cancer prevention and treatment. The National Cancer
Institute (NCI) has added several Ayurvedic herbal compounds to its list of potential anticancer
agents and has funded a series of laboratory studies to evaluate two Ayurvedic herbal remedies
(called MAK-4 and MAK-5).6 Their decision was based on preliminary laboratory studies
indicating that the two medicines significantly inhibited growth of cancer cells from human and
rat tumors. However, until there is documented evidence from carefully controlled studies of the
efficacy of Ayurvedic herbal remedies, the American Cancer Society urges cancer patients to
treat their disease with proven methods of treatment. Ayurvedic health maintenance principles,
such as yoga, meditation and counseling, can be used in conjunction with conventional cancer
care safely.
What is the potential risk or harm of Ayurveda? Some elements of Ayurveda, such as blood-
letting, bowel purging and induced vomiting, have not been shown to have any benefit and can
lead to serious medical complications. Fasting and purging can speed up degenerative processes
in cancer patients. There is very little known about Ayurvedic herbal medicines. Check with a
pharmacist or medical doctor before taking any medications.
How much does Ayurvedic medicine cost? Costs will vary with the practitioner.
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Deepak Chopra, M.D. New York, NY: Harmony Books, 1993.
Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing. Vasant Lad. Wilmont, WI: Lotus Press, 1984.
Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide. Deepak Chopra, M.D. New York, NY:
Harmony Books, 1991
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Ayurveda." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 13, 2001.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998;
pg. 22.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Comp any, 1998;
pg. 23.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Ayurveda." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 13, 2001.
Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons. A Report to the National Institutes of Health on Alternative
Medical Systems and Practices in the United States. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office; 1994. NIH
publication 94-066.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Ayurveda." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 13, 2001.
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Biofeedback should
be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does biofeedback involve? Biofeedback involves training the mind to gain control over
physiological reactions that are ordinarily involuntary and automatic through "feedback" information.
Biofeedback uses electronic equipment to measure body functions such as respiratory rate, perspiration,
blood pressure, heart rate and skin temperature. By developing voluntary control techniques to change
those body functions, patients can reduce or eliminate symptoms. As patients attempt to control these
functions, the electronic equipment allows them to monitor their efforts.
How is biofeedback thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? By learning to
control various biological functions, biofeedback can help reduce stress and tension, lessen pain and
promote relaxation. With proper training, one can reduce or eliminate symptoms and replace feelings of
helplessness with a sense of control over his/her health. 1 Biofeedback can teach individuals, whether
afflicted with cancer or not, techniques for living a healthier life overall. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of biofeedback? While biofeedback is not a curative
therapy, research shows that it can help relieve a wide range of symptoms cancer patients experience,
such as tension, stress, depression and pain. 3 Biofeedback has also proven useful in retraining,
reconditioning and strengthening muscles after surgery, restoring loss of control due to pain or nerve
damage and overcoming urinary or bowel incontinence. 4
What is the potential risk or harm of biofeedback? There is no known medical risk in using
biofeedback, a noninvasive therapy. The small amount of electricity used to produce readings on the
electronic equipment may affect a pacemaker, although no problems have been reported to date.
How much does biofeedback cost? Fees from a visit with a biofeedback therapist can range from $35
to $85 per session depending on the therapist's experience and the patient's ability to pay. Many major
medical policies will reimburse the biofeedback fee. The course of therapy is usually ten sessions. 5
Trained biofeedback technicians will help patients interpret the signals picked up by the electronic
equipment. After a few sessions, they often recommend physical and mental exercises to help patients
gain the control they desire.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 119.
Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. "What is Biofeedback." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Biofeedback." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14,
Yahoo! Incorportated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Biofeedback." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14, 2001.
Worldworks, Unlimited (1999). "Biofeedback: The Process." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14, 2001.
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with Cancell therapy.
What does Cancell treatment involve? Cancell, also known as Entelev, Cantron, Jim's Juice, Crocinic
Acid and Sheridan's Formula, is a dark brown liquid consisting of chemicals (sulfuric acid, nitric acid,
potassium hydroxide, sodium sulfite) envisioned by James Sheridan, a chemist. Sheridan said the idea
came to him in a dream inspired by God. 1 Cancell can by administered both internally and externally.
In order to obtain Cancell, it is necessary for patients to have "a letter from their physician and a signed
statement with proof that the cancer condition is terminal."2
How is Cancell thought to treat cancer? Proponents of Cancell have proposed two different
hypotheses to explain how Cancell functions. One is that in the "cancer relationship," cellular proteins
become less differentiated. Cancell causes cancer cells to return to their "primitive state" and self-
destruct. The second hypothesis is that cancer is caused by a mutated anaerobic cell that causes
electrical and chemical damage. Cancell changes the vibrational frequency and energy of cancer cells
until they reach the "primitive state," and subsequently self-destruct. The cellular waste material then
passes out of the body any way it can, and the cancer cells are replaced with normal healthy cells.
What has been proven about the benefit of Cancell treatment? There is no evidence that Cancell
works against cancer. 3 The National Cancer Institute conducted laboratory and animal tests on Cancell
in 1978, 1980 and 1991, and no anti-cancer activity has been found. Although patient testimonials have
been offered, no clinical trials have been done to show effectiveness of Cancell.
What is the potential risk or harm of Cancell treatment? According to the FDA, Cancell is not
produced in conformity with good manufacturing practices and is considered to be adulterated,
misbranded and inadequately labeled. 4 The composition and potency may vary from batch to batch, and
the bottles fail to carry warnings or directions. Patients may experience temporary, moderate fatigue
and flu- like symptoms after ingestion. 5
How much does the therapy cost? Cancell was provided free of charge to patients with serious forms
of cancer because its formula was received through "divine inspiration." The FDA now holds a
permanent injunction against the makers of Cancell to ensure that Cancell is no longer manufactured,
distributed or advocated by its developers. 6
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998;
pg. 161.
Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project. "Guide to unconventional cancer therapies." 1st ed.
Toronto: Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project, 1994:264-265.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Cancell." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Cancell." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
18, 2001.
CA (Anonymous). "Questionable methods of cancer management: Cancell/Entelev." CA: a Cancer Journal for
Clinicians, 1993 Jan-Feb; 43(1):57-62.
National Cancer Institute and National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2001). “Questions
and Answers about Cancell/Entelev.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with cartilage therapy.
What does cartilage therapy involve? Cartilage is a type of connective tissue found between bones
and joints of animals and humans. 1 Cartilage for therapeutic use is derived from cattle, sheep, sharks
and chickens, dried and crushed into a fine powder. Cartilage is given either orally in pill or powder
form or as an enema. The American Cancer Society reports that cartilage taken orally does not have any
effect on cancer because the active protein molecules in these products are too large to be broken down
and absorbed by the human gut. 2 Because the recommended daily dose is very high (60 to 90 grams)
and has a bad taste, many people prefer to take cartilage by enema.
How is cartilage thought to treat cancer? Angiogenesis is the process in which new blood vessels
form and grow to support tissue. Because cancerous tumors require a network of blood vessels to
survive and grow, angiogenesis is one of the first steps in the process of metastasis. Proponents believe
that cartilage contains anti-angiogenesis factors that cut off the supply of blood and nutrients to
cancerous tumors and ultimately kills them by stopping their growth.
What has been proven about the benefit of cartilage? During the 1970s and 1980s, researchers
identified anti-angiogenesis factors within cartilage. Investigators at the National Cancer Institute
suggest that a class of proteins found in cartilage and bone block the actions of specific enzymes that
help tumor cells invade healthy tissue. 3 However, it is still not known which proteins are responsible for
this effect. The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center performed an extensive human
studies literature review of cartilage and found ten studies applicable to cancer. 4 The studies had
variable results, some reporting no response at all and others reporting tumor disappearance. The
American Cancer Society reports that in November 1998, a large clinical trial of shark cartilage as a
cancer treatment was published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. The study found no benefit for this
remedy against cancer. 5 In fact, in June 2000, the Federal Trade Commission ordered shark cartilage
manufacturers to stop making unsubstantiated claims that their products have cancer-fighting abilities,
and fined them $1 million for false advertising. Currently, two large trials sponsored by the NCI are
underway for further testing.
What is the potential risk or harm of cartilage therapy? The FDA deemed cartilage as non-toxic.
However, when taken orally, it may cause nausea and indigestion. Because cartilage may inhibit new
blood vessel growth, patients who are still growing and/or need blood vessel development, such as
children, patients recovering from surgery and patients with cardiovascular problems, are advised
against this treatment. Patients with a low white blood cell count (neutropenia) should not take cartilage
enemas because of the threat of infection. 6
How much does cartilage cost? Cost of cartilage will vary depending on the manufacturer. One
hundred capsules may cost approximately $100. This therapy is not reimbursed by insurance. 7
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions Shark Cartilage." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions Shark Cartilage." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic - Cartilage."
[Online]. Available WWW:
11D5-810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed
December 18, 2001.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic - Cartilage."
[Online]. Available WWW:
11D5-810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed
December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions Shark Cartilage." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions Shark Cartilage." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic - Cartilage."
[Online]. Available WWW:
11D5-810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed
December 18, 2001.
Cat's Claw
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with cat’s claw treatment.
What does cat's claw treatment involve? Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) is a plant most often
imported from the rainforests of Peru. Its inner bark is used for a variety of medicinal purposes
including cancer and tumors. 1 Cat's claw can be taken as a liquid, capsule or tea.
How is cat's claw thought to treat cancer? Cat's claw contains a group of alkaloids that are thought to
possess anti-cancer and antitumor activity and stimulate the immune system. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of cat's claw? Cat's claw's role in improving the immune
system in cancer patients has been recently reported. Many of the alkaloids in cat's claw have
demonstrated immunostimulant properties in the laboratory. 3 The University of Texas M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center performed a human studies literature review of cat's claw and found three studies relevant
to cancer. The evidence for the efficacy of cat's claw was inconclusive due to the small study
What is the potential risk or harm of cat's claw? Though little published data exists, no serious side
effects have been reported, and cat's claw is considered low in toxicity. 4 However cat’s claw may
block platelets from forming clots, so concurrent use with other blood thinning drugs, such as aspirin, is
not recommended. 5
How much does cat's claw cost? The cost of cat's claw varies with the product formulation. Prices
begin at $6.00 for capsules and $6.00 per ounce for liquids. 6
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Cat's
Claw." [Online]. Available WWW:
810100508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December
18, 2001.
Blumenthal M. "Una de Gato (Cat's Claw): Rainforest herb gets scientific and industry attention." Whole Foods
(Herb Clip). 1995:62-65.
Anonymous. "Cat's Claw." The Lawrence Review of Natural Products. 1996:1-3.
Anonymous. "Cat's Claw." The Lawrence Review of Natural Products. 1996:1-3.
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Cat's
Claw." [Online]. Available WWW:
810100508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December
18, 2001.
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Cat's
Claw." [Online]. Available WWW:
810100508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December
18, 2001.
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with chaparral therapy.
What does chaparral therapy involve? Chaparral is an herb made from the leaves of a desert shrub,
the creosote bush (Larrea divericata Coville). Chaparral is a traditional Native American remedy for
wounds, infections, rheumatism, tuberculosis and cancer, among others. For cancer treatment, chaparral
leaves and stems are steeped in hot water to make a tea. The therapy involves drinking one to three cups
per day or taking the herb in tablet form.
What has been proven about the benefit of chaparral? Early studies of NDGA showed it was able to
inhibit the growth of some cancer cells in rats. 2 Human studies were not successful and concerns about
NDGA's toxicity increased after lesions on the kidneys and lymph nodes of animals were found. As a
result, the FDA removed from it’s "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) list in 1968. 3
What is the potential risk or harm of chaparral? Chaparral is toxic to liver. Between 1992 and
1994, the FDA received eighteen reports of chaparral-associated illness, thirteen of which involved liver
toxicity. 4 In two cases, it has caused liver failure requiring liver transplantation. The American Cancer
Society does not believe that chaparral is a useful cancer treatment. 5
How much does chaparral cost? Cost varies from $40 to $90 a bottle. It can be found at various
health food stores.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Chaparral." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18,
Viable Herbal Solutions. "Chaparral." [Online]. Available WWW: .
Accessed December 18, 2001.
Tyler, Varro E. The Honest Herbal. New York, NY: Haworth Press, Inc., 1993; pg. 87.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Chaparral." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18,
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Chaparral." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18,
Chelation Therapy
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with chelation therapy.
What does chelation therapy involve? Chelates are chemicals that are used to bind toxic heavy metals
in the bloodstream and are later excreted in the urine. Chelation therapy is an accepted and FDA-
approved therapy for lead poisoning. Recently, some alternative practitioners have promoted chelation
therapy as an anti-cancer treatment. The therapy consists of an intravenous infusion of the chelating
agent disodium EDTA given over a three and one half- hour period. Usually twenty to thirty treatments
are given at the rate of one to three sessions per week. 1
How is chelation therapy thought to treat cancer? Some implicate heavy metal toxicity as a
contributing cause of cancer. Heavy metals propagate free-radical reactions and, as a result, may
suppress the immune system. Chelation therapy is thought to improve circulation throughout the body,
reduce misplaced soft-tissue calcification, reduce free-radical pathology and increase oxygen to cells by
binding to toxic heavy metals. Proponents of chelation therapy believe that by reducing the body's free-
radical load, chelation therapy enhances the immune system and the ability to fight cancer. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of chelation therapy? No research to date supports
chelation therapy as a treatment option for anything other than heavy metal poisoning. The American
Cancer Society, FDA, American Heart Association, American Medical Association, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, American Osteopathic Association and the American Academy of Family
Physicians have all endorsed this view. 3
What is the potential risk or harm of chelation therapy? Reported side effects have included bone
marrow damage, kidney failure, irregular heart rhythm, severe inflammation of injection sites, anemia
and death. 4
How much does chelation therapy cost? The average total cost of chelation therapy is about $3000 to
Cowden, W.L., Diamond, W.J. and Goldberg, B. Definitive Guide to Cancer. Tiburon, CA: Future Medicine Publishing,
Inc., 1997; pg. 129.
Cowden, W.L., Diamond, W.J. and Goldberg, B. Definitive Guide to Cancer. Tiburon, CA: Future Medicine Publishing,
Inc., 1997; pg. 498.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Chelation Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 19, 2001.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 177.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 177.
This treatment modality is thought to manage symptoms of cancer, side effects from conventional
therapies and/or control pain. Chiropractic therapy should be used with, not in place of, standard
cancer therapy.
What does chiropractic treatment involve? Chiropractic is a system that believes all illness stems
from underlying blockages of nerve bundles inside the spinal cord. A chiropractor seeks to treat illness
by finding any misalignment or irregularity in the spine and physically manipulating the vertebrae
(bones of the spinal cord) to bring back healthy, unblocked nerve function. Chiropractors do not treat
illness directly. Instead, they seek to correct the spine-related cause of the illness. 1 Other techniques
chiropractors perform include tissue manipulation, trigger-point manipulation and deep tissue massage.
How is chiropractic treatment thought to manage specific symptoms of cancer, side effects of
conventional therapies and/or control pain? While not a curative therapy for cancer, proponents
claim chiropractic can help to control headaches, tension, lower back pain, muscle pain, promote
relaxation and stress reduction. 2
What has be en proven about the benefit of chiropractic treatment? Chiropractic has long drawn
criticism from the mainstream medical community for its failure to provide scientific proof of its
effectiveness. However, there is growing proof of chiropractic manipulation's efficacy for lower back
pain. As a result chiropractic is growing and gaining respectability among the medical community. To
date, there is no scientific confirmation of effectiveness of chiropractic treatment for any ailment other
than lower back pain. 3 However, the NIH's National Center for Complementary and Alternative
Medicine now supports the Consortial Center for Chiropractic Research, which will investigate
chiropractic treatment for a variety of ailments.
What is the potential risk or harm of chiropractic treatment? Serious side effects from chiropractic
are rare. However, chiropractic is not recommended for patients with bone cancer and diseases of the
spinal cord and bone marrow.
How much does chiropractic treatment cost? On average, a course of treatment consists of four visits
per week for two weeks. 4 Chiropractors are licensed in all fifty states, and their services are covered by
many insurance plans, including Medicare.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Chiropractic." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18,
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Chiropractic." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18,
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Chiropractic." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Chiropractic." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
Coenzyme Q10
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with coenzyme Q10 therapy.
What does therapy with coenzyme Q10 involve? Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally occurring enzyme
found in the body. It is a catalyst that promotes chemical reactions in the body without being used up or
altered by the reaction. Coenzyme Q10 is available in tablets, capsules or oil-based gelcaps.
How is coenzyme Q10 thought to treat cancer? The major functions of coenzyme Q10 are as an
antioxidant to protect cells from damage by oxygen and a stimulator of both cellular respiration and
immune functioning. It is believed by proponents that cancer patients lack coenzyme Q10 in their
blood. 1 Coenzyme Q10 is thought to inhibit oxidation, stimulate the immune system and induce tumor
What has been proven about the benefit of coenzyme Q10 ? Deficiencies in coenzyme Q10 have been
documented in cancer patients. 2 Coenzyme Q10 deficiencies have also been associated with heart
damage from Adriamycin chemotherapy treatment for cancer. 3 Two different studies suggest that
coenzyme Q10 provides protection against Adriamycin and lovastatin cardiotoxicity. 4 The University of
Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center conducted an extensive human studies literature review of
coenzyme Q10 and found twenty- five studies applicable to cancer. After review of the available studies,
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center reports that coenzyme Q10 may provide beneficial results as an adjunct
cancer therapy through anti-oxidant and immune system enhancing properties. 5
What is the potential risk or harm of coenzyme Q10 therapy? Side effects have rarely been reported,
but headache, heartburn, fatigue, diarrhea, skin reactions and increased voluntary movement may occur. 6
How much does coenzyme Q10 cost? Two hundred capsules of coenzyme Q10 cost approximately
$100.7 They can be purchased at a variety of pharmacies and natural food stores.
BC Cancer Agency (2000). "Coenzyme Q/Ubiquinone." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 19, 2001.
Folkers K, Osterborg A, Nylander M, Morita M, Mellstedt H. "Activities of vitamin Q10 in animal models and a serious
deficiency in patients with cancer." Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1997; 234:296-299.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Coenzyme Q10 ." [Online].
Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Coenzyme Q10 ." [Online].
Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Coenzyme Q10 ." [Online].
Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Coenzyme Q10 ." [Online].
Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Coenzyme Q10 ." [Online].
Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
Coley Toxins
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with Coley toxin therapy.
What does Coley toxin therapy involve? Coley toxins were developed by William B. Coley, MD, in
1890 and fall within the realm of immunotherapy. According to available historical background
literature, after reviewing one hundred cases of sarcoma treated in his hospital, Dr. Coley noted that
patients who developed infections fared better than those who did not. Dr. Coley mixed toxins of the
streptococcus and bacillus prodigious bacteria and administered them to patients. Regressions of cancer
were noted by Dr. Coley, but the treatment fell out of disuse with the advent of chemotherapy.
Currently Coley toxins are administered intravenously and now include exotoxins, enzymes, proteins
and endotoxin from both S. pyogenes and S. marcescens. 1 The combined toxins are only legal in the
U.S. if prepared and administered in a physician's office.
How are Coley toxins thought to treat cancer? Coley toxins are designed to stimulate the immune
system to better fight existing malignant cells and enhance survival.
What has been proven about the benefit of Coley toxins? The University of Texas M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center conducted an extensive human studies literature review and found thirty studies
applicable to cancer. Used in conjunction with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, Coley toxins
appear to have a greater response than when used alone. 2 Mechanisms of antitumor effects are reported
to include the induction of interferon, augmentation of natural killer cell activity, stimulation of
lymphoid tissues, activation of macrophages, induction of serum factors that cause necrosis of tumors
and increased release of IL-2. 3
What is the potential risk or harm of Coley toxin therapy? Side effects to Coley toxins include fever
and nausea and, less commonly, headache, back pain, chills, angina and shock- like reactions.
Overwhelming the immune system with Coley toxins might cause a serious infection. 4
How much does Coley toxin therapy cost? An adaptation of Coley toxins is administered to patients
at the Waisbren Clinic in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dose schedules and costs vary with individual
patients, but recently one injection of mixed bacterial vaccine cost $75. 5 The cost per year is between
$3,000 and $8,000. 6
Waisbren Clinic
Web site:
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems -Coley Toxins." [Online].
Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems -Coley Toxins." [Online].
Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
Tang ZY, et al. "Preliminary result of mixed bacterial vaccine as adjuvant treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma." Medical
Oncology and Tumor Pharmacotherapy 1991; 8:23-28.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems -Coley Toxins." [Online].
Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems -Coley Toxins." [Online].
Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems -Coley Toxins." [Online].
Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
Coriolus Versicolor
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with coriolus versicolor treatment.
What does coriolus versicolor treatment involve? Coriolus versicolor is a mushroom used in Asian
cultures to treat cancer. Its active ingredient can be administered as a tea or in capsules.
How is coriolus versicolor thought to tre at cancer? The coriolus versicolor mushroom has shown
antimicrobial, antiviral and antitumor properties, which have been attributed to a protein-bound
polysaccharide called Polysaccharide K (PSK), also known as Krestin. 1 In Japan, PSK is currently used
as a cancer treatment, in conjunction with surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of coriolus versicolor? Animal studies have reported that
PSK prevents the induction of tumors by chemicals, radiation and other mutagens. 3 The University of
Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center performed an extensive human studies literature review of coriolus
versicolor and found twenty- four studies relevant to cancer. After an in-depth review of the available
literature, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center reported that PSK is a "promising candidate for
chemoprevention due to the multiple effects on the malignant process, limited side effects and safety of
daily oral doses for extended periods of time."4
What is the potential risk or harm of coriolus versicolor treatment? Side effects of coriolus
versicolor treatment are not expected. However, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin pigmentation,
anorexia, anemia, liver dysfunction, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia have been reported.
How much does coriolus versicolor treatment cost? Retail cost of PSK is from $120 to $160 for a 30
day supply of 150 capsules. 5
Sakagami H and Takeda M. "Diverse biological activity of PSK (Krestin), a protein-bound polysaccharide obtained from
basidiomycetes: an overview." Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 1993; 4:275-281.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic - Coriolus Versicolor."
[Online]. Available WWW:
810100508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic - Coriolus Versicolor."
[Online]. Available WWW:
810100508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic - Coriolus Versicolor."
[Online]. Available WWW:
Craniosacral Therapy
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Craniosacral
therapy should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does craniosacral therapy involve? Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, noninvasive touch therapy.
It is similar to chiropractic, but it deals only with the craniosacral system, which includes the membranes
and cerebrospinal fluid that surround the brain and spinal cord. 1 Craniosacral therapists examine the
system's "rhythm" for balance restrictions or blockages that are believed to cause pain and dysfunction
throughout the body. Cranio sacral massage is performed on the bones of the skull and spine to increase
the natural flow of cerebrospinal fluid and relieve stress in the skull and membranes surrounding the
How does craniosacral therapy promote wellness and optimize overall he alth? Proponents believe
that the craniosacral system influences overall health and well-being. Massaging the craniosacral
system is thought to restore balance to the central nervous system and the immune system so that the
body will be able to function again in good health. Many patients enjoy the prolonged hands-on
attention of a craniosacral therapist and find the treatments enhance their well-being, ease tension and
relax muscles.
What has been proven about the benefit of craniosacral therapy? There is no scientific evidence
that supports the basic ideas on which craniosacral therapy is based. 2 While craniosacral therapists state
that they measure and alter craniosacral rhythms, there is no proof that these rhythms actually exist.
Craniosacral the rapy should not be thought of as a curative treatment for cancer. However, some
patients report reduced stress and tension, muscle relaxation and alleviation of headaches. 3
What is the potential risk or harm of craniosacral therapy? Craniosacral therapy is considered
harmless for most people. Patients should forego craniosacral therapy if they have a known or suspected
brain hemorrhage or aneurysm or any other condition where altering the pressure of the cerebrospinal
fluid would not be recommended.
How much does craniosacral therapy cost? Cost will vary with the practitioner.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Craniosacral Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW Accessed
December 14, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Craniosacral Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW Accessed
December 14, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Craniosacral Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW Accessed
December 14, 2001.
Crystal Healing
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Crystal healing
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does crystal healing involve? Crystal healing is the belief that certain stones and crystals contain
special healing energy that can be transferred into people to provide protection against illness and
disease and provide spiritual guidance. 1 This healing energy is transferred by touching, wearing or
placing the crystal on ailing parts of the body. Crystal healing also involves placing stones around the
home, carrying them in a pocket, wearing them around the neck and touching them as the need arises. 2
A visit to a crystal healer involves the placement of various stones and crystals on acupoints or chakras,
as identified by acupuncture and Ayurvedic medicine respectively, to restore vital energy within the
How is crystal healing thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Proponents of
crystal healing believe that crystals and stones of different colors have different properties. These
properties include the ability to purify the blood, calm the mind and revive energy. The main value of
crystals is the ability for those who believe in their healing powers to let go of negative emotions, reduce
stress and calm anxieties.
What has been proven about the benefit of crystal healing? While formal research on the healing
power of crystals has never been performed, there is no evidence or rationale that a crystal or stone can
treat illness or aid healing. The placebo response may account for the benefits that do occur (see
Appendix E for information on the placebo response).
What is the potential risk or harm of crystal healing? There is no intrinsic harm in using crystal
healing to boost spirits and improve well-being.
How much does crystal healing cost? Visits to crystal healers and the purchase of stones and crystals
will vary with the practitioner and crystal shop owner, respectively.
American Cancer Society (2001). “Making Treatment Decisions - Crystals.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14, 2001.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 295.
Electromagnetic Therapy
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with electromagnetic therapy.
How is electromagnetic therapy thought to treat cancer? Electricity and magnetic energy exist in the
human body. Proponents of electromagnetic therapy believe that when electromagnetic fields of energy
within the body become unbalanced, they disrupt the body's chemical makeup resulting in disease and
illness. Practitioners of electromagnetic therapy believe that they can rebalance these energy fields by
applying external electrical energy.
What has been proven about the benefit of electromagnetic therapy? Although many proponents
make claims about its value, there is no scientific evidence available that any electromagnetic therapies
work. The human body cannot exist without its own internal electricity energy system to ensure
heartbeat and muscle contraction, but it is unknown whether applying an external electrical source can
help cancer patients. There is also no conclusive evidence that application of magnets to the skin can
relieve pain, infection, stress or insomnia. 2
How much does electromagnetic therapy cost? Costs will vary depending on which electrical device
is used and whether treatment is done at home or in a practitioner's office.
Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute
2490 West Moana Lane
Reno, NV 89509
Telephone: 775-827-9099
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Electromagnetic Therapies." [Online]. Available
Accessed December 19, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Magnetic Field Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
19, 2001.
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with Essiac therapy.
What does Essiac therapy involve? Essiac, an herbal formula, was first provided to cancer patients in
1922 by Renée Caisse, (Essiac is Caisse spelled backwards) a Canadian nurse. Caisse claimed to have
learned of this tonic from a woman who had recovered from breast cancer after receiving a remedy from
an Ojibwa medicine man. Essiac is comprised of four herbs: Turkish Rhubarb, Slippery Elm bark,
Sheep Sorrel and Burdock root. During her life, Caisse would never release the original formula and
concentrations, so it is unknown if the Essiac sold today in health-food stores is the original formula.
How is Essiac thought to treat cancer? Caisse believed that the original Essiac formula worked by
attacking the tumor directly, first hardening it, then softening it, causing it to break up and be eliminated
by the body. 1 Another view is that the Essiac herbs have a strengthe ning and cleansing function,
supporting the body in resisting cancer. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of Essiac? The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center conducted an extensive human studies literature review of Essiac and found four studies
applicable to cancer. However, there have been no clinical trials concerning the use of Essiac for the
treatment of cancer in people. Most of the information available is based on the testimonials of patients
who have used Essiac as a treatment. Attempts to document the effectiveness of Essiac in the U.S. and
Canada have not yielded any conclusive information. 3
What is the risk or harm of Essiac treatment? This herbal formula may act like a laxative. Other
side effects include nausea, headache, vomiting and increased urination.
How much does Essiac treatment cost? The FDA has not yet approved Essiac as a treatment for
cancer. Therefore, Essiac must be purchased at health food stores and via mail-order under various
names including Flor-Essence, Vitalitea, Tea of Life and Herbal Essence. Annual cost per patient for
one to four daily ounces is between $440 and $2,060. 4 Patients are not currently reimbursed for Essiac
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 162.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic - Essiac." [Online].
Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic - Essiac." [Online].
Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic - Essiac." [Online].
Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
Faith Healing
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Faith healing
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does faith healing involve? Faith healing is the belief that some people are able to channel
divine powers to heal injury and cure disease. Patients who seek the assistance of a faith healer must
believe strongly in the healer’s divine gifts and ability to focus them on the ill. The most commonly
encountered faith healers in the U.S. are revivalist preache rs who are viewed on paid television
programs or at revival meetings in different cities throughout the country. These preachers are highly
skilled and inspiring orators capable of creating emotionally-charged atmospheres while lifting up
prayers for healing of the disabled and ill. Faith healing also refers to pilgrimages to religious shrines by
patients seeking miracle cures. 1
How is faith healing thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Proponents of faith
healing believe that a combination of the patient’s belief in a divine power and the healer’s ability to
direct and transmit that power to the patient can heal disease. 2 Patients who possess strong beliefs that
healers can cure disease may promote their own peace of mind and allow themselves to deal more
effectively with the pain and anxiety of their illnesses.
What has been proven about the benefit of faith healing? Patients have been known to be free from
disease after visiting a faith healer or seeing one on T.V., but there is no evidence that faith healers are
capable of channeling divine powers to cure disease. Benefits may result because of the natural
progression of the illness, rarely but regularly occurring spontaneous remission or through the placebo
effect (see Appendix E).
What is the potential risk or harm of faith healing? Patients may feel guilty or unworthy if the faith
healer cannot “cure” their illnesses. Patients should be aware that many of the claims made by faith
healers are untrue and are designed to deceive large groups of people. 3
How much does faith healing cost? Healers may require a “donation” to their organizations as a fee
for their services. These fees can range from a few dollars to a few thousand dollars.
American Cancer Society (2001). “Making Treatment Decisions - Faith Healing.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14,
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 305.
American Cancer Society (2001). “Making Treatment Decisions - Faith Healing.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14,
What do fasting and juice therapies involve? Fasting, or voluntarily abstaining from food, and juice
therapy, the consumption of certain fruit and vegetable juices instead of food, are believe by supporters
to cleanse and detoxify the body internally. Fasting has long been practiced around the world as a part
of religious beliefs to purify the soul. Only recently has fasting been thought to purify the physical
How are fasting and juice therapies thought to treat cancer? Proponents believe that fasting or just
consuming certain juices aids the body in cleansing itself of toxins and impurities. The immune system
is believed by its supporters to work better, heal the body and get rid of poisons when the body's
physiologic systems have a chance to rest. 1 Juice can also provide nutrients and calories if a patient is
unable to keep solid food down.
What has been proven about the benefit of fasting and juice therapies? The American Cancer
Society does not believe that detoxification by fasting is based on scientific fact, nor does it cure
cancer. 2 While short-term fasting does aid weight loss in the severely obese, there is no evidence that it
can rid the body of toxins or aid in treatment of disease. The mainstream medical community states the
denying the body of necessary nutrients and calories actually weakens the immune system, resulting in
the deterioration, not improvement, of health. 3 Patients with advanced cancer are encouraged to avoid
fasting. 4 While not a magic cure-all, juice can serve as a valuable nutritional supplement for cancer
patients. Juice does not contain fiber, fat and protein and these need to ingested as well to maintain
energy and reach optimum health. 5
What is the potential risk or harm of fasting and juice therapies? Fasting and juice therapies can
cause fatigue, anemia, dizziness and an irregular heartbeat. Supporters do not believe these are harmful
symptoms. In fact, they view them as indicators of movement towards well-being and mental
sharpness. 6,7 Certain medical conditions such as diabetes can be aggravated by the ingestion of juices.
Acidic citrus and tomato juices can irritate the stomach of sensitive patients.
How much do fasting and juice therapies cost? Eating nothing or just juice is sure to cut back on
one's grocery bill. Most treatments are self- help remedies and are performed at home. Occasionally, a
physician might oversee the patient to ensure no additional health problems develop as a result of the
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Fasting." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 19, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Fasting." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 19, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Fasting." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 19, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). " Yahoo! Health - Fasting." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 19, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo! Health - Juice Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 19, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Juicing." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 19, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Fasting." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 19, 2001.
Flower Remedies
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Flower remedies
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What do flower remedies involve? Dr. Edward Bach, an early 1900s homeopath, believed that
underlying emotional problems cause physical illness. Dr. Bach believed that flowers could help
remove negative emotions, ultimately leading to the elimination of the physical illness. 1 Thirty-eight
different types of wildflowers were identified by Bach as therapeutic and are still used today. Remedies
are made using the essence of flowers diluted in water and brandy. Drops of flower remedies are placed
under the tongue or in a glass of liquid four times a day. Only the patient's emotional state, not the
patient's illness, is relevant when selecting the flower remedy.
How are flower remedies thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Proponents
claim that flower remedies stabilize unwanted, counterproductive emotional states and promote a
general sense of well-being by eliminating emotional problems. The flowers are thought to create a link
between the brain and the body to alleviate the negative mental state. The illness that was fostered by
negative emotions can then be fought by the body's strengthened immune system.
What has been proven about the benefit of flower remedies? There have been no scientific studies
carried out on flower remedies to date. While there are numerous anecdotal reports on the benefits of
flower remedies, the American Cancer Society believes it is likely that any reaction patients have to this
therapy is due to a placebo response (see Appendix E). 2 If flower remedies make patients feel less
depressed and improve their quality of life without any side effects, it is not important how the benefits
are achieved, placebo response or otherwise.
What is the potential risk or harm of flower remedies? The remedies are generally regarded as
harmless with no physical side effects. 3 However, patients wishing to avoid alcohol should be aware
that the remedies do contain brandy in an extremely diluted form.
How much do flower remedies cost? Flower remedies were designed to be a self- help system that can
be used without professional advice. Floral essences are available from several sources and may or may
not be prepared using the Bach method. Cost will vary depending on the manufacturer.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Flower Remedies." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
14, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Flower Remedies." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
14, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Flower Remedies." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14,
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Garlic therapy
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does garlic therapy involve? Garlic is used as a supportive dietetic measure for cancer
prevention. Therapy involves ingesting four grams of garlic daily. Garlic can be eaten raw, cooked,
baked or taken in capsule form. Cooked garlic is less effective as a therapy because the active
ingredient, allicin, becomes denatured in the heating process.
How is garlic thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? When incorporated into the
diet, garlic can help prevent various ailments including arteriosclerosis, common colds,
cough/bronchitis, fevers and infection. 1 Garlic may also reduce the risk of throat, stomach and colon
cancer by stimulating the immune system and acting as a natural antibiotic and antioxidant. 2 Allicin is
the major active compound of garlic. The compound is an antibacterial agent and is released when
garlic bulbs are crushed.
What has been proven about the be nefit of garlic treatment? Two anti-carcinogenic agents in garlic
were identified, and when administered to rats, in conjunction with exposure to certain colon or
esophageal carcinogens, significantly reduced the growth and progression of pre-cancerous lesions. 3 A
literature review of garlic completed by the San Antonio Evidence-based Practice Center for the U. S.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality identified twelve human studies applicable to cancer.
Several of the studies reported that consumption of garlic and other allicin-containing vegetables was
associated with a reduced risk of several types of cancer. 4 Garlic should only be used as a preventative
agent, not as a curative therapy.
What is known about the potential risk or harm of garlic? Some patients may experience heartburn
and gas from ingestion of garlic. Frequent handling of garlic may lead, on rare occasion, to allergic
reactions. Garlic is known to have some anti-clotting activity. Therefore, patients taking anticoagulant
drugs, including aspirin, should check with their health care providers before beginning therapy. Garlic
may also decrease blood sugar levels so glucose control may be affected. 5
How much does garlic cost? Garlic bulbs can be purchased at any grocery store or grown in one's own
garden. Garlic capsules can be purchased for approximately $18.00 for 250 capsules. 6
Anonymous. "Allium Sativum: Garlic." PDR for Herbal Medicines. Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics Company, Inc.,
1998; pg. 626.
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Garlic." [Online].
Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 14,
Wargovish MJ, Uda N, Woods C, Velasco M and McKee K. "Allium vegetables: their role in the prevention of cancer."
Biochemical Society Transactions. 1996; 24:811-814.
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Garlic." [Online].
Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 14,
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Flower Remedies." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
14, 2001.
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Garlic." [Online].
Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 14,
Gerson Therapy
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with Gerson therapy.
What does the Gerson therapy involve? Dr. Max Gerson created the Gerson program in 1945 based
on the belief that cancer patients have sodium and potassium imbalances in their bodies. The Gerson
program is a nutritional approach to cancer treatment and requires that patients comply with a vegetarian
diet that contains no sodium, extreme fat restriction, high potassium supplementation and large amounts
of fruit and vegetable juices. Frequent coffee enemas are given to detoxify the liver and the body.
Previously, patients were required to drink three glasses of fresh calf liver daily but this aspect has since
been discontinued because several patients experienced toxicity.
How is the Gerson therapy thought to treat cancer? The program consists of three central tenets that
claim cancer patients do not efficiently metabolize carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals:1
1. enzymes are critical to support the vitality of intestinal flora
2. the liver and other vital organs must be detoxified and functioning efficiently to support the
breakdown of tumors
3. potassium and sodium intake must be balanced, usually by sodium restriction and potassium
supplementation, to restore metabolism, and ultimately, health. 2 ,3
What has been proven about the benefit of the Gerson therapy? Laboratory studies in 1983 4 and
19855 provided evidence that upsetting the potassium/sodium balance may play a role in malignancy.
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center conducted an extensive human studies literature
review of the Gerson therapy and found six studies applicable to cancer. Several of the studies indicate
higher survival rates and tumor regression in patients treated with the Gerson therapy, especially for
patients with melanoma, colorectal and ovarian cancers. However, no statistics were presented to
indicate significance. 6 Michael Lerner states in his book Choices in Healing that "the Gerson therapy
does not approach being a decisive cure for any type of cancer." However, he continues to predict "that
the therapy will prove to be a significant adjunct to the judicious use of conventional therapies for those
cancers [melanoma, colorectal, ovarian]. Further, it may also improve outcomes for some cancers where
conventional treatment would bring few- if any-results."7
What is the potential risk or harm of the Gerson therapy? Patients may experience flu- like feelings,
loss of appetite, perspiration with a strong odor, weakness, dizziness, cold sores and fever blisters while
receiving treatment. Patients may also suffer high fever, intestinal cramping, diarrhea and vomiting.
Coffee enemas may produce colitis, severe inflammation of the colon, and fluid and electrolyte
imbalances. 8
How much does the Gerson therapy cost? At the Gerson clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, treatment costs
$4,000 per week plus an additional $200 per week for laboratory testing. Some insurance providers
reimburse costs associated with treatment.
Gerson Institute
1572 2nd Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: (619) 685-5353
Web site:
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Nutrition and Special Diets - Gerson." [Online]. Available
WWW: -4E0E-11D5-
811800508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=F2A33EB4-492C-11D5-811600508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
Lerner, Michael. Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994; pg. 267-268.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Nutrition and Special Diets - Gerson." [Online]. Available
WWW: -4E0E-11D5-
811800508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=F2A33EB4-492C-11D5-811600508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
Imre Zs.-Nagy et al. "Correlation of malignancy with intracellular Na-K ratio in human thyroid tumors." Cancer Research
1983; 43:5395-5397.
Lai, Chiu-Nan and Becker, Fredrick F. "Potassium-induced reverse transformation of cells infected with a temperature-
sensitive transformation mutant virus." Journal of Cellular Physiology 1985; 125:259-262.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Nutrition and Special Diets - Gerson." [Online]. Available
WWW: -4E0E-11D5-
811800508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=F2A33EB4-492C-11D5-811600508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
Lerner, Michael. Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994; pg. 280.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Nutrition and Special Diets - Gerson." [Online]. Available
WWW: -4E0E-11D5-
811800508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=F2A33EB4-492C-11D5-811600508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
Govallo Therapy
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with Govallo therapy.
What does the Govallo therapy involve? Valentin Govallo, MD, PhD, a Russian physician, developed
the Govallo therapy after researching the similarities between the mother- fetus and host-tumor immune
interaction systems. 1 In 1975, Dr. Govallo began treating cancer patients with an extract derived from
placental chorionic villi obtained during live full-term deliveries. Currently, therapy at the Immune
Augmentative Therapy (IAT) clinic in the Bahamas consists of two injections. The dose varies
depending on the severity of the patient's condition.
How is Govallo therapy thought to treat cancer? The human body possesses the ability to recognize
cell systems which are not normal and of an autologous origin, such as bacteria and foreign particles,
and to destroy them. Thus, the immune system must be suppressed when a patient receives a transplant
organ, for example, so that organ rejection does not occur. Along these same lines, Govallo reasoned
that malignant cells survive because they possess their own defense system that protects them from
attack by the patient’s immune system so that they are not "rejected" by the body. In contrast to most
immunotherapies that are designed to stimulate the immune system, the goal of the Govallo therapy is to
weaken or suppress factors within the tumor itself that cripple the normal immune response of the
patient. 2 Once those "suppression factors" are shut down, the immune system can function normally and
destroy the malignant tissues.
What has been proven about the benefit of the Govallo therapy? The University of Texas M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center conducted an extensive human studies literature review of the Govallo therapy
and found two case reports relevant to cancer. These case reports claimed better three, five and ten year
survival rates for patients who received placental extract injections compared to controls. 3 However, no
statistical results were provided.
What is the potential risk or harm of the Govallo therapy? Reported side effects include fever,
shivering and light weakness. There are no known risks associated with the Govallo therapy.
How much does the Govallo therapy cost? The Immune Augmentative Therapy clinic in Freeport,
Bahamas charges $8,500 for Govallo therapy. There is also a $50 charge for a follow up test of
immunocompetence and $1,500 for each additional booster shot. A protocol change has been proposed
which would reduce the cost of the treatment.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Govallo Placental Extracts."
[Online]. Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Govallo Placental Extracts."
[Online]. Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
Govallo VI. Immunology of Pregnancy and Cancer. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 1993.
Green Tea
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Green tea therapy
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does green tea therapy involve? Green tea comes from the leaves of the same plant (Camellia
Sinesis) as black tea but differs in its preparation. Green tea is consumed regularly in many Asian
countries to promote health and satisfy thirst.
How is green tea thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Green tea is reported to
lower total cholesterol levels, reduce platelet coagulation, decrease blood pressure and enhance the
immune system. Green tea may also lessen the risk of cancers of the upper digestive tract. 1 Green tea
contains active compounds called polyphenols, and several studies have shown that these polyphenols
act as antioxidants and may possibly inhibit tumor formation and growth. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of green tea? Animal studies have reported that green tea
polyphenols reduce the potential spread of cancer cells. 3 Seventeen human studies on the preventive
effects of green tea on cancer have been identified and reviewed by the University of Texas M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center. Ten of the seventeen studies showed that the consumption of green tea had a
protective effect against the development of several cancer types. However two studies had opposite
findings. 4 Green tea may be consumed for its health promoting effects but should not be thought of as a
curative therapy.
What is the potential risk or harm of green tea? Side effects of tea consumption include insomnia,
nervousness and heart rate irregularities due to the caffeine in the tea. Patients with sensitive stomachs
may experience heartburn, reduction of appetite or diarrhea due to the tannin and chlorogenic acid
content of the tea. 5 Green tea interferes with absorption of alkaline medications. Patients taking any
medicines should check with their health care provider before beginning tea therapy.
How much does green tea cost? Green tea can be purchased in bulk or as packaged tea bags. Bulk tea
can average from $30 to $60 per pound. Packaged tea bags begin at $2.50 for 12 bags.
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies – Green Tea." [Online].
Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 14,
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies – Green Tea." [Online].
Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 14,
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies – Green Tea." [Online].
Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 14,
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies – Green Tea." [Online].
Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 14,
Anonymous. "Camellia Sinensis: Green Tea." PDR for Herbal Medicines. Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics Company,
Inc., 1998; pg. 710.
Guided Imagery
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Guided imagery
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does guided imagery involve? Guided imagery is a visualization technique, referred to as a
"focused daydream" by some practitioners, which helps patients to focus on positive images to heal their
bodies. 1 Guided imagery practitioners will teach patients general relaxation exercises and help them
build detailed images in their minds. Patients are encouraged to picture their tumors shrinking in one
local area or their whole body freeing itself of cancer. The Simonton method of guided imagery,
developed by oncologist O. Carl Simonton and his wife, was designed to help patients undergoing
standard treatments for cancer. This method teaches cancer patients to picture their immune system
cells "gobbling up" cancer cells like "Pac Man," and destroying them. 2
How is guided imagery thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Guided imagery
is based on the idea that the mind can affect the functions of the body. Proponents suggest that
stimulating the brain through imagery can have a direct effect on both the endocrine and nervous
systems, which lead to changes in immune system function. Guided imagery is used to promote
relaxation, reduce stress and help the mind influence the body in positive ways. 3
What has been proven about the benefit of guided imagery? A review of 46 studies conducted from
1966 to 1998 by the American Cancer Society found that guided imagery was effective in managing
stress, anxiety, depression, pain and the side effects of chemotherapy. 4 A recent randomized clinical
trial involving women with early stage breast cancer found guided imagery was also useful for easing
anxiety related to radiation therapy, including fears about the equipment, surgical pain, and recurrence
of cancer. 5 Although one uncontrolled, exploratory study suggested that guided imagery can increase
survival rates for people with cancer, there is no scientific evidence these techniques can cure cancer or
any other disease. 6
What is the potential risk or harm of guided imagery? There are no known side effects or risks of
guided imagery.
How much does guided imagery cost? Guided imagery is taught in small classes or in one-on-one
sessions. Costs will vary depending on class size and practitioner. Patients may also try to learn guided
imagery from books and audiotapes, an inexpensive alternative to classes.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Imagery." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14,
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Imagery." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14,
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Imagery." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14,
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Imagery." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14,
Kolcaba K, Fox C. The effects of guided imagery on comfort of women with early stage breast cancer undergoing radiation
therapy. Oncology Nursing Forum. 1999;26:67-72.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Imagery." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14,
This treatment modality is thought to manage symptoms of cancer, side effects from conventional
therapies and/or control pain. Homeopathy should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer
What does homeopathy involve? Homeopathy was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, an 18th century
German doctor. Volumes of information from Hahnemann's "research" have been compiled and called
the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia. This is still in use today. Homeopathic remedies are made from
assorted herbs, animal products and chemicals diluted thousands of times in water or alcohol. In fact,
the majority of homeopathic remedies are so diluted that it is impossible to detect the original active
ingredient in the laboratory. Homeopathy should not be confused with herbal medicine. Homeopathic
medicines contain little, if any, of the desired herb. Homeopathic practitioners claim that the medicinal
solutions contain a "trace memory" of the original substance.
How is ho meopathy thought to manage specific symptoms of cancer, side effects of conventional
therapies and/or control pain? Homeopathy is based on Hahnemann's idea of "like cures like;" a
substance that causes certain symptoms should also relieve them. Hahnemann tested a huge number of
plant, animal and mineral substances on himself in a process called "proving," observing the symptoms
they produced and categorizing them as cures for disorders that cause similar problems. 1
What has been proven about the benefit of homeopathy? The University of Texas Center for
Alternative Medicine conducted an extensive literature review of homeopathy and could not find any
clinical trials concerning the use of homeopathy for cancer treatment. 2 However, five cases were
reported. Only one of the five cases reported positive results when homeopathic and mistletoe
treatments were combined. 3 The mainstream medical community attributes any relief from symptoms of
cancer or side effects of treatment to coincidence or the placebo effect (see Appendix E). 4
What is the potential risk or harm of homeopathy? Homeopathic remedies are sold over-the-
counter, like vitamins and herbal medicines. However, homeopathic remedies can be sold without proof
of safety because of a special exemption under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, passed in
1938.5 This therapy is virtually safe for everyone, including children. Patients who need to avoid
alcohol should forego homeopathic medicines with an alcohol base.
How much does homeopathy cost? Individual remedy costs vary depending on the pharmacy. These
products are rarely reimbursed by insurance. However, homeopathy is covered by the national health
care plans in England and Germany. By law, health care plans in Oregon must also cover visits to
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Homeopathy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Homeopathy."
[Online]. Available WWW:
A84028E2A5991562&method=displayFull&pn=F2A33BA4-492C-11D5-811600508B603A14. Accessed December 18,
University of Texas Center for Alternative Medicine Research in Cancer (1999). "Homeopathy." [Online]. Available
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Homeopathy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Homeopathy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with Hoxsey therapy.
What does the Hoxsey therapy involve? In the early 1900's, Harry Hoxsey received an herbal formula
from his grandfather, and he began treating cancer patients with it in the 1920s. The Hoxsey treatment
involves two mixtures. One to be used externally, applied directly to the skin and includes "a red paste
containing antimony trisulfide, zinc chloride, and bloodroot and a yellow powder containing arsenic
sulfide, sulfure and talc."1 The other is used internally and is "a liquid containing licorice, red clover,
burdock root, stillingia root, barberry, Cascara, prickly ash bark, buckthorn bark and potassium iodide."2
While taking the Hoxsey formula, patients are also encouraged to restrict their diet, use immune
stimulants such as vitamin C and adopt a positive mental outlook.
How is Hoxsey formula thought to treat cancer? The external Hoxsey mixture is thought to
selectively destroy malignant tissue. The internal Hoxsey mixture is a liquid said to strengthen the
immune system. Hoxsey believed his treatment allows the body to create an environment in which
healing and tumor destruction can occur. 3
What has been proven about the benefit of the Hoxsey formula? The University of Texas M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center performed an extensive human studies literature review of the Hoxsey
treatment and found four studies applicable to cancer. The studies report response to therapy although
none of the studies used controls against which to measure response. Individual components of the
formula have been tested in the laboratory or in animals. Seven of the nine herbs in the formula have
shown some anti-cancer activity. 4 M.D. Anderson Cancer Center recommends that more studies of both
the external and internal components of the Hoxsey formula are needed. The American Cancer
Foundation urges cancer patients to not seek treatment with the Hoxsey formula until more evidence of
the therapy’s objective benefits exists. 5
What is the potential risk or harm of the Hoxsey formula? There has been no reported toxicity from
the Hoxsey formula. However, some of the ingredients of the Hoxsey formula can cause nausea,
vomiting and diarrhea if taken in large quantities. 6 Barberry root, one of the Hoxsey formula
ingredients, caused swelling of the kidneys and cardiotoxicity in rabbits. Toxic reactions known as
"iodisms" (pimples, excessive secretion of the eyes or nose, impotence and a mumps- like condition of
the salivary gland) may result from taking potassium iodide.
How much does the Hoxsey formula cost? The treatment is available at a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico
founded by Mildred Nelson, an old nurse of Hoxsey's who passed away in 1999. The current cost for
the Hoxsey treatment is $3,500. This price includes follow- up visits and a life-time supply of the herbal
preparation. X-rays, lab tests and physical exams cost an additional $450 to $850 per visit. 7 The patient
is also responsible for travel costs to and from Mexico.
Hoxsey Clinic
Bio-Medical center
PO Box 727
615 General Ferreira, Colonia Juarez
Tijuana, B.C. Mexico
Telephone: (011) 52-66-84-90-11
CA (Anonymous). "Questionable methods of cancer management: 'nutritional therapies'." CA: a Cancer Journal for
Clinicians. 1993, Sept-Oct; 43(5):309-319.
CA (Anonymous). "Questionable methods of cancer management: 'nutritional therapies'." CA: a Cancer Journal for
Clinicians. 1993, Sept-Oct; 43(5):309-319.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Hoxsey."
[Online]. Available WWW:
810100508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Hoxsey."
[Online]. Available WWW:
810100508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
CA (Anonymous). "Hoxsey Method/Bio-Medical Center." CA: a Cancer Journal for Clinicians. 1990, Jan-Feb;
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Hoxsey."
[Online]. Available WWW:
810100508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 19,
BC Cancer Agency (2001). "Hoxsey's Herbal Tonic/Hoxsey Herbal Treatment." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 19, 2001.
Hydrazine Sulfate
This treatment modality is thought to manage symptoms of cancer, side effects from conventional
therapies and/or control pain. Hydrazine sulfate should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer
What does hydrazine sulfate therapy involve? Hydrazine sulfate is a chemical commonly used in
industrial products, such as rocket fuel, rust-prevention products and insecticides. It is also used to treat
symptoms associated with cancer. Hydrazine sulfate is usually taken orally with meals but may also be
injected. Treatment lasts for 35 to 40 days, and after the patient has rested for two to six weeks, the
course can be repeated as needed.
How is hydrazine sulfate thought to manage specific symptoms of cancer, side effects of
conventional therapies and/or control pain? Hydrazine sulfate is proposed to alleviate cancer-
associated cachexia, the extensive loss of body weight and muscle mass experienced by some patients
with advance malignant disease, by increasing appetite. 1 According to some researchers, tumors get
required energy for replication and growth from normal body functions, causing an energy "drain" from
vital body functions. Hydrazine sulfate is claimed to deprive the tumor of the energy it needs and,
therefore, halts the progressive decline of the patient. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of hydrazine sulfate therapy? The National Cancer
Institute conducted a human studies literature review of hydrazine sulfate and found several studies
applicable to cancer. Results varied in the studies reviewed by NCI. Some randomized clinical trials
report that hydrazine sulfate did not increase patient survival time and only resulted in temporary
alleviation from pain, fever and weight loss. Other studies report that patients treated with hydrazine
sulfate had more normal body metabolism, weight gain and improved appetite. 3 In 1994, the National
Cancer Institute supported four randomized clinical trials. One study reported a survival advantage for
patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with hydrazine sulfate compared to control patients.
The other three studies failed to demonstrate any significant advantages of hydrazine sulfate treatment. 4
What is the potential risk or harm of hydrazine sulfate therapy? Hydrazine sulfate may produce
some transient side effects including nausea, vomiting, itching, dizziness, impaired motor function and
numbness of the extremities. 5 Combined use of hydrazine sulfate with tranquilizers, barbiturates,
alcohol and foods high in tyramine (aged cheeses, fermented products) can increase patient morbidity.
Liver damage may occur with high doses of hydrazine sulfate. Hydrazine sulfate is not known to be
carcinogenic in humans.
How much does hydrazine sulfate therapy cost? Hydrazine sulfate is not currently approved for use
in the complementary care of cancer patients in the U.S. and cannot be prescribed by doctors for
patients. Hydrazine sulfate costs approximately $25 for 100 capsules.
National Cancer Institute (2001). "National Cancer Institute Studies of Hydrazine Sulfate." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Hydrazine Sulfate." [Online]. Available WWW: . Accessed
December 18, 2001.
National Cancer Institute (2001). "National Cancer Institute Studies of Hydrazine Sulfate." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
National Cancer Institute (2001). "National Cancer Institute Studies of Hydrazine Sulfate." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Hydrazine Sulfate." [Online]. Available WWW: . Accessed
December 18, 2001.
Hydrogen Peroxide
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with hydrogen peroxide therapy.
What does hydrogen peroxide therapy involve? Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound of
hydrogen and oxygen molecules. It is a common household solution that is used as a disinfectant, in
toothpaste and mouthwash and as a bleaching agent. It is also used in a variety of industrial processes
from chemical manufacturing to rocket fuel. In health food stores, 30% solutions of hydrogen peroxide
have been advertised as a cancer remedy. Treatments with hydrogen peroxide are also called
hyperoxygenation, oxymedicine, oxidative therapy, bio-oxidative therapy and oxydology. 1 Hydrogen
peroxide is administered orally, rectally, by injection, or by soaking affected parts of the body in the
solution. 2
How is hydrogen peroxide thought to treat cancer? Based on the work of two time Nobel Prize in
Medicine recipient Otto Warburg, M.D., proponents believe that cancer cells grow best in an
environment of little oxygen, or anaerobic conditions. It is claimed that the administration of hydrogen
peroxide, an oxygen-rich solution, restores the proper oxygen balance and selectively attacks and kills
cancer cells.
What has been proven about the benefit of hydrogen peroxide treatment? According the American
Cancer Society, there is no scientific evidence that hydrogen peroxide is a safe, effective or useful
cancer treatment. Current mainstream medical applications of hydrogen peroxide are limited to 1.5% to
3% solutions used as surface disinfectants and wound cleansers.
What is the potential risk or harm of hydrogen peroxide treatment? The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention report that hydrogen peroxide solutions concentrated above ten percent are toxic.
It can be harmful to breath vapors, ingest or have skin contact with hydrogen peroxide. 3 Hydrogen
peroxide ingestion can also result in chemical burns in the throat and severe poisoning. 4
How much does hydrogen peroxide treatment cost? Hydrogen peroxide solutions can be purchased
at any pharmacy. Higher concentrated solutions are available in many health food stores. The cost will
vary with the pharmacy or health food store.
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy.” [Online]. Available
Accessed December 20, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy.” [Online]. Available
Accessed December 20, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy.” [Online]. Available
Accessed December 20, 2001.
CA (Anonymous). “Questionable methods of cancer management: hydrogen peroxide and other ‘hyperoxygenation’
therapies.” CA: a Cancer Journal for Clinicians 1993; 43:47-56.
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Hydrotherapy
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does hydrotherapy involve? Hydrotherapy is the use of water, ice and steam as a medical
treatment. It has been used by many cultures throughout human history from Native American "sweat
lodges" to early Roman and Turkish therapeutic bath houses. Types of hydrotherapy include whirlpool
baths for relaxation, ice packs to reduce swelling, warm water to cleanse wounds, humidifiers and
liquids to combat dryness and dehydration, steam baths and colonic irrigation.
How is hydrotherapy thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Hydrotherapy can
provide relaxation and symptom relief from a variety of ailments. 1 Heat-based therapies cause dilation
of blood vessels and increase circulation, acting to relieve pain. Cold-based therapies constrict blood
vessels, reduce circulation and decrease swelling. Whirlpool baths and spas reduce stress and increase
What has been proven about the benefit of hydrotherapy? The American Cancer Society states that
"hydrotherapy is an accepted, useful form of symptom treatment for many ailments. The ability to
promote relaxation in its many forms is well established."2 However, internal forms of hydrotherapy
should be used with caution. Colonic irrigation can be dangerous and lead to electrolyte imbalance.
Claims that it helps treat cancer have never been substantiated.
What is the potential risk or harm of hydrotherapy? The majority of hydrotherapy treatments are
harmless. However, cases of bacterial diseases have been reported from users of contaminated public
bathhouses. Excessive hot or cold water can burn the skin. Colonic irrigation can perforate the colon
and may be harmful to the body's electrolyte balance. 3
How much does hydrotherapy cost? Cost will vary depending on what form of hydrotherapy is
chosen and the supplies necessary to participate in the therapy. For example, soaking in a hot bath is
very inexpensive while getting away for a weekend at a spa can be extremely expensive.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 228.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Hydrotherapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 14,
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 230.
This treatment modality is thought to manage symptoms of cancer, side effects from conventional
therapies and/or control pain. Hypnosis should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does hypnosis involve? Hypnosis is a state of focused attention during which consciousness is
altered and distractions are blocked, allowing a patient to focus intensely on one item. The hypnotic
state resembles sleep, but the patient is alert and completely in control, although deeply relaxed.
Generally, ninety percent of the population can be hypnotized.
How is hypnosis thought to manage specific symptoms of cancer, side effects of conventional
therapies and/or control pain? Hypnotherapy can help divert a patient's attention from cancer pain by
evoking a state of deep relaxation and increasing the ability to respond to suggestion. 1 Others have
suggested that hypnosis can control nausea and vomiting caused by cancer medications. 2 Many believe
that hypnosis involves a loss of control by the patient, but this is incorrect. Control by the patient is
fundamental to hypnosis. In fact, many patients learn self- hypnosis so that they may use the technique
whenever it is needed to control symptoms. 3
What has been proven about the benefit of hypnosis? The value of hypnotism in producing several
health benefits is widely accepted. The American Medical Association approved hypnotherapy as a
valid medical treatment in 1958. 4 Reports from the NIH showed the ability of patients to block a natural
response, such as pain, through intense concentration. 5 While the medical community is aware of the
lasting benefits of hypnosis, no one is certain of the reason behind the benefits. Some scientists believe
that hypnosis can cause the brain to release natural pain killers, called enkephalins and endorphins, to
alleviate pain. Others believe that hypnosis acts through the unconscious mind and the power of
suggestion. 6 Either way, the American Cancer Society endorses hypnotherapy as a means of reducing
pain, promoting relaxation, reducing stress and improving quality of life. 7 However, hypnosis should
not be thought of as a cure-all. It cannot cure cancer or any other serious disease.
What is the potential risk or harm of hypnosis? Hypnotherapy is considered safe for all patients, no
matter what the medical condition.
How much does hypnosis cost? Costs will vary depending on the practitioner.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Hypnosis." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18,
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Hypnotherapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 124.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Hypnotherapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Hypnosis." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18,
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Hypnotherapy." [Online]. Available WWW: health/Alternative_Medicine/Alternative_Therapies/Hypnotherapy/. Accessed December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Hypnosis." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18,
What does Immune Augmentation Therapy involve? Dr. Lawrence Burton, PhD, a zoologist,
developed the theories behind IAT while working with fruit flies at California Institute of Technology.
Therapy involves daily or twice-daily tests of the levels and proportions of four proteins. Subcutaneous
injections are then administered to bring these four proteins back into equilibrium. A computer program
determines doses. The four proteins are:1
1. tumor antibody factor (TNF) - responsible for destruction of cancer cells
2. tumor complement factor (TCF) - responsible for stimulation of "tumor antibody"
3. blocking protein factor (BPF) - responsible for repression of "tumor antibody"
4. deblocking protein factor (DPF) - responsible for blocking protein neutralization
All proteins used in IAT are derived from the blood of healthy donors, with the exception of TCF, which
comes from the patient.
How is Immune Augmentation Therapy thought to treat cancer? Dr. Burton believes that cancer
grows uncontrolled when the body's immune system is not in balance or is immunosuppressed,
characterized by a state when BPF levels are high and TCF and DPF levels are low. He has suggested
that TNFs attack the tumor and DPFs disable the BPFs that prevent the patient's immune system from
detecting and fighting the cancer. IAT tries to restore the natural balance of systemic levels of tumor
killing immune complexes. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of Immune Augmentation Therapy? The University of
Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center conducted an extensive human studies literature review and found
two studies applicable to cancer. Both studies reported an increase in mean survival time but neither
reported statistics to verify their findings. 3 IAT is not available in the U.S. If sufficient data is
generated that suggests that IAT has significant antitumor activity, the FDA will allow clinical trials in
the U.S. 4 The American Cancer Society urges patients with cancer not to seek IAT until evidence of
treatment efficacy is found. 5
What is the po tential risk or harm of Immune Augmentation Therapy? The U.S. Center for
Disease Control has received various reports of skin abscesses at the IAT injection site. There have also
been claims made that some samples of the blood products used in IAT were contaminated with
bacteria, hepatitis and HIV. 6 Tiredness and muscle fatigue have been reported by the IAT clinic. 7
How much does Immune Augmentation Therapy cost? Four weeks of therapy at the IAT clinic in
the Bahamas costs $7,500. Each week thereafter up to eight weeks costs $700. Supplies for home
maintenance run $50 per week. 8 These fees do not include transportation to the Bahamas, lodging or
Immune Augmentation Therapy Clinic. "Treatment/Research." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 20, 2001.
Immune Augmentation Therapy Clinic. "Treatment/Research." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 20, 2001.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical System - Immune Augmentation
Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW:
829D-4530-99ECC5B663C32ADB&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed
December 20, 2001.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical System - Immune Augmentation
Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW:
829D-4530-99ECC5B663C32ADB&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed
December 20, 2001.
CA (Anonymous). "Immuno-augmentative therapy (IAT)." CA: a Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 1991 Nov/Dec;
Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project. "Guide to unconventional cancer therapies." 1st ed. Toronto:
Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project, 1994:300-303.
Immune Augmentation Therapy Clinic. "Treatment/Results." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 20, 2001.
Immune Augmentation Therapy Clinic. "Expenses." [Online]. Available WWW:
Accessed December 20, 2001.
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with Laetrile therapy.
What does Laetrile therapy involve? Laetrile, also known as amygdalin, Vitamin B17 , sarcarcinase
and nitriloside, is a natural substance found in the pits of some fruits and nuts. Laetrile is a compound
that can release cyanide, a lethal molecule. Treatment with Laetrile is commonly administered
intravenously for two to three weeks. The treatment is followed up by oral maintenance doses. 1
How is Laetrile thought to treat cancer? There are two theories by which Laetrile is claimed to work:
1. Cyanide Release Theory
Beta- glucosidase, an enzyme which is thought to exist in large quantities in cancerous tissue,
causes the release of hydrogen cyanide from Laetrile. Cyanide stops tumor respiration and
selectively kills the cancerous tissue. 2
2. Vitamin Deficiency Theory
Cancer is the result of a vitamin deficiency and Laetrile is the missing “vitamin B17 .”3
What has been proven about the benefit of Laetrile? Scientific studies have been conducted for over
twenty years and no evidence of any antitumor activity, in either animals or humans, has been found.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved laetrile as a treatment for cancer, although
the drug is manufactured and distributed as a cancer treatment in Mexico. 4
What is the potential risk or harm of Laetrile? While taking Laetrile, patients may experience
nausea, vomiting, headache and dizziness. 5 There are several reports in the medical literature in which
Laetrile caused life-threatening toxicity and even death. 6 Cyanide toxicity can cause progressive
neuromuscular weakness and respiratory arrest.
How much does laetrile cost? Laetrile is usually given as part of a larger treatment program and can
cost between $2,000 and $5,000 per week. 7
Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project. “Guide to unconventional cancer therapies.” 1st ed. Toronto:
Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project 1994:281-284.
Levi, L et al. “Laetrile: a study of its physicochemical and biochemical properties.” Canadian Medical Association
Journal 1965; 92:1057.
Martin, DS et al. “Ineffective cancer therapy: a guide for the layperson.” Journal of Clinical Oncology 1983; 1:154-163.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the National Cancer Institute (2001). “Questions and
Answers about Laetrile/Amygdalin.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
20, 2001.
Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project. “Guide to unconventional cancer therapies.” 1st ed. Toronto:
Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project 1994:281-284.
BC Cancer Agency (2000). “Unconventional Cancer Therapies: Laetrile/Amygdalin/Vitamin
B17 /Sarcarcinase/Nitriloside.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 20, 2001.
Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project. “Guide to unconventional cancer therapies.” 1st ed. Toronto:
Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project 1994:281-284.
Light Therapy
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Light therapy
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does light therapy involve? Light has been used as medicine for centuries by several parts of the
world. In the 1980s, a group of physicians in the U.S. realized that people deprived of sunlight
sometimes developed symptoms such as depression, lethargy, inability to concentrate and difficulty
sleeping. 1 They began to treat patients with light therapy using light boxes to provide bright light for
patients suffering from a variety of illnesses. There are several types of light therapy:2
• UV light therapy - uses different wavelengths of UV light (UV-A, -B, or -C) to treat autoimmune
• Colored light therapy - blue, red and violet lights are used to treat sleep disorders, shoulder
pain, diabetes, impotence and allergies.
• Photodynamic therapy - combines the use of colored lights with injections of dye into suspected
tumors to treat cancer.
How is light therapy thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Researchers have
hypothesized that people deprived of light have a disruption of their circadian rhythms, the internal 24-
hour "dark- light cycle clock." Light is thought to influence health because it can affect physiologic
functions of the body, such as timing of hormone production, sleep and body temperature. Exposure to
sunlight can contribute to a consistent circadian rhythm and combat mild depression, leading to
increased wellness and optimized health.
What has been proven about the benefit of light therapy? Light has proven use in medicine as a
treatment for seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression also known as "winter depression"
resulting from a lack of sunlight. Light is also used to treat psoriasis, newborn jaundice and vitamin D
deficiency. The use of light therapy to treat cancer is still unproven. 3
What is the potential risk or harm of light therapy? Light therapy is not recommended for patients
with eye and skin sensitivity to sunlight. Patients currently taking medications should check with their
physicians or pharmacists before beginning light therapy because a wide variety of drugs can increase
sensitivity to sunlight.4 Also, overexposure to UV light contributes to premature aging of the skin and
can increase one’s risk of skin cancer.
How much does light therapy cost? Most people can take the treatments at home if they purchase the
proper equipment, although it is possible to receive therapy in an office or clinic. Costs will vary with
the practitioner.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Light Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
14, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Light Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
14, 2001.
Whole Health MD (2000). "Therapies – Light Therapy.” [Online]. Available WWW:,1525,713,00.html. Accessed December 14, 2001.
Whole Health MD (2000). "Therapies – Light Therapy.” [Online]. Available WWW:,1525,713,00.html. Accessed December 14, 2001.
Livingston-Wheeler Therapy
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with Livingston-Wheeler therapy.
How is the Livingston-Wheeler therapy thought to treat cancer? An autogenous (self) vaccine is
made from each patient's individual strain of bacteria. The specimen is obtained from urine, blood or
tumor tissue and is grown in culture, killed and processed into a vaccine. Livingston-Wheeler claimed
the autogenous vaccine kills the production of P. cryptocides, and the other therapeutic aspects, such as
diet and stress reduction, improve immune functio n. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of the Livingston-Wheeler therapy? The University of
Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center conducted an extensive human studies literature review of the
Livingston-Wheeler therapy and found four studies applicable to cancer. One study found no
statistically significant increase in survival among patients using the Livingston-Wheeler therapy. 3 In
fact, quality of life was reported to be lower for the Livingston patients. Another study was performed
by Livingston-Wheeler herself. 4 M.D. Anderson Cancer Center found some discrepancies in her
statistical reporting and does not feel her self-reported 82% success rate is accurate. 5 No clinical trials
have been done to determine efficacy of the Livingston-Wheeler therapy.
What is the potential risk or harm of the Livingston-Wheeler therapy? The autogenous vaccines
have never been shown to be toxic. 6 Side effects of the therapy have included malaise, aching, fever and
tenderness at the vaccine injection site.
How much does the Livingston-Wheeler therapy cost? A ten-day program at the Livingston-Wheeler
Clinic in San Diego, California, including all laboratory fees, costs between $6,800 and $7,400.
Program maintenance is approximately $400 to $600 monthly. 7
University of Texas M.D. Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Livingston-Wheeler." [Online].
Available WWW:
9FA2CDA3470C5419&method=dis playFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 20,
University of Texas M.D. Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Livingston-Wheeler." [Online].
Available WWW:
9FA2CDA3470C5419&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 20,
Cassileth, BR, Lusk EJ, Guerry D et al. "Survival and quality of life among patients receiving unproven as compared with
conventional cancer therapy." New England Journal of Medicine 1991; 324:118-1185.
Livingston-Wheeler V, Addeo EG. "100 Random Case Histories." The Conquest of Cancer: Vaccines and Diet. New
York, NY: Franklin Watts; 1984; pg. 15-38.
University of Texas M.D. Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Livingston-Wheeler." [Online].
Available WWW:
9FA2CDA3470C5419&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 20,
CA (Anonymous). "Unproven methods of cancer management: Livingston-Wheeler therapy." CA: a Cancer Journal for
Clinicians 1990 Mar/Apr; 40(2):103-108.
University of Texas M.D. Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Livingston-Wheeler." [Online].
Available WWW:
9FA2CDA3470C5419&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 20,
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Macrobiotics
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does macrobiotics therapy involve? Macrobiotics therapy is a combination of diet, spiritual and
social philosophy and a way of healthful living. The macrobiotics philosophy combines elements of
Buddhism with dietary principles based on simplicity and avoidance of “toxic” animal products.
Although a relatively new therapy, macrobiotics teaches that it is necessary to maintain balance and
harmony between two antagonistic but complementary forces, Yin and Yang, a traditional Chinese
medicine concept (for more information, see traditional Chinese medicine). The diet, originally termed
the "Zen macrobiotic diet," was very restrictive and has since been modified by other practitioners in the
macrobiotic movement. The diet consists mainly of whole grains, vegetables and beans with the
occasional use of fish and some fruits. Foods not allowed in the diet include coffee, dairy products,
eggs, sugar, meats and processed foods. The macrobiotics diet also requires special methods of food
preparation such as using only pots, pans and utensils made of certain materials. 1 There is not a single
diet for everyone, but rather a diet "principle" that considers different climates, ages, sex, level of
activity and changing personal needs.
How is macrobiotics thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Traditional Chinese
medicine believes that imbalances of Yin and Yang lead to illness. Therefore, macrobiotics attempts to
rebalance Yin and Yang and regain health through diet and a change in lifestyle and life philosophy.
The macrobiotics diet can lower fat and cholesterol and, like other fat-reducing diets, may help prevent
some cancers that appear to be related to higher fat intake, such as colon cancer. This fat- free diet can
also lower blood pressure and reduce the chance of heart disease. Other aspects of the macrobiotics
therapy may promote a reduction in stress.2
What has been proven about the be nefit of macrobiotics? According to the University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, peer-reviewed research concerning the ability of the macrobiotics diet to cure
cancer is currently limited. 3 After an extensive search only three human studies on macrobiotics
applicable to cancer were found. None demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that macrobiotics
therapy should be viewed as a curative therapy. Macrobiotics is a "lifestyle" approach that can help
prevent cancer, promote wellness and optimize he alth.
What is the potential risk or harm of macrobiotics therapy? A nutrient, vitamin and calorie
restrictive diet can be dangerous for frail cancer patients. The most serious effects occur when the diet
is deficient in calories, vitamin D, vitamin B-12, protein and iron. Increased caloric needs to fight
illness and recover from treatment may not be met with the macrobiotics diet, which is high in bulk and
low in fat. Children on the macrobiotics diet tend to have growth and nutrient deficiencies.
How much does macrobiotics therapy cost? The cost of consuming a macrobiotics diet is probably
comparable to consumption of a typical American diet when all factors are taken into consideration.
Higher costs for macrobiotics include the initial setup of a macrobiotics kitchen and special foods.
However, eating a macrobiotic diet can decrease costs because of the elimination of meat and poultry
and the tendency to dine outside the home. 4
Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer by
Michael Lerner. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998.
The Cancer Prevention Diet by Michio Kushi and Alex Jack. St. Martin's Press, revised edition, 1993.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Macrobiotics." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Macrobiotics." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
17, 2001.
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer (2001). "Nutrition and Special Diets – Macrobiotics." [Online]. Available
82032F14FCFA97DE&method=displayFull&pn=F2A33EB4-492C-11D5-811600508B603A14. Accessed December 17,
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer (2001). "Nutrition and Special Diets – Macrobiotics." [Online]. Available
82032F14FCFA97DE&method=displayFull&pn=F2A33EB4-492C-11D5-811600508B603A14. Accessed December 17,
Massage Therapy
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Massage therapy
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does massage therapy involve? Massage therapists rhythmically rub and knead the body's soft
tissues for therapeutic purposes. Several different types of massage have developed over time in
different cultures. These include Swedish massage (most common in the U.S.), Oriental massage,
shiatsu and Thai massage. Massages usually occur in a warm, comfortable room and last from thirty
minutes to one hour.
How is massage therapy thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Massage
promotes muscle relaxation and stress reduction. It can relieve headaches, backaches, joint pain,
stiffness and insomnia. As muscles are rubbed, blood vessels dilate, blood flow increases, lymph
circulation is stimulated, oxygen supply increases and overall circulation throughout the body is
improved. 1 Patients fighting serious diseases such as cancer find massage promotes relaxation,
improves quality of life and enhances well-being.
What has been proven about the benefit of massage therapy? According to the American Cancer
Society, massage is "thought almost universally to be a beneficial therapy. It is helpful not only
physically but emotionally as well, because it soothes the soul and the mind."2 Massage cannot cure
cancer, but it has been shown in several studies to improve quality of life and well-being. There is some
scientific evidence that massage enhances the immune system by increasing blood circulation. In
addition, massage was shown to promote relaxation and alleviate pain and anxiety in hospitalized cancer
patients. 3
What is the potential risk or harm of massage therapy? Massage should be avoided immediately
following surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and over areas of known tumors. Patients with
circulatory ailments such as phlebitis or varicose veins should avoid massage. 4 Massage should never
be performed on bruises, areas of tissue damage and inflamed or infected sites.
How much does massage therapy cost? Cost will vary with the massage therapist. Massage is
available in a therapist's private office, spas, health clubs and resorts. Many therapists will also travel to
patients' homes.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Massage." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Massage." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). " Yahoo Health: Massage Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Massage Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Meditation should
be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does meditation involve? There are many forms of meditation, from spiritual to secular
approaches, all which involve mental control. While meditation has its roots in Eastern religious
traditions to correct imbalances of the mind, its health benefits are independent of spiritual aspects.
Most types of meditation employ concentration on breathing and a silent repetition of a word or prayer
to release anxiety and extraneous stress. The simplicity of most instructions makes this approach
available to almost anyone.
How is meditation thought to improve wellness and optimize overall health? The overall goal is to
improve health in general and facilitate the healing of certain disorders by inducing mental tranquility
and physical relaxation. 1 The reported benefits include reduction of stress, tension, anxiety, panic, high
blood pressure and chronic pain. 2 In cancer patients, benefits appear to include diminished pain,
reduced stress hormone levels, improved immune function and improvement in mood. 3 By calming the
mind and relaxing the body, meditation may help cancer patients alleviate the harmful effects of tension
and stress and change negative coping responses that may aggravate their conditions and reduce life
What has been proven about the benefit of meditation? There is scientific evidence that the mind, in
meditation, can effect physiological changes in the human body. 4 Studies on biochemical effects of
meditation have reported mixed results. Positive responses have included reduction in serum cortisol,
blood pressure and pulse rate. 5 According to a few studies, some of these physiologic changes may
inhibit tumor growth or metastasis. Reported actions are increased survival of patients with various
cancers, increased peace of mind and inhibition of stress- induced immunosuppression. 6 However,
without solid evidence, meditation should not be used as a curative therapy but as one that reduces
stress, promotes wellness and improves quality of life.
What is the potential risk or harm of meditation? Only a few negative effects are reported with the
use of meditation. These include negativity, disorientation, worsened interpersonal relationships and
increased alienation from society. 7 However, these side effects are very rare. Nevertheless, patients
with a disposition to mental illness should consult a physician before beginning a meditation program.
How much does meditation therapy cost? Many people take lessons in meditation that vary in cost,
but it is possible to learn meditation techniques at home, using books and videos.
Creating Health: How to Wake Up the Body's Intelligence. Deepak Chopra. Houghton Mifflin Co,
How to Meditate: A Guide to Self- Discovery. Lawrence Leshan. Bantam Books, 1984.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 134.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo! Health: Meditation." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed Decemb er 17, 2001.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 135.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Meditation." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
Boik, John. Cancer and Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Basic Science and Clinical Research. Princeton, MN: Oregon
Medical Press, 1996; pg.174.
Boik, John. Cancer and Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Basic Science and Clinical Research. Princeton, MN: Oregon
Medical Press, 1996; pg.180.
Fugh-Berman, Adriane. Alternative Medicine: What Works. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkens, 1997; pg. 167.
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Melatonin should
be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does melatonin therapy involve? Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal body in the
brain. Melatonin levels fluctuate throughout the day and gradually increase at night. This cycle ensures
that most living things are at rest during darkness. 1 Melatonin is also manufactured synthetically and
can be administered in tablet form.
How is melatonin thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Melatonin has been
proposed to improve sleep quality, regulate circadian rhythms, assist the immune system in fighting
infection, reduce the risk of heart disease and impact longevity. 2 Proponents claim melatonin is a
powerful antioxidant and has been found in high concentrations in the nuclei of cells, where it may serve
to protect DNA from damage and mutation that can lead to cancer. 3
What has been proven about the benefit of melatonin? The American Cancer Society has reviewed
numerous studies of melatonin and its effects on cancer. Thirty-two studies evaluated disease response
and survival when treated with melatonin in combination with chemotherapy, radiation and IL-2, an
immune stimulator. Many of the studies reported increased survival times and a few others reported
tumor regression when patients were treated with melatonin. 4 Twelve studies evaluated the effects of
melatonin on the immune system. Results of these studies were mixed but it appears that melatonin,
when administered in conjunction with IL-2, caused an increase of immune system cell numbers. The
remaining studies investigated the effects of melatonin on immune therapy induced hypotension,
chemotherapy induced toxicity and cachexia. All studies generated some support for the benefits of
melatonin. However, most of the studies were small and conducted by the same researcher. 5 Without
conclusive evidence, melatonin should not be thought of as a curative therapy, but rather a supportive
therapy that promotes wellness and optimizes health. It may help reduce side effects of treatment and
symptoms of disease.
What is the potential risk or harm of melatonin? No adverse side effects or risks have been reported.
However, the effects of long-term use of melatonin and how it interacts with other medications or
supplements are unknown. The National Institute on Aging has also warned that melatonin supplements
may lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, and even cancer. Practitioners also caution people with
severe mental illness and those taking steroid medications against using melatonin. 6
How much does melatonin cost? Melatonin can be purchased at health food stores and pharmacies.
One hundred 1 mg tablets cost approximately $10 to $15.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Melatonin." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
Reiter RJ, Robinson J. Your Body's Natural Wonder Drug Melatonin. 1995.
Reiter RJ, Robinson J. Your Body's Natural Wonder Drug Melatonin. 1995.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Melatonin." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Melatonin." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Melatonin." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with mistletoe treatment.
What does mistletoe treatment involve? Mistletoe, a semi-parasitic plant, has been used for over 75
years to treat tumors and is one of the most widely used alternative cancer treatments in Europe. 1
Mistletoe extract is usually administered by subcutaneous injections in the morning hours, ideally near
the site of disease, three to seven times a week. Treatment duration can be several months to years.
How is mistletoe thought to tre at cancer? Mistletoe extracts are used to stimulate the immune system
and kill cancer cells.2 The active ingredients in mistletoe, viscotoxins and lectins, can kill cells by
damaging cellular membranes, stopping protein synthesis and stimulating the immune system. 3
What has been proven about the benefit of mistletoe? The major effects of mistletoe as determined
in laboratory and animal studies include stimulation of the immune system, induction of programmed
cell death (apoptosis) and protection from potential carcinogens. 4 Cancer Net, a branch of the National
Cancer Institute reviewed more than sixteen human studies using mistletoe to treat cancer. Only a few
studies reported statistically significant positive results. The positive results included reduced tumor
size, increased survival, recovery of blood counts and improved quality of life. 5 Mistletoe is not
approved for use in the U.S. and will not be until further research has proven the efficacy of mistletoe in
treating cancer.
What is the potential risk or harm of mistletoe? Pharmaceutical grade mistletoe extract has minimal
side effects but allergic reactions have been reported. Symptoms included anaphylactic reactions, chills,
fever, headache and irregular heart rate. Elevation in body temperature and wheal formation at the site
of administration are considered signs of immune system stimulation and are part of the normal
therapeutic process. 6 Eating mistletoe is highly toxic, especially to infants and children. Patients on any
type of monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor antidepressants should not take mistletoe because of a risk
of tyramine crisis. This product should only be used under the supervision of a health care provider.
How much does mistletoe treatment cost? Mistletoe can be obtained in Europe and less easily in the
U.S. Treatments are available in Germany for $160 (U.S.) per day. In the U.S., some patients may be
eligible for enrollment in clinical trials.
Bussing A. "Mistletoe: a story with an open end." Anti-Cancer Drugs (Suppl). 1997; 8:S1-S2.
CancerNet (2000). “Mistletoe.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 20, 2001.
CancerNet (2000). “Mistletoe.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 20, 2001.
CancerNet (2000). “Mistletoe.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 20, 2001.
CancerNet (2000). “Mistletoe.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 20, 2001.
Anonymous. "Viscum Album: Mistletoe." PDR for Herbal Medicines. Montvale, NJ: Medical Economics Company,
Inc., 1998; pg. 1219-1222.
What does modified citrus pectin therapy involve? Pectin is a carbohydrate found in fruit and is most
concentrated in ripe citrus fruits. Pectin is used for commercial purposes in the manufacturing of foods,
drugs and cosmetics. The pH and polysaccharide structure have been altered in modified citrus pectin,
found in the peel and membranes of citrus fruits, to be more easily processed in the digestive tract.
Therapy involves ingestion of MCP, in capsule or powder form, three times a day.
How is modified citrus pectin thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? MCP is
thought to be useful in the prevention and treatment of metastatic cancer, not as a curative therapy of
already established tumors. MCP molecules bind to receptors on cancerous cells, thereby preventing
these cells from penetrating into nearby healthy tissue. Once this has occurred, the cancer cells circulate
in the blood stream until they die or are eliminated. 1 By working to inhibit the spread of cancer, MCP
keeps the body’s immune system from becoming overwhelmed by an increasing cancer cell load.
What has been proven about the benefit of modified citrus pectin? The University of Texas M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center found no human studies on the use of MCP. In one study, MCP inhibited
metastasis in rats injected with melanoma and human prostate cancer cells.2 Animal studies have
resulted in the discovery of the mechanisms by which MCP exerts its anticancer effects but these results
have not been translated to humans yet. MCP it thought to have great potential because secondary
metastatic cancers are often more threatening to patients than the original tumor. Further research is
needed to understand the biological and molecular regulation of carbohydrate recognition during the
metastatic cycle and process.”3
What is the potential risk or harm of modified citrus pectin? Citrus pectin has been classified by the
FDA as “Generally Regarded As Safe” (GRAS), 4 and side effects of MCP treatment are rare. Patients
with allergies to citrus may experience stomach discomfort.
How much does modified citrus pectin cost? Modified citrus pectin can be purchased in powder or
capsule form. Costs vary depending on the manufacturer.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions – Modified Citrus Pectin." [Online]. Available
Accessed December 17, 2001.
Boik, John. Cancer and Natural Medicine. Princeton, MN: Oregon Medical Press, 1996. pg 39.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions – Modified Citrus Pectin." [Online]. Available
Accessed December 17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions – Modified Citrus Pectin." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 17, 2001.
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with MTH-68.
What does MTH-68 therapy involve? MTH-68 is a live strain of Newcastle disease virus developed
as an immunotherapy agent by Laszlo Csatary, a Hungarian-American physician currently living in the
US. MTH-68 is administered to patients by injections or nasal inhalation.
How is MTH-68 thought to treat cancer? MTH-68 is a nonpathogenic virus that is believed to
interfere with cancer growth in humans. The virus is reported to enhance the immune system and
selectively kill cancer cells.
What has been proven about the benefit of MTH-68? The University of Texas M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center conducted an extensive human studies literature review on MTH-68 and found eighteen
studies applicable to cancer. Most of the studies reported some positive patient responses to treatment
from tumor regression, increased survival and stable disease. A 1994 editorial in the Journal of the
National Cancer Institute (JNCI) noted the “apparent ability [of the virus] to induce tumo r lysis through
different mechanisms.”1
What is the potential risk or harm of MTH-68? Reported side effects have included mild flu- like
symptoms, fever and delayed type hypersensitivity skin reactions. 2 Live viruses have the potential to
undergo genetic recombination and/or mutation. Excessive production of antibodies to MTH-68 may
block its proposed benefits. Also, if the injected virus is ineffective, repeated administration may cause
immune complex deposition in the kidneys. 3
How much does MTH-68 therapy cost? MTH-68 is only available in Hungary. Because live virus
cannot be shipped, only a 6 month supply can be carried on ice by patients on an airplane. Estimated
costs are approximately $900 per month. 4
Kenney S, Pagano J. “Viruses as oncoloytic agents: a new age for therapeutic viruses?” Journal of the National Cancer
Institute. 1994; 86:1185-86.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). “Alternative Medical Systems -MTH-68.” [Online]. Available
85172C85D69B388C&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 20,
Sinkovics J, Horvath J. “New developments in the virus therapy of cancer: A historical review.” Intervirology. 1993;
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). “Alternative Medical Systems -MTH-68.” [Online]. Available
Music Therapy
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Music therapy
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does music therapy involve? Music therapy has been used throughout history by healers in
many cultures, including the Greeks, Egyptians, Native Americans and Indians. Music can have
therapeutic value when patients either sit and listen to music, improvise tunes, write songs, discuss
lyrics, perform compositions and actively participate in its production. 1 It can be beneficial for patients
of any age, ethnic or religious background or stage of illness.
How is music therapy thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Proponents
believe music has the ability to assist emotional and physical healing and enhance quality of life and
well-being. Music therapy has been reported to reduce pain, anxiety and depression, improve mood,
calm or sedate, induce sleep, counteract fear and alleviate physiological discomforts of illness. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of music therapy? It is accepted that music has the power to
affect one's temperament and how one feels. However, a clear explanation of how music therapy acts as
a healing force does not exist. 3 Music therapy may act in similar methods as meditation by reducing
blood pressure, breathing rates and stress and providing distraction from pain. 4 According the American
Cancer Society, music therapy has some scientific support for its ability to contribute to the well-being
of patients in many different clinical circumstances. It is thought to reduce symptoms, aid healing and
rehabilitation and improve quality of life. 5
What is the potential risk or harm of music therapy? Music therapy is a safe, noninvasive therapy
with no known side effects.
How much does music therapy cost? Cost will vary as music therapy can be practiced individually, in
groups, with a therapist or by oneself. Music therapy can be used in a hospital, hospice, nursing home
or home setting.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Music Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Music Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Music Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
17, 2001.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 282.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Music Therapy." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
17, 2001.
What does Native American healing involve? Native American healing combines religion,
community ritual, spirituality and herbal medicine to treat illness. Because of their Eurasian ancestry,
many of the beliefs of Native Americans have their roots in ancient Indian (Ayurvedic) and Chinese
medicine. Native American tribes share a common belief in the interconnectedness of people, the
community, the environment and the spiritual world. Harmony must exist amongst them for good health
to dominant a community. 1 Native American healers believe that illness results from spiritual
imbalances within the individual and the community. The community relies upon medicine men and
women, or shamanic healers, who are thought to be able to contact the spiritual world to heal illness and
fight disease. 2 Native American traditio n focuses on four elements of healing: 3
1. symbolic ritual – to communicate with the spiritual world and enlist its aid in healing
2. shamanic healers – offer prayers to appease spirits so that they will treat illness and restore
3. purification of the body – to rid the body of impurities and restore a spiritually pure state
4. use of herbs as medicine
How is Native American healing thought to manage specific symptoms of cancer, side effects of
conventional therapies and/or control pain? The heavy dependence on spiritual communication and
meditation may reduce stress and anxiety, bring about peace of mind and produce a sense of wholeness
among patients. Native American knowledge of herbs is extensive and many have value in treating a
variety of ills, symptoms of disease, side effects of conventional treatment and reduction of pain. 4
What has been proven about the benefit of Native American healing? Formal research of the
healing ceremonies and traditions of Native Americans is almost nonexistent even tho ugh claims have
been made regarding cures of a variety of ailments, including cancer. However, the community-based
approach to health care may provide comfort to patients who enjoy the sense of sharing a common
purpose and history with a large group of people. Other health benefits may be the result of the placebo
response (see Appendix E). According to the American Cancer Society, “a lthough Native American
healing has not been shown to cure disease, anecdotal reports suggest that it can reduce pain and stress,
and improve quality of life.”5 However, it should not be relied on to cure cancer, or used instead of
modern, science-based treatment.
What is the potential risk or harm of Native American healing? Many purification rituals have side
effects. Sweat lodges may cause patients to become dehydrated. A herbal tea called “Black Drink”
causes patients to vomit.
How much does native American healing cost? Information on cost is unavailable.
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Native American Healing.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Native American Healing.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Native American Healing.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Native American Healing.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Native American Healing.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
Naturopathic Medicine
This treatment modality is thought to manage symptoms of cancer, side effects from conventional
therapies and/or control pain. Naturopathic medicine should be used with, not in place of, standard
cancer therapy.
What does naturopathic medicine involve? Naturopathic medicine bases its treatments on natural
methods. Naturopaths diagnose illness using the same methods as allopathic doctors, including x-rays,
lab tests and physical exams. However, the two differ when it comes to treatment of the illness.
Naturopaths do not use drugs, major surgery or cutting edge medical technology to treat disease.
Instead, they rely on alternative treatment approaches that emphasize the restorative powers of nature to
help patients, such as diet and supplements, homeopathic and herbal remedies, acupuncture,
homeopathy, stress reducing techniques, counseling and massage. 1 Naturopaths are trained to treat and
support the whole patient, which includes lifestyle and environmental factors that influence general
well-being. Naturopathic medicine has treatment plans for almost all conditions. 2
How is naturopathic medicine thought to manage specific symptoms of cancer, side effects of
conventional therapies and/or control pain? The overall goal of naturopathic medicine is to increase
the body's natural healing power to fight disease. While the emphasis in naturopathic medicine is to
uncover and treat the cause of disease, as opposed to just merely treating symptoms, many of the
individual treatment modalities are thought to help relieve some symptoms of disease and side effects of
treatment cancer patients might be experiencing. Other approaches such as a change in diet and lifestyle
help to promote wellness and optimize overall health.
What has been proven about the benefit of naturopathic medicine? Naturopathy employs several
treatment modalities that vary in effectiveness. For example, acupuncture has been shown to decrease
pain, but homeopathic herbal remedies and detoxifying enemas may be of little value. Please see the
individual treatment modalities for more information. The American Cancer Society states the
naturopathic treatments can be helpful in treating minor illnesses but should not be thought of as a
curative treatment for serious illnesses such as cancer. 3
What is the potential risk or harm of naturopathic medicine? Naturopathic medicine takes very
seriously the medical motto "first, do no harm."4 In general, naturopathic remedies are harmless and
even contribute to a healthy lifestyle. However, some remedies, such as fasting, enemas and sweating
can upset the body's electrolyte balance and be harmful to weak patients. Also, some herbal therapies
can be toxic. Patients should first seek approval of a registered dietician or a conventional physician
before beginning any drastic naturopathic remedies.
How much does naturopathic medicine cost? Costs will vary depending on which treatment modality
is used and whether or not insurance will reimburse practitioner fees.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Naturopathic Medicine." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Naturopathic Medicine." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Naturopathic Medicine." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 18, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Naturopathic Medicine." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
18, 2001.
Ozone Therapy
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with ozone therapy.
What does ozone therapy involve? Ozone (O 3 ) is a highly active form of oxygen. Most people are
familiar with the ozone layer, a component of the upper atmosphere that plays an important role in
absorbing certain forms of harmful radiation from the sun. Similar to hydrogen peroxide, another
oxygen-rich compound, ozone has been advertised as a cancer remedy. Ozone is administered in five
different ways: external application, intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SC) injection, intra-arterial or
intravenous injection, rectally or as “autochemotherapy.”1 External application involves passing a
stream of ozone over open lesions or tumors inside a plastic hood. The IM or SC administration
involves injections of twenty to fifty milliliters of an ozone/oxygen mixture and may be made into the
immediate vicinity of a tumor. With the intra-arterial or IV injection, promoters claim that only
unhealthy or diseased tissue is affected, and no side effects occur because bubbles in the blood dissolve
readily. “Autochemotherapy” involves removal of blood from the patient. This blood is exposed to
ozone and then returned to the patient.
How is ozone therapy thought to treat cancer? Proponents of ozone therapy believe that
microorganisms, which thrive in low-oxygen environments, cause disease, including cancer. 2 It is
believed that administration of ozone raises oxygen levels and leads to the destruction of the
What has been proven about the benefit of ozone therapy? There is no scientific evidence that
treatment with ozone is either safe or results in any objective benefit in the treatment of human cancer. 3
In addition, researcher now understand that the low oxygen environment surrounding tumor cells is due
to the fact tissues surrounding the cancerous masses have fewer blood vessels and, therefore, receive
less oxygen. 4
What is the potential risk or harm of ozone therapy? Ozone produces highly reactive, oxygen- like
free radicals and should be used with caution. Ingestion can result in severe poisoning. It can also be a
skin irritant when used at high concentrations.
American Cancer Society (2000). Making Treatment Decisions – Oxygen Therapy.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
20, 2001.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 194.
American Cancer Society (2000). Making Treatment Decisions – Oxygen Therapy.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
20, 2001.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 195.
Pau d’Arco
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with pau d’arco therapy.
What does pau d’arco therapy involve? Pau d’arco is a tree found in the rainforests of Central and
South America. Its common names include lapacho, taheebo and trumpet tree. The inner bark of pau
d’arco is used by native tribes to treat cancer, lupus, infectious diseases, wounds, backache, toothache
and sexually transmitted diseases. Pau d’arco is available in health food stores as capsules, tablets,
alcohol solutions, dried bark and tea. However, pau d’arco must be boiled for at least eight minutes to
release the active ingredients, making a tea from the bark ineffective unless properly prepared. 1
How is pau d’arco thought to treat cancer? The medicinal value of pau d’arco is thought to reside in
certain compounds, called naphthaquinones, in the inner bark. Proponents claim that naphthaquinones
enhance the immune system, cleanse the body and stimulate the production of red blood cells, which can
increase the amount of oxygen the blood can carry contributing to healing. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of pau d’arco? Naphthaquinones, the active commons in
pau d’arco bark, have shown potent antifungal properties in laboratory tests. 3 These same compounds
also have anticancer properties. Pau d’arco has killed lung cancer cells grown in the laboratory and
reduced the rate of lung tumor growth in mice. 4 Unfortunately, it must be taken in very toxic doses for
any effects to occur. 5 Because of the toxic effects, the National Cancer Institute did not seek approval to
use pau d’arco as an anticancer drug and research has, for the most part, ceased. The American Cancer
Society urges patients to avoid pau d’arco as an alternative treatment for cancer until more evidence is
available. 6
What is the potential risk or harm of pau d’arco? The whole bark has no known side effects. The
unrefined bark is much safer than taking extracts of the active ingredients. High doses of
naphthaquino nes can cause uncontrolled bleeding, nausea and vomiting.
How much does pau d’arco cost? Costs will vary depending on the health food store where it is
purchased. Because health food products are not regulated for quality and purity, the amount of pau
d’arco in different products varies. Some may only contain trace amounts of the active ingredients.
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Pau d’Arco.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 20,
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Pau d’Arco.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 20,
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Pau d’Arco.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 20,
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Pau d’Arco.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 20,
Tyler, Varro E. Herbs of Choice: The Therapeutic Use of Phytomedicinals . New York, NY: Pharmaceutical Products
Press, 1994; pg. 180.
American Cancer Society (2000). “Making Treatment Decisions - Pau d’Arco.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 20,
What does prayer and spirituality involve? Religion has been a part of communities since the
beginning of recorded history. Prayer and spirituality is thought to have served as a means of seeking
explanations of the unknown and assistance to alter nature, health and disease. Today, religion still
plays a vital role in every culture of the world. While different religions, including but not limited to
Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism, hold different beliefs about a supreme being,
some form of prayer is a universal act to communicate with one’s own God or other supreme being. 1
Because one’s supreme being is usually believed to be capable of creating life and restoring health,
people pray for help, understanding, strength and wisdom in dealing with life’s difficulties. 2 Prayer can
be done in silent or spoken aloud and can occur in a group setting or individually. Prayer may be for
one’s self, known as supplication, or for others, called intercession.
How are prayer and spirituality thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Many
people find religion provides meaning, fellowship and comfort to their lives in the face of pain and
suffering and believe that the spiritual component of healing is necessary for positive results to occur.
By redirecting suffering into positive channels, depression can be alleviated and relaxation heightened.
Patients and families both take great comfort in the act of prayer.
What has been proven about the benefit of prayer and spirituality? There have been studies on the
effects of prayer in healing disease, but no definitive results have been produced. Scientific evidence
suggests that prayer does not influence the course of illness, either in a positive or negative way. 3
However, by providing an active form of coping with the stress of illness, prayer may result in a placebo
response whereby the wanting and expecting of recovery produces an improvement of illness and
lessens pain (see Appendix E). 4
What is the potential risk or harm of prayer and spirituality? There is no intrinsic risk or harm of
prayer and spirituality. Relying on this type of treatment alone, and avoiding conventional medical care,
can have serious health consequences.
How much does prayer and spirituality cost? Prayer costs nothing more than the patient’s time.
Many medical institutions and health care practitio ners include prayer and spirituality as parts of their
practices. Hospitals and communities have chapels, which are free to all who enter, and contacts with
ministers and rabbis to serve patients’ spiritual needs. 5
Healing Words by Larry Dossey. San Francisco, CA: Harper Collins Publishers, 1993.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 309.
American Cancer Society (2001). “Making Treatment Decisions – Spirituality and Prayer.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 17, 2001.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 313.
American Cancer Society (2001). “Making Treatment Decisions – Spirituality and Prayer.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). “Making Treatment Decisions – Spirituality and Prayer.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 17, 2001.
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Qigong should be
used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does qigong involve? Qigong is a physical and mental exercise depending on gentle movement,
controlled breathing and meditation. Translated, qigong means energy work and is based on traditional
Chinese beliefs in Qi, the life force. Qigong is closely related to tai chi but requires less physical
stamina. There are two types of qigong, internal and external, both of which involve efforts to
manipulate Qi. Internal qigong requires intense mental concentration, little or no movement and is
practiced alone to strengthen one's own Qi. External qigong requires the participation of a qigong
master who has been trained to transmit his/her own life force energy to influence the health of the
patient. 1
How is qigong thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? The traditional Chinese
purpose of qigong is to rebalance the inner Qi, or life force, to calm the mind, achieve self- healing and
increase stamina so as to better equip the patient to handle the challenges of life. 2 Restoration of Qi is
believed to improve blood flow, circulation and the effectiveness of the lymph and nervous systems,
lower blood pressure and heart rate and alleviate stress.
What has been proven about the benefit of qigong? There have been undocumented claims that
qigong has cured cancer. However, it has been shown that qigong can promote sounder sleep, increase
relaxation, reduce anxiety and stress and improve quality of life. Studies have also shown that regularly
practiced qigong improves balance, reduces the number of falls and enhances well-being in elderly
patients. 3 Qigong can easily be used in conjunction with allopathic medicine and is consistent with
many health maintenance programs designed to improve fitness, promote wellness and optimize health.
What is the potential risk or harm of qigong? Qigong exercises do not challenge strength or stamina
and can even be used by wheel-chair bound patients and patients with frail bones. Qigong may thin the
blood and increase circulation so patients suffering from internal bleeding should avoid these exercises.
Also, patients who have a tendency to dizziness should avoid qigong due to risk of falling.
How much does qigong cost? Patients can teach themselves internal qigong with various training
manuals available in bookstores and libraries. Professional instruction also exists, and classes are often
offered at local YMCAs, fitness centers and hospitals.
Qigong Institute
561 Berkeley Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Telephone: (650) 323-1221
Web site:
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Qigong." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Qigong." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Qigong." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17, 2001.
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Reflexology should
be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does reflexology involve? Reflexology uses the foot as a map of the body and treats various
ailments by applying pressure to specific areas of the feet thought to correspond to each organ system. 1
Reflexology has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine and believes in the life force, or Qi, that runs in
channels throughout the body. By applying pressure to specific areas of the foot, reflexologists believe
they can influence a patient's Qi. 2 (Please see traditional Chinese medicine).
How is reflexology thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Reflexology
proponents believe that by applying pressure to specific points on the foot, energy flow is increased to
the target organs. Health problems are thought to be treated by stimulating internal organs, boosting
circulation and restoring bodily functions to normal. Reflexologists claim they can reduce stress and
tension, improve circulation and increase wellness. 3 They do not claim to cure illness.
What has been proven about the benefit of reflexology? There is no scientific evidence that
reflexology works. Some proponents claim that reflexology causes the release of endorphins or natural
pain killers by the brain. Others believe that pressure causes uric acid crystals, that accumulate the in
feet, to dissipate. 4 Neither explanation has been proven. It is most probable that pressure on the feet
feels like and produces the same beneficial effects of massage, which include promotion of relaxation
and enhanced well-being.
What is the potential risk or harm of reflexology? Reflexology is a gentle, non- invasive therapy with
no known side effects.
How much does reflexology cost? Costs will vary with the practitioner. Reflexology is usually
performed by a trained reflexologist but can be learned in books, and then self-administered, to reduce
costs. There is no medication or special equipment needed.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Reflexology." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Reflexology." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 238.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Reflexology." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
Revici Method
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with Revici method.
What does the Revici method involve? Emanuel Revici, M.D., a Romanian immigrant who practiced
medicine in New York, theorized that tumors are either anabolic and sterol based or catabolic and fatty
acid based (both sterols and fatty acids are types of lipids). Based on his beliefs of tumor physiology,
Revici developed a cancer treatment with individually- guided, lipid-based chemotherapy using lipid and
lipid-based substances, selenium compound sterols, alcohols, female hormones, amines, nicotinic acid
derivatives, metals and halogens. 1 The Revici method uses sterols to treat catabolic, or fatty acid based,
tumors and fatty acids to treat anabolic, or sterol based, tumors. Specially formulated substances unique
to each patient are given orally or by injection
How is the Revici method thought to treat cancer? Revici believed that cancer is associated with an
imbalance of the normal distribution of lipids, namely sterols and fatty acids, in the body. He thought
cancer could be controlled if the imbalance is detected and corrected by administration of medication.
What has been proven about the benefit of the Revici method? The University of Texas M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center conducted an extensive human studies literature review on the Revici method
and found five studies applicable to cancer. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center did not find any case
histories that had been subjected to critical review or any controlled clinical trials to evaluate the safety
and efficacy of Revici's treatment. The American Cancer Society has labeled the Revici method an
unproven method of cancer treatment and urges patients to uses other therapeutic methods. 2
What is the potential risk or harm of the Revici method? Selenium compounds can generally be
toxic, but Revici claims to use a form of selenium that is nontoxic to patients. Revici also noted that
inflammation may occur around the area of the malignancy. No other adverse effects have been
reported in the medical literature. 3
How much does the Revici method cost? Consultation and treatment cost approximately $500.
Repeat visits cost $95. Insurance may provide some reimbursement.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Revici Summary." [Online]. Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E257-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 20,
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998. pg. 165.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Revici Summary." [Online]. Available WWW:
810200508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E257-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 20,
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Rolfing should be
used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does Rolfing involve? Rolfing is a specific type of massage which differs significantly from
other forms of body work that focus on reducing tension in tight muscles. Instead, Rolfing emphasizes
deep pressure on the tissue, called fascia, that covers muscles, internal organs and ligaments. The goal
of Rolfing, which can be painful, is to align body sections so that they are in balance with each other and
with gravity. 1 Rolfers, the practitioners of the therapy, press the fascia with their fingers, knuckles,
elbows and knees to loosen it and release its tight hold on muscle and bone. Patients are also
encouraged to perform a series of exercises to help their bodies move more efficiently.
How is Rolfing thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Dr. Rolf, the creator of
Rolfing, believes that over time the body's fascia becomes tightly attached to muscles and bones, making
it difficult for the body to move smoothly and with a full range of motion. By releasing the fascia's
hold, Rolfing is thought to help patients move more smoothly, increase support for bones throughout the
body, increase energy and improve posture, stamina and emotional health. Proponents of Rolfing report
that the therapy helps patients feel better and improves their quality of life.
What has been proven about the benefit of Rolfing? There is no scientific evidence that fascia
hardens and stiffens with time, interfering with the body's ability to move with little effort and energy.
There are a few clinical studies that report an improvement in range of motion, greater physical strength,
less stress and enhanced nervous system response. 2 Also, several patient testimonials state that a course
in Rolfing made them feel better. 3 Rolfing may release tension and stress which can lead to improved
performance of the immune system and heightened resistance to disease.
What is the potential risk or harm of Rolfing? Treatments can be painful. Patients with rheumatoid
arthritis and other inflammatory conditions should avoid Rolfing. There is a theoretical possibility that
Rolfing could encourage the spread of malignant cells in cancer patients although it has never been
documented. 4
How much does Rolfing cost? A course in Rolfing involves ten weekly sessions. Costs will vary with
the practitioner.
Whole Health MD (2000). "Therapies - Rolfing." [Online]. Available WWW:,1525,732,00.html. Accessed December 17, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Rolfing." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17, 2001.
Whole Health MD (2000). "Therapies - Rolfing." [Online]. Available WWW:,1525,732,00.html. Accessed December 17, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Rolfing." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17, 2001.
Saw Palmetto
This treatment modality is thought to manage symptoms of cancer, side effects from conventional
therapies and/or control pain. Saw palmetto should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer
What does saw palmetto therapy involve? Saw palmetto is a herbal remedy made from the berries of
a low growing palm native to the southeastern United States. The berries are harvested, dried and
ground for preparation as a tea or in a capsule. The berries have long been used by Native Americans to
treat problems of the urinary and genitals systems. 1 Saw palmetto is often prescribed for the treatment
of benign prostatic hyerplasia (BPH), a non- malignant enlargement of the prostate, or as an anti-
inflammatory. 2 Saw palmetto berries do not appear to reduce the size of an enlarged prostate. Instead,
they relieve the symptoms associated with BPH such as frequent urination and urine retention without
causing impotence.
How is saw palmetto thought to manage specific symptoms of cancer, side effects of conventional
therapies and/or control pain? Saw palmetto is used to alleviate the symptoms associated with an
enlarged prostate, either benign or malignant. Saw palmetto reduces inflammation, swelling and the
absorption of the male hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in prostate tissue. These
results act to relieve bladder obstruction and improve urinary flow. 3
What has been proven about the benefit of saw palmetto? The University of Texas Center for
Alternative Medicine conducted an extensive human studies literature review of saw palmetto and found
ten studies applicable to cancer. Several studies reported a significant improvement of symptoms of
BPH compared to controls. 4 The American Cancer Society agrees that saw palmetto may be useful in
relieving symptoms of BPH after reviewing an overview of eighteen scientific studies on saw palmetto
published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 5 It is important to understand that BPH
is not a malignant condition. There is no available evidence that saw palmetto is of value in the
treatment of prostate cancer. Saw palmetto should be used to alleviate symptoms of disease, not as a
curative therapy.
What is the potential risk or harm associated with saw palmetto? Side effects are not common at
the recommended dosage levels, but headache, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, dizziness, constipation
or diarrhea, insomnia, tiredness and heart pain have been reported.
How much does saw palmetto cost? Cost will vary with pharmacies. Capsules begin at $10 for 90.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Saw Palmetto." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Saw Palmetto."
[Online]. Available WWW:
810400508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 18,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Saw Palmetto."
[Online]. Available WWW:
810400508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=73835819-07FC-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 18,
University of Texas Center for Alternative Medicine Research in Cancer (1999). "Saw Palmetto." [Online]. Available
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - Saw Palmetto." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 18,
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Selenium therapy
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does selenium therapy involve? Selenium is an essential trace mineral that is though to be a
powerful antioxidant, protecting tissues from the damaging effects of oxygen free radicals. 1 The daily
recommended intake of selenium is 50 to 140 micrograms, taken in yeast tablets, maltcakes or other
supplements. 2
How is selenium thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Selenium may play a
role in the prevention of cancer by binding with glutathione peroxidase to inhibit destruction caused by
free radicals and by protecting cellular membranes. 3
What has been proven about the benefit of selenium? Epidemiological studies have suggested that
selenium consumption is inversely correlated with breast, lung, oral and esophageal cancers. 4 The
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center conducted an extensive human studies literature
review of selenium and found eight studies applicable to humans and cancer. After analyzing the
various studies, researchers concluded that selenium might play a role in reducing the risk of cancer. 5
Selenium may be ingested for its health promoting effects but should not be thought of as a curative
What is the potential risk or harm associated with selenium? Side effects are rare at low doses of
selenium but do include vomiting and diarrhea. At high doses, selenium is extremely toxic. Symptoms
of selenium overdose include severe irritation of the respiratory system, rhinitis, lung edema, broncho-
pneumonia and metallic taste in the mouth. 6
How much does selenium cost? Selenium supplements can be purchased at health food stores and
pharmacies. One hundred capsules cost approximately $100.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). “Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Selenium.”
[Online]. Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=dis playFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 17,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). “Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Selenium.”
[Online]. Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 17,
Chen J, Clark LC. “Proposed supplemental dosages of selenium for a phase I trial based on dietary and supplemental
selenium intakes and episodes of chronic selenosis.” Journal of the American College of Toxicology. 1986; 5:71-78.
Clark LC, Combs GF Jr, Turnbull BW et al. “Effects of selenium supplementation for cancer prevention in patients with
carcinoma of the skin. A randomized controlled trial.” Nutritional Prevention of Cancer Study Group. JAMA. 1996;
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). “Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Selenium.”
[Online]. Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 17,
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). “Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - Selenium.”
[Online]. Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E1CF-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 17,
This treatment modality is used in place of conventional therapies to treat cancer. Seek advice from a
qualified physician before replacing standard cancer therapy with 714-X treatment.
What does 714-X treatment involve? 714-X is a liquid medicine developed by Gaston Naessens of
Quebec and is used as a cancer cell attractor. It contains camphor, nitrogen, ammonium salts, sodium
chloride and ethanol. Treatment consists of injection with 714-X into a lymph node in the groin for
twenty-one consecutive days followed by two days of rest. Patients receive three twenty-one-day cycles
total. Some patients are advised to prolong treatment based on cancer type and stage. 1 A healthy diet
following holistic nutrition guidelines is encouraged as part of the treatment.
How is 714-X thought to treat cancer? According to Naessens, cancer cells need and use a large
amount of nitrogen obtained from healthy cells in the body. In order to obtain nitrogen, cancer cells
release a substance Naessens calls co-cancerogenic K factor (CKF). CKF is a toxic compound that
inhibits the efficacy of the human immune system. Naessens claims that when 714-X is injected into a
patient, cancer cells are attracted to it due to its nitrogen-rich characteristic. Because the cancer cells are
no longer excreting CKF, the immune system can be mobilized. Without CKF, cancer cells have no
protection from the body's immune system and are killed. 2 714-X also contains organic salts that help
unclog the lymph system so that it can carry away toxins accumulated during the illness. 3
What has been proven about the benefit of 714-X? The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center conducted an extensive human studies literature review of 714-X and found four studies
applicable to cancer. All were case reports from Naessens himself. No other scientific evidence is
available to support the use of 714-X in treating any type of cancer. The National Cancer Institute is
currently reviewing patient medical records from patients who apparently benefited from 714-X. No
results are currently available.
What is the potential risk or harm of 714-X? 714-X has no reported side effects but proponents warn
that vitamins E and B12 should not be taken when using 714-X. 4 The FDA has not approved 714-X for
sale or for treatment purposes in the U.S. The drug is legal in Canada.
How much does 714-X treatment cost? Cost of the treatment is $300 plus shipping. 5
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - 714-X." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 20, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2000). "Making Treatment Decisions - 714-X." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 20, 2001.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - 714-X."
[Online]. Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E20D-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 20,
Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project. "Guide to unconventional cancer therapies." 1st ed. Toronto:
Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Project, 1994:250-252.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Biologic/Organic/Pharmacologic Therapies - 714-X."
[Online]. Available WWW:
810D00508B603A14&method=displayFull&pn=5EE0E20D-098F-11D5-810C00508B603A14. Accessed December 20,
Tai Chi
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Tai chi should be
used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does tai chi therapy involve? Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art based on the philosophy
of Taoism. Similar to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, Taoism believes in the existence of
the vital life force, or Qi, and the opposing world forces, Yin and Yang. Tai chi exercises are designed
to balance Yin and Yang and promote the unobstructed flow of Qi. (For more information see
traditional Chinese medicine). Its movements are gentle and well-suited for those who are not
physically strong, healthy or flexible. Deliberate movements are combined with meditation and
controlled breathing.
How is tai chi thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Tai chi exercises relax both
the body and mind. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that tai chi exercises balance Qi, which is
essential to wellness and good health. 1 Mainstream physicians believe tai chi promotes wellness
through the benefits of exercise, bringing about relaxation and reducing stress. Tai chi is thought to
offer a variety of other "quality of life" benefits such as improved concentration, an increased sense of
well-being, greater energy, improved posture and better circulation. 2 The health benefits of tai chi will
not persist if the exercises are stopped. Tai chi should best be regarded as a lifelong preventative
strategy to improve and maintain health. 3
What has been proven about the benefit of tai chi? Several studies have shown the positive effects of
tai chi, which include improved posture, balance, muscle mass and strength, decreased blood pressure
and increased stamina, muscle mass and flexibility. 4
Additionally, people who practice tai chi say they feel younger, are more agile, have better balance and
enjoy a more tranquil attitude. The American Cancer Society reports the tai chi promotes longevity and
good health and may be used in relieving tension, stress, muscle wasting and fatigue associated with
What is the potential risk or harm of tai chi? There are no known side effects of tai chi. These
exercises are safe and effective for most everyone.
How much does tai chi cost? To learn the different exercises, patients should attend a class with a tai
chi instructor. Costs will vary depending on area and class size. No special equipment is necessary.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Tai Chi." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Tai Chi." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Tai Chi." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Tai Chi." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17, 2001.
Therapeutic Touch
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Therapeutic touch
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does therapeutic touch involve? Therapeutic touch is based on the idea that a life force, or vital
energy, within the body is essential to good health. Therapeutic touch, a popular therapy in the U.S.,
manipulates this life force to remove blockages in the patient's vital energy. Most commonly practiced
by nurses, therapeutic touch involves the sweeping of hands down the patient's body to smooth energy
fields and eliminate blockages. Sessions typically last about thirty minutes and consist of four parts:
centering, assessment, unruffling and energy transfer. 1 Despite what the name implies, therapeutic
touch does not call for actually touching the patient's body.
How is therapeutic touch thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health? Proponents
believe that therapeutic touch removes blockages and stagnant, harmful energy in the patient's energy
fields. The absence of free flowing energy or the presence of harmful energy is believed to cause pain,
illness and disease. The practitioner is thought to serve as a channel of life energy by transferring
his/her own excess healthy energy to the patient. 2 Patients have reported they feel more relaxed, less
stressed and have lessened pain after therapeutic touch. The American Cancer Society reports that the
"simple presence of a person who is interested in helping can promote relaxation” and lowers anxiety. 3
This can help a patient feel better, promote wellness and improve health. Supporters also report
therapeutic touch can alter enzyme activity, increase hemoglobin levels, reduce fever and speed the
healing of wounds. 4
What has been proven about the benefits of therapeutic touch? The existence of a life force has
never been proven through scientific studies, but it is certainly possible that therapeutic touch works
through a placebo effect (see Appendix E). Whatever the explanation is behind the benefit of
therapeutic touch, a number of studies have documented genuine improve ments in patients following
therapeutic touch. 5 In addition, there are many patient testimonials that describe positive results using
therapeutic touch. Therapeutic touch should not be expected to cure cancer, but it can be used in
relieving anxiety and stress cancer patients experience.
What is the potential risk or harm of therapeutic touch? There are no medical conditions that
preclude patients from the use of therapeutic touch. 6 It is a safe, non-toxic therapeutic alternative.
How much does therapeutic touch cost? Costs vary with the practitioner. Several hospitals offer
therapeutic touch at no charge to their patients.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Therapeutic Touch." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Therapeutic Touch." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Therapeutic Touch." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 17, 2001.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1998; pg. 319.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Therapeutic Touch." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
. Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Therapeutic Touch." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
What does traditional Chinese medicine involve? Traditional Chinese medicine is a complete
medical system that has been in use for thousands of years. It consists of methods to prevent as well as
treat illness. 1 The goal of traditional Chinese medicine is to achieve an overall balance within the
individual. Qi, the vital energy or life force that flows within a fixed network of twelve invisible
pathways or meridians in the body, is the most important concept of Chinese medicine. Wellness is
achieved when opposite and complementary forces, called Yin (feminine - cool, moist, nutritive, quiet)
and Yang (masculine - warm, dry, energetic, active), are in balance and promote the unobstructed flow
of Qi. An imbalance of Qi, Yin and Yang are believed to result in sickness. All treatments aim to
balance a person's Qi. Several methods are used to promote, maintain and restore Qi, including herbal
remedies for nourishment, acupuncture, moxibustion (heat therapy), diet, massage, meditation and
exercises such as qigong and tai chi. 2
How is Chinese medicine thought to manage specific symptoms of cancer, side effects of
conventional therapies and/or control pain? The individual components of Chinese medicine target
different symptoms of disease and side effects of treatment. For example, acupuncture helps to alleviate
pain, nausea and vomiting. Qigong and tai chi improve balance and prevent muscle wasting. Ginseng,
an herb used in Chinese medicine, is thought to help the body adapt to environmental and psychological
stressors, increase overall strength and endurance and promote health and well-being. 3 Massage and
meditation can reduce anxiety, increase feelings of relaxation and improve quality of life.
What has been proven about the benefit of traditional Chinese medicine? The University of Texas
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center conducted an extensive human studies literature review of traditional
Chinese medicine and found seventy-four human studies applicable to cancer. In these studies,
traditional Chinese medicine was generally given in conjunction with conventional therapy and
compared to patients receiving conventional therapy alone. Statistically significant outcomes in these
studies including increased survival rates, enhanced immune response, reduction in side effects from
chemotherapy and radiotherapy, improved recovery from surgery, alleviation of pain and improved
quality of life. 4 For more specific information, please see the fact sheets for each treatment modality.
What is the potential risk or harm of Chinese medicine? Side effects will vary depending on the
treatment used. Please see the fact sheets for each treatment modality.
How much does Chinese medicine cost? Cost will vary depending on the treatment used. Please see
the fact sheets for each treatment modality.
Whole Health MD (2000). “Therapies – Traditional Chinese Medicine.” [Online]. Available WWW:,1525,10085,00.html. Accessed December 18, 2001.
Whole Health MD (2000). “Therapies – Traditional Chinese Medicine.” [Online]. Available WWW:,1525,10085,00.html. Accessed December 18, 2001.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (2001). "Alternative Medical Systems - Traditional Chinese Medicine."
[Online]. Available WWW:
811600508B603A14. Accessed December 18, 2001.
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Vegetarianism
should be used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does being a vegetarian involve? Vegetarianism is the adoption of a diet that consists mostly of
plant products. However, vegetarians differ in the extremes to which they eat only plant products.
Generally, vegetarians fall into the following major categories:1
• Vegans - eat no meat, dairy or fish products at all
• Lactovegetarians - eat dairy products but not eggs, meat or fish
• Ovolactovegetarians - eat eggs and diary products but not meat or fish
• Part-time vegetarians - eat white meat and fish but not red meat
While some choose to follow a vegetarian diet because of religious and ethical beliefs, most people
choose to become vegetarians because it is known to be healthier.
How is vegetarianism tho ught to promote wellness and optimize overall health? There are many
health benefits associated with a diet high in fiber and low in fat. While following a vegetarian diet is
not thought to cure cancer, it may protect you from developing certain types of cancer. The traditional
American diet includes large amounts of meat, poultry, dairy products and fast foods that are typically
high in fat, sodium and calories. By eliminating animal products from the diet, saturated fat and
cholesterol are reduced or eliminated. Fat derived from plant products is typically unsaturated, an
adequate and healthier substitute because it does not contain, and actually reduces, cholesterol. 2
What has been proven about the benefit of vegetarianism? For many years, the US Government has
urged citizens to reduce consumption of animal fat because excessive fat is known to contribute to poor
health in several ways, including an increased risk for some cancers. 3 Scientific data has shown that
vegetarian diets reduce the risk of obesity, constipation, coronary artery disease, hypertension, type II
diabetes, gallstones and several types of cancer including cancer of the breast and colon. 4 ,5 As research
progresses, scientists are continuing to find components called "phytochemicals" in plant products that
protect good health and help prevent cancer. Some include:6
• Sulforaphane - found in broccoli; neutralizes enzymes that may trigger cancer
• Glucobrassicin - found in cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel
sprouts, swiss chard, bok choy and kale); helps the body form indoles, compounds that may help
prevent breast and other cancers
• Beta-carotene - found in orange and dark green vegetables; an antioxidant that reduces the risk
of cancer and hardening of the arteries
• Phytate and protease inhibitors - found in beans; play a role in cancer prevention
What is the potential risk or harm of vegetarianism? The American Dietic Association reports that
vegetarian diets are healthy and nutritionally complete when properly planned. 7 However, vegetarians
limit their selection of foods, and this increases the risk of nutritional deficiencies. The most common
deficiencies associated with vegetarianism are vitamin B12 , vitamin D and calcium. Most dieticians
recommend that strict vegetarians supplement their diets with a daily multivitamin. Vegetarians must
also be sure to include adequate amounts of protein, which can be found in beans, nuts, whole- grains
and soy products. Switching to a vegetarian diet quickly can result in intestinal problems due to the
rapid increase in dietary fiber. According to the American Cancer Society, cancer patients should
discuss plans to become a vegetarian with a trained nutritionist. 8
How much does becoming a vegetarian cost? Plant foods tend to be less expensive than animal foods.
While some patients seek professional consultation when planning vegetarian diets, others form
vegetarian meal plans on their own. Holistic health centers, health food stores and the Internet provide
plenty of information on becoming a vegetarian and how to plan balanced and nutritional meals.
Everyday Cooking with Dr. Dean Ornish: 150 Easy, Low-Fat, High-Flavor Recipes by Dean Ornish.
Harper Collins Publishing, 1997.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Vegetarianism." [Online]. Available WWW: . Accessed December 17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Vegetarianism." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Vegetarianism." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Vegetarianism." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Vegetarianism." [Online]. Available WWW: . Accessed December 17, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Vegetarianism." [Online]. Available WWW: . Accessed December 17, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo Health: Vegetarianism." [Online]. Available WWW: . Accessed December 17, 2001.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Vegetarianism." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17,
This treatment modality is thought to promote wellness and optimize overall health. Yoga should be
used with, not in place of, standard cancer therapy.
What does yoga involve? Yoga exercises, actually hatha yoga, were developed in India and are an
ancient practice intended to unify the body and mind. Yoga is usually performed in group classes and
includes three dimensions: breathing exercises, body postures and meditation. By assuming a series of
asanas (positions), you will stretch all the muscle groups in the body. Through controlled breathing and
meditation, yoga postures seek to enhance prana (life force) that resides in the body and bring balance
between the body and the mind.
How is yoga thought to improve wellness and optimize overall health? Yoga is intended to unite the
mind, body and spirit to reach the highest possible levels of consciousness. 1 Yoga has been defined as a
system of personal development and when practiced regularly, yoga can promote relaxation, enhance
well-being and improve quality of life for cancer patients.
What has been proven about the benefit of yoga? While yoga is not a cure for cancer, it has many
positive benefits for cancer patients. Research has shown that yoga, practiced regularly, can lower blood
pressure, reduce anxiety and stress and improve blood pressure, concentration, sleep and digestion. 2
Yoga is often recommended to relieve pain and anxiety associated with cancer. Scientists do not
understand how yoga produces these positive effects, but it is speculated that it works largely by
relieving stress, similar to other mind-body therapies.
What is the potential risk or harm of yoga? Patients who have recently had a back injury or surgery
should avoid yoga. Patients with arthritis, a slipped disk, heart disease or high blood pressure should
check with a doctor before beginning any type of exercise. Muscle stiffness may be experienced when
first beginning yoga exercises while the body adapts to this new form of exercise. This stiffness should
be short- lived.
How much does therapy cost? Costs will vary with yoga instructors.
American Cancer Society (2001). "Making Treatment Decisions - Yoga." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo! Health: Yoga." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 17, 2001.
I. Mind-Body Interventions
The role of emotions in recovery and the ability of the mind to influence physical
functions are the basis for mind-body approaches to cancer therapy. Because some
patterns of emotions and behavior can lead to alterations in body biochemistry and
immune system function, changing unhealthy patterns of emotions and behavior may
positively affect the body. This category includes psychotherapy, support groups, guided
imagery or visualization, music and art therapy and hypnosis. Mind-body medicine is
divided into four subcategories:
1. Mind-Body Systems
These approaches involve whole systems of mind-body practice and are
usually used as primary interventions for disease.
2. Mind-Body Methods
These individual modalities are often considered to be conventional practices
and overlap with CAM only when used to treat medical conditions for which
they are not usually used.
• Internal Qigong • Yoga
• Tai Chi
Behavioral Medicine______________________________________________
• Biofeedback • Meditation
• Hypnosis • Psychotherapy
• Imagery • Support Groups
• Art Therapy • Humor Therapy
• Body Psychotherapy • Journaling
• Dance Therapy • Music Therapy
• Confession • Soul Retrieval
• Nonlocality • "Special" Healers
• Nontemporality • Spiritual Healers
• Caring-based Approaches • Intuitive Diagnosis
• Community-based Approaches • Placebo (see Appendix E)
• Explanatory Models
• Cayce-based Systems • Kneipp "classical"
• Environmental Medicine • Orthomolecular Medicine
• Functional Medicine • Radiesthesia, Psionic Medicine
• Homeopathy • Radionics
4. Naturopathy
• Mediterranean • Pritikin
• Natural Hygiene • Vegetarian
• Ornish • Wigmore
• Paleolithic
2. Single Nutrients
• Amino Acids • Medium Chain Fatty Acids
• Ascorbic Acid • Melatonin
• Biotin • Molybdenum
• Boron • Niacin
• Calcium • Niacinamide
• Carnitine • Pantothenic Acid
• Carotenes • Phenylalanine
• Choline • Phosphatidylserine
• Chondroitin Sulfate • Potassium
• Co-enzyme Q10 • Probiotics
• DHEA • Pyridoxine
• Fatty Acids • Riboflavin
• Folic Acid • S-adenosylmethionine
• Gamma-oryzanol • Selenium
• Glandular Products • Silicon
• Glucosamine Sulfate • Taurine
• Glutamine • Thiamine
• Inositol • Tocopherols
• Iodine • Tyrosine
• Iron • Vanadium
• Lipoic Acid • Vitamin A
• Lysine • Vitamin D
• Magnesium • Vitamin K
• Manganese
1. Chiropractic Medicine
• Diathermy • Hydrotherapy
• Heat and Electrotherapies • Light and Color Therapies
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. "Major Domains of Complementary and
Alternative Medicine." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
November 7, 2001.
American Medical Association (1999). "CSA Reports. Report 12 of the Council on Scientific Affairs,
Alternative Medicine." [Online]. Available WWW:
2523.html . Accessed November 6, 2001.
The effective treatment of serious illness requires a considerable effort by both the patient
and the physician. A clear understanding by both of us as to what each of us can
realistically and reasonably expect of the other will do much to enhance the outlook. I
am giving this "statement" to you as one step in making our relationship as effective and
productive as possible. It might be helpful if you would read this statement and, if you
think it appropriate, discuss it with me.
2. Inform and educate you about your situation, and the various treatment alternatives.
How detailed an explanation is given will be dependent upon your specific desires.
3. Encourage yo u to ask questions about your illness and its treatment and to answer
your questions as clearly as possible. I will also attempt to answer the questions
asked by your family; however, my primary responsibility is to you, and I will discuss
your medical situation only with those people authorized by you.
4. Remain aware that all major decisions about the course of your care shall be made by
you. However, I will accept the responsibility for making certain decisions if you
want me to.
5. Assist you to obtain other professional opinions if you desire, or if you believe it to be
in your best interests.
6. Relate to you as one competent adult to another, always attempting to consider your
emotional, social, and psychological needs as well as your physical needs.
7. Spend a reasonable amount of time with you on each return visit unless required by
something urgent to do otherwise, and give you my undivided attention during that
9. Return phone calls as promptly as possible, especially those you indicate as urgent.
10. Make available test results promptly if you desire such reports.
11. Provide you with any information you request concerning my professional training,
experience, philosophy and fees.
12. Respect your desire to try treatment that might not be conventionally accepted.
However, I will give you my honest opinion about such unconventional treatments.
13. Maintain my active support and attention throughout the course of the illness.
I hope that you as the patient will make every effort to:
2. Be as candid as possible with me about what you need and expect from me.
7. Attempt to make all phone calls to me during the working hours. Call on nights and
weekends only when absolutely necessary.
8. Attempt to coordinate the requests of your family and confidants, so that I do not
have to answer the same questions about you to several different people.
Finding a quality health care practitioner can be a confusing and lengthy process.
Health consumers may want to research the background, qualifications and competence
alternative and complementary health care. An informed referral is a good place to start.
One of the best referral sources is a professional in a related field. 1 For instance,
chiropractors often know the best acupuncturists in the local area, and vice versa.
Appropriate state licensing is one way to check that the practitioner you selected
is competent in his/her field. You can contact a state or local regulatory agency with
authority over practitioners who practice the treatment you seek. The practice of CAM is
accreditation and regulatory laws are increasingly being implemented. For some
specialties, licensing requirements are determined at the state level. In others, the
individual county or city governments determine the level of education and training
necessary for a license. Local and state medical boards, health regulatory boards and
license, education, accreditation and whether there are any complaints lodged against the
professional organizations, the practitioner must meet the minimum licensing law
requirements for his/her state. These professional organizations often have referral
In the absence of licensing laws, there is no precise way to determine the relative
competence of a CAM practitioner. However common sense can provide some general
direction. For instance, it is better when practitioners have had extensive training in their
seminars over a medical doctor who has only taken a weekend training course. 2
Experience is another useful guideline. Just as medical doctors improve with practice, so
too will alternative practitioners. Be sure to find out the number of hours of training the
practitioner has had in the technique in which you are interested. In addition, you should
acupuncture is very diverse. There are many distinct styles of acupuncture which include
traditional Chinese medicine, Japanese Manaka style, Korean hand acupuncture and the
Worsley method. Advocates of each field tend to believe that their method is better than
all others. 3
licensure and regulations regarding the practice of acupuncture vary from state to state.
This inconsistent licensure at the state level makes it difficult to judge an acupuncturist’s
credentials. Legislation in at least 35 states plus the District of Columbia regulate the
practice of acupuncture, and about a quarter of these states grant licenses to practice
matters more confusing, these titles do not have a consistent relationship to educational
requirements. A practitioner may have some of the following titles: Ac.T. = masters
Acupuncture, OMD or DOM = Doctor of Oriental Medicine. One can be assured that
they have found a trained and board certified acupuncturist if they have these
9680) sets national standards for acupuncture schools and can send you a list of
of acupunctur e. 7 An acupuncturist must pass this exam and meet continuing education
acupuncturist should be licensed in the state where he/she practices, if such licenses
exists, and have received NCCAOM certification. If the practitioner does not have a
license, he/she should have graduated from an accredited acupuncture school and/or
from an approved school, completed four academic years of education and obtained a
state license. 8 The state licensure process consists of qualifying and passing California's
California does not recognize out-of-state licensing for practice within its state lines. 9
while a medical doctor may have just attended a weekend course in acupuncture
technique and treatme nt. 10 Ask the physician-acupuncturist about his/her training and
experience in the field. Physician's Assistants can perform acupuncture under the
supervision of a physician.
below. They can provide names of practitioners who meet competency standards.
should have an educational background in traditional Chinese medicine and the hundreds
Oriental bodywork therapy, but it is a relatively new program and few practitioners have
Alexander Technique
and will certify teachers with at least 1,600 hours of training over a three-year period.
Allopathic Medicine
All medical doctors (MDs) are educated and trained in accredited U.S. medical
schools or foreign medical schools and must pass the three parts of the United States
treatments is not yet an integral part of standard medical education. The American
Holistic Medical Association (AHMA) is sensitive to the fact there are no national
standards of competency in alternative treatments for medical doctors and has recently
established the American Board of Holistic Medicine for the purpose of certifying
a medical specialty.
In many states, medical doctors, just by the broad scope of their license to practice
medicine, can offer alternative treatments to their patients in which they have not
consumers from untrained medical doctors who offer several types of alternative
California law does not require medical doctors to possess a specialized license to offer
certification that will provide national guidelines for students and teachers.
Art Therapy
Educational and professional standards for art therapists are regulated by the
professional organization, American Art Therapy Association, Inc. The Art Therapy
maintaining and developing standards of practice for art therapists. The designation Art
Therapist Registered (ATR) is granted by the ATCB to individuals who have completed
the required educational and professional experience. Board Certified (ATR-BC) art
therapists are individuals who have passed the national certification examination.
States. A small number of schools offer minimal training in Ayurvedic principles but
there are not any colleges offering the five years of training that is the educational
Ayurvedic methods in their treatments. As you would with any doctor, check into your
required by law to be certified. States which license psychologists and nurses have
mandated that this license is all that is required to practice biofeedback. Biofeedback
technicians may work under their employer's license. There are training programs
who wish to be certified must have a bachelor's degree in a health care field, completed a
training. 13
There is national licensure for chiropractic to which all fifty states plus the
District of Columbia and Puerto Rico adhere. A licensed Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
Chiropractic Education (CCE) and/or approved by a state board. National exams and
various state assessments are also required. Chiropractors can legally do more than
manipulate and align the spine. They will usually take a medical history, perform a
physical exam and order lab tests and X-rays to arrive at a diagnosis.
Energetic Healing
There is no national licensure for energetic healing, and licensing laws are
Several schools offer certificate programs in what they call energetic healing. These are
usually hybrid programs which combine color therapy, flower essence therapy, magnetic
healing. 14
Environmental Medicine
who have been trained by other physicians and/or have taken advanced courses in the
Guided Imagery
There is no national or state licensure for guided imagery, and like many mind-
social workers. However many hospitals, health organizations, books and videos offer
Herbal Medicine
There are several different approaches to using herbal medicine in the United
States. While there is no national licensure for herbal medicine, a practitioner must have
herbalist prescribe herbs. If a herbalist does not have a state license, legally he/she can
Chinese Herbology. Unfortunately, outside of state and local licensing regulations, there
education. Because of the unregulated nature of this practice and the potential for
take Chinese herbs, make sure any mixtures you use have standardized content and are
processed under the direction of a licensed health professional familiar with their
medicinal effects.
remedies in the United States. Because there are no national standards of competency in
alternative medicine for allopathic doctors and osteopaths, the American Board of
Holistic Medicine administers written and oral examinations to interested M.D.s and
D.O.s. Those who successfully pass the examination are awarded the Diplomate in
Training in homeopathy for other health care providers in the United States is
usually three years in length, typically meeting one weekend per month during the
training period. A number of certification programs are available. The Council for
status to candidates with a Ph.D., D.C., M.D., D.O., P.A., N.D. or O.M.D. and certificate
status to candidates without a doctorate. There is inconsistent licensure at the state level,
and other heath care and CAM practitioners may or may not be allowed to prescribe
homeopathic medicines. You should contact the National Center for Homeopathy for
legally offer their services to the public. The International Medical and Dental
Swedish massage, therapeutic touch and others. There is no national licensure and
inconsistent licensure at the state level. Many states have no educational or training
requirements for massage therapists. Whether or not state laws are in place, local or
county laws may apply. The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) can
provide current information on a specific state's massage laws. The AMTA is also the
U.S. massage schools have been granted accreditation. 16 The National Certification
and an increasing number of states use this as their licensing exam. It is important to
make sure your therapist is properly qualified and membership in the AMTA is the best
evidence that your therapist has had the proper training. The AMTA also keeps a
are a number of “universities” around the country, run by the Maharishi Vedic Education
Hospitals, clinics, private practices and fitness centers may have relationships with
meditation instructors to whom they refer patients. Look for someone with whom you
There is no national licensure for naturopathy, and at the state level, licensure is
inconsistent. Currently only a few states (Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii,
Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington) and
Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico have licensing laws, and they differ considerably. If
you reside in one of the states listed above, your naturopath should have a degree from
one of the four accredited, four-year Naturopathic medical schools (Bastyr; National
Medicine in Toronto, Ontario) and have passed the national board exam, Naturopathic
naturopathic schools and programs. Graduates from these schools are granted the title
Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and are usually affiliated with the American Association of
In California, your naturopath may or may not have a ND. In the states without a
Naturopathic Doctor licensing board, N.D.s also have to be certified in a licensed type of
Naturopathy are called Naturopathic Practitioners and they attended and received training
legally provide naturopathy to health care consumers. These naturopaths are usually
states, Naturopathic Practitioners can sit for a national board certification test to get their
a M.D., and osteopathy has, for the most part, been assimilated into the larger stream of
conventional medicine. All physicians (both D.O.s and M.D.s) must pass a national and
state medical board examination in order to obtain a medical license and practice
medicine. The National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners can give you
Polarity Therapy
There is no national licensure of polarity therapists, and licensure at the state level
therapists are subjected to the same licensing laws as massage therapists. In other states,
who have completed 155 hours of training receive certification as an Associate Polarity
Practitioner (A.P.P.) and those with 615 hours of training receive certification as a
See acupuncture.
graduates. 19 Becoming a yoga instructor or yoga therapist requires much more personal
prospective yoga instructors must have been practicing yoga for daily for six months to a
year, abstain from drugs, alcohol and tobacco and follow a vegetarian diet. Seeking a
referral from your health care provider and asking other patients undergoing yoga therapy
for recommendations are good ways to find an experienced and qualified yoga therapist.
Bratman, Steven. The Alternative Medicine Sourcebook. Los Angeles, CA: Lowell House, 1998; pg.
Bratman, Steven. The Alternative Medicine Sourcebook. Los Angeles, CA: Lowell House, 1998; pg.
Bratman, Steven. The Alternative Medicine Sourcebook. Los Angeles, CA: Lowell House, 1998; pg.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W. W. Norton and Company,
1998. pg. 21.
Yahoo! Incorporated (1999). “Yahoo! Health: Acupuncture.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 11, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (1999). “Yahoo! Health: Acupuncture.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 11, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (1999). “Yahoo! Health: Acupuncture.” [Online]. Available WWW:
Accessed December 11, 2001.
8 (2000). “United States Acupunture Laws by State.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 11, 2001.
California Acupuncture Board. “Licensing and Application Process.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 11, 2001.
Morton, Michael and Morton, Mary (1997). “The M.D. as an Alternative Practitioner.” [Online].
Available WWW: Accessed December 11, 2001.
American Holistic Medical Association. “The ABHM Exam.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 11, 2001.
Lyons, Dianne J.B. Planning Your Career in Alternative Medicine. Garden City Park, NY: Avery
Publishing Group, 1997; pg. 7.
Lyons, Dianne J.B. Planning Your Career in Alternative Medicine. Garden City Park, NY: Avery
Publishing Group, 1997; pg. 8.
Lyons, Dianne J.B. Planning Your Career in Alternative Medicine. Garden City Park, NY: Avery
Publishing Group, 1997; pg. 10.
Lyons, Dianne J.B. Planning Your Career in Alternative Medicine. Garden City Park, NY: Avery
Publishing Group, 1997; pg. 13-14.
Lyons, Dianne J.B. Planning Your Career in Alternative Medicine. Garden City Park, NY: Avery
Publishing Group, 1997; pg. 23.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). “Yahoo! Health: Meditation.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 11, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). “Yahoo! Health: Meditation.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed
December 11, 2001.
Yahoo! Incorporated (2001). "Yahoo! Heath: Yoga." [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December
11, 2001.
In 1955, Dr. Henry Beecher, a Harvard physician, published the first study that
substances also known as “sugar pills.”1 The placebo effect can be defined as healing
that occurs from a patient’s beliefs or assumptions that a treatment is effective. This
treatment can be an ingested medicine or other therapy that is perceived by the patient as
having therapeutic value. This phenomenon is an excellent example of how the mind and
the power of suggestion can have a major effect on the state of the body. Many of the
mind-body therapies reviewed in this manual are beneficial to patients for this very
reason. If a patient believes in the therapy and his/her health care practitioner, the
placebo will help to lessen pain and promote general well-being thirty to forty percent of
the time. 2
The power of the mind and placebos can actually be powerful enough to cause
negative side effects, including headaches, nervousness, nausea and constipation. This
result is called the nocebo response. 3 However, the effect normally acts in a positive
fashion to relieve pain, nausea, headaches, stress, anxiety and other symptoms. Placebos
should not be expected to change the underlying disorders causing the symptoms.
There is some evidence that suggests the placebo effect leads to the release of
endorphins, or natural painkillers, in the brain, which can help alleviate pain and anxiety
many patients experience. 4 It is also believed that the doctor-patient relationship has a
strong influence on whether or not the placebo effect will occur. Because many patients
have a strong faith in and respect for their health care providers, a therapy offered by a
trusted source gives them hope and strength for recovery from illness. Physicians who
help their patients gain optimism are more likely to generate positive placebo effects in
their patients than those who do not inspire and generate hope in their patients. 5
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company,
1998; pg. 139.
Dana Desonie, Study Works Online (2001). “The Placebo Effect: Real or Imagined.” [Online].
Available WWW:,1034,NAV4-
42_SAR1112,00.html. Accessed December 12, 2001.
Health (2000). “NIH Mind/Body Connections.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 12, 2001.
. Health (2000). “NIH Mind/Body Connections.” [Online]. Available WWW: Accessed December 12, 2001.
Cassileth, Barrie R. The Alternative Medicine Handbook. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company,
1998; pg. 142.