AJS Preli 2020 - Compressed - Watermark 1
AJS Preli 2020 - Compressed - Watermark 1
AJS Preli 2020 - Compressed - Watermark 1
i'F-l f:- (ilr, U L{ATT F{}"G H C* U R3' &"T- GU-tfCs,f=lAT-i,
F:"e[[nrinary ExamEnaticn {ShjectEwc type muftEp[e ehciee] E*r direet rcec"u[tment to
Grade tIE Assam JudEcEaf Serufee, ZSA*
Bate: 22,11,2S2& Tirme I"GAM to 32 Nooat
Totatr Marksr 10$ Duration: 2 hours
[Total No of questions: 100. Each question carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking] ,
4. The team of the Indian Consulate has defeated which team in Diplomat Cup Cricket Championship 202A
in Dubai to lift the cup-
Pakistan Consulate /
(B) The New Zealand Consulate
(C)The Srilanka Consulate
(D)The Bangladesh Consulate
5. Federation Cup, World Cup and Allwyn InternationalTrophy are awarded to winners of-
(A) Basketball (B) tennis .
(C) Cricket gtffvofieybail
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7. Deepika padukone was honored with the anrrual Crystal Award at World Econonnic Forum(WEF)ZOeS
Davos, Switzertand for her contribution in spreading awareness about-
14. Which of the following mountain ranges separates Europe from Asia?
(A) Andes (B) AlPs
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I tO. Complete the sequence: A, Air, Area,Audio, Absternious?
(AiAutocratic g$#rnutomation
(C) Auction (D) Autumn
Directions forQ.l7-L8-Read the following information carefully and choose the most
appropriate option:
In a joint family A,B,C,D,E and F are the members. B is the son of C, A and C
are husband and wife. C is
not the mother of B.E is the brother of C.D is the daughter of A and r is
the trotherof B.
17. which of the following is a pair of females in the family?
.*'($no n (B) DF
(c)BD (D) AE [f &,v)
Jitfrt (D) E
(A) Most of the structure of the Indian constitution has been taken from
the Govemment of India Act,
(B)The provisions of the Indian constitution were borrowed from
the British constitution, constitutions of
US, Cenada, French, Germany and other countries.
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23. B;r virhlch Constitutional Amendment Act RiEht to Propert-r, ceased to be a Fundar:rentai Righr?
{A) The 42nd Amenoment Act, 1976
(B) The 43'd Amendnrent Act, 1977
24, Reservation of seats for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha and States Assemblies is etended by -
(A) The 101st Amendment Act,2017 -
25. Under Afticle 32 a writ petition can be made to the Supreme Court by a person who himself has
suffered only. Under which of the following, a relative or friend of a person aggrieved can file a writ
(A) (B) Mandamus
gpfnaOeas Corpus ru (D) All of the above.
26. The right guaranteed under Article 32 can be suspended -
(A) By the Supreme Court of India
(B) By the Parliament
(C) By the State Legislature -*
28. A knowing that some property was in possession of deceased B at the time of his death and it has not
since been in the possession of any person legally entitled to. A dishonestly misappropriate it. It is dealt
(A) Section 403 IPC gbfx*ion404 IPC ,
(C) Section 405IPC (D) Section 408 IPC
30, Which of the following is false of section 34 and section 149 IPC-
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-.' H)Stction 34 IPC requires at least frve persons who must share the common intention vuhile section 149
IPC requires at least two persons to share the common intention,
{B)Section 34 does not by itself create any specific offence whereas section 149 IpC does so.
(C)Some active participation in crime is required in section 34lPC while it is not needed in Section 149 ipc
(D) Section 34 speaK of common intention while section 149 contemplates comrnon object.
33. Where an offence is punishable with impntsonment as well as fine, the term for which the court can
direct the offender to be imprisoned in default of payment of fine shall not exceed-
(A) Half of the term of imprisonment which is the maximum fixed for the offence.
*176On"fourth of the term of imprisonment which is the maximum fixed ficr the offience. o
(C) One fourth of the term of imprisonment to which the offender has been sentenced.
(D) None ofthe above.
34. Under the provision of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 cognizance can be taken of-
* -*J@foffence t
(C) Offence and offenders (D) None of the above
35. In rape cases, under which provisions of Cr.P,C. the InvesUgating fficer can collect DNA samplE fro.Jn
the body of the accused and the victim-
(A) Section 53 Uf#C*on 53A and 164 A
(C) Smtion 53 and tU A (D) None of the above. r
' 36. Which of the following statements is not true under section 164 Cr.P.C.-
g2fMuSittrate can remrd the statement of a person who independently approached him. .
(B)Magistrate can record statement only of a person produced by the police or investigating agencies
(C) Statement of the accused may also be recorded by audio-video electronic means in the presence of the
advocate of the accused
(D)The accused should not be sent back to police custody as soon as the confession is recorded.
37. The order of compensation under section 250 Cr.p.C. can be made -
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(A) V/hei-e the offences are cCIffipoundeo
*" I
.,.@vtlrren ther"e is ncl reasone[,le grourrd fcr making the ar-cusel-ion .
(C)Where discharge or acquittal nias not made
(D)By the successor in office
38. Bar of taking cognizance of an offences under section 344IPC after" lapse of period of limitation-
(A) Sixmonths (B) One year
,{e) Three years (D) No limitation .
42. When cash is withdrawn by a customer of a bank from Automatic Teller Machine, the contract is-
43. When a party to a contract fails to peform a contract within the fixed time-
(A) Such contract remains valid provided the promise is fulfilled whether at the time of pe#ormance or
(B) Such contract becomes void e
.glpfsucncontract becomes voidable at the option of the promisfif the intention of the pafties was that
-time should be of essence of the contract
(D) Such a contract becomes voidable at the option of the promisor or promise and the intention of the
parties does not matter.
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q ra. tJnlawful detaining or threatening to detain any propefi to the prejudice of any person making him to
cnter into an agreement amount to-
(B) Mistake
I ,ra$coercion f
48. The Court may at any stage of the proceeding order to be struck out or arnended any matter in
pleading as per provision of-
cPc (ei or 6 R17 cPC ,
(C) Or 6 R15 (D) None of the above
51. A decree against Government can be e><ecuted if it remains unsatisfied for a period of-
(A) One month .lrfrffr* months
(C) Six months (D) One year e
54, A lease is made for a ceftain peniod. In the deed it is mentioned that the lease can be terminated
before the expiration of the lease without mentioning at whose option. In such a situation who can opt for
termination of the lease-
(A)Both lessor and lessee
" o{Pf '* only
(C) Lessor only (D) Both (B) and (C)
56. At what rate default interest is payable under Section 63 and 63 A of the Transfer of propefi Act,
(A) 60lo PA (B) 8o/o PA
jffioz, PA (D) None ofthe above. .
57. Where the moitgage is illegal for want of registration but the mortgagee continues in possession of the
moftgaged property, a valid mor+gage comes in existence after expiry of-
(A) 5 years yedrs .,'
(C) 10 yp-ars {D} 20 yF-ars
58. Where several co-owner of immovable propefi tranSer a share therein without specifying that the
transfer is to take effect on any particular share or shares of the transfers, the transfer, as'ariong such
transferors, takes effect on such sharg- J
where the share were equal and where they are qnequal proportionately to the ocent of such
(B) In equally where the shares were equal and where they are unequal proportionately to the extent of
such shares
(C) Only b is correct (D) None of the above
59. Which of the following is nearest to meaning of the phrase "English moftgaged" as defined by the
transfer of Propefi Act,1882?
(A) Where on payment of certain sum by the mortgagee the property passed to him ,
,S1lf*n"re there are two sales made, one at the start of mortgage with condition that after the mortgage
- amount is paid back, the propefty will be sold bac(
(C) Where the mortgage is made by submitting the title deed
(D) None of the above.
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i OO. :..,,.......are words, which appear innocent, but have a latent defamatory meaning-
(A)Libel (B) slander
(A) Damage to something solid (B) Damage caused by a firm which has gone in liquidation
(C) Damage to a firm in the hands of receiver
64. When the master is held liable for the wrongful of his servant, the liabiliB/ is called-
(A) Strict .r&runous liability .
(C)Toftuous liability (D) Absoldte liability
vvr Tha zt* nf rrnhrufiillw
f rrvevLvr errlerrrerl, .:, infrr
vrrwrrl :nnfhay'cJlJrvtvrL,
rrrrvsrlvrrivr nrnnarlv -anncfitr
Directions for qustion No 56 to 69. Choose the word which is {nost nearlflle gtpgk-_in
mening to the bold word from the given optioqs
66. Ambiguity
67. Impalpable
(A) Visible. (B) Audible
gffiansible (D) Fearless
68. Perennial
(A) Frequent (B) Regular
(C) Lasting
69. Endemic
(A)Decoratle t (B) frustrating
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ffiEreeEE*fte for quesEE*m Ne, F& ftry 73, ehoesc Eh€ werd whEeh [s *t*st. the ge-: rne,
meem$mg ke the be€d wsrd frosm &he gBvem eptE*ns
70. eemst,*cfficffiate
(B) Existing from birth f
gSffOn* of zenith of perfection
(C) Constant; always present (D)A history
71. Dialectic
.(A)Argumentative (B) Instructive
(C) Constructive, (D) Destructive
72. Charlatan
(A)Monster (B) Pre-historic man
(D) An ex-convict
73" Aberration
g,If,foeviation (B) Embanassment
(C) Abhorrence (D) Absence
Directions for question ltlo,74 to 77.Choose the er<act meaning of the idioms/Bhras€s
74. Alpha and Omega
(A) Related to science and the end"
1or#n. beginning
(C)Atoz (D)none of these
75. to rain cats and dogs
(A) A time of difficulty. t ,o{.8)"To rain heavi!y
(C) Unfair treatment (D) to be angry
76-Ta riin onet
-'_r -'
80, A creditor invited the debtor to make proposals for paying the debt. The debtort agent wrote letters to
the creditor acknowledging the debt and offering to pay smaller amount. The creditor brought proceedings
for recovery of debt and relied on the letters to defeat the defence of limitation. The letters-
Page 10 of X.3
.'.,Ol l'vill not be admissible as evidence as protection of Section 23 of the Indian Evidence Act,Ig72 will
(B) will not be admissible as evidence as protection of Section 22 of the Indian Evidence Act,1B72 will
( C) Will be admissible as evidence under Section 22 of the indian A*.,1872
."(E)Will be admissible as evidence and protection of section 23 of the Indian Evidence Act,tgTZ will not
81. under the provisions of the Indian Evidence Ad., L872, confession -
_(A) Of the co-accused can be treated as substantive evidence .
,nff*uxeither be accepted as a whole or rejected as a whole
(C)Is same as admission
(D) obtained by spiritual exhortations are not admis$ble as evidence
83. Which of the following are admissible under section 27 of the Indian evidence ad,,tg71-
(A)Recovery of weapn of offence as lead by the accused when he was not in police custody,
85. The fact in issue and relevant facts must be proved by evidence, either oral or documentary. Which of
the following situations/facts will h exception to this rule?
(A)Facts published in the news papers
(B) Sale deeds are generally underualued
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(AlThe rule that the facts in tssue and relevant facl niust be prcved by eiricience, either >>
(B)The facts of r,vhieh couft can take iuoiciai notice
of the pafties
g6a mitted facts need not be Proved n (D) The facts vuhich show the character
gg. Facts which are necessary to explain or introduce relevant facts of place, name, date relationship and
identity of Parties are relevant-
(A) Under section g of the evidence Act q1ffina"r section 9 of the Evidence Act o
(c) under section 10 of the Evidence Act (D) under section 11 of the Evidence Act
g9. Section 14 of Evidence Act makes relevant the facts which show the existence of
(A) Any state of mind (B) Any state of body or bodily feeling
states of mind or body or bodily feeling (D) A particular statement of mind and a state of body'
90. In which of the following cases will the evidence NOT be regarded as
(A) Evidence of identification of a suspect by a witness who was not present at the crime scene
(B) The testimony of the witness in the murder case, who heard many villagers claiminE that
the accused
has committed the offence
(q A news item which showecj that the deceased was ircing mistreated in her in-laws house
person who saw the pitiable condition of a voung woman in her in-laws home where
(A))itr" (B)fiFm
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\ t\\
.-IA)uE<frln. (B)fiEqt qs
(C) s$E< (D) eBtv caa.Tq'
97.qqg fr'{1?<{ft-{ clTcbt qeh-
(A) a'q+trr=q<tfr r
(C) E-q+qfr-EE{R (D)qTe:FqRrt=qT{+st
98.e6 afu qtG EGe<r
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