Rain Handbook
Rain Handbook
Rain Handbook
Rain Gauge
Instrument Handbook
MJ Bartholomew
January 2016
MJ Bartholomew
January 2016
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
1.0 General Overview ................................................................................................................................. 1
2.0 Contacts ................................................................................................................................................ 1
3.0 Data Description and Examples ........................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Data File Contents ........................................................................................................................ 2
3.2 Primary Variables......................................................................................................................... 2
3.3 Expected Uncertainty ................................................................................................................... 3
3.4 Definition of Uncertainty ............................................................................................................. 4
3.5 Diagnostic Variables .................................................................................................................... 4
3.6 Dimensional Variables ................................................................................................................. 4
4.0 Data-Quality Flags................................................................................................................................ 5
5.0 Data-Quality Health and Status ............................................................................................................ 6
5.1 Data Reviews by Instrument Mentor............................................................................................ 6
5.2 Data Assessments by Site Scientists/Data-Quality Office ........................................................... 7
5.3 Value-Added Products and Quality Measurement Experiments .................................................. 7
6.0 Instrument Details................................................................................................................................. 7
6.1 Detailed Description..................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 List of Components ...................................................................................................................... 7
7.0 Data-Acquisition Cycle ........................................................................................................................ 9
8.0 Processing Received Signals ................................................................................................................ 9
9.0 Siting Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 9
10.0 Calibration .......................................................................................................................................... 10
11.0 User Manuals ...................................................................................................................................... 10
12.0 Routine Operation and Maintenance .................................................................................................. 10
12.1 Frequency ................................................................................................................................... 10
12.2 Inspection of Site Ground Near the Instrument.......................................................................... 10
12.3 Visual Inspection of Instrument Components ............................................................................ 10
12.3.1 Conduit, Cables, and Connectors .................................................................................... 10
12.3.2 Check Status of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) on CR1000 Data Logger ........................ 10
12.3.3 Check Status of Power LED on Disdrometer Processor ................................................. 11
12.3.4 Check Clock Values Shown on LoggerNet Connect Screen........................................... 11
12.4 Active Maintenance and Testing Procedures ............................................................................. 11
12.4.1 Rain Gauge ...................................................................................................................... 11
12.4.2 Rain Gauge Tip Test ....................................................................................................... 11
13.0 Software Documentation .................................................................................................................... 12
14.0 Supplemental Information .................................................................................................................. 12
14.1 Formulas Used in Data Processing............................................................................................. 12
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
1 Disdrometer wiring diagram ....................................................................................................... 8
2 Disdrometer and tipping bucket system enclosure 1 .................................................................. 8
3 Disdrometer and tipping bucket system enclosure 2 .................................................................. 9
1 Tipping bucket rain gauge variables, RAIN datastream ............................................................. 2
2 New variables for RAIN datastream for weighing bucket gauges.............................................. 3
3 Tipping bucket dimensional variables ........................................................................................ 4
4 Weighing bucket dimensional variables ..................................................................................... 5
5 Tipping bucket data-quality flags ............................................................................................... 5
6 New data-quality flags for RAIN datstream ............................................................................... 6
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
2.0 Contacts
Instrument Developers
Tipping Buckets
NovaLynx Corp.
Grass Valley, California
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
Rain Gauges
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
Table 2. New variables for RAIN datastream for weighing bucket gauges.
Quantity Variable Interval Unit
seconds since YYYY-mm-dd
Base time in epoch base_time 1 min
seconds since YYYY-mm-dd
Time offset from base_time time_offset 1 min
seconds since YYYY-mm-dd
Time offset form midnight time 1 min
North latitude lat Constant Degrees
East longitude lon Constant Degrees
Altitude alt Constant Meters above sea level
instrument serial number serial_number Constant
Precipitation amount precip 1 min Millimeters
Precipitation rate precip_rate 1 min Millimeters/hour
Sensor 1 temperature temp1 1 min Degrees C
Sensor 2 temperature temp 2 1 min Degrees C
Sensor 3 temperature temp3 1 min Degrees C
Sensor weight 1 weight1 1 min kg
Sensor weight 2 weight2 1 min kg
Sensor weight 3 weight3 1 min kg
Sensor 1 frequency frequency1 1 min Hz
Sensor 2 frequency frequency2 1min Hz
Sensor 3 frequency frequency3 1 min Hz
Logger panel temperature ptemp 1 min Degrees C
Logger minimum voltage volt_min 1min volts
Bucket total weight total_weight 1min kg
Bucket total mm of
total_mm 1 min Millimeters
Logger scan total 1 min Unitless
Sensor status stat_latch 1 min Unitless
Sensor error error_latch 1 min Unitless
lat/lon/alt refer to the ground where the instrument is sited, NOT the height of the sensor.
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
diameter of a large number of drops of equal diameter, evenly distributed over the sensitive surface of the
sensor will be within 5% of their actual diameter.
Precipitation amounts measured by the tipping bucket gauges and weighing bucket gauges are reported
every minute with an uncertainty of 0.01 mm; rain rates have an uncertainty of 0.6 mm/hr.
2 1/ 2
(B may be generalized to be the sum of the various contributors to the bias and 2 the sum of the
variances of the contributors to the random errors). To determine the 95% confidence interval, we use the
Student’s t distribution, tn;0.025
Then, the uncertainty is calculated as twice the RMSE.
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
Table 6. New data-quality flags for RAIN datastream (weighing bucket gauges).
Quantity Variable Interval Minimum Maximum
Time offset from base_time qc_time_offset 1 min
Time offset form midnight time 1 min 0 86,400
Precipitation amount qc_precip 1 min -10 200
Precipitation rate qc_precip_rate 1 min -600 1200
Sensor 1 temperature qc_temp1 1 min -40 100
Sensor 2 temperature qc_temp 2 1 min -40 100
Sensor 3 temperature qc_temp3 1 min -40 100
Sensor weight 1 qc_weight1 1 min 0.33 8
Sensor weight 2 qc_weight2 1 min 0.33 8
Sensor weight 3 qc_weight3 1 min 0.33 8
Sensor 1 frequency qc_frequency1 1 min
Sensor 2 frequency qc_frequency2 1 min
Sensor 3 frequency qc_frequency3 1 min
Logger panel temperature qc_ptemp 1 min -40 100
Logger minimum voltage qc_volt_min 1 min 8 20
Bucket total weight qc_total_weight 1 min 1 8
Bucket total mm of
qc_total_mm 1 min -20 200
Logger scan total 1 min 16 21
Sensor status qc_stat_latch 1 min 000 111
Sensor error qc_error_latch 1 min 0 1
The tables and graphs shown at these sites contain the techniques used by ARM’s data-quality analysts,
instrument mentors, and site scientists to monitor and diagnose data-quality.
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
Data acquisition for the tipping bucket rain gauge is carried out with a CR1000 Campbell Scientific data
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
10.0 Calibration
Tipping bucket gauges should follow the calibration procedures used for the ARM MET system.
Currently, a tip test is conducted once every 2 weeks. When ARM’s dynamic calibration system is ready,
a full calibration should be done once a year.
Checklist Response:
No Problems Noted
Problem - Enter any applicable comments for this planned maintenance (PM) Activity
Check that all the conduits on the bottom of the control boxes are secure. Check all conduits from the
control boxes to the sensors for damage. Check all sensor wires inside the control box for tightness and
damage. Check all the connections at the sensors for damage, water intrusion, and tightness.
Checklist Response:
No Problems Noted
Problem - Enter any applicable comments for this PM Activity
The LED should flash once every second during normal operation.
Checklist Response:
No Problems Noted
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
Checklist Response:
No Problems Noted
Problem - Enter any applicable comments for this PM Activity
The station clock should automatically be set to the server clock if times differ by 1 second or more. This
automatic check is done once a day by the LoggerNet program. The times should never differ by more
than 1 minute.
Checklist Response:
No Problems Noted
Problem - Enter any applicable comments for this PM Activity
Remove the rain gauge funnel and ensure that both the large and small funnels are clear of debris. Check
the wiring and connector for tightness and the housing for debris and damage. Inspect all conduits and
cables. Re-install the rain gauge funnel.
Checklist Response:
No Problems Noted
Problem - Enter any applicable comments for this PM Activity
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110
Checklist Response:
No problems noted
Problem - Enter any applicable comments for this PM Activity
MJ Bartholomew, January 2016, DOE/SC-ARM-TR-110