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Amendment No. 1

Road marking
materials —
Road marking
performance for road

The European Standard EN 1436:1997, with the incorporation of

amendment A1:2003, has the status of a British Standard

ICS 93.080.20


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BS EN 1436:1998

National foreword
This British Standard is the English language version of EN 1436:1997,
including amendment A1:2003, published by the European Committee for
Standardization (CEN).
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee
B/509, Road equipment, to Subcommittee B/509/2, Horizontal road markings
and road studs, which has responsibility to:

— aid enquirers to understand the text;

— present to the responsible European committee any enquiries on the
interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests
— monitor related international and European developments and
promulgate them in the UK.

A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on

request to its secretary.
The British Standards which implement international or European
publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Catalogue
under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or
by using the “Search” facility of the BSI Electronic Catalogue or of British
Standards Online.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page,
pages 2 to 14, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This British Standard, having The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
been prepared under the document was last issued.
direction of the Sector Board for
Building and Civil
Engineering, was published
under the authority of the Amendments issued since publication
Standards Board and comes
into effect on 15 January 1998 Amd. No. Date Comments
© BSI 19 September 2003 14288 19 September 2003 Revision of Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4

ISBN 0 580 29078 6

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+ A1
April 2003

ICS 93.080.20

Descriptors: Roads, signalling, marking, characteristics, reflection, sunlight, road lighting, motor vehicle headlamps, life: durability,
colours, adhesion, quality classes

English version

Road marking materials — Road marking performance for

road users
(includes amendment A1:2003)

Produits de marquage routier — Straßenmarkierungsmaterialien —

Performances des marques appliquées sur la Anforderungen an Markierungen auf Straßen
route (enthält Änderung A1:2003)
(inclut l’amendement A1:2003)

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1997-06-20. Amendment A1

was approved by CEN on 2003-01-02. CEN members are bound to comply with
the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for
giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French,
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the
Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

European Committee for Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation
Europäisches Komitee für Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 Brussels

© 1997 CEN — All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN
national Members.
Ref. No. EN 1436:1997 + A1:2003 E
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EN 1436:1997

Foreword Contents
This European Standard has been prepared by Page
Technical Committee CEN/TC 226, Road Foreword 2
equipment, the Secretariat of which is held
Introduction 3
1 Scope 3
This European Standard shall be given the status of
a national standard, either by publication of an 2 Normative references 3
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by 3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations 3
February 1998, and conflicting national standards 4 Requirements 4
shall be withdrawn at the latest by February 1998. Annex A (normative) Measurement method for
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal the luminance coefficient under diffuse
Regulations, the national standards organizations illumination, Qd 8
of the following countries are bound to implement Annex B (normative) Measurement method f
this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech or the coefficient of retroreflected luminance, RL 9
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Annex C (normative) Measuring method for the
luminance factor ¶ and chromaticity
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
coordinates x and y 11
Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Annex D (normative) Measurement method
for skid resistance 12
Foreword to amendment A1 Annex E (informative) Bibliography 14
This document (EN 1436:1997/A1:2003), has been
prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 226
Road equipment, the secretariat of which is held by
This Amendment to the European Standard
EN 1436:1997 shall be given the status of a national
standard, either by publication of an identical text
or by endorsement, at the latest by October 2003,
and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by October 2003.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations, the national standards organizations
of the following countries are bound to implement
this European Standard: Austria, Belgium,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
the United Kingdom.

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EN 1436:1997

Road markings together with road studs form the means for horizontal signalization.
Road markings include longitudinal markings, arrows, transverse markings, text and symbols on the
surface of the highway etc.
Road markings can be provided by the application of paint, thermoplastics materials, cold hardening
materials, pre-formed lines and symbols or by other means.
Most road markings are white or yellow, but in special cases other colours are used.
Road markings are either permanent or temporary. The functional life of temporary road markings is
limited by the duration of the road works. For permanent road markings it is best for reasons of safety to
have a functional life that is as long as possible.
Road markings can be applied with or without the addition of glass beads. With glass beads the
retroreflection of the marking is achieved when the marking is illuminated by vehicle headlamps.
The retroreflection of a marking, in wet or rainy conditions, can also be enhanced by special properties. The
properties can be produced by surface texture (as with profiled markings), large glass beads or other means.
In the case of surface texture, the passage of wheels can produce acoustic or vibration effects.

1 Scope
This standard specifies the performance for road users of white and yellow road markings, as expressed by
their reflection in daylight and under road lighting, retroreflection in vehicle headlamp illumination, colour
and skid resistance.

2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.
These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply
to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references
the latest edition of the publication referred to applies.
ISO 48:1994, Testing of elastomers — Determination of indentation hardness of soft rubber (IRHD).
ISO 4662:1986, Rubber — Determination of rebound resilience of vulcanizates.
ISO/CIE 10526:1991, Colorimetric illuminants.
CIE 17.4, International lighting vocabulary 1986.

3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations

For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply, together with the definitions for the
CIE 2° standard observer in CIE 17.4.
luminance coefficient under diffuse illumination (of a field of a road marking): Qd (mcd·mp2 ·lxp1)
quotient of the luminance of the field of the road marking in the given direction by the illuminance on the
coefficient of retroreflected luminance (of a field of a road marking): RL (mcd·mp2 ·lxp1)
quotient of the luminance L of the field of the road marking in the direction of observation by the
illuminance E8 at the field perpendicular to the direction of the incident light
skid resistance tester value (of a road marking)
skid resistance quality of a wet road surface measured by the friction at a low speed of a rubber slider upon
this surface. The abbreviation SRT applies


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EN 1436:1997

functional life (of a road marking)
period during which the road marking fulfils all the requirements initially specified by the responsible road

4 Requirements
4.1 General
The requirements specified aim primarily at the performance of road markings during their functional life.
The requirements are expressed by several parameters representing different aspects of the performance
of road markings and, for some of these, in terms of classes of increasing performance.
NOTE 1 The length of the functional life depends on whether the road marking is of short or long durability, on whether or not the
road marking is run on by traffic (e.g. symbols on the carriageway compared to continuous edgelines), on the traffic density, on the
roughness of the road surface and on matters relating to local conditions such as the use of studded tyres in some countries.
NOTE 2 The classes enable different priorities to be given to the different aspects of performance of road markings depending on
particular circumstances. Classes of high performance cannot always be achieved for two or more of the parameters simultaneously.

4.2 Reflection in daylight or under road lighting

For the measurement of reflection in daylight or under road lighting, the luminance coefficient in diffuse
illumination Qd is used. It shall be measured in accordance with Annex A and is expressed
in mcd·mp2 ·lxp1.
Road markings in the dry condition shall conform to Table 1.
NOTE The luminance coefficient under diffuse illumination represents the brightness of a road marking as seen by drivers of
motorized vehicles in typical or average daylight or under road lighting conditions.
Table 1 — Classes of Qd for dry road markings
Road marking colour Road surface type Class Minimum luminance
coefficient under diffuse
illumination, Qd
mcd·mp2 ·lxp1
White Asphaltic Q0 No requirement
Q2 Qd U 100
Q3 Qd U 130
Q4 Qd U 160
Cement concrete Q0 No requirement
Q3 Qd U 130
Q4 Qd U 160
Q5 Qd U 200
Yellow Q0 No requirement
Q1 Qd U 80

Q2 Qd U 100
Q3 Qd U 130
NOTE The class Q0 is for when daytime visibility is achieved through the value of the luminance factor ¶; see 4.4.

4.3 Retroreflection under vehicle headlamp illumination

For the measurement of retroreflection under car headlamp illumination, the coefficient of retroreflected
luminance RL is used. It shall be measured in accordance with Annex B and is expressed in mcd·mp2 ·lxp1.
Road markings in the dry condition shall conform to Table 2, and shall conform to Table 3 during wetness
and to Table 4 during rain.
NOTE The coefficient of retroreflected luminance represents the brightness of a road marking as seen by drivers of motorized
vehicles under the illumination of the driver’s own headlamps.

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EN 1436:1997

4.4 Colour
The luminance factor ¶ shall conform to Table 5 for road markings in dry conditions. The x, y chromaticity
coordinates for dry road markings shall lie within the regions by the corner points given in Table 6 and
illustrated in Figure 1. Measurements shall be made in accordance with Annex C.
NOTE Measured values of the luminance factor ¶ are not always valid for all road markings; see Annex C.

4.5 Skid resistance

The skid resistance value, expressed in SRT units, shall conform to Table 7. The skid resistance shall be
measured in accordance with Annex D.

NOTE The test method is not valid for all types of road marking; see Annex D.
Table 2 — Classes of RL for dry road markings
Road marking type and colour Class Minimum coefficient of
retroreflected luminance,
mcd·mp2 ·lxp1
Permanent White R0 No requirement
R2a RL U 100
R3a RL U 150
R4a RL U 200
R5a RL U 300
Yellow R0 No requirement
R1a RL U 80
R3a RL U 150
R4a RL U 200
Temporary R0 No requirement
R3a RL U 150
R5a RL U 300
NOTE The Class R0 is intended for conditions, where visibility of the road marking is achieved without retroreflection under car
headlamp illumination.
a In some countries these classes cannot be maintained during a limited time period of the year during which the probability of
lower performance of the road markings is high, due to the presence of water, dust, mud etc.

Table 3 — Classes of RL for road markings during wetness

Conditions of wetness Class Minimum coefficient of retroreflected
luminance RL
mcd·mp2 ·lxp1
As obtained after 1 min after flooding the surface RW0 No requirement
with water in accordance with B.6 RW1 RL U 25
RW2 RL U 35
RW3 RL U 50
RW4 RL U 75
NOTE Class RW0 is intended for cases where this type of retroreflection is not required for economic or technological reasons.

Table 4 — Classes of RL for road markings during rain

Conditions of rain Class Minimum coefficient of retroreflected
luminance, RL
mcd·mp2 ·lxp1
As obtained after at least 5 min exposure in RR0 No requirement
accordance with B.7 during uniform rainfall RR1 RL U 25
of 20 mm/h
RR2 RL U 35
RR3 RL U 50
RR4 RL U 75
NOTE Class RR0 is intended for cases where this type of retroreflectivity is not required for economic or technological reasons.

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EN 1436:1997

Table 5 — Classes of luminance factor ¶ for dry road markings

Road marking colour Road surface type Class Minimum luminance factor, ¶
White Asphaltic B0 No requirement
B21) ¶ U 0,30
B31) ¶ U 0,40
B41) ¶ U 0,50
B51) ¶ U 0,60
Cement concrete B0 No requirement
B31) ¶ U 0,40
B41) ¶ U 0,50
B51) ¶ U 0,60
Yellow B0 No requirement
B11) ¶ U 0,20
B21) ¶ U 0,30
B31) ¶ U 0,40
NOTE Class B0 applies when daytime visibility is achieved through the value of the luminance coefficient in diffuse
illumination, Qd.
1) In some countries these classes cannot be maintained during a limited period of the year during which the probability of lower
performance of the road markings is high due to the presence of water, dust, mud etc.

Table 6 — Corner points of chromaticity regions for white and yellow road markings
Corner points
1 2 3 4
x 0,355 0,305 0,285 0,335
White road markings
y 0,355 0,305 0,325 0,375
x 0,443 0,545 0,465 0,389
Yellow road markings, class Y1
y 0,399 0,455 0,535 0,431
x 0,494 0,545 0,465 0,427
Yellow road markings, class Y2
y 0,427 0,455 0,535 0,483
NOTE Yellow road markings class Y1 and Y2 are intended for permanent and temporary road markings respectively.

Table 7 — Classes of skid resistance

Class Minimum SRT value
S0 No requirement
S1 SRT U 45
S2 SRT U 50
S3 SRT U 55
S4 SRT U 60
S5 SRT U 65


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EN 1436:1997

Figure 1 — Chromaticity regions of white and yellow road markings in the CIE chromaticity


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EN 1436:1997

Annex A (normative)
Measurement method for the luminance coefficient under diffuse
illumination, Qd
A.1 Standard measuring condition
The luminance coefficient under diffuse illumination, Qd, of a field of a road marking shall be determined

Qd = L/E unit: mcd·mp2 ·lxp1

L is the luminance of the field under diffuse illumination; unit: mcd·mp2;

E is the illuminance on the plane of the field; unit: lx.

The luminance L shall be determined for an observation angle of 2,29° (the angle between the central
measuring direction and the plane of the field) with the measuring field illuminated using standard
illuminant D65 as defined in ISO/CIE 10526. The total angular spread of the measuring directions shall not
exceed 0,33°.
The measured field of the road marking shall have an area of minimum 50 cm2. For some profiled road
markings with a considerable spacing between the profiles, the total measured field shall be long enough
to include at least one such spacing. The most reliable result is obtained when the total length includes an
exact multiple of the spacing. All of the measured field shall be illuminated with a uniform illuminance.
NOTE 1 The standard measuring condition is intended to simulate a visual distance of 30 m for the driver of a passenger car with
an eye height of 1,2 m above the road.
NOTE 2 In real surfaces with surface texture, the measured field is elongated and often displaced. The illumination should cover all
of this field.

A.2 Measurement and calibration

Measurements are in practice made by means of a V(Æ) corrected luminance meter. Diffuse illumination is
obtained from an extended D65 light source of constant luminance, such as a photometric sphere or an
illumination system with the same effect.
Calibration can be made by determining the illuminance and the luminance of the measured field. Often,
a more convenient way is to measure the luminance of the illumination system by means of the luminance
meter, either directly or indirectly, through a mirror. This measured value corresponds to a luminance
coefficient in diffuse illumination, Qd, of 1 000 Ô/;, where Ô is the reflectance of the mirror.
NOTE For the V(Æ) correction of luminance meters, see CIE 69.

A.3 Laboratory measurement

A.3.1 Laboratory measurement samples
For laboratory measurement, samples should be between 20 cm and 40 cm long, according to the
measuring equipment used; but for some profiled road markings longer samples are required. Practical
dimensions are 40 cm long by 20 cm wide.
A.3.2 Method
The sample should be backed by a plate to assist handling and should show a non-deformed surface of the
road marking. The sample can either be laid directly onto the plate, or it can be taken from a road and
adhered to the plate.
The diffuse illumination can be provided in a photometric sphere in which the road marking sample is
mounted in a horizontal position at the centre of the sphere. A light source is mounted in the sphere in such
a way that direct illumination falls only on the lower half of the sphere. By reflection and interreflection,
the upper half of the sphere has a roughly uniform luminance.

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EN 1436:1997

A.4 Equipment for in situ measurement

For in situ measurements indirect illumination can be provided from an opening in an illuminated sphere.
Other illumination may be used, provided that the luminance is constant or that it has the same effect and
can be calibrated to the standard conditions.
A.5 Measurement under daylight illumination
The daylight illumination under an overcast sky, with a reasonably free view to the horizon, approximates
diffuse illumination well enough to permit a measurement of the luminance coefficient in diffuse
Such measurements can be carried out by means of a luminance meter placed, for instance, in a vehicle and
aimed forwards at the correct observation angle. The luminance and illuminance of road marking in front
of the vehicle should be monitored simultaneously.

Annex B (normative)
Measurement method for the coefficient of retroreflected luminance, RL
B.1 Standard measuring condition
The coefficient of retroreflected luminance, RL, of a field of a road marking shall be determined by:
RL = L/E8 unit: mcd·mp2 ·lxp1


L is the luminance of the field under illumination by a single light source at a relatively small
angular separation from the location from which the luminance is measured; unit: mcd·mp2;
E8 is the illuminance created by the light source at the field on a plane perpendicular to the direction
of illumination; unit: lx.

In the standard measuring condition, the directions of measurement and illumination define a plane
perpendicular to the plane of the field, the observation angle a (the angle between the central measuring
direction and the plane of the field) is 2,29° and the illumination angle ¼ (the angle between the central
illumination direction and the plane of the field) is 1.24°. The measuring field shall be illuminated by
standard illuminant A as defined in ISO/CIE 10526.
The total angular spread of the measuring directions shall not exceed 0,33°. The total angular spread of the
illumination directions shall not exceed 0,33° in the plane parallel to the plane of the field of the road
marking, and 0,17° in the plane containing the directions of measurement and illumination.
The measured field of the road marking shall have a minimum area of 50 cm2. For some profiled road
markings, with a considerable spacing between the profiles, the total measured field shall be long enough
to include at least one such spacing. The most reliable result is obtained when the total length includes an
exact multiple of the spacing. All of the measured field shall be illuminated with a uniform illuminance.
NOTE 1 The standard measuring condition is intended to simulate a visual distance of 30 m for the driver of a passenger car with
an eye height of 1,2 m and a headlamp mounting height of 0,65 m above the road.
NOTE 2 In real surfaces with surface texture, the measured field is elongated and often displaced. The illumination, itself being
elongated and often displaced, should cover all of this field.

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EN 1436:1997

B.2 Measurement and calibration

Measurements are made in practice by means of a V(Æ) corrected luminance meter, while the illumination
is provided by a projector lamp or a specially designed illumination system.
Calibration can be made by determining the illuminance and the luminance of the measured field. Often a
more convenient method is to use a tilted reflection standard of diffuse reflection with a calibrated
coefficient of retroreflected luminance, RL. A white ceramic surface, having a calibrated coefficient of
retroreflected luminance, RL, of about 300 mcd·mp2 ·lxp1 is suitable.
NOTE 1 For the V(Æ) correction of luminance meters, see CIE 69.
NOTE 2 Care should be taken in the alignment between the road marking surface and the measuring equipment, as the measured
coefficient of retroreflected luminance, RL, is for geometrical reasons proportional to the actual value of the ratio sin ¼: sin a.
NOTE 3 The influence of the ratio mentioned in Note 2 can be avoided when using an illuminated field contained within the
measured field (the illuminated field then determines the actual measuring field and should comply with dimensions stated in B.1).
The measured value is converted into the RL value by multiplication with the correct value of the ratio for the standard angles:
sin 1,24°
------------------------- = 0,54 .
sin 2,29°

B.3 Laboratory measurement

Samples described in A.3.1 are adequate for laboratory measurement of the coefficient of retroreflected
luminance RL.
B.4 Equipment for in situ measurement
For a period of 5 years after the date of publication of this European Standard, any existing measuring
equipment can be used to measure the coefficient of retroreflected luminance, RL, provided that in every
individual case suitable conversion factors are used to convert measured values to values that would be
obtained with the standard geometry.
B.5 Measurement under car headlamp illumination
Measurements, in accordance with B.1, of the coefficient of retroreflected luminance, RL, of road markings
can be made at night by using a luminance meter of suitable specifications and one of the headlamps of a
passenger car at full beam, or by using a similar lamp.
NOTE 1 The measurement geometry defined in B.1 is respected if the lamp is mounted at a height of 0,65 m above the road, the
luminance meter is mounted directly above the lamp at a height of 1,2 m above the road and the measurements are made at a distance
of 30 m.
NOTE 2 It is desirable that the headlamp has a luminous intensity of 100 000 cd or more so as to provide an illuminance E8 in excess
of 100 lx. The beam of the headlamp should be wide enough to allow a uniform illuminance on the measured field. A suitable
measuring angle of the luminance meter is 6½, which provides an elliptical measured field of dimensions 5 cm by 130 cm. For this
measuring angle, the resolution of the luminance meter should be 0,1 cd·mp2 or better.
NOTE 3 Any reflected illumination onto the calibration equipment, whether an illuminance meter or a reflection standard, should

be avoided by placing screens or matt dark surfaces in front of the calibration equipment during calibration. Reflections in the road
marking from luminous objects behind the road marking, such as headlamps of oncoming cars, road signs or reflecting surfaces,
should also be eliminated. When measuring wet road markings it is particularly important to eliminate reflections.

B.6 Condition of wetness

The test condition is created using clean water poured from a bucket with an approximate capacity of 10 l
and from a height of approximately 0,5 m above the surface. The water is poured evenly along the test
surface so that the measuring field and its surrounding area is momentarily flooded by a crest of water.
The coefficient of retroreflected luminance, RL, in condition of wetness, shall be measured under the test
condition 1 min after the water has been poured.

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EN 1436:1997

B.7 Condition of rain

Test conditions shall be created using clean water to give artificial rainfall, without mist or fog, at an
average intensity of (20 ± 2) mm/h over an area that is at least twice the width of the sample under test
and is of a minimum width of 0,3 m, and which is more than 25 % longer than the measuring field. The
variation in rainfall between the lowest and the greatest intensity shall be not greater than the
ratio 1 to 1,7.
Measurements of the coefficient of retroreflected luminance, RL, in condition of rain shall be made
after 5 min of continuous rain and while rain is falling.
NOTE 1 The intensity of the rain can be determined by measuring the volume of water collected in six flat trays within a specified
period. A longitudinal row of trays can be used for the minimum width of the field of 0,3 m.
NOTE 2 Protection against wind is often required. Such protection should be open at the back in order to avoid reflections. Any mist
or fog should be expelled before measurement.
NOTE 3 Measurements can be made at night in accordance with B.5.
NOTE 4 Measurements can also be made in the laboratory on 2 m long samples supported by rigid plates. For a realistic drainage,
samples should be tilted 2 % sideways and the supporting plate should have an additional width of (10 ± 0,5) cm on the side tilted

Annex C (normative)
Measuring method for the luminance factor ¶ and chromaticity coordinates x
and y
C.1 Standard measuring condition
The luminance factor ¶ and the chromaticity coordinates x and y shall be measured using standard
illuminant D65 defined in ISO/CIE 10526. The geometry is defined at the 45°/0° situation, meaning
illumination at (45 ± 5)° and measurement at (0 ± 10)°. The angles are measured relative to the normal to
the road marking surface. The minimum measured area of the road marking surface shall be 5 cm2.
NOTE 1 For very rough surfaces, the area measured by the apparatus should be greater than 5 cm2, for instance 25 cm2.
For profiled road markings, the measured value of the luminance factor ¶ is not always valid. The visibility
in daylight or under road lighting for such road markings can only be judged by the luminance coefficient
in diffuse illumination Qd.
NOTE 2 Intermediate measuring values are the tristimuli values X, Y and Z. The stimulus Y is converted into the luminance
factor ¶, or ¶ is measured directly. The luminance factor is a measure of the brightness of the road marking as seen from close range.
The tristimuli values are further converted into the chromaticity coordinates x and y used for specification of the chromaticity of road

C.2 Measuring equipment

Measurement can be made using laboratory equipment on road marking samples or using portable
equipment on road markings on the road. The equipment can either be based on direct measurement of the
tristimuli X, Y and Z using filtered detectors, or on spectral measurements followed by computation of the
luminance factor ¶ and chromaticity coordinates x and y.


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EN 1436:1997

Annex D (normative)
Measurement method for skid resistance
D.1 Principle of the test
The test equipment consists of a swinging pendulum fitted with a rubber slider at its free end. The energy
loss caused by the friction of the slider over a specified length of the road surface is measured and the result
is expressed in SRT units.
For profiled road markings, a measured SRT value is not always valid. Other measures of skid resistance
normally show satisfactory values for these road markings.
NOTE The skid resistance tester simulates the performance of a vehicle with patterned tyres braking with blocked wheels at 50 km/h
on a wet road. See RRL Road Note No. 27.

D.2 Description of the skid resistance tester

The skid resistance tester consists of a base with three levelling screws, a vertical column with a 508 mm
pendulum of 1,5 kg mass, with a spring-loaded rubber slider mounted on the end, giving a constant force
of 22,2 N on the test surface. On the column, control knobs permit the vertical movement of the suspension
axis. The operator is provided with means for holding and releasing the pendulum arm so that it falls freely
from a horizontal position. A 300 mm long pointer indicates the position of the pendulum throughout its
forward swing and indicates the measured value on a circular scale. Two friction rings are used to bring
the result to the zero of this scale for a completely free swing of the pendulum arm.
D.3 Maintenance of the rubber slider
The rubber slider is of dimensions 76,2 mm × 25,4 mm × 6,3 mm and made from rubber with the properties
given in Table D.1.
Table D.1 — Properties of the rubber slider
Temperature Resilience Hardness

°C % Lüpke1) IRHD2)
0 43 to 49

10 58 to 65 
20 66 to 73 
 55 ± 5
30 71 to 77 

40 74 to 79 
1) Lüpke rebound test in accordance with ISO 4662.
2) International rubber hardness degree in accordance with ISO 48.

The slider can only be used for 1 year after the date indicated on its side face. One slider edge can be used
for at least 100 settings (500 swings). The wear of the edge should not exceed 3,2 mm horizontal and
1,6 mm vertical, as shown on Figure D.1. All new sliders should be roughened by swinging five times on a
dry surface and 25 times on a wet surface (after adjusting the sliding length to between 125 mm
and 127 mm).

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EN 1436:1997


Figure D.1 — Maximum wear of the rubber slider

D.4 Adjustment of the sliding length

Prior to measurement, the sliding length shall be adjusted as follows.
Ensure that the base of the apparatus is level, with the central column in front of the centre of the area
under test. Raise the head so that the pendulum arm swings free of the surface and check the zero setting
in this position. If necessary, adjust the setting using the friction rings so that the pointer reading is zero.
Check the sliding length (to between 125 mm and 127 mm) by gently lowering the pendulum arm until it
touches the surface on one side. Place the spacer so that the outer mark on the side corresponds with the
contact line between the rubber and the surface. Raise the slider off the surface by means of the lifting
handle, move it without friction to the other side and then lower it gently onto the surface again. The
contact line should be between the two marks on that side of the spacer. Adjust by raising or lowering the
When the required height is obtained, lock the head and place the pendulum in its release position.
D.5 Measuring the SRT value
The SRT value shall be measured as follows.
Wet the surface under test thoroughly and if necessary clean it with a smooth brush. Place the pendulum
arm in its release position and the pointer in line with it. Release the arm and, after the maximum has been
reached, catch the pendulum on its return swing with the left hand to avoid damage by striking the road
surface. Read the position of the pointer. Replace the arm and the pointer in the release position.
Repeat the same measurement five times, while thoroughly wetting the contact area. If the values obtained
do not differ by more than 3 units, record the mean of the five readings as the SRT value. Otherwise, repeat
the test until three successive readings are constant.
Record the temperature of the water lying on the road immediately after the measurement.
D.6 Correction for the temperature
The effect of temperature on rubber resilience exerts a perceptible influence in all skidding resistance
measurements; it shows itself as a fall in skidding resistance as the temperature rises. In addition, the
magnitude of the variation of skidding resistance with temperature varies considerably from road to road
because of the changes in road surface texture. As a rough guide, however, an average temperature
correction evaluated for a range of surfaces is given in Figure D.2; thus it is apparent that a correction for
the effect of the temperature only becomes important for tests made below 10 °C, and then its main use is
to give a more accurate assessment of the skidding resistance which the road is likely to offer to the tyres
of vehicles, since they are likely to be running at temperatures rather higher than that of the slider rubber
on the portable tester.
To assist in interpreting results, the temperature of the water lying on the road immediately after the test
should be recorded. It should be stressed that the change in state of polish of road surfaces throughout the
year is a much bigger factor determining changes in skid resistance than the change in temperature; the
latter accounts for about one-quarter of the total seasonal change in skid resistance, which is primarily due
to real and reversible changes in the road surface.

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EN 1436:1997

In order to have an idea of the influence of all variable parameters such as temperature, slider wear etc.,
both before and after a series of measurements, a measurement should be conducted on site with the same
slider on one or more standard samples, the value of which has previously been determined in the
laboratory at 20 °C.

Figure D.2 — Suggested temperature corrections for skid resistance values to allow for
changes in resilience of the slider rubber

Annex E (informative)
CIE 69:1987, Methods of characterising the performance of radiometers and photometers: Performance

characteristics and specifications.

CIE 73:1988, Visual aspects of road markings.
RRL Road Note No. 27:1969, Instructions for using the portable skid resistance tester.
Road Research Laboratory, UK.

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