SA II Class VI English

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Class VI English

Lesson -6 The Helpful young man

Hard Words Consulted- Seek advice/Permission

Reluctant- Unwilling
Remote- Distant, Far away
Calamities- Misfortunes, Disasters
Destination- The place at which someone is
Determination- Firmness of purpose
Restore- Return to a previous condition
Assuringly- Confidently
Amazing- Astonishing, Surprising
Compelled- Force to do something
Roamed- Wander
Buck- Male Deer
Trusted- Have Faith
Approached- To go Near
Spotted- Find Out
Proclaimed- Declared
Evade- To avoid
Adventurous- Exciting Experiences
Beheaded- By cutting off their head
Executed- Carry out
Proposed- put forward
Smashed- Break Violently
Main Points Explanation
1. What did the peasant have? 1. He had seven sons.
2. Plenty of land.
2.The Faqir said that 1. The peasant could see again if the ash of
the eyes of a particular fish is arranged.
2. It should be rubbed in his eyes.
3. When the young man took the fish out 1. It said, “Tell me what you want”.
of water 2. “I will be at your mercy, if I do not fulfil
my promise.”
4. The young man threw the fish back 1. He wanted its eyes.
into the ocean and said 2. He needed its eyes to cure his father’s
5. The fish said assuringly to him 1. To remember her in his hard times.
2. She may prove helpful to him.
6. If in case his father’s eyesight does not 1. The fish’s life will not be spared.
come back 2. It was not just an idle threat.
7. On hearing the news the elder 1. They were jealous of their youngest
brothers rushed to their father brother.
because 2. He would be the heir to the father’s
8. The young man said to the buck 1. To go into the ditch
2. He will cover it with grass and leaves.
9. After sometime he heard a cry because 1. A jackal; was being chased by hunters.
2. The jackal approached him for help.
10. The condition of the princess was 1. She would marry the man who could
evade his reflection in the magic
2. He would be beheaded if traced in the
11. Where did the young man hide 1st and 1. He hid himself in the stomach of the
2nd time fish.
2. He sat on buck’s horns and went to
remote hills
12. The third time the young man hid 1. She couldn’t trace the young man.
under the princess’s bed but 2. She got sick of this job.
13. In the end the princess 1. She accepted her defeat.
2. She agreed to marry him.

Message:- “ Our goodness always fetch us support in the times of need”.

Activity:- Group Discussion—Have you ever helped anyone in distress? How do you help the needy ones?

Postcard (Format)

1. Place from where the postcard is being written.

2. Date
3. Salutation
4. Content
5. Complimentary Close
6. Subscription
7. Signature

Definition:- Determiners are words placed before a noun or a noun phrase. They determine a noun.

Kinds of Determiners:-

1. Articles (a, an, the)

2. Possessive Determiners (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their, one’s, whose, etc.)
3. Demonstrative Determiners(This, these, that, those)
4. Distributive Determiners(each, every, neither, either)
5. Quantifying Determiners(Some, Any, No, much, More, many, most, little, a little, few, a few, least,
fewer, fewest, enough, several, all, both, half etc)
6. Interrogative Determiners(What, which, whose, etc)


Class VI English

Lesson – Bharat Desh

Hard Words Snow-Clad- Covered with snow

Weary- Tired
Generous- Kind towards others
Scriptures- Holy books
Explore- Discuss in detail
Mysteries- Secrecy
Unravel- to discover
Weapons- A thing designed for physical
Overcome- Succeed in dealing with a problem
Stroll- Walk in a leisurely way.
Utter- Speak
Main Points Explanation
1. Through the poem,Bharat Desh, the poet 1. To shape off our fears and poverty.
wants us to 2. Set up schools for the students

2. He wants us to produce 1.Tools

2. Weapons
3. Paper
3. He advises us not to be 1. Lazy and weary
2. But try to be generous
4. He wants his country men to know more 1. Heavens
about 2. Oceans
3. The mysteries of moon
5.We shall learn 1. The scriptures
2. The art of street sweeping

Message:- We should work regularly for the upliftment of the poor and needy people to make our country

Activity:- List the names of any 5 heroes and the reason for their fame.

Figure of speech:- A "metaphor" is a [figure of speech] that identifies something as being the same as some
unrelated thing, for rhetorical effect, thus highlighting the similarities between the two.

Example: - We shall set up schools, all scared temples

A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things through the explicit use of connecting words (such
as like, as, so, than, or various verbs such as resemble).

Example:- We shall set up schools all as scared as temples.


1. Always use a catchy, simple and effective language.

2. There should be a happy blending of content and style
3. The advertisements should be brief and to the point.
4. Advertisements shouldn’t be made heavy,lengthy and dull by using long sentences.
5. The main issue/issues should be sensibly highlighted in simple and catchy words.

Modals are special auxiliaries (helping verbs). They are also called Modal auxiliary verbs.
Examples:- can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, will, should, would, dare, need, used to.
There are three kinds of conditional sentences.
1st kind:- (If+ present tense)+(future)
Examples:- 1. If he calls, I will come.
2. If he gets the job, he will give us a treat.
2nd kind:- (If+past tense)+(would+base form of verb)
Examples:- 1. If he worked hard, he might pass.
2.If they helped me, I could pass.
3rd kind:- (If +past perfect)+(would have + past participle)
Examples:- 1. If you had studied regularly, you would not have failed.
2.If Manoj had heard the weather forecast, he would not have gone.


Class VI English

Lesson 8 to 11
Hard Words Shrill- Sharp and unpleasant
Assign- To allot
Contracted- Caught
Dismay- Despair
Prompting- Causing someone to say or do
Wings- The hidden sides of the stage.
Apologises- To beg pardon
Infuriated- Angry
Intrude- Come uninvited
Elm- A tall tree with broad leaves.
Optimism- Belief that good things will happen.
Burglar- Thief
Criticism- Good or bad opinion
Vendors- Sellers
Glued- Paying close attention
Strolling- walking in a slow way.
Trotting- Running fast with small quick steps.
Pounced- Jumped.
Agitated- Make Troubled.
Collapsed- Fall down suddenly
Culprit- Accused
Pretended- To show
Postponed- To take place later than first

Lesson-8 Hanuman and I

Main Points Explanation

1. The preparations in the school were going 1. For the Annual Day.
on 2. Junior section will enact ‘The Story of
2. Why was it impossible for Rupa to get 1. She was shorter than Radhika.
Rama’s Role 2. She has a shrill voice.
3. Rupa was eager to get Rama’s Role 1.She felt it would be exciting to act on the
because stage, with a bow and arrow slung on
2. Her parents would be surprised to have
such a talented daughter.
4. The teacher entered the classroom 1. Because she was going to assign certain
roles to the children.
2. She assigned the roles of Rama, Sita,
Hanuman and Lakshman to different students.
5. Alka was unable to play the role of 1. She contracted measles.
Hanuman 2. She has been running a high temp.
6.The teacher advised Rupa 1. To repeat what she says.
2. Speak as loudly as she can.
7.In the end of the play 1. The audience rolled with laughter.
2. The infuriated teacher came on the stage
and dragged her off the stage.
Message:- One should work according to one’s capability.

Activity:- Role play by the students.

Lesson-9 Our Tree

Main Points Explanation

1. The contrast between the beginning and 1.In the beginning of the poem it is written
the ending of the poem is that that a tree takes so many years of pushing the
sky (to grow).
2. In the ending of the poem it is written that
a tree takes 10 minutes to be chopped down
by the people.
2. The poet said that an elm was there 1. It was there before his father’s father.
outside our school 2. Its shadow reached the school playground.

Message:- Save Trees. Save Life.

Figure of speech:- A "metaphor" is a [figure of speech] that identifies something as being the same as some
unrelated thing, for rhetorical effect, thus highlighting the similarities between the two.

Example: - So many years of pushing the sky.

A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things through the explicit use of connecting words (such
as like, as, so, than, or various verbs such as resemble).

Example:- Years drift by, fall like leaves.

Lesson-10- Attila

Main Points Explanation

1. The reason for buying Attila was 1. There was a series of house breakings and
thefts in the Neighbourhood.
2. Householders decided to put more trust in
a dog than the police.
2. Attila’s attitude towards strangers 1. All of them were warmly received by him.
2. When they stop and smile, Attila would
melt and become their best friend.
3. The mother wanted to lock Attila in a 1. He may call in a burglar.
room at night 2. He may show him around (all the things)
4. Ranga broke into Attila’s house 1.He searched all the trunks and almirahs.
2. He made a neat bundle of jewellery and
other valuables.
5. When Ranga saw Attila He expected him to 1. He waited for a moment and then licked
bark but Ranga’s hands.
2. He rolled his eyes.
6.Attila’s companionship got on Ranga’s 1. He requested the dog to leave him but the
nerves because dog remained unmoved.
2. He sat before him with his eyes glued on
7.The young man recognized the jewels 1. He pounced on Ranga and sat on him.
2. A crowd collected and police appeared on
the scene.
8.The lady of the house softened towards 1. He is a very cunning detective.
Attila and said. 2. He is too deep for words.
9.It was good that Attila had no power of 1. He would have told the truth.
speech otherwise 2. He would have lost the position of a hero.

Message:- A watch dog like Attila is dangerous to us.

Activity:- Make a vocabulary chart.

Lesson- 11

The case of Copied Question Papers

Main Points Explanation

1. Hilton Soames came to visit Holmes 1. He was a tall man of a nervous and
excitable temperament.
2. He was extremely agitated over something.
2. What was the problem of Soames? 1. At about 3 o’clock the proof papers arrived
from the printers.
2. At 4.30 He went to take tea in his friend’s
3. When he returned he saw a key hanging in
the door.
3. How did he know that the papers had been 1. One of them was lying on the floor.
tampered with by someone? 2. One was on the side table near the
3. The third was where he had left it.
4.Soames was thinking that 1. A large sum of money was at stake.
2. A wrong man might take advantage of it.
5. When Holmes saw the paper he found that 1. There were no finger prints.
2. There were some pencil shreds.
3. Some grains of saw dust were there on the
6.Holmes went up and knocked at Steve’s 1 He opened the door and borrowed a pencil
room from him to make notes.
1. Then he did the same in Ralph’s and
Gilchrist’s room.
7.How did Holmes draw the conclusion 1. Gilchrist was 6 feet tall and a long jumper.
2. He was practicing the jump.
3. He put his shoes on the table that made
4.He put his gloves on the chair and took the
proof papers to copy.
5. He wrote very fast and broke the pencil.
8.Bannister pretended to faint 1. To give Gilchrist a chance to escape.
2. He sat down on the chair to hide his gloves.
9.Gilchrist decided to skip the examination 1. Bannister spoke to him as a father.
because 2. He made him understand what he did was
3. Bannister set him on the right path.
11.What did Holmes said to Gilchrist in the 1. You are a young man with bright future.
end. 2. Let us see how high you can rise in the

Message:- Nothing can escape from detective’s eye.

Activity:- Role play by the students.

Poster Making (Format)

The following points should be kept in mind while drafting a poster:-

1. Topic/Event/Article/Product
2. Date, time and place
3. A clear message concerning the theme
4. Name of the Individual/Association/Organisation issuing it.


1. Make certain colourful drawings to make the poster attractive.

2. Preferably it should be drafted within a square or a rectangle.
3. Use different sizes of letters.


1. Simple Present Tense:- It is used in three situations

a. Daily routine
b. Habitual actions/hobbies
c. Universal and factual actions

Examples:- 1. He goes to school daily.

2. The earth revolves round the sun.

2.Simple Past Tense:-Shows a gap between the time referred to in the sentence and the present time.

Examples:- 1. I felt that I was very light.

2.I landed on the moon sharp at 6 o’ clock.

3. Simple Future Tense:- Describes an event that is to take place after the moment of description.

Examples:- 1. I shall eat.

2.They will go.

4.Present Continuous Tense:- Is used to describe an event that is happening at the moment of

Examples:- 1. She is playing.

2. They are sleeping.

5.Past Continuous Tense:- Is used to describe an event that was happening at some time before the
moment of description.
Examples:- 1. I was playing.
2.They were reading.
6. Future Continuous Tense:- Is used to describe an event that will be happening at a particular time in
Examples:- 1. I shall be reading.
2.They will be going.
7. Present perfect Tense:- Is used to describe a past action leading up to the present.
Examples:- 1. They have gone home.
2.She has slept.
8. Past Perfect Tense:- Describes a past event finishing before a given moment in the past.
Examples:- 1. The train had left before I reached the station.
2.The boys had eaten the toffees before I stopped them.
9. Future Perfect Tense:- Describes an event that will be completing in future.
Examples:- 1. She will have written the letter.
2.I shall have done it.

Write ups
Festivals of India

A festival is a kind of celebration. Festivals are many and varied in nature. Different festivals are observed in
different tribes and communities.In India, we find Hindus, Muslims and Christians, and Hindus form the bulk of
the Indian Population. These religious groups observe their respective festivals in their traditional ways. They are
as follows:

Puja festival:- Puja-festival is the festival of the goddess Durga. It is a Hindu festival. It falls every year in the
month of October. This festival continues for ten days. On the tenth day, the images of Durga are carried in
procession and immersed in a river or a reservoir. This festival is gorgeously held in the cities of Calcutta and
Diwali:-Diwali is the festival of lamps. It is also known as Deepavali. It is a Hindu festival. Generally, it falls in the
month of October. But the exact date varies from year to year. Diwali celebrates the home-coming of Rama after he
had killed the demon king Ravana. In the evening of this day, rows of earthen lamps are lit on every house-front.
People explode the play-bombs and crackers and play with a lot of fire-works.
Holi:-Holi is a part of the dola festival. It takes place on the last day of Dola. On this day every Hindu youth is
busy with coloured powder and coloured water. They enjoy the smearing of coloured powder and the squirting of
coloured water at their friends. But it should not be extended to the unwilling people.
Muharam:-It is a Mohammedan festival held, generally, in the month of March. It is held as a common
condolence to commemorate the death of the great Emam Hosen who was killed at the hands of Azid who had
wrongfully usurped the khalifaship. Muharam is observed for three days with handsome projections called Tazia.
X-Mas:-Christmas is observed by Christians every year on 25th December, as the birthday of Jesus Christ. This
festival is very popular in the Christian community. On this day, cards of greetings are exchanged and visit too.
Gifts are given and taken. This is a day of great rejoicing for the Christian people.
Conclusion:-The Indians observe a large number of festivals. These should be observed with a spirit of peace,
order, unity and co-operation.
Life without a hobby is like food without the salt. It is a hobby which makes living interesting. It
is a pursuit outside one’s regular work. A hobby gives one joy and pleasure; one does not get tired of it. It
is a pastime, relaxation and leisure. In this way, while one is learning something, he is also making best
use of his time.
There are many hobbies like drawing, painting, gardening, stamp collecting, photography, reading, sewing,
crafts, embroidery, knitting, cooking, pet care, coin collecting, etc. My favorite hobbies are gardening, coin
collecting, photography and traveling.
Gardening gives me immense pleasure. When I saw seed sown by me growing into beautiful plants and
blooming flowers, it gives me a great sense of fulfillment. I enjoy tendering my plants and watering my
garden every day. It gives me satisfaction and helps in keeping myself active and busy. I grow flowers and
vegetables in my garden. The greenery of plants and sweet fragrance of flowers are the tonics for eyes
and mind. In a world full of tension and pollution, it is a great relief to see beautiful flowers
and lovely plants.
Another hobby which I pursue is stamp collecting. I have collected hundreds of stamps. It is a pleasure to
exchange stamps. I have arranged them in six albums according to the continents. My father who often
goes abroad helps me to collect rare stamps.
Each stamp has a story to tell of distant land, strange peoples and the history of nations. I have made
many friends in India and abroad by exchanging stamps. Photography is another hobby which is dear to
my heart. It gives me a thrill to capture the visual beauty of the world around me. Whenever I see a
beautiful flower or a bird in my garden, I catch her in my memory through the lens of my camera.
Traveling is my other passion. Whenever I have an opportunity to visit a new place, whether a village, city,
mountain or seaside, I never miss it. It is so thrilling to see a new place and meet different kind of people.
Whenever I travel round a new place, I take my camera and shot interesting pictures of people, building,
monuments, bazaar etc. It gives me immense satisfaction and pleasure. Though these hobbies are
expensive, I love them.

Joys and Sorrow of school life

School is an edifice for erudition. Young, impressionable minds are molded into responsible human beings here; it
indicates the overall development of a child. It plays an important role of a child in shaping the future of our
country, like William Wordsworth has aptly said in 'An Ode to Immortality' that child is the father of man.
Children are given-lessons about...
life here, at times steered with an iron hand to instill a sense of righteousness, discipline and punctuality. In the
long run these qualities stand them in a good stead. Either bitter or sweet, memories of school days often, leave an
indelible image on young minds. Teachers shoulder the responsibility of shaping the character of a child. They
selflessly devote themselves in their mission. Each has his own way of imparting lessons.

While some are liberal, some are strict but they have the best interests of the pupil at heart. Juvenile
temperaments often fail to see this and develop an aversion towards the class of a strict teacher. Piling homework
and projects tire a child. It eats into his playtime causing resentment. Exams bring in its wake anxiety,
nervousness and sleepless nights. This we remember long after leaving school. It gives some pupils cold feet. This
may be categorized as bitter memories for some, while others may enjoy the sheer thrills of taking tests and
scoring high marks.

Games period invariably ranks as favorite of most students. Not only do they enjoy playing in the open air but also
learn to cooperate, think in terms of team, acquire a competitive spirit and give rent to the desire to lead and
succeed. The petty fights in the playground give us our closest buddies. Later on in life, most of us fondly recollect
these moments. While playing with friends we learn how to survive in the big bad world. Fighting spirit takes root
during these formative years.

Annual sports day ushers joy for pupils. As a run up to the events, most classes are cancelled and rehearsals take
its place. Attractive prizes also motivate many to put in their best. School also cultivates the personality of a child
by conducting various competitions like debate, elocution, extempore, quiz, painting, song and dance. Skills like
public speaking and confidence are honed. Clarity and coherence of thoughts are developed.

The creative aspect and the curiosity to gather knowledge about the world are encouraged. These activities bring
out the best in an individual. Good habits like reading are inculcated by making it compulsory for students to
borrow in the library period. Books broaden our knowledge and our outlook on life. It helps us shed our prejudices
and ignorance. It acquaints us with great minds like Einstein, Voltaire. Shakespeare, etc. They embody the wisdom
of the ages, prompting us to think about bettering our present lot.

Experiences like the joy of standing first in class and the sorrow of losing a football match go into the making of
school days. These are often referred to as the best days of our life; where we forge our first friendships- learn our
first lessons on life. Every bit of these magical years is meant to be enjoyed, where the innocence and simplicity of
childhood are helped to flourish.

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