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Meihua Lin1, Jingjing Wang1,2, Guobao Zhou1,3, Jianxin Lu2, Jimin Gao2, Xiaoqing
Division of Physical Biology & Bioimaging Center, Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility,
Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
School of Medical Lab Science and Life Science, Wenzhou Medical University, Zhejiang 325035,
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Key Laboratory of Resources Chemistry of
macroscopic biosensing surfaces, which can increase both the mass transport rate of
the target molecules in solution and the absolute numbers of probe molecules on the
demonstrated that both the kinetics and thermodynamics of DNA hybridisation were
profoundly affected. Because each DNA probe is anchored on an individual TDN, its
lateral spacing and interactions are finely tuned by the TDN size. By simply varying
the size of the TDNs, we decreased the hybridisation time and increased the
hybridisation efficiency. More significantly, we were able to tune the detection limit
for DNA detection over three orders of magnitude with differentially nanostructured
There have been increasing demands for the development of rapid and sensitive
recognition2,10. However, the currently available approaches are largely empirical and
The sensitivity of biomolecular detection is limited not only by the affinity of the
interfaces, the diffusion of biomolecules from the bulk solution to the surface is nearly
nanoscopic interfaces2,10. Thus, the size reduction of biosensors usually increases the
mass transport rate and improves sensitivity. Nevertheless, the limited space available
reduces the probability of collision and binding of the probe and target molecules.
Indeed, theoretical studies have revealed that the detection limit of a nanosensor was
highly specific Watson-Crick base pairing, DNA molecules can be self-assembled into
DNA nanostructures of various sizes, shapes and geometries with high predictability
(TDNs) of sub-10-nm sizes have been shown to be a rigid scaffold for the oriented
anchoring of DNA probes. Here, we aimed to study the DNA surface hybridisation
tune the detection limit of DNA sensors by using macroscopic gold electrodes
As the test bed for our interrogation of DNA sensors, we designed three types of
TDNs with different sizes: TDN7, TDN13 and TDN17, in which each edge of the
TDN contains 7, 13 or 17 base pairs, respectively. All TDNs were rationally designed
such that no undesired secondary structures were present at the edges. Because each
base pair was separated by 0.34 nm in a double helix, we were able to precisely
calculate the edge length of these TDNs to be 5.8 nm, 4.4 nm and 2.4 nm, respectively.
Each TDN carries a pendant DNA probe at one vertex and three thiol groups at the
other three vertices, which can be firmly anchored at the Au surface (Figure 1 and
with high yields of 85-90% (Figure S2 and Figure S3). To further confirm the
formation of the TDNs, we modified two strands of the TDNs with a pair of
donor-acceptor dyes (Cy3 and Cy5) for fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)
analysis. Cy3 and Cy5 were expected to be separated by 7, 13 and 17 base pairs for
TDN-7, TDN-13 and TDN-17, respectively. The presence of FRET confirmed the
successful assembly of the DNA strands (Figure S2). The FRET efficiency is
with this, we observed a monotonic decrease of the FRET efficiency with the
increasing size of the TDNs (Figure S2). These findings indicated that the efficiency
Because the lateral distance between the probes is dominated by the TDN scaffolds,
we were able to precisely tune the lateral distance at the nanoscale by varying the size
of the TDNs. To verify this tuning effect, we first quantified the surface density of the
monolayer. We observed that the surface density of the TDN probes was inversely
proportional to the size of the TDN (Figure 2a). The surface density increased from
decreasing size of the TDNs. We then estimated that the distances between the DNA
probes were ~5.2 nm, 4.5 nm and 3.7 nm for TDN-17, TDN-13 and TDN-7,
respectively, which coincided well with the theoretical values (5.8 nm, 4.4 nm and 2.4
nm for TDN-17, TDN-13 and TDN-7, respectively) (Figure 2b). In addition, a surface
nm, was observed for single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). We concluded that the probe
With the ability to precisely regulate the distance between probes, we further
and efficiency. The in situ hybridisation investigation revealed that the kinetics of
hybridisation were dependent on the distance between the probes (Figure 3a and 3b).
We observed a relatively slow hybridisation process (~90 min) with a distance of 1.8
Nearly saturated signals were observed within 20 min with a distance of ~5.2 nm. To
quantify the reaction rate, we calculated the pseudo-first-order reaction rate (k’) using
distance-dependent (Figure 3c). Without using the tetrahedron, a more densely packed
monolayer was formed, which reduced the reaction rate (0.01 min-1). With an increase
in the probe distance, the reaction rate increased monotonically. A 10-fold increase in
the reaction rate (0.10 min-1) was observed by using TDN-17 with a probe distance of
~5.2 nm.
The hybridisation efficiency also depends heavily on the distance between probes.
The hybridisation efficiency was as low as ~15.9% with a distance of ~1.8 nm. With
when the distance between probes was increased (Figure 3d). Clearly, strong lateral
probe distance.
explored the biosensing capability with TDN regulation. As the test bed, we integrated
the TDN probes with a well-established DNA sandwich assay. We observed that the
electrochemical signal increased with the increased lateral distance. When target DNA
TDN-17 (the lateral distance between probes was ~5.2 nm) (Figure S4, S5). In sharp
contrast, a current of only ~770 nA was obtained when the distance was decreased to
1.8 nm (Figure 4, S4, S5). We then programmed the detection limits of the biosensors
by regulating the distance between the probes via the use of different sized TDNs.
Interestingly, the detection limits shifted in intervals by one order of magnitude. With
increasing size of the TDNs, the detection limits shifted from 10 pM to 100 fM
(Figure 4, Figure S5). With this precise regulation, the detection sensitivity was
improved 100-fold. Without using the TDN scaffolds, the ssDNA-based biosensor
TDN-17 with and without the pedant DNA probes, we could further lower the surface
density. We demonstrated that a DNA sensor with a 1:10 mixed monolayer of TDN-17
and the use of a polymerized enzyme conjugate, poly-HRP40, led to a detection limit
We then investigated the specificity and selectivity of the biosensors. The TDN-based
than ssDNA-based one (Figure 5). As demonstrated, the TDN-based sensors clearly
discriminated the signals from mismatched target (G) and mismatched target (A).
background signal or a loss in signal gain (Figure 5). The signal differences in FBS
Molecules that function well in solution may not fully retain their properties when
probes heavily affect their recognition process. A series of diluent molecules, such as
molecules, have been used as “backfillers” to help the DNA probes extend toward the
solution phase21,34. With these molecules, the non-specific adsorption of DNA probes
on the surface can be minimised, and the orientation of the DNA probes is improved.
However, finely tuning the density and minimizing lateral interactions remain
to this problem. Because the dimensions of DNA probes and the target recognition
process occur on the nanometre scale, the use of DNA nanostructures offer
To precisely control the probe density, we rationally designed TDNs with different
sizes. Through these well-defined TDNs, we were able to regulate the lateral distances
between the DNA probes at the nanometre scale, making it possible to investigate the
DNA hybridisation process with the same level of precision. Another advantage was
that we could precisely anchor a single DNA probe on a single DNA nanostructure,
advantage was that diluent molecules were not required for immobilisation, which
large surface area (high absolute number of probes), but their low mass transport rate
and surface heterogeneity are major limitations for sensitive and rapid sensing.
Nanometre scale sensors have fast binding kinetics; however, their physical
limitations in size will eventually dominate (owing to the very low probability of
target binding events on an individual sensor). Thus, impractically long times are
engineering. Through this method, we bridge the gap between nanometre scale
sensors and macroscopic biosensors by combining the inherent advantages of the two
improved. For example, the detection speed can be decreased from hours to minutes,
and the recognition efficiency can be enhanced from ~15% to greater than 80%. The
detection limits can also be programmed and improved. Also importantly, the
Equimolar quantities of four strands for the formation of the tetrahedrons were mixed
added to the surface of the cleaned gold electrodes and allowed to immobilise
overnight at room temperature. The immobilisation for ssDNA was the same as that
for the tetrahedrons, and the concentration was also 1 µM. However, for the
MCH solution (in H-buffer) at room temperature for 1 hour to replace non-specific
adsorption of target DNA. Between each step, the electrode was rinsed with R-buffer
and dried lightly with N2 before hybridisation.
DNA detection was carried out in a sandwich assay format. Different concentrations
of target DNA were first mixed with the biotinylated reporter probe (100 nM) in 100
µL of H-buffer, heated to 80 °C for 5 min and then cooled under refrigeration for 5
min. ssDNA probe modified electrodes were exposed to a 2 mM MCH solution (in
H-buffer) at room temperature for 1 hour. Finally, the tetrahedron or ssDNA probe
modified electrode was incubated in the 100 µL solution for hybridisation at 37 °C for
2 hours. The electrodes were rinsed with 0.1 M PBS buffer and then incubated with 3
µL of avidin-HRP (0.5 U/mL) for 15 min at room temperature. The electrodes were
This work was financially supported by the National Basic Research Program (973
Author contributions
performed the experiments. J. L., J. G., X. C.and J. S. analysed the data. M. L., X. Z.,
and C.F. co-wrote the paper. All authors discussed the results and commented on the
Additional information
Corresponding authors
Figure legends
types of TDNs with different sizes were designed. The lateral distance between the
DNA probes on the surface was precisely regulated through the different sized TDNs.
Figure 2. (a) The densities of the TDN probes decreased with increasing TDN size. (b)
The nanodistance between the probes was well controlled by tuning the size of the
TDN. The experimental data correlated highly with the theoretical data.
Figure 3. (a) Hybridisation kinetics are highly related to the nanodistance between
probes. (b) The pseudo-first-order reaction rates are shown. A ten-fold improvement
was obtained by tuning the nanodistance via the use of different sized TDNs. (c)
Hybridisation efficiency varies with the size of TDNs. The hybridisation efficiency
can be improved from 15.9% to 81.5% by tuning the nanodistance. (d) The free
Figure 4. Detection limits can be programmed by tuning the size of the TDNs. The
detection limits were 100 fM, 1 pM and 10 pM for TDN-17 (a), TDN-13 (b) and
polymorphisms. (b) The sensors functioned well when challenged with 50% FBS. The
background signals and the signals from the 10 nM targets were comparable to those
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