Grade 2 2nd Quarter Action Plan For Face To Face
Grade 2 2nd Quarter Action Plan For Face To Face
Grade 2 2nd Quarter Action Plan For Face To Face
Department of Education
SDO Batangas City
District IV
Malitam, Batangas City
To encourage students Orient the parents about the Parents, Facebook August MOOE 100% students’
to go to school during schedule and precautionary Teacher and messenger, calls 2020 attendance
face to face learning. measures that strictly need to Students and text and other
follow. online platforms
To ensure students’ Prepare the classroom that Parents, All protective gears August MOOE and 100% students’ and
and teachers’ safety in follows social distancing and Teacher and and sanitizing or 2020- other teachers’ safety
school during face to other health protocols. Students disinfecting April 2021 external
face learning. Observe regular hand products/materials source of
washing of students and funds
sanitizing the classroom every
after session.
Observe all the necessary
precautionary measures like
social distancing, wearing
mask, face shield or if
necessary wearing PPEs.
To limit the students Divide the class into Parents, Class Schedule August MOOE and 100% students’
and teachers physical 2sessions wherein 15-20 Teacher and 2020- other follow their respective
contact and lessen the students only per session. All protective gears
Students April 2021 external schedules so limited
possible spread of Students and teachers have and sanitizing or
source of physical contact is
virus. their own schedule of meeting disinfecting
funds practice.
their students per session with products/materials
time interval for
purposes every after session.
Noted: Prepared by:
Principal III Teacher I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
SDO Batangas City
District IV
Malitam, Batangas City
Session A
Session B
Session A
11:00-11:30 MAPEH Reading Activity MAPEH Reading Activity MAPEH Reading Activity
Session B
3:30-4:00 MAPEH Reading Activity MAPEH Reading Activity MAPEH Reading Activity
Session A
10:10-11:00 AP AP AP AP
Session B
3:00-3:30 AP AP AP AP
Session A
Session B
Session A
10:10-11:00 AP AP AP AP AP
Session B
3:00-3:30 AP AP AP AP AP
Session A
11:00-11:30 Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity
Session B
3:30-4:00 Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity
Session A
10:10-11:00 AP AP AP AP AP AP
Session B
3:00-3:30 AP AP AP AP AP AP
Session A
11:00-11:30 Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity
Session B
3:30-4:00 Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity Reading Activity