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About The Course: Software Testing

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OVERALL COURSE ● Software Testing: fundamental concepts,
OBJECTIVE: principles, and methodologies of software
testing, including its importance in
ensuring software quality and reliability.
● Explore Different Testing Techniques and
Strategies: Study various testing
techniques, such as functional testing,
regression testing, performance testing,
security testing, and usability testing.
develop effective test strategies based on
the specific requirements and constraints
of software projects.
● Test Tools and Frameworks: Familiarize
yourself with popular software testing
tools and frameworks, such as Selenium,
JUnit, TestNG, and Cucumber. Gain
hands-on experience in using these tools
to automate test cases, manage test
data, and generate test reports.
● Test Case Design and Execution: Learn
how to design comprehensive and
effective test cases, including test case
identification, prioritization, and
traceability. processing of executing test
cases, capturing test results, and
reporting defects.
● Defect Management and Bug Tracking:
Gain knowledge of defect management
processes and tools, including bug-
tracking systems like JIRA. Learn how to
report, track, prioritize, and resolve
software defects in a systematic manner.
● Test Environment Setup and
Configuration: setting up a test
environment, including hardware,
software, and network configurations.
Learn how to manage test environments
effectively and ensure their stability and
● Test Planning and Documentation: Learn
how to develop test plans, define test
objectives, and create test
documentation. importance of test
coverage, traceability, and risk-based
testing approaches.
● Collaborative Testing and Agile
Methodologies: Explore the role of
software testing in agile development
methodologies, such as Scrum and
Kanban. collaborate effectively with
developers, product owners, and other
stakeholders in an agile environment.
● Quality Assurance and Continuous
Improvement: Gain knowledge of quality
assurance processes, standards, and best
practices in software testing. Learn how
to implement continuous improvement
strategies to enhance software testing
activities' overall quality and efficiency.
● Project Work: Apply the knowledge and
skills gained throughout the course by
working on practical projects. Project will
involve designing test scenarios,
developing cases, executing tests, and
analyzing test results.

LEARNING OUTCOME: Testing the application, including its various

● types, importance in software development,
fundamentals, introduction to test
automation, advantages and disadvantages,
appropriate timing for automation, and use
of test automation tools.
Utilize Katalon Studio for software testing,
● including its features, installation, setup, and
interface. Gain competence in basic
operations such as creating projects, adding
test cases, creating test suites, and
executing tests within the Katalon Studio
Develop advanced proficiency in test case
● creation and management within Katalon
Studio, including recording, creating, and
maintaining web test objects. Learn efficient
organization and management techniques
using test suites, test suite collections, and
dynamic test suites. Master data-driven
testing methods and debugging procedures
within Katalon Studio. Advance skills in
keyword-driven testing, custom keyword
creation, and integrating Katalon Studio with
Jenkins or other CI/CD tools for seamless
automation in software testing workflows.
Working in Katalon Studio for cross-browser
● testing
and mobile app testing, while adhering to
best practices and implementing tips and
tricks for efficient test automation. Gain
proficiency in utilizing Katalon Studio
extensions and integrations, including
integrating with popular test management
tools, version control systems like Git, and
utilizing plugins to enhance functionality.
Acquire fundamental knowledge of Git and
its integration with Katalon Studio for
streamlined collaboration and version control
in test automation projects.
Develop proficiency in generating and
● customizing test reports in Katalon Studio,
enabling efficient analysis of test results and
obtaining actionable insights within the
Katalon Platform. Acquire the capability to
execute a comprehensive test automation
project using Katalon Studio, demonstrating
mastery of knowledge and skills gained
throughout the course.


1 Introduction What is Software Exploring 6
to Software testing Different software testing,
Testing types of software including its
testing - various types,
Importance of importance in
software testing software
in software development,
development fundamentals,
Fundamentals of introduction to
test automation,
software testing-
advantages and
Fundamentals of
Test Automation:
Introduction to
timing for
test automation automation, and
Advantages and familiarity with
disadvantages of
test automation - test automation
When to tools.
automate tests -
Test automation
2 Introduction to Introduction to Utilize Katalon 04
Katalon Studio Katalon Studio for
Studio - Features software testing,
of Katalon Studio including its
- Installation and features,
setup of Katalon installation,
Studio Katalon setup, and
Studio interface interface. Gain
Katalon Studio competence in
Basic Operations: basic operations
Creating a new such as creating
projects, adding
project in
test cases,
Katalon Studio
creating test
Adding test cases
suites, and
in Katalon Studio
executing tests
- Creating test within the
suites in Katalon Katalon Studio
Studio Running environment.
tests in Katalon
3 Test Case Test case Develop 10
Creation and creation and advanced
Management in management in proficiency in
Katalon Studio Katalon Studio - test case
Recording and creation and
creating test management
cases in Katalon within Katalon
Studio - Creating Studio, including
and maintaining recording,
web test objects creating, and
using Katalon maintaining web
Studio Organizing test objects.
and Managing Learn
Katalon Tests for efficient
Better organization and
Testing Efficiency management
(with TS, techniques using
TSC, and dynamic test suites, test
TS) Data-driven suite collections,
testing with and dynamic test
Katalon Studio - suites. Master
Test case data-driven
debugging in testing methods
Katalon Studio and debugging
Advanced Test procedures within
Automation with Katalon Studio.
Katalon Studio: Advance skills in
Keyword-driven keyword-driven
testing with testing, custom
Katalon Studio - keyword
Creating custom creation, and
keywords in integrating
Katalon Studio - Katalon Studio
Advanced test with Jenkins or
automation other CI/CD tools
techniques with for seamless
Katalon Studio - automation in
Integrating software testing
Katalon Studio workflows.
with Jenkins or
other CI/CD tools
4 Katalon Studio Using Katalon Working in 10
Best Practices Studio for cross- Katalon Studio
and Tips browser testing - for cross-browser
Using Katalon testing and
Studio for mobile mobile app
app testing - testing, while
Best practices for adhering to best
using Katalon practices
Studio Tips and and
tricks for efficient implementing
test automation tips and tricks for
with Katalon efficient test
Studio-Katalon automation. Gain
Studio Extensions proficiency in
and Integrations: utilizing Katalon
Katalon Studio Studio
extensions and extensions and
integrations integrations,
Integrating including
Katalon Studio integrating with
with popular test popular test
management management
tools - tools, version
Integrating control systems
Katalon Studio like Git, and
with Git or other utilizing plugins
version control to enhance
systems - Using functionality.
Katalon Studio Acquire
plugins to fundamental
enhance knowledge of
functionality - Git Git and its
101 and integration with
integration with Katalon Studio
Katalon for streamlined
collaboration and
version control in
test automation

5 Katalon Studio Katalon Studio Generating and 10

Reporting and reporting and customizing test
Analysis analysis - Test reports in Katalon
case execution Studio, enabling
reports in Katalon efficient analysis
Studio of test results
Customizing test and obtaining
reports in Katalon actionable
Studio - Getting insights within
the Katalon
Platform. Acquire
insights in the
the capability to
Katalon Platform
execute a
- Analyzing test
results in
test automation
Katalon Studio-
project using
Katalon Studio,
Studio Reporting
and Analysis:
mastery of
Developing and
knowledge and
executing a
skills gained
throughout the
test automation
project using
Katalon Studio
knowledge and
skills learned
throughout the
● software testing, ● Software Testing: Use Case 1: E-
including its Assess commerce Website
various types, comprehension of Testing
importance in software testing
software fundamentals, Scenario: A leading e-
development, including types, commerce company is
fundamentals, importance, and its gearing up to launch a
introduction to test new website for online
role in software
automation, shopping, aiming to
advantages and provide customers
● Test Automation
disadvantages, with a seamless and
appropriate timing secure shopping
Evaluate familiarity
for automation, experience.
with test
and familiarity with
test automation Task: The testing
tools. team performs various
appropriate timing, types of software
and knowledge of testing, including unit
popular automation testing for individual
tools and components,
frameworks. integration testing to
verify interactions
between modules,
system testing to
assess overall
functionality, and
acceptance testing to
ensure alignment with
user requirements.
They also prioritize
test automation for
repetitive tasks like
regression testing,
using tools such as
Selenium WebDriver
and JUnit to enhance
efficiency and

Use Case 2: Financial

Management System

Scenario: A financial
services company is
developing a new
financial management
system to streamline
accounting processes
and enhance financial
reporting capabilities.

Task: The testing

team ensures
accuracy, reliability,
and compliance of the
system. They conduct
unit, integration,
system, and
compliance testing.
Test automation is
prioritized for
repetitive tasks using
tools like Selenium
WebDriver and
TestNG. The goal is to
deliver a robust and
compliant system that
enhances financial
Acquire proficiency Demonstrated ability to Use Case 1: Web
● in utilizing Katalon ● effectively utilize Application
Studio for software Katalon Studio for Functional Testing
testing, including
software testing,
its features, Scenario: A company
installation, setup, including its features,
installation, setup, and is developing a new
and interface. Gain
competence in interface. web application for
basic operations managing inventory in
such as creating Mastery of basic their warehouse.
projects, adding ●
operations within
test cases, creating Katalon Studio, such as Task: Utilize Katalon
test suites, and Studio to set up a
creating projects,
executing tests testing project for the
within the adding test cases,
creating test suites, and web application's
Katalon Studio
executing tests functional testing.
seamlessly. Install and configure
Katalon Studio,
● ensuring compatibility
Ability to efficiently set with the web
up and configure the application. Create a
testing environment project, add relevant
within Katalon Studio, test cases to cover
ensuring smooth inventory
execution of test cases. management
functionalities, and
organize them into
test suites. Execute
the tests within
Katalon Studio and
analyze the results to
validate the

Use Case 2: Mobile

App UI Testing

Scenario: A mobile
app development
team is creating a new
e-commerce app for
iOS and Android

Task: Utilize Katalon

Studio to create a
testing project for the
mobile app's UI
testing. Install Katalon
Studio and set up the
testing environment
for mobile app testing.
Add test cases to
cover UI elements and
interactions, such as
navigation, buttons,
and forms. Create test
suites to group related
test cases. Execute
the UI tests within
Katalon Studio and
review the results to
ensure the app's user
interface meets the
Develop advanced Demonstrate advanced Use Case 1:
● proficiency in test ● proficiency in creating, Automated Regression
case creation and organizing, and Testing for Web
management managing test cases Application
within Katalon within Katalon Studio,
Studio, including including recording, Scenario: A company
recording, creation, and has an established
creating, and maintenance of web web application for
maintaining web test objects. online shopping and
test objects. Learn wants to automate

efficient regression testing for
organization and Mastery of efficient faster release cycles.
management organization and
techniques using management Task: Utilize Katalon
test suites, test techniques using test Studio to develop an
suite collections, suites, test suite advanced automated
and dynamic test collections, and regression testing
suites. Master ● dynamic test suites suite for the web
data-driven testing within Katalon Studio. application. Record
methods and and create test cases
debugging Proficiency in data- covering critical
procedures within driven testing methods functionalities.
Katalon Studio. and effective debugging Organize test cases
Advance skills in procedures within using efficient
keyword-driven Katalon Studio to ensure techniques.
testing, custom robust test development Implement data-
keyword creation, and execution. driven testing
and integrating methods. Develop
Katalon Studio custom keywords and
with Jenkins or integrate Katalon
other CI/CD tools
Studio with Jenkins.
for seamless
Execute the
automation in
automated regression
software testing
workflows. tests and analyze
results for defects.

Use Case 2: API

Testing for Travel
Booking Platform

Scenario: A travel
booking platform is
enhancing its API
services to improve
integration with
partner systems and
provide additional
functionality to users.

Task: Develop an API

testing suite in
Katalon Studio for a
travel booking
platform. Create test
cases covering critical
API endpoints,
organize them
efficiently, implement
data-driven testing,
develop custom
keywords, integrate
with Jenkins, execute
tests, and analyze
results for

Attain expertise in Demonstrate expertise Use Case 1: Cross-

● leveraging Katalon ● in leveraging Katalon Browser Testing for E-
Studio for cross- Studio for cross-browser Commerce Website
browser testing testing and mobile app
and mobile app testing, ensuring Scenario: A company
testing, while adherence to best operates an e-
adhering to best practices and commerce website
practices and implementing efficient and wants to ensure
implementing tips automation techniques. consistent
and tricks for ● functionality across
efficient test Mastery of utilizing different web
automation. Gain Katalon Studio browsers.
proficiency in extensions and
utilizing Katalon integrations, including Task: Utilize Katalon
Studio extensions integration with popular Studio to perform
and integrations, test management tools, cross-browser testing
including version control systems for the e-commerce
integrating with like Git, and plugins for website. Develop
popular test ● enhanced functionality. automated test cases
management tools, to verify critical
version control functionalities such as
Acquire fundamental user authentication,
systems like Git, knowledge of Git and
and utilizing product search, and
demonstrate the ability
plugins to enhance checkout process.
to integrate it with
functionality. Implement best
Katalon Studio for
Acquire streamlined practices for cross-
fundamental collaboration and browser testing and
knowledge of Git version control in test leverage Katalon
and its integration automation projects. Studio's features for
with Katalon efficient automation.
Studio for Execute the tests
streamlined across various
collaboration and browsers and analyze
version control in the results to identify
test automation
any compatibility

Use Case 2: Mobile

App Testing for
Banking Application

Scenario: A leading
bank has developed a
mobile banking
application to provide
customers with
convenient access to
banking services on
their smartphones.

Task: Utilize Katalon

Studio to perform
mobile app testing for
the banking
application. Develop
automated test cases
to verify critical
functionalities such as
account login, funds
transfer, bill payment,
and account balance
inquiries. Implement
best practices for
mobile app testing and
leverage Katalon
Studio's features for
efficient automation.
Execute the tests
across various mobile
devices and analyze
the results to identify
any compatibility
issues or functional

Developing and Demonstrate the ability Use Case 1:API

● executing a ● to develop and execute Testing for Finance
comprehensive a comprehensive test Application Integration
test automation automation project
project using using Katalon Studio, Scenario: A financial
Katalon Studio. covering various services company is
Demonstrating aspects of testing and integrating its banking
knowledge and applying knowledge application with third-
skills learned and skills acquired party financial APIs to
throughout the provide users with
throughout the course.
course. ● additional financial
management features.
Showcase the They need to ensure
application of learned seamless integration
knowledge and skills, and data accuracy.
including proficiency in
test case creation, Task: Utilize Katalon
management, Studio to develop a
execution, debugging, comprehensive test
and integration with automation project for
other tools or systems, API testing. Create
in the development and automated test cases

execution of the test to validate API
automation project. endpoints for
functionalities such as
account balance
Evaluate the retrieval, transaction
effectiveness of the test history retrieval, fund
automation project in transfers, and bill
terms of test coverage, payments. Perform
reliability, efficiency in data validation to
defect detection, and ensure the accuracy
contribution to overall and integrity of
software quality financial data
improvement. exchanged between
the banking
application and third-
party APIs.
Additionally, conduct
performance testing to
evaluate API response
times and scalability
under different load

Use Case 2: Mobile

App Testing

Scenario: A mobile
app development
team is creating a new
finance management
app for iOS and
Android platforms.

Task: Develop a test

automation project
using Katalon Studio
to validate key
functionalities such as
user authentication,
processing, and
account management
across different mobile
devices and platforms.
Apply the knowledge
and skills learned
throughout the course
in test case creation,
execution, and
debugging. Integrate
the project with CI/CD
tools like Jenkins for
automated testing as
part of the
development pipeline.
Execute the
automated tests and
analyze the results to
ensure the app's
functionality and
reliability across
various devices and
1 CRAFERIA Manual Testing
2 Orange HRM-Open Source HR Management
3 CURA Healthcare Service
4 Facebook - User Registration ; Posting Content ;Privacy Settings;
Messaging ; Notifications
5 AMAZON - Product Search ; Adding to Cart ; Payment Processing ;
Order Tracking ; Customer Reviews

6 ActiTIME Manual Testing

7 Nopcommerce Manual Testing
8 Manual Testing Calendly
9 Manual Testing BLUESTONE
10 Mercury Tours Demo

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