Storeng Et Al. - 2023 - COVAX and The Rise of The Super Public Private Pa
Storeng Et Al. - 2023 - COVAX and The Rise of The Super Public Private Pa
Storeng Et Al. - 2023 - COVAX and The Rise of The Super Public Private Pa
To cite this article: Katerini Tagmatarchi Storeng, Antoine de Bengy Puyvallée & Felix Stein
(2021): COVAX and the rise of the ‘super public private partnership’ for global health, Global Public
Health, DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2021.1987502
COVAX and the rise of the ‘super public private partnership’ for
global health
a,b a a
Katerini Tagmatarchi Storeng , Antoine de Bengy Puyvallée and Felix Stein
Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; bLondon School of Hygiene &
Tropical Medicine, London, UK
COVAX and the Covid-19 pandemic
COVAX was established as the vaccines pillar of the Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-
A), which describes itself as ‘a ground-breaking global collaboration to accelerate the development,
production, and equitable access to Covid-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines’ (Gavi, 2020e). COV-
AX’s original aim was to secure access to a diverse portfolio of vaccine doses for at least 20% of
participating countries’ populations, delivered as soon as they became available, in order to end
the acute phase of the pandemic and rebuild economies (WHO, 2021a). Its leaders claimed it
was ‘the only global solution’ for vaccine equity, i.e. the fair distribution of vaccines to all popu-
lations (Gavi, 2020e).
COVAX quickly helped establish normative acceptance of the need for a global collaboration
to accelerate vaccine development and access, mobilising resources from government and
philanthropic sources to stimulate research and development (R&D) and facilitating large-scale
vaccine procurement and distribution. COVAX delivered its first dose in Ghana on 24 February
2021 – less than three months after the UK became the world’s first country to start a mass vacci-
nation campaign. It reached over 100 countries with vaccine doses within 42 days, many of which
would not otherwise have gained access to vaccines (WHO, 2021b).
However, COVAX soon turned out to be insufficient to bring about global vaccine equity. At the
time of writing, in June 2021, COVAX had distributed less than 5% of its 2 billion target (89 million
vaccine doses) (Covax, 2021). Meanwhile, 90% of Covid-19 vaccines had been administered in the
richest G20 countries, leading Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World
Health Organization (WHO), to conclude that, ‘the rapid development of Covid-19 vaccines is a
triumph of science, but their inequitable distribution is a failure of humanity’ (UN, 2021).
In this paper, we argue that COVAX’s failure so far to ensure global vaccine equity is not merely
the result of outside forces but results from limitations related to its governance structure. As we
show, COVAX is not just another global ‘collaboration’; It is an extraordinarily complex multista-
keholder public-private partnership (PPP), co-led by existing PPPs as one pillar of an even more
complex PPP, ACT-A. We show that it constitutes an experimental institutional form for dealing
with global health crises that we call the ‘super-PPP’, which structurally resembles a series of Rus-
sian Matryoshka dolls of decreasing sizes nested inside each other.
PPPs: The main governance mechanism for addressing global health challenges
PPPs can be thought of as lasting institutional arrangements in which private and public sector enti-
ties share decision-making power (Andonova, 2017; Buse & Harmer, 2004, 2007; Rushton & Wil-
liams, 2011). The rise of PPPs over the past two decades marks a revolution in the governance of
global health, away from ‘international’ health cooperation between nation states through forums
and channels set-up by multilateral organisations such as the WHO or the United Nations Chil-
dren’s Fund (UNICEF), towards a much more fragmented field of ‘global’ health incorporating
non-state actors (Brown et al., 2006). Philanthropic foundations, non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) and businesses played a key role in implementing international health programmes in the
twentieth century, yet overall responsibility and coordinating power lay with public entities (Birn,
2006). This was in line with the post-World War II multilateral cooperation system of the United
Nations, centred on nation states. Yet, at the end of the 1990s, non-state actors radically gained
power, their influence formalised through the establishment of global health PPPs. This shift was
driven by the systemic underfunding of existing national and multilateral health institutions and
the ideology of new public management, which promoted modelling public institutions on actual
and perceived virtues of the private sector.
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria,
established in 2000 and 2002 respectively, quickly became models for public-private cooperation to
address health challenges affecting poor countries, often with substantial philanthropic support
from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In Gavi’s own words, it ‘combines the technical exper-
tise of the development community with the business know-how of the private sector’ (Gavi,
2020a). Today’s global health PPPs vary significantly in size, budget, and institutional structure.
For example, both the Global Fund and Gavi are institutionalised as their own legal entities,
with independent secretariats, a large degree of autonomy and substantial budgets, and influence
rivalling that of the WHO. Other partnerships are less autonomous, and may be hosted by inter-
governmental agencies, sometimes as mere programmes (Andonova, 2017). Though most focus
on providing access to health technologies in low-income countries, newer partnerships, like
CEPI, which funds vaccine development to stop future epidemics, espouse the notion of ‘global
public goods’ to emphasise a joint benefit for countries everywhere.
As a governance ‘innovation’, PPPs have raised unprecedented political will and resources to
address neglected health challenges, bringing with them a focus on individual diseases, a business
ethos prioritising measurable results and a penchant for technological solutions such as vaccines
(Birn, 2005). While also associated with the promotion of ‘vertical’ disease-specific initiatives
that erode broader health system development and donor-driven decision-making challenging
‘country ownership’, they are generally considered an efficient way of achieving health targets
(WHO, 2009). The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 called for more multi-stake-
holder partnerships (goal #17), providing the PPP model with even greater international endorse-
ment (UN, 2015). It is thus not surprising that it became the blueprint for global cooperation during
the Covid-19 pandemic too.
Figure 1. COVAX within ACT-A’s structure (simplified). Source: ACT-A Accelerator Impact Report Summary, available at https://
Based on this, we identify core features of the super-PPP model. First, it aims to coordinate a
fragmented global health field by bringing together existing PPPs under one umbrella, making pub-
lic representation, transparency, and accountability elusive. Second, it attempts to scale up a gov-
ernance model designed for donor-dependent countries to tackle a health challenge affecting the
entire world, pitting it against the immediate self-interest of its wealthiest partners. Third, it is
so complex that it obscures the vast differences in mandate and public accountability between its
constituent partners, imbuing corporate partners with substantial power.
In conclusion, we discuss how the limited success of COVAX has created a crisis of legitimacy
for the notion that voluntary partnership between public and private actors is the obvious solution
to global health crises. A growing contingency of civil society actors and world leaders reject its
charity-based model as a sign of complicity between wealthy country governments and ‘Big
Pharma’, and advocate instead for alternative solutions, including for a ‘People’s Vaccine’. While
focused on the governance of global health, our analysis holds lessons for other highly fragmented
and partnership-dominated governance fields such as nutrition and environment (Andonova,
This paper is part of a Research Council of Norway-funded project that examines the rise of new
forms of cooperation between public authorities and private actors in pandemic preparedness
and response, focusing on Norway. Norway plays an important role in promoting such
cooperation. It hosts CEPI and was central to forming the COVAX initiative and co-leads
(with South Africa) the ACT-A Facilitation Council, and plays a significant role in Gavi, with
the current Norwegian Ambassador of Global Health being a Gavi Board member. We draw
on data from three main sources: an analysis of COVAX’s governance structure; a literature
and media review; and in-depth interviews with individuals associated with COVAX.
Our quantitative analysis of the institutional and demographic make-up of COVAX was con-
ducted in March 2021, using publicly available datasets from Gavi’s website on COVAX, notably
COVAX’s Structures and Principles document (Gavi, 2021b). We analysed the level of represen-
tation of different institutions and countries across COVAX’s workstreams and committees.
To identify whether a country was self-financing, ‘potentially self-financing’ or eligible for donor
subsidy, Gavi’s source was used (Gavi, 2021a). Where individuals or countries were listed as repre-
sentatives of certain workstreams, we conducted a Google search to identify individuals’ roles, for
example, whether a representative was an MP, a health minister, or a private businessperson in their
Our media and literature review focused on COVAX documents and press reports, and expert
analysis of COVAX published between May 2020 and July 2021 in leading international newspapers
and periodicals (e.g. The New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, Le Monde, The Atlan-
tic), editorials in scientific journals (e.g. The Lancet) and specialist online reporting (e.g. Geneva
Health Files, Development Today, Devex). We also observed evolving debates about COVAX,
gleaned from expert and public consultations, webinars, exchanges with civil society organisations
and social media discussions.
We interviewed 26 prominent actors involved in COVAX or in the wider global pandemic
response between September 2020 and February 2021. Interviewees included CEPI, Gavi and
COVAX staff, government ministers and diplomats involved in ACT-A, public health authorities,
pharmaceutical company representatives and members of international civil society organisations
involved in debates about vaccine equity. This includes 10 Norwegian actors directly involved in
ACT-A and COVAX. All interviews were recorded with interviewees’ consent and transcribed ver-
batim. We approached the Gates Foundation multiple times for an interview given their significant
role in shaping both ACT-A and COVAX (The New Republic, 2021) but were denied and only
received a succinct email reply to our questions.
Our sources allow us to provide a first overview of the emergence of COVAX and its super-PPP
structure, but it is beyond the scope of the paper to consider in-depth the internal political processes
within each constituent organisation, or the interaction between ACT-A’s different pillars.
executive directors (CEPI’s Richard Hatchett, Gavi’s Seth Berkley and WHO’s Chief Scientist Sou-
mya Swaminathan); workstream leaders (listed below), two representatives of the pharmaceutical
industry, a member of UNICEF and a civil society representative.
COVAX has three main workstreams each overseen by a co-lead organisation and with both
direct and indirect ties to the pharmaceutical industry (Figure 2). CEPI oversees the ‘Development
and Manufacturing’ workstream that decides which vaccine candidates are worthy of financial sup-
port and subsequent procurement. This workstream is led by CEPI’s Melanie Saville, who pre-
viously worked for the UK’s National Health Service and various pharmaceutical companies.
Voting members in this workstream’s main decision-making body, called the ‘Research and Devel-
opment and Manufacturing Investment Committee’, include representatives of Gavi, CEPI, the
Gates Foundation and the Africa CDC, as well as five individuals who are venture capitalists and
current and former pharmaceutical company executives. Civil society is not represented on this
Gavi leads COVAX’s second workstream for vaccine ‘Procurement and Delivery at Scale’ with
Aurélia Nguyen, a former pharmaceutical executive and subsequent Gavi employee as managing
director. It is based within the Gavi Secretariat and the Gavi Board has ultimate responsibility
for the decisions and implementation of this workstream. The final workstream, which focuses
on vaccine ‘Policy and Allocation’, is led by WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts
(SAGE) on Immunization. The workstream advises other workstreams, as well as the WHO and
its member states on vaccine science and ethics. It consists of members of universities, public health
bodies, UN organisations, CEPI, Gavi, the Gates Foundation and NGOs. COVAX’s three work-
streams are further divided into 31 sub-committees or working groups. The top five institutions
represented as chairs of these committees are WHO, CEPI, Gavi, UNICEF and the Gates
Publicly available documents list 464 individuals as part of COVAX’s governance structure
(Gavi, 2021b). Only 63 (14%) of these represent governments. Remarkably, an overwhelming
majority of country representatives (81%) are from self-financing countries (HICs and UMICs).
Figure 2. COVAX’s three workstreams (simplified & subject to change due to COVAX’s evolving nature). Source: Gavi (2021b).
Industry representatives account for 6% of COVAX listed participants, and only 16 individuals
(3.4%) represent NGOs or civil society. There is no publicly available information about how com-
mittee members are selected, and several sub-committees have been established on paper only, as
their membership is yet ‘to be determined’.
While Gavi, CEPI and the Gates Foundation strongly influence decision making within COVAX
by leading and dominating the key working groups where decisions are taken, UN agencies widely
populate working groups and sub-committees, but seem to hold more marginal normative and
technical roles. Like the PPPs it incorporates, COVAX was also initially reluctant to include civil
society in its decision-making structures. Ahead of Gavi’s board meeting on 30 July 2020, over
175 civil society organisations and individuals, including the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Access Campaign, wrote an open letter to the Gavi board noting the complete absence of civil
society in COVAX and demanding better representation (MSF, 2020). By end of October 2020,
however, Gavi welcomed civil society representatives to COVAX working groups, including
from MSF, Save the Children, the International Rescue Committee (Gavi, 2020b).
In the next section, we analyse how despite COVAX’s efforts to improve representation, its com-
plex and fragmented governance structure has enabled national and corporate interests to take pre-
cedence over the genuine partnership.
procurement mechanism in June 2020 (Schaik et al., 2020), ‘Team Europe’ only supported the
COVAX Gavi AMC fund for LICs and LMICs. In the words of a middle-income country diplomat
whom we interviewed in the summer of 2020:
[Europeans] made a huge effort in this pledging event in May [2020] […] with all heads of state and everybody
giving this declarations or solidarity, pledging millions and billions of dollars. This whole event was based on
this idea of solidarity and equitable universal access to the vaccine. And very soon after that, the very same
countries that led that pledging event broke the agreement and went their own way. I mean they betrayed
their own leadership […] in my opinion that was very serious, that was a big treason, a big betrayal of
Unlike the EU joint procurement mechanism, for example, COVAX membership did not require
countries to refrain from striking bilateral deals, competing directly for the same doses COVAX was
trying to purchase. On the contrary, the head of Gavi had actively promoted COVAX as a fallback
option for those who had struck bilateral deals, to broaden their vaccines portfolio and in case such
bilateral deals were to fall through (Gavi, 2020e).
The concessions that COVAX made to its self-financing country members must be seen in light
of its struggle to garner support from the world’s major geopolitical powers. ‘Team Europe’ was an
early sponsor and promoter, along with Japan, the UK, Canada, and Norway, which was appointed
co-chair of ACT-A’s Facilitation Council together with South Africa. However, the US under Pre-
sident Donald Trump refused to join COVAX, pursuing instead an ‘America First’ policy to vaccine
development and procurement through its own domestic PPP, Operation Warpspeed. It was only
once President Biden was inaugurated in 2021, that the US joined COVAX and became its single
biggest donor, followed by ‘Team Europe’, Japan, the UK, Canada, and Norway. Together they
account for around 89% of ACT-A’s public funding commitments (WHO, 2021).
Individual countries justified their decision to purchase vaccines directly from manufacturers
rather than through COVAX with reference to the initiative’s slow start (it took over four months
for contract negotiations to begin as countries first had to join and fund COVAX), their responsi-
bilities to prioritise their own populations, and claims that doing so was not at odds with showing
global solidarity. ‘Team Europe’, for example, defended itself against accusations of vaccine nation-
alism by pointing to its substantial financial pledges to the Gavi COVAX AMC and to the fact that it
had exported over half of the vaccines produced in its territory by mid-2021 (EEAS, 2020). This
contrasts with the US, which only lifted export bans on vaccines and essential vaccine components
in May 2021, and the UK, which, at the time of writing, has not exported any domestically produced
vaccines (Development Today, 2021a).
In practice, wealthy countries’ vaccine purchasing outside of COVAX meant that the initiative
quickly became, in the eyes of global health leaders, commentators and its European founders,
reduced from a global procurement mechanism to an aid project for subsidising vaccine pur-
chase for poor countries. This helps to explain why Canada, as the first G7 country to purchase
vaccines through COVAX in February 2021, was branded a ‘vaccine pirate’ stealing from the
poor, even though it was purchasing doses it was technically entitled to as a self-financing mem-
ber (Toronto Sun, 2021; Usher, 2021).
Combined with trade restrictions that constrained manufacturing and supply to COVAX, high-
and middle-income countries’ hoarding of vaccine doses is now widely acknowledged to have
undermined COVAX’s capacity to secure timely access to vaccine doses in sufficient quantities.
In January 2021, COVAX nevertheless forecasted that it would roll out 2.3 billion vaccine doses
in 2021, with an expected 1.8 billion doses for the 92 lower-income economies (the Gavi
COVAX AMC-eligible countries), at least 1.3 billion of these being offered at no cost to their gov-
ernments (Gavi, 2021d). During the spring of 2021, however, COVAX faced huge supply issues
after the Serum Institute of India (SII), which it had been heavily relying on for delivery of Astra-
Zeneca vaccines, diverted doses to deal with India’s domestic Covid-19 crisis. Even with large parts
of their populations vaccinated, wealthy governments continue to sign advance purchase
agreements with vaccine manufacturers for the delivery of booster shots in 2022 and 2023 that com-
pete with COVAX for supply (Reuters, 2021b). To our knowledge, these confidential agreements,
which are treated as trade secrets still do not include clauses on equitable access.
sought bilateral deals outside of COVAX. The company reportedly demanded that Latin American
governments put up state assets, such as embassy building and military bases, as guarantee against
the cost of any potential legal cases against the firm (The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 2021).
To justify its high prices relative to manufacturers of other WHO-approved vaccines, Pfizer denied
that its vaccine has benefited from public investment, even though its biotech partner BioNTech
received substantial EU funding to develop the mRNA technology, and advance purchase agree-
ments offset the company’s risk of scaling up production (Storeng & de Bengy Puyvallée, 2020).
Overall, COVAX has had limited success in instilling a commitment among the major vaccine
producers to the ideal of ‘partnership’. In fact, pharmaceutical companies have not only prioritised
bilateral deals over COVAX but have also artificially constrained supply by refusing to share tech-
nology, e.g. via the WHO’s Covid-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) (Project Syndicate, 2021).
They have exploited their powerful position as the suppliers of essential goods (The Loop, 2021) and
engaged in rent seeking by lobbying to keep full patent protection despite WTO (World Trade
Organization) emergency provisions that would suspend those and enable expanded production
(Project Syndicate, 2021).
This helps to explain why growing criticism is being directed towards COVAX’s co-leads Gavi
and CEPI – and the governments that fund and have a major influence within these institutions –
for failing to exercise sufficient leadership in protecting the global public interest (Usher, 2021).
They have accepted industry demands for secrecy around prices and contracts, making it difficult
to ensure accountability for COVAX’s spending. Wealthy countries who say they support COVAX
have, at the same time, contributed billions in funding to R&D and advance market commitments
that offset corporate risk, without imposing sufficiently strong conditions on companies for fair pri-
cing or technology transfer necessary to expand production capacity (Storeng et al., 2021). In Feb-
ruary 2021, for example, ACT-A co-lead Norway published ‘4 principles for urgent pharma action
to combat Covid-19’ (World Economic Forum, 2021) that merely made non-committal recommen-
dations for action, but no actual demands, on rapid registration, fair pricing, expanded production
and transparency. The recommendations were largely unheeded. Strikingly, a year into COVAX’s
existence, even CEPI’s CEO Richard Hatchett conceded that voluntary action is insufficient. At the
COVID-19 Global Research & Innovation Forum in May 2021, he said that ‘the great missed oppor-
tunity of 2020 is that the funders of vaccine development did not include access provisions in their
funding agreements’ and called for different funders to develop common approaches (Geneva
Health Files, 2021).
donors to continue their support. Gavi, the Global Fund and the like compete against each other to
attract the largest possible share of donor countries’ official development assistance and philanthro-
pic and corporate donations. Their narrow focus has created blind spots, redundancies and over-
lapping mandates.
There have been previous attempts to coordinate this fragmented field. For example, the Inter-
national Health Partnership (IHP+), which has since developed into UHC2030, brings global health
PPPs together in a multi-stakeholder discussion forum that aims to support health system strength-
ening (Bartsch, 2011; Holzscheiter et al., 2016). However, COVAX and ACT-A, within which it is
embedded, are qualitatively different. They are not only a platform for discussion and advocacy
but work towards a single operational mandate by ‘harnessing’ each constituent PPP’s distinct ‘com-
parative advantage’. It is thus a more tightly institutionalised attempt to coordinate what has been
coined ‘market multilateralism’ (Bull & McNeill, 2007, 2019). The model draws on the democratic
and procedural (input) legitimacy of the WHO, and the results and metrics oriented (output) legiti-
macy of existing PPPs. Their coordinating role at the highest level of governance puts the super-PPP
model in direct competition with the UN and its specialised health agency the WHO, which finds
itself relegated as one of many super-PPP parts and partners, and with no direct authority over them.
So far, the super-PPP model has not resolved core global health governance challenges. Estab-
lished PPPs still compete against each other through investment cases, fund raising, and replenish-
ment events. ACT-A’s different pillars received widely different degrees of support, the vaccines
pillar being by far the most successful at attracting funding. In fact, as a governance approach,
the super-PPP model appears chaotic, extraordinarily complex, and lacks transparency and
accountability mechanisms. Whereas established PPPs are composed of mostly distinct entities
like governments, philanthropic foundations, industry, NGOs and UN agencies, the super-PPP
consist of other PPPs. This adds a layer of complexity (as PPPs themselves are heterogeneous),
and it means that the super-PPP represents various organisations twice or even three times over.
For instance, the WHO and the Gates Foundation are described as ACT-A partners but are also
partners within each of the established PPPs like Gavi, CEPI, the Global Fund etc. ‘Partners’ there-
fore have several channels of influence – both within the super-PPP coordinating mechanism and
within the boards and committees. Therefore, we say the super-PPP structure resembles a series of
Russian Matryoshka dolls.
In response to these challenges, COVAX has gradually lowered its ambition. From being a global
procurement mechanism providing access to all countries simultaneously, COVAX has become in
practice an aid-funded scheme primarily providing a limited number of vaccines to protect a small
proportion of the population of its AMC-eligible countries (Usher, 2021). This makes it now func-
tionally similar to Gavi’s traditional focus on subsidising childhood immunisations for countries
unable to afford them.
This narrowing of COVAX’s raison d’être has been buttressed by the skewed representation of
stakeholders in its governance structure. As we have shown, LICs, LMICs and civil society voices
are marginal, whereas governments, organisations and individuals from the global North dominate
COVAX. It is thus not surprising that COVAX has overly accommodated wealthy country and cor-
porate interests. This issue of skewed representation reproduces shortcomings of the PPP model
identified over 15 years ago that remain unresolved to date (Buse & Harmer, 2007; Storeng & de
Bengy Puyvallée, 2018).
Although COVAX has achieved only limited results so far, its leaders continue to brand it ‘the only
solution’ to vaccine equity, setting the terms of debate and gradually reducing the notion of equity
to its bare minimum, in keeping with other PPPs that have traditionally foreclosed policy alterna-
tives (Storeng, 2014). But unlike other PPPs, COVAX has not solidified confidence in the partner-
ship model, but instead created a crisis for its legitimacy. COVAX’s shortcomings, especially its lack
of transparency and its incapacity to deliver on its promises, have led critics to ask whether it is ‘part
of the problem’ (Devex, 2021), for example arguing that having suppliers on governing boards con-
tradicts the core principle of good governance. An African Union envoy has suggested that
COVAX’s failure to deliver its promised supply to the African continent is not only ‘a moral failure’,
but a deliberate strategy, saying ‘those with the resources pushed their way to the front of the queue
and took control of their production assets’ (The Guardian, 2021b). Others have argued that
COVAX reproduces a ‘colonial’ mentality whereby poor countries are forced to depend on charity
and leftover doses from wealthy countries (Development Today, 2021c).
A sign of waning trust in the PPP model is that civil society’s major response to the challenge of
vaccine equity has been to work outside of COVAX, developing a global movement known as the
People’s Vaccine Alliance that brings together organisations like Global Justice Now, Oxfam and
UNAIDS to argue that vaccination should be a ‘global public good’. The People’s Vaccine Alliance
has issued demands on Big Pharma to openly share vaccine technology and ‘know-how’. They have
also called on governments to temporarily suspend patent rules at the WTO on Covid-19 vaccines,
treatments, and testing during the pandemic, supporting a proposal first made by India and South
Africa in October 2020. This, they claim, will ‘help break Big Pharma monopolies and increase
supplies so that there are enough doses for everyone, everywhere’ (The People’s Vaccine, 2021).
COVAX’s staunchest supporter, the EU, has consistently opposed this move, maintaining that
patents are not the major barriers to scaling up manufacturing and that removing patents will
deter industry from partnering. However, over 100 countries, more than 60 former heads of
state and Nobel Prize laureates, and even US President Biden now support the proposal on a tem-
porary waiver on Covid-19 vaccines patents, providing credibility to a possible partial solution to
the impasse of ‘vaccine apartheid’. The future of the public-private partnership model may be in the
Thank you to Aurelia India Neumark for excellent research assistance. We would also like to thank our international
advisory board members and the Global Health Politics research group at the Centre for Development, University of
Oslo, especially Desmond McNeill and Thomas Neumark, for thoughtful comments on a draft of this article.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
The Research Council of Norway (Norges Forskningsråd) provided funding for this research [grant number 301929].
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