4500 So3 Sulfito
4500 So3 Sulfito
4500 So3 Sulfito
4500-SO32⫺ SULFITE*
4500-SO32⫺ A. Introduction
1. General Discussion results unless sulfamic acid is added to destroy nitrite. Addition
of EDTA as a complexing agent at the time of sample collection
a. Principle: An acidified sample containing sulfite (SO32⫺) is inhibits Cu2⫹ catalysis and promotes oxidation of ferrous to
titrated with a standardized potassium iodide-iodate titrant. Free ferric iron before analysis. Sulfide and thiosulfate ions normally
iodine, liberated by the iodide-iodate reagent, reacts with SO32⫺. would be expected only in samples containing certain industrial
The titration endpoint is signalled by the blue color resulting discharges, but must be accounted for if present. Sulfide may be
from the first excess of iodine reacting with a starch indicator. removed by adding about 0.5 g zinc acetate and analyzing the
b. Interferences: The presence of other oxidizable materials, supernatant of the settled sample. However, thiosulfate may have
such as sulfide, thiosulfate, and Fe2⫹ ions, can cause apparently to be determined by an independent method (e.g., the formalde-
high results for sulfite. Some metal ions, such as Cu2⫹, may hyde/iodometric method1), and then the sulfite determined by
catalyze the oxidation of SO32⫺ to SO42⫺ when the sample is difference.
exposed to air, thus leading to low results. NO2⫺ will react with c. Minimum detectable concentration: 2 mg SO32⫺/L.
SO32⫺ in the acidic reaction medium and lead to low sulfite
2. Reagents 4. Calculation
(A ⫺ B) ⫻ M ⫻ 6 ⫻ 40 000
a. Sulfuric acid: H2SO4, 1 ⫹ 1. mg SO32⫺/L ⫽
b. Standard potassium iodide-iodate titrant, 0.002083M: Dis- mL sample
solve 0.4458 g primary-grade anhydrous KIO3 (dried for 4 h at where:
120°C), 4.35 g KI, and 310 mg sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) in A ⫽ mL titrant for sample,
distilled water and dilute to 1000 mL; 1.00 mL ⫽ 500 g SO32⫺. B ⫽ mL titrant for blank, and
c. Sulfamic acid, NH2SO3H, crystalline. M ⫽ molarity of KI-KIO3 titrant.
d. EDTA reagent: Dissolve 2.5 g disodium EDTA in 100 mL
distilled water. 5. Precision and Bias
e. Starch indicator: To 5 g starch (potato, arrowroot, or
soluble) in a mortar, add a little cold distilled water and grind to Three laboratories analyzed five replicate portions of a stan-
a paste. Add mixture to 1 L boiling distilled water, stir, and let dard sulfite solution and of secondary treated wastewater effluent
settle overnight. Use clear supernatant. Preserve by adding either to which sulfite was added. The data are summarized below.
1.3 g salicylic acid, 4 g ZnCl2, or a combination of 4 g sodium Individual analyst’s precision ranged from 0.7 to 3.6% standard
propionate and 2 g sodium azide to 1 L starch solution. deviation (N ⫽ 45).
Standard Relative
Deviation, Standard
X Deviation
3. Procedure Sample mg/L mg/L %
a. Sample collection: Collect a fresh sample, taking care to 6.3 mg SO32⫺/L 4.5 0. 25 5.5
minimize contact with air. Fix cooled samples (⬍50°C) imme- Secondary
diately by adding 1 mL EDTA solution/100 mL sample. Cool hot effluent with 2.1 0.28 13.4
samples to 50°C or below. Do not filter. 52.0 mg SO 2⫺/
b. Titration: Add 1 mL H2SO4 and 0.1 g NH2SO3H crystals to L
a 250-mL erlenmeyer flask or other suitable titration vessel. Secondary effluent
Accurately measure 50 to 100 mL EDTA-stabilized sample into
4.0 mg SO32⫺/L 3.6 0.17 4.8
flask, keeping pipet tip below liquid surface. Add 1 mL starch
indicator solution. Titrate immediately with standard KI-KIO3 6. Reference
titrant, while swirling flask, until a faint permanent blue color
develops. Analyze a reagent blank using distilled water instead 1. KURTENACKER, A. 1924. The aldehyde-bisulfite reaction in mass anal-
of sample. ysis. Z. Anal. Chem. 64:56.
4. Procedure
7. References 2. WEST, P.W. & G.C. GAEKE. 1956. Fixation of sulfur dioxide as
sulfitomercurate and subsequent colorimetric determination. Anal.
1. STEPHENS, B.G. & F. LINDSTROM. 1964. Spectrophotometric determi- Chem. 28:1816.
nation of sulfur dioxide suitable for atmospheric analysis. Anal.
Chem. 36:1308.