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Main File of PHD
Main File of PHD
"Brands act as a common glue that binds all the business functions, especially in financial
services firms, resulting in greater coherence of strategy, service excellence and sustained
business performance," said Unni Krishnan, MD of Brand Finance India.
A growing body of research from around the world shows that well developed and
inclusive financial systems are associated with faster growth. In today's dynamic scenario
changing market leadership is under constant threat. This milieu of fierce and, at times,
unfair competition, has prompted managements across the world to search for adequate
responses to survive and achieve sustainable growth. So organizations are doing
duffrentiation to improve the company's financial performance, strengthen its long term
competitive position and gain a competitive edge over rivals. Brand management is a
major weapon in this fierce battle. The changing business environment and the infallibility
of some basic truths about marketing in general and brand in particular have prompted this
study on branding in banking sector. Most organizations have come to realize that the
control business is not within the confines of its four walls but outside with the customer.
Whether starting a business or redefining marketing strategy, successful organizations
work on every aspect of the branding process. They develop the name, logo, and tag line
that define their mission at first glance. They carefully position both their bricks and
mortar location and their Web presence for maximum impact. They choose a well-defined
target market and work to fulfill that market's needs. They start establishing partnerships
with other businesses to increase their visibility and image among consumers. All of these
activities enhance their image and reap many of the benefits of branding for their
In recent years, the banking industry in every region and country has faced increased
competitive pressures. These pressures have mainly resulted from the deep integration and
globalization of financial markets, and the wider use of e-commerce to deliver services and
create new products (Nellis, McCaffery, and Hutchinson, 2000). Banks in different regions
have responded to these recent developments. In response, a number of major European
banks followed a ―universal banking model by increasing the overall size of their
business operations, and adopted an ultimate goal of striving to become global players
(Nellis et al., 2000).
Branding and brand-based differentiation are powerful means for creating and sustaining
competitive advantage. Prior research has examined differences in how consumers
perceive and evaluate brands, for example, through investigating brand equity (Keller
1993; McQueen, Foley, and Deighton1993), brand personality (Aaker 1997; Plummer
1985) and brand extensions (Aaker and Keller 1990; Nakamoto, McInnis, and Jung 1993).
More recently, researchers have noted that consumers differ not only in how they perceive
brands but also in how they relate to brands (Fournier 1998; Muniz and O’Guinn 2001).
Branding is not an arithmetic or statistical tool or formula to get the desired result on its
application. On the other hand, highly creative and Innovative ways of branding alone can
be of effective use in bringing about desired results.The Indian Banker – (February 2006)
In this changing business scenario, none can be sure of a place in the market or who the
competitors will be. Finding a response is crucial. New conditions call for new ways of
seizing and sustaining competitive advantage.
But a few business mantras have remained valid even in this tumultous era. Brand is one
such weapon of choice in this fierce battle for survival. Though brands have been central to
marketing for more than a century now from the initial days of P&G, there has been a
renewed interest in understanding why and how certain brands have outlived their
counterparts. In a seemingly crowded marketplace, with the advent of newer technologies
and emerging market trends, which includes a shift in power to primary customers, or the
retailers, the art and science of branding and brand management has much more relevance
than earlier. Marketers all around the globe, with the objective of acquiring and sustaining
a comfortable consumer mind-share for their products and services are reinventing the
marketing mantras of positioning, branding, and differentiation.
Branding is not simply Promotion and Advertisement, which is the normal perception of
people. It is much more than that. To quote, Bernd Schmitt, Professor, Columbia Business
School, Columbia University, ‘‘it is an organizational issue, not even a marketing issue.
Products / services with strong brand image enjoy immediate acceptance and are relatively
price- insensitive to some extent.’’
Do Banks understand brands? Was the title of an article published in the Economic Times,
Brand Equity section of February 26 - March 4, 1997. While the write up mostly deals
with the trends of strategic branding efforts of foreign banks, it gives an indication that
Banks in India are still to make conscious efforts in this direction at that point of time. But
contrary to this, words like Brand, Branding, Brand Equity, Brand Image, Brand
Management etc. are being frequently used in banking circles at present. What exactly do
they mean and how they are relevant tothe business we are in?
Competition includes all the potential rival offerings and substitutes that a buyer might
consider. Porter's model is a framework that analyzes the five forces of industry
competition and determines the intrinsic long run attractiveness of a market segment. In
any industry, the rules of competition are embodied in five competitive forces: the threat of
new entrants, the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of buyers, the bargaining
power of suppliers, and the rivalry among the existing competitors.
Differentiation is a firm's attempt to create a product or service that is perceived by the
consumer and or industry as unique and having superior or attributes or value.
(Elliott,2004; Scott,1998 and Grant,1995 ) It is important to note that the existence of
product or service differentiation lies in the mind of consumer (ibid, Elliott). Two products
may be identical, but they can be presented in such a way to the consumer that the
consumer believes one is superior to the other. Differentiation can be based on a number of
factors including the product itself, and the marketing approach. It may be practiced at the
level of product, services, -channel, personnel and/or image. In a differentiation strategy, a
firm seeks to be unique in its industry along some parameters. In order to create such
distinctions, a firm may use one or all of the seven distinctions
A brand is a promise that a company makes to its customers wherein it makes some
commitments to them on different aspects:
Strong brand equity has become a very important factor that influences consumer’s
perceptions of a brand. Success in brand management arises from understanding and
managing brand equity correctly to produce strong attributes that will influence
consumers when making their choices.
positive implications on professionals, customers and banking organizations and that
research of this nature will encourage further detailed probes into the vital area of branding
The primary objective is to analyze the relationship between the practice of strategic
management of Branding and their effects in banking sector
In the ever changing world where customers’ preferences and behavior in making decisions about
which product to buy or service to use the selling company has to build and retain their brand in a
way which makes it essential to the customer. Customers respond differently to company and brand
images. Brand image is defined as perceptions about a brand as reflected by the brand associations
held in consumer memory (Keller, 1993). Brand identity is the way a company aims to identify or
position itself. The brand identity clearly specifies what the brand aspires to stand for and has
multiple roles (Konecnik and Go, 2008). First, it is a set of associations that the brand strategist
seeks to create and maintain. Secondly, it represents a vision of how a particular brand should be
perceived by its target audience. Thirdly, upon its projection the brand identity should help to
establish a relationship between a particular brand and its clientele by generating a value
proposition potentially either involving benefits or providing credibility, which endorses the brand
in question (ibid). An effective identity establishes the offering’s characteristics and value
perceptions, conveys the character in a distinctive way, and delivers an emotional power beyond a
mental image. The identity must be conveyed through every communication vehicle and brand
contact, including symbols, colors, slogans, atmosphere, media and special events (Kotler and
Keller, 2007) Brand does not carry a definite and absolute definition but it is relative. Some
observers would term products or services characteristics, which differentiate it from competitors
as brand, where as some would consider standing of one’s product or services in market as brand.
In all these, value of product or service for what it stands and attributes which identifies them can
be considered as brand.
Branding or Brand is considered important not only for companies but they carry equal importance
for customers or consumers also. From consumer or customer point of view, brand becomes
important for various reason let us explore some of them. Brand for a customer will indicate
commitment towards quality from sellers there by reducing time spent in coming to a purchase
decision. Brand for companies will indicate a sort of benchmark in quality as well as customer
expectation, a point of differentiation from competitors and a steady stream of profit.
Normally we associate branding from point of view common mass; and products or service
displayed in malls and supermarket. However there exists another market where branding is
equally important and that is business to business market. This is referred as corporate branding,
which is again a challenge as decision making process for purchase order is way different compare
to individual. Here survival of organization as well as individual will be at stake. The key lies in
developing a brand for corporation where in which other business can be confident of.
Modern globalized, technology driven world has thrown new challenges to branding.
Customers/consumers have more access to information than ever before. Internet has
become a strong tool through which product information proliferate raising expectation bar
for companies. Companies have responded to this challenge by improvising in the way
they run their marketing campaigns, by exploring new avenues to showcase their products.
Like for example; sponsorship of events and teams or association with social cause The
challenges for global brands include maintaining the consistency of the bank brand and
customer experience, remaining relevant to local customers‘ specific needs, and overcoming
the image of ―too big to pay attention to me in the eyes of the retail banking customers
(Robinson, 2007). As the banks expanded into new emerging markets as part of their global
branding strategies, they have long suffered from lack of guidance due to a limited number of
published research studies. They have not had a benchmark to compare how well the global
bank brands compete and perform against the local banks in the new markets. Therefore, this
study aims to examine the brand equity in banking industry by comparing the consumer-based
brand equity of domestic and global banks in order to provide insights about the branding
strategies of these banks.
. The challenges for global brands include maintaining the consistency of the bank brand
and customer experience, remaining relevant to local customer’s specific needs, and
overcoming the image of ―too big to pay attention to me in the eyes of the retail banking
customers (Robinson, 2007). Therefore, this study aims to examine the brand equity in
banking industry by in order to provide insights about the branding strategies of these
A survey instrument for each type of bank was designed to measure the consumer-based
brand equity. Drawing from the literature, brand equity was measured with brand
awareness, perceived quality, brand image, brand association, organizational association,
and brand loyalty.
Brand components
benefits – makes the customer feel important, for instance, a gold credit card
Personality – what does it say about me? For instance, reading the FT implies I
understand commerce.
Brand Management
Brands and their management have occupied the minds and actions of practitioners and
marketing scholars since the latter part of the 19th century and have become a focus point
of marketing strategy in recent years. There has been a great deal of controversy and
discussion regarding what brands are, what they do, how they can be valued, and how they
should be managed (Low and Fullerton 1994; Shocker 1994). Their future has been
questioned by some authors (Berthon, Hulbert and Pitt 1999; sellers 1993), but other
writers have sought to reaffirm their centrality Ambler 1996; Doyle 1990) by saying that
there is no point in marketing without brands.
Branding is definitely not about stimulating people into irrational buying decisions. Being
such an intangible concept, branding is quite often misunderstood or even disregarded as
creating the illusion that a product or service is better than it really is (Hague and Jackson,
1994). There is an old saying among marketers: "Nothing kills a bad product faster than
good advertising" (de Legge, 2002). Without great products or services and an
organization that can sustain them, there can be no successful brand; however the potential
for harming shareholder value through inappropriate management of brands is immense.
Research in this area has predominantly drawn attention to the need for developing brand
identities, designing brand portfolios, and managing brand extensions, developing
integrated marketing communication activities and, of course, measuring the value of the
brand (Aaker 1997; Keller 1993; 1999; 2000; Loken and John 1993; Park and Srinvasan
1994; Shocker, Srivastava and Ruekert 1994; Yoo and Donthu 2001). Moreover, there
seems to be a general agreement that successful brand management leads to successful
brands which in turn, contributes to high brand equity
A strong brand allows customers to have a better perception of the intangible product
andservices. Also they lessen customer’s perceived monetary, safety and social risk
inpurchasing services which are hard to ascertain before purchase. Strong brands offer a lot
of advantages such as reduced competition, larger brand loyalty and increase response
toprice adjustment by customers, larger profit and brand extensions to a service firm.
Importance of BRANDING
Although branding has an extensive history and brand management practices have existed
fordecades, brand equity as a central business concept for many organizations has only
really emerged in the past twenty years. Much of that interest was initially driven by the
mergers and acquisitions boom of the 1980’s, where it became apparent that the purchase
price paid for many firms largely reflected the value of their brands (Leone; Rao; Keller;
Luo; McAlister and Srivastava, 2006). Therefore it makes sense to understand that
branding is not about getting your target market to choose you over the competition, but it
is about getting your prospects to see you as the only one that provides a solution to their
The clear implication of these transactions was that brands were one of the most important
intangible assets of a firm. As a result of that realization, many different academic and
industry models of branding and brand equity have been proposed in recent years. These
models share certain basic premises about brand equity. The power of a brand lies in the
minds of the consumers and what they have experienced, learned and felt about the brand
over time (Leone et al., 2006).
According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), a brand is a "name, term, sign,
symbol or design or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of
one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition."
One notable model was created by Aaker (1991) who describe brand equity as a set of
assets such as name awareness, loyal customers, perceived quality and associations that are
linked to the brand and add value to the product or service. The development of brand
equity can create associations that can drive market positions, persist over long time
periods and be capable of resisting aggressive competitors (ibid). While Aaker explains the
issue from the perspective of the firm Keller (1993) mentions and explains the importance
of understanding brand equity from the customer’s perspective. Keller (1993) states that
even though the eventual goal of any marketing program is to increase sales, it is first
necessary to establish knowledge structures for the brand so that customers respond
favorably to the marketing activities for the brand. Ambler et al. (2002) mentions five
dimensions as being of great importance when measuring the consumer mindset. These
3. Brand attitude (perceived quality of, and satisfaction with, the brand)
4. Attachment (or loyalty), and
5. Activity (how much consumers talk about, use, seek out information, promotions, etc.
the brand).
Aaker’s (1991) figure with four stages of brand awareness and the role of brand equity is
dependent upon both the context and which level of awareness that is
achieved. The lowest level (except unawareness), brand recognition, is based upon aided
recall test. It is especially important when a buyer chooses a brand at the point of purchase.
The second level is brand recall. Brand recall is based upon asking a person to name the
brand in a product class, it is termed “unaided recall” since the respondent is not aided by
having the names provided. The first-named brand in an unaided recall task has achieved
top of- mind awareness, a special position. In a very real sense, it is ahead of the other
brands in a person’s mind. Brand awareness plays an important role in consumer decision
making for three major reasons (Keller, 1993):
• It is important that consumers think of the brand when they think about the product
category. Raising brand awareness increases the likelihood that the brand will be a member
of the consideration set, the handful of brands that receive serious considerations for
• It can affect decisions about brands in the consideration set even if there are essentially
no other brand associations. Consumers have been shown to adopt a decision rule to buy
only familiar, well established brands.
• It affects consumer decision making by influencing the formation and strength of the
brand associations in the brand image. A necessary condition for the creation of a brand
image is that a brand node has been established in memory, and the nature of that brand
node should affect how easily different kinds of information can become attached to the
brand in memory.
Brand equity
Aaker (1991) stated that brand equity can be referred to as “a set of brand assets and
liabilities linked to a brand, its name and symbol that add to or subtract from the value
provided by a product or service to a firm and/or to that firm’s customers”.
Brand loyalty
Aaker (1991 p.39) defined Brand loyalty as “the attachment that a customer has to a
brand”. It can also be seen as consumer’s preference to purchase a particular brand in a
product class and this could be as a result of the consumer awareness about that particular
Brand image
Brand image is referred to as consumer perceptions about the brand or how they view it.
According to Keller (1993), brand image is also seen as “a symbolic construct created within
the minds of people and consist of all the information and expectations associated with a
product or service” .
Benefits of the brand
Time saving – products not trusted are easily disregarded. This makes repeat
purchase an easier choice
minimises risk of unhappiness with the purchase
makes a statement about the customer – for instance, a Rolex watch implies wealth,
while Nike suggests sport and youth
building brand loyalty – studies have shown that it costs a factor of seven times
more to attract a new customer than to persuade an existing customer to buy again
ability to advertise a whole range so that promotional cost per product is reduced
Creating and nurturing a financial services brand is a long and investment intensive
process that goes through following steps:
Defining the role of the brand in the business and outlining the leverage that it
provides across markets.
Choosing a suitable positioning strategy which clearly defines how the brand is
different from competitor’s brand
Planning all the brand building programs and communication
Organizing to support these brand -building activities
Constant monitoring and tracking of the brand value
Defining the role of a brand
The first step in the brand building process is to clearly define the role of the brand in the
business. The role of a brand can be to inform customers and to generate awareness about
the product, to communicate product attributes or to create a differentiated position in the
To understand the role of a brand, the marketer should understand how its customers and
employees perceive their brand vis -à-vis the competitor’s brand. For instance, in the case
of a complicated financial product, a well recognized brand serves as a shorthand way of
communicating critical product attributes and helps to present the offering in a simplified
way. On the other hand, brand can also be used for highlighting unique product attributes.
When Citibank launched its Suvidha savings account scheme in India, the Suvidha brand
name was used to highlight its unique attributes that distinguished it from the competition.
Positioning the brand
The primary objective of brand building is to carve a niche for the company in the
marketplace and own a distinctive position in the minds of the customers. When a brand is
built, branding efforts should focus on owning a word in the prospect’s mind. A word that
nobody else owns. Once a brand owns a word, it is almost impossible for a competitor to
take that word away from the brand. For example, Mercedes is strongly associated with
“prestige”, “safety” is owned by Volvo. Now, it would be a Herculean task for any new
competitor in the marketplace to position itself on these attributes.
A brand’s positioning strategy helps it differentiate itself in the marketplace. A brand’s
positioning platform defines the space that it wants to occupy in the customer’s mind. It is
an invisible basis that gives long -termidentity to the brands. A distinctive positioning in
the marketplace helps maintain ‘distance’ and dissimilarity between brands in the
‘perceptual space’ of the prospect.The marketplace realities demand that financial services
firms discard the traditional product based value proposition and compete on the basis of
their core competencies. These core competencies can be a source of differentiation in the
marketplace and can serve as their positioning platform. According to a framework
suggested by IBM research, financial services firms can adopt any of the following four
business models:
·Customer Centric Model: Building and nurturing customer relationships is the core
competence of the companies embracing this model. These players understand customer
needs very well and generally control the point of interaction with the customer. They
empower the customer through education, knowledge and convenience and fulfill customer
needs by partnering with fulfillment organizations.
Companies can then leverage this core competence and position their brands on superior
customer service and experience.
Production Centric Model: The companies who operate on the basis of this model have
developed competencies in production of financial products or services. They either meet
the customer needs directly or serve as a resource for other business models. These
businesses compete on the basis of price, quality or convenience and they can position
their brands on any or all of these attributes.
Market Centric Model: These businesses offer value added services to both buyers and
sellers.Often they provide a platform for transactions. They can also provide infrastructure,
price discovery mechanism or supply chain support. E-bay, the online auction house
exemplifies this market centric model. It understands the needs of both buyers and sellers
and provides them with a platform to transact. The ability of these businesses to understand
the needs of buyers and sellers
Fulfillment Centric Model: Businesses that are fulfillment centric focus on identifying
and fulfilling the needs of buyers and sellers. Their expertise lies in transaction completion
and settlement. They provide distribution conveniences, fair price relative to the speed of
delivery, reliability and dependability and post fulfillment services.
Planning brand building programs
Once a brand’s positioning platform has been clearly defined, the main challenge before
financial services companies is to communicate this brand to the customers.
Communication involves all points of contact between the brand and the audience,
including product design, new products, and distribution strategy. A product story is
usually communicated through advertisements, publicity and personal selling. It is often
misunderstood that building brands is nothing more than advertising.
Contempory practices of brand
* Brand is consistent
* Brand is given proper support and is sustained over the long run.
5. Sacrifice
6. Over commit
The branding environment is also greatly affected by proliferation of new brands and
products. (Berthon, Hulbert & Pitt 1999; Keller, 1998; Richards, Foster and Morgon 1998).
Marketers of brands make an excessive use of line and brand extensions introducing several
new products, which complicates the decisions that customers have to make.
Increased competition and costs is another challenge plaguing brands. The market
place has become more competitive, forcing the use of many financial incentives and
discounts by the marketers. This has been contributed by factors both on the demand and
supply side. On the demand side, several products and services have hit the maturity or
decline stage. On the supply side, globalization, low priced competition, brand extensions
and deregulation have led to emergence of new competitors (Keller,2008).
Parallely, the cost of introducing a new product or supporting an existing one has
gone up rapidly (Harvey, Rothe and Lucas 1998). High senior manager turnover (Gail and
John, 2004) and short term profit targets leads to brand personnel's dilemma of having to
make decisions with short term benefits but long term costs such as cutting advertising
Brands are important and valuable assets which are frequently under acknowledged
and misunderstood. The processes of new-brand development and of brand management
are similarly mysterious. Certain important components of the branding process — for
example, design, market research, and advertising are inadequately developed or
unprofessional. Integrating these particular areas of expertise into a systematic and
coherent approach to branding frequently relies mainly on intuition. Furthermore, certain
key parts of the branding process — for instance, brand-name development — have
generally in the past been tackled haphazardly and, at times, illogically.
But these "challenges can be overcome by controlling the factors that shape during
different stages of its life. The five influences on a new brand that shape the brand during
its conception and birth are functional performance, positioning, name, price and
distribution (Peckman, 1978). All have great weight, but most importantly, functional
performance has an influence on virtually all the other factors, and this makes it in effect
the key to successful brand activity (Jones, 1998).
Banking development in the country
The banking system is an integral part of any economy. It is one of the many institutions
that impinges on the economy and affect its performance. Economists have expressed a
variety of opinions on the effectiveness of the banking systems in promoting or facilitating
economic development. As an economic institution, the bank is expected to be more
directly and more positively related to the performance of the economy than most non-
economic institutions. Banks are considered to be the mart of the world, the nerve centre of
economies and finance of a nation and the barometer of its economic perspective. They
are not merely dealers in money but are in fact dealers in development. Banks are
important agencies for the generation of savings of the community. They are also the main
agents of credit. They divert and employ the funds to make possible fuller utilisation of the
resources of a nation. They transfer funds from regions where it is available in plenty to
where it can be efficiently utilised: the distribution of funds between regions pave the way
for the balanced development of the different regions. They are thus catalytic agents that
create opportunities for the development of the resources to speed up the tempo of
economic development. In the Indian financial system, commercial banks are the major
mobilisers and disbursers of financial resources. They have all pervasive role in the growth
of a developing country like India. The role of banks in accelerating the economic
development of a country like India has been increasingly recognised following the
nationalisation of fourteen major commercial banks in July 1969 and six more banks in
April 1980. With nationalisation, the concept of banking has undergone significant
changes. Banks are no longer viewed as mere lending institutions. They are to serve the
society in a much bigger way with a socio-economic development oriented outlook3. They
are specially called upon to use their resources to attain social upliftment and speedier
economic development. To achieve the varied objectives of nationalisation, the
nationalised banks have introduced innovative schemes in the mobilisation of resources as
well as its disbursement. Nationalisation resulted in a comprehensive programme of branch
expansion, innovations in mobilisation of savings, lending to priority sectors and weaker
sections of the society and so on. The horizon of commercial banking in India that enlarged
with nationalisation has further widened with the implementation of the Banking Sector
Reforms in the year 1992-93 . Banks are now increasingly identifying themselves with
national problems and thereby trying to bring about social and economic transformation in
the country. To quote Bhabha, “Banking is the kingpin of the chariot of economic
progress. As such its role in expanding the economy of a country like India can neither be
underestimated nor overlooked."4
Commercial banking all over the world has undergone lot of changes during the last five
decades. In the case of Indian banking too, there have been innumerable changes during
this period and as a matter of fact, the very complexion of India commercial banking has
undergone a thorough change.
From very ancient days, indigenous banking has been organized in the form of family and
individual businesses. The indigenous bankers have been variously called Shroffs, Seths,
Sahukars, Mahajans, Chettis, etc. Despite the predominant role played by indigenous
bankers in India's economic life, they have generally remained outside the pale of
organized banking. Organized banking in India had its birth in 1770 when bank of
Hindustan came into being. By 1875 two Indian banks which are excepting public deposits
of about Rs. 14 crore. Thereafter, innumerable came into existence and many of them saw
their end too. By 1947, number of banks increased to 94 which had 2700 branches and
aggregate deposits of Rs. 928 crore.
During the period from 1900 to 1950, there were series of births of new banks and series of
deaths too. This period can therefore we called the period births and deaths of banks. This
period also saw the birth of reserve bank of India in 1935 and enactment of Banking
Regulation Act, 1949 giving powers to RBI to regulate supervise and develop Banking
system in India. The decades of 1950s and sixties provided real foundation of Indian
banking system. Hence, this period can be called the foundation stage. In this stage, efforts
were directed at laying a proper foundation for a sound banking system in India. This stage
saw the development of necessary legislative framework for facilitating the re-organization
of banking system. Transformation of imperial bank into State Bank of India and
redefinition of its role in the Indian economy took place in this stage. The period from 19 th
July 1969 when 14 major banks with deposits (of each bank) of Rs. 50 crore or more were
nationalized and another 6 banks in 1980 to 1984 was the period of rapid expansion of
Indian banking. Hence this period can called expansion stage. Another major step was the
establishment of Regional Rural Banks in 1975 in different states with equity participation
from commercial banks, central and state governments. Lead Bank Scheme was adopted
and implemented to bring about speedy expansion of branch networks of bank in rural and
semi-urban areas. As a result, average per branch population fell considerably from 63,000
in 1969 to 20,000 in 1980.
The fourth stage covering the period from1985 to 1991 was the consolidation stage.
During this period serious efforts were made to address the weakness and defects noticed
as the result of speedy expansion. Profitability and productivity were the areas of focus
during this stage. Annual action plans were adopted and implemented by banks to improve
their overall performance. The RBI closely monitored the performance of banks during this
The next stage was the period of reforms which commenced in the second half of 1991. In
August 1991, Narsimhan Committee was appointed by the government of India to address
the problems of Indian banking system and suggest appropriate remedial measures. Based
on the recommendations of the committee in its report submitted in November 1991,
reforms were initiated. As a matter of fact, the Narsimhan Committee report provided the
blue print for banking reforms in India.
Meanwhile, the onset of liberalization in 1991 saw the clock turn full circle for Indian
Banking. The buzzword was prudential lending, profitability and a clean balance sheet.
The banks were accepted to stand on their own feet and not look at fiscal subsidies for
capital. The mid 1990s saw the RBI opening gates of competition by issuing private banks
licenses to new entrants. In barely five years, this has created a hornet's nest on the Indian
banking turf. Besides the nationalized banks, even the foreign have begun to feel the heart
of competition. The concept of local area banks was taken up in 1996-97. RBI has also
adopted a new bank licensing policy in 2001 as per, which, initial capital for a new bank
should be Rs. 200 crore and within three years of commencement of business, the capital
should be enhanced to Rs. 300 crore. This new entry policy seeks to ensure that new banks
came into being with stronger capital based from the day itself. The above reforms
measures have gone a long way in improving the performance or operational efficiency of
banks. Now all banks, including banks which were considered weak banks, are making
profits. Presently the top 10 banks are as follows:
The Indian banking industry, the backbone of the economy, has gained immense
recognition for its strength, particularly in the wake of the global financial crisis, which
pushed its global counterparts to the brink of collapse. The Indian banking industry played
a key role in averting the financial crisis from reaching disastrous proportions in the
The sector has a highly intricate multi-tier structure, which enables it to effectively cater
to the diverse consumer demographics. It is broadly divided into commercial banks,
which primarily include scheduled commercial banks and local area banks, and co-
operative credit institutions, including various co-operative banks that provide banking
and financial services to the otherwise neglected sections of the society. Consequently,
there is a wide divide between the network and business size for different types of banks.
As seen in the charts below, although regional rural banks (RRBs) and co-operative banks
form approximately 66% by count, they account for only 5.6% of the total business; as
against this, (SBI and associates, nationalized banks, domestic private banks and foreign
banks) form 34% by number, but account for approximately 94.4% of the total business.
The Indian banking sector has seen significant transformation through deregulation,
technological advances and globalization. The economic reforms, introduced in the early
1990s, brought about a comprehensive change in the business strategy of the industry,
leading to mergers and amalgamations, which enhanced the size, efficiencies, and
competitive strength. The domestic banking industry has increasingly looked at
consolidation to derive greater benefits such as: enhanced synergy; cost take-outs from
economies of scale; organizational efficiency; cost of funding; and risk diversification.
The need for consolidation in the present context is amply highlighted by the heightening
competition, pressure on margins, and the need for scale efficiencies.
Over the years, there has been considerable progress in consolidation in the private banks
space with weak and healthy banks entering into mergers and healthy and well-
functioning banks too becoming involved in the activity. The RBI has been supportive of
such initiatives and there have been no cases so far where such approvals have been
denied. Since 1961, approximately 77 bank amalgamations have been carried out in the
Indian banking system as per the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act 1949. Since
FY05, the RRBs saw heightened consolidation due to policy-driven mergers in pursuance
of the recommendations of the Committee on the “Flow of Credit to Agriculture and
Related Activities”. During FY08, State Bank of Saurashtra was merged with State Bank
of India, and Centurion Bank of Punjab was acquired by HDFC Bank. In FY09, RBI
approved the merger of State Bank of Indore with State Bank of India.
In tune with the changes in economic policies and with the implementation of financial
sector reforms, the service sector in India has undergone a sea change in the last decade.
The service economies reveal that the service sector accounts for more employment,
contribution in GDP and more consumption than manufactured goods.
Total Assets till 2010
Growth Growth
Total Net Total No.
in in Total No. of
Bank Name Income Profit Assets of
Advances Deposits Employees Branches
(` Mn.) (` Mn.) (` Mn.) ATMs
(%) (%)
State Bank of
764792.4 91212.3 9644320.8 30.2 38.1205896 11472 8548
Punjab National
222458.6 30908.8 2469186.2 29.5 2654780 4327 2150
130215.3 8585.3 1724023.2 25.8 5410201 510 900
Union Bank of
133719.3 17265.5 1609755.1 30 33.529014 2570 1790
Indian Overseas
112372.3 13257.9 1210734 24 18.725512 1927 576
Commerce (OBC), Punjab and Sind Bank, Punjab National Bank (PNB), Syndicate Bank,
UCO Bank, Union Bank of India, United Bank of India (UBI), and Vijaya Bank.
In the year 1980, the second phase of nationalisation of Indian banks took place, in which 7
more banks were nationalised with deposits over 200 crores. With this, the Government of
India held a control over 91% of the banking industry in India. After the nationalisation of
banks there was a huge jump in the deposits and advances with the banks. At present, the
State Bank of India is the largest commercial bank of India and is ranked one of the top
five banks worldwide. It serves 90 million customers through a network of 9,000 branches.
When several companies are offering rival products they will want to identify and
distinguish their offering. This is called branding .Service industries are playing an
increasingly important role in the overall economy (Cronin and Taylor, 1992). Interest in
the measurement of service quality is thus understandably high and the delivery of higher
levels of service quality is the strategy that is increasingly being offered as a key to service
providers' efforts to position themselves more effectively in the marketplace (ibid).
However, the problem inherent in the implementation of such a strategy has been
expressively identified be several researchers. Service quality is an elusive and abstract
construct that is complicated to define and measure (ibid).
Considering the recent developments in the Financial Services industry, a new trend of
cross-selling and brand extensions has emerged in the industry. With Bancassurance,
Credit Cards, Transaction gateway mapping, Tie-ups, Bonds and Securities in the offering,
the Financial services sector is surely evolving. However, as you would be aware, the
primary factor in Service Marketing for Consumers is trust and experience. Consumers
trust a brand for its services, for its focus, for its caring and for its expertise. In all this
development and innovation, do you see a potential trade-off by the marketers?
When discussing branding in a financial service context the brand is related to the
company pi-corporate brand, which is the highest level in Kellefs brand hierarchy. Product
brands within financial services are relatively few and far between, and the banking and
financial services industry has long been characterized by monolithic identities (Debling,
2000). There is also a difficulty of achieving differentiation at the banking product level
since the product attributes in this sector are very easy to copy; this means the service
quality has become an increasingly important factor for success and survival in the banking
sector. Provision of high quality service aids in meeting several requirements such as
customer satisfaction and its consequent loyalty and market share, soliciting new
customers, improved productivity, financial performance and profitability. It has also
become an important research topic because of its important relationship to corporate
marketing and financial performance (Cui, Lewis and Park, 2003).
However, those who have analyzed the "strength" of brands in the financial sector
have concluded that, in the main, they are relatively weak brands when compared with
consumer products (ibid). In particular, the brands have failed to provide a sustainable
source of differentiation and in most instances have only succeeded in achieving awareness
(Debling, 2000; Harris, 2007).
According to Simoes and Dibb (2001 cited in Jones et al, 2002) branding plays a
special role in service companies since strong brands increase customers' trust of the
invisible, enable them to better visualize and understand the intangible and reduce
customers' perceived financial, social or safety risk. They further stress that branding for
services is different than branding for tangible products because it is the company which is
the primary brand (Jones et al, 2002).
The value of the brand, and the effectiveness of marketing activities undertaken to
affect the consumer mindset about a brand, is therefore often measured by evaluating
changes in perceptual responses on advertised attributes (Romaniuk and Nicholls, 2005).
The unique characteristics of service marketing which makes which indicate that it is not
necessarily appropriate simply to apply theory developed for other purposes to the
marketing of services (Dibb and Simkin, 1993).
The bank customer today is more demanding than he/she used to be. The
information flow in the society today is faster than ever, and that affects the customer and
the bank. The typical bank customer of today (Angelis et al, 2005):
Despite the fact that lots of global and local brandsof different products have been usedto
measure brand equity, survey on brand equity in the service industry have not beenfully
explored. Prasad and Dev. (2000) presented a study that shows that the easiestmethod for
hotels to recognize and distinguish themselves in the mind of their customersis through
branding. Low and Lamb Jr (2000) also stated that in service market, the mainbrand is the
firm’s brand while in packaged goods market, the main brand is seen to bethe product
products". But people are surprised when they that the most important part of marketing is
not selling! Selling is only the tip of marketing iceberg.
Peter Drucker, a lending management theorist, puts it this way "there will always,
one can assume, be need for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to make selling
superfluous. The aim of product and services fits him and sells it. Ideally, marketing
should result in a customer who is ready to buy. All that should be needed then is to make
the product and services available. Moreover, as Kotler Philips states "the essence of the
modern marketing concept is that all elements of business are geared towards the
satisfaction of consumers".
Without any doubt, the loyalty of customers is by no means an easy task. Corporate
units will be required to introspect themselves as well as work hard to understand fully the
relevant market in which each is individually anticipating to enter. Thus conducting market
survey's to have a better insight of the customer, his requirements and how he can be
influenced to purchase the company's products becomes a prima facie step in the long
process of building customer loyalty.
The marketing concept that we have discussed is valid for both products and
services. The services may be defined in the words of Kotler and Armstrong as "A service
is an activity or benefit that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and
does not result in the ownership of anything. Its product may or may not be tied to a
physical product. The growing opportunities of service sector influenced the various
service organizations to adopt marketing as a key word to make the entire organization
customer oriented.
Review of literature
In this chapter, the researcher has undertaken the review of conceptual and empirical
studies dealing with branding strategy from a generalist point of view followed by focus on
the branding strategy and other issues related to Banking industry.The review of literature
has been undertaken to earmark the problem areas and gaps in literature related to banking
branding strategy as well as to study the different parameters that have been used to study
branding strategy.
To appreciate the real significance of branding in India, we need to first understand that
what is branding. It is just not about using advertising to create products that people would
not otherwise buy. A brand is essentially a set of expectations and promises that the
customer and seller exchange with each other.
Brand equity
Brand equity is defined as the differential positive (or negative) effect on a brand based on
the recognition the brand has earned over a certain period of time. This then transfers into
higher sales and higher profit margins compared to rival brands (Business,
The banking industry has for a long time been focusing on retention which means keeping
their current customers is more important than gaining new ones. Banks strive for loyal
customers which are the ultimate reward of branding (Farrell & Klemperer, 2006).
The banking industry is specific due to its focus on customer retention. Banks in Sweden
are continuously exposing themselves in different media such as newspapers, television,
sponsoring and so on. Because of the fierce competition today it is important for banks to
understand their customers and their behaviour. The need to appeal the right feelings and
project accurate associations is especially high in industries where retention is important
(Farrell & Klemperer, 2006). This means it is important to have strong customer based
brand equity in markets focused on retention, such as the banking industry (Keller, 2001).
The banking industry is very specific due to the general opinion that banks are an
“unpleasant necessity” (Blythe, 2008) and because of the intense focus on retention
(Farrell & Klemperer, 2006). With this in mind several questions arise. How do banks
obtain loyal customers?
According to Jack Welch, Former CEO, General Electric, strategy means laking clear-cut
choices about how to compete. Sharon Oster, Professor, Yale University, defines strategy
as a commitment to undertake one set of actions rather than another. Costas Markides,
Professor, London Business School opines that the process of developing superior
strategies is part planning, part trial and error, until you hit upon something that works
(Thompson et al., 2008). Without a strategy, the organization is like a ship without a
rudder. A company's strategy is the management's action plan for running the business and
conducting operations. The crafting of a strategy represents a managerial commitment to
pursue a particular set of actions in growing the business, attracting and pleasing
customers, competing successfully, conducting operations, and improving the company's
financial market performance. It consists of the competitive moves and business
approaches that managers are employing to grow the business, attract and (lease customers,
compete successfully, conduct operations and achieve the targeted levels of organizational
performance. The dynamic process of emulation, implementation, evaluation and control
of strategies to realize organization's strategic intent is strategic management (Kazmi,
Thus a company's strategy is all about how management intends to grow the
business, how it will build a loyal clientele and outcompete rivals, how each functional
piece of the business (research and development, finance, human resource, production and
operations, supply chain activities, sales and marketing, distribution etc.) will be operated,
how performance will be boosted and how each will contribute towards attainment of
organizational objectives. Strategy gives overall direction to operations and takes priority
over the often diverging interests of the various constituents of the organization.
Aaker (1991) refers to brand loyalty as how attached a customer is to a brand. This
concerns placing a certain value on a brand. This is difficult to achieve but if it is done
successfully, it will be highly rewarding for the company because a loyal customer base
will create very stable sales. Creating brand loyalty can be considered as the heart of brand
equity. Oliver (1997, p.392) states that brand loyalty is
a deeply held commitment to re-buy a preferred product or service consistently in the
future, despite situational influences and marketing efforts having potential to cause
switching behaviour.
Brand loyalty can also be viewed from an attitudinal perspective. Through this perspective
brand loyalty is defined as “the tendency to be loyal to a focal brand, which is
demonstrated by the intention to buy the brand as the primary choice” (Yoo & Donthu,
2001, p.3). There are also two different types of loyalty: calculated loyalty and affectionate
loyalty. Calculated loyalty is loyalty based on economic factors (and not on the brand
itself) and affectionate loyalty is based on feelings and emotions and this is the kind that
loyalty usually refers to (Treffner & Gajland, 2008).
Another issue is Perceived quality which explains how customers perceive the
quality in a brand, for example the status of your brand. Because familiarity with brand is
often what the consumer connects with quality. This also affects the financial performance
of the company. Perceived quality is different from actual quality because it is mainly
about what single customers think about the brand. This opinion is rarely objective and can
be based on different factors, everything from past experiences to individual feelings
(Aaker, 1991). Zeithaml (1988, p.3) explained the meaning of perceived quality as “the
customer‟s subjective evaluation of the product”.
Aegis Marketing Inc. (1997) also lists some interesting benefits that brand equity can bring
to a company:
Strong brand equity allows a company to charge higher price compared to similar
product with less brand equity.
When a customer is unsure of which product to purchase a familiar brand is often
what they choose in the end because the customer feels this to be risk reducing.
Brand equity helps companies to achieve leverage when launching new products.
Strong brand equity is often the key to get a loyal customer base.
A strong brand is probably the most effective way to reduce the risk of being
threatened by competitors (Aegis Marketing Inc., 1997
As can be seen in figure 2 Keller states that customers view brands in a certain way. In
order to gain strong customer based brand equity, it is important to consider four different
stages. These stages can be seen in figure 2. The first stage is Brand identity which refers
to making sure that people think of your brand in the right situations. Brand identity should
answer the question “who are you?”The second stage is brand meaning and should answer
the question “what are you?” which in short terms explain what the brand can do for the
customers. This stage concerns the physical attributes of a product. The third stage is brand
responses which concerns customers‟ feelings towards the identity and meaning,
ensuring they think about the brand in positive ways. This stage answers the
question “What do I think or feel about you?”. The fourth and last part is brand
relationships, which answers the question “What about you and me?”. In this step the
brand responses are transformed to create “intense, active loyalty relationships between
customers and the brand” (Keller, 2001, p. 4). The brand must develop in this specific
order, i.e. a meaning cannot be developed without an identity and responses cannot be
developed without a meaning and so on (Keller, 2001).
Figure 3. Dimensions and Sub-dimensions of the brand building blocks (Keller, 2001, p.7-8)
As figure 3 shows, the foundation of the pyramid is Brand salience (brand identity). This
refers to customers‟ capability to recognize and recall a brand. It concerns how easily and
how often customers think about the brand in different situations. Salience is the initial
building block when developing brand equity. It helps create brand image and meaning by
affecting the strength of brand associations. Brand salience is considered synonymous with
the brand being „top 28
of mind‟ (mentioned before) when the product category is discussed (Romaniuk, 2004).
The second layer of the pyramid involves how to create a brand image (brand meaning).
Brand image describes what the brand is characterized by and what it stands for in the
customers‟ minds. There are two different types of brand image: Brand performance and
Brand imagery (Keller, 2001). Brand performance focuses on the product and its different
abilities to satisfy customer needs such as financial needs and functional needs. When
discussing Brand performance there are five different attributes and benefits connected to
brand performance:
Primary characteristics and secondary features is one sub-dimension in brand
performance and refer to the fact that customers expect a certain level of characteristics in
the product which need to be met. Sometimes the customers also expect special functions
besides the primary ones, called secondary features. Another sub-dimension is Product
reliability, durability and serviceability. Reliability concerns the products stability in
performance. Durability is the time the product is expected to last. Serviceability explains
how easy it is to repair the product when possible errors occur. Service effectiveness,
efficiency and empathy explains to which extent the brand offers the required services for
their products. Efficiency concerns the speed and the responsiveness of the service while
empathy explains the attitude of the service provider. Another sub-dimension is Style and
design which focuses on the aesthetic attributes of the product. The final sub-dimension of
brand performance is Price and it refers to the price strategy of a brand. It sends signals to
the customers how to categorize the brand (Keller, 2001).
Brand Imagery is the other type of Brand image and focuses on the intangible attributes of
the product. This part concerns emotions and thoughts customers have towards a brand
instead of the physical benefits. In this area there are four main categories:
The first sub-dimension of Brand Imagery is User profiles which describes the person or
the company that uses a specific product. These descriptions involve the
basic segmentation variables. Another sub-dimension is Purchase and usage situations.
Purchase describes the different channels, types of stores and how easy it is to purchase the
product. Usage explains under which circumstances the usage of the product comes into
mind. The next sub-dimension is Personality and values which discusses how brands can
take different personalities. These personalities can include a number of different
characteristics such as sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication and ruggedness.
The final sub-dimension is History, heritage and experience. The history of a brand is
connected with past personal experience and it can create association. Since these
associations are mainly based on personal experiences they are often individual. However,
sometimes there are connections between different people to be found in these associations
(Keller, 2001).
The third layer is called Brand responses and shows how customers respond to the brand,
different thoughts and feelings that customers may have. These feelings can come from
both head and heart, the main criteria is of course that they are positive. Responses are
divided into consumer judgments and consumer feelings. Consumer judgments is all the
different aspects of a product, such as physical attributes and image, put together by the
customer to form a certain opinion. Consumer judgment is further divided into four
Brand quality mainly discusses the perceived quality of a brand, but can also involve value
and satisfaction while Brand credibility explains the credibility of the brand. It is important
to seem competent, trustworthy and likable. The next sub dimension is Brand
consideration and it describes the need of a brand to receive consideration and be deemed
relevant. Customers need to see the brand as something they would buy or use. The final
sub dimension is Brand superiority which concerns the brand being compared to others.
Customers need to consider the brand to offer unique advantages that other brands are
missing. This is a very important part of building relationships with customers (Keller,
Consumer feelings explain exactly what it sounds like, the feelings that customers have
towards a brand. It can be emotional reactions or influence on part of customers‟ lives, for
example the brand can affect customers‟ feelings about 30
themselves or others. Consumer feelings are generally divided into six different categories:
Warmth makes the customer feel peaceful or calm while Fun refers to if the customers are
amused by the brand. Another sub-dimension is Excitement which makes the customers
see the brand as something special. Security refers to the fact that the customers feel safe
and comfortable. The brand removes certain worries customers may have. The next sub-
dimension is Social approval which is when the customers feel that others respond more
positively to them because of the brand. The final sub-dimension is Self-respect. It
describes how customers feel better about themselves because of the brand. They may feel
a sense of pride or success (Keller, 2001).
The fourth and final block is called Consumer brand resonance (Brand relationship). This
stage focus on the relationship that the customer and the brand shares and how high the
level of identification is between the two parts. Examples of brand with high resonance are
Apple and Harley-Davidson. Consumer brand resonance deals with the nature of the
relationship and also how connected customers feel to the brand. Intensity or how deep the
physiological bond between customer and brand is and how high the activity is are the two
main characteristics of Consumer brand resonance. These factors can be divided into four
sub-dimensions: Behavioral loyalty, Attitudinal attachment, Sense of Community and
Active engagement.
Behavioral Loyalty is explained as the level of loyalty a customer has towards a brand and
whether or not they are willing to go out of their way to use it. The sub-dimension
Attitudinal Attachment describes that it is important to remember that loyalty can arise
from very different factors, for example it can arise because of accessibility or low price.
This kind of loyalty is more based on compulsion because the customers do not have many
other options. Attitudinal attachment, on the other hand, is when the customer has a strong,
personal affection towards the brand. This is when the customers have reached a stage
when they see the brand as something they “love” or look forward to a lot. Sense of
community occurs when the brand starts to help customers create new networks, for
example when
people find new friends/acquaintances because of their mutual identification with a certain
The final sub-dimension is Active engagement. Here the most important confirmation of
brand loyalty is probably when the customers choose to invest in the brand more than
necessary. These investments may vary but are usually made up by money, time and
energy. An example could be when customers choose to join different members clubs
connected to a certain brand or to exchange information concerning the brand with other
people. To create active engagement you often need a strong attitudinal attachment and a
strong feeling of community (Keller, 2001)
Schmitt (1999) said that a brand should not just be an identifier, he went further to saythat
a good image and name is insufficient; delivered experience is also important.Schmitt
(1999) recommended two ways to branding:
• The brand has to be viewed as an identifier where the logo, slogan, names forms a
particular image and awareness for the consumer.
•The brand has to be viewed as an experience provider where the logo, slogan,names,
event and contacts by consumer provides consumers affective, sensory,lifestyle and create
relation with the brand.
Kotler and Armstrong (2004) also see brand to be beyond an identifier. It represents
consumer’s sensitivity and emotional attachment to the product.
According to Feldwick, (2002), a brand is a distinguishable symbol of origin and an
assurance of performance
Morsing (2006) highlights that branding concentrates on generating an additional
emotional value to the customer, which fundamentally creates imaginative and visual
associations to increase the appeal of products or services. Organizations, as contended by
Hatch and Schultz (2003). have changed marketing importance from product brands to
corporate branding due to the progress of globalization.
Brand recall relates to consumers’ ability to retrieve the brand when given the product
category, the needs fulfilled by the category, or some other type of probe as a cue. It
requires that consumers correctly generate the brand from memory (Keller, 1993). The role
of brand recall can be crucial for frequently purchased products for which brands decisions
usually are made prior to the store. In some categories there are so many recognized
alternatives that the buyer is overwhelmed (Aaker, 1991). Generally, if a brand does not
achieve recall it will not be included in the consideration set. While recognition, even
based on only a few exposures, persists, recall decays through time (ibid). Recall is
difficult; it requires either an in-depth learning experience or many repetitions. Top-of
mind recall is, of course, even more demanding. Hence, maintaining a strong top-of-mind
awareness through constant exposure can create not only brand awareness but also brand
salience that can inhibit the recall of other brands.
When it comes to recall a category need is experienced first, and then the consumer relies
upon memory to generate possible solutions. In this case consumer must recall a brand
from memory in order to make a decision. As a rule, the first recalled brand (given a
favorable attitude) will get the business. In this case, it is important to see and hear the
brand name repeatedly linked to the category need in advertising (Percy and Rossiter,
defined brand equity as the value which the brand adds to the product. Similar
definitionswere provided by researchers such as Aaker 1991, Keller 1993, Leuthesser
1998, Yoo andDonthun 2001.
Keller (1993 p.8) sees brand equity as “the differential effect of a brand knowledge
onconsumer response to the marketing of a brand”. This is based on the assumption that
thepower of a brand lies on what have been learned, heard, seen and felt by the
customerabout the brand over time. Aaker (1991,p.15) provided the most precise definition
ofbrand equity, he defined brand equity “as a set of brand assets and liabilities linked to
abrand, its name and symbol, that add to or subtract from the value provided by a
productor service to a firm and/or to that firm’s customers”.
Simon and Sullivian (1993) used the word “incremental utility” to refer to brand
equity.Park and Srinivasan (1994) refer to brand equity as the distinction between the
overallbrand preference and the multi attribute preference depending on the
objectivelymeasured attribute level. Agarwal and Rao (1996) also refer to brand equity as
the totalquality and choice intention. From the above it is clear that brand equity is viewed
indifferent ways by different researchers.
In other word, brand equity can be said to be any asset or liability connected to a brand
name that adds or subtract value to a product.
The definition of brand equity can be widely classified into three perspectives i.e. it could
be based on financial perspective which stress the value of a brand to a firm,
customeperspective which sees brand equity as the value of a brand to consumers and a
combination of the two.
Our present study will focus on consumers based perception. Consumer based brand equity
can be divided into consumer perception i.e. (brand awareness, perceived quality, brand
association) and consumers behaviours (brand loyalty and willingness to pay a highprice).
From the consumer’s perspective, brand awareness, brand association brandloyalty and
perceived quality are the most important dimension.
Although the exact origins of the term brand equity are unclear, it has been traced back to
the mid-1980s (Feldwick, 1996). Since then definitions of brand equity abound (e.g.
Tauber, 1988; Farquhar, 1990; Biel, 1992; Simon and Sullivan, 1993; Keller, 1993), as has
research on this subject. This research has been based on four different perspectives, that
are: consumer-based, financially-based, relationallybased and network-based.
The initial research on brand equity was consumer-based and draws on concepts from
consumer behaviour. It describes equity in terms of the strength of consumers’ attachments
to the brand and their associations and beliefs about the brand. Keller (1993) defines
consumer-based equity as: ‘the differential effect of brand knowledge on consumer
response to the marketing of the brand’. The second stream of research uses a more direct
financial approach, where the emphasis is less on individual consumers and more on the
overall financial value of the brand to the organization. The third emerging stream of
research focuses on the value of relational and experiential aspects of branding. Finally the
fourth stream of research examines brand equity, co-branding, brand alliances, and
awareness and knowledge of the product, the conceptual models for relational brands focus
on the customers’ experience with the organization and how this determines brand
meaning (Berry,2000). What becomes more important is the reputation and identity of the
organization (Balmer, 2001; McDonald et al., 2001). Relational and experiential branding
can also be important for consumer-packaged goods (Fournier, 1998). This aspect of
branding is likely to be more important when the product category is complex and provides
considerable choice, there is a perceived risk choosing and switching between brands, and
where there are high costs from switching between brands (Bhattacharya and Bolton,
Kevin Lane Keller (2008) states that brand equity should be viewed from a customer based
perspective in which brand knowledge is essential in generating differential effects on
consumers’ responses to marketing actions related to the brand. Keller’s brand equity
model includes two general dimensions – brand awareness and brand image composed of
brand associations, but brand loyalty and market share are seen as fundamental outcomes
of a strong brand.
In contrast to the consumer-based branding research, empirical research about brand equity
for services, business-to-business, and electronic marketing is extremely limited and only
recently has a relational approach been adopted.
The concept of brand loyalty as core dimension of brand equity
The American Marketing Association defines brand loyalty as “the situation in which a
consumer generally buys the same manufacturer-originated product or service repeatedly
over time rather than buying from multiple suppliers within the category” or “the degree to
which a consumer consistently purchases the same brand within a product class”.
Trying to define the term, David A. Aaker (1991) considers that brand loyalty reflects the
probability that a customer will switch to another brand, especially when that brand makes
a change in its marketing mix. In Aaker’s view, brand loyalty represents the core of a
brand’s equity. Moreover, Daryl Travis (2000) considers that brand loyalty represents the
meaning of brand equity.
Brand loyalty can’t be analyzed without considering its relationship to other dimensions of
brand equity like awareness, perceived quality, or associations. Firstly, all the other
descriptive dimensions of brand equity can enhance brand loyalty, as perceived quality,
associations and awareness provide reasons to buy and affect satisfaction. Loyalty could
arise from a brand’s perceived quality or associations, but could also occur independently.
Yet, the nature of this relationship is unclear. On the other hand, loyalty can induce a
higher perceived quality (for example, a potential customer has a better evaluation of a
brand if that brand is perceived as having a loyal customer base), stronger associations (the
brand can be associated to elements characterizing its loyal customers), or increase
awareness (loyal customers tend to provide brand exposure to new customers through
“mouth to mouth” communication). Thus, brand loyalty is both an input and an output of
brand equity and it is both influenced by and influences the other descriptive dimensions of
brand equity.
A series of experiments illustrates a learning process that enhances brand equity at the
expense of quality-determining attributes. When the relationship between brand name and
product quality is learned prior to the relationship between product attributes and quality,
inhibition of the latter may occur. The phenomenon is shown to be robust, but its influence
appears sensitive to contextual variations in the learning environment.Consumers ,manya
times ,treat brand name is the strong differentiator in the appareal market(Tong and
Hawley, 2009).Brand association and brand loyalty are influential dimensions of brand
equity. Weak support was found for the perceived quality and brand awareness
dimensions(Tong and Hawley, 2009).
Percieved quality is another component of brand equity (Aaker 1996),Zeithaml(1988) has
defined percived quality as the consumers judgment aabout a products overall excellence
or superiority.It is subjective assessment of quality rather than product based or
manufacturing based approach of objective quality and has beenregarded as consumers'
cognitive response to marketing information and brand knowledge (Kumar et al 2009).
Kumar et al(2009) studied Indian consumers by examining the effects of individual
characteristics (i.e., consumer's need for uniqueness and attitudes toward American
products) and brand-specific variables
Brands, particularly those that are high in brand equity (value of the brand) can be
organizations most powerful assets (Herremans et al., 2000). It allows organizations to
enjoy high brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality and strong brand associations
with customers (Bristow et al., 2000). Besides building on long term customer loyalty,
organizations with high brand equity can create differential advantage.
Berry (2000) adds that there are two components of brand equity – brand awareness and
brand meaning. Brand meaning is influenced by the customer’s experience with the
organization. Bank factors such as service operation, employees, environment, features,
perceived fees value, self brand image, brand aroused feeling and brand personality are
used to define brand meaning (Berry, 2000). Below is the brief review of these factors:
• Service Operation - The bank services sector is highly interactive and process-driven. In
order to build a positive and lasting brand perception during the interaction, factors of
service quality, such as assurance, responsiveness and empathy must be part and parcel of
the customers’ experience. These factors may lead to customer trust, satisfaction (Zeithaml
et al., 1990; Parasuraman et al., 1991), and loyalty (Lovelock and Weitz, 2006). Lacking
these factors may create high levels of customer dissatisfaction and generate a strong
customer desire to switch to competitor.
• Employees - Successful service brands derived from carefully nurtured relationships
between employees and customers (de Chernatony and Riley 1999). The service provided
by employees play an important role in customers’ evaluations of service performance. In
fact, the interaction will influence customer satisfaction perception of service quality,
future consumption behavior and increase profits for the service organization (Heskett et
• Environment - An effective way to make brands tangible is to use as many physical
elements as possible that can be associated with the brand. Bitner (1992:62) posits that,
“the service setting can affect customers’ emotional, cognitive, and physiological
responses, which in turn influence their evaluations and behaviors”. Physical environment
such as facility aesthetics, layout accessibility, and cleanliness, seating comfort, electronic
equipment and display (Bitner, 1990, 1992) play a significant effect on customer
satisfaction, perceived service quality, intention to repurchase and willingness to
• Features - Functional values such as number of branches, technology and accessibility
are perceived to be more salient than emotional values in customer decision-making and
will be a proxy for branding in relation to bank services (de Chernatony, 2001).
• Perceived Fees Value - Price has been identified as an important association in brand
image evaluation and a strong quality indicator (Arora and Stoner, 1996). Price value is
important point in decision making because customer choice of a brand depends on a
perceived balance between the price of a service and its utilities.
• Self-Brand Image - Padgett and Allen (1997: 202) indicate that a service brand image is
made up of “the attributes, functional consequences and symbolic meanings customers
associate with a specific service”. The creation of a good image is considered an intangible
asset to organizations (Aaker, 1997). Thus, a brand needs to possess specific brand assets,
an image and a salient positioning attribute in order to be successful.
• Brand Aroused Feelings - Feelings have been recognized for the role it plays in
customer decision making (Richins, 1997), and have a profound effect on customer
reactions (Boles et al., 2001). In fact, Boles et al.,(2001) assert that feelings aroused within
a services environment, especially in retail, affect perceived value and purchase
intentions.Moreover, past studies on banking services indicate that emotional values or
feeling is more sustainable than functional values (de Chernatony and Riley, 1999; Palmer,
• Brand Personality - Brand personality refers to the set of human characteristics
associated with a brand (Aaker, 1997). A well established brand personality is said to
heighten emotional ties with the brand, increase preference and patronage, and develop
trust and loyalty (Siguaw and Austin, 1999). Aaker (1997) posits that the dimensions of
human personality could be utilized to measure personality of brands. The author identifies
5 dimensions of ‘brand personality’, sincerity (honest, cheerful), competence (reliable,
successful), sophistication (charming, upper class), excitement (daring, imaginative) and
ruggedness (masculine, tough).
Brand awareness, on the other hand, is the company’s presented brand via advertising,
service facilities, and the appearance of service providers, company name, and logo.
Another source of brand awareness is company’s external brand communications that is
information customers receive about the service, such as word of-mouth communications
and public relations (Berry, 2000). The discussion on them is followed.
• Advertising - Advertising has always been regarded as a common factor to influence
brand equity (Herremans et al., 2000). Moreover, the intangibility of the service requires
organizations to promote their brand to their customers. As such, advertising is crucial to
the success of any service marketing strategy.
• Bank brand name - A properly chosen and developed service brand name is a strategy
which cannot be easily neutralized by competition and contribute to a service firm’s
ultimate success (Turley and Moore, 1995). If a customer believes there are true
differences among brand name and becomes an important piece of information in the
purchase decision, reliance on the brand name is likely to increase (Bristow et al., 2000).
• Country-of-origin - Johansson (2003) defines country of origin (COO) as the country
where corporate headquarters of the company marketing the product or service brand is
located. However, as service increases in importance globally, marketers need to be more
aware of the underlying factors considered by customers when evaluating services.
• Word of mouth - Word-of-mouth is defined as the extent to which a customer informs
friends, relatives and colleagues about an event that has created a certain level of
satisfaction (Anderson, 1998). Moreover, with the intangibility and inseparability of
service, customers find it very difficult to evaluate alternatives. Thus, they depend heavily
on personal sources of information such as word of mouth (Brady et al., 2005).
• Public relation - “Public relation is the management of communication between
organization and its public” (Grunig and Hunt, 1984: 481). The definition indicates a
strong link between public relation and brand equity building. Reputation generates from
public relation can be used to differentiate bank services (Balmer and Wilkinson, 1991).
From the above discussion on brand equity, a clear set of values that result in positive
perceptions amongst customers are paramount. These well defined values must be not only
consistently communicated and demonstrated by the organization but also recognized and
appreciated by customers. This is crucial in service industries, such as those in banking
sector, since they are facing tremendous pressure to differentiate in order to survive.
A variety of concepts have been used to develop consumer-based measures of brand
equity. These include consumer preferences, price premiums, consumer perceptions, price
trade-offs, residual intangible value, loyalty, awareness, perceived quality, brand
knowledge, and consumer learning.
Mahajan, Rao, and Srivastava (1991) claimed that customer-based brand equity could be
measured by the level of customer's perception.Also operationalized by Lassar et al. (1995)
as an enhancement of the perceived utility and desirability that a brand name confers on a
product. According to them, costumer- based brand equity indicates only perceptual
dimensions, not including behavioral or attitudinal such as loyalty or usage intention,
which differs from Aaker's (1991) who suggested to measure brand equity including
behavioural and attitudinal dimensions. Farquhar (1990) maintained that brand equity is
reflected by the change of consumer attitude while purchasing a product. Aaker (1991)
incorporated definitions, the four dimensions of brand equity namely brand awareness,
brand association perceived quality, and brand loyalty.
Customer- Based Brand Equity is defined as "a set of Brand assets and liabilities
linked to a brand, its name and symbol that add to or subtract from the value provided by
a product or service to a firm's consumers (Aaker, 1991)".
On the other hand, some researcher related the customer based brand equity with
other construct, e.g. Farquhar and Ijiri (1991) proposed a model by judging the
corporation's marketing efforts on its brand directly. While Lassar et al (1995) focused on
relationship between customer based and financial/ market based brand equity
measurement. Customer-based brand equity in this respect, is the driving force for incremental
financial gains to the firm.
Main Concept
1995 equity in this respect is the driving force for incremental
financial gains to the firm. Brand performance, value, social
image, trustworthiness,and commitment
Keller (2003) stated that Brand awareness can be referred to as the ability of a consumer to
distinguish a brand under various conditions. Keller (2003) also noted that brand
awareness is built and increased by familiarity with the brand as a result of repeated
vulnerability which eventually leads to consumers experience with the brand. Consumer’s
experience of a particular brand could either be by hearing, seeing, or thinking about it and
this will help the brand to stick in their memory.
The process of branding originated as a means by which a firm could differentiate its
goods or services from those of its competitors (Boyle, 2007). Now, however, brands are
renowned for offering consumers a unique set of perceived benefits not found in other
products (ibid).
Branding is generally seen to offer a range of perceived advantages and benefits for both
buyers and sellers including providing images and information on quality, offering
recognition, reassurance, security and exclusivity, contributing to brand image and identity,
market segmentation, the mutual development and strengthening of trading relationships,
and legal protection (Jones, Shears, Hillier and Clarke-Hill, 2002). According to Simoes
and Dibb (2001 cited in Jones et al, 2002) branding plays a special role in service
companies since strong brands increase customers’ trust of the invisible, enable them to
better visualize and understand the intangible and reduce customers’ perceived financial,
social or safety risk. They further stress that branding for services is different than
branding for tangible products because it is the company which is the primary brand (Jones
et al, 2002).
The importance of strong branding is not surprising when the high-risk levels often
associated with service purchase are considered (Dibb and Simkin, 1993). The literature in
this area highlights this level of risk and indicates that buying situations of this type might
cause buyers to undertake additional information searching in an attempt to reduce risk
(ibid). There are usually three sources of information in such circumstances: internal
(buyer’s experience of previous purchase), external word-of-mouth (from individuals who
have experienced a particular service) and external from the selling company’s own efforts
(e.g. advertising). It is essential that service companies promote and reinforce their brands
and thus improve the likelihood of these being promoted in this way (ibid).
When discussing branding in a financial service context the brand is related to the
company or corporate brand, which is the highest level in Keller’s brand hierarchy.
Product brands within financial services are relatively few and far between, and the
banking and financial services industry has long been characterized by monolithic
identities (Debling, 2000). There is also a difficulty of achieving differentiation at the
banking product level since the product attributes in this sector are very easy to copy. This
means the service quality has become an increasingly important factor for success and
survival in the banking sector. Provision of high quality service aids in meeting several
requirements such as customer satisfaction and its consequent loyalty and market share,
soliciting new customers, improved productivity, financial Performance and profitability.
It has also become an important research topic because of its important relationship to
corporate marketing and financial performance (Cui, Lewis and Park, 2003).
Branding is not simply Promotion and Advertisement, which is the normal perception of
people. It is much more than that. To quote, Bernd Schmitt, Professor, Columbia Business
School, Columbia University, ‘‘it is an organizational issue, not even a marketing issue.
Products / services with strong brand image enjoy immediate acceptance and are relatively
price- insensitive to some extent.’’.Do Banks understand brands?. was the title of an article
published in .The Economic Times, Brand Equity section of February 26 . March 4, 1997.
While the write up mostly deals with the trends of strategic branding efforts of foreign banks, it
gives an indication that Banks in India are still to make conscious efforts in this direction at
that point of time. But contrary to this, words like Brand, Branding, Brand Equity, Brand
Image, Brand Management etc. are being frequently used in banking circles at present. What
exactly do they mean and how they are relevant to the business we are in.
Some argue that the difficulty in achieving any sustainable or meaningful form of product
differentiation for most financial products meant that branding was a critical issue for the
companies’ concerned (Harris, 2007). However, those who have analyzed the “strength” of
brands in the financial sector have concluded that, in the main, they are relatively weak
brands when compared with consumer products (ibid). In particular, the brands have failed
to provide a sustainable source of differentiation and in most instances have only
succeeded in achieving awareness (Debling, 2000; Harris, 2007).
Marketing activities are undertaken with the goal of changing or reinforcing the consumer
mindset” in some way. This includes thoughts, feelings, experiences, images, perceptions,
beliefs and attitudes towards a brand. According to Aaker (1991) brand equity is a set of
assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name and symbol that add to or subtract from the
value provided by a product or service to a firm and/or to that firm’s customers. The assets
and liabilities on which brand equity is based will differ from context to context. However,
they can be usefully grouped into five categories:
1. Brand loyalty
2. Name awareness
3. Perceived quality
The value of the brand, and the effectiveness of marketing activities undertaken to affect
the consumer mindset about a brand, is therefore often measured by evaluating changes in
perceptual responses on advertised attributes (Romaniuk and Nicholls, 2005)
Brand recognition relates to consumers’ ability to confirm prior exposure to the brand
when given the brand as a cue. It requires that consumers’ correctly distinguish the brand
as having been seen or heard previously (Keller, 1993). In many purchase situations the
brand is quite literally presented to the consumer first, and this is what stimulates the
consumer to consider the relevancy of category need: Do I really need or want this? The
sequence in the buyer’s mind is: recognition of the brand reminds me of category need. It
is important to understand here that a brand may actually fail a recall test, yet be
recognized at the time of the purchase decision and thereby consumed (Percy and Rossiter,
Berry (1999) noted that branding of services enhances customer’s trust of the invisibleand
can also reduce perceived social, monetary and safety risk in purchasing serviceswhich are
hard to ascertain before purchasing. According to Mackay (2001) and Kim etal. (2003),
while there are lots of literatures on the equity of goods, literatures based onservice
branding are limited. Krishnan and Hartline (2001) also stated that while brandequity
connected with tangible goods have gained greater attention in the literatures,fundamental
understanding of the nature of brand equity in service has not yet beendeveloped. They
went further to say that most articles on brand equity for services focuson theoretical and
anecdotal evidence.
Turley and Moore (1995) stated that limitation of service branding in literatures is as
aresult of the fact that few articles that examine correctly the development of servicebrands
are normally inconsistent. Some study which present brand equity of services are:Muller
and woods (1994) for example, talks more on brand management rather thanproduct
management in the restaurant industry; Stressing the need for a clear concept ofthe
restaurant industry, dependability of brand name and building brand image.
Muller and wood (1998) recommended three main issues that a service brand
shouldconcentrate on in order to build a strong brand equity and acquiescence in the
Quality product and service.
Performance of service delivery.
Establishing a symbolic and evocative image
He went further to say that a combination of these three issues in the development of
arestaurant brand will give rise to charging premium price and enhance customer’s
loyalty.Murphy (1990) diagnoses generic brand method in restaurant industry such as
simple,monolithic and endorsed.
Cobb-walgren et al (1995) study used customer based perceptual measure of brandequity.
Their study adopted Aaker (1991) conceptualization as adopted by Keller (1993)i.e. brand
awareness, brand association and perceived quality. Two different type of brandfrom
service category (hotel and house hold cleanser) were used to investigate the effectof brand
equity on consumer’s preference and purchase intention. The result of theirstudy shows
that brand equity increases both consumer’s preference and purchase Intention.
Another example of a study which offered a good way of understanding brand equity inthe
service industry is the study of Prasad and dev. (2000). Their study was based on
acustomer centric index of hotel brand equity, seeing customer as a means of profit
andcash flow. They converted customer’s view of brand performance and
customer’sawareness into numerical indicators.
Conclusively, one of the most important benefits of service branding is that it helps
toreduce perceived risk faced by consumers about the potential positive and negative
effectof their purchase decision and it also help to reduce search cost. Brand loyalty
According to Aaker (1991, p39), brand loyalty is “the attachment that a customer has to
abrand”. Yoo and Donthun (2001) also referred to brand loyalty as the tendency to be
loyalto a brand and this can be shown by the intention of the consumer to buy the brand as
aforemost choice.
Oliver (1999, p. 34) also defined brand loyalty as “deeply held commitment to re-buy orre-
patronize a preferred product/service consistently in the future, thereby causingrepetition
ofsame-brand or same brand set purchasing, despite situational influence andmarketing
efforts having the potential to cause switching behaviors”.
Odin et al (2001) stated that brand loyalty can either be behavioral or attitudinal.Behavioral
loyalty comprises of repeated purchases of the brand. According to Dekimpeet al (1997),
one advantage of this is that it measures observable behaviours rather thanself reported
deposition or intention. It is easier and cheaper to measure.
According to Chaudhuri and Holbrooks (2001), attitudinal loyalty can be referred to asthe
extent of dispositional promises with respect to some particular advantages connectedwith
the brand while behavioral loyalty has to do with the intention to repeat a purchase.
Although, the definition of behavioral brand loyalty deals with consumer’s sincereloyalty
to a brand as shown in purchase choice, the definition based on attitudinalperspective
stresses on consumers intention to be loyal to the brand. It is presumed thatconsumers
understanding of quality will be associated with their brand loyalty. As themore loyal a
consumer to a brand, the more he/she is presumed to see the brand as asuperior quality and
vice verse. Also, the more favorable association’s consumers havetowards a brand, the
more their loyalty and vice versa.
Aaker (1991 2002) classified loyalty as follows:
Non- customer: these are people who buy the brands of competitors.
Price switcher: these are the once that are sensitive to price.
Passive loyal: these once are purchase brand/product as a result of habit rather
that reason.
Fence sitters: are those that are indifferent between several brands.
brand image is a set of associations, usually organized in some meaningful way. A well
positioned brand will have a competitively attractive position supported by strong
associations (ibid). Brand image is defined as perceptions about a brand as reflected by the
brand associations held in consumer memory. Brand associations are the other
informational nodes linked to the brand node in memory and contain the meaning of the
brand for consumers. The favorability, strength and uniqueness of brand associations are
the dimensions distinguishing brand knowledge. This plays an important role in
determining the differential response that makes up brand equity, especially in high
involvement decision settings (Keller, 1993).
The strength of associations depends on how the information enters consumer memory and
how it is maintained as part of the brand image. Strength is a function of both the amount
or quantity of processing the information receives at encoding, how much a person thinks
about the information, and the nature or quality of the processing the information receives
at encoding, the manner in which a person thinks about the information (Keller, 1993).
When a consumer actively thinks about and elaborates on the significance of product or
service information, stronger associations are created in memory. This strength, in turn,
increases both the likelihood that information will be accessible and the ease with which it
can be recalled by “spreading activation” (ibid).
Favorability is reflected in the consumers’ belief that the brand has attributes and benefits
that satisfy their needs and wants such that a positive overall brand attitude is formed
(Keller,1993). Consumers are unlikely to view an attribute or benefit as very good or bad if
they do not also consider it to be very important. Hence, it is difficult to create a favorable
association for an unimportant attribute.
Not all associations for a brand will be relevant or valued in a purchase or consumption
decision. Associations might facilitate brand recognition or awareness or lead to inferences
about product quality, hence it might not always be considered a meaningful factor in a
purchase decision. Moreover, the evaluations of brand associations may be situational or
context-dependent and vary according to consumers’ particular goals in their purchase or
consumption decisions (Day, Shocker and Srivastava, 1979 cited in Keller, 1993).
User and usage imagery attributes can be formed directly from a consumer’s own
experience and contact with brand users or indirectly through the depiction of the target
market as communicated in brand advertising or by some other source of information. User
and usage image attributes can also produce brand personality attributes, which in turn may
reflect emotions or feelings evoked by the brand (Keller, 1993).
Benefits are the personal value consumers attach to the product or service
attributes; this is what consumers think the product or service can do for them. Benefits can
be further distinguished into three categories to the underlying motivations, to which they
relate (Park, Jaworski and MacInnis, 1986):
• Functional benefits are the more intrinsic advantages of product or service consumption
and usually correspond to the product-related attributes. These benefits are often linked to
fairly basic motivations, such as physiological and safety needs
• Experiential benefits, relate to what it feels like to use the product or service and also
usually correspond to the product-related attributes. These benefits satisfy needs such as
sensory pleasure, variety and cognitive stimulation.
Consumers may value the prestige, exclusivity or fashionability of a brand because of how
it relates to their self-concept (Solomon, 1983 cited in Keller, 1993).
Brand attitudes are important because they often form the basis for consumer behavior.
One widely accepted approach to brand attitudes is based on a multi attribute formulation
in which brand attitudes are a function of the associated attributes and benefits that are
significant for the brand (Keller, 1993). Percy and Rossiter (1992) highlights four
important characteristics to be understood about brand attitude:
2. Brand attitude consists of both a cognitive and affective component. The cognitive
or logical belief, component guides behavior and the affective, or emotional
feeling, component energizes the behavior.
4. In almost any product category what one is looking for is the brand that, relatively
speaking, meets the underlying motivation better than alternative brands. As long
as a motivation to behave exists, buyers will choose some brand that best meets that
motivation from the alternatives of which the buyer is aware.
To measure the satisfaction among customers’ the researcher can study the extent to which
the expectations regarding a number of satisfaction criteria have been fulfilled. Customers’
perceived values on the other hand is an average of their assessment of their bank’s
performance on a number of criteria weighted according to the relative importance of those
criteria in the overall bank’s performance (Angelis et al, 2005). Perceived value gives a
measure of the bank customers’ attitude to certain characteristics of the services
provided.Those attitudes should be measured since they perform as behavior formulators
Aaker (1991) presented a figure based on five levels of loyalty. The first level contains the
non-loyal buyer who is completely indifferent to the brand. The second level includes
buyers who are satisfied with the product or at least not dissatisfied. Basically, there is no
dimension of dissatisfaction that is sufficient to stimulate a change especially if that change
involves effort. The third level consists of those who are also satisfied, and in addition,
have switching costs: costs in time, money or performance risk associated with switching.
Perhaps there is a risk that another brand may not function as well in a particular use
context. The fourth level consists of consumers that truly like the brand. Their preferences
may be based upon an association such as symbol, a set of use experiences or high
perceived quality. The top level is the committed customers, who have a pride of
discovering and/or being users of a brand. The brand is very important to them either
functionally or as an expression of who they are. Their confidence is such that they will
recommend the brand to others. The value of the committed customer is not so much the
business he/she generates but rather the impact upon others and upon the market itself
(Aaker, 1991).
Loyalty is a core dimension of brand equity. The perceived quality, the associations and
the well-known name can provide reasons to buy and can affect use satisfaction (Aaker,
1991). A loyal customer base represents a barrier to entry, a basis for a price premium,
time to respond to competitor innovations, and a fortification against harmful price
competition (ibid).
Successful brands achieve higher customer loyalty. Unsuccessful brands or new brands
have to attract customers. The need to do so hits the net margin since it is much more
expensive in advertising, promotion, and selling to win new customers than to hold
existing satisfied ones (Doyle, 1990). Loyalty is of sufficient importance that other
measures, such as perceived quality and associations, can often be evaluated based on their
ability to influence it. A basic indicator of loyalty is the amount a customer will pay for the
brand (price premium) in comparison with another brand offering similar benefits (Aaker,
Behavioral loyalty is the observable outcome of attitudinal loyalty, without knowledge and
understanding of the attitude towards the act of buying the brand, it is difficult to design
marketing programs to modify behavioral loyalty. This is particularly the case in a non-
stable environment with changing needs or environments (Bennet and Rundle-Thiele,
Developing a high proportion of loyalty consumers is the ultimate goal for marketing
Evans et al. (2006) and their description of relationship marketing contains an relationship
targeted consumption identification, specification, initiation, maintenance and (if pertinent)
resolution of a long-running relationship between consumers and brands/organization
through mutual exchange, fulfillment of given promises and insistence of norms which are
connected to the relationship with the purpose to satisfy the goals that the parties has and
improve their experiences. For the consumer such a relational coordination can be very
fruitful. They might experience closeness to the organization which can strengthen the
consumption behavior.They are treated in a special way and the organization offers them
something special.
• Trust
• Engagement
• Mutual goals
• Customer satisfaction
• Cooperation
Brand Equity
David Aaker defines Brand Equity as a set of brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its
name and symbol that add to or subtract from the value provided by a product or service to a
firm and or to that firm.s customers.
It comprises of .Name or Brand Awareness of a particular product or organisation, say a Bank,
and is measured in terms of:
. Top of the mind Recall
. Unaided Recall
. Cued Recall
. Recognition
Brand image is another important area that talks about common product associations.
In common terms, people say that Brand Image is nothing but reserving our space in the mind-
shelves of people. When we talk in terms of awareness, it should be top of the mind Recall if
anything is stored in the Mind-Shelf of the people and that is one of the prime features of
Brand Image. Brand image is comparable to a halo on the top of the brand conveying
associations, feelings, attitudes, beliefs etc.
Brand Equity also comprises of Brand loyalty in terms of customers with different
levels of brand preferences, number of committed and delighted customers and different levels
of use satisfaction as its components. It can also be interpreted in terms of Repurchases and
Testimonials. A Bank Customer, for instance, purchasing a product/service continues to do so,
how many more times and for what period. How about his behaviour in terms of other product
offerings of the same Bank? Whether he is inclined to recommend the same service/product to
his acquaintances/friends?
A brand should reflect a set of realistic values which should be promoted over a period
of time. Analysis of brand values adopted by the world.s major Banks reveals strong similarity.
Normally the words like .Big, trustworthy, safe, powerful, professional, reliable, helpful,
customer focused etc. feature in the value statements of banks. Apart from the values etc.,
effective brand management demands highly creative thinking in certain other activities
associated with strategic branding. Brand Logo and Slogan One of the most important activities
of branding is creation
of a symbol or logo. The logo should be created in such a way so as to facilitate quick
identification, recall and attribute a reasonable meaning that can easily be understood by
customers, present as well as prospective and general public. Simultaneously, the slogans
released from time to time should be creative, thought provoking and related to the business we
are in.
Brand Personality:
People involved in Branding activities quite often talk about Brand Personality, sex of a
brand etc. Though a brand is a complex entity in different viewpoints, for understanding what
exactly Brand personality and sex of a brand means, let us examine the statement that .a Brand
is a thought that exists in the minds of different consumers.. It is a perception that occupies the
mind space of different people and target audience. Once a brand personality becomes strongly
associated with a product category, it becomes difficult to extend the same to another
category.Branding Bank.s Services, certain innovative trends banking products and services
[like any other service industry] are intangible and inseparable. Further, they have an element
of fiduciary nature and require continuous flawless delivery systems.Therefore the branding
strategy essentially revolves around the Customers, i.e. Service Receiver and the staff (i.e.)
Service Provider. Hence the Brand building efforts should culminate in value addition to the
customers. Since it is very easy to copy banking products/services and most of the banks have
similar products/ services range, the entire concentration should be on how best we can
differentiate our offer from that of the competition and adopt appropriate positioning. The
positioning of the brand should be in such a way to effectively communicate with the
customers/prospective customers about the value proposition and make them to experience the
Some banks are following this line of brand building exercise by inducting Amitabh Bachchan,
Hema Malini, Juhi Chavla, Sharu Khan etc. as Service Ambassadors. The Indian Banker -
February 2006 9 Certain new generation Private Sector Banks came out with innovative
strategies by adopting demographic segmentation and targeting youngsters in their twenties.
The ultimate objective is to .Catch them young & retain for Life Value.. This approach
certainly aims at building a longer Brand life for the Bank and its products. When we talk
about branding with special reference to branch banking in India in Rural and Semi-urban
settings, service orientation of certain staff members of the branches and their acceptance by
the public make them icons in that area. We come across number of instances where people
remember the staff members and managers of the branches who excel in their service for quite
a long time even after their leaving the branches and in certain cases the Bank.s branch itself is
referred to as .Mr..... .s Bank. This can be taken as a classic example to prove how iconic
brands or image built up by people tend to improve the brand image of the bank and its
products over a considerable period of time. It is in this backdrop, Self Marketing/Self Selling
assumes a lot of importance wherein the basic aim would be to see that the frontline staff
market themselves first, i.e., get acceptance of those customers/public whom they serve such
that the products and services sold by them automatically get acceptance. This is all the more
important while selling services since they are intangible and also inseparable from the
personwho is rendering them. It is pertinent here to cite the quotation of
Portia Issacson: Unlike the earlier days, the highly competitive market conditions propelled by
rapid expansion of banking industry, entry of new
players led to lot of scientific studies and planning in the areas of Marketing and Branding of
Banking services. International marketing guru Philip Kottler observes, .new age bankers are
looking brand positioning, top of the mind recall, customer segmentation and brand building..
Certain Banks have started patenting the names of their products/services so as to prevent
others from using the same names. Stand-alone Branding vs. Umbrella Branding Traditionally
banking brands are thought to be very difficult to build. In normal course, it may take around 5
years to build a brand while 5 minutes is enough to lose one. During the last one and a half
decades, starting from 1990, banks started coming out with attractive brand names like .Big
Buy. [SBI], .Humrahi.aishwarya. [Union Bank], .Right Now. [ANZ Grindlays] etc., for their
individual products which precisely can be termed as Stand-alone Branding.. After
painstakingly building up brands for years, banks started dropping stand alone brand names for
their products in favour of what is known as .Umbrella Branding. This major shift in brand
management can be attributed to studies indicating that the single most important factor that
influenced Indian Customers banking decision was trusted, known and reliable bank rather
than a particular product and its features.This is more so with branding deposit products
whereas the movement of credit products depends on certain other parameters also. Umbrella
branding which includes all the products of the
Bank concerned starts with the name of the bank first, followed by the name of the individual
product. For example, Citibank,Union Bank, Corporation Bank etc., now are following
umbrella branding wherein the Bank name in short form will be prefixed to the names of the
their individual products. Umbrella branding is proven to be more beneficial since it
simultaneously promotes the product image and also the corporate image and directly
associates with the brand equity of the concerned banks. This is one of the most effective ways
of developing a financial brand since products can be quite easy to copy whereas it is relatively
difficult to copy a truly differentiated customer experience that can be created by a bank.
Beside, the name of the bank too is found to deteriorate in the eyes of customers. Thus
making the customer happy and satisfied should be a continuing prerogative of any
enterprise. Prior to making an investment, customer consequently looks into factors like
interest rates, time period etc. offered with/by a product.
Every company seeks to have steady group of unwavering customers for its product or
service. Research suggests that an increase in market share related to improved brand
loyalty, marketers are understandably concerned with this element. Thus brands that seek
to improve their market position have to be successful both in getting brand users and in
increasing their loyalty. On the basis of the products studied, it was concluded that the
majority of customers tend to purchase a favourite brand or set of brands. Although the
degree of loyalty varied by product, the percentage of customers exhibiting some brand
loyalty was rather high. A definite relationship was discovered between strength of brands
and nature of the loyalty shown. Loyalty appears to be high for well established products
in which little or no changes have occurred and low where product entries are frequent.
Various other studies have used these and other measures of brand loyalty exists and is a
relatively wide spread phenomenon.
Customer's in today's context "look up" "at brands to guide them through several stages of
their decision making process. This effort on the part of customers may take place a
number of times in the customer's mind and may even range over a period of time if the
product under consideration is an expensive durable. The actual process and the time on
each stage of the process would depend on a lot of factors like the target segment, intensity
of the need, perceived importance of the need, affordability, etc.
Brand equity in new concept products marketing the concept is extremely
important during the early stages of marketing. If an existing brand which has a strong
equity launches a new concept product, the brand equity may be useful to address the
perceived risk involved in trying out an unknown brand. The reassurance provided by the
equity of the brand is useful in the purchase base of customer decision making. This has to
be preceded by the efforts of the brand to market the concept which should arouse need by
providing relevant information. A leading brand of product should initially highlight the
utility of the product, its advantages over other and the ways in which the product could be
used apart from general use to market the concept. The dealer interaction during the
purchase phase should highlight the dependability of the brand based on its past success in
other product categories.
Substantial liberalization of the financial services has taken place which has led to
increasingly competitive environment in which the market share of the nationalized banks
has been reduced. Customers have not only widened their choices, but also being benefited
from competitive prices and improved services.
Indian commercial banks will have to equip themselves to meet the challenges of
competition from within the country as well as from outside.
While they proceed to meet these challenges, have to ensure that their foundations remain
sound and their attentions do not detract from principles of prudent banking Changes in
Economic Policies and with the implementation of financial sector reforms, the service
sector in India has undergone a sea changes in the last decade.
Business leader have few illusions about the challenges of building a world class brand.
Success full brand builders consciously resist investing everywhere that their brand
touches their customer. Instead they identify and then spend aggressively only on they
know will have the most impact on revenue growth and profitability.
The key to success in this changed competitive environment will be one's ability to
reach the clients at his doorstep and meet his requirements of product and services in a
customized manner. This development is indeed welcome as it has immense potential for
growth of banking business in future but it has its own drawback as there could be adverse
selection of customers. Once a bank has won customers it sees as desirable, the challenge
shifts to building relationships and turning them into loyal customers who will generate a
growing revenue stream for the bank in future.
Many elements are involved in creating long-term customer relationships and loyalty. The
process starts by Identifying and targeting the right customers. All segments are worth
serving, and it may not be realistic to try to retain them. Roger Hallowell, a Harvard
Business School professor, makes this point nicely in a discussion of banking: "A bank's
population of customers undoubtedly contains individuals who either cannot be satisfied,
given the service levels and pricing the bank is capable of offering, or will never be
profitable, given their banking activity their use of resources relative to the revenue they
In view of this a humble attempt is being made to highlight the factors that
influence the brand equity and brand loyalty aspects in this new world order. It is being
assumed that this piece of work will no doubt have positive implications on professionals,
customers and banking organizations and that research of this nature will encourage further
detailed probes into the vital area of brand equity and brand loyalty.
After having a brief preview of the introductory aspects of branding and consumer
behavior in the previous chapter, this chapter attempts to describe the research
methodology adopted in this study under the following heads:
2.3 Hypotheses
2.9 Sampling
2.11 Limitations
The very basic for any research work is the occurrence of any problem. And in order to
find a solution for the noticed problem a new research is done.Branding strategies of banks
has brought new challenges after libralization. Indeed deregulation, disinvestment,
privatization and free trade has brought unexpected competition among the manufactures
and providers of various goods and services.
The effect to say the least has been very crucial in the banking sector. In this sector, the
major market shareholders are nationalized banks with private sector banks needed to
establish themselves and to survive in this global scenario.
This epoch is beginning to see efforts made from all corners including utilizing the
banking industry by promoting, publicizing and advertising products to influence
consumer behaviour. By the use of various tools for advertisement and promotion, a brand
new chance for more and more outflow on the promotional activities, after sales services
and customer satisfaction has begun in serious. Fresh ideas for publicity of brands are
planned and organized, promotions and stunts are programmed.
But before the liberalization there was absence for the required information available on
consumer purchasing habits, purchase factors, brand awareness, brand quality, their
customer wants and dislike, reasons for attracting towards a brand or changing and existing
brand, etc. it was so because there was shortage of products and services which were
provided by limited number of companies and the products were sold on the choice of the
seller, the market was a vendors market. In case of banking sector to restraint the situation
the banks were nationalized.
But after the liberalization many multi nationals came into the Indian market, and started
marketing and branding their products. This stimulated the need to understand more and
more regarding customer behavior, buying habits, brands, brand loyalty, brand equity and
the associated aspects.
Owing to back of essential information, effective research and developmental work in the
field of consumer behavior is being done. Therefore, nowadays almost every company is
having its own research and development departments to help in collection of this essential
information. The heaving expenditure in R & D (Research and development) is increasing
day by day, in research for prospective alternative.
The research attempts to evaluate whether branding can be a key strategy for a Nationalize
banks to enjoy competitive advantage. The study also evaluates the impact of 'Brand' on
the organizational performance and growth. This research work has attempted to clarify
some of these issues as well as provide new insights into the salient practices and processes
involved in brand management in Nationalized Banks. Only recently however, has an
attempt been made to integrate all the salient issues of brand management, and a checklist
called the Brand Report Card, developed for managers to assess how well they are doing
on these issues [Keller, 2000). This forms part of the tool used in the underlying study.
There are the number of examples where the big companies and their distributers found
them self in difficulty just because of lack of information in the field of consumer
behavior. To find out a solution and greater information about consumer behavior in the
field of banking sector, this research work is organized.
The purpose of the study is to identify the role of brand equity and brand loyalty in
nationalized banks and how a particular customer behave toward particular brand
The Main points which researcher proposes to analyze in this study are:
1.To study how the brand equity of nationalized banks plays a significant role in the eye of
2.To study how increasing customer satisfaction leads to higher brand loyalty.
3.To know Customer satisfaction will have a direct effect on brand loyalty.
4.To access that how brand equity play an important role in the selection of bank.
5.To know the current strategies of nationalized banks regarding customer satisfaction.
H10 Brand equity of nationalized banks does not play a significant role in the eye
of customer.
H11 Brand equity of nationalized banks plays a significant role in the eye of
H20 Increasing customer satisfaction does not lead to higher brand loyalty.
It is a known fact that during this era of globalization and liberalization, only the
strongest are going to survive. However, this is not possible without the participation of
consumers, who are the ultimate king of the market, more so in relation to banking sector.
In fact, as pertains to this industry where there is a throat cutting competition, every
organization aspires to capture a major share of the market. Among the other things
investing wisely and heavily on advertisement and promotional activities not to mention on
human resources also. Indeed the prospects of companies that are either not keen on
investing in promotional activities or may not be able to do so because of financial
constraints survival in the long run becomes grim. Hence maintaining on appropriate
budget (preferably) gradually increasing, keeping in mind competition needs becomes a
It might be pointed out that spending enormous funds on promotional avenues is
bound to be useless if the organization concerned does not understand fully the factors
driving a consumer to purchase a product. In other words, it will be better to have an
improved insight into the buyer's decision making process thus enabling the firm better
target its desired market for maximum sales. However, to do this it is important to
comprehend factors such as customer satisfaction products worth, improved after sales
service, brand equity and brand loyalty of a product. Without the customer being satisfied,
particularly in banking sector, it will be difficult seeing the product sell in the market.
Besides, the name of the bank is too is found to deteriorate in the eyes of customers. Thus
making the customer happy and satisfied should be continuing prerogative of any
enterprise. Prior to making an investment, customer consequently looks into factors like
interest rates, time period etc. offered with/by a product.
Every company seeks to have steady group of unwavering customers for its product
and services. Research suggests that an increase in market share related to improve brand
loyalty; marketers are understandably concerned with this element. Thus brands that seek
to improve their market position have to be successful both in getting brand users and in
increasing their loyalty. On the basis of the products studied, it was concluded that the
majority of customers trend to purchase the favorite brand or set of brands. Although the
degree of loyalty varied by product, the percentage of customers exhibiting some brand
loyalty was rather high. A definite relationship was discovered between strengths of brands
and nature of the loyalty shown. Loyalty appears to be high for well established products
in which little or no change have occurred and low where product entries are frequent.
Various other studies have used these and other measures of brand loyalty exists and is a
relatively wide respectively wide spread phenomenon.
Customer's in today's context search at brands to guide them through several stages of their
decision making process.The actual process and the time on each stage of the process
would depend on a lot of factors like the target segment, intensity of the need, perceived
importance of the need, affordability, etc.
As marketers spend a considerable amount of money on developing the equity of brands,
the following aspects may provide some direction on the linkage between brand equity and
consumer decision-making:
1. How important is brand equity for customer regarding financial product and services?
3.When should to develop the equity for his brand if it is new concept/product that new to
the market?
4. Stages and time perid involve in the development of a product category and its
implication on brand equity development.
Brand equity is new concept products' marketing the concept is tremendously important
during the early stages of marketing. If an existing brand which has strong equity launches
a new concept product, the brand equity may be useful to talk the supposed risk involved
in trying out an unknown brand. The pledge provided by the equity of the brand is useful
in the purchase base of consumer verdict.A prominent brand of product should initially
highlight the utility of the product, its advantages over other and the ways in which the
product could be used apart from general use to market the concept
Most studies, however, suffer from the lack of comparability because of divergent
beginnings of brand loyalty. Until customers behavior researchers agree on a common
definition, there will continue to be difficulty in synthesizing results.
Ajmer is a historical region in central Rajasthan, a central part of a big
Chauhan empire in 11-12th centuries. The region includes a present day
Ajmer district and is bounded on the west by Marwar, on the northeast by
Dhundhar, on the southeast by Hadoti, and on the south by Mewar regions.
as Prithviraj Chauhan or Rai Pithora. Prithviraj III has become famous in folk
tales and historical literature as the Chauhan king of Delhi who resisted the
Muslim attack in the first Battle of Tarain (1191). Armies from other Rajput
kingdoms, including Mewar assisted him. The Chauhan kingdom collapsed
after Prithviraj was defeated by Mohammed of Ghor in 1192 at the Second
Battle of Tarain.
This failure ushered in Muslim rule in North India, the first of the
enlightened Delhi Sultanates, but the Chauhans remained in Ajmer as
feudatories of Mohammed of Ghor and the Sultans of Delhi until 1365, when
Ajmer was captured by the rulers of Mewar.
In 1818 the Marathas sold Ajmer to the British for 50,000 rupees, and it
became Ajmer-Merwara Province. Since then Ajmer had enjoyed unbroken
peace and stable governance.
Merwara remained a province of India from independence in 1947 to 1950,
when it became the state of Ajmer.
The city has been sparkling with its many old monuments like Taragarh
Fort, Ahai - Din Ka- Jhonpra since the city discovered in 7th century AD by
Raja Ajay Pal Chauhan.
Ajmer has its important role in the Mughal India map. Historic Ajmer
attracts pilgrims and tourists from India and abroad. The most favorable place
among tourists that can be visited in Ajmer is Muin-ud-Din Chisti's Dargah
that is uniformly reversed by both Hindus & Muslims.
The Ajmer lives up with the traditions of religions and cultures. The
mughal era architectures have added the spice in to this place. Some sites in
^ Sharma, Nidhi (2000). Transition from Feudalism to Democracy, Jaipur: Aalekh
Publishers, ISBN 81-87359-04-4, pp.197-201,205-6
this town include the lake of Ana Sagar, Daulat Bagh, museum owned by
government, the Nasiyan Jain Temple and of course the above cited tomb of
Sufi Saint.
All those who visited to Ajmer have also visited to Nag Pahar - the
town of Pushkar by the bus journey of half hour.
As mentioned, the Ajmer city has been founded by Raja Ajay Pal
Chauhan in the 7th Century AD, who has established highly regarded
Chauhan dynasty that constantly rule India until the invasions of Muslims
have been ruled out.
The strong hold of Chauhan remained on Ajmer till 1193, until the
Mohammed Ghori, an Afghan ruler defeated the last Chauhan's emperor. The
last Chauhan emperor till that time was Prithviraj Chauhan. Ajmer had faced
chaotic times since the rapidly changing emperors since thereafter.
Finally, in 1556, the mughal emperor Akbar has won the Ajmer and
used Ajmer as the main headquarter for all its campaigns in the state of
Rajasthan. After the Mughals declination, the control of the Ajmer city has
been passed to the Marathas, particularly to the Gwalior' Scindias.
The avowed goals of Indian planning has been to improve the living
conditions of the rural people by providing employment opportunities and
generating income through the process of rural development programmes. For
over fifty nine years of planning, the planners have considered employment
and income generation as effective instruments for poverty alleviation and
improvement in the physical quality of life of the rural people. But there is
still a long way to go in achieving the goal of full employment and urban
facilities in rural areas. However, for rural development of all over India
focused on socio-economic development, through better availability of
resources by banking reforms after 1969.
It is true that banking sector reforms carried out India is one of the very
successful modal appreciated worlds over. It is now realized that such reforms
cannot be sustainable unless there is meaningless transformation of
borrowings units in rural sectors, especially the agricultural sector. The
reform to ensure sustainable growth should be also touch a majority of people
and common economic activities in rural India and reduce poverty.
Bank of Baroda
Bank of Baroda (BoB) (BSE: 532134) (Hindi: बैंक ऑफ़ बड़ौदा) is the
third largest bank in India, after the State Bank of India and the Punjab
National Bank and ahead of ICICI Bank.[1] BoB has total assets in excess of
Rs. 2.27 lakh crores, or Rs. 2,274 billion, a network of over 3,000 branches
and offices, and about 1,100 ATMs. IT plans to open 400 new branches in the
coming year. It offers a wide range of banking products and financial services
to corporate and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and
through its specialised subsidiaries and affiliates in the areas of investment
banking, credit cards and asset management. Its total business was Rs. 4,402
billion as of June 30.[2]
Sum up
Branding is not an arithmetic or statistical tool or formula to get the desired
result on its application. On the other hand, highly creative and innovative ways
of branding alone can be of effective use in bringing about desired results. The
central theme of Ad- Asia 2003, Break the rules is most appropriate in effective
brand building exercise. People quite often refer to .out of box thinking that is
more relevant in this area. The objective of the whole exercise should be to bring
about positive emotional perceptions in the minds of people along with value
additions to the customers and differentiate our services from that of the
competition and create USP, Unique Service Proposition. Branding is not simply
Promotion and Advertisement, which is the normal perception of people. It is
much more than that. To quote, Bernd Schmitt, Professor, Columbia Business
School, Columbia University, it is an organizational issue, not even a marketing
issue. Products / services with strong brand image enjoy immediate acceptance
and are relatively price- insensitive to some extent.!"
5. "BOB Capital to begin e-broking by March-end" . Business- 2008-09-09.
broking-by-march-end/333805/. Retrieved 2011-02-03.
15 April 1840) and the Bank of Madras (established on 1 July 1843) followed
the Bank of Bengal. These three banks dominated the modern banking
scenario in India, until when they were amalgamated to form the Imperial
Bank of India, on 27 January 1921.
An important turning point in the history of State Bank of India is the
launch of the first Five Year Plan of independent India, in 1951. The Plan
aimed at serving the Indian economy in general and the rural sector of the
country, in particular. Until the Plan, the commercial banks of the country,
including the Imperial Bank of India, confined their services to the urban
sector. Moreover, they were not equipped to respond to the growing needs of
the economic revival taking shape in the rural areas of the country. Therefore,
in order to serve the economy as a whole and rural sector in particular, the All
India Rural Credit Survey Committee recommended the formation of a state-
partnered and state-sponsored bank.
The All India Rural Credit Survey Committee proposed the take over of
the Imperial Bank of India, and integrating with it, the former state-owned or
state-associate banks. Subsequently, an Act was passed in the Parliament of
India in May 1955. As a result, the State Bank of India (SBI) was established
on 1 July 1955. This resulted in making the State Bank of India more
powerful, because as much as a quarter of the resources of the Indian banking
system were controlled directly by the State. Later on, the State Bank of India
(Subsidiary Banks) Act was passed in 1959. The Act enabled the State Bank
of India to make the eight former State-associated banks as its subsidiaries.
The State Bank of India emerged as a pacesetter, with its operations
carried out by the 480 offices comprising branches, sub offices and three
Local Head Offices, inherited from the Imperial Bank. Instead of serving as
mere repositories of the community's savings and lending to creditworthy
parties, the State Bank of India catered to the needs of the customers, by
banking purposefully. The bank served the heterogeneous financial needs of
the planned economic development.
The corporate center of SBI is located in Mumbai. In order to cater to
different functions, there are several other establishments in and outside
Mumbai, apart from the corporate center. The bank boasts of having as many
as 14 local head offices and 57 Zonal Offices, located at major cities
throughout India. It is recorded that SBI has about 10000 branches, well
networked to cater to its customers throughout India.
ATM Services
SBI provides easy access to money to its customers through more
than 8500 ATMs in India. The Bank also facilitates the free transaction of
money at the ATMs of State Bank Group, which includes the ATMs of State
Bank of India as well as the Associate Banks – State Bank of Bikaner &
Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Indore, etc. You may also
transact money through SBI Commercial and International Bank Ltd by using
the State Bank ATM-cum-Debit (Cash Plus) card.
The State Bank Group includes a network of eight banking subsidiaries
and several non-banking subsidiaries. Through the establishments, it offers
various services including merchant banking services, fund management,
factoring services, primary dealership in government securities, credit cards
and insurance.
The eight banking subsidiaries are:
State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (SBBJ)
State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH)
Personal Banking
SBI Term Deposits SBI Loan For Pensioners
SBI Recurring Deposits Loan Against Mortgage Of Property
Other Services
Agriculture/Rural Banking
NRI Services
ATM Services
Demat Services
Corporate Banking
Internet Banking
Mobile Banking
International Banking
Broking Services
Gift Cheques
State Bank Of India, Corporate Centre , Madam Cama Road, Mumbai 400
021 India
Kong, Dubai and Kabul, and representative offices in Almaty, Dubai, Oslo,
and Shanghai.
Punjab National Bank is one of the Big Four banks of India, along with ICICI
Bank, State Bank of India and HDFC Bank—its main competitors.[1]
1951: PNB acquired the 39 branches of Bharat Bank (est. 1942); Bharat
Bank became Bharat Nidhi Ltd.
1986 The Reserve Bank of India required PNB to transfer its London
branch to State Bank of India after the branch was involved in a fraud
1993: PNB acquired New Bank of India, which the GOI had
nationalized in 1980.
Shrimati Indira Gandhi, as well as the account of the famous Jalianwala Bagh
Punjab National Bank was ranked 1243 in the Forbes Global 2000.[3][4]
Union Bank of India (UBI) is one of India's largest state-owned banks (the
government owns 55.43% of its share capital), is listed on the Forbes 2000. It
has assets of USD 13.45 billion and all the bank's branches have been
networked with its 1135 ATMs. Its online Telebanking facility are available
to all its Core Banking Customers - individual as well as corporate. It has
representative offices in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and Shanghai,
Peoples Republic of China, and a branch in Hong Kong.
Because of its acronym UBI, the public sometimes confuses it with United
Bank of India.
1985 UBI merged in Miraj State Bank, established in 1929.
1999 UBI acquired Sikkim Bank in a rescue at the request of the
Reserve Bank of India after the discovery of extensive irregularities at
the non-scheduled bank. Sikkim Bank had eight branches located in the
North-east, which was attractive to UBI.
2008 UBI opened a branch in Hong Kong, its first branch outside India.
Udupi, Karnataka state, India, is one of the Indian banks in Public Sector
Undertaking. The bank was founded with an initial capital of Rs. 5000 (USD
100), and first day’s canvassed resources of less than one USD 1, has
currently (31 March 2004) 12,724 full time employees, and operates from
several branches in India.
The Bank is a Public Sector Unit with 57.17% of Share Capital held by the
Government of India. The Bank came out with its Initial Public Offer (IPO) in
October 1997 and 37.87% of Share Capital is presently held by the Public and
Financial Institutions. The Bank’s Net Worth stood at Rs.3,054.92 crores as
on 31 March 2005.
The bank has the distinction of the first Indian bank to publish its financial
results (1998-99) conforming to US GAAP.
1 History
2 100 years of banking
3 Ratings
4 Awards won
5 Major recognitions
6 External links
7 References
[edit] History
Madras, one of the three Presidency Banks, which set up its office in
Mangalore in 1868 largely to cater to the business needs of a few British
firms dealing in export of plantation products. Its agent used to visit Udupi
once a fortnight or so, to do banking. Money remittances had to be made only
through postal medium.
To overcome these drawbacks and also to provide banking facilities for Udupi
in particular and the district in general, a cosmopolitan group of
philanthropists led by Haji Abdulla Saheb made a bold venture to start this
institution. What inspired the founding fathers was the fervour of
Swadeshism. For promoting the Bank , the Founder President made an appeal
saying , " The primary object in forming the ‘Corporation' is not only to
cultivate habits of thrift amongst all classes of people , without distinction of
caste or creed, but also habits of co-operation amongst all classes. This is
‘swadeshism', pure and simple and every lover of the country is expected to
come forward and co-operate in achieving the end in view." They rightly
defined Swadeshism as institution-building to aid economic activity through
co-operation of all, shorn of distinction of caste and creed
"The Canara Banking Corporation (Udupi) Ltd.", as the institution was called
then, started functioning as a ‘Nidhi' with a humble beginning. The initial
capital was Rs.5000/- and at the end of the first day, its resources stood at 38
Rupees - 13 Annas and 2 Pies.
The setting up of the Canara Banking Corporation Ltd. seems to have given a
fillip to co-operative Banking and also to regular banking elsewhere in the
district. Between 1909 and 1917, six co-operative banks came into being and
during the decade immediately after the First World War (1914-18) South
Kanara gave birth to as many as eight banks. It is to the credit of this Bank
that despite two world wars, economic depression and stiff competition, the
Bank not only quite survived, but also made satisfactory progress.
Having been started at Udupi, the Bank first branched out by opening a
branch at Kundapur in 1923. The second branch of the Bank was opened in
Mangalore at Car Street in 1926. The Bank stepped into Kodagu District in
1934 by opening its seventh branch in Madikeri. In 1937, the Bank was
included in the second schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. In 1939,
the Bank's name changed from "Canara Banking Corporation (Udupi) Ltd." to
"Canara Banking Corporation Ltd." The Bank graduated into a Regional Bank
in 1945 when the total number of its branches stood at 28. In the year 1961, it
took over ‘Bank of Citizens, Belgaum.' In the same year, the Bank's
Administration Office shifted from Udupi to Mangalore.
The second change in the name of the Bank occurred in 1972, from ‘Canara
Banking Corporation Ltd'. to ‘Corporation Bank Limited.' The Bank was
nationalised in 1980 along with 5 other private sector banks. After
nationalisation, the pace of growth of the Bank accelerated and it made all-
round progress. Started as a common man's bank, it changed with the times to
meet the aspirations of the people but never swerved from its motto- "Sarve
Janah Sukhino Bhavantu" meaning Prosperity for All. It endeavoured and
succeeded in striking a right balance between traditional values and
innovative approach, personalised service and professional outlook and
commercial considerations and public concern. One of the unique
achievements of the Bank is that it has been paying dividend continuously for
the last 98 years since its inception. Today, with the most modern technology-
driven products and services and nationwide branches & ATMs, Corporation
Bank stands tall among the Public Sector Banks in the country and is hailed
as one among the well-managed Public Sector Banks with excellent track
record in all the key parameters of banking. The Bank has the second largest
ATM network in the public sector.
First Public Sector Bank(other than SBI Ascociates) to achieve 100%
CBS developed and implemented by Laser Soft Infosystems
Awards won
Runner-up Awards in the “Best Online and Multi-channel Banking
Team” and “Outstanding achiever of the year-corporate” categories in
recognition of outstanding achievement in Banking Technology for
2004, instituted under the aegis of Indian Banks Association and Trade
Fairs & Conferences International.[5]
Major recognitions
External links
Indian Bank, established in 1907, is a major Indian Commercial Bank
headquartered in Chennai (Madras), India. It has 22,000 employees, 1,657
branches and is one of the big public sector banks of India. It has overseas
branches in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Singapore, and 229 correspondent banks
in 69 countries. The Government of India nationalized the bank, along with
13 other major commercial banks, on 19 July 1969.
1948: IB reopened its branch in Colombo.
1960s: IB acquired Mannargudi Bank (est. 1932) and Salem Bank (est.
1980: IB, Bank of Baroda, and Union Bank of India established IUB
International Finance, a licensed deposit taker in Hong Kong. Each of
the three banks took an equal share in the joint venture.
1998: Bank of Baroda bought out its partners in IUB Intl. Fin. in Hong
Kong. Apparently this was a response to regulatory changes following
Hong Kong’s reversion. IUB became Bank of Baroda (Hong Kong), a
restricted license bank.
Diversified banking activities - 3 Subsidiary companies
Presently, Bank of India has 2609 branches in India spread over all
states/ union territories including 93 specialized branches. These branches are
controlled through 48 Zonal Offices.
Bank of India has several firsts to its credit. The Bank has been the first
among the nationalised banks to establish a fully computerised branch and
ATM facility at the Mahalaxmi Branch at Mumbai way back in 1989. It
pioneered the introduction of the Health Code System in 1982, for evaluating/
rating its credit portfolio. Bank of India was the first Indian Bank to open a
branch outside the country, at London, in 1946, and also the first to open a
branch in Europe, Paris in 1974. The Bank has sizable presence abroad, with
a network of 23 branches (including three representative office) at key
banking and financial centres viz. London, New York, Paris, Tokyo, Hong-
Kong, and Singapore.
The year 2005 witnessed the merger of IDBI Bank with the Industrial
Development Bank of India Ltd. The new entity continued to its development
finance role, while providing an array of wholesale and retail banking
products (and does so till date). The following year, IDBI Bank acquired
United Western Bank (which, at that time, had 230 branches spread over 47
districts, in 9 states). In the financial year of 2008, IDBI Bank had a net
income of Rs 9415.9 crores and total assets of Rs 120,601 crores.
The Present
Today, IDBI Bank is counted amongst the leading public sector banks
of India, apart from claiming the distinction of being the 4th largest bank, in
overall ratings. It is presently regarded as the tenth largest development bank
in the world, mainly in terms of reach. This is because of its wide network of
509 branches, 900 ATMs and 319 centers. Apart from being involved in
banking services, IDBI has set up institutions like The National Stock
Exchange of India (NSE), The National Securities Depository Services Ltd.
(NSDL) and the Stock Holding Corporation of India (SHCIL).
Products & Services
Personal Banking
Mutual Fund
Demat Account
Insurance - FamilyCare, Weathsurance
Cards - Debit Card, Credit Card, Cash Card, Gift Card, International
Debit-cum-ATM Card, World Currency Card
Institutional Banking
India Post
NRI Services
Phone Banking
SMS Banking
Account Alerts
Internet Banking
Corporate Banking
Project Finance
Infrastructure Finance
Working Capital
Trade Finance
Tax Payments
Rehabilitation Finance
SME Finance
Agri-business Products
Head Office
IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Colaba, Mumbai - 400005
1. Stanley A. Cochanek. Business and Politics in India. University of
California Press. pp. 152.
2. Seshadri, R.K. 1982. A swadeshi bank from south India. Madras:
Indian Bank.
8. Website:
9. Timeline ==
13. "Ratings".
presentID=238&headID=84. Retrieved 2006-08-14.
A brief resume on the review of the work already done on the related
aspects of the subject is being assessed here.
importance of intangible assets in the business. In conclusion, he subscribed
to the earning multiple model of valuing brand.
Shunnu Sen (2000) in his article 'What is a brand worth" argued that
understanding the value of brand is not just a financial exercise but also a
business imperative. He went further and queried why investment in brand
development is viewed as a waste of resource. He concluded by challenging
the management, accountants and marketing professionals on the need to
invest and evaluate value of brand.
customers experience high brand fitting butterfly like from brand to brand,
without any fixed allegiance at all.
The purpose of the study is to identify the role of brand equity and
brand loyalty in nationalized banks and how a particular customer behave
toward particular brand
The Main points which researcher proposes to analyze in this study are:
1 To study how the brand equity of nationalized banks plays a significant
role in the eye of customer.
2 To study how increasing customer satisfaction leads to higher brand
3 To know Customer satisfaction will have a direct effect on brand
4 To access that how brand equity play an important role in the selection
of bank.
5 To know the current strategies of nationalized banks regarding
customer satisfaction.
H1o Brand equity of nationalized banks does not play a significant role
in the eye of customer.
H3o There is no significant effect of customer satisfaction on brand
The Population
The population under investigation in this study will include all the
nationalized banks of Ajmer district.
The study will employ simple random sampling. The research literature
agrees that although not the most efficient, simple random sampling remains
the most relevant as it ensures that every member of the sampling frame has
equal chance of being selected and has high external validity.
Sample Size
1 Bank of Baroda 5 Corporation Bank
Source of Information
(c) Survey of the selected customer of selected banks.
Research Instruments
The research instrument will include separate questionnaires for
respondents .The structured questionnaires will include both open and
close ended questions.
Chapter 1 : Introduction:
This chapter will detail meaning of brand equity and brand
loyalty and introduction of banking system and evolution of banks. It
will also include importance of brand in context of bank.
Chapter 3: Marketing Mix and banks
In this chapter we will throw light on concept of marketing mix
of different categories of nationalized bank and their recent changes,
their customer acceptability and awareness.
9. Malayadri, P. "Success of IRDP-Myth or Reality, A Case Study",
Kurukshetra, vol. XXXIII, No. II, August, 1985, pp.17-18.
26.Naseem, A. Zaidi, ‘Has TRDP Helped to Alleviate Poverty?”
Yojana, Vol.XXIX No.18, October 1-15,1985, p.9
Between 1197 and 1247 A.D. the Jain bankers from Ahemdabad
financed the construction of famous “Dilwara Temples” near Mount Abu
in Rajasthan by accepting hundies. The famous French travelers J.B.
Tavernier, who came here in the times of “Shahjehan” during the 17th
century A.D., has paid glowing tributed to shroffs, who existed in almost
every village acting as moneychangers and issuing hundies. He also refers
to financing to foreign trade in India through drawing of bill in Surat. The
Mughuls gave encouragement to indigenous bankers and conferred titles
of “Seth” and “Jagat Seth” on them. These Jagat Seth used to act as
collection agents for state revenue and as state financers in time of need.
financier of the East India Company. For this privilege he had a strong
influence of the rulers.
Banking on European lines started in India, when British managing
agency houses, namely Ferguson and company and Alexander and
company set up three banks. The first Joint Stock Bank was established in
1786 A.D. in the name of “General Bank of India” later the ‘Bank of
Hindustan’ and the ‘Bengal Bank’ were established. The ‘Bank of
Hindustan’ could continue only up to 1806 while the other two banks had
failed earlier then came the era of ‘Presidency Banks’ with the sanction of
the British Parliament, the ‘Bank of Bengal’ was established in 1809 as
the first Presidency bank. One fifth of its capital was contributed by the
state and the rest by the East India Company. This was followed by the
establishment of the ‘Bank of Bombay’ in 1840 and the ‘Bank of Madras’
in 1843 as Presidency Banks bringing their total number of three.
During the period also the banks contained to fail between 1913-80
banks failed. This could be attributed to the inexperience of Indian
bankers, unsound management and malpractices. The second world was
again bestowed a boom period on the Indian banking. Between June 1936
and June 1946 the number of scheduled banks nearly doubled. A lot of
new banks established one of them was the ‘United Commercial Bank’
established in 1943. But the ill-conceived partition of the country in 1947
again gave a jolt and created heaps of problems for the bankers, and the
masses as well as the time of independence India inherited 604 banks of
which 96 were scheduled banks.
The government of India has takes great responsibility to maintain
high standard of banking business by introducing deposit insurance
scheme and by nationalizing 14 leading Indian banks in order to increase
bank advances to agriculture and small scale industries as well as to the
priority sectors. It is important to note in this context that the government
of India appointed in 1969 the Banking commission to look into structural
changes, modernization and operational problems of the entire banking
system. The commission classified banks into three categories, National
banks, Co-operative banks, and Rural banks and recommended that in
rural sector the primary credit society should be strengthened to become
rural banks for providing adequate credit and raising banking habits
among the rural people.
During the year 2000 the State Bank of India (SBI) and its 7
associates accounted for a 25 percent share in deposits and 28.1 percent
share in credit. The 20 nationalized banks accounted for 53.2 percent of
the deposits and 47.5 percent of credit during the same period. The share
of foreign banks (numbering 42), regional rural banks and other scheduled
commercial banks accounted for 5.7 percent, 3.9 percent and 12.2 percent
respectively in deposits and 8.41 percent, 3.14 percent and 12.85 percent
respectively in credit during the year 2000.
strategies even as 20 percent of their massive employee strength has
dwindled in the wake of the successful VRS scheme.
As per RBI, at the end of the year 2003, total 66436 banking
Branches are working in India with a deposit of Rs. 1278667 crores and
advances of Rs. 759210 crores. Out of above 32,244 banking branches
are working in rural area with deposit of Rs. 176268 crores which is 14
per cent of total deposits. Advances to rural areas, stood at Rs. 74776
crore which is 9.85 per cent of total advances. This shows that in the
present scenario banks are paying more attention in rural areas.
Table 1
(RBI) mandates certain type of lending on the Banks operating in India
irrespective of their origin. RBI sets targets in terms of percentage of total
money lent by the Banks to be lent to certain sectors, which in RBI's
perception would not have had access to organized lending market or
could not afford to pay the interest at the commercial rate. This type of
lending is called Priority Sector Lending. Financing of Small Scale
Industry, Small business, Housing, Motor-driven small transformation,
Agricultural Activities and Export activities fall under this category. This
is also called directed credit in Indian Banking systems.
Tertiary sector : In this sector are small road and water supply
operator, professional and self employed, retail trade, small business,
education, housing, state sponsored corporations for SC/ST. Loan
sanctioned to State Sponsored Organizations for SC and ST for specific
purposes for the beneficiaries of these organizations are covered under the
priority sector. Each bank decides terms and conditions for these loans.
be given to scheduled castes/scheduled tribes and not less than two third
of the advances should be routed through rural and semi-urban branches.
In 2004 it was decided that 40 per cent of the total net bank credit at
the end of the financial year should go towards priority sector lending.
This share is bifurcated as less than 1/4th of priority sector advances or 10
per cent of the total advances should be for weaker sections. They are
people below the poverty line assisted under government sponsored
schemes like differential rate of interest scheme, SLRS etc., rural artisans,
SC/STs, small/marginal farmers, land less labourers, etc. with lending
amount up to Rs.50,000/-
The present banking policy is for 18 per cent of the total net bank
credit is to be financed to agriculture whether direct or indirect. A
maximum of 1/4th of total agricultural advances could be in indirect
agricultural area. 1.5 per cent of incremental deposits to be lent to housing
also classified as priority sector advances. Amount outstanding under
priority sector lending by public sector banks during the period June,
1969 to September, 2003 increased from Rs.441 crore to Rs.2,13,597
crore and accounted for 44.54 per cent of their net bank credit.
In recent years, banking has moved away from the traditional pulls
into new directions. The concept of banking has widened from mere
acceptance of deposits and loaning of funds to development-oriented
banking Banks are increasingly catering to the needs of industrial and
agricultural sectors. From short term financing, banks have been gradually
shifting in medium and even long-term lending. From well-established
large industrial and business houses, banks are positively assisting small
and weak industrial units, small farmers, artisans and other hither to
neglected groups in the country.
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
(NABARD) came into existence on 12 July, 1982. It was established for
providing credit for promotion of agriculture, small-scale industries,
cottage and village industries, handicrafts and other allied economic
activities in rural areas with a view to promoting integrated rural
development and securing prosperity of rural areas. Now NABARD has
been asked to advise District Level Technical Committee to review the
scales of finance to meet the realistic credit needs of farmers. Nearly 15
per cent of the net bank credit (NBC) of public sector and private sector
was in agriculture in 2004. Private sector bank has only given 1.3 per
cent of advances to weaker sections. In the context of public sector Banks
(PSB) it was 2.6 per cent. In 2003-04 the target set for them was 10 per
cent of the total lending. This situation almost remained unchanged in
2004-05. The RBI has been taking initiatives in the problem of declining
credit flow to the social sector, but positive results are not visible.
i) Term Loan :
The Corporation has also been implementing the new Swarnima
Scheme started in 2001-02 for women belonging to Backward Classes
living below the poverty line. Under the scheme, the financial assistance
to the extent of Rs.50,000/- per beneficiary is provided at concessional
rate of interest of 4 per cent per annum. With a view to identifying the
system's deficiencies and taking corrective measures towards bringing
about transparency in its operations, the Corporation has asked the SCs to
get at least one major scheme evaluated in the States through accredited
In this direction, along with the Banks, the National and State level
Apex bodies viz., the National SC and the ST Finance Development
Corporations (NSFDC), National Minorities Finance and Development
Corporation (NMFDC) and National Backward Classes Finance and
Development Corporation (NBCDC) and the State Scheduled Castes
Development Corporation (SCDCs) are working as a leading and a
catalytic role in promoting employment-cum-income generation
opportunities. As most of the SCs, STs, OBCs and Minorities living in
rural areas, continue to depend upon the low income and less productive
informal/unorganized sectors of agriculture, dairying, animal husbandry,
fisheries, handlooms, handicrafts including other
craftsmanship/artisanship. Attempt must be made through various training
programmes to upgrade their traditional skills, equip them with modern
technology and extend both 'backward' and 'forward' linkages of bank
credit and marketing facilities.18 Thus banks are doing commendable
work in bringing about social justice among the marginalized social
sections. The banks are granting various loans essential for development
of large population and rural base of our economy. Now the competition
emerging from the liberalization of the economy and monetary limits may
put obstacle in social justice oriented programme and policies. Now India
needs longer time inclusive financial system that brings social justice for
the poor in terms of economic justice.
2. Basu, Priya, 2005. 'A Financial system for India's Poor : Economic
and Political Weekly (hereafter EPW) , Bombay September 10, p.
11. Report of the Steering Committee on Empowerment of the
Scheduled Castes (SCs), Other Backward Classes (OBC's) and
Minorities for the Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007),
2002,Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi.
17. Singh, S.N. 2005. 'Caste, Tribe and Religion in Indian Politics', Sai,
New Delhi.
20. The Economic Survey 2004-05, 2005 Taxman, New Delhi, p.30.
Banking Sector Reforms in India
Soon after the 1991 reforms, serious attempts were made to give
the highest priority to efficiency, financial viability and competitiveness
in the banking system. It was intended to create a climate of freedom of
action within and competition among different banks while protecting the
interests of all concerned to bring transparency, strengthening of the
system with the help of Debt Recovery Tribunals and minimizing the
distinction between banking and non-banking financial institutions. The
integration of Indian financial sector with its global counterpart meant
coming in contact with and being required to use modem technology
being prepared for competitive efficiency and getting the maximum out of
the opportunities in the global area.
The central aim underlying these changes has been to develop a banking
system which is operationally efficient, financially viable and capable of
bearing unforeseen risks of different types as well as meets out the
requirements of a more competitive and opens economy.
Over the last five decades, the strong points of Indian banking
system are:
(c) the share of loans to agriculture, small industry and small business
enterprises in total bank credit has risen remarkably. Banking is
within the reach of a vast majority of Indian population.
(d) the banking sector has demonstrated its ability for mobiling
financial savings.
(e) the banking system has been a progressive force in widening the
entrepreneurial base of the country.
(f) new areas of service are gaining wider acceptability like credit
cards, merchant banking, lease finance, mutual funds, venture
capital funds, financial advisory services, rating agencies, housing
finance, factory outfits etc. have come into existence, and
(e) The growing borrowing need of the centre and the states have also
been met by directing banks, through an increasing statutory
liquidity ratio to invest in government and government guaranteed
securities carrying below-market coupon rates.
(f) It has not been easy for banks to recover their dues through courts
litigation is time-consuming and frequently court decrees obtained
after years of efforts cannot be effectively executed due to erosion
in the value of collateral and the restrictive laws about land use.
Main challenges -
anks have been seeking alternate revenue streams like-free based income.
(e) There is long non-relationship between deposits and investments
and between investments and credit but deposits and loans tend to
drift open.
Misaligned mindset:
These changes are creating challenges, as employees are made to
adapt to changing conditions. There is resistance to change from
employees and the Seller market mindset is yet to be changed coupled
with Fear of uncertainty and Control orientation. Acceptance of
technology is slowly creeping in but the utilization is not maximized.
Competency Gap:
Placing the right skill at the right place will determine success. The
competency gap needs to be addressed simultaneously otherwise there
will be missed opportunities. The focus of people will be on doing work
but not providing solutions, on escalating problems rather than solving
them and on disposing customers instead of using the opportunity to cross
the Indian banking sector can perform itself effectively. Intelligent
anticipation should be made so that new avenues will have to be explored
and old ones will have to be adapted to the new needs.
The doors of the banking sector are now thrown open to private
sector and foreign banks along with the freedom to close down
uneconomic branches. At present public, private and foreign banks
operating number are given below table.
Conference organized by Bank of France and the Deutsche
Bundesbank on June 08, 2009.
12. Mian, Atif R and Amir Sufi (2009), "House Prices, home equity
based borrowing, and the US household leverage crisis", Chicago
Booth Research Paper No.09-20, July 5.
13. Morel Philippectal (2007) of the subprime Crisis: Do not ignore the
Risk, The Boston Consulting Group.
17. Sahoo, R.K. (2002) : "WTO and Trade in Services: Implications for
India: Page 12-23.
1. Concept of banking
1)Primary Functions :
4) Facilities are also furnished for the safe keeping of securities and
other valuables in safe deposit values or lockers.
In the early stages of human civilization, while the rest of the word
was having almost a barbaric life India has a developed banking business
our ‘Veda’, “Manusmriti”, and Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra bear good
testimonies to the existence of banking in India reference in the
“Ramayan about the institution of money lending is also available. When
the British’s came to India, they could not make use of Indigenous banker
due to difference of language and style. Therefore, English agency
houses started banking business in Calcutta and Bombay. Due to warfare
charges on the basis of India’s trade, gradual expansion of English
banking system, indigenous banking declined to a considerable extent.
They are still working mainly in rural areas the attitude of indigenous
bankers were concerned only with the granting of credit to the
agriculturist, artisans and traders and did not finance foreign trade which
was the main business of the Europeans to overcome these difficulties
European banks were developed. “The year 1860 marks a new era in
the histo5ry of public banks in India because it was in the year that the
principle of limited liability was first applied to Joint stock Banks ”From
1860 till the end of 19th century several Joint stock Banks come into
being. The Allahabad Bank, Punjab National bank, Oudh commercial
bank the Amritsar bank were started during this period. The Swadeshi
movement of 1905 gave a stimulus to starting of Indian banks. Many
banks were started by the enterprising Indian businessmen and among the
banks started, during the period. The following were important.
check its operations from being detrimental to the interests of the
On 1st July 1955 the imperial Bank of India was converted into the
state bank was converted into the state bank of India with the
establishment of the state bank of India, a new Chapter of state ownership
opened in the history of commercial banking. In 1962, the “Deposit
Insurance Corporation” was started by the Reserve Bank of India to
implement a system of deposit insurance with a view to develop banking
habits by providing safety to customer deposits.
The working of social control during the short period did not
contribute to the attainment of its goals. The lending policy did not show
any phenomenal change. The crisis of social control was short lived and
considered inadequate. Hence the 14 major Indian banks having deposits
of more than Rs.50 crores were nationalized on 19th July 1969.
Consequently, the Banking companies (Acquisition and Transfer of
Undertaking Act of 1969) was erected. The 14 nationalized banks are.
2. Bank of India
4. Bank of Baroda
6. Canara Bank.
8. Dena Bank
10.Allahabad Bank
11.Syndicate bank
13.Indian bank
14.Bank of Maharastra
Objectives of Nationalization
The removal of control by a few:
industrial and non-industrial finance were indifferent to the history of
State Bank of India and its subsidiaries. Commercial banking received
new direction, guidance and encouragement from the pioneering working
and leadership of the state Bank of India and its seven subsidiaries.
The OBC was one, out of six, which were nationalized, in second
phase of nationalization on 15th April 1980. It has 899 branches situated
in all over India on march 1998-99 the total deposits of the bank were
Rs.16,805 crores and advances were Rs.7708 crores 21st In a period of
20years the Oriental Bank has shown excellent achievement in all fronts.
However, everything is not viewed in positive terms, because on
one hand banks have expanded their role in socially desired manner and
on the other hand they have miserably failed on quality fronts. The
deterring customer service, declining profitability, mounting overdue are
some problem which if not tackled by banks are likely to hamper the
progress already achieved.
performance trend of the industry the Banking Regulation Act 1949
defines deposits as follows.
a. Times deposits are those that are deposited with bank for a
certain period of time.
Lending of funds is considered one of the most important functions
of modern banking. This on one hand provides income to banks in the
form of interest and discount and on the other hand promotes economic
development by meeting financial needs of industries and commercial
establishment Banks are primary suppliers of credit.” The commercial
banks are the critical resources center and the engines of economic
Both the CRR and SLR is the heavy loss of income to the banks
upward revision in CRR and SLR may result in more or less zero earnings
on a certain portion of the bank assets. The immediate impact of upward
revision in the CRR and SLR is loss of income for the Bank on account of
resources blocked low yielding assets which otherwise would have been
used by the bank for expending credit.
These banks provide loans and advances in both priority sectors.
Performance of these banks in providing credit in the last decade is under:
First, banks plan providing services in those villages where there are a
few households.
Second, some banks have entered into tie ups with SHGs using the
business correspondent model in those regions with better SHG network.
mentioned here that State Bank of India has "already tied up with
Department of Posts in this regard.
14. Jain L.C. and Other (l985) Grass without roots rural Development
under Government Auspices, Sage Publications, New Delhi
16. Khemani, C.L. and Yerram Raju. B (1987) How and why of
rural banking, Sagar Publication, New Delhi
25. Padhy, Kishore Chandra (1986) Rural development in Modern
India B.R. Publishers, New Delhi
36. Singh, A (1985) Rural Development and Banking in India (Deep
and Deep Publications)
41. Singh, Surjeet (ed) (1991) Rural Credit issues for Ninties, Oxford
IBH Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
44. Shiveniah and (1985) Improving delivery system for Others rural
development, NIRD, Hyderabad
48. Vasent Desai (1995) Banking and financial system.
17. The Reserve Bank and Rural Credit: RBI Bombay 1985.
25. Phand, Shahji, Adarsh Gaon Yojana : way towards Gandhi’s dream
village : self sufficient, prosperous and peaceful, (Article) Journal
of Rural Development, vol.26, No.2, Apr-June 2007, 207-25 p.
34. JHA, Abhas Kumar, ‘Lending to the poor : Designs for credit
(Article) Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.35, No.8-9, 26 Feb.
2000, p.606-09
38. Kripa Shankar ‘No relief for rural sector (Article) Economic and
Political Weekly, Vol.39, No.32, 7-13 Aug., 2004, p.3575-80.
39. Anjani Kumar, et. al., ‘Performance of rural credit and factors
affecting the choice of credit sources (Article) Indian Journal of
Agricultural Economics, Vol.62, No.3, July-Sept., 2007, 297-313p.
44. Thakur, Manish Kumar, ‘State and village in the conext of rural
development : a conceptual excursus (Article) Eastern
Anthropologist, Vol.58, No.3-4, July/Dec. 2005, 388-400 p.
47. Nambiar, ACK, Village economy : The question of self reliant and
sustainable development (Article) Indian Journal of Regional
Science, Vol.34, No.1, June, 2002, p.30-36.
67.Kishwar, Madhu, ‘Reassessing their lost wisdom and rights :
Villages in Rajasthanovercome Sarkari dependence profile of
Raendra Singh and his work (Article) Manushi, No.123, Mar-April,
2001, p.4-16.
74.Basu, Priya, 2005. 'A Financial system for India's Poor : Economic
and Political Weekly (hereafter EPW) , Bombay September 10, p.
6 Capital
www. incometax
Annexure -I
Indian Overseas
5 Bank 7,890.22 18.7 8688.9 18.9 10,57
Oriental Bank of
6 Commerce 5,732.28 11.1 6592 12.3 8,565
Punjab National
7 Bank 18,571.00 18.9 19946.4 18.9 23,80
Punjab and Sind
8 Bank 2,502.12 16 2438.22 17.9 2,969
9 Syndicate Bank 8,049.60 17.4 9331.81 19.9 10,79
10 Union Bank of India 10,674.76 16.8 11392.9 17.2 13,23
United Bank of
11 India 2,713.00 12 3172 13.2 3,869
12 UCO Bank 6,154.00 13.9 7948 16.2 11,03
13 Vijaya Bank 3,230.63 12.4 3942.16 12.9 4,513
14 IDBI Bank Ltd. 1,377.98 2.2 4526 6.7 8,311
State Bank Group
15 State Bank of India 41,661.32 14.5 56432 18.6 69,27
State Bank of
16 Bikaner and Jaipur 3,754.59 18.3 4589.58 22.1 4,828
State Bank of
17 Hyderabad 3,798.65 13.7 5147.71 18.1 6,932
18 State Bank of Indore 2,644.56 17.2 3018.47 19.1 3,343
State Bank of
19 Mysore 2,180.94 13.8 2911.36 18.1 3,571
20 State Bank of Patiala 4,491.00 15.8 4573.71 15.7 5,040
21 State Bank of 1,936.61 18.1 2194.76 19.5 2,953
1. Data are provisional.
2. ANBC- Adjusted net bank creditor credit equivalent amount of off-
balance sheet exposure, whichever is higher, with effect
fromApril30, 2007.
3. Indirect agriculture is reckoned up to 4.5 per cent of ANBC for
calculation of percentage for Agriculture.
4. Priority sector lending target/sub-targets are linked to adjusted net
bank creditor credit equivalent amount of off balance sheet
exposures, whichever is higher, with effect from April 30, 2007
1 Allahabad Bank
2 Syndicate Bank
3 Andhra Bank
4 UCO Bank
5 Bank of Baroda
7 Bank of India
9 Bank of Maharashtra
10 Vijaya Bank
11 Canara Bank
15 Corporation Bank
17 Dena Bank
19 Indian Bank
32 Bharat Overseas Bank
36 The Federal Bank Ltd. 20. The South Indian Bank Ltd.
37 TheGaneshBankofKlU1.U1dwadLtd
50 HDFC Bank
52 ICICI Bank
54 IDBI Bank
Foreign Banks
4. HSBC Ltd.
8. Krung Th
10. Mashreq Bank psc
28. The Sumitomo Bank Ltd.
jk"Vªh;d`r cSadksa esa czkaM lerk ,oa czkaM fu"Bk esa cnyko % ,d
fo’ys"k.k ¼ vtesj ds fo’ks"k lanHkZ esa ½
(iv) Candidate has put in at least 200 days of attendance every year.
The practical exposure makes the individual learn about the actual
fieldwork, it makes him realize that not only the theory but also the
knowledge of the rural areas is as important as the former. The experience
is valuable for the researcher and plays a leading and an important role in
his carrier. I also tried to understand the Marketing of financial services,
how to sell those financial issues and how to build rural economic system.
It was totally a new and different experience for me. The overall
experience and exposure knowledge were a great satisfaction for me. I
realized that there is no other way to learn the things in a Realistic
I would also like to express my deep sense of gratitude to other
faculty members, colleagues of Centre for ESBM and Library of MDS
University, Ajmer who was the initiating source of inspiration for me for
this consistent guidance, warmly affection, positive attitude and keen
sense of confidence shown towards me. The valuable advice and kind
cooperation was an encouragement to me in the preparation of this
project. I also have to acknowledge my indebtness to all the faculty
members and Librarian of M.D.S. University, Rajasthan University,
Jaipur, IDS Jaipur for their guidance and support.
Last but not the least I would like to express my deep sense of
gratitude to my father, mother, brother, sisters and other family members
for their moral support.
I am also grateful to all officials of various banks for their precious
cooperation without which the scheme of data collection would have been
difficult. To conclude, I feel that this work is of immense magnitude and
import and has relevance in the contemporary rural transformation, where
farmers are at cross-roads are under tremendous stress and strain,
vulnerable to depression anxiety and frustration, leading to violent
behaviour, vandalism and physical and mental and social disorders.
2. Problem of a study
6. Major hypotheses
9. Methodology
10. Limitations-
1. Field work
2. Case studies
3 Current scenario
7 References
2 Agrarian changes
4 Commercilisation
5 Institutional innovation
8 Disadvantaged section
11 Strengths of the banking sector
14 Main challenges
16 Deregulation
17 Misaligned mindset
18 Competency gap
22 References
6. Objectives of nationalization
10. Deposits
11. Advances
27. Purpose-wise analysis of transaction costs
33. Strategies
34. Incentives
36. Smartcard
d. Abbreviations
e. Questionnaire
f. Government reports
7.1 Table showing area, number of households and total
population (including institutional and houseless population)
9.11 Table Showing Comparison as Per Loan Amount Taken In
Villages of Sample Districts
9.21 Table Showing Comparison as Per Loan Raised Was Used For
Self and Wage Employment in Villages of Sample Districts
9.22 Table Showing Comparison as Per Whether the loan was utilized
for machinery/equipment which was used in employment and
Income Generation in Villages of Sample Districts
9.23 Table Showing Comparison as Per Whether the loaner was asked
to contribute to deposits in the Bank at the time of sanction of loan
In Villages of Sample Districts