X Class Acid Bsae Salt

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1. What are acids ?
Ans. A substance is an acid if it dissolves in water to provide hydrogen ions.s
2. What is a base? Give one exmple.
Ans. Base is a substance which give OH- ions when dissolved in water. An example of base is NaOH.
3. Write the equations for dissociation of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in water.
Ans. HCl + H2 ® H3O+ + Cl-
Or it can also be written as
HCl 2 H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
Which one of have higher concentration of H+ ions?

1M HCl or 1M CH2COOH
Ans. 1M HCl will have higher concentration of H+ ions.
5. While diluting an acid why is it recommended that the acid should be added to water and not water to the
Why should water be never added dropwise to concentrated sulphuric acid?
Ans. While diluting an acid, water should not be added to a concentrated acid because the heat generated may

cause the mixture to splash out.
How is the concentration of H3O+ ions affected when a solution of an acid is dilute?
Ans. The concentration of H2O+ ions affected when a solution of an acid is dilute.
7. How is the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) affected when excess base is dissolved in a solution of
sodium hydroxide?
Ans. The concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) is increased when excess base is dissolved in a solution of sodium
8. What effects does the concentration of H+ (aq) has on the acidic nature of the solution?
Ans. A solution is more acidic if it has high concentration of H+ (aq) ions.
9. Do basic solution also have H+ (aq) ions? If yes, then why are these basic?
Ans. Basic solution also have H+ (aq) ions. A solution of an acid or a base always contains both H+ (aq) ions as
well OH- (aq) ions. It shows basic character if it has more OH- (aq) ions and acidic character if it has
more H+ (aq) ions.
10. Choose strong acid and strong base from the following : CH3COOH, NH4OH, KOH, HCl
Ans. Strong acid is HCl and strong base is KOH.

11. What is meant by pH of a solution?

Ans. pH value of a solution tells about its acidic or basic nature. Values less than 7 represents an acidic
solution and above 7 indicates a basic solution.
12. Which is more acidic – a solution with pH = 6.0 or a solution with pH = 2.0?
Ans. A solution with pH = 2.0 is more acidic.
13. Which is more basic, a solution with pH = 9.0 or a solution with pH =13.0?
Ans. A solution with pH = 13.0 is more basic.
14. What effect does an increase in concentration of H+ (aq) in a solution have on the pH of solution?
Ans. pH of solution decreases when the concentration of H+ increases.
15. How would you show that lemon and tomato contain acids?


Ans. Both, lemon juice and tomato juice blue litmus red. It shows that both of them contain acids.
16. What is the action of the solution of sodium carbonate towards litmus?
Ans. Solution of sodium carbonate will turn the colour of red litmus into blue indicating that it is alkaline in
17. Dry ammonia gas has no action on litmus paper but a solution of ammonia in water turns red litmus paper
blue. Is it so?
Ans. Ammonia in water forms ammonium hydroxide. These hydroxide ions turn red litmus blue.
18. What is the action on litmus of :
(a) Dry ammonium gas? (b) Solution of ammonium gas in water?
Ans. (a) Dry ammonia gas has on action on litmus
(b) Solution of ammonium gas in water turns red litmus blue.
19. Why should curd and sour substance not be kept in brass and copper vessels?

Ans. Curd and sour substance contain acids which react with brass and copper.
20. Why do HCl, HNO3, etc. show acidic character in aqueous solutions while solution of compounds like.
C2H5OH and glucose do not show acidic character.
Ans. A substance will show acidic character if it gives H+ ions when dissolved in water. Among these
substance HCl and HNO3 provide H+ ions whereas C2H5OH and glucose do not give H+ ions so they do
not show acidic character.
21. Why does an aqueous solution of an acid conduct electricity?
Aqueous solution of an acid conducts electricity because it dissociates to provide ions.
Given two unlabelled bottles, one containing dilute acid and the other water. How would you decide to
label them?
Ans. Acid and water can be identified by testing with litmus. Water will not change the colour of red blue
litmus whereas acid will change blue litmus into red.

23. Why does distilled water not conduct electricity whereas rain water does?
Ans. The electric current is carried by ions in solution. Distilled water has no ions whereas rain water is
slightly acidic and contains ions so rain water conducts electricity.
24. 10 mL of a solution of NaOH is found be completely neutralised by 8 mL of a give solution of HCl. If we
take 20 mL of the same solution of NaOH, the amount of HCl solution (the same solution as before)
required to neutralize it, will be :
Ans. 16 mL. since the quantity of NaHO solution is double, it will require the double quantity of HCl solutions

25. What happens when carbon dioxide gas is passed through sodium hydroxide solution?
Ans. When carbon dioxide gas is passed through sodium hydroxide solution, sodium carbonate is formed.
2NaOH + CO2 Na2CO3 + H2O
26. Name the sodium compound which is used, for softening hard water.
Ans. The sodium compound used for softening hard water is sodium carbonate (Na2CO3 . 10H2O)
27. What is the chemical name and formula of baking soda?
Ans. Chemical name if baking soda is sodium hydrogen carbonate and its formula is NaHCO3.
28. A compound ‘X’ is an important ingredient of an antacid. It is also used in fire extinguishers. Identify ‘X’.
Ans. Compound ‘X’ is sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3).


29. Fresh milk has a pH of 6. How do you think the pH will changes as it turns into curd? Explain your
Fresh milk has a pH of 6. when it changes into curd (yogurt) will its pH value increase or decrease?
Ans. The pH will decrease from 6 because it changes more acidic when milk is converted into curd and more
acidic solution has lower pH value.
30. What is the neutralization reaction? Give two exmples.
Ans. When an acid racts with a base to from salt and water, it is called neutralisation reaction. Two exmples
are (i) the reaction between hydrochloride acid and sodium hydroxide and (ii) the reaction between
sodium carbonate and sulphuric acid.
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O

Na2CO3 + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + H2O +CO2
31. What happens when cdrystats of washing soda are left open indry air ? What is this change named as ?
Name two industries based on use of washing soda.
Ans. When crystals of washing soda are left open in dry air, they lose nine molecules of water of
crystallization and become white powder.
Na2CO3 + 10 H2O air Na2CO3. H2O + 9 H2O
Washing soda White powder
This change is called efflorescence.
Two industries bases on the use of washing soda are :
(i) manufacture of glass
(ii) paper and textile industries.
32. What will happens if the solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate is heated? Give the equation of the
reaction involved. Or
(i) Name the products formed when sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated.
(ii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction involved in the above.
33. When the solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate is heated is heated, it decomposes to from sodium
carbonate with the evolution of carbon dioxide gas.
2NaHCO3  
Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O
34. How is Plaster of Paris chemically different from gypsum? How many they be interconverted? Write one
use of Plaster or Paris.

How is Plaster of Paris obtained? What reaction is involved in the setting of a paste of Plaster of Paris?
State the chemical difference between Plaster of Paris and gypsum. Describe their either way inter
Ans. Plaster of Paris is chemically different from gypsum in terms of water of crystallization of water per mole
of CaSO4, (CaSO4.1/2H2O). It can also be written as if one mole of water of crystallization is present for
two moles of CaSO4, (2CaSO4. H2O). Gypsum on heating at 373 K gets converted into Plaster of Paris.
CaSO4 . 2H2O CaSO4 + 1/2 H2O + 11/2 H2O
373 K
Gypsum Plaster of Paris
When Plaster of Paris is mixed with water, it gest converted into gypsum.
373 K 3


CaSO4 + ½ H2O + 11/2 H2O CaSO4 . 2H2O
Plaster of Paris Gypsum
Plaster of Paris is used for making statues and for setting of fractured bones.
35. Name three compounds of calcium which are used in day-to-day life and write one important use
of each of them.
Ans. The three compounds of calcium and their used are :
(i) Slaked lime [Calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2] – used for the manufacture of bleaching power.
(ii) Bleaching powder [Calcium oxychloride, CaOCl2] – used as bleaching agent in laundry.
(iii) Plaster pf Paris [Calcium sulphate hemihydrate, CaSO4 . 1/2H2O]- used to Plaster the fractured bones.


36. A chemical compound having smell of chloride is used to remove yellowness of white clothes in
laundries. Name the compound and write the chemical equation involved in its preparation.
[CBSE Delhi 2001 Supp.]
Ans. The compound is bleaching power (CaOCl2). It remove yellowness from clothes due to its bleaching
action. For details, consult text part.
37. Explain giving reasons:
(i) Tartaric acid is a compound of baking powder used in making cakes. [CBSE Sample paper 2003]
(ii) Gypsum, CaSO4.2H2O is used in the manufacture of cement. [CBSE Sample paper 2003]
Ans. (i) Role of tartaric acid in baking powder (mixture of tartaric acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate) is
to neutralise sodium carbonate formed upon heating sodium hydrogen carbonate.
2NaHCO3 Heat  Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2
Sod. Hydrogen carbonate Soda. Carbonate
(ii) The role of gypsum (CaSO4. 2H2O) in the manufacture of cement is to slow down the process of
setting of cement.
38. What happens when crystals of washing soda are exposed air?
[CB.S.E Delhi 2003 : CB.S.E. All India 2005]
Ans. Washing soda undergoes efflorescence and as a result loses nine molecules of water to from white
Na2CO3 .10H2O Na2CO3 . H2O + 9H2O
Washing soda Washing powder
(white crystals) (white powder)

39. How is chloride of lime chemically different from calcium chloride ? Why does chloride of lime
gradually lose its chlorine when kept exposed to air?
Ans. Chloride of lime is calcium oxy chloride [(Ca(OCl)Cl] also known as bleaching powder. Calcium
chloride is CaCl2. Bleaching powder loses its chlorine on exposure to air because CO2 present in air
reacts with it to evolve chloride as follows :
CaCl2 + CO2 CaCO3 + Cl2
Chloride of lime (Air)
(Bleaching powder)
40. What is the chemical name of washing soda? Name three raw materials used in making washing soda by
Solvay process. [C.B.S.E. Delhi 2004]
Ans. Chemical name : Sodium carbonate decahydrate (Na2CO3.10 H2O)


Raw materials : Brine, lime stone. Ammonia.
41. State the chemical property in each case on which the following used of baking soda are based
(i) as an antacid
(ii) as a constituent of baking powder.
Ans. (i) It is weakly alkaline in nature and neutralizes acid (HCl) formed in the stomach.
NaHCO3 + HCl NaCl + H2O + Co2
(ii) It evolves CO2 in the form of bubbles when cake is made by baking. As a result, the cake
becomes porous as well as fluffy.
2NaHCO3 Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2.
42. How is Plaster of Paris obtained? What reactions are involved in the setting of Plaster of Paris ?
[C.B.S.E. Delhi 2004]
Ans. For answer, consult text parts.

43. How is Plaster of Paris chemically different from gypsum? How may these be inter converted? Write one
use of Plaster of Paris.
Ans. For details, consult text-part.
44. Name two industries based on the used of washing soda. [C.B.S.E. All India 2004]
Ans. The two industries are : glass industry and paper industry.
45. Write chemical name and formula of washing soda. What are the raw materials used for its manufacture
by Solvay, process? What happens when, crystals of washing soda are exposed to air?

For answer, consult text part.
[C.B.S.E. Delhi 2005 Comptt.]

46. (a) Name the two chief chemicals used for making a soda acid fire extinguisher.
(b) How does the soda- acid fire extinguisher help to extinguish the fire? [C.B.S.E. All India 2006]
Ans. (a) The two chief chemical are : sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
(b) For the details of the operation, consult text part.

47. What is efflorescence ? Give an example. [C.B.S.E. Delhi 2006]

Ans. For details, consult text part.
48. (a) An aqueous solution has a pH value of 7.0 Is this solution acidic, basic or neutral?
(b) If H+ concentration of a solution is 1x10-2 mol L-1, what will be its pH value?
(c) Which has a higher pH value : I-M HCl or l-M NaOH solution? [C.B.S.E Delhi 2006]
Ans. (a) The solution with pH value of 7.0 is neutral in nature
(b) Give : [H+] = 1 × 10-2 mol L-1 = 10+-2 M.

 1 
pH  log      log[ H  ]   log[10 2 ]  (2) log 10  2
H 
(c) 1 M NaOH solution (basic) has higher pH value than 1 M HCl solution (acidic).
49. Out of calcium compounds calcium carbonate, quick lime and slaked lime, which one can used for
removing moisture from ammonia gas and why? [C.B.S.E. Foregin 2006]
Ans. Quick lime (CaO) can be used to remove moisture from ammonia gas because of hygroscopic nature.
Therefore, it can act as the best dehydrating agent for ammonia.
50. (a) Name the raw materials used in the manufacture of sodium carbonate by Solvay process.
(b) How is sodium hydrogen carbonate formed during Solvay process separated from a mixture of NH4Cl
and NaHCO3 ?


(c) How is sodium carbonate obtained from sodium hydrogen carbonate ? [C.B.C.E All India 2006]
Ans. (a) The raw materials used are : NaCl, lime stone or CaCO3 and NH3.
(b) Sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) is sparingly soluble or less soluble in water and gets separated
as a precipitate while NH4Cl remains in solution. The precipitate is removed by filtration.
(c) Sodium hydrogen carbonate is converted to sodium carbonate upon heating.
2NaHCO3 Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2
For further details, consult text part.
51. (a) What is the action of red litmus on (i) dry ammonia gas (ii) solution of ammonia gas in water
(b) State the observations you would make on adding ammonium hydroxide to aqueous solution of
(i) ferrous sulphate (ii) aluminium chloride. [C.B.S.E All India 2006]
Ans. (a) (i) Red litmus has no action on dry ammonia gas, because it does not release any hydroxyl ions (OH)-
(ii) When passed through water, ammonia (NH3) is converted to ammonium hydroxyl ions (OH)-

to give hydroxyl ions (OH-) and the solution is basic in nature. Red litmus acquires a blue colour.
(b) (i) A green precipitate of ferrous hydroxide will be fromed by double decomposition reaction
FeSO4(aq) + 2NH4OH(aq) Fe(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO(aq)
(Green ppt.)
(ii) A white precipitate of alurninium hydroxide will be formed by double decomposition reaction.
AlCl3(aq) + 3NH4OH(aq) Al(OH)3 + 3NH4Cl(aq)
(white ppt.)
How will you test for gas which is liberated when hydrochloric acid reacts with an active metal?
[C.B.S.E. All India 2008]
Ans. Hydrogen gas is evolved when hydrochloric acid reacts with an active metal such as sodium, potassium,
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
calcium or magnesium. In order to test the gas, bring either a burning a match stick or candle near the gas. The
gas will immediately catch fire.

53. What is ‘baking powder’ ? How does it make cake soft and spongy ? [C.B.S.E. All India 2008]
Ans. For answer consult text part.
54. Name the gas evolved when dilute HCl reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate. How is it recognized ?
[C.B.S.E. All India 2008]
Ans. The gas evolved is carbon dioxide (CO2). When the gas is bubbled through lime water, it become milky.
55. What is meant by ‘Water of Crystallisation’? How will you show blue copper sulphate crystals contaic water of
crystallization? [C.B.S.E. All India 2008]
Ans. For answer consult text part
46. Arrange the following in increasing order of their pH values : NaOH solution, blood, lemon juice

[C.B.S.E. Foreign 2008]

Ans. Increasing order of pH values is : lemon juice <blood < NaOH solution
47. Name the three products obtained on electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride. Why is this called chlor-
alkali process ? [C.B.S.E. Foreign 2008]
Ans. For answer, consult Text part.
48. How does the pH change when the solution of base is diluted with water? [C.B.S.E. Foreign 2008]
Ans. Upon diluting a solution of base with water, the number of OH- ions in solution per unit volume decrease
The basic strength of the base decreases and pH of solution decreses.
49. Write the chemical formulae of washing soda and baking soda. Which of these two is an ingredient of antacids? How
does it provide relief in stomach ache? [C.B.S.E. Foreign 2008]
Ans. Chemical formula of :
Washing soda : Na2CO3. 10 H2 ) ; Baking soda : NaHCO3


Baking soda is an ingredient of baking powder. It neutralises hydrochloric acid released in the stomach anc reduces
acidity. Therefore, it acts as antacid.
NaHCO3 + HCl NaCl + CO2 + H2O
50. Two solution A and B have pH value of 5 and 8 respectively. Which solution will be basic in nature?
[C.B.S.E. Delhi 2008]
Ans. The solution B with pH value of 8 will be basic in nature.
51. A compound ’X’ of sodium is commonly used in kitchen for making crispy pakoras. It is also used for curie acidity in
the stomach. Identify ‘X’. What is its chemical formula ? State the reaction that takes place when is heated during
cooking. [C.B.S.E. Delhi 2008 Comptt.]
Ans. The compound “X’ is a constituent of baking powder. It is called baking soda. Chemically, the compound is sodium
hydrogen carbonate with formula NaHCO3.
Upon heating , the compound ‘X’ will release carbon dioxide gas.
2NaHCO3 hart Na2CO3(s) + H2O(l) + CO2 (g)
52. (a) Why does an aqueous solution of an acid conduct electricity ?

(b) How does the concentration of hydrogen ions [H3O]+ change when the solution of an acid is diluted with water?
(c) Which has a higher pH value ; a concentrated or dilute solution of hydrochloric acid ?
(d) What would you observe on adding dilute hydrochloric acid to
(i) sodium bicarbonate placed in a test tube?
(ii) zinc metal in a tube ? [C.B.S.E. All India 2008 Comptt.]
Ans. (a) An aqueous solution of an acid conducts electricity because in water, an acid (e.g. HCl) dissociates to
give ions. Since the current is carried by the movement of ions, an aqueous solution of acid conducts electricity .
(b) Upon dilution, more of acid dissociates into ions. Therefore, concentration of [H3O]+ ions will

Increase upon dilution.
Although more [H3O]+ ions are formed upon dilution, but the number Therefore, pH will increase
Upon dilution.
(d) (i) Carbon dioxide gas will evolve accompanied by drisk effervescence.
NaHCO3(s) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(aq)
(ii) Hydrogen gas will evolve accompanied by brisk effervescene.
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)


● Acid-base indicators are organic dyes derived from plant materials which show the presence of acids and bases.

● Phenolphthalein and methyl orange are synthetic indicators which show the presence of acids and bases.

● Acidic nature of the substance is due to the formation of H+(aq) ions in an aqueous solution.

● Basic nature of the substance is due to the formation of OH-(aq) ions in an aqueous solution.

● Metal displace hydrogen from alkalis, forming a metal salt containing oxygen.

A few metal displace hydrogen from alkalis, forming a metal salt containing oxygen.

● Acids react with metal oxides and metal hydroxides (bases) to from their respective salts and water as the only


● Acids react with metal carbonate to from their respective salts, water and carbon dioxide gas.

● Acidic and basic solution conduct electricity, because they produce H+(aq) and OH(aq) ions respectively.

In a neutralization reaction, the H+(aq) ions of an acid react with OH-(aq) ions of a base to from water.

● The strength of an alkali can be tested by using pH scale (0-14) which gives the concentration of H+(aq) ions in

a solution.

● A neutral solution has pH 7. Acidic substance have pH less than 7. The alkaline substance have pH more than 7.

● Living being carry out various metabolic activities within the pH range of 7 to 7.8.
● Mixing of concentrated acids and alkalis in water is a highly exothermic reaction.

● Salts of pH 7 are called normal salts. They are formed when a strong acid neutralises strong alkali.

● Salts of pH more than 7 are called basic salts. They are formed when a strong alkali reacts with weak base.

● Salts of various metal have various uses in industry and everyday life.

● Water of crystallisation is a fixed number of water molecules chemically attached to each formula unit of a salt

in crystalline form.

● Crystalline salts containing water of crytallisation are called hydrated salts.



1. A solution turns red litmus blue, its pH is likely to be-

(A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 10
2. A solution reacts with crushed egg-shells to give a gas that turns that lime-water milky. The solution contains-
(A) NaCl (B) HCl (C) LiCl (D) KCl
3. 10 mL of a solution of NaOH is found to be completely neutralized by 8mL of a given solution of HCl. If we
take 20 mL of the same solution of NaOH, the amount HCl solution (the solution as before) required to

neutralise be-
(A) 4 mL (B) 8 mL (C) 12 mL (D) 16 mL
4. Which one on of the following types of medicines is used for treatment indigestion-
(A) Antibiotic (B) Analgesic (C) Antacid (D) Antiseptic
5. According to Arrhenius acid gives –
(A) H+ in water (B) OH- in water (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) OH- in acid medium
Milk of magnesia is an –
(A) Acid (B) Antacid (C) Alkali (D) Rock salt
7. Noble metals are dissolved in –
(A) Conc. HNO3 (B) Conc. HCl (C) Conc. H2SO4 (D) Aqua-regia
8. Which of the following ia not a strong acid?
(A) H2SO4 (B) CH3COOH (C) HNO3 (D) HCl
9. Soda ash is –
(A) Na2CO3H2O B)Na2CO3 (C) NaOH (D)NaHCO2
10. Which of the following is an basic salt?
(A) SnCl2 (B) NaCl (C) NH4Cl (D) CH3COONa
11. Which of the following method is not used in preparing a base?
(A) Burning of metal in air (B) Adding water to a metal oxide.

(C) Reaction between an acid and base. (D) Heating metal carbonates.
12. Fats + NaOH ……+ Glycerol. One of the product formed in this reacton is-
(A) Soap (B) Cloth (C) Paper Wood
13. Potash alum is a ?
(A) Simple salt (B) Complex salt (C) Acid salt (D) Double salt
14. NaHCO3 represent the formula of which one of the following ?
(A) Sodium carbonate (B) Baking soda
(C) Sodium acetate (D) Washing soda


1. An indicator changes its ………………..with change of the nature of the solution.
2. The properties of………………. are due to the hydrogen ions it produces in aqueous solution.
3. A water soluble base produces………………..ions in solutions.
4. A farmer treats the soil of this with lime when the soil has………………nature.
5. Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of ……………produces hydrogen at cathode, chlorine at anode and sodium
hydroxide in the solution.
6. Hydrated copper sulphate contains five molecules of ………….of crystallization.
7. Phenolphthalein gives a………….colour when added to sodium hydroxide solution.

8. Blue litmus turns red when added to…………..solution.
9. The pH of an acidic solution is …………than 7.

10. NaCl + H2SO4  ………….. + HCl.

11. 2P + 5H2SO4(conc.)  ………….. + 2H2O + 5SO2.
12. 3Fe + 4H2O …………… + H2


● Objective type questions

1. D 2.B 3. D 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.D
8.B 9.B 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.B
● Fill in the blacks
1. Colour 2. an acid 3. Hydroxide(OH-) 4. Acidic
5. Sodium chloride 6. Water 7. Pink 8. an acidic
9. Less 10. NaHSO4 11. 2H3PO4 12. Fe3O4





1. Name the acid present in (i) vinegar (ii) lemon (iii) orange
2. Which is a stronger acid and why : HCl or CH3COOH.
3. Which type of acid forms only the normal salt ?
4. Name the gas which is librated at cathode during the electrolysis of mineral acid.
5. Write the main use of boric acid.
6. How alkalis differ from bases ? Explin
7. What will happen to the concentration of [H+] ions in a solution if NaOH is added to water ?

8. Why does copper not react with dill. H2SO4 or dil.HCl ?
9. Name the metals which are soluble only in aqua regia.
10. When concentration acid is diluted, does the pH get higher or lower ?


1. Column-A Column-B

Bleaching powder (a)
Chemical name
Sodium bicarbonate
(ii) Baking soda (b) Sodium carbonate
(iii) Washing soda (c) Calcium oxychloride
(iv) Plaster of Paris (d) Calcium sulphate hemihydrate


1. How is Plaster of Paris obtained ? What reaction is involved in the setting of a paste of plaster of Paris?
2. What happens when crystals of washing soda are left open in dry air. What is this named as ?
3. How can you prepare acid-base indicator at home ?
4. Write down the molecular formula for : Sulphate acid, Nitric acid, Phosphric acid, Carbonic acid.
5. Name the gas evolved when dilute sulphate acid acts as sodium carbonate. Write the chemical equation for the
reaction involved.

6. What does pH stand for ? What does a pH scale indicate.

7. Differentaite between :
(i) Strong acid and concentration acid
(ii) Weak base and dilute base
8. ‘Sweet tooth’ may to tooth decay. Explain why ? What is the role of toothpaste in preventing cavities?
9. A blue salt become white on heating. With the help of a reaction explain the change in colour.
10. Why do we not categorise metal oxides as salts while we categorise sulphate as salts ?



11. What happen when electric current is passed through brine ? Give reaction.
12. Select the formula of acids, bases and salts from the following list :
NaCl, NaOH, H3PO4, Na2CO3, Ca(OH)2, CuSO4, 5H2O, H2CO3, HCl, NaHCO3, Na2HCO3, Na2CO3
10H2O, Al(OH)3, KCl


1. Dry HCl gas does not affect a dry blue litmus paper, whereas it changes a moist blue litmus paper to red.
2. What is the pH scale ? How can you know, if the give sample is acidic, basic or neutral from its pH value.

3. How can you classify salts on the basis of their solubility in water ? Give examples.
4. What is plaster of Paris ? How is it prepared ? Give the chemical equation.
5. Comment on the statement : Are the crystals of salts really dry ?
6. Discuss chlor-alkali process for manufacturing sodium hydroxide.

● Very short answer type

1. (i) Acetic acid (ii) Citric acid (iii) Citric acid 2. HCl, because it ionises completely in dilute aqueous solution
3. Monobasic acids 4. Hydrogen 5. For eye washing and as an antiseptic
6. All alkalis are water soluble while all bases are not water soluble
7. [OH-] concentration will increase 8. Copper not a active metal
9. Pt and Au 10. Higher

● Match the following

(i) (c), (ii) (a), (iii) (b), (iv) (d)




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