1.1 Management
1.1 Management
1.1 Management
Someone who works with and through other
people by coordinating their work activities in
order to accomplish organizational goals
Some Managers You May Know
Steve Jobs and Tim Cook of Apple Computer;
Bill Gates , Satya Nadella of Microsoft,
Larry Ellison of Oracle
Bill Ford, Jr., at Ford Motor Company;
Jack Welch of General Electric and his successor,
Jeff Immelt; Cisco's John Chambers; and
The President of the United States (Barack Obama,
Trump) and the Prime Minister of India are also
The Governor of the State is also a manager and, in
some ways.
Types of Managers
First-line Managers
– Are at the lowest level of management and
manage the work of non-managerial
Middle Managers
– Manage the work of first-line managers
Top Managers
– Are responsible for making organization-wide
decisions and establishing plans and goals that
affect the entire organization
What is an Organisation?
An organisation is a social arrangement, which
pursues collective goals, controls its own
performance, and has a boundary separating it
from its environment.
Organisations consist of individuals who work
together and are dependent on one another, what
brings them together is the common goal that
they are striving to achieve.
What is an Organization?
Organization defined as a group of people
working together to create a surplus.
In business organizations, surplus is profit.
In nonprofits organizations, such as charitable
organizations, surplus may be satisfaction of
Universities also create a surplus through
generation and dissemination of knowledge as
well as providing service to the community or
What is an Organization?
An Organization Defined
Management is basically multidisciplinary.
Though management has developed as a separate
discipline it draws knowledge and concepts of
various other streams like sociology psychology,
economics, statistics etc.
Nature of Management Contd…
Management is dynamic in nature
i.e. techniques to mange business changes itself over
a period of time.
System of authority:
Authority is power to get the work done by others
and compel them to work systematically.
Management can not perform in absence of
Authority and responsibility depends upon position
of manager in organization.
Conclusion from Nature of Management
Planning involves selecting missions and objectives as
well as the actions to achieve them;
It requires decision-making, which is choosing future
courses of action from among alternatives.
There are various types of plans, ranging from overall
purposes and objectives to the most detailed actions to
be taken such as ordering a special stainless steel bolt for
an instrument or hiring and training workers for an
assembly line.
The Functions of Manager
No real plan exists until a decision—a commitment of
human or material resources has been made.
Before a decision is made, all that exists is a planning
study, an analysis, or a proposal; there is no real plan.
Pr oductivity
Productivity : The output-input ratio within a
time period with due consideration for quality.
Definition of productivity…
The formula indicates that productivity can be improved by:
1) increasing outputs with the same inputs,
2) decreasing inputs but maintaining the same outputs, or
3) increasing outputs and decreasing inputs to change the
ratio favourably.
Companies use several kinds of inputs such as labor,
materials, and capital.
Total factor productivity combines various inputs to arrive
at a composite input.
In the past, productivity improvement programs were
mostly aimed at the worker level.
Yet, The greatest opportunity for increasing productivity is
to be found in knowledge work itself, and especially in
Definitions of Effectiveness and Efficiency
Productivity implies effectiveness and efficiency in
individual and organizational performance.
Effectiveness is the achievement of objectives and
efficiency is the achievement of the ends with the least
amount of resources.
Managers cannot know whether they are productive
unless they first know their goals and those of the
Effectiveness The achievement of objectives.
Efficiency The achievement of the ends with the least
amount of resources.
Management and Administration
Administration means overall determination of
policies, setting of major objectives, the
identification of general purposes and laying
down of broad programmes and projects.
7. Remuneration of personnel: