Research 10
Research 10
Research 10
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Aira I. Dondriano
Janice M. Idlao
Jezrylle O. Rebueno
Table of Contents
Dedication ………………………………………………………………………… ii
Appendix ………………………………………………………………………….. iv
Abstract …………………………………………………………………………….. vi
Chapter 1 …………………………………………………………………………… 1
The researchers have given their best and efforts for the success of this study. However, it
would not be successful without the support of others. To researchers would like to extend
The researchers would like to extend their gratitude to Ms. Maria Lourdes E. Inay English 10
teacher, For she has given and shred her knowledge and insight of what research is. Her
presence and guidance through the making of this study has immensely help the realization
of this research.
The researchers would like to express their gratitude to their parent for their cooperation,
The researcher would like to dedicate this research study to the almighty God for being the
source of their wisdom, to their parents for the unconditional love to all teacher for the
To goal of this study was to determine the effects of using gadgets to students’ academic
performance. The used of this research was descriptive method. There are 45 respondents
provide a survey questionnaire to gather information in terms of the commonly used gadgets
The findings revealed that in terms of using mobile phone of Grade 10- Newton Students.
their mobile phones. They spend half of their day utilizing their mobile phones. Implement
discipline in using their mobile phones. Set limits while using it. Take regular breaks in using
your phones.
Chapter 1
In digital worlds, the use of mobile phones has become common phenomenon among
students. Mobile phones have become essential part of their daily lives and are used for
While mobile phones provide several benefits to student, day may also hinder their
A study conducted by Junco and Cotton (2012), Mobile phones used during class was
negatively related to academic performance and GPA. In their study, they also found that
students who used their mobile phones to access social media sight during class had lower
GPAs compared to those who did not use their mobile phones. This suggests that using
mobile phones during class to distract students in may effect their ability to concentrate in
retain information.
Moreover, the overuse of mobile phones may impact study habits negatively. As stated by
Bianchi and Phillips (2005), the use of mobile phones can lead to procrastination and
reduced time spent on studying. Students may get easily distracted by social media
notification, leave their study materials behind and devote time using their phones instead of
Additionally, the use of mobile phone can impact the quality of students sleep which affect
revealed that students who spent more time on their mobile phone at bed time had a higher
This may result in students feeling less efficient and productive during their study time. Thus,
while mobile phones can provide many benefits to students, it is essential to consider the
This device is affecting people growth fastively as devicewell as negatively,but has a great
impact on teenager. People of various pages find mobile phones convenient and useful but it
Regulatory Authority of India ), India had 1019.5 million active mobile connections in May
2017.Surveys and studies from a number of countries indicated that the use of mobile
phones in young people is increasing rapidly and starting at a younger age. Almost half of
the mobile phone internet users are between 18 and 25 years (Sundarie, 2015)
In one side the educational institute are encouraging it by providing wifi campuses, but on
the other hand facing the challenges to control the usage of mobile phones during the class
hours. That’s why most of the schools have implemented a complete ban over the use of
mobile phones during class hours of classes, unless a student is given specific permission
Mobiles phones today are having an impact on study habits .Mobile devices raise the
standard of living. Time is saved, knowledge retention is improved, and both individual and
group learning is encouraged. Due the improved ties between teachers and students. It has
a bigger effect on the kids. It makes studying and teaching more enjoyable and meaningful.
Through electronic apps, students can work with classmate of their own.
Mobile devices, however, have drawbacks. It diverts students by making assignment and
project lazily. Teenager’s use mobile devices causes them to suffer academically.
They develop bad habits, such as checking their social media when it’s not required, If they
don’t know how to utilize it properly. Especially when it comes to using their phones, they
play instead of listening to the teacher. Use their phones especially during class hours
discovered that the use of mobile phone in schools is problematic. As ling and Helmersen
states, the mobile phone is at cross purpose with the mission of the school. While in schools
student are supposed take on their prescribe roles as student with full concentration in their
studies and free contact with outside world. However, the mobile phones gives room to
blending students roles with other roles thus distracting and disrupting the students
academic work. In the past when fixed telephones were the norm of school, is there were
minimum distraction and disruption but presently with the invasion of mobile phones and
eagerness of parents to maintain contact with their words, the device is becoming part of the
classroom. Thus, the mobile phone has the power to undermine the school’s authority and
weaken their control over students as well as affects their level academic performance
The aim of this study is to understand the relationship mobile phone use, study habits, and
mobile phone impact student’s study habits, education and students may take measures to
minimize the negative effect of mobile phone use and create a more conductive learning
This study aims to determine the effect of mobile phone in the study habits of Grade 10-
Newton in Salakit National High School. Specifically, this study sought to answer the
following problems
1. To determine effect of mobile phone in the study habits of GRADE 10 – NEWTON
The use of mobile phone has become pervasive globally among students. According to
Chatterjee and the scholars (2015), mobile phones have become the most adopted
technological gadgets that have been incorporated into students' daily lives.
Smartphones are portable devices, easily accessible, and have multifaceted features such
Students use mobile phones for a wide range of activities that include academic work,
personal purposes, and entertainment. Researchers have acknowledged that students' use
of technology in academic activities is intertwined with how they use it for entertainment
The use of mobile phones in schools has both negative and positive effects on students. The
negative effects include reduced productivity, limited socialization, physical health problems,
On the other hand, the positive effects of mobile phones on students include instant
accessibility to academic resources, memory retention, and communication with peers and
According to Chu and his colleagues (2017), using mobile phones in learning activities
Convenience is one of the key reasons students prefer using mobile phones to access
academic materials (Hotle& Gabbard, 2019). Mobile phones are easily accessible, and
students can use them to access academic materials from anywhere and at any time.
However, the overuse of mobile phones has negative impacts on students' academic
performance. According to Jain and Patel (2014), students that overuse mobile phones have
reduced academic performance due to distraction from mobile phone notifications and calls.
Research by Yasin and his colleagues (2016) in Pakistan found that students who overuse
mobile phones have reduced academic performance compared to those who use mobile
The use of mobile phones affects students' sleep quality and quantity. Bhalarao and
Bhattacharya (2014) found that students who use mobile phones before sleeping have
reduced sleep quality compared to those who don't use mobile phones before sleeping.
Mobile phones can also affect students' time management. Students that overuse mobile
phones tend to spend more time on entertainment activities rather than academic activities
The use of mobile phones affects students' writing skills. According to Van Waes and
colleagues (2014), using mobile phones for composing academic papers results in lower
Research has shown that the use of mobile phones affects students' reading comprehension
skills. According to Turk and Ruben (2017), students that use mobile phones to read
academic materials comprehend more shallowly than those who use print materials.
Addiction to mobile phone usage by students can result in negative impacts on students'
health and well-being (Chu et al., 2017). Students that overuse mobile phones are likely to
Students who overuse mobile phones are vulnerable to suffer from anxiety and high-stress
levels (Chu et al., 2017). Mobile phone addiction is associated with psychological and
According to Imran and his colleagues (2019), the use of mobile phones negatively affects
Students that overuse mobile phones are likely to become dependent on it and lose self-
control (Gahwar and Mehta, 2014). This leads to an increase in negative behaviors such as
Research has shown that students' excessive use of mobile phones has a negative effect on
their academic motivation. Students that overuse mobile phones have reduced academic
The use of mobile phones can cause interruptions during classroom learning (Turan & Isin,
2020). Students that use mobile phones in the classroom distract other students from
Studies have found that the use of mobile phones in classrooms results in reduced student
participation (Hotle & Gabbard, 2019). Students that use mobile phones in classrooms have
The use of mobile phones leads to reduced memory retention among students (Turk &
Rubin, 2017). Students that use mobile phones while studying have reduced memory recall
engage in shallow learning compared to those who use traditional materials (Turk & Rubin,
The use of mobile phones for personal purposes during academic activities leads to reduced
cognitive skills among students (Chu et al., 2017). Students that use mobile phones for
entertainment during academic activities have reduced cognitive abilities such as memory,
The use of mobile phones negatively impacts students' academic achievement and GPA
(Yasin et al., 2016). Students that overuse mobile phones have reduced academic
achievement compared to those who use them for necessary academic activities.
Research by Hotle and Gabbard (2019) found that teachers' attitudes towards mobile phone
use are essential in influencing students' academic outcomes. Teachers that are proactive in
In the study of Imran and his colleagues (2019), the use of mobile phones should be
Teachers can design learning activities that integrate mobile phones to improve students'
academic achievement (Turk & Rubin, 2017). Using mobile phones for academic activities
The use of mobile phones can be positively impactful if used for necessary academic
activities (Chu et al., 2017). Students that use mobile phones for necessary academic
activities have improved academic performance compared to those that overuse mobile
impacts (Gahwar and Mehta, 2014). Educating students on good habits while using mobile
The use of mobile phones is here to stay; therefore, there is a need to balance students'
academic and personal life (Turan & Isin, 2020). Students should be encouraged by
administrators and teachers to balance their academic and personal life by limiting their
In the study of Kuznekoff and Titsworth (2013), mobile phones have a negative impact on
academic performance and study habits. They found that students who used mobile phones
more frequently in class had lower GPAs and spent less time studying as compared to those
who used mobile phones less frequently. Moreover, Junco and Cotten (2012) found that
students who used mobile phones frequently had lower engagement levels in academic
On the other hand, some studies indicated that mobile phones have a positive impact on
students' academic performance and study habits. In a study by Chen (2016), students who
used mobile phones during their study time spent more time on their academic tasks and
(2010) found that students who used mobile phones to study learnt more than those who did
Impact on Concentration:
The use of mobile phones can have a significant effect on students' concentration. In a study
by Thornton et al. (2014), it was found that when students used their cell phones during a
class lecture, their attention span decreased, and they scored lower on a comprehension
test. Similarly, Rosen et al. (2013) argued that mobile phone usage can distract students and
A study by Van den Bulck (2007) showed that students who used mobile phones before their
bedtime had poorer sleep quality. Also, excessive use of mobile phones can lead to physical
health issues such as neck and back pain, headache, and eye strain (Rosen et al., 2013).
Theoretical Framework
The study is anchored to the Uses and Gratification Theory and the Social Cognitive Theory.
The Uses and Gratification Theory postulates that individuals use media to fulfill specific
needs and desires, such as entertainment, information, and socialization. In this case,
students may use their mobile phones to access information for their studies, communicate
with their peers, and entertain themselves, which could affect their study habits positively or
The other hand, the Social Cognitive Theory suggests that behavior is learned through
observation, modeling, and reinforcement. Therefore, students may observe how their peers
or family members use mobile phones and imitate their behavior, which could influence their
study habits.
Learning is the aspect of development that connotes modification of behavior, skills and
knowledge that results from practice and experience which sought to quality education. The
generalization of the present study be a great contribution to the vast knowledge in relation
to the effect of mobile phones. Vital results of this investigation could be highly and beneficial
Administration. The result of the study would help those administrators and school heads
to lead the school efficiently, and can prevent serious problems happening to their students
cause by mobile phones. The information gathered by the research can be a way to inform
Teachers. The result of the study would able to identify different technique and strategies
Parents. The result of the study could create a better and stronger relationship between the
parent and the student, knowing that there are effects in frequent use of phones. It would
Students. The result of the study would inform the students about the effects of mobile
phone. It may also aware them with the importance of using phones moderately.
Other Researchers. This research will provide them more information gathered regarding
this topic. This will also serve as a reference to their study and give them an overview on
Study habit- is an action such as reading, taking notes, holding study groups which the
students perform regularly and habitually in order to accomplish the task of learning. Study
habits can be described as effective or ineffective depending upon whether or not they serve
Academic Performance- is the extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has attained
This chapter includes Research Locale, Population and Sample, Research Instrument, and
Data Collection.
Research locale
This research will be conducted at Salakit National High School. A public school that offers
Senior high school with an aquaculture strand that under the supervision of Department of
The respondents of the study are 23 students of Grade 10-Newton of Salakit National High
Research Instrument
The researchers will use the likert-scale survey questionnaire to determine the effect of
Thus chapter presents the researcher design research locale, respondents and sampling
research instruments data collection statistical tools that the researchers opted to use to
attain the main purpose of this study. The research design of this study employed the
Data Collection
After asking for approval, the questionnaires were distributed to the students of the Grade
Tallying of data.
From the collected data, the researchers tallied and tabulate the given data provide answer
Statistical tool- The gathered data were encoded tallied and interpreted using weighted
arithmetic mean. This statistical tool was utilized in providing answers to the problem
outlined in Chapter 1.
Weighted Mean- this was used by the researchers to determine the effect of mobile phone
towards study habits of Grade 10- Newton students S.Y.2022-2023 at Salakit National High
This chapter presents, analyses and interprets the gather data of the study investigated.
I send longer time using mobile phone than studying. 9.7 Always
Table 1. Present the effect of mobile phone towards study habits of GRADE 10 – NEWTON
Students S.Y. 2022- 2023. As presented the respondents always spend longer time using
mobile phone than studying with mean (9.7), sleep late at night because of mobile phone
and can search for information anywhere which got the same mean with (5.4).
Meanwhile, the student often spend long time using mobile phone than studying with mean
(3.5). On the other hand , they sometimes use mobile phone to make their school works
Based on the findings of the study it shows the effect of mobile phone towards study habits
description as always. This study implies that respondents effect of mobile phone towards
study habits is high .Students needs to be address. So that this will help them to avoid
According to Sampasa – Kanyinga (2016) revealed that students who spent more time on
their mobile phone at bed time had a higher likelihood of poor sleep quality. This may results
Based on the findings of the study , the researchers concluded that the effect of mobile
phone towards study habits of GRADE 10- NEWTON students is that high as reflected on
the Table 1. And with verbal description of always .The findings of mobile phone towards
study habits is that high and needs to address. Students need to be aware on how to handle
their self on using mobile phone to become a better student and achieve a good study
1. The respondents should minimize their level of usage in using their phones. They spend
2. Implement discipline in using mobile phones. Set limits while using it.
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