Heat Treatment of Forgings

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Asstt. Divisional Manager, Tata Steel


Ferrous materials are widely used for the manufacture of components

for the engineering applications. This is because of the fact that these
materials can have wide range of mechanical properties. According to
requirements one can select a particular grade of iron and steel and by
suitable processes shapes can be given and then by heat treatment the
required physical properties can be imparted. Application and use of steel
is much more wide than that of iron is well known, because of its improved
characteristic as regards hot and cold deformation.

A steel is usually defined as an alloy of iron and carbon with carbon

content between a few hundreth of a percent upto about 2% byweight. Other
alloying elements can amount to 5.0% by weight in low alloy steels and in
high alloy steels more than 10% by weight such as tool steels and stainless
steels etc. Steels can exhibit a wide variety of properties depending upon
composition as well as phases and micro-constituents present, which in turn
depend on mechanical work during defon 1 ration, such as forging, rolling and
final heat-treatment.

The table indicates the improvemen t in physical properties as a result

of heat treatment of a plain carbon steel hi ving carbon content of 0.35% and
Manganese content of 0.70%.

Physical properties As Forged As Heat treatment

Tensile strength (Tons/Sq.in.) 37.0 43.0

Yield strength (Tons/Sq.in.) 20.0 27.0
% Elongation 23.0 27.0
Charpy V notch impact (Joules) 14.0 54.0
Hardness (BHN) 165 190


Heat-treatment is an operation involving the heating of the solid

metal to a definite temperature and to allow solid solution of different
phases and chemical compounds at that temperature, followed by
cooling at suitable rates in order to obtain certain physical properties
which are associated with changes in the nature, form, size and
distribution of microconstituents.

To understand the above statement one should know the structure

of 'plain steels' and 'allotrophy of iron'

The essential difference between ordinary steel and pure iron is the
amount of carbon in the former, which reduces the ductility, but
increases the strength and the susceptibility to hardening when rapidly
cooled from elevated temperature. On account of various microstruc-
tures which may be obtained by different heat treatments. The appear-
ance of structure of pure iron is typical, it is built up of a number of
crystals of the same composition given the name 'Ferrite' and is very soft.
The addition of carbon to the pure iron results in a considerable
difference in the structure which now consists of two constituents one is
pure iron i.e. "Ferrite' appears as white under microscope and the dark
parts representing the constituents containing the carbon. The carbon
is present as a compound of iron and carbon (6.67%) called "Cementite",
Fe3C. This is a hard and brittle constituent.

On microexamination these dark parts will be seen to consist of

two components occurring as wavy or parallel plates alternately dark and
light. The two phases are ferrite and cementite which form a eutectoid
mixture containing 0.87% carbon and known as 'Pearlite". The highest
strength is obtained when the structure consists only pearlite. The
presence of free cementite masses increases the hardness but reduces
the strength.

Fig-1 - is showing mechanical properties vs microconstituents
dependent on % carbon content in plain carbon steels

Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram

The diagram which depicts the temperature at which phase

changes occur duringvery slow cooling or heating, and in relation to the
carbon content, is called the iron-carbon phase diagram. This diagram
is the basis for a correct understanding of all heat-treatment operations,
(Fig.2 ).

Carbon is an element that stabilizes austenite by increasing the

range of austenite formation of steel. The maximum solubility of carbon
in austenite is about 2.06% at 1147°C. The percentage carbon capable
of going into solution in ferrite increases from zero at 910°C to a
maximum of 0.02% at 720°C. On further cooling at room temperature
this decreases to 0.008%. As the carbon content increases the transfor-
mation of austenite into ferrite decreases. This reaches a minimum value
of 0.8% carbon at 723°C which is called eutectoid composition. Steels are
classified with reference to this composition. Those with less than 0.8%
carbon are called hypoeutectoid steel and those with more are called
hypereutectoid steels.


Forgings are commonly associated with banded grain structure,

as well as large grain size or mixed large and small grain size dependent
on forging practice. Alloy steel forgings are subjected to a conditioning
treatment before final heat-treatment to obtain best possible physical
properties and to maximise the life cycle under severe service conditions.

Hypereutectoid alloy steels are associated with carbide network

after hot working. Elimination of carbide network and thus producing a
structure that is more susceptible to 100% spheroidisation, calls for a
simple heat-treatment. The spheroidised structure provides improved
machinability and more uniform response to hardening.

Alloy carburising steel forgings are usually subjected to high
temperature normalising prior to carburising to minimise distortion and
to improve machinability.

Considering the above mentioned reasons it is imperative that the

forgings are subjected to heat-treatment prior to final machining. The
forgings are subjected to either Annealing or Normalising or both
depending on the grade of steel and the forging practice. In case of high
alloy tool steels it is recommended that reduction in size should be done
in multistages and should be annealed in between stages or reductions.


Annealing is a generic term denoting a treatment that consists of

heating to and holding at suitable temperature followed by cooling at an
appropriate rate, primarily for softening of metallic materials. Generally,
in plain carbon steels annealing produces a ferrite-pearlite microstruc-
ture. Steels may be annealed to facilitate cold working, or machining, to
improve mechanical or electrical properties, or to promote dimensional

The "Fe-C" binary phase diagram can be used to better understand

annealing processes. Although no annealing process ever achieves true
equilibrium conditions, it can closely parallel these conditions. In
defining the various types of annealing, the transformation tempera-
tures or critical temperatures are usually used. These temperatures can
be calculated using the actual chemical composition of the steel. The
following equations will give an approximate critical temperature for a
hypoeutectoid steel:

AC1(°C) = 723 - 20.7 (%Mn) - 16.9 (%Bi) + 29.1(%Si) - 16.9(%Cr)

Std. deviation = + 11.5°C

AC3(°C) = 910 - 203 (%C) - 15.2 (%Ni)+44.7 (%Si)+104(%V)+31.5 (0/0Mo)

Std. deviation = + 16.7°C

"Guidelines for annealing"

The following seven rules may be used as guidelines for develop-

ment of successful and efficient annealing schedules :

1. The more homogeneous the structure of the as austenitized steel

the more completely lamellar will be the structure of the annealed
steel. Conversely, the more heterogeneous the structure of the as
austenitized steel, the more nearly spheroidal will be the annealed
carbide structure.

2. The softest condition in the steel is usually developed by

austenitizing at a temperature less than 55°C above Al and
transforming at temperature less than 55°C below A1.

3. Because very long time may be required for complete transforma-

tion at temperatures less than 55°C below Al allow most of the
transformation to take place at the higher temperature, where a
soft product formed, and finish the transformation at a lower
temperature, when the time required for completion of transfor-
mation is short,.

4. After the steel has been austentized, cool to the transformation

temperature as rapidly as feasible in order to minimise the total
duration of the annealing operation.

5. After the steel has been completely transformed, at a temperature

that produces the desired microstructure and hardness, cool to
room temperature as rapidly as feasible to decrease further the
total time of annealing.

6. To ensure a minimum of lamellar pearlite in the structure of

annealed 0.70 to 0.90% C tool steels and other low alloy medium
carbon steels, preheat for several hours at a temperature about
28°C below the lower critical temperature (Al) before austentizing
and transforming, as usual.

7. To obtain minimum hardness in annealed hypereutectoid alloy
tool steels, heat at the austenitizing temperature for a long time
(about 10 to 15 hrs.) then transform as usual.

These rules are applied most effectively when the critical tempera-
tures and transformation characteristic of the steel have been estab-
lished and when transformation by isothermal treatment is feasible.

"Different types of annealing are applied for different purposes" :

Full Annealing

It consists of austenitzation of the steel followed by slow

cooling. For hypoeutectoid steel, it consists of austenitizing the steel
at 10-30°C above the AC3 line and holding it at this temperature for
a desired length of time, followed by slow furnace cooling. This leads
to the formation of a fine ground austenite structure. The subse-
quent slow cooling enables the austenite to decompose at low degree
of supercooling so as to form pearlite and ferrite. In case of hypereu-
tectoid steel heated above AC1 to spheroidize the proeutectoid ce-
mentite. Therefore it is the general practice to use spheroidized
annealing. In case of heating above Acm temperature and cooled
slowly results in formation of proeutectoid cementite at the grain
boundries. Retarded cooling facilities ferrite precipitation as a sepa-
rate cluster. This might result in soft spots during hardening and
render the steel brittle to forming and service stresses, Fig.3 is
showing full annealing temperature.

Spheroidized Annealing

This is done by heating the steel just above or slightly below AC1
temperature for a prolonged time, followed by a slow cooling in order
to soften the steel as much as possible. It is adopted to spheroidize
the carbides of lamellar pearlite or secondary cementite.

Commonly four methods are practiced for this treatment :

First Method - The steel is heated nearer to AC1 temperature

and held at that temperature for a long time for the formation of
coarse globular cementite, the temperature should be as close to AC1
as possible.

Second Method - The steel is heated slightly above AC1 temperature

and held for a prolonged time followed by slow cooling at a rate of lo - 20°C
per hour upto 550 - 600°C and then cool in still air.

Third Method - It is heating the steel slightly above AC1 and

holding for a predetermined time and then cooling to just below AC1
temperature and holding for prolongod time and subsequently cool-
ing to the room temperature.

Fourth Method - Spheroidizing is done by repeatedly heating

and cooling just above and below AC1 temperature. During heating
above AC1 temperature only the small sized grains of cementite will
dissolve in the austenite, but there is insufficient time for the larger
cementite grains to dissolve. In the subsequent cooling cycle, the
molecules of cementite are deposited mainly on the cementite grains
that are not dissolved in the austenite. Hence a coagulation process
occurs. This method taken less time compared to previous methods
but difficult to perform.

Isothermal Annealing

This is derived from the exact knowledge of temperature - time

diagrams. This treatment consists of austenitizing the steel at the full
annealing temperature and then cooling rapidly to appropriate tem-
perature below Art by 50 - 60°C. This temperature is held for a
predetermined time enabling the complete austenite decomposition
to take place for producing a structure having optimum machinabil-
ity. After the transformation is complete, the steel is cooled in a
furnace, or air cooled or rapidly cooled.


Overheated forgings and very large forgings are normalised to

refine the grain structure, to improve machinability, to relieve inter-
nal stresses and to improve mechanical properties.

Normalising consists of heating the steel above the critical

temperature AC3 or Acm and holding at this temperature for a short
time depending on the grade of steel to achieve homogenization of
austenite, hypoeutectoid steels are heated to 30 - 40°C above the Ac3
temperature and held at this temperature for 20 - 40 mins. depending
on the chemistry. Exceeding the indicated temperature range might
attribute to excessive austenite grain growth. Grain growth may
occur due to higher holding time. After desirable holding the material
cooled in air the resultant microstructure are composed of fine
pearlite with ferrite in hypoeutectoid steels. The newly formed grain
boundries do not correspond to the old ones. Hypereutectoid steels
are heated to 30 - 40°C above Acm temperature with a short holding
just sufficient to complete phase transformation and then cool in air.
Here alongwith grain refinement, dissolution of carbide network do
take place. Microstructure corresponds to fine grained pearlite with
cementite. This is more suitable for spheroidization. Alloy carburising
steels are usually normalized at higher temperatures than the
carburising temperature to minimise distortion in carburizing and to
improve machinability.

To refine the grains and to obtain required hardness normalising

and tempering is a preferred treatment for forgings of low-alloy heat
resistant steels. (C-0.45%, Cr-1.0%, Mo-0.5% and V-0.3%) AISI -
4137 & AISI 4140.

Multiple Normalising - This is done to obtain complete solution of
all lower temperature constituents in austenite by the use of high initial
normalising temperature (e.g. - 925°C) and to refine final pearlite grain
size by the use of a second normalising treatment at a temperature
closer to Ac3 temp. (e.g. - 815°C) without destroying the beneficial effects
of the initial normalising treatment. This is normally applied to carbon
and low alloy steels of large dimensions where extremely high forging
temperatures have been used (e.g. Loco axle forging) made of carbon
steels. Forgings made of a low carbon steel (o.18%) with 1% Mn
intended for low temperature service are double normalised to meet
subzero impact requirements.

The Structure, Properties and Heat Treatment 01 Metals

properties of steels as
a function of -
composition and



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Tempe ratu re. C







Fe - • 2.0 2.5' 3.0 . 3 5 4.0 4.5
Weight Percentage Carbon.
Fig. 0. The Fe-C* equilibrium diF:gram up .to 7°A! carbOn. Solid; lines
indicate Fe-Fe3C diagram; dashed lines indicate
St-ads Low C <0.2x = ItronS . Grey gn:401; ert:i

e C 14Jiii re cemer .ri:re +ferritV

High C <2%
Figure 9,4 Show:-; the lee-C; equilibrium .diakramibr carbon col
tents up to 7 6 •.: Ste ►lH art alloys of iron, carbon, and other elemepi
that contain less than 2% cab on — most frequently .114 or less:Theryfor
• •

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■ductility, toughness ThiN.

▪ equiaxed'ployednal ferritO
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11 temp : below L.C.T. (Al) •46,0-7':,0-C
P 111M11111

▪heat above 3 - check grain coarsen

11. .furnace.1,bOk cool
hyper eutectoici ; coarse Pearlite
• cementite name*
a electrical tihe e ts

fine P Cementite
• high carbon steels
• globu ar carbide In ferrlit) 111E401Ilne

•F 'C
1100 2012 1003
_ F.
1000 1,32

alb 1472 1300
700 292 120 0
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Patton 01 tho Fe-C diagrart with temperature 700

ranges for protium annealing, 'ecrystallizatlee enneatIng, 1702
Stress relieving. anc: :pheraidiring indicated. Courtesy of
M.D. Geib, Colorado School e!M111113, Gulden 1112
0.5 10
Clow:. (mom in *0104 purciall

. Portion of thu claurzi» with temperature

rangua fur full annealing, notinalizing, hot working, t.nd
homogenizing Indicated. Courtesy of M.D. Geib, Color:Wu
School ul Mines, Gulden
ferrite t i

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Nor mellsed
► ile:111(M C111 bon
CO COW stillna emboli stool

Effect of flecry:tallitation

temperature on
Recovery i Grain growth

Properties of
cold•worked metal

C . Clain

Annealing temperate ra

Annealing temperature 144.44

T 1 A4E TEA--(17-wer.

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1) Grain Size a prior au; fijnite g.s.

• ASTM G.Size no.(N). n 2 "

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ler F.,; ‘At Gogfititt
Grain increase .

low yield strength

• low tougnrPFss
hardenabilit) high
et • 7 4 4/ . / .,,./,
• lntergranular fracture-+ e
• cl)arse ppt
(18%C • coarse plate martensite


• ,
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e!" 474,
8 sec Z

15 sec (c )
. Formation of austenite (light patches) (ton
pcariite as a function of thee. (Ref 7.10)

Martensitic microstructures with prior noskolle pain sizes of
(a) ASTM No. 1; (b) ASTM No. 3; (c) ASTM No. 5; (c1) ASTM No. 7; and
(o) ASTM No. 9. These microsinrchnes were preparvif by lit:1111y teniperina
,still in .1 firltuchlurit. lru.nc aid solution its .11culiul. Mognificallori,
IOU thawn here di JO.:'9. Mel 7.10)

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