Relationship Between Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Management and Performance ... (PDFDrive)
Relationship Between Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Management and Performance ... (PDFDrive)
Relationship Between Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Management and Performance ... (PDFDrive)
Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Dr. Mark A. Vonderembse, Committee Co-Chair
Dr. Monideepa Tarafdar, Committee Co-Chair
Dr. Doina C. Chichernea, Committee Member
Dr. Peter S. Lindquist, Committee Member
Dr. Patricia R. Komuniecki, Dean
College of Graduate Studies
December 2015
Copyright 2015, Vincent George Whitelock
This document is copyrighted material. Under copyright law, no parts of this document
may be reproduced without the expressed permission of the author.
An Abstract of
Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Manufacturing and Technology Management
This research examines the relationship between environmental social governance (ESG)
collaboration in the supply chain and performance. ESG collaboration can essentially be
described as the interaction within and between organizations in the supply chain
pertaining to joint ESG planning, joint ESG goal-setting, joint ESG decision-making, joint
reduction of negative ESG impacts, and shared ESG know-how or shared ESG knowledge.
This research makes a number of contributions, two of which deserve particular attention.
The first contribution of this paper develops the theoretical basis for linking ESG
collaboration in the supply chain to ESG activity/ practice in the focal firm and to ESG
performance. The second contribution consists of testing empirically the impact of ESG
collaboration on diverse dimensions of ESG activity/ practice and to ESG operational and
financial performance.
this research draws upon differentiation strategy, espoused by the relational view of the
firm (Dyer and Singh, 1998) and the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm (Wernerfelt,
1984) theories for its theoretical development. The relational view of the firm proposes that
organizational capabilities can be developed by creating various combinations of resources
that exist in different supply chain partners (Dyer and Singh, 1998; Takeishi, 2001). In this
and or customers (Schroeder et al., 2002). Likewise, intra-organization learning also entails
learning is one of the resources that can be developed among supply chain partners, and it
can impart additional capabilities in organizations (Dyer and Singh, 1998; Grant, 1996a).
The resource based view (RBV) theory of the firm (Barney, 1991; Rumelt, 1984;
Wernerfelt, 1984) proposes that a firm, through the set of resources it possesses, can
(ESG) management strategy, founded on resources that exhibit the properties proposed by
RBV, can improve ESG and business performance and theoretically create a sustained
easily imitated, in order to highlight the factors that play an important role in the
determination of, and making the case for strategic ESG collaboration in the supply chain.
joint ESG planning, joint ESG goal-setting, joint ESG decision-making, joint reduction of
negative ESG impacts, and shared ESG know-how or ESG knowledge, require the
in the supply chain. All of these practices create a web of interactions between supply chain
partners that forms a network of information and knowledge exchange (Vachon et al.,
The purposes of this research is to propose a definition for ESG Collaboration, propose
a theoretical framework for evaluating the relationship between ESG Collaboration and
Firm Performance, in a supply chain management context, and to examine the proposed
theoretical model. This research uses the focal firm as its level of analysis, proposes a
theoretical model and tests it empirically employing primary data from a large scale survey
and secondary data from multiple databases, using the biggest U.S. listed companies.
Specifically, this research gathers data from the following sources: 1) ESG
Collaboration data from a large scale survey; 2) ESG Management Activity/ Practice data
from a large scale survey; 3) ESG Performance data from a large scale survey; and 4)
Financial Performance data from the Bloomberg, Compustat, Russell and/ or WRDS
Since this research incorporates two types of data— categorical perceptual (primary)
analyze their hypothesized relationships, using the variance based and prediction oriented,
Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analytical approach. More
specifically, PLS‑SEM path modeling is chosen as the tool to evaluate two causal
oriented goals (i.e., explaining/predicting the target constructs in the structural model) for
identifying causal links in ESG Collaboration strategies, activities and practices that impact
The results indicate that the proposed theoretical framework, ESG Collaboration –
Performance Link, along with its related structural and measurement models, successfully
explains the variation in their associated latent endogenous variables. More explicitly,
analysis of the findings indicate strong support for all of the hypothesized relationships in
the ESG Collaboration – Operations Performance model, and moderate to strong support
for virtually all of the hypothesized relationships in the ESG Collaboration – Financial
Performance model.
social governance issues, with its internal organization, its key suppliers, and with its major
practitioners and academics is that this proposed theoretical ESG framework has strong
predictive relevance to improve firm performance, and can be used to evaluate risk factors
and identify opportunities for improvement, both of which can potentially impact firm
To my beautiful children, Velynda Grace, Venyda Gail, Victor George and Valoryn
Genise, as well as to my loving wife, Linda Lorraine, your support and encouragement
throughout this process has enabled any contribution that will be realized as a result of this
work. I look forward to enjoying the fruits of this labor with you. Thank you.
This work is also dedicated to the: The Whitelock; The Lewis, The Beck; The Carter;
The Calhoun; The Bowman; The Moton; The Nelson; The Holmes; The Ellerbee; The
McEwen; The Scotland; The Crockett; The Williams; The McKnight; The Valentine; The
Payton; The Chavis; The Dennis; The Morris; and The Bell families.
It is also dedicated to my close friends and family, for the inspiration and support I have
received from each of them. Also, to my loving, Mother and Father for their love and
guidance, they have given me, throughout my life. I love you all, each and every one.
This experience has truly been a labor of love with the greater sacrifices being made
by my wife, children, siblings, extended family, friends, advisors and mentors. It is because
of these individuals and numerous others, including, foremost, my Savior and Lord Jesus
Christ, that I consider myself blessed and highly favored to submit this work. Each of you
Given the one page requirement, I must limit the individuals to those whom impacted
me, directly. In no particular order, my most sincere thanks go to Dr. Mark Vonderembse,
Dr. Monideepa Tarafdar, Dr. Doina Chichernea, Dr. Peter Linquist, Dr. Subba Rao, Dr.
Hassan Hassab-Elnaby, Dr. T.S. Ragu-Nathan, Dr. Jeen Lim, Dr. Thuong Le, Dr. Paul
Hong, Dr. Jerzy Kamburowski, Dr. Sonny Ariss, Dr. Stephen Callaway, Dr. William Doll,
Dr. Christine Fox, Dr. Ellen Pullins, Dr. Thomas Gutteridge, Dr. Thomas Sharkey, Dr.
Anand Kunnathur, Dr. Terribeth Gordon-Moore, Dr. Ram Rachamadugu, Dr. Sachin
Modi, Dr. Seth Powless, Dr Anthony Koh, Dr. Bashar Gammoh, Dr. Michael Mallin, Dr.
Gary Moore, Dr. Ozcan Sezer, Dr. Clinton Longenecker, Dr. Saad Alflayyeh, Dr. Jonathan
Chatfield, Dr. Chenglei Hwang, Dr. Dave Nelson, Dr. Ryan Skiver, Dr. Nehemiah Scott,
Armond E. Sinclair, Mohammed T. Hejazi, Dr. Stephan Vachon, Dr. Robert Klassen, Dr.
Norman Johnson, Dr. Wynne Chin, and Robin Kuhl and Susan Welch. I am especially
grateful to my beloved wife, Linda Lorraine Whitelock. Finally, thank you to my loving
and always supportive parents, Mom and Dad, Mrs. Tiny and Mr. Roy George. Whitelock,
and Mrs. Beverly Young Whitelock, and my siblings, Michael Earl Whitelock I, Roy
Sylvester Whitelock and Lucille Marie Whitelock-Booker. It is your lifelong love and
support that have enabled this and all of my accomplishments and dreams. Thank you all.
Table of Contents
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements viii
Table of Contents ix
1. Introduction 1
ix ESG Collaboration 31
Performance 36
Activity/ Practice 44
3.5 Causal Model and Hypotheses Testing 62
4. Results 64
Overview 64
5.1 Summary 89
5.2 Conclusions 90
5.5 Limitations 98
5.6 Reflections 99
References (for Chapters 1-3) 104
Appendices 183
D. Appendix D – Typical Questions, after pilot test, Included in the large scale
E. Appendix E – Cover letter for the large scale web-based survey 193
F. Appendix F – Follow-up letter for the large scale web-based survey 196
Models 203
List of Figures
Figure 1b Intangible Value as Percent of Market Value for Non-US Markets. ............123
Link. ..............................................................................................................130
Figure 3a Theoretical Framework for ESG Collaboration – Financial Performance
Link. ..............................................................................................................142
Figure 3b Conceptual Model for ESG Collaboration – Financial Performance Link. ..143
List of Tables
Context. .........................................................................................................156
Table 7 Rules of Thumb for Selecting CB-SEM or PLS-SEM (Hair et al., 2011b). .164
Table 11 Rules of Thumb for Model Evaluation (Hair et al., 2011b). .........................170
List of Abbreviations
OP ..............................Operating Profit (OP)
Chapter One
to customers, regulators, and activists— of the firm, because ESG provides a means to
gauge a firm’s capacity to endure (sustainability). Chatterji, Levine and Toffel (2009) argue
that ESG topics are too important to rely on metrics that are untested, or when tested, do
not provide transparency. Therefore, in order to effectively evaluate ESG dimensions, and
assess their impact on performance, the discussion or conversation must begin, first, with
measure and test it. This research adopts and proposes the following definition (Whitelock
surroundings, its coexistence and interaction with human organisms and other
populations, and its corporate system of internal controls and procedures (such as
processes, customs, policies, laws, rules and regulations, etc.) to direct, administer
and manage all the affairs of the organization, in order to serve the interests of
Since ESG is important to all firms, it is important to suppliers, customers and focal
firms. Hence, firms, working together as supply chain partners, on ESG issues, can
potentially create synergies that can have favorable, material impacts on corporate
performance and firm valuations, thereby supporting the case for ESG collaboration.
With regards to publically traded companies, just as it is with most for-profit firms, the
general consensus is that the goal of the managers is to maximize the wealth of the firm or
to maximize the wealth of the shareholders or stockholders. Wealth is a valuation, and can
be measured in a number of ways (e.g. stock price, book value, net present value of
etc.). One measure of shareholders wealth is the price of the stock multiplied by the number
of shares outstanding (also commonly known as market value). In an efficient market the
price of the assets— in this case shares of stock— reflects all publicly available
There is, however, a growing uneasiness that a firm’s wealth valuation frequently relies
on partial information. This concern exists because of the difficulty in valuing information
on non-physical assets, such as brand equity, reputation, and intellectual property, as well
management. This perception is further reinforced based on the fact that traditional
financial statements, such as the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement,
factors. For example, Ocean Tomo (accessed January 21, 2012) reported that the ratio of
tangible (or physical) assets as a % of market capitalization, for the S&P 500, has
diminished from 83% in 1975 to 20% in 2010 (see Figures 1a and 1b). This implies, not
only that intangible assets are becoming increasingly more important as a share of an
information (or information that can have a material impact on the valuation of firms) such
as environmental social governance (ESG) issues. This occurs because ESG factors may
result in risks or opportunities to a firm's valuation (CFA 2008). This scrutiny comes from
diverse stakeholder groups, including end consumers, industrial customers, suppliers, and
financial institutions (Henriques and Sadorsky 1999), who believe that investment
decisions and firm’s wealth valuations could be enhanced, if they properly reflected ESG
governance breakdowns that triggered the global financial crisis (i.e., Enron, WorldCom
and Parmalat corporations in early 2000s, and the collapse of Bear Stearns Companies, the
insolvency of Lehman Brothers Holdings, Northern Rock and Bernie Madoff, more
recently), investors, financial service firms, and policy-makers are pushing harder than ever
(Lubber 2009). For instance, Wal-Mart developed an initiative to get their suppliers (of
which they have 100,000) to report to the Carbon Disclosure Project, a reporting
mechanism to measure their carbon footprint (Efrati 2010). Another example is Proctor &
Gamble, who is driving their supply chains to think about carbon and sustainability (Efrati
2010). These sources of pressure, and others like them, are causing organizational
managers to adopt various strategies to limit the impact of their operations and products,
number of studies that seek to document the ESG—Performance link. In 2004, a report
was published that concluded that environmental, social, and corporate governance issues
affect long-term shareholder value, and in some cases those effects may be “profound”
(AMWG 2004). In 2005, former United Nations (“UN”) Secretary General Kofi Annan
founded the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (the “PRI”), in part, as a response
to a growing view among investment professionals that ESG issues can affect the
material enough that a growing consensus thought that appropriate consideration, of such
issues, is necessary to fulfill the fiduciary duty of investment managers (The Hennick
Centre 2009). In 2006, a second report by Asset Management Working Group (AMWG),
issues are material– there is robust evidence that ESG issues affect shareholder value in
both the short and long term; 2) The impact of ESG issues on share price can be valued
and quantified; and 3) Key ESG issues are becoming apparent, and their importance can
vary between sectors (AMWG 2006). In October 2007, Mercer and the AMWG
collaborated together and published a report that surveyed academic research into the
In November 2009, Mercer released an updated report, pooling together their latest
results with the 2007 report. This 2009 report focused on the need to develop comparable
and reliable standards in order to “mainstream” the integration of ESG into investment
processes. This need was justified by the mixed results Mercer (2009) obtained from
studies showed evidence of a positive relationship between ESG factors and financial
performance; 13 studies showed evidence that the relationship between ESG and financial
between ESG and financial performance. In aggregate, the 36 studies conducted between
2004 and 2009 revealed, and confirmed by Mercer (2009), that the ESG—Performance
link findings are not only in disagreement and inconclusive, but that it still needs further
Moreover, more recent studies have been conducted and tend to support this position.
For instance, one recent study claims that no consensus has emerged so far on whether
ESG activity leads, or not, to superior performance (Cavaco and Crifo 2010). Other studies,
in addition, report that there is no conclusive causality link between ESG factors and
financial performance (Barnett 2007; Coleman 2011). Several reasons have been given as
to why these results have been inconclusive. Some reasons given include: methodological
According to Bassen and Kovacs (2008), ESG activity delivers relevant information,
risks and opportunities (Bassen and Kovacs 2008). ESG activities are boundary-spanning,
and require varying degrees of interaction with other organizations (Vachon and Klassen
2008). These interactions with ESG activities present an opportunity for supply chain
members to capitalize on the benefits of joint ESG planning, joint ESG goal-setting, joint
ESG decision-making and shared ESG know-how or ESG knowledge. These intra- and
between the focal firm and its suppliers and or its customers. Extending this logic, these
exchange (Vachon and Klassen 2008) among the participants. Furthermore, when these
participants work together to resolve ESG issues, they provide not only environmental
social governance benefits, but they also lay the foundation to potentially reap synergistic
The working together, or collaboration, on ESG issues can occur, not only within an
organization among its internal operational and functional departments, but it can also
occur with upstream organizations, such as with suppliers or suppliers’ suppliers or it may
benefits and performance benefits, among supply chain members have received little or no
examination. Separately, there have been a few studies linking the components of ESG (i.e.
environmental collaboration) to performance, but virtually none linking ESG supply chain
collaboration to performance.
In one of the few studies examining supply chain members working together on
environmental issues, Vachon and Klassen (2008) examined the impact of environmental
performance, and that environmental collaboration with customers was predominantly
In positioning this research to fill a gap in the supply chain management literature,
construct and its associated questionnaire items from the Vachon and Klassen (2008) paper,
and then adapts, expands and applies this logic to the interesting, hot and timely, extra-
financial, topic of ESG Management. This research proposes to examine the relationship
among ESG Collaboration (the independent variable), ESG Activity/ Practice (the
mediating variable), ESG Performance (the mediating and dependent variable) and
Financial Performance (the dependent variable). It suggests that the ESG Collaboration—
Financial Performance link is not direct, but is mediated through intermediate constructs,
This research looks at the ESG Collaboration—Financial Performance link from the
perspective of the focal firm. It hypothesizes that focal firms’ ESG Activity/ Practice, ESG
Performance and Financial Performance are enhanced through ESG collaboration with
supply chain members— that is, among its internal operational and functional departments,
Moreover, this research seeks to contribute to extant literature by filling a lacuna in the
ESG stream of research. More specifically, this study seeks to contribute through the
framework that depicts the relationship between ESG Collaboration and Financial
Financial Performance, that is mediated by ESG Activity/ Practice and ESG Performance;
5) perform data analysis; 6) combine primary (large scale survey) and unique secondary
(archival) data sources; and 7) employ scientific methods such as PLS-SEM analysis to
The foregoing section provides evidence of the materiality of ESG activity for investors
and other stakeholders, but it still leaves questions. Although the term, ESG, is employed
this concept (Bassen and Kovacs 2008). The term appears in the United Nations PRI
program, and is also employed by major business consulting firms, yet academic and
business literature does not contain an effective and accurate definition (Bassen and
Kovacs 2008). Additionally, despite academics’ and business professionals’ efforts, there
has yet been no conclusive evidence which could universally either confirm or refute a
direct causal link between good environmental, social, and governance performance and a
firm’s financial performance (UNEP 2007). Moreover, although considerable attention has
been given to this issue, especially in management sciences and organizational economics,
no consensus has emerged on whether ESG activity leads, or does not lead, to superior
performance (Cavaco and Crifo 2010). Therefore, further academic research is needed to
define the construct, ESG, and to document the causal link between ESG issues and
corporate financial performance. This will be one of the most crucial factors determining
the use and proliferation of ESG information (Bassen and Kovacs 2008).
The following is known about these issues.
3. Investors, financial service firms, and policy-makers are pushing harder than ever
4. No consensus has emerged so far on whether ESG activity leads, or does not lead,
This research attempts to understand and provide insight regarding this important issue,
1. Create a scholarly definition of the construct, ESG (Bassen and Kovacs 2008).
2. Build an ESG-Performance model that defines relevant constructs and their inter-
3. Test the model empirically, using primary data from a large scale survey and
4. Understand the causal link between ESG activity and performance (Bassen and
Kovacs 2008).
What is known, and not known, about ESG provides a springboard from which many other
questions, left unanswered, can be answered, and from which many uncharted areas, can
be explored. Thus, the following questions still remain, and are examined in this research.
1. What is ESG?
7. What is the relationship among ESG Collaboration in the Supply Chain, ESG
Financial Performance?
In general, this research creates new knowledge and potentially makes contributions to
Corporate Responsibility/Sustainability (i.e. CSR, TBL, PPP, and ESG, etc.);
Collaboration (i.e. Inter- and Intra-firm collaboration); and Supply Chain Management (i.e.
seller-buyer or supplier-customer) (see Figure 1c). More specifically, this study extends
the research, fills a gap, and contributes to the conversation by intersecting these three
First, this research proposes definitions for the constructs, ESG, ESG
Second, this research constructs and proposes a theoretical framework that depicts
Third, this research implicitly proposes a causality relationship, within the ESG
More specifically, this causal relationship purports that the ESG Collaboration—
Fourth, this research combines primary (large scale survey) and unique secondary
(archival) data sources that include measures, with distinguishing features, that:
o provide consistent, clear-cut indicators that cannot be misconstrued; and
Fifth, this paper avoids certain limitations found with similar studies by
within U.S. public stock firms, not in the spurious relationship of financial
o In addition to analyzing ESG in the aggregate, the ESG factors will also be
o Because many empirical studies show that not all ESG dimensions are
relationship between 1 or more independent and dependent variables (see Figure
The findings of this research may potentially be important for both academic researchers
interested in the new information leading to a causal link between ESG collaboration and
that ESG performance is value relevant, or that certain non-sustainability risks might exist.
Other practitioners, such as firms, might find that they can reduce their risk and improve
Results from this research can potentially form the foundation for the following studies:
Integration of ESG Activity/ Practice and Green Supply Chain Management; and
ESG Orientation.
Chapter Two
working together with supply chain members on ESG issues. This lack of study regarding
the relationship between ESG Collaboration in the supply chain and financial performance
is bitter-sweet. On the one hand, this lack of research poses significant challenges for
current researchers in their attempts to identify support for their hypothesized relationships,
but on the other hand this lack of study presents opportunities for new and interesting
collaboration activities are, and what they are not. For instance, extant literature reports
(Bowen et al. 2001); 2) not unidirectional and control-oriented, such as site audits,
questionnaires, and other buyers’ requirements that are often blended in the
conceptualization of green supply chain (Zhu and Sarkis 2004); 3) not focused only on
environmental monitoring (Vachon and Klassen 2006); and 4) not focused only on the
However, the same stream of literature points out some of the key characteristics of
focus more on the means by which more environmentally sound operations, processes, or
products might be achieved (Vachon and Klassen 2008); and 3) consist of sharing policies
and establishing common goals (Vachon and Klassen 2006) for long term planning and
transaction. It conceives, designs, and produces the offerings (e.g., product, goods,
services, information, and money, etc.) intended for consumption. In the example of an
conceives, designs, and produces automotive vehicles for consumption. Although, it may
have several suppliers of component parts that go into the automotive vehicle offering, it
However, there are instances where firms produce the same products for final
consumption, and for components use in other products for later consumption. Examples
of such firms include producers of TV/Monitor, Audio/Video, CD/DVD, phone, radio and
computer, etc. devices that can be used for personal consumption, as well as for
components in other OEM products for later consumption (such as in boats, planes, trains,
and automotive vehicles, etc.). In these examples, as is the case with other examples, the
same producer-firm can be considered a supplier, customer, focal firm, or the final
With respect to firms working together, or collaborating, each firm in the supply chain
can be considered a focal firm, because each firm is a buyer of product, goods, services,
information, and money, on the one hand, and is also a seller of product, goods, services,
information, and money on the other hand. Therefore, as the buyer of product, goods,
services, information, and money, the focal firm is considered a customer of the selling
firm, and as the seller of product, goods, services, information, and money, the focal firm
Because each focal firm acts as a buying organization to its suppliers, and as a selling
can take place simultaneously within a focal firm’s operational and functional departments,
and upstream with the suppliers, as well as downstream with the customers. This intra-
governance issues, present potential synergistic opportunities for the focal firm and the
Figures 2a and 3a present the overall models underlying the theoretical frameworks for
this research. They depict the relationships among four major constructs— ESG
Collaboration, ESG Activity/ Practice, ESG Performance and Financial Performance. ESG
both functional and operational, and with its key Suppliers and major Customers in
planning jointly for ESG management and ESG solutions. ESG Activity/ Practice refers to
improvement of firm performance in the area of ESG concerns. ESG Performance is the
operational result that involves reduction in negative impacts, or the increase of positive
impacts resulting from ESG factors. Financial Performance is the quantitative and
marketing impact derived from collaborating with supply chain members on ESG planning
and implementing ESG activities and practices. The model hypothesizes that ESG
Collaboration in the supply chain influences ESG Activity/ Practice, which in turn
that ESG Collaboration in the supply chain may influence ESG Performance, directly, and
The ESG stream of literature, found in organizational, economics and financial research,
First, conceptually, ESG has not been defined in terms that are generally acceptable,
and ESG has not been adequately distinguished from other corporate responsibility
Second, the current ESG stream of literature points up the issue that the ESG–
Third, the literature stream identifies that no conclusive causality link between ESG
factors and Financial Performance has yet emerged (Barnett 2007; Coleman 2011).
Fourth, measures found in previous studies to test the financial benefits of corporate
ideal measures:
representative of ESG;
outcomes of corporate structures, strategies and processes which in turn have material
factors that expose companies to adverse financial impact, or provide companies with
For the practitioner, these extra-financial or nonfinancial factors traditionally have been
used, by sponsor organizations to: 1) align investment strategy with missions and
philosophies; 2) orient investment decisions with larger societal goals and objectives; and
3) make investment decision-making consistent with personal political views (CFA 2008).
Additionally, academic and commercial efforts have also been made to understand the
companies. This refers to the attempts made to understand potential new opportunities on
which companies may capitalize, and to identify risks that may place constraints on future
economic resources of a firm (CFA 2008). These efforts to apply non-financial or extra-
financial factors, on groups of companies, tend to reinforce the notion of the materiality of
Furthermore, partly due to corporate scandals (i.e., Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, Global
Crossing and Parmalat in the early 2000s) and in some instances outright fraud (i.e., Bear
Stearns Companies, Lehman Brothers Holdings and Northern Rock, more recently) which
has rendered financial data untrustworthy, more recent research has been giving increasing
Environmental Social Governance (ESG) risk factors. These factors are believed to result
in risks or opportunities that can potentially impact a firm's valuation (CFA 2008).
ESG is both an acronym and a construct that describes three central areas of concern—
Environmental, Social, and Governance— that measure the firm’s capacity to endure
usually mentioned in the context of socially responsible investment (SRI). ESG concerns
valuation of a firm, and although ESG is widely mentioned in academic and practitioner
Extant research on ESG more or less characterize ESG as: Strategic needs (Porter &
Kramer 2006); Social Responsible Investment (SRI) (SIF 2007; Kinder 2005a, 2005b);
Behavior (CFA Institute 2008); Issues (IFM 2011; CFA Institute 2008); Intangible
measures (Bloomberg 2009); Sustainability (Brimble and Stewart 2009); Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) (Harmon, Fairfield and Behson 2009); Factors (ESG Managers
2011); Investment methodologies (ESG Managers 2011); and even as Opportunities (IFM
2011) and Risks (IFM 2011). Of all the characterizations of ESG, as previously identified,
development that "meets present needs without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their needs" (WECD 1987). This definition, although widely cited, still
is vague and ambiguous. Thus, this characterization of ESG makes it difficult to explain
what ESG is, and points up the need for a convincing and precise definition.
The lack of a convincing and precise definition of ESG, not only confuses researchers,
but it also increases the probability of obtaining confounding effects among ESG
dimensions (Manescu 2011). It also increases the difficulty of obtaining reliable measures
of ESG (van Marrewijk 2003), and furthermore, the lack of a universally accepted
definition of ESG also increases the potential for improper analysis, due to misspecification
of analytical models (McWilliams and Siegel 2000). These reasons support the need for a
persuasive and precise definition of the construct, environmental social governance (ESG),
and this need is the motivation for the following proposed definition (Whitelock 2015).
surroundings, its coexistence and interaction with human organisms and other
populations, and its corporate system of internal controls and procedures (such as
processes, customs, policies, laws, rules and regulations, etc.) to direct, administer
and manage all the affairs of the organization, in order to serve the interests of
can be a differentiator, particularly for those who can interpret and relate ESG factors to a
firm’s future prospects. Such firms may potentially develop a competitive advantage,
especially if others should fail to recognize the same risks or opportunities related to those
factors (CFA 2008). In this regard, a Stakeholder strategy that includes active engagement
with a firm’s management, and its Board of Directors on ESG activity, practices, and
processes, can potentially lower risk and enhance long-term value creation. Such an
approach leads to a strategic orientation that enables differentiation, and improved ESG
This section provides the theoretical foundation leading to the linking of ESG collaboration
in the supply chain and performance. In this regard, Stakeholder, Agency, and Prospect
theories are presented first, to help explain the role in determining a strategic orientation,
such as with ESG. Then, Raising Rivals’ Costs (RRC), Resource based view (RBV), and
Relational View theories are introduced to form a premise to show how a strategic
collectively, lend support as a foundational base for strategic ESG collaboration of the focal
firm within and among its internal departments, as well as between the focal firm and its
key suppliers and between the focal firm and its major customers (see Table 1), for it is
posited that ESG risk factors can materially impact a firm’s valuation.
through which numerous and diverse participants accomplish multiple, and not always
entirely congruent, purposes (Donaldson and Preston 1995). Freeman defines a stakeholder
organization’s objectives” (Freeman 1984: 46). In crafting this definition, Freeman (1984)
took the position that companies produce externalities that affect many parties, which are
both internal and external to the firm (Sarkis, Ginzalez-Torre and Adenso-Diaz 2010).
impacts and increase positive ones (Sarkis, Ginzalez-Torre and Adenso-Diaz 2010).
stakeholder group. ‘Shareholders/ Shareowners’ is distinguished from the terms ‘Investors’
and ‘Financiers’ by referring only to those individuals, institutions, or entities that own
shares of common or ordinary stock in the firm in question (CFA 2008). ‘Investors’ and
‘Financiers’, in this regard, refer to all individuals or institutions who are considering
1987; Jensen and Meckling 1976; Ross 1973), describes the relationship between a
principal (the owner of resources) and the agent (those who perform the work). With
respect to the firm, this depiction regards the principal as the shareholder while the agent
is referred to as the strategic decision-making unit within the firm (i.e. employees).
Accordingly, it can be claimed that, ‘‘. . . because executive-level managers are agents for
shareholders, maximizing the present value of the firm is the appropriate motivating
principle for management’’ (Quinn and Jones 1995 p. 22). This view of the strategic
Although, Agency theory postulates that principal-agent problems can arise from
interest nonalignment and principals’ inability to monitor agents (Baker 1992), for the most
part, ‘‘managers/agents . . . stay focused on the need for profitable operations to the extent
that they own company stock and/or have part of their compensation contingent on strong
principals are kept in mind in major corporate decisions by a vigilant board of directors
(monitoring)’’ (Frankforter et al. 2000, p. 322). These agents, therefore, are retained by the
shareholders to reduce risk or exposure, and costs, while increasing returns and value for
the firm. For in the risk-return relationship, generally, one can expect to obtain greater
returns for increasing levels of risk, but competitive advantage is achieved by continuously
increasing returns, for a given level of risk, or by continuously increasing returns while
relationship, indicates that strategists are risk-seeking when recent performance has been
unsatisfactory and risk-averse when recent performance levels have been attained or
surpassed (Bowman 1980; Bromiley 1991). This notion is manifested in the form of a
‘complacency effect’ where past business performance was found to be positively related
performance link that proclaims a positive risk-seeking and business return relationship.
All of these factors and theories play an important role in the determination of strategic
orientation within the firm and commonly explain differences in the manifest strategies
firms pursue in their main marketplace (Morgan and Strong 2003). Such an example occurs
when the agent exercises significant managerial discretion. In this case, the autonomy
created, by the agent, can allow the firm to pursue courses of action that satisfy their self-
interest to develop a certain composition of strategic orientation (Shaw et al. 2000 p. 612).
However, the main theoretical perspective, for employing a strategic orientation, such
as with ESG, is the development of capabilities that differentiate one firm from its rivals,
enable the firm to improve performance, and thereby provide competitive advantage. This
perspective is embodied in Raising Rivals’ Costs (RRC) theory (Director and Levi 1956),
in Differentiation strategy (Porter 1985a), in the Resource based view (RBV) theory of
the firm (Barney 1991; Rumelt 1984; Wernerfelt 1984) and in extensions of RBV— the
According to the Raising Rivals’ Costs (RRC) theory, firms essentially have three
different types of strategies to increase the cost of their rivals (Director and Levi 1956). All
involve increasing the cost of a resource to competitors (McWilliams et al. 2002). The first
type of strategy involves the firm monopolizing a resource that is necessary to competitors.
When this can be accomplished, the firm can charge competitors a monopoly price, while
charging a lower price when transferring the resource within its own firm. This creates a
cost advantage for the initiating firm (Sibley and Weisman 1998; McAfee 1999). The
second type of strategy that increases the cost to their rivals is to use differentiation to
secure a unique reputation and public recognition as a high status firm (D’Aveni 1996).
High status firms have been shown to have particular access to low cost capital (Fombrun
and Shanley 1990) and to have unique pricing benefits (Podolny 1993), where low status
firms have been shown to have actually been blocked out of bidding processes (Stevens
1991). The third Raising Rivals’ Costs tactic is to use the political process to influence
legislation or agency rulings that restrict the use of a resource by competitors. When this
can be accomplished, the government restriction on the resource forces competitors to pay
a higher price for the resource or to use an inferior resource (McWilliams et al. 2002). As
with the first strategy, this strategy creates a cost advantage for the initiating firm.
The second Raising Rivals’ Costs (RRC) strategy, the one that uses differentiation
and creates a unique reputation that cannot be easily imitated (McWilliams et al. 2002), is
an example of a strategy that enables firms to outperform their rivals through fair play, and
espoused by Michael Porter is consistent with Raising Rivals’ Costs strategy in that
[or company] is superior to that of other firms, based on brand, quality, and performance,
The resource-based view (RBV) theory of the firm (Barney 1991; Rumelt 1984;
Wernerfelt 1984) posits that a firm, through the set of resources it possesses, can develop
capabilities that provide competitive advantage. RBV has become a valuable theoretical
perspective increasingly used to analyze manufacturing and supply chain strategies (Hult
et al. 2006; Schroeder et al. 2002; St. John et al. 2001). It is consistent with RRC and
create a valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable (VRIN) framework, as the primary
The relational view suggests that organizational capabilities can be developed by the
combination of resources existing in different organizations in the supply chain (Dyer and
Singh 1998; Takeishi 2001). Sharing these capabilities, through collaboration, creates
value among supply chain members in the form of inter-organizational learning (Vachon
involving supplier and/or customers (Schroeder et al. 2002), and in addition to being one
of the resources that can be developed in the supply chain, inter-organizational learning
can instill additional capabilities in organizations (Dyer and Singh 1998; Grant 1996a).
for strategic ESG collaboration in the Supply Chain, for it is posited that ESG risk factors
can materially impact a firm’s valuation. Stakeholder theory holds the firm as an entity
through which many and varied participants accomplish multiple purposes. It takes the
position that firms produce externalities that affect many parties, whether internal or
external to the firm, and that these externalities often cause stakeholders to increase
pressures on firms to reduce negative impacts and increase positive ones. Agency theory
puts forward the notion that executive-level managers are agents for shareholders, and
maximizing the present value of the firm is the appropriate motivating principle for
management. This implies that a firm’s agents are interested in increasing returns relative
to exposure to negative forces, many of which are disclosed in ESG information. Prospect
theory indicates that strategists are risk-seeking when recent performance has been
unsatisfactory and risk-averse when recent performance levels have been attained or
surpassed, opening the door for disclosure of ESG information to drive leaders to reduce
negative performance and to increase positive results. Raising Rivals’ Costs (RRC) theory
hypothesizes that differentiation creates a unique reputation that cannot be easily imitated.
firms to outperform their rivals through fair play, and by effectively incorporating
perception that a product, service or company is superior to that of others, based on brand,
quality, and performance. Thus, it is believed that reputational capital can be enhanced by
strategies, and is also tied to long-term sustainability. Resource Based View (RBV) theory
posits that a firm, through the set of resources it possesses, can develop capabilities
providing competitive advantage, and Relational View theory suggests that organizational
organizations in the supply chain. Sharing these capabilities, through collaboration, creates
value among supply chain members in the form of intra- and inter-organizational learning.
Rivals’ Costs (RRC), Differentiation strategy, Resource Based View (RBV) and Relational
improved performance and sustained competitive advantage (see Table 1). This “working
together,” or collaboration among supply chain members, can equally benefit other
Over the past half century, studies that employ definitions of Corporate Social
500, 1991 p. 283). Because this definition has been used successfully for research purposes,
it has become important in thinking about the ‘business case’ of CSR (Carroll and Shabana
As with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the rationale or case for ESG is similar,
and may be categorized under four arguments: (1) reducing cost and risk; (2) strengthening
legitimacy and reputation; (3) creating win–win situations through synergistic value
creation with stakeholders; and (4) building competitive advantage (Kurucz et al. 2008).
Carroll and Shabana (2010) expand upon these arguments in building a business case
for CSR (Carroll and Shabana 2010), and likewise this approach can be applied for building
the ESG case. First, in this regard, cost and risk reduction arguments could posit that ESG
may allow a firm to realize tax benefits or avoid strict regulation, which would lower its
cost. The firm could also lower the risk of opposition by its stakeholders through ESG
activities. Second, legitimacy and reputation arguments could hold that ESG activities may
help a firm strengthen its legitimacy and reputation by demonstrating that it can meet the
competing needs of its stakeholders and at the same time operate profitably. A firm
therefore would be perceived as a member of its community, and its operations would be
certain ESG activities, a firm may be able to improve their reputational standing, improve
their ESG performance, improve profitability, build stronger relationships with its
stakeholders, build employee loyalty, reduce employee turnover, attract better employee
talent, and build customer loyalty, etc. resulting in the potential ability of the firm to
differentiate itself from its industry peers and competitors. Fourth, synergistic value
creation arguments could hold that ESG activities may present opportunities for a firm that
would allow it to fulfill the needs of its stakeholders and at the same time pursue its profit
and illustrating that ESG collaboration in the supply chain has a positive economic impact
on performance, could have important implications. These implications could drive interest
among academics and practitioners, and encourage researchers to make the business case
This prospect provides the motivation to: 1) define key ESG collaboration constructs
and sub-constructs; 2) build a research model that defines the relevant constructs and their
inter-relationships; and 3) validate the hypotheses that describe the complex relationships
through primary and secondary empirical data. This is done in the context of ESG risk
This section expands on the simplified research models introduced earlier in Figures 2a
and 3a. The expanded research models are depicted in Figures 2b and 3b. These figures
identify the sub-constructs associated with the three major constructs. The first major
Collaboration (GC). The second major construct, ESG Activity/ Practice (ESGAP), is also
Activity/ Practice (SAP), and Governance Activity/ Practice (GAP). Like the previous two
major constructs, the third major construct, ESG Performance (ESGP) is also comprised of
compound annual growth rates (CAGR)— EBIT, EBITDA, Gross Profit Margin (GPR),
Gross Profit (GPR), Net Income (Loss) (NI_(LOSS)), Operating Profit Margin (OPM),
Price of Common Stock (PRCC_F), Revenue, Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity
The expanded models, in Figures 2b and 3b, hypothesize that ESG Collaboration in the
supply chain influences ESG Activity/ Practice, which in turn influences ESG
Performance, and thus Financial Performance. They also depict the underlying model with
major constructs, sub-constructs, potential data sources, and four significant hypothesized
relationships. These four hypothesized relationships comprise eleven hypotheses, and are
In this section, definitions for the major constructs, sub-constructs and measurement items
ESG Collaboration (ESGC) is defined as the direct involvement of an organization with its
internal departments, both functional and operational, and with its key Suppliers and major
Customers in planning jointly for ESG solutions. ESG Collaboration can include, in
addition to joint ESG planning, joint ESG goal-setting, joint ESG decision-making, joint
reduction of negative ESG impacts, and shared ESG know-how or shared ESG knowledge.
In this regard, ESG collaboration is less concerned with the immediate outcome of supply
chain member efforts (e.g. compliance with existing rules and regulations), and more
interested in the means by which more robust and positive ESG solutions may be achieved.
Accordingly, the focus in this paper is on collaboration among a focal firm, its internal
operations and functional departments, its suppliers and suppliers’ supplier and its
customers and customers’ customer on issues related to, associated with, or being
concerned with the ecological impact of altering the surroundings, its co-existence and
interaction with other organisms, and its system of internal controls and procedures by
which individual companies are managed. Collaboration in this context, envisions healthy
intra- and inter-organizational relationships where focal firms, suppliers and customers
plan together the reduction of negative ESG impact from procedures, production processes,
technical and nontechnical information, and requires a mutual willingness to learn about
each other’s operations in order to plan and set goals for ESG improvement. ESG
collaboration also implies cooperation to reduce the ESG impact associated with material
and information flows in the supply chain. Healthy ESG collaboration, not only
regard to ESG management, but it also assumes that benefits, including environmental,
social, governance and economical ones, will accrue to all participating parties. ESGC
ESG Activity/ Practice (ESGAP) refers to investment of resources in routines, processes,
practices or activity for the continuous improvement of firm performance in the area of
governance. This dimension addresses how a company manages a broad range of ESG
operational issues in their company. It expresses actually what the firm does, regarding its
(EAP), Social Activity/ Practice (SAP), and Governance Activity/ Practice (GAP).
Financial Performance (FP) is the quantitative result obtained from investing in routines,
impacts on the organization. It also refers to high acts of a firm where its business results
are superior to that of directly comparable organizations. ‘‘Superior implies that firms seek
a level of . . . performance that exceeds that of referents, often its closest competitors’’
(Morgan and Strong 2003; Porter 1991; Chakravarthy 1986). Financial Performance (FP)
encompasses the sub-constructs, EBIT, EBITDA, Gross Profit Margin (GPR), Gross Profit
(GPR), Net Income (Loss) (NI_(LOSS)), Operating Profit Margin (OPM), Price of
Common Stock (PRCC_F), Revenue, Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE),
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), and Return on Sales (ROS), and is measured in
Working together, or collaboration, by focal firms with upstream suppliers and downstream
customers, goes beyond existing market boundaries. Collaboration enables focal firms to
grow through external networking, beyond cross-functional integration (Hong and Jeong
2006). Collaboration utilizes value chain capabilities to deal with supply chain issues, and
Klassen 2008), and in order for focal firms to achieve increasing benefits afforded by
collaborative activities, stand out, and become dominant among their peers, these firms
strengths (Hong and Jeong 2006). These strengths, among many, may include product and
service development capabilities and supplier and customer relationship skills (Hong and
Jeong 2006).
might generate competitive advantage (Grant 1996a), and case evidence supports the
collaboration—performance link. Some cases cited in extant literature, during the last
decade or so, include: Improved product quality (Gavaghan et al. 1998); improved
productivity (Geffen and Rothenberg 2000); and improved financial performance (Carter
et al. 2000). However, not only are collaboration attributes and capabilities expected to
translate into improved cost and quality (Hart 1997; Porter and van der Linde 1995), as
suggested in extant literature, but collaboration attributes and capabilities can also be
In this context, environmental collaboration takes the form of joint planning and
decision making regarding environmental issues (Vachon and Klassen 2008). This view is
consistent with examples and cases presented in the green supply chain literature (Geffen
and Rothenberg 2000; Hall 2000; Handfield et al. 1997), and include activities such as
green purchasing (Zsidisin and Siferd 2001), design for the environment (Vachon et al.
2001), life-cycle analysis (Vachon et al. 2001), reverse logistics (Prahinski and
Kocabasoglu 2006; Vachon et al. 2001) and product stewardship (Snir 2001).
The common thread among these collaborative activities is that they are all boundary-
spanning environmental activities, and they require varying degrees of interaction with
other organizations upstream and downstream in the supply chain (Vachon and Klassen
knowledge exchange (Vachon and Klassen 2008) among the participants, and the working
environmental benefits, but also the potential for synergistic economic benefits, as well.
proactive environmental management orientation (Bowen et al. 2001), and was also
resource-base-view (NRBV) of the firm (Russo and Fouts 1997). NRBV considers the
natural environment into RBV to theoretically create a sustained competitive advantage,
and has been associated with positive environmental performance (Aragon-Correa 1998;
This paper argues that focal firms, attempting to achieve sustainability, improved firm
performance and competitive advantage, can enhance their chances by collaborating with
its internal operational and functional departments, and with its upstream suppliers and
downstream customers in the supply chain, regarding, not only environmental practices,
but also regarding social and governance practices, as well. Therefore this paper logically
collaboration in the supply chain by proposing the following links: 1) ESG Internal
performance link; and 3) ESG Customer Collaboration— financial performance link. Thus,
that ESG Collaboration has an indirect relationship with financial performance of the focal
Performance. For that reason, this paper suggests the following series of hypotheses, in the
pertinent issues, and generally spawns two key competitive advantages. The first
competitive advantage of collaboration points up the fact that collaboration includes
knowledge integration and cooperation between organizations. These benefits have been
recognized as resources that can generate competitive advantage (Grant 1996a). In this
context, focal firms that adopt collaborative activities with their internal operating
departments and their key suppliers, and major customers can develop organizational
capabilities (Lorenzoni and Lipparini 1999), which in turn, can be expected to transform,
not only into features, such as cost and quality (Hart 1997; Porter and van der Linde 1995),
but also into improved operational, financial and marketing performance. Literature
review, regarding collaboration, identifies case evidence giving support to the linkage
between collaboration and improved productivity (Geffen and Rothenberg 2000). It also
identifies limited surveys that support improved product quality (Gavaghan et al. 1998)
The second competitive advantage of collaboration points up the fact that collaboration
capabilities (Russo and Fouts 1997), and is often associated with positive performance
(Aragon-Correa 1998; Porter and van der Linde 1995), because a proactive management
orientation anticipates potential issues and attempts to eradicate them before they become
ESG Collaboration is a proactive management orientation that seeks joint planning and
joint decision-making, with internal operating departments and key suppliers, and major
customers, in order to share knowledge, cooperate with each other, and jointly achieve
goals on ESG issues. Consistent with the benefits obtained with collaboration on other
supply chain issues, it is expected that ESG collaboration can also achieve competitive
advantages associated with resources such as knowledge integration, and intra- and inter-
organizational capabilities that can be translated into improved activities and practices,
improved ESG Performance, and to improved Financial Performance (FP) or, more
externally, between a firm and its suppliers, or between a firm and its customers. Cohen
and Roussel (2005), found in their research, that companies, frequently, do not effectively
collaborate internally. The lack of successful internal collaboration, by a focal firm, implies
that external collaboration will also be ineffective. This finding supports the notion that
‘internal collaboration, first’ logic, Erhun and Keskinocak (2011), in their research, argue
that collaboration should often start with internal departments within a firm, and then
the focal firm (Stank et al. 2001), and according to some studies, focal firms, “that have
relationships” (Sabath and Fontanella 2002). Furthermore, such collaboration can create
synergy that fosters improvement across the broader supply chain network (Vachon and
Klassen 2008).
The literature on collaboration identifies that collaboration internally, within
externally, without organizations, is also beneficial and leads to internal collaboration. The
logical extension of this repetitive collaboration cycle reinforces itself, and implies that
increases internal collaboration, and so on, and so on. Organizations participating in this
collaboration cycle can logically be expected to develop capabilities and resources that are
valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable, which can lead to unique competitive
Collaboration essentially refers to a tight coupling between (and within) firms seeking
between the two ends of the governance continuum of vertical integration and market
exchange (Cao and Zhang 2011). In this regard, collaboration puts emphasis on governance
through relational and contract means (Nyaga et al. 2010), thereby, implying that
Governance Collaboration (GC) in the supply chain is important to all supply chain
members, from the suppliers’ supplier, to the focal company, to the customers’ customer.
Since the supply chain is a network of companies, a governance failure in any one of the
nodes of the network can have dramatic consequences for the remaining supply chain
members and for the entire supply chain. Governance collaboration with supply chain
partners, like collaboration on other supply chain issues, can achieve competitive
advantages associated with knowledge integration and intra- and inter- organizational
improved activities and practices, as well as improved operational, financial and market
performances. Therefore, governance is a factor that should not be ignored, but should be
considered in seeking the best possible results for focal firms and their supply chain
The past couple of decades have highlighted the role that risks, posed by governance
breakdowns, can have on society. These risks are often cited for the governance failures at
Enron Corporation, Worldcom, Parmalat, and others in the early 2000s and the more recent
troubles at the Bear Stearns Companies, Lehman Brothers Holdings, and Northern Rock.
The governance failures cited most often include: a lack of transparency and internal
controls; inadequate risk management systems; and remuneration systems that are
disconnected from the long-term strategic interests of the company. Other failures include:
shareowners from the misplaced priorities of board members; the manipulation and
failure to adequately measure risk) by management and other groups that exercised
significant influence over a company’s affairs; and, in some instances, outright fraud (CFA
These governance failures have resulted in the loss of trillions of dollars of investors’
capital around the world, and the loss tens of thousands of jobs. As a consequence,
academics and investors have continued to probe the link between corporate governance
and performance to define exactly what constitutes good corporate governance at a level
that is measurable by researchers and investors (Larker, Richardson and Tuna 2007).
As such, a number of studies, published in recent years, reinforce the link between good
corporate governance and strong profitability, and between good corporate governance and
investment performance. (See Gompers, Ishii and Metrick 2009; Brave, Jiang, Thomas and
Partnoy 2008; Bhagat and Bolton 2007; Larker, Richardson and Tuna 2007; Anson, White
and Ho 2004; Brown and Caylor 2004; and Bauer and Guenster 2003). These studies
suggest that good corporate governance plays a significant role in maintaining viable
sustainable enterprises.
In the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) stream of literature, internal and external
monitoring (by board leadership, independent boards, institutional investors, and security
analysts) has been positively linked to corporate social responsibility (CSR) (Jo and
Harjoto 2011). Although CSR does not specifically address governance management, as
does environmental social governance (ESG), CSR does include the other two—
environmental variables (e.g., product, environment, etc.) and social variables (e.g.,
employee, diversity, community, etc.) (Hillman and Keim 2001; Baron et al. 2011; and Jo
governance activity/ practice, being a form of proactive management, is posited to be
monitoring activities.
The logic, gleaned from literature review, and validated by executive experience,
confirm that good corporate governance matters. It starts within the focal firm, and is
improved through the collaboration process with supply chain partners. Good governance
promotes trust in the firm, and in its people, and it improves morale among staff and
stakeholders, and leads to improved reputations. Good corporate governance ensures that
rules, regulations and laws, particularly those associated with environmental and social
issues, are followed, and when not followed, corrective action is implemented.
(CSR) (Jo and Harjoto 2011), and since CSR includes environmental and social variables
(Hillman and Keim 2001; Baron et al. 2011; and Jo and Harjoto 2011), which implies that
corporate governance positively influences environmental and social factors, and since the
cycle of collaboration leads to increased collaboration (Stank et al. 2001; and Erhun and
Keskinocak 2011; and Jo and Harjoto 2011), a logical extension can be made to link
Hypothesis 1b (H1b). As a firm’s Governance Collaboration in the supply chain
Academic research and practitioner experience confirm that good corporate governance is
an essential factor to the success of any enterprise. It connects the firm, and its’ Board, to
its membership and stakeholders. It improves the quality of the decisions that are made,
and it improves the ability of the organization to weather a crisis. It pursues excellence,
seeks continuous improvement, and ensures people and organizations are accountable for
their actions and decisions. Good governance establishes activities and practices that
clarify authority, simplify decision-making, improve financial stability, and assure goals
are established and achieved, in order to serve the interests of stockholders and other
collaboration cycle can logically be expected to develop capabilities and resources that are
valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable, which can lead to unique competitive
years, reinforce the link between good corporate governance and financial performance
(Gompers et al. 2003; 2010; and Jo and Harjoto 2011), and since collaboration is linked to
improved activities and practices, then a logical extension can be made to link Governance
Practice (GAP) to Governance Performance (GP), and Governance Performance (GP) to
Financial Performance (FP). Thus, these associations, in the supply chain context, can
certain management activities and practices. The premise of this theory makes it
management practices.
Institutional theory highlights the role of social and cultural pressures imposed on
and normative isomorphism. These institutional mechanisms create a basis for developing
a common culture and mindset. The common culture and mindset is designed to produce
similar activities and practices across organizations that share a common organizational
field. Such a field includes, not only, resource and product consumers, regulatory agencies,
and other organizations that produce similar services or products (DiMaggio and Powell
1983, p. 148), but it also includes key suppliers, major customers, and operational and
Jennings and Zandbergen (1995) argue that, coercive factors (particularly, in the form
been the main thrust of environmental management practices, and because of that, firms
throughout each industry have implemented similar practices. They maintain that firms that
share the same organizational field are affected in similar ways by the institutional forces
that originate from them. One example is the coercive force that manifests itself in
management activities and practices (such as certifying to the ISO 14001 environmental
consumers demand that such practices be adopted and implemented. This same coercive
pressure is mimicked and applied, by focal firms, in order to require key suppliers to adopt
and implement the same ISO 14001 international organization standards. In this regard,
firms, that share a common organizational field, are persuaded and incentivized to
collaborate, adopt and succumb to these isomorphic institutional pressures, because of the
potential business and financial rewards (such as sales, market share, rents and profits, etc.)
that collectively accrue to the participants in the network. Hence, collaboration with firms,
in the same organizational field, results in establishing standards, practicing imitation and
develop capabilities and resources that are valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable.
practices, and although coercive pressures may help explain the adoption of environmental
implement such activities and practices to reap the potential business and financial rewards,
that may accrue to the supply chain members. Alternatively, not implementing such
environmental activities and practices may result in the loss of business and financial
rewards, or even result in damage to brand equity or reputational capital, or the imposition
Thus, these associations, in the supply chain context, can plausibly lead to the following
socially responsible management activities and practices. Institutional theorists argue that
firms are more likely to mimic the behavior of other firms that are tied to them through
networks (Guler et al. 2002). These firms collaborate with each other, mimic, adopt and
implement social activities and practices of other successful firms. They adopt these social
activities and practices because of the desire to be a good neighbor, to improve talent
management, to improve or maintain relations with their communities, and to improve their
company’s goodwill, brand equity, and reputational capital. With respect to the latter,
managers become concerned with preserving the reputation of their firms for the sake of
Goodwill, brand equity, and reputational capital are important, because they impact
stakeholders, relative to a firm’s prices, products, goods, services, information and money.
acceptances or rejections impact the firm’s operational and financial performances, and
ultimately the firm’s value. Thus, as posited, at least, with goodwill, brand equity, and
reputational capital, risk and opportunity to a firm’s appeal can be regarded as a function
of the public’s perception of the social activities and practices in which a firm engages, and
to the performances that result from those social activities and practices.
Generally speaking, according to Campbell (2007), activity and practices that are
They include: 1) firms must not knowingly do anything that could harm their
community within which they operate; and 2) if firms do cause harm to their stakeholders,
they must then rectify it whenever the harm is discovered, and brought to their attention.
These requirements identify the minimum standard for firms to behave in socially
responsible ways. Maignan and Ralston (2002) identified three motivations for socially
managers believed that this behavior enhanced the financial performance of their firms;
and 3) stakeholders— particularly, customers, regulators, community, and other coercive
capabilities and resources that are valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable. These
capabilities and resources translate to improved social activities and practices, and although
coercive pressures may help explain the adoption of social activities and practices by some
participants, the participants generally continue to implement such activities and practices
to reap the potential business and financial rewards, that may accrue to the supply chain
because they seek to build brand equity, and improve reputational capital, by making
investments in social activities and practices they believe will give them their desired
compromised, it becomes increasingly more difficult for the firm to continue doing
business with its major customers and key suppliers. When supply chain partners lose faith
in a firm, and no longer trust it, they will generally take their business elsewhere, and the
firm’s profitability may suffer (MacCaulay 1963). Therefore, a logical extension can be
made to link Social Collaboration (SC) to Social Activity/ Practice (SAP). Thus, this
association, in the supply chain context, can reasonably be stated in the following
48 Environmental Activity/ Practice Linked to Performance
capabilities, that, when implemented in the form of environmental activities and practices
(EAP), give firms synergistic environmental benefits that are greater than what could have
pressures. These firms work together on environmental goals to reduce emissions, waste,
water, energy, fuel, etc. They disclose environmental issues, share environmental policies,
and learn each other’s responsibilities, capabilities, and operations in order to achieve
implementing activities to reduce pollution from production processes, and from chemical
use, waste, storage and disposal, etc. They also anticipate and resolve environmental-
related problems, such as developing recovery systems for fuel, waste, reuse, recycle,
practices, such as, using eco-friendly, recyclable, and substitute materials, bio-degradable
‘How do specific environmental activities and practices improve performance’ is a
question that many researchers ask. Specific environmental activities and practices
partially impact the firm’s cost structure in various ways. Depending on the environmental
activities and practices adopted and implemented, operational costs associated with
material use, waste, packaging, storage, disposal, and equipment, etc., will vary.
Additionally, brand equity and reputational capital will be impacted. The goal is to reduce
operational costs, while growing the business, without harming the eco-system, or breaking
laws, regulations or regulatory enforcement limits. The more successful the environmental
activities and practices are, the more those activities will contribute to the improvement of
These environmental activities and practices (EAP) generate benefits in terms of: 1)
improved environmental performance (Vachon and Klassen 2008); 2) cost and quality
(Klassen and Vachon 2003; Klassen and Whybark 1999b; Hart 1997; Porter and van der
Linde 1995); 3) financial performance (Carter et al. 2000); and 4) performing better on
wealth) (Jo and Harjoto 2011). Therefore, this research develops the following hypotheses:
From the resource-based view (RBV) perspective, with regards to social collaboration,
firms work together on social issues to develop resources and capabilities, that, when
implemented in the form of social activities and practices (SAP), give firms synergistic
social benefits that are greater than what could have been obtained, if no collaboration on
social issues were involved. From the institutional theory perspective, many firms
collaborate and implement social activities and practices because of coercive (particularly,
(creating similarity in form) pressures. These firms work together on social goals to
improve labor practices, employee working conditions, training, skills development and
total wages paid. They also collaborate to promote gender and ethnic equality, reduce
workplace injury and illness rates, abolish child or compulsory labor, and prevent
workplace discrimination, etc. They disclose social issues, share policies on Remuneration,
Health & Safety, Human Rights and Training, etc., and learn each other’s responsibilities,
collaborating on social issues also pool resources to improve the impact of their operations,
such as implementing activities and practices to increase local jobs, develop local
infrastructure, etc. They also anticipate and resolve social-related problems, such as
proactively identify and correct possible, human rights concerns and corporate social
adverse social impact of their products by implementing activities and practices, such as
providing public service announcements, training and incentives to return, recycle or reuse
‘end of use’ products, promote use of returnable, recyclable packages and containers, etc.
many researchers ask. Specific social activities and practices partially impact the firm’s
brand equity and reputational capital in specific ways. The goal is to improve the appeal of
the firm in the eyes of customers and other stakeholders, so that the firm can improve
business rewards, such as sales, market share, rents, and access to top employees, etc., and
simultaneously, reduce penalties, such as fines, sanctions, increased regulations, etc. The
more successful the social activities and practices are, the more those activities will
These social activities and practices (SAP) generate benefits in terms of: 1) improved
social performance (Jo and Harjoto 2011); 2) improved corporate financial performance
(CFP) (Margolis and Walsh 2003). 3) performing better on their conventional corporate
performance (profitability and maximizing shareholders wealth) (Jo and Harjoto 2011).
capabilities, that, when implemented in the form of governance activities and practices
(GAP), give firms synergistic governance benefits, that are greater than what could have
These firms work together on governance goals to align supply chain goals with
business objectives, track performance against goals, translate goals into actionable targets
for all employees across all functions, meet customer and other stakeholder expectations,
meet responsible sourcing requirements, and adopt fair and open communications, etc.
They disclose governance issues, share ethics policies, report annually sustainable
reputations, rebuild public trust, improve living and working conditions, and make long-
term commitments and investments that create trust in the community, etc. They also
companies seek to reduce adverse governance impact of their products, by implementing
activities and practices, such as, procuring quality raw material inputs, purchasing inputs
from ethical and responsible business partners, and buying from sources that embrace core
human values, labor standards, the environment, and anti-corruption stances, etc.
question many researchers ask. Specific governance activities and practices partially
impact firm performance in specific ways. The goal of governance is to provide a system
of internal controls and procedures to direct, administer, and manage all of the affairs of
the organization, in order to serve the interests of the stockholders and other stakeholders.
maintain this focus, and implement best-in-class practices. Specific activities and practices
support this goal by obtaining varying levels of return in exchange for varying levels of
risk. Over the long-term, quality decisions are made that increase the returns for given
levels of risk. The higher the spread, the better the performance will be, which leads to
These governance activities and practices (GAP) generate benefits in terms of: 1)
3) positive corporate financial performance (Gompers et al. 2003; 2010); and 4) enhanced
corporate financial performance (Jo and Harjoto 2011). Therefore, this research develops
Hypothesis 4c (H4c). As a firm’s Governance Performance in the supply chain
Chapter Three
This section discusses the instrument development and pilot testing processes for the
primary survey data collection method. The pilot test was conducted using a small sample
of three respondents to evaluate the feasibility, time, cost, and adverse events, concerning
the ESG collaboration research study in an attempt to improve upon the study design prior
major Customers” were adopted from previous studies (Vachon and Klassen 2008; and
Ellinger et al. 2000) (see Appendix A, “Questionnaire Items – Original”). Since these
instruments have been tested in previous studies and were found to be valid and reliable,
they were not tested again in the pilot study of this research. These questions were then
adapted and included in the Social Collaboration and Governance Collaboration portions
Three executive business leaders were invited to complete a manual copy of the ESG
Fabrication company. All three were asked to complete the survey, note any questions that
they did not understand, and record the amount of time that it took them to complete the
survey. Two of the executives— the Attorney and the Banker completed the survey during
the pilot test. The average time it took these two executives to complete the test was 32
minutes, and the main comment for each question was that they needed examples to better
understand the questions. A sample of the typical question asked of these two executives
Based on the feedback from the Attorney and the Banker, the typical question was
revised to include examples for each question. The typical question that was revised can
be seen in Appendix C. This set of questions were given to the third executive (the Plant
Manager), and was asked to complete the survey, note any questions that they did not
understand, and record the amount of time that it took them to complete the survey. This
executive completed the manual survey in 20 minutes and had relatively few questions.
Based on this feed-back, the typical questions, listed in Appendix D, were formatted and
included in the web-based large scale survey launch. An introductory cover letter, in
Appendix E, was attached and distributed to the target executives, and the attached
As previously indicated, the current research uses an online survey to collect primary
data. The design of the web survey was done using Qualtrics, a web-based survey software
friendly and easy to complete, with questions as straight forward as possible, so that the
respondent knows precisely what is asked, and therefore able to provide the most accurate
response possible.
Since previous research had not found significant differences between a single page
form and a multi-page form survey presentation (Batagelj and Vehovar 1998), a multi-page
form was adopted to separate the questions by subject matter to avoid confusion of the
suppliers and major customers” questions were placed on one page; “social collaboration
with internal departments, key suppliers and major customers” questions were placed on a
second page; and “governance collaboration with internal departments, key suppliers and
Questions regarding ESG Activity/ Practice were separated by subject and included on
separate pages. For instance, “environmental activity/ practice with internal operating
units” questions were on one page; “social activity/ practice with internal operating units”
questions were on a second page; and “governance activity/ practice with internal operating
units” questions were on one page; “social performance of internal operating units”
questions were on a second page; and “governance performance of internal operating units”
With regards to the current research, the prospective respondents need to have
experience and knowledge in joint planning and joint goal-setting with the members of the
supply chain, on environmental social governance (ESG) issues. Therefore, it was decided
to seek input from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (or his/her direct report with
accountability for ESG/ Sustainability reporting), or from other appropriate senior level
managers (e.g. President, COO, CFO, Executive Vice President, Chief Sustainability
Compliance Officer, etc.) from the largest U.S. Listed companies, as respondents for this
A survey instrument was developed based on the previously reviewed literature. 3
phone conversations were held with the three original executives to review the
questionnaire. After the discussions, the questionnaire was tweaked and modified to refine
A mailing list was acquired from a third party. In addition to the mailing list, this
resource provides email and contact information for CEOs of the largest U.S. Listed
distribution of the web-based survey to the targeted population, which is the Russell 1000
implemented. The three point questionnaire administration process followed these steps:
1) send an email with a link to the Internet survey; 2) send another email with a link to the
survey at 6 weeks; and if needed 3) send a further link at 12 weeks. Reminders were sent
six to eight weeks after the initial introduction letters, and again six to eight weeks after
the reminder letters were sent. This process was repeated with other executives in each of
the Russell 800 firms until the resultant 81 respondents were received over a period of
eighteen to twenty-four months, with 20 firms self-identifying with their name and ticker
A stock market index is a method of measuring a section of the stock market. The Russell
1000 Index is a stock market index that measures the performance of the large-cap segment
of the U.S. equity universe. It is a subset of the Russell 3000 Index (which represents 98%
of the investible US equity market), and includes approximately 1,000 of the largest
membership. The Russell 1000 represents approximately 92% of the U.S. market
unbiased barometer for the large-cap segment and is completely reconstituted annually to
ensure new and growing equities are reflected (Russell Investments, 2010).
The Russell 1000 Index is a finite population, and the target population developed in
this study are the Russell 1000 companies that file 10K financial statements with the
Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), in the period of study, and the Russell 1000
companies that do not. This division ensures that all companies chosen for this study
operate under the same environmental, social and governance rules and regulations of the
U.S. Government, namely the EPA, OSHA, SEC, Sarbanes-Oxley, and Dodd-Frank, etc.
It is estimated that 800 companies, out of the Russell 1000 company population, filed
10K financial statements with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), in the period
of study, resulting in a target population proportion of 80% (800/1000). Samples from this
800 company population were used to test the hypothetical framework described to
determine the relationship between ESG Collaboration in the Supply Chain and
Performance. 81 sample respondents from 800 company population returned the survey,
resulting in a response rate of 10.1% (81/800) (see Figure 1f). Of the 81 respondent firms,
24.7% (20/81) of the firms self-identified, with stock ticker symbols, enabling the
researchers to extract secondary financial data, in order to empirically test the ESG
3.3 Data Collection – Secondary Data Methodologies
The authors’ motivation for using secondary data methodologies to empirically examine
the relationship between ESG performance and firm financial performance was inspired
by research conducted by previous scholars in the operations and supply chain management
(OSCM) literature. These scholars recognized that the availability of data collected by
corporations, government agencies, news agencies, industry groups, and other parties is
growing very rapidly, and note that the growing use of communications and information
systems to collect data has created numerous opportunities for research that employs
secondary data (Boyer and Swink 2008). Recent articles (Roth 2007; Fisher 2007) have
called for more research using secondary data, and examined some of the benefits and
Some of the benefits of secondary data sources include wide availability, lower data
collection expense, and that they are generally more ‘‘objective’’ than self-reported survey
data (Boyer and Swink 2008; Singhal 2008), particularly with respect to performance data
(Singhal 2008).
Some limitations of secondary data sources include dependence on the quality of the
data, on the standards and on protocols that govern their collection— factors which are
usually outside the control of the researcher. Therefore, since the researcher is dependent
on another party for data collection, she/he must assume that the data were collected
Other limitations of secondary data research include: 1) available data might not
include measures that tap the construct of interest exactly (Boyer and Swink 2008; Singhal
2008), frequently leaving researchers with proxy measures that may only partially
represent or reflect the theoretically relevant variables (Boyer and Swink 2008); 2) data
from computers or reports are not always accurate, or devoid of bias; 3) data is noisy (e.g.,
This research evaluates the relationship among ESG Collaboration in the Supply Chain,
ESG Activity/ Practice, ESG Operational Performance and Financial Performance using a
subset of ESG corporate-wide measures, which are common to most companies, have been
of interest to many (Eccles, Krzus and Serafeim 2011), and have caused risk issues in the
past (CFA 2008; Bloomberg 2010). These measurement-items are listed in the survey
instrument in the appendix. Aside from the ESG Collaboration, ESG Activity/ Practice and
ESG Operational Performance data, which were gathered from a primary survey, the
Since this research incorporates two types of data— categorical perceptual (primary)
variables and continuous objective (secondary) variables— this research analyzes their
hypothesized relationships, using the variance based and prediction oriented, Partial Least
indicate that ESG Collaboration in the Supply Chain increases ESG Management Activity/
Practice, which in turn improves ESG performance and has a favorable bottom-line
influence on Financial Performance. Findings, summaries, conclusions, contributions,
Chapter Four
management research, when it comes to analyzing the cause–effect relations between latent
component analysis (PCA) and linear regression analysis (Fornell 1982 1987), making it a
second generation multivariate analysis technique that is beneficial for the practice of
developing and testing theories (Hair et al. 2013; Ringle et al. 2012; Shook et al. 2004;
Steenkamp and Baumgartner 2000). SEM, which essentially has become a popular choice
2000; Joreskog 1978, 1982; Rigdon 1998), and variance-based partial least squares (PLS)
path modeling (PLS-SEM) (Hair et al. 2013; Lohmoller 1989; Rigdon 2012; Wold 1982).
approach, are different, but complementary, in that the PLS-SEM approach’s advantages
are the CB-SEM approach’s disadvantages, and vice versa (Fornell and Bookstein 1982;
Hair et al. 2011b, Henseler, Ringle, and Sinkovics 2009; Joreskog and Wold 1982;
minimize the difference between the covariance matrix (that is implicit in the theoretical
framework) and its sample covariance matrix (Editorial 2013a). Its basic objective, along
with variance explanation, is to closely estimate a covariance matrix that matches that of
the observed sample data. In this regard, assuming the existence of valid and reliable
constructs, the overarching goal of CB-SEM is to achieve model “fit” (Hair et al. 2011a).
framework, and seeks to maximize their explained variance, such as that which is
represented in the coefficient of determination, R2, value. Its basic objective, in addition to
In 1974, PLS-SEM was introduced as a soft modeling approach (Wold 1974, 1982), or
path analysis with composites approach (Marcoulides and Saunders 2006). It was
considered to be more flexible than CB-SEM, in applying statistical techniques, and sought
to overcome the rigid assumptions of CB-SEM. Since its introduction, PLS-SEM has
increased in popularity (Editorial 2013b), and thanks to software tools, such as LVPLS
(Lohmoller 1984), PLS Graph (Chin 2003), SmartPLS 2 (Ringle et al. 2005), and
application as a method, in both academic research and in business research practice (Hair
approach for a myriad of reasons. One study, in particular, looked at all the empirical
research articles, using the PLS-SEM path method, that were published in MIS Quarterly,
in the 20-year period from 1992 through 2011 (Ringle et al. 2012). The authors found that
there were 65 journal articles containing 109 applications deploying the PLS-SEM
technique. The most cited reasons for employing the PLS-SEM technique included the
following: 1) small sample size (24 studies (30.77%)); 2) non-normal data (20 studies,
33.85%)); and 3) formative measured latent variables (20 studies (30.77%)). In an editorial
publication, Hair et al. (2013) suggested that PLS-SEM’s use in strategic management
in a 2011 research study, that, “PLS-SEM path modeling, if appropriately applied, can
indeed be a ‘silver bullet’ for estimating causal models in many theoretical models and
The variance-based approach of PLS-SEM shifts the focus from theory testing to
predictive modeling (Chin and Newsted 1998). In this regard, PLS-SEM’s objective is to
maximize prediction in the dependent variables, rather than explain the co-variances of all
of the indicators used in a model, as is the case with CB-SEM analysis (Fornell 1989; Falk
and Miller 1992). The comparison of PLS analysis with covariance based analysis is
Based Analysis’. It depicts what many researchers believe… “that PLS is best suited to
situations where the primary modeling objective is prediction, when the focus is on
explaining variance, when parametric assumptions do not hold, when explicit latent
variable scores are desired, when model complexity is high, and when sample sizes are
With this backdrop, and review of the considerations identified in Table 7, titled
‘Rules of Thumb for Selecting CB-SEM or PLS-SEM’ (Hair et al. 2011b), the current
research chooses to employ the Partial Least Squares path modeling approach of structural
equation modeling as its methodology to analyze the theoretical framework examining the
included an evaluation of the goals, objectives and research characteristics of the current
study, including, the following: 1) Research Goals; 2) Structural Model Specification; 3)
The current research strives to examine the relationship between ESG Collaboration
(ESGC) and firm Performance (P) in a supply chain context. In doing so, it empirically
tests the proposed theoretical framework in order to achieve the goal of predicting the
impact on P, which results from a firm collaborating with its internal operating units (IOU),
its key suppliers (KS), and its major customers (MC) on Environmental Social Governance
(ESG) issues.
The theoretical framework, in this research, is relatively complex, and contains two
proposed structural models to evaluate the relationships of the focal firm and its supply
chain members. There are two proposed structural models because the researchers are
interested in examining the relationship between ESGC and firm operating performance
(OP), as well as the relationship between ESGC and firm financial performance (FP). The
ability to examine the relationship between ESGC and FP was made possible by 20 (of the
81 respondent) firms, who disclosed their corporate identity. This disclosure enabled the
researchers to gather archival, secondary financial data on the 20 respondent firms and tie
that objective information back to their respective primary, perceptual responses to the
survey questions.
Key elements of the first proposed structural model reveal a total of 15 latent
constructs, 33 structural model relationships, and 110 indicators for model estimation.
outlines the relevant information associated with the latent constructs, the model
relationships, and the measurement indicators, associated with the 81 respondent firms.
Key elements of the second proposed structural model reveal a total of 16 latent
constructs, 42 structural model relationships, and 123 indicators for model estimation.
outlines the relevant information associated with the latent constructs, the model
relationships, and the measurement indicators, associated with the 20 identity disclosing
respondent firms.
specifications indicate that these hierarchical component models have first-order and
reflectively measure, or estimate, the models’ latent variables. These measurement models
PLS focuses on the analysis of variance, and can be carried out using SmartPLS 3 software.
assumptions about data distribution (Esposito Vinzi et al. 2010). It becomes a good
alternative to CB-SEM when the following circumstances are encountered (Bacon 1999;
PLS is also useful for structural equation modeling in applied research projects
especially when there are limited participants. In addition to being deployed in business
strategy (e.g., Hulland 1999), PLS-SEM has also been deployed in many other fields, such
as behavioral sciences (e.g., Bass et al 2003), management information system (e.g., Chin
et al. 2003), marketing (e.g., Henseler et al. 2009), and organization (e.g., Sosik et al. 2009).
Determining the appropriate sample size is often the first challenge faced by
researchers. Hair et al. (2013) suggest that sample size can be driven by the following
level of 5%, a statistical power of 80%, and R2 values of at least 0.25 (Wong, 2013). Using
such parameters, the minimum sample size required, depending on the maximum number
of arrows pointing at a latent variable, can be reviewed in the guidelines in Table 10, titled
‘Suggested Sample Size in a Typical Marketing Research,’ which is offered by
Previous research appearing in academic and practitioner journals (e.g., Reinartz et al.
2009; Lu et al. 2011) also indicate that PLS-SEM is a powerful method to analyze complex
models using smaller samples (Ringle et al. 2012). Other researchers agree, and some, in a
meta-study of MIS Quarterly journal articles, over a 20 year period, noted that PLS-SEM
smaller samples (Hair et al. 2011b; Hair et al. 2012; Ringle et al. 2012).
Ringle et al. (2012) conducted research that examined 65 studies containing 109
structural equation model estimations deploying the PLS-SEM technique, that was
published in MIS Quarterly (a top IS journal), in the 20-year period from 1992 through
2011. They also benchmarked their results against those obtained from a review of three
marketing journals, with the highest journal impact factor, according to the Thomson
Reuters 2010 journal citation report. Those three top journals included the Journal of
Marketing (JM), the Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) and the Journal of the Academy
of Marketing Science (JAMS). These three marketing journals published 41 journal articles,
with 60 models using PLS-SEM, in the 20-year period between 1992 and 2011. They found
that the most frequently cited reasons for employing the PLS-SEM technique in these
empirical articles were related to sample sizes. More specifically, they found that 24 studies
(36.92%), in MIS Quarterly, involved small sample sizes, and 15 studies (25.00%), in the
3 top marketing journals, were also concerned with small sample sizes. Of the 109 models
published in MIS Quarterly, 25 (22.94%) had sample sizes of less than 100 observations,
and of the 60 models published in the three top marketing journals, JM, JMR, and JAMS,
Hair et al. (2012) also conducted widespread research in the 30 top ranked marketing
journals. That research allowed them to identify 204 empirical PLS-SEM applications that
were published in a 30-year period (1981 to 2010). Topics examined included: the reasons
for using PLS-SEM; data and model characteristics; outer and inner model evaluations;
and reporting standards. A significant reason given for employing the PLS-SEM technique
also related to data characteristics, such as sample size. In this regard, the authors found
that 94 studies (46.08%) gave reasons of small sample sizes for employing the PLS-SEM
technique, and cited 76 of 311 models (24.44%) as having less than 100 observations, with
Lee (1994) having the smallest sample size (n=18) (Hair et al. 2012).
Based on their extensive review of the use of PLS-SEM in top marketing journals, Hair
et al. (2012) offer a comprehensive set of guidelines, for applying PLS-SEM. These
Together these researchers, Ringle et al. (2012) and Hair et al. (2012), would generally
agree with the notion, “If correctly applied, PLS-SEM can indeed be a ‘silver bullet’ for
estimating causal models in many model and data situations (Hair et al. 2011), especially
when complex models and small sample sizes are involved (Ringle et al. 2012). However,
these authors would also agree that “correctly applied” implies following the
recommendations outlined in the ‘Rules of thumb for Model Evaluation’ (Table 11) and
4.6 Methodology Planned: ESG Collaboration (ESGC)
method called Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), for business strategy research, with a
focus on Partial Least Squares (PLS). There are two sub-models in a structural equation
model— the inner model and outer model. The inner (or structural) model specifies the
relationships between the independent and dependent latent variables, whereas the outer
(or measurement) model specifies the relationships between the latent variables and their
observed indicators.
indirectly with a set of measurable indicators that serve as proxy. In order to understand
ESG Collaboration, a survey was conducted to ask business executives about their
collaboration experience, with their firm’s supply chain members. In this survey,
executives were asked to rate their experiences on a scale representing 9 latent variables,
namely 3 ESG Collaboration (ESGC), 3 ESG Activity/ Practice (ESGAP), and 3 ESG
Performance (ESGP), using a 7-point Likert scale indicating: (1) not at all, (4) moderately,
framework, using a comparatively small sample dataset. Email addresses of CEOs, COOs,
CFOs, CSOs, Presidents, Vice Presidents and other Senior Managers, with responsibilities
for environmental, social, and governance issues, were researched and acquired. Letters of
introduction were emailed to these executives, explaining the survey and requested their
participation. As incentives to completing the survey, and returning the respondents’ email
address, the respondent would receive a summary of the results, in addition to receiving a
The dataset was gathered randomly from a population of 800 public and private
conglomerate firms that filed 10K financial statements with the Securities Exchange
Commission (SEC), in the period of study. The large scale survey returned 81 sample
respondents from the 800 company population, resulting in a response rate of 10.1%
(81/800). Data from these respondents were used to test the hypothetical framework to
determine the relationship between ESG Collaboration in the Supply Chain and
considerations, stated in Table 6 and in Table 10. It says that minimum sample should be
equal to “ten times the largest number of structural paths directed at a particular latent
construct in the structural model” (Hair et al. 2011b). In the current study, the largest
number of structural paths directed at a particular latent construct, FP, is “3,” as can be
questionnaire was accessed via a hyperlink in the introduction letter, using the Qualtrics
Survey software system. The survey employed 110 questions, that gave the respondents
choices on a 7-point Likert-type scale, with 1 = not at all, 4 = moderately, and 7 = great
extent. The 110 question instrument was designed to seek an understanding of a firm’s
collaboration management and activities/ practices, concerning ESG issues, with Internal
operating units, suppliers and customers, and their impact on environmental, social and
visually shown in Figures 2a, 2b, and 2c, and the survey questions asked are presented in
the Appendix D. The Collaboration constructs were each measured by 5 questions. This
design is in line with similar research conducted in the strategy literature (Vachon and
Klassen 2008).
The research methodology also employed a secondary, objective, archival data collection
component that was administered by the researchers. The effort involved identifying
survey respondents that disclosed their company names and or ticker symbols, and
extracting four years of company financial performance data from Compustat, Russell, and
Bloomberg company databases. The four years of financial performance data were used to
compute the compound annual growth rates (CAGR) for key financial performance
indicators, for each of the disclosing companies. The CAGR were then matched to the
this way the researchers were able to examine the relationship between ESGC and firm
operating performance (OP), as well as the relationship between ESGC and firm financial
performance (FP). Twenty (of the 81 respondent) firms disclosed their corporate identity,
enabling the researchers to gather archival, secondary financial data on these firms and tie
that objective data back to their respective primary, perceptual survey responses.
The latent variable, ESG Collaboration (ESGC), is comprised of 3 sub-constructs—
The latent variable, ESG Activity/ Practice (ESGAP), is also comprised of 3 sub-
constructs— environmental activity/ practice (EAP), social activity/ practice (SAP) and
indicators, including the following: EBIT, EBITDA, Gross Profit Margin (GPR), Gross
Profit (GPR), Net Income (Loss) (NI_(LOSS)), Operating Profit Margin (OPM), Price of
Common Stock (PRCC_F), Revenue, Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE),
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), and Return on Sales (ROS), and is measured in
The outer loadings, composite reliability, average variance extracted (AVE) and its
square root, for each of the 10 latent constructs— EC, EAP, EP, SC, SAP, SP, GC, GAP,
4.9 Path-Modeling Estimation
Since there were no missing values in the data set at run time, due to the practice of
replacing missing values using the mean substitution process, the “PLS Algorithm –
For the purposes of the current research, respondent data were analyzed using three
statistical software packages— Microsoft Excel 2007, IBM SPSS Statistics v21, and
SmartPLS 3.2.0 (Ringle, Wende, and Becker 2015). These packages were used to provide
appropriate descriptive statistics and analyses for the proposed structural and measurement
models. In order to thoroughly evaluate the proposed framework, this research seeks to
apply the guidelines, outlined in Table 7, titled ‘Rules of Thumb for Selecting CB-SEM
or PLS-SEM’ (Hair et al. 2011b), Table 11, titled ‘Rules of Thumb for Model
Evaluation’ (Hair et al. 2011b), and Table 12, titled ‘Guidelines for applying PLS-SEM’
measurement model assessment and structural model assessment. The first step is to assess
the reliability and validity of the measures used in the measurement model. Since the model
in question is of the Reflective-Reflective type, this assessment must be done according to
reflective model specifications. The goal here is to first establish confidence in knowing
that the indicator measures adequately represent the latent constructs and variables of
interest. The second step is to assess the estimates of the structural model. In this step, the
goal is to examine the stability of the parameter and constraint estimates. This can be done
in several ways, but the recommended method, in these ‘rule of thumb‘ guidelines, is to
The first phase is evaluating the reflective measurement model. This part focuses on
the reliability and validity of the measures used to represent each construct. It provides an
evaluation on how accurate (i.e., reliable) the measures are and also their convergent and
discriminant validities. For the reflective estimation model, in question, the following steps
0.70 is the goal, however, in exploratory studies, loadings of 0.40 are acceptable
(Hulland 1999).
cross loading should load highest on the construct it is intended to measure (Chin
• Internal consistency reliability. For internal consistency reliability, do not use
Fornell-Larcker criterion. Each construct's AVE should be higher than its squared
Having established the appropriateness of the measures, the second phase is evaluating
the reflective structural (inner) model. This part focuses on providing evidence supporting
the theoretical model as exemplified by the structural portion of the model. A major
of all path estimates. Predictive power of the reflective structural (inner) model is assessed
by the R2 values of the endogenous constructs, which also represent the amount of variance
in the construct in question that is explained by the model. For the reflective structural
(inner) model, in question, the following steps are recommended in order to perform
• R Squared. For R squared (R2), acceptable levels depend on research context. R2 >
• Effect size (f Square (f2)). For Effect size (f Square (f2)) f2 of 0.02, 0.15, or 0.35 is
• Path coefficient estimates. For path coefficient estimates, use bootstrapping to
assess significance (Chin 1998, Hensler et al. 2009). The minimum number of
bootstrap samples is 5,000, and the number of cases should be equal to the number
of observations in the original sample. Critical t-values for a two-tailed test are 1.65
• Predictive relevance Q Square (Q2) and q square (q2). For predictive relevance, Q2
0.15, 0.35 for weak, moderate, or strong degree of predictive relevance (Chin 1998,
Descriptive statistics for the key elements of the structural and measurement models, in the
current research, are included in Table 13a titled, ‘Descriptive Statistics (81 Samples),’
and in Table 13b titled, ‘Descriptive Statistics (20 Samples).’ These statistics were
compiled using Microsoft Excel 2007, and include key measurements for each of the 110
and 123 variables included in the respective structural and measurement models. The
specific labels include: 1) Variable (construct, sub-construct and indicator, etc.); 2) Count
(sample size or the number of cases evaluated); 3) Mean (average value of the responses);
4) Standard Deviation (average distance each value falls from the mean value); 5) Variance
(square of the standard deviations from the mean); 6) Skewness (degree of symmetry of a
compared with the normal distribution); 8) Missing Data (number of missing items per
variable that was replaced using mean substitution); and Ratio of Missing to Total Data.
company name, ticker symbol, and email address. Of those 20 who provided such
information, all were from publicly traded stock companies. Job titles included those such
identified respondents are included in Figure 1g, titled ‘Sample Respondents (20 Firms
The PLS-SEM path modeling algorithm was run. In step one, the reflective-reflective
measurement (outer) model was evaluated, and the following topics were discussed:
• Indicator reliability was assessed using standardized indicator loadings (see Figure
standardized indicator loadings were greater than or equal to the 0.40 acceptable
level in exploratory studies, with the vast majority exceeding the goal of greater
adequately demonstrated.
• Discriminate validity was assessed, based on correlations, using the square of the
(Operational Performance)). The square of the loadings were used because it gives
a more intuitive interpretation since it represents the percentage overlap (i.e., shared
variance) between an item and any construct (Chin 2010). For discriminate validity,
each indicator cross loading should load highest on the construct it is intended to
measure (Chin 1998; Gregoire and Fisher 2006). Substantially all of the loadings
had higher average loadings and narrower ranges indicating greater confidence that
substantially all items help (i.e., converge) in estimating the underlying construct.
• Internal consistency reliability was assessed, using composite reliability (see Figure
(Operational Performance)). All of the composite reliability scores, for each block
of indicators for the latent variables, were greater than or equal to the 0.60
acceptable level in exploratory studies, with all exceeding the goal of greater than
adequately demonstrated.
• Convergent validity was assessed using Average Variance Extracted (AVE) (see
Figure 2f). AVE attempts to measure the amount of variance that a latent variable
component captures from its indicators relative to the amount due to measurement
error. All of the AVE scores, for each block of indicators for the latent variables,
were greater than or equal to the 0.50 acceptable level (Bagozzi and Yi 1988), with
all exceeding 0.90, suggesting that 50% or more variance of the indicators should
• Discriminate validity was assessed using the Fornell-Larcker criterion (see Figure
2f). AVE provides a basis to see whether each construct is more highly related to
its own measures than with other constructs. Presenting AVE with squared
it represents the percentage overlap (i.e., shared variance) among constructs and
2010). For discriminate validity, each construct’s AVE should be higher than its
squared correlation with any other construct (Fornell and Larcker 1981). All AVEs
for the latent variables range from 0.88 to 0.99, suggesting each measure strongly
The PLS-SEM path modeling algorithm was run. In step two, the reflective-reflective
structural (inner) model was evaluated, and the following topics were discussed:
Model Results – (Operational Performance)). The R2, displayed, is the R2 for the
weak, R2 > 0.50 is considered moderate, and R2 > 0.75 is considered strong (Hair
et al. 2010). All R2 values for the hypothesized relationships are greater than or
equal to the moderate threshold level of 0.50, suggesting that 50% or more of the
• The change in R Squares can be explored to see whether the impact of a particular
relevance. Effect size (f Square (f2)) can be calculated and used as a gage for
whether a predictor LV has a small, medium or large effect at the structural level
(Chin 2010). Effect size (f Square (f2)) f2 of 0.02, 0.15, or 0.35 is indicative of weak,
moderate, or strong effects, respectively (Cohen 1998) (see Figure 2g). All f2 values
• Like R2 values, the corresponding standardized path coefficient estimates can also
be examined and interpreted in the same manner. For path coefficient estimates (see
Figure 2g and 2h), use bootstrapping to assess significance (Chin 1998, Hensler et
al. 2009). The minimum number of bootstrap samples is 5,000, and the number of
cases should be equal to the number of observations in the original sample. Critical
t-values for a two-tailed test are 1.65 (significance level = 10 percent), 1.96
(significance level = 5 percent), and 2.58 (significance level = 1 percent). All direct
path coefficients, for each path in the hypothesized relationship, exceed 0.70,
• Predictive relevance Q Square (Q2) and q square (q2) represent measures of how
well-observed values are reconstructed by the model and its parameter estimates.
For predictive relevance, Q2 and q2, use blindfolding. Q2 > 0 implies that the
structural model has predictive relevance, whereas Q2 < 0 represents a lack of
0.02, 0.15, and 0.35 is indicative of weak, moderate, or strong degree of predictive
relevance (Chin 1998, Hensler et al. 2009). Each path in the hypothesized
relationships, has Q2 > 0, which implies that each path in the structural model has
predictive relevance.
The PLS-SEM path modeling algorithm was run. In step one, the reflective-reflective
measurement (outer) model was evaluated, and the following topics were discussed:
• Indicator reliability was assessed using standardized indicator loadings (see Figure
standardized indicator loadings were greater than or equal to the 0.40 acceptable
level in exploratory studies, with the vast majority exceeding the goal of greater
adequately demonstrated.
• Discriminate validity was assessed, based on correlations, using the square of the
loadings and cross loadings (see Figure 3e – Cross Loadings (Squared) – (Financial
Performance)). The square of the loadings were used because it gives a more
variance) between an item and any construct (Chin 2010). For discriminate validity,
each indicator cross loading should load highest on the construct it is intended to
measure (Chin 1998; Gregoire and Fisher 2006). Substantially all of the loadings
had higher average loadings and narrower ranges indicating greater confidence that
substantially all items help (i.e., converge) in estimating the underlying construct.
• Internal consistency reliability was assessed, using composite reliability (see Figure
Performance)). Except for the LV, FP (CR = 0.139), all of the composite reliability
scores, for each block of indicators for the latent variables, were greater than or
equal to the 0.60 acceptable level in exploratory studies, with all exceeding the goal
• Convergent validity was assessed using Average Variance Extracted (AVE) (see
Figure 3f). AVE attempts to measure the amount of variance that a latent variable
component captures from its indicators relative to the amount due to measurement
error. Except for the LV, FP (AVE = 0.435), all of the AVE scores, for each block
of indicators for the latent variables, were greater than or equal to the 0.50
acceptable level (Bagozzi and Yi 1988), with all exceeding 0.90, suggesting that
50% or more variance of the indicators should be accounted for, and was adequately
• Discriminate validity was assessed using the Fornell-Larcker criterion (see Figure
3f). AVE provides a basis to see whether each construct is more highly related to
its own measures than with other constructs. Presenting AVE with squared
it represents the percentage overlap (i.e., shared variance) among constructs and
construct to indicators, and it tends to be easier to distinguish the differences (Chin
2010). For discriminate validity, each construct’s AVE should be higher than its
squared correlation with any other construct (Fornell and Larcker 1981). Except for
the LV, FP (AVE = 0.435), all AVEs for the latent variables range from 0.87 to
0.99, suggesting each measure strongly relates to the construct it attempts to reflect.
The PLS-SEM path modeling algorithm was run. In step two, the reflective-reflective
structural (inner) model was evaluated, and the following topics were discussed:
Model Results – (Financial Performance)). The R2, displayed, is the R2 for the
weak, R2 > 0.50 is considered moderate, and R2 > 0.75 is considered strong (Hair
et al. 2010). All R2 values for the hypothesized relationships are greater than or
equal to the moderate threshold level of 0.50, suggesting that 50% or more of the
• The change in R Squares can be explored to see whether the impact of a particular
relevance. Effect size (f Square (f2)) can be calculated and used as a gage for
whether a predictor LV has a small, medium or large effect at the structural level
(Chin 2010). Effect size (f Square (f2)) f2 of 0.02, 0.15, or 0.35 is indicative of weak,
moderate, or strong effects, respectively (Cohen 1998) (see Figure 3g). Except for
= 0.000, which is weak), all f2 values indicate strong effects, suggesting predictive
power in that all independent predictor LVs have substantive impact on their
• Like R2 values, the corresponding standardized path coefficient estimates can also
be examined and interpreted in the same manner. For path coefficient estimates (see
Figure 3g and 3h), use bootstrapping to assess significance (Chin 1998, Hensler et
al. 2009). The minimum number of bootstrap samples is 5,000, and the number of
cases should be equal to the number of observations in the original sample. Critical
t-values for a two-tailed test are 1.65 (significance level = 10 percent), 1.96
(PC = 0.013, which is weak), all direct path coefficients, for each path in the
• Predictive relevance Q Square (Q2) and q square (q2) represent measures of how
well-observed values are reconstructed by the model and its parameter estimates.
For predictive relevance, Q2 and q2, use blindfolding. Q2 > 0 implies that the
0.02, 0.15, and 0.35 is indicative of weak, moderate, or strong degree of predictive
relevance (Chin 1998, Hensler et al. 2009). Each path in the hypothesized
relationships, has Q2 > 0, which implies that each path in the structural model has
predictive relevance.
Chapter Five
5.1 Summary
In many theoretical model and empirical data situations, PLS‑SEM path modeling can be
an effective tool for evaluation and estimation. PLS‑SEM provides parameter estimates
that maximize the explained variance (R² values) of the dependent (endogenous)
constructs, which makes it useful in evaluating measurement models. The method also
supports prediction-oriented goals, and is useful in explaining and predicting the dependent
or target constructs in the structural model. Furthermore, the PLS-SEM method supports
the theoretical development of standard path models for assessing the success drivers of
The current research evaluated the theoretical frameworks identified in Figures 2b &
2c. First, it examined the firm-level responses to a large scale survey by 10.1%
(81/800) of the target population, to test the link between ESG Collaboration and ESG
Performance. Then secondary, objective financial data for a subset of the respondent firms
(the 24.7% (20/81) that self-identified) was combined with their respective primary data,
and examined to inform on the relationship among ESG Collaboration, ESG Activity/
Practice, ESG Performance and Financial Performance. The structural models and
measurement models were evaluated, and displayed promising results. Key attributes of
The topic, ESGC, is bitter-sweet, in that it is exploratory and breaks new ground,
implying that only a small number of respondents would be able to share information on
ESGC, but at the same time, provides tremendous opportunities to create new knowledge
and identify a potential causal relationship with financial performance, that could
potentially benefit many practitioners. Therefore, the triple threat, posed by a complex
research model, a smaller sample size, and the need to predict dependent and target
constructs, makes the PLS-SEM multivariate analysis tool the ideal choice for model
This research, not only evaluated the ESGC—Performance link in the aggregate, but it
respectively. Empirical support was also found for these disaggregated relationships.
Furthermore these ESGC relationships were viewed from the perspective of the focal firm
in its collaboration with its internal operating units, its key suppliers and its major
5.2 Conclusions
This research intersects three streams (sustainability, collaboration, and supply chain
theoretical framework for evaluating the relationship between ESG Collaboration and Firm
theoretical model using primary perceptual data from a large scale survey and secondary
structural models. Specifically, the research gathered categorical perceptual (primary) data,
via a large scale survey, from executives of public stock-traded firms. The survey asked
questions about their internal operations, suppliers, and customers, regarding ESG
collaborative activities, ESG practices and ESG performances. The research also collected
continuous objective (secondary) data, from third party database sources, to test time
In this research, PLS‑SEM path modeling is chosen as the tool to evaluate two causal
the structural model) for identifying causal links in ESG Collaboration strategies, activities
The results indicate that the proposed theoretical framework, ESG Collaboration –
Performance Link, along with its related structural and measurement models, successfully
explains the variation in their associated latent endogenous variables. More specifically,
analysis of the findings indicate strong support for all of the hypothesized relationships in
the ESG Collaboration – Operations Performance model, and moderate to strong support
for virtually all of the hypothesized relationships in the ESG Collaboration – Financial
Performance model.
social governance issues, with its internal organization, its key suppliers and with its major
practitioners and academics is that this proposed theoretical ESG framework has strong
predictive relevance to improve firm performance, and can be used to evaluate risk factors
and identify opportunities for improvement, both of which can potentially impact firm
This research presents several major contributions that intersect three streams of
literature— Collaboration (inter- and intra-firm), Sustainability (CSR, TBL, PPP), and
Supply Chain Management (seller-buyer and supplier-customer dyads) (Figure 1c.). First,
it proposes a definition of ESG and ESG Collaboration that can be used as a common base
constructs, sub-constructs, and measurement items that have the characteristics for being
employed as the basis for future ESG studies in individual focal firms, and in the supply
chains of which they are a part. Third, it proposes two framework: an ESG Collaboration—
Performance causality link that combines primary (perceptual) data and secondary
(objective) data.
The implication for researchers is that pressure is building for ESG management to
lawmakers and policy-makers, etc. Key stakeholders are pushing harder than ever for
comprehensive corporate disclosure of ESG management, and the ESG researchers can use
the ESG Collaboration—Performance frameworks to study various ESG attributes and
practices, that are implemented by focal firms, to assess their impact on performance.
Researchers that can identify, replicate and generalize causal linkages can not only help
focal firms improve their sustainability, but they can also help their firm’s supply chains
become more effective and efficient, in the identified areas, thereby improving the
researchers that can add to the ESG conversation by helping to identify and validate causal
linkages to minimize ESG risk factors and increase opportunities for ESG performance
improvement, thereby improving the utilization of financial, material and human resources,
will help to improve the sustainability of firms, their supply chains, people and the planet.
In publically traded stock firms, shareholders elect the members of the firms’ boards of
directors, whose primary responsibility is to act in the owners’ best interests by monitoring
and controlling the firm’s top-level managers. Boards achieve their expected objectives by
using their resources, such as personal knowledge, expertise, relationships with a wide
variety of organizations, and powers to direct the affairs of the organization and reward
and discipline top-level managers. The implications for board members is to create a
system of controls and procedures that fosters an environment whereby relevant material
ESG considerations are identified and effectively managed, in a way that best serves
Top-level management is responsible for making sure the firm uses the strategic
that are consistent with the objective of creating long-term value for the stakeholders, and
particularly for the owners. The implication for top-level management is to access the
firm’s resources and capabilities, and scan the external and internal environment for EGS
challenges and opportunities, relevant to their firm and industry. Then, act and respond to
competitive actions to mitigate the risks posed by ESG challenges, while simultaneously
Evidence suggests that boards of directors have not been highly effective in monitoring
and controlling top-level manager’s decisions and subsequent actions (Hitt et al. 2015,
Campbell et al. 2012; Dalton et al. 2006), and because of their relative ineffective
performance, as well as the economic devastation caused by the recent financial crisis,
boards are experiencing increasing pressure from shareholders, lawmakers, and regulators
to become more forceful in their oversight role to prevent top-level managers from acting
in their own best interests (Hitt et al. 2015). The research on the relationship between ESG
The ESG Collaboration framework can be used to help these stakeholders devise and
considerations that are particularly relevant to their firm and industry. Using this research
as a basis to create effective ESG Collaboration management strategies, will enable all
5.4 Implications for Practitioners
Over the last three and one-half decades, the ratio of tangible (or physical) assets as a % of
market capitalization, for the S&P 500, has diminished from 83% in 1975 to 20% in 2010
(Ocean Tomo 2012). This implies, not only that intangible assets are becoming
increasingly more important as a share of an organization’s value, but it also implies that
extra-financial information is needed to capture the value of the firm’s growing non-
physical assets.
information (or information that can have a material impact on the valuation of firms) such
end consumers, industrial customers, suppliers, and financial institutions believe that
investment decisions and firm’s wealth valuations could be enhanced, if they properly
This research indicates that ESG considerations affect air, water, land and underground
and control systems. Additionally, it teaches that ESG considerations also impact investor
perceptions of opportunities and challenges posed by firms, and that significant potential
for performance improvement, and enhancing value and the bottom line, lay in the
ESG initiatives purports to make ESG management a differentiator, and provide the firm
In an ever shifting environment, where resources are diminishing, consumer demands
are changing, and regulations are increasing, greater challenges and opportunities are
expected to occupy more attention of a firm’s key stakeholders. For those firms that
carefully manage material ESG risks and opportunities, today, they should be better
Because sophisticated and savvy investors are doing more ESG due diligence, and
making and communication strategies, they are demanding that firms provide greater
transparency on their ESG management plans, activities, practices, and performances. This
transparency can assist investors, and business leaders, in more properly assessing risk
factors that can potentially detract from the valuation of a firm, or possibly provide
opportunities for improvement that can potentially add to the valuation of firm.
The implications for executive leadership of firms are to embrace the challenges posed
challenges. Significant potential for creating value exists through thoughtful and deliberate
initiatives to solve ESG-related challenges. Executive leaders are encouraged to seek ESG
opportunities for improvement, turn those opportunities into action items, implement the
actions, track their performance over time, and continuously improve upon them.
Investors and other firms seek to create value. They scan the environment for
opportunities that meet their strategic requirements. They often look for potential
investment opportunities that are poised for growth, are undervalued, or are
underperforming, and seek to invest, partner, acquire, merge, take over, collaborate or work
with them to increase their value. Extra financial information, such as material ESG
considerations, is one of the key remaining variables that impact the valuation of for-profit
companies, in positive or negative ways, and offer executive leaders a way to significantly
improve their performance, as well as the performances of each member of the supply
operational and financial performance. Such models can become a valuable tool to assist
indicates that collaborating with supply chain members, on activities concerning ESG
issues can lead to improved practices, improved environmental, social and governance
The ESG Collaboration – Performance framework helps firms to predict the impact on
operational and financial performance by collaborating with internal operating units, key
suppliers and major customers on certain ESG activities and practices. Making appropriate
ESG decisions that create firm value, and refraining from those ESG decisions that destroy
firm value will assist practitioners in their quest to do better with extra-financial
information (or information that can have a material impact on the valuation of firms), such
5.5 Limitations
perceptual responses and secondary, archival data. One limitation is the reliance on
age, potential respondents are deluged with requests from many global sources requesting
practices and performance results. Thus, making the landscape extremely competitive in
perceptual information on their operations, the fact that the information comes in
anonymously, prevents researchers from identifying the source firm, thereby reducing the
potential to extract objective secondary archival data to match it against the anonymously
Although this research was moderately successful in getting respondents from self-
Environmental Social Governance Collaboration research is that ESG is relatively new, for
publically traded stock firms, and not widely understood, and its reporting or disclosure is
not required by any regulatory body. It has been only a few years ago, in June 2011, when
trillion in total assets under management, asked the CEOs of the Russell 1000 firms, to
actively embrace ESG risks in both their actions and required investor disclosures. These
investors argue that the long-term sustainability of their portfolio companies is tied to the
decision-making and communication strategies. This research’s target population is 800 of
the same Russell 1000 firms, who were recently requested by their institutional investors
This newness minimizes sample sizes for research opportunities, thereby reducing the
ability to make broad generalizations. However, as with any exploratory and cutting edge
5.6 Reflections
This research acknowledges that the valuation of publically traded stock firms is not
entirely represented by traditional financial statements, and a cursory look at the market
value to book value ratios of these firms, indicate that they are significantly different from
1.0. This indicates that that extra-financial factors, other than intangible factors, are
contributing to the market value of a firm. Research indicates that intangible assets, over
the last three to four decades, have become increasingly important as a component of the
market value such firms (Ocean Tomo 2012). Although reputation, branding, and other
intangible assets impact the market valuation of firms, there is a growing interest, from
ESG issues are becoming increasing important to investors because of their potential
positive or negative impacts to a firm’s earnings prowess. As viewed through the eyes of
investors, firms that are perceived as having ESG issues, are considered to be more risky
than those that do not have such issues. The riskier firms would command lower valuations,
and be expected to provide higher returns. Sophisticated investors who can spot such
opportunities, or threats, can make the appropriate investment decisions in order to create
shareholder value.
In June 2011, Ceres, a group who represents more than $1 trillion in total assets under
management, asked the CEOs of the Russell 1000 firms in a jointly-signed letter of 31
shareholder signatories, to actively embrace ESG risks in both their actions and required
investor disclosures. These investors argue that the long-term sustainability of their
valuation of firms (Ocean Tomo 2012), the growing interest of investors in achieving
2011), and the emphasis of these investors targeting ‘their’ CEOs of the Russell 1000 firms,
where secondary data can be obtained, was the trifecta of motivation to propose a standard
definition of ESG (Whitelock 2015), to study the relationship between ESG management
and performance, and to survey and test the model on a sample of firms, from the Russell
1000 firm population, that represents over 92% of US market capitalization (Russell 2010).
Data to test and analyze the model came from two source types— primary data from a
web-based, large scale survey, sent to CEOs and their direct reports in charge of
sustainability, environmental, social and governance matters, and secondary data extracted
primarily from Russell Investments, Compustat and Bloomberg databases. A search of the
respective databases was made to extract secondary financial data for the Russell 1000
firms. 800 of the 1000 firms were found to have financial data in the Compustat and
Bloomberg databases. The remaining 200 companies changed names or were acquired,
merged, taken private or ceased to exist, and their ticker symbols or names were no longer
listed. Email addresses of numerous executives, from each of the Russell 800 firms, were
acquired, and an introductory letter, with a Qualtrics hyperlink to the survey, was sent to
the CEOs of these firms (Appendix). Reminders were sent six to eight weeks after the
initial introduction letters, and again six to eight weeks after the reminder letters were sent.
This process was repeated with other executives in each of the Russell 800 firms until the
with only 20 firms self-identifying with their name and ticker symbols.
With only 20 of the 81 firms self-identifying, this situation resulted in a revised strategy
to create two ESG Collaboration frameworks, rather than one. The first framework was an
ESG Collaboration— ESG Operational Performance link, using 81 firms, and the second
framework was an ESG Collaboration— ESG Financial Performance link, using 20 self-
identified firms. The fact that only 20 firms self-identified, prevented the researchers from
extracting objective, secondary data from the Russell, Compustat and Bloomberg databases
It appears that the difficulty in acquiring more than 81 respondents, and more than 20
self-identified firms, from the Russell 800 publically traded stock firms, was potentially
due to a number of reasons, five of which are particularly relevant and are identified. First,
ESG is relatively new for publically traded stock firms. Very few of them have dedicated
resources for the formulation and implementation of ESG strategies, and there is no one
Champion placed in charge of ESG, for most firms. For example, although many leaders,
research indicates that in 2014 there were only 36 Chief Sustainability Officers in
publically traded companies, up from 1 in 2011 (Weinreb 2014), that were responsible for
the Ceres request, to the CEOs of the Russell 1000 firms, indicates that few of these
publically traded firms have formally communicated their ESG strategies or communicated
whether they even incorporate ESG considerations in their business decision-making. For
example, Kohlberg Kravitz Roberts and Co. L.P. (KKR) own and operate publically traded
firms in the Russell 1000 index, but KKR created only their fourth ESG report, covering
the 2013 calendar year, describing ESG initiatives and the integration of ESG issues in
their investment processes, not for their publically traded stock companies, but only for
their private equity investment process and private equity portfolio companies (KKR
2014). Third, ESG considerations are very revealing and sensitive. Sharing such
crafted communiques can attract unwanted attention and questions from activist
administrations, labor protection agencies, SEC and a host of other internal and external
collaboration, plans, practices, initiatives and performances, if they are core competencies.
Moreover, if they are valuable, rare, costly to imitate, and non-substitutable, and create
competitive strategic advantages that commands higher returns, firms may resist showing
any ESG information, altogether. Fifth, since there is no regulatory requirement for
publically traded firms to disclose and communicate initiatives pertaining to ESG, as exists
reluctant to voluntarily reveal key ESG initiatives that differentiate it from its peers.
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ESG Figures
Figure 2d - Indicator Data (Squared Correlations) - (Operational Performance)
(Partial display due to large number of items)
For indicator reliability, standardized indicator loadings > = 0.70 is the goal, however,
in exploratory studies, loadings of 0.40 are acceptable (Hulland 1999).
0.851 0.892 0.873 0.886 0.891 0.790 0.898 0.802 0.891
0.836 0.896 0.859 0.868 0.870 0.786 0.890 0.779 0.868
0.756 0.892 0.871 0.821 0.843 0.765 0.812 0.816 0.769
0.784 0.902 0.858 0.827 0.860 0.757 0.807 0.779 0.788
0.920 0.858 0.852 0.945 0.894 0.756 0.943 0.835 0.948
0.833 0.793 0.774 0.836 0.801 0.565 0.838 0.750 0.854
0.821 0.800 0.874 0.818 0.827 0.907 0.857 0.912 0.797
0.864 0.774 0.824 0.853 0.824 0.717 0.885 0.812 0.872
0.829 0.736 0.789 0.856 0.814 0.728 0.855 0.789 0.855
0.913 0.933 0.906 0.936 0.934 0.824 0.953 0.869 0.946
0.956 0.874 0.931 0.955 0.963 0.828 0.941 0.893 0.943
0.866 0.774 0.816 0.852 0.819 0.740 0.877 0.816 0.866
0.812 0.742 0.742 0.802 0.783 0.546 0.812 0.722 0.832
0.917 0.909 0.943 0.913 0.964 0.871 0.930 0.917 0.917
0.850 0.787 0.821 0.856 0.813 0.735 0.863 0.822 0.843
0.895 0.813 0.900 0.915 0.879 0.816 0.911 0.899 0.882
GC01 0.677 0.710 0.703 0.703 0.704 0.662 0.724 0.697 0.704
GC02 0.646 0.667 0.697 0.677 0.679 0.723 0.712 0.696 0.673
GC03 0.702 0.710 0.755 0.739 0.738 0.752 0.753 0.743 0.712
GC04 0.687 0.722 0.749 0.730 0.729 0.765 0.756 0.739 0.712
GC05 0.659 0.706 0.712 0.695 0.692 0.735 0.718 0.700 0.683
0.887 0.773 0.856 0.881 0.871 0.666 0.796 0.844 0.803
0.673 0.649 0.733 0.686 0.705 0.831 0.694 0.695 0.641
0.861 0.829 0.873 0.884 0.863 0.733 0.829 0.835 0.805
0.833 0.781 0.856 0.833 0.849 0.798 0.826 0.859 0.800
0.830 0.812 0.889 0.846 0.865 0.774 0.830 0.842 0.781
0.781 0.713 0.804 0.744 0.748 0.845 0.751 0.786 0.695
0.852 0.824 0.888 0.832 0.852 0.809 0.830 0.844 0.779
0.823 0.821 0.889 0.834 0.860 0.782 0.822 0.833 0.774
0.724 0.684 0.766 0.722 0.721 0.855 0.714 0.735 0.657
0.836 0.790 0.890 0.839 0.842 0.818 0.815 0.865 0.758
0.892 0.908 0.978 0.919 0.954 0.868 0.920 0.957 0.885
0.830 0.769 0.791 0.859 0.811 0.650 0.834 0.766 0.846
0.795 0.751 0.764 0.788 0.780 0.574 0.798 0.743 0.799
0.800 0.691 0.725 0.800 0.780 0.519 0.760 0.713 0.798
0.960 0.856 0.895 0.953 0.926 0.803 0.940 0.878 0.946
0.819 0.740 0.791 0.851 0.816 0.723 0.864 0.789 0.855
0.788 0.899 0.904 0.832 0.850 0.820 0.859 0.885 0.789
0.581 0.712 0.706 0.618 0.670 0.873 0.715 0.653 0.646
0.801 0.685 0.711 0.804 0.773 0.499 0.768 0.700 0.814
SC01 0.500 0.476 0.515 0.504 0.500 0.540 0.524 0.536 0.497
SC02 0.484 0.480 0.505 0.492 0.496 0.550 0.527 0.519 0.500
SC03 0.424 0.442 0.449 0.427 0.436 0.491 0.465 0.446 0.439
SC04 0.532 0.500 0.546 0.536 0.535 0.582 0.556 0.551 0.530
SC05 0.561 0.565 0.586 0.576 0.582 0.603 0.595 0.591 0.571
0.791 0.801 0.859 0.794 0.804 0.908 0.822 0.849 0.748
0.759 0.782 0.824 0.774 0.774 0.912 0.782 0.806 0.716
0.853 0.825 0.912 0.856 0.858 0.868 0.865 0.934 0.799
0.844 0.830 0.916 0.852 0.867 0.889 0.871 0.919 0.802
0.856 0.837 0.914 0.869 0.883 0.861 0.917 0.909 0.865
0.857 0.850 0.874 0.875 0.888 0.785 0.926 0.842 0.917
0.808 0.728 0.788 0.838 0.800 0.717 0.837 0.762 0.830
0.700 0.734 0.760 0.737 0.728 0.819 0.768 0.824 0.718
0.801 0.923 0.865 0.840 0.876 0.752 0.829 0.814 0.814
0.822 0.937 0.879 0.850 0.889 0.763 0.846 0.830 0.830
Figure 2e - Cross Loadings (Squared) - (Operational Performance)
For discriminate validity, based on correlations, presenting the square of the loadings and cross
loadings gives a more intuitive interpretation since it represents the percentage overlap between
an item and any construct (Chin 2010).
For discriminate validity, each indicator cross loading should load highest on the construct it is
intended to measure (Chin 1998; Gregoire and Fisher 2006).
GAP08_IOU 0.881 0.431 0.838 0.957 0.665 0.778 0.937 0.488 0.839
GAP09_IOU 0.800 0.396 0.771 0.899 0.565 0.667 0.900 0.387 0.730
GAP10_IOU 0.964 0.455 0.881 0.922 0.736 0.880 0.917 0.537 0.932
GAP11_IOU 0.880 0.440 0.846 0.939 0.671 0.789 0.940 0.485 0.846
GAP12_IOU 0.935 0.466 0.844 0.965 0.733 0.851 0.954 0.529 0.907
GC01 0.737 0.575 0.674 0.716 0.979 0.630 0.722 0.780 0.707
GC02 0.729 0.558 0.672 0.699 0.990 0.637 0.698 0.802 0.717
GC03 0.779 0.566 0.726 0.749 0.991 0.715 0.747 0.787 0.772
GC04 0.778 0.559 0.727 0.742 0.993 0.698 0.745 0.781 0.773
GC05 0.746 0.560 0.697 0.709 0.991 0.645 0.713 0.796 0.731
GP01_IOU 0.849 0.416 0.733 0.847 0.603 0.897 0.839 0.419 0.827
GP02_IOU 0.740 0.327 0.745 0.676 0.594 0.882 0.661 0.453 0.791
GP03_IOU 0.871 0.415 0.824 0.860 0.645 0.944 0.853 0.432 0.875
GP04_IOU 0.865 0.410 0.804 0.835 0.662 0.966 0.814 0.473 0.901
GP05_IOU 0.865 0.410 0.822 0.840 0.656 0.969 0.837 0.445 0.888
GP06_IOU 0.798 0.364 0.755 0.760 0.607 0.930 0.724 0.471 0.835
GP07_IOU 0.867 0.405 0.823 0.846 0.640 0.974 0.829 0.456 0.884
GP08_IOU 0.861 0.402 0.835 0.835 0.651 0.968 0.828 0.443 0.882
GP09_IOU 0.773 0.347 0.761 0.720 0.622 0.922 0.692 0.463 0.826
GP10_IOU 0.862 0.410 0.795 0.837 0.654 0.978 0.816 0.471 0.897
SAP01_IOU 0.957 0.461 0.851 0.910 0.732 0.889 0.921 0.532 0.933
SAP02_IOU 0.853 0.422 0.829 0.930 0.647 0.727 0.936 0.443 0.798
SAP03_IOU 0.800 0.399 0.784 0.869 0.568 0.684 0.897 0.404 0.735
SAP04_IOU 0.774 0.388 0.720 0.843 0.531 0.646 0.873 0.382 0.686
SAP05_IOU 0.956 0.460 0.861 0.970 0.704 0.853 0.953 0.517 0.889
SAP06_IOU 0.869 0.431 0.834 0.937 0.684 0.746 0.934 0.491 0.835
SAP07_IOU 0.886 0.440 0.788 0.840 0.719 0.785 0.860 0.488 0.867
SAP08_IOU 0.728 0.319 0.737 0.633 0.637 0.617 0.640 0.490 0.729
SAP09_IOU 0.769 0.387 0.706 0.865 0.532 0.636 0.874 0.369 0.683
SC01 0.541 0.630 0.474 0.522 0.763 0.480 0.513 0.988 0.532
SC02 0.537 0.618 0.477 0.507 0.798 0.451 0.503 0.996 0.519
SC03 0.474 0.596 0.433 0.447 0.756 0.387 0.446 0.981 0.450
SC04 0.575 0.624 0.518 0.554 0.768 0.511 0.547 0.988 0.558
SC05 0.614 0.643 0.547 0.577 0.852 0.538 0.576 0.984 0.596
SP01_IOU 0.865 0.408 0.848 0.818 0.701 0.891 0.794 0.526 0.946
SP02_IOU 0.840 0.392 0.842 0.783 0.696 0.871 0.765 0.515 0.926
SP03_IOU 0.901 0.440 0.825 0.868 0.705 0.912 0.851 0.514 0.958
SP04_IOU 0.906 0.437 0.849 0.867 0.711 0.918 0.851 0.528 0.968
SP05_IOU 0.922 0.443 0.885 0.902 0.712 0.892 0.887 0.521 0.962
SP06_IOU 0.917 0.430 0.934 0.927 0.688 0.819 0.923 0.499 0.918
SP07_IOU 0.853 0.414 0.881 0.920 0.663 0.784 0.911 0.475 0.862
SP08_IOU 0.799 0.396 0.743 0.739 0.679 0.750 0.727 0.494 0.890
SP09_IOU 0.872 0.411 0.884 0.827 0.679 0.799 0.847 0.449 0.904
SP10_IOU 0.886 0.416 0.889 0.842 0.682 0.812 0.858 0.458 0.915
Figure 2f - Latent Variable Squared Correlations (Fornell-Larcker Criterion) -
(Operational Performance)
For internal consistency reliability, composite reliability > = 0.70 is the goal, however, in
exploratory research 0.60 is considered acceptable (Bagozzi and Yi 1988).
For convergent validity, Average Variance Extracted
(AVE) > = 0.50 is the goal (Bagozzi and Yi 1988).
For discriminate validity, use Fornell-Larcker criterion. Each construct's AVE should be
higher than its squared correlation with any other construct (Fornell and Larcker 1981).
Composite Latent
Reliability Variable
0.995 0.940 EAP 1.000
0.998 0.988 EC 0.477 1.000
0.993 0.938 EP 0.900 0.411 1.000
0.993 0.926 GAP 0.971 0.471 0.898 1.000
0.998 0.989 GC 0.762 0.570 0.706 0.731 1.000
0.994 0.943 GP 0.886 0.415 0.837 0.855 0.672 1.000
0.985 0.876 SAP 0.966 0.471 0.905 0.989 0.733 0.838 1.000
0.997 0.987 SC 0.556 0.630 0.496 0.528 0.798 0.479 0.524 1.000
0.992 0.925 SP 0.948 0.453 0.929 0.920 0.748 0.913 0.911 0.538 1.000
Figure 2g - Summary of Theoretical Level (inner or structural ) Model Results -
(Operational Performance)
The R Square displayed, for each hypothesized relationship,
is the R Square for the dependent variable in that
For R Square, acceptable levels depend on research context.
R Square > 0.25 Weak, 0.50 Moderate, 0.75 Strong (Hair et
al. 2010).
For Effect size, f Square, of 0.02, 0.15, or 0.35 is indicative
of weak, moderate, or strong effects, respectively (Cohen
For path coefficient estimates, use bootstrapping to
assess significance (Chin 1998, Hensler et al. 2009).
For predictive relevance, Q Square and q square, use blindfolding. Q Square > 0 is indicative of
relevance; q-square of 0.02, 0.15, 0.35 for weak, moderate, or strong degree of predictive
(Chin 1998, Hensler et al. 2009).
*** All direct path coefficients are significant at p < 0.01
Path Standa The Predicti
Hypothesiz T Depen
Coeffici Sampl rd P Effect ve Num
Hypot ed R Statistics Support dent
ents - e Mean Error Valu Size (f Relevan ber of
hesis Relationshi Square (|O/STE ed Variab
Original (M) (STER es Square ce Q Items
p RR|) le
Sample R) ) Square
(O) ***
GC -> 0.00
H1a 0.755 0.570 0.754 0.050 15.162 1.325 Strong 0.562 15 EC
EC 0
GC -> 0.00
H1b 0.893 0.798 0.895 0.040 22.171 3.949 Strong 0.787 15 SC
SC 0
EC -> 0.00
H2a 0.690 0.477 0.687 0.060 11.493 0.911 Strong 0.447 14 EAP
SC -> 0.00
H2b 0.724 0.524 0.724 0.058 12.410 1.100 Strong 0.453 9 SAP
GC -> 0.00
H2c 0.855 0.731 0.854 0.041 20.953 2.717 Strong 0.674 12 GAP
EAP -> 0.00
H3a 0.949 0.900 0.948 0.016 58.980 9.000 Strong 0.841 10 EP
EP 0
SAP -> 0.00 10.24
H3b 0.955 0.911 0.955 0.014 70.151 Strong 0.839 10 SP
SP 0 5
GAP -> 0.00
H3c 0.925 0.855 0.926 0.017 55.189 5.903 Strong 0.804 10 GP
GP 0
EP ->
H4a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
SP ->
H4b n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
GP ->
H4c n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Figure 2h - Path Coefficients - Total Effects - (Operational Performance)
*** All total effects path coefficients are significant at p < 0.01
Mean, STDEV, T-Values,
Sample Standard
Original T Statistics
Mean Error P Values
Sample (O) (|O/STERR|)
EAP -> EP 0.949 0.948 0.016 58.980 0.000
EC -> EAP 0.690 0.687 0.060 11.493 0.000
EC -> EP 0.655 0.651 0.060 10.985 0.000
GAP -> GP 0.925 0.926 0.017 55.189 0.000
GC -> EAP 0.521 0.521 0.077 6.793 0.000
GC -> EC 0.755 0.754 0.050 15.162 0.000
GC -> EP 0.494 0.494 0.074 6.641 0.000
GC -> GAP 0.855 0.854 0.041 20.953 0.000
GC -> GP 0.791 0.791 0.040 19.718 0.000
GC -> SAP 0.646 0.650 0.074 8.763 0.000
GC -> SC 0.893 0.895 0.040 22.171 0.000
GC -> SP 0.617 0.621 0.071 8.741 0.000
SAP -> SP 0.955 0.955 0.014 70.151 0.000
SC -> SAP 0.724 0.724 0.058 12.410 0.000
SC -> SP 0.691 0.692 0.056 12.339 0.000
Figure 3d - Indicator Data (Squared Correlations) - (Financial Performance) (Partial
display due to large number of items)
For indicator reliability, standardized indicator loadings > = 0.70 is the goal,
however, in exploratory studies, loadings of 0.40 are acceptable (Hulland 1999).
01_I 02_I 03_I 04_I 05_I 06_I 07_I 08_I 09_I 10_I
1.000 0.802 0.839 0.940 0.903 0.758 0.906 0.864 0.935 0.904 0.936 0.872
0.802 1.000 0.933 0.872 0.938 0.871 0.944 0.902 0.903 0.939 0.900 0.850
0.839 0.933 1.000 0.922 0.953 0.868 0.939 0.946 0.863 0.952 0.856 0.853
0.940 0.872 0.922 1.000 0.951 0.806 0.942 0.918 0.929 0.951 0.941 0.918
0.903 0.938 0.953 0.951 1.000 0.865 0.985 0.893 0.954 0.938 0.941 0.915
0.758 0.871 0.868 0.806 0.865 1.000 0.864 0.869 0.809 0.841 0.794 0.819
0.906 0.944 0.939 0.942 0.985 0.864 1.000 0.906 0.971 0.953 0.959 0.900
0.864 0.902 0.946 0.918 0.893 0.869 0.906 1.000 0.858 0.979 0.879 0.843
0.935 0.903 0.863 0.929 0.954 0.809 0.971 0.858 1.000 0.922 0.983 0.901
0.904 0.939 0.952 0.951 0.938 0.841 0.953 0.979 0.922 1.000 0.941 0.879
0.936 0.900 0.856 0.941 0.941 0.794 0.959 0.879 0.983 0.941 1.000 0.909
0.872 0.850 0.853 0.918 0.915 0.819 0.900 0.843 0.901 0.879 0.909 1.000
0.697 0.823 0.813 0.789 0.815 0.956 0.803 0.812 0.762 0.791 0.755 0.808
0.904 0.904 0.837 0.929 0.923 0.787 0.937 0.860 0.964 0.923 0.983 0.896
EBIT 0.041 0.174 0.152 0.110 0.128 0.178 0.109 0.147 0.067 0.123 0.092 0.081
0.038 0.121 0.103 0.086 0.095 0.120 0.078 0.102 0.056 0.089 0.076 0.080
EC01 0.635 0.614 0.662 0.693 0.657 0.566 0.665 0.672 0.645 0.687 0.672 0.655
EC02 0.597 0.601 0.644 0.672 0.633 0.552 0.632 0.664 0.618 0.674 0.653 0.675
EC03 0.623 0.588 0.635 0.679 0.630 0.539 0.642 0.655 0.629 0.674 0.661 0.659
EC04 0.538 0.508 0.550 0.567 0.554 0.495 0.551 0.546 0.537 0.560 0.560 0.566
EC05 0.558 0.595 0.591 0.606 0.614 0.573 0.618 0.588 0.610 0.611 0.631 0.622
0.754 0.865 0.790 0.764 0.864 0.826 0.848 0.728 0.831 0.771 0.811 0.885
0.695 0.896 0.764 0.742 0.847 0.811 0.850 0.724 0.846 0.779 0.833 0.865
0.875 0.884 0.842 0.865 0.903 0.849 0.893 0.833 0.892 0.869 0.898 0.941
0.782 0.878 0.819 0.834 0.897 0.835 0.908 0.778 0.893 0.828 0.874 0.923
0.763 0.934 0.804 0.803 0.898 0.821 0.903 0.766 0.908 0.832 0.898 0.873
0.759 0.921 0.814 0.809 0.908 0.817 0.884 0.751 0.885 0.813 0.874 0.882
0.813 0.985 0.888 0.866 0.943 0.851 0.948 0.855 0.933 0.911 0.929 0.866
0.814 0.985 0.888 0.867 0.943 0.852 0.949 0.855 0.933 0.911 0.929 0.865
0.666 0.916 0.886 0.816 0.848 0.775 0.843 0.857 0.790 0.877 0.795 0.775
0.727 0.961 0.891 0.851 0.898 0.813 0.896 0.859 0.862 0.898 0.864 0.827
0.936 0.901 0.856 0.941 0.941 0.795 0.959 0.879 0.983 0.941 1.000 0.908
0.885 0.783 0.800 0.871 0.839 0.562 0.845 0.795 0.852 0.868 0.876 0.763
0.789 0.802 0.829 0.817 0.819 0.953 0.822 0.874 0.786 0.842 0.793 0.831
0.972 0.819 0.851 0.930 0.906 0.686 0.910 0.846 0.931 0.906 0.929 0.843
0.961 0.794 0.833 0.959 0.901 0.731 0.895 0.855 0.933 0.900 0.940 0.889
0.856 0.961 0.909 0.901 0.960 0.853 0.971 0.877 0.949 0.929 0.942 0.901
0.913 0.850 0.920 0.942 0.955 0.825 0.949 0.864 0.908 0.896 0.889 0.871
0.984 0.809 0.844 0.934 0.904 0.732 0.907 0.867 0.932 0.903 0.932 0.858
0.878 0.742 0.733 0.842 0.816 0.521 0.823 0.726 0.857 0.816 0.879 0.754
0.856 0.939 0.878 0.874 0.939 0.916 0.946 0.874 0.937 0.909 0.936 0.893
0.913 0.800 0.816 0.902 0.850 0.749 0.849 0.869 0.858 0.884 0.886 0.911
0.952 0.821 0.887 0.972 0.908 0.761 0.902 0.911 0.912 0.938 0.921 0.883
GC01 0.825 0.935 0.921 0.920 0.928 0.856 0.946 0.922 0.919 0.950 0.918 0.875
GC02 0.827 0.907 0.894 0.898 0.913 0.925 0.917 0.926 0.902 0.923 0.907 0.891
GC03 0.836 0.936 0.925 0.919 0.942 0.909 0.936 0.926 0.916 0.940 0.919 0.906
GC04 0.796 0.928 0.911 0.902 0.925 0.898 0.923 0.906 0.894 0.924 0.899 0.889
GC05 0.784 0.909 0.886 0.885 0.901 0.914 0.902 0.889 0.878 0.900 0.876 0.889
0.796 0.685 0.807 0.835 0.735 0.628 0.724 0.854 0.689 0.839 0.725 0.709
0.572 0.702 0.675 0.618 0.684 0.815 0.674 0.647 0.630 0.635 0.612 0.681
0.824 0.818 0.840 0.859 0.821 0.713 0.825 0.864 0.801 0.883 0.824 0.773
0.746 0.787 0.772 0.781 0.786 0.803 0.800 0.821 0.785 0.816 0.796 0.764
0.755 0.847 0.846 0.824 0.843 0.730 0.838 0.812 0.800 0.843 0.800 0.786
0.743 0.730 0.762 0.723 0.746 0.846 0.725 0.783 0.689 0.746 0.694 0.720
0.775 0.829 0.823 0.791 0.826 0.795 0.804 0.795 0.766 0.799 0.763 0.774
0.749 0.863 0.848 0.798 0.850 0.746 0.820 0.791 0.783 0.821 0.782 0.767
0.685 0.701 0.716 0.717 0.704 0.824 0.691 0.758 0.667 0.728 0.682 0.714
0.786 0.769 0.852 0.830 0.819 0.837 0.794 0.851 0.741 0.819 0.743 0.777
GPM 0.037 0.091 0.065 0.057 0.069 0.092 0.077 0.068 0.074 0.070 0.071 0.067
GPR 0.037 0.089 0.061 0.053 0.067 0.093 0.080 0.064 0.080 0.069 0.072 0.065
MV 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.007 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.042 0.133 0.102 0.078 0.096 0.141 0.102 0.106 0.084 0.099 0.087 0.084
OPM 0.049 0.137 0.097 0.078 0.101 0.137 0.114 0.098 0.106 0.101 0.100 0.090
0.030 0.110 0.080 0.070 0.082 0.099 0.100 0.089 0.081 0.087 0.085 0.067
0.031 0.092 0.054 0.039 0.061 0.092 0.087 0.054 0.093 0.065 0.071 0.057
ROA 0.050 0.133 0.099 0.082 0.097 0.130 0.109 0.107 0.097 0.107 0.098 0.089
ROE 0.042 0.116 0.088 0.072 0.084 0.110 0.094 0.091 0.084 0.092 0.083 0.077
ROIC 0.043 0.122 0.089 0.073 0.087 0.118 0.098 0.095 0.087 0.096 0.089 0.081
ROS 0.075 0.212 0.152 0.122 0.155 0.218 0.175 0.157 0.161 0.159 0.154 0.143
0.814 0.947 0.958 0.886 0.920 0.908 0.928 0.957 0.865 0.948 0.864 0.859
0.908 0.787 0.813 0.935 0.866 0.624 0.863 0.834 0.887 0.896 0.922 0.839
0.793 0.756 0.782 0.797 0.784 0.576 0.787 0.771 0.770 0.819 0.787 0.826
0.800 0.651 0.694 0.803 0.743 0.507 0.750 0.682 0.755 0.743 0.766 0.815
0.973 0.835 0.860 0.952 0.932 0.792 0.930 0.857 0.935 0.902 0.940 0.888
0.944 0.809 0.836 0.952 0.910 0.750 0.932 0.858 0.944 0.909 0.956 0.880
0.758 0.947 0.930 0.863 0.872 0.776 0.886 0.923 0.826 0.943 0.837 0.782
0.457 0.745 0.648 0.539 0.678 0.815 0.666 0.586 0.620 0.591 0.589 0.637
0.873 0.716 0.774 0.882 0.805 0.530 0.815 0.768 0.815 0.833 0.835 0.745
SC01 0.846 0.808 0.846 0.875 0.858 0.906 0.866 0.877 0.846 0.868 0.847 0.894
SC02 0.673 0.796 0.778 0.722 0.783 0.925 0.789 0.779 0.753 0.763 0.736 0.771
SC03 0.762 0.879 0.847 0.805 0.874 0.938 0.873 0.829 0.842 0.832 0.825 0.860
SC04 0.845 0.833 0.878 0.874 0.896 0.942 0.893 0.874 0.862 0.868 0.850 0.899
SC05 0.807 0.887 0.887 0.878 0.893 0.921 0.913 0.897 0.885 0.902 0.872 0.865
0.782 0.869 0.858 0.824 0.846 0.980 0.846 0.905 0.810 0.871 0.818 0.830
0.742 0.829 0.806 0.789 0.799 0.957 0.797 0.851 0.767 0.822 0.777 0.802
0.850 0.865 0.910 0.895 0.865 0.887 0.877 0.988 0.834 0.947 0.856 0.831
0.826 0.907 0.926 0.879 0.899 0.957 0.905 0.951 0.853 0.926 0.855 0.869
0.838 0.917 0.906 0.883 0.918 0.934 0.925 0.930 0.889 0.917 0.888 0.883
0.855 0.960 0.909 0.901 0.960 0.852 0.970 0.876 0.949 0.928 0.941 0.901
0.936 0.867 0.867 0.966 0.949 0.784 0.938 0.860 0.955 0.916 0.969 0.943
0.641 0.740 0.716 0.729 0.707 0.847 0.741 0.805 0.722 0.780 0.739 0.731
0.727 0.961 0.890 0.850 0.898 0.813 0.896 0.859 0.862 0.898 0.863 0.826
0.727 0.961 0.891 0.850 0.898 0.813 0.896 0.859 0.862 0.898 0.863 0.826
Figure 3e - Cross Loadings (Squared) - (Financial Performance)
For discriminate validity, based on correlations, presenting the square of the loadings and
cross loadings gives a more intuitive interpretation since it represents the percentage overlap
between an item and any construct (Chin 2010).
For discriminate validity, each indicator cross loading should load highest on the construct it is
intended to measure (Chin 1998; Gregoire and Fisher 2006).
GAP07_IOU 0.938 0.620 0.845 0.081 0.941 0.870 0.817 0.936 0.849 0.875
GAP08_IOU 0.917 0.639 0.803 0.050 0.974 0.815 0.791 0.941 0.783 0.837
GAP09_IOU 0.804 0.565 0.735 0.035 0.893 0.681 0.654 0.881 0.590 0.692
GAP10_IOU 0.957 0.622 0.955 0.145 0.915 0.932 0.827 0.901 0.927 0.956
GAP11_IOU 0.896 0.629 0.822 0.056 0.929 0.819 0.798 0.927 0.790 0.846
GAP12_IOU 0.937 0.659 0.803 0.078 0.963 0.889 0.813 0.944 0.823 0.883
GC01 0.958 0.690 0.913 0.172 0.913 0.984 0.812 0.934 0.900 0.960
GC02 0.954 0.690 0.908 0.169 0.900 0.989 0.833 0.896 0.949 0.982
GC03 0.968 0.691 0.933 0.166 0.915 0.996 0.842 0.919 0.939 0.983
GC04 0.952 0.664 0.925 0.187 0.887 0.996 0.821 0.899 0.924 0.974
GC05 0.939 0.666 0.916 0.216 0.867 0.989 0.796 0.880 0.953 0.969
GP01_IOU 0.778 0.556 0.617 0.001 0.803 0.720 0.860 0.801 0.631 0.741
GP02_IOU 0.703 0.440 0.718 0.009 0.624 0.705 0.853 0.617 0.738 0.752
GP03_IOU 0.855 0.565 0.768 0.002 0.863 0.797 0.950 0.865 0.690 0.823
GP04_IOU 0.829 0.528 0.775 0.006 0.793 0.825 0.950 0.777 0.749 0.849
GP05_IOU 0.846 0.541 0.818 0.005 0.827 0.805 0.946 0.844 0.698 0.827
GP06_IOU 0.779 0.489 0.715 0.002 0.746 0.725 0.929 0.713 0.759 0.794
GP07_IOU 0.832 0.522 0.809 0.002 0.816 0.756 0.956 0.813 0.724 0.817
GP08_IOU 0.837 0.512 0.837 0.003 0.814 0.782 0.947 0.823 0.689 0.813
GP09_IOU 0.760 0.486 0.695 0.005 0.707 0.768 0.926 0.679 0.751 0.800
GP10_IOU 0.840 0.557 0.741 0.003 0.811 0.807 0.970 0.799 0.774 0.839
GPM 0.077 0.039 0.094 0.898 0.054 0.107 0.002 0.065 0.136 0.095
GPR 0.076 0.036 0.094 0.928 0.053 0.109 0.003 0.062 0.140 0.094
MV 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.232 0.002 0.003 0.042 0.002 0.002 0.001
NI_(LOSS) 0.105 0.041 0.126 0.080 0.070 0.141 0.146 0.078 0.103 0.138
OPM 0.111 0.053 0.137 0.976 0.075 0.156 0.000 0.090 0.181 0.139
PRCC_F 0.088 0.026 0.103 0.083 0.060 0.122 0.104 0.073 0.068 0.115
REVENUE 0.073 0.029 0.097 0.812 0.045 0.111 0.000 0.055 0.141 0.090
ROA 0.109 0.040 0.128 0.075 0.076 0.143 0.144 0.085 0.102 0.137
ROE 0.094 0.034 0.111 0.066 0.065 0.124 0.129 0.074 0.086 0.117
ROIC 0.099 0.035 0.118 0.067 0.068 0.130 0.134 0.076 0.091 0.125
ROS 0.172 0.073 0.212 0.704 0.116 0.238 0.056 0.134 0.228 0.218
SAP01_IOU 0.946 0.646 0.902 0.133 0.895 0.928 0.858 0.918 0.905 0.962
SAP02_IOU 0.881 0.645 0.776 0.065 0.937 0.816 0.734 0.929 0.701 0.803
SAP03_IOU 0.792 0.561 0.767 0.040 0.837 0.690 0.680 0.882 0.640 0.710
SAP04_IOU 0.746 0.535 0.693 0.026 0.815 0.631 0.613 0.848 0.592 0.639
SAP05_IOU 0.941 0.626 0.843 0.064 0.974 0.849 0.817 0.946 0.827 0.869
SAP06_IOU 0.931 0.673 0.818 0.090 0.962 0.876 0.768 0.941 0.824 0.866
SAP07_IOU 0.901 0.590 0.869 0.140 0.859 0.893 0.799 0.909 0.780 0.901
SAP08_IOU 0.673 0.402 0.779 0.294 0.552 0.738 0.552 0.568 0.781 0.749
SAP09_IOU 0.803 0.602 0.685 0.029 0.885 0.686 0.672 0.891 0.604 0.694
SC01 0.910 0.724 0.828 0.141 0.873 0.907 0.780 0.861 0.977 0.916
SC02 0.821 0.630 0.810 0.282 0.732 0.869 0.663 0.727 0.963 0.877
SC03 0.897 0.689 0.909 0.226 0.831 0.915 0.729 0.836 0.977 0.920
SC04 0.924 0.695 0.858 0.145 0.878 0.923 0.799 0.865 0.984 0.927
SC05 0.936 0.706 0.882 0.198 0.874 0.972 0.798 0.878 0.972 0.958
SP01_IOU 0.905 0.589 0.855 0.147 0.831 0.921 0.846 0.818 0.946 0.957
SP02_IOU 0.865 0.558 0.823 0.151 0.785 0.895 0.816 0.770 0.924 0.924
SP03_IOU 0.926 0.617 0.812 0.114 0.894 0.909 0.851 0.893 0.877 0.945
SP04_IOU 0.942 0.625 0.878 0.135 0.883 0.931 0.867 0.886 0.944 0.973
SP05_IOU 0.948 0.629 0.906 0.136 0.903 0.929 0.850 0.903 0.923 0.968
SP06_IOU 0.961 0.633 0.961 0.136 0.933 0.918 0.818 0.944 0.879 0.940
SP07_IOU 0.956 0.677 0.891 0.093 0.975 0.902 0.812 0.957 0.847 0.906
SP08_IOU 0.793 0.520 0.731 0.228 0.703 0.885 0.689 0.700 0.857 0.872
SP09_IOU 0.910 0.560 0.936 0.195 0.843 0.941 0.778 0.882 0.814 0.926
SP10_IOU 0.910 0.565 0.937 0.195 0.844 0.941 0.778 0.883 0.815 0.926
Figure 3f - Latent Variable Squared Correlations (Fornell-Larcker Criterion) - (Financial
For internal consistency reliability, composite reliability > = 0.70 is the goal, however, in exploratory
research 0.60 is considered acceptable (Bagozzi and Yi 1988).
For convergent validity, Average Variance Extracted (AVE) >
= 0.50 is the goal (Bagozzi and Yi 1988).
For discriminate validity, use Fornell-Larcker criterion. Each construct's AVE should be higher than its
squared correlation with any other construct (Fornell and Larcker 1981).
Composite Latent
Reliability Variable
0.996 0.946 EAP 0.946
0.996 0.982 EC 0.655 0.982
0.995 0.953 EP 0.943 0.607 0.953
0.139 0.435 FP 0.126 0.063 0.155 0.435
0.994 0.932 GAP 0.978 0.666 0.895 0.085 0.932
0.998 0.991 GC 0.963 0.686 0.928 0.183 0.904 0.991
0.992 0.929 GP 0.869 0.560 0.806 0.004 0.841 0.828 0.929
0.984 0.870 SAP 0.977 0.675 0.917 0.101 0.985 0.914 0.833 0.870
0.995 0.975 SC 0.922 0.707 0.879 0.199 0.860 0.942 0.774 0.856 0.975
0.993 0.934 SP 0.977 0.639 0.935 0.161 0.920 0.983 0.868 0.925 0.944 0.934
Figure 3g - Summary of Theoretical Level (inner or structural ) Model Results - (Financial
The R Square displayed, for each hypothesized relationship, is the R
Square for the dependent variable in that relationship.
For R Square, acceptable levels depend on research context. R Square
> 0.25 Weak, 0.50 Moderate, 0.75 Strong (Hair et al. 2010).
For Effect size, f Square, of 0.02, 0.15, or 0.35 is indicative of weak,
moderate, or strong effects, respectively (Cohen 1998).
For path coefficient estimates, use bootstrapping to
assess significance (Chin 1998, Hensler et al. 2009).
For predictive relevance, Q Square and q square, use blindfolding. Q Square > 0 is indicative of
predictive relevance; q-square of 0.02, 0.15, 0.35 for weak, moderate, or strong degree of predictive
relevance (Chin 1998, Hensler et al. 2009).
*** All direct path coefficients are significant at p < 0.01
Stand T The ctive Nu
Hypoth cients Sampl Depe
Hyp R ard Statisti P Effect Relev mbe
esized - e Suppor ndent
othe Squa Error cs Value Size (f ance r of
Relatio Origin Mean ted Varia
sis re (STE (|O/ST s Squar Q Item
nship al (M) ble
RR) ERR|) e) Squa s
e (O)
GC ->
H1a 0.829 0.686 0.825 0.106 7.794 0.000 2.189 Strong 0.664 15 EC
GC ->
H1b 0.970 0.942 0.971 0.010 94.744 0.000 16.115 Strong 0.922 15 SC
EC ->
H2a 0.809 0.655 0.798 0.140 5.783 0.000 1.897 Strong 0.574 14 EAP
SC ->
H2b 0.925 0.856 0.929 0.023 40.459 0.000 5.928 Strong 0.689 9 SAP
GC ->
H2c 0.951 0.904 0.955 0.013 71.476 0.000 9.464 Strong 0.812 12 GAP
EAP ->
H3a 0.971 0.943 0.971 0.013 75.963 0.000 16.446 Strong 0.885 10 EP
SAP ->
H3b 0.962 0.925 0.967 0.009 106.094 0.000 12.369 Strong 0.866 10 SP
GAP ->
H3c 0.917 0.841 0.917 0.047 19.434 0.000 5.302 Strong 0.774 10 GP
EP ->
H4a 0.013 0.905 -0.018 0.561 0.023 0.981 0.000 Little 0.062 13 FP
SP ->
H4b -2.622 0.905 0.992 2.975 0.881 0.379 3.205 Strong 0.062 13 FP
GP ->
H4c 2.371 0.905 -0.786 2.901 0.817 0.414 7.869 Strong 0.062 13 FP
Figure 3h - Path Coefficients - Total Effects - (Financial Performance)
*** All total effects path coefficients are significant at
p < 0.01
Mean, STDEV, T-Values,
Sample Standard
Original T Statistics P
Mean Error
Sample (O) (|O/STERR|) Values
EAP -> EP 0.971 0.971 0.013 75.963 0.000
EAP -> FP 0.013 -0.019 0.543 0.023 0.981
EC -> EAP 0.809 0.798 0.140 5.783 0.000
EC -> EP 0.786 0.775 0.139 5.653 0.000
EC -> FP 0.010 -0.023 0.441 0.023 0.981
EP -> FP 0.013 -0.018 0.561 0.023 0.981
GAP -> FP 2.175 -0.745 2.746 0.792 0.429
GAP -> GP 0.917 0.917 0.047 19.434 0.000
GC -> EAP 0.670 0.673 0.181 3.696 0.000
GC -> EC 0.829 0.825 0.106 7.794 0.000
GC -> EP 0.651 0.654 0.178 3.652 0.000
GC -> FP -0.187 0.130 0.328 0.571 0.568
GC -> GAP 0.951 0.955 0.013 71.476 0.000
GC -> GP 0.872 0.876 0.050 17.508 0.000
GC -> SAP 0.898 0.903 0.029 31.098 0.000
GC -> SC 0.970 0.971 0.010 94.744 0.000
GC -> SP 0.863 0.873 0.032 26.695 0.000
GP -> FP 2.371 -0.786 2.901 0.817 0.414
SAP -> FP -2.522 0.961 2.875 0.877 0.381
SAP -> SP 0.962 0.967 0.009 106.094 0.000
SC -> FP -2.333 0.893 2.687 0.868 0.386
SC -> SAP 0.925 0.929 0.023 40.459 0.000
SC -> SP 0.890 0.899 0.027 32.428 0.000
SP -> FP -2.622 0.992 2.975 0.881 0.379
ESG Tables
Table 1 — Foundational Theories Impacting a Focal Firm’s Strategy for Collaborating on
Environmental Social Governance Risk Factors in a Supply Chain Context
Internal Supplier Customer
Theory Internal Supplier Customer
Key Principles
(Citation) Collaboratio Collaboratio Collaboratio
n n n
Companies produce externalities
Stakeholder that affect many parties, which
(Freeman are both internal and external to X X X
1984) the firm, including members of
the supply chain.
Principals (owners of resources)
retain agents (those who perform
1979, 1987;
the work) to reduce risk or
Jensen and X
exposure, and costs, while
increasing returns and value for
1976; Ross
the firm.
Strategists are risk-seeking when
recent performance has been
unsatisfactory, and risk-averse X
and Tversky
when recent performance levels
have been attained or surpassed.
Firms use differentiation strategy
to secure a unique reputation and
Rivals’ Costs
public recognition as a high X
(Director and
status firm, which increases the
Levi 1956)
cost of their rivals.
Resource Resources combined in unique
Based View ways can create sets of
(Barney capabilities that are valuable,
1991; Rumelt rare, inimitable and non- X
1984; substitutable as the primary
Wernerfelt source of differentiation and
1984) sustained competitive advantage.
Organizational capabilities can
be developed by the combination
of resources existing in different X X X
(Dyer and
organizations in the supply
Singh 1998)
Institutional Institutional pressures influence
(DiMaggio organizations, in the supply
and Powell chain, to adopt certain X X X
1983; Scott management activities and
1992) practices.
Environmental Environmental Collaboration (EC) is
Collaboration (EC) defined as the direct involvement of an
organization with its internal
departments, both functional and
operational, and with its key Suppliers
and major Customers in planning jointly
for environmental solutions. EC can
include, in addition to joint
environmental planning, joint
environmental goal-setting, joint
environmental decision-making, joint
reduction of negative environmental
impacts, and shared environmental know-
how or shared environmental knowledge.
Table 3 — Definition of ESG Activity/ Practice and Associated Sub-Constructs
Construct Definition Literature
This dimension addresses how a
company manages a broad range of
social operational issues in their
company. It expresses actually what the
firm does, regarding its social activity.
Table 4 — Definition of ESG Performance and Associated Sub-Constructs
Construct Definition Literature
Table 5 — Definition of Business Performance and Associated Sub-Constructs
Construct Definition Literature
Market Performance (MP) Market Performance (MP) refers to Firm (Edgar Online,
Revenue, Market Value and Common 2010;
Stock Price. Marketing
Institute, 2000;
Murphy et al.,
1996, p. 16);
(Edgar Online,
2010; Otley and
Pollanen, 2000;
Clark, 1999;
Srivastava et
al., 1998;
Kaplan and
Norton, 1996).
Financial Performance Financial Performance (FP) (Edgar Online,
(FP) encompasses the sub-constructs, EBIT, 2010; Otley and
EBITDA, Net Income (Loss) Pollanen, 2000;
(NI_(LOSS)), Gross Profit (GPR), Srivastava et
Gross Profit Margin (GPM), Operating al., 1998;
Profit (OP), Operating Profit Margin Kaplan and
(OPM), Revenue, Return on Assets Norton, 1996;
(ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), Return Reese and Cool,
on Invested Capital (ROIC), Return on 1978, p. 28)
Sales (ROS), Market Value (MV), and
Stock Price (PRCC_C).
Table 6 - Comparison of Partial Least Squares and Covariance-Based Analysis
Criterion PLS-SEM Approach CB-SEM Approach
Objective Prediction oriented Parameter oriented
Approach Variance based Covariance based
Assumptions Nonparametric Parametric
Parameter estimates Consistent at large Consistent
Latent variable scores Explicitly estimated Indeterminate
Model complexity High complexity Small to moderate
Minimum sample size 20–100 200–800
Note: Adapted from Chin and Newsted (1998) and Hulland et al. (2010)
Table 7 - Rules of Thumb for Selecting CB-SEM or PLS-SEM (Hair et al., 2011b)
Research Goals
• If the goal is predicting key target constructs or identifying key “driver” constructs,
select PLS-SEM.
• If the goal is theory testing, theory confirmation, or comparison of alternative theories,
select CB-SEM.
• If the research is exploratory or an extension of an existing structural theory, select
Structural Model
• If the structural model is complex (many constructs and many indicators), select PLS-
• If the model is non-recursive, select CB-SEM.
Model Evaluation
• If you need to use latent variable scores in subsequent analyses, PLS-SEM is the best
• If your research requires a global goodness-of-fit criterion, then CB-SEM is the
preferred approach.
• If you need to test for measurement model invariance, use CB-SEM
Table 8 – Structural and Measurement Model Characteristics (81 Samples)
Latent Constructs Internal Key Major Tota
Operatin Supplie Custom l
g Units rs (KS) ers
(IOU) (MC)
Environmental Collaboration (EC) x x x 3
Social Collaboration (SC) x x x 3
Governance Collaboration (GC) x x x 3
Environmental Activity/ Practice (EAP) x 1
Social Activity/ Practice (SAP) x 1
Governance activity/ practice (GAP) x 1
Environmental Performance (EP) x 1
Social Performance (SP) x 1
Governance Performance (GP) x 1
Financial Performance (FP)
Total Latent Constructs 15
Environmental Collaboration (EC) 5 5 5 15
Social Collaboration (SC) Indicators 5 5 5 15
Governance Collaboration (GC) 5 5 5 15
Environmental Activity/ Practice (EAP) 14 14
Social Activity/ Practice (SAP) Indicators 9 9
Governance activity/ practice (GAP) 12 12
Environmental Performance (EP) 10 10
Social Performance (SP) Indicators 10 10
Governance Performance (GP) Indicators 10 10
Financial Performance (FP) Indicators
Total Measurement Model Indicators 110
SC SAP x x x 3
SAP SP x x x 3
SP FP x x x 3
GC GAP x x x 3
GAP GP x x x 3
GP FP x x x 3
Total Dyadic Relationships 33
Table 10 - Suggested Sample Size in a Typical Marketing Research
52 2
59 3
65 4
70 5
75 6
80 7
84 8
88 9
91 10
* Note: The structural and measurement models, in the ESGC—FP framework, have
the maximum of three arrows pointing to a latent variable.
Table 11 - Rules of Thumb for Model Evaluation (Hair et al., 2011b)
Reflective Measurement Models
• Internal consistency reliability: Composite reliability should be higher than 0.70 (in
exploratory research, 0.60 to 0.70 is considered acceptable).
• Indicator reliability: Indicator loadings should be higher than 0.70.
• Convergent validity: The average variance extracted (AVE) should be higher than
• Discriminant validity:
– The AVE of each latent construct should higher than the construct’s highest
squared correlation with any other latent construct (Fornell–Larcker criterion).
– An indicator’s loadings should be higher than all of its cross loadings.
Structural Model
• R ² values of 0.75, 0.50, or 0.25 for endogenous [dependent] latent variables in the
structural model can be described as substantial, moderate, or weak, respectively.
• Use bootstrapping to assess the path coefficients’ significance. The minimum number
of bootstrap samples is 5,000, and the number of cases should be equal to the number
of observations in the original sample. Critical t-values for a two-tailed test are 1.65
(significance level = 10 percent), 1.96 (significance level = 5 percent), and 2.58
(significance level = 1 percent).
• Predictive relevance: Use blindfolding to obtain cross-validated redundancy measures
for each construct. Make sure the number of valid observations is not a multiple integer
number of the omission distance d. Choose values of d between 5 and 10.
• Resulting Q ² values of larger than zero indicate that the exogenous [independent]
constructs have predictive relevance for the endogenous [dependent] construct under
• Heterogeneity: If theory supports the existence of alternative groups of data, carry out
PLS-SEM multi-group or moderator analyses. If no theory or information about the
underlying groups of data is available, an assessment of unobserved heterogeneity’s
existence must be conducted by means of the FIMIX-PLS method, which is available
in the SmartPLS software package.
Table 12 - Guidelines for applying PLS-
(Hair et al., 2012)
Criterion Recommendations / rules of thumb
General description Use “ten times rule” as rough guidance for Barclay et al.
of the sample minimum sample size. Use a minimum 1995
sample size of ten times the maximum
number of paths aiming at any construct in
the outer model (i.e., the number of
formative indicators per construct) and inner
model (i.e., the number of path relationships
directed at a particular construct).
Distribution of the Robust when applied to highly skewed data; Cassel et al.
sample report skewness and kurtosis 1999, Reinartz
et al. 2009
Use of holdout 30% of original sample Hair et al. 2010
Provide correlation
/ covariance matrix
(or raw data in
online appendix)
Measurement Do not use categorical variables in
scales used endogenous constructs; carefully interpret
categorical variables in exogenous constructs
Description of the Provide graphical representation illustrating
inner model all inner model relations
Description of the Include a complete list of indicators in the
outer models appendix
Measurement mode Substantiate measurement mode by using Diamantopoulos
of latent variables CTA-PLS et al. 2008;
Gudergan et al.
2008; Jarvis et
al. 2003
algorithm settings
and software used
Starting values for Use an uniform value of 1 as an initial value Henseler 2010
weights for initial for each
approximation of of the outer weights
the latent variable
Weighting scheme Use path weighting scheme Henseler 2010;
Henseler et al.
Stop criterion Sum of the outer weights’ changes between Wold 1982
two iterations < 10^−5
Maximum number 300 Ringle et al.
of iterations 2005
Software used Report software, including version to
indicate default settings
Parameter settings
for procedures
used to evaluate
Bootstrapping Efron 1981
Sign change option Use individual sign changes Henseler et al.
Number of 5,000; must be greater than the number of Hair et al.
bootstrap samples valid observations 2011b
Number of Equal to the number of valid observations Hair et al.
bootstrap cases 2011b
Blindfolding Use cross-validated redundancy Chin 1998;
Geisser 1974;
Stone 1974
Omission distance Number of valid observations divided by d Chin 1998
d must not be
an integer; choose 5 ≤ d ≤ 10
CTA-PLS 5,000 bootstrap samples; rejection of Coltman et al.
reflective measurement approach if a non- 2008; Gudergan
redundant vanishing tetrad is significantly et al. 2008
(bias-corrected confidence interval) different
from zero (Bonferroni correction for
multiple tests)
Multigroup Use distribution-free approaches to Sarstedt et al.
comparison multigroup comparison 2011b
FIMIX-PLS Hahn et al.
2002; Sarstedt
et al. 2011a
Stop criterion ln(L) change < 10^−15 Ringle et al.
Maximum number 15,000 Ringle et al.
of iterations 2010a
Number of Use AIC3 and CAIC jointly; also consider Sarstedt et al.
segments EN 2011a
Ex post analysis Use multinomial or binary logistic Sarstedt and
regression, CHAID, Ringle 2010
C&RT, crosstabs
Outer model
Indicator reliabilityStandardized indicator loadings ≥ 0.70; in Hulland 1999
exploratory studies, loadings of 0.40 are
Internal consistency Do not use Cronbach’s alpha; composite Bagozzi and Yi
reliability reliability ≥ 0.70 1988
(in exploratory research 0.60 is considered
Convergent validity AVE ≥ 0.50 Bagozzi and Yi
Fornell-Larcker Each construct’s AVE should be higher than Fornell and
criterion its squared Larcker 1981
correlation with any other construct
Cross loadings Each indicator should load highest on the Chin 1998;
construct it is Grégoire and
intended to measure Fisher 2006
Outer model
Indicators’ relative Report indicator weights
contribution to the
Significance of Report t-values, p-values or standard errors
Multicollinearity VIF < 5 / tolerance > 0.20; condition index Hair et al.
<30 2011b
Inner model
Coefficient of Acceptable level depends on research Hair et al. 2010
determination (R²) context
Effect size f² 0.02, 0.15, 0.35 for weak, moderate, strong Cohen 1988
Path coefficient Use bootstrapping to assess significance; Chin 1998;
estimates provide Henseler et al.
confidence intervals 2009
Predictive Use blindfolding; Q² > 0 is indicative of Chin 1998;
relevance Q² and q² predictive relevance; Henseler et al.
q²: 0.02, 0.15, 0.35 for weak, moderate, 2009
strong degree
of predictive relevance
Observed and Consider categorical or continuous Henseler and
unobserved moderating variables Chin 2010;
heterogeneity using a priori information or FIMIX-PLS Rigdon et al.
2010; Sarstedt
et al. 2011a, b
Table 13a - Descriptive Statistics (81 Samples)
Ratio of
Cou Mea Std Varianc Skewne Kurtos Missing Missing
nt n Dev e ss is Data to Total
EC01_MC 81 4.04 1.86 3.46 -0.11 -0.98 0 0.00
EC02_MC 81 4.36 1.90 3.61 -0.21 -1.02 0 0.00
EC03_MC 81 3.89 1.87 3.50 0.04 -0.91 0 0.00
EC04_MC 81 3.94 1.98 3.93 -0.01 -1.01 0 0.00
EC05_MC 81 4.31 1.99 3.94 -0.21 -1.01 0 0.00
SC01_MC 81 3.23 1.80 3.23 0.42 -0.46 12 0.15
SC02_MC 81 3.26 1.91 3.67 0.50 -0.64 12 0.15
SC03_MC 81 3.36 1.82 3.30 0.46 -0.39 12 0.15
SC04_MC 81 3.25 1.75 3.06 0.22 -0.69 12 0.15
SC05_MC 81 3.78 1.90 3.62 0.06 -0.80 12 0.15
GC01_MC 81 3.75 1.70 2.90 0.05 -0.40 16 0.20
GC02_MC 81 3.51 1.92 3.68 0.29 -0.82 16 0.20
GC03_MC 81 3.86 1.84 3.37 -0.18 -0.79 16 0.20
GC04_MC 81 3.95 1.96 3.86 0.00 -0.77 16 0.20
GC05_MC 81 3.97 1.86 3.47 -0.04 -0.57 16 0.20
EC01_KS 81 3.98 1.82 3.30 -0.24 -0.64 0 0.00
EC02_KS 81 3.98 1.77 3.12 -0.39 -0.56 0 0.00
EC03_KS 81 3.94 1.71 2.93 -0.18 -0.30 0 0.00
EC04_KS 81 3.67 1.75 3.05 -0.15 -0.73 0 0.00
EC05_KS 81 3.78 2.06 4.23 -0.03 -1.17 0 0.00
SC01_KS 81 3.36 1.70 2.90 0.10 -0.48 12 0.15
SC02_KS 81 3.45 1.97 3.89 0.29 -0.80 12 0.15
SC03_KS 81 3.20 1.95 3.79 0.63 -0.46 12 0.15
SC04_KS 81 3.48 1.81 3.27 -0.07 -0.92 12 0.15
SC05_KS 81 3.61 2.07 4.28 0.15 -1.12 12 0.15
GC01_KS 81 3.88 1.64 2.69 -0.28 -0.29 16 0.20
GC02_KS 81 3.51 1.94 3.75 0.28 -0.90 16 0.20
GC03_KS 81 3.48 1.85 3.43 0.12 -1.10 16 0.20
GC04_KS 81 3.88 2.03 4.14 0.07 -1.00 16 0.20
GC05_KS 81 3.89 2.09 4.35 -0.03 -1.11 16 0.20
EC01_IOU 81 5.40 1.74 3.04 -1.25 0.76 0 0.00
EC02_IOU 81 5.89 1.37 1.88 -1.50 2.47 0 0.00
EC03_IOU 81 5.80 1.49 2.21 -1.41 1.41 0 0.00
EC04_IOU 81 5.33 1.77 3.15 -1.21 0.64 0 0.00
EC05_IOU 81 5.10 1.79 3.19 -0.83 -0.09 0 0.00
SC01_IOU 81 5.43 1.37 1.89 -0.97 1.05 12 0.15
SC02_IOU 81 5.39 1.46 2.13 -1.03 0.82 12 0.15
SC03_IOU 81 5.10 1.44 2.08 -0.57 0.27 12 0.15
SC04_IOU 81 5.09 1.43 2.04 -0.92 1.30 12 0.15
SC05_IOU 81 4.87 1.74 3.02 -0.76 -0.06 12 0.15
GC01_IOU 81 4.88 1.56 2.44 -0.81 0.75 16 0.20
GC02_IOU 81 5.35 1.60 2.56 -1.42 1.80 16 0.20
GC03_IOU 81 5.11 1.61 2.60 -1.04 0.93 16 0.20
GC04_IOU 81 5.17 1.64 2.69 -1.00 0.85 16 0.20
GC05_IOU 81 4.82 1.42 2.02 -0.72 1.03 16 0.20
EAP01_IOU 81 4.97 1.91 3.65 -0.89 -0.04 22 0.27
EAP02_IOU 81 4.19 1.74 3.01 -0.38 -0.25 22 0.27
EAP03_IOU 81 4.49 1.95 3.81 -0.55 -0.53 22 0.27
EAP04_IOU 81 4.80 1.80 3.24 -0.85 0.10 22 0.27
EAP05_IOU 81 4.61 1.85 3.43 -0.70 -0.17 22 0.27
EAP06_IOU 81 3.68 1.97 3.89 0.14 -0.99 22 0.27
EAP07_IOU 81 4.53 1.67 2.78 -0.61 -0.04 22 0.27
EAP08_IOU 81 4.36 1.90 3.59 -0.61 -0.63 22 0.27
EAP09_IOU 81 4.64 1.63 2.64 -0.85 0.42 22 0.27
EAP10_IOU 81 4.53 1.87 3.51 -0.66 -0.40 22 0.27
EAP11_IOU 81 4.78 1.64 2.70 -0.94 0.72 22 0.27
EAP12_IOU 81 5.12 1.48 2.20 -0.92 1.05 22 0.27
EAP13_IOU 81 3.37 1.94 3.77 0.26 -0.91 22 0.27
EAP14_IOU 81 4.68 1.45 2.11 -0.87 1.11 22 0.27
SAP01_IOU 81 4.41 1.92 3.70 -0.51 -0.58 22 0.27
SAP02_IOU 81 5.34 1.51 2.29 -1.58 2.75 22 0.27
SAP03_IOU 81 5.73 1.41 2.00 -1.90 4.15 22 0.27
SAP04_IOU 81 5.88 1.43 2.05 -2.08 4.63 22 0.27
SAP05_IOU 81 5.02 1.75 3.06 -0.90 0.29 22 0.27
SAP06_IOU 81 5.10 1.51 2.27 -1.24 1.87 22 0.27
SAP07_IOU 81 3.73 1.60 2.55 -0.36 -0.28 22 0.27
SAP08_IOU 81 2.83 1.78 3.18 0.69 -0.46 22 0.27
SAP09_IOU 81 5.78 1.61 2.58 -1.98 3.52 22 0.27
GAP01_IOU 81 4.71 1.68 2.83 -0.96 0.67 22 0.27
GAP02_IOU 81 5.47 1.71 2.93 -1.67 2.15 22 0.27
GAP03_IOU 81 3.97 2.00 4.00 -0.30 -1.05 22 0.27
GAP04_IOU 81 5.37 1.60 2.55 -1.34 1.87 22 0.27
GAP05_IOU 81 5.12 1.53 2.33 -1.21 1.71 22 0.27
GAP06_IOU 81 4.47 1.69 2.86 -0.60 0.11 22 0.27
GAP07_IOU 81 4.83 1.82 3.33 -0.74 -0.17 22 0.27
GAP08_IOU 81 5.32 1.60 2.56 -1.26 1.65 22 0.27
GAP09_IOU 81 5.64 1.56 2.44 -1.90 3.47 22 0.27
GAP10_IOU 81 4.39 1.86 3.48 -0.40 -0.54 22 0.27
GAP11_IOU 81 5.39 1.47 2.18 -1.29 1.90 22 0.27
GAP12_IOU 81 4.97 1.68 2.82 -0.83 0.17 22 0.27
EP01_IOU 81 5.02 1.42 2.01 -0.36 0.31 23 0.28
EP02_IOU 81 4.78 1.32 1.75 -0.14 0.70 23 0.28
EP03_IOU 81 5.16 1.38 1.90 -0.66 0.93 23 0.28
EP04_IOU 81 4.88 1.29 1.65 -0.48 1.09 23 0.28
EP05_IOU 81 4.64 1.46 2.12 -0.31 0.58 23 0.28
EP06_IOU 81 4.64 1.46 2.12 -0.31 0.58 23 0.28
EP07_IOU 81 4.43 1.64 2.70 -0.38 0.13 23 0.28
EP08_IOU 81 4.40 1.64 2.70 -0.32 0.11 23 0.28
EP09_IOU 81 3.91 1.68 2.83 -0.15 0.00 23 0.28
EP10_IOU 81 4.07 1.70 2.90 -0.18 -0.03 23 0.28
SP01_IOU 81 3.88 2.02 4.08 -0.04 -0.97 23 0.28
SP02_IOU 81 3.72 2.00 4.02 0.11 -0.86 23 0.28
SP03_IOU 81 4.24 1.98 3.93 -0.43 -0.81 23 0.28
SP04_IOU 81 4.14 1.98 3.94 -0.28 -0.89 23 0.28
SP05_IOU 81 4.33 1.80 3.23 -0.35 -0.67 23 0.28
SP06_IOU 81 4.57 1.55 2.40 -0.58 0.27 23 0.28
SP07_IOU 81 5.07 1.52 2.32 -1.10 1.60 23 0.28
SP08_IOU 81 3.31 1.65 2.73 0.29 0.09 23 0.28
SP09_IOU 81 3.95 1.60 2.56 -0.27 0.15 23 0.28
SP10_IOU 81 3.98 1.61 2.59 -0.32 0.11 23 0.28
GP01_IOU 81 4.68 1.86 3.48 -0.90 -0.01 25 0.31
GP02_IOU 81 3.05 1.74 3.04 0.42 -0.73 25 0.31
GP03_IOU 81 4.32 1.71 2.93 -0.52 -0.08 25 0.31
GP04_IOU 81 3.71 1.62 2.62 -0.10 -0.40 25 0.31
GP05_IOU 81 4.11 1.77 3.12 -0.28 -0.36 25 0.31
GP06_IOU 81 3.91 2.13 4.56 0.07 -1.10 25 0.31
GP07_IOU 81 4.27 1.90 3.61 -0.25 -0.61 25 0.31
GP08_IOU 81 4.13 1.80 3.25 -0.21 -0.41 25 0.31
GP09_IOU 81 3.50 1.97 3.88 0.28 -0.79 25 0.31
GP10_IOU 81 4.13 1.91 3.65 -0.25 -0.74 25 0.31
Table 13b - Descriptive Statistics (20 Samples)
Std Missing Missing
Variable Count Mean Variance Skewness Kurtosis
Dev Variable to
EC01_MC 20 3.650 4.346 2.134 -0.217 -0.546 0 0
EC01_KS 20 3.900 4.618 2.411 -0.473 0.578 0 0
EC01_IOU 20 5.100 5.098 2.937 -1.496 1.655 0 0
EC01 20 4.200 4.472 2.260 -0.911 0.472 0 0
EC02_MC 20 4.100 5.098 2.937 -0.172 -0.235 0 0
EC02_KS 20 3.850 4.346 2.134 -0.838 0.405 0 0
EC02_IOU 20 5.800 4.380 2.168 -2.035 5.175 0 0
EC02 20 4.585 4.459 2.247 -0.882 0.577 0 0
EC03_MC 20 3.600 4.359 2.147 -0.219 -0.570 0 0
EC03_KS 20 3.800 4.485 2.274 -0.340 0.900 0 0
EC03_IOU 20 5.700 4.537 2.326 -1.907 4.032 0 0
EC03 20 4.350 4.201 1.994 -0.948 0.717 0 0
EC04_MC 20 3.600 5.143 2.989 0.288 -0.066 0 0
EC04_KS 20 3.350 4.237 2.029 -0.088 -0.057 0 0
EC04_IOU 20 5.050 4.871 2.682 -1.527 2.259 0 0
EC04 20 4.002 4.608 2.399 -0.386 0.102 0 0
EC05_MC 20 4.100 4.912 2.726 -0.098 0.114 0 0
EC05_KS 20 3.400 5.052 2.884 -0.203 -1.072 0 0
EC05_IOU 20 4.800 4.978 2.800 -0.998 0.895 0 0
EC05 20 4.102 4.796 2.599 -0.356 -0.252 0 0
SC01_MC 20 2.973 4.043 1.847 -0.376 -1.059 0 0
SC01_KS 20 3.086 4.044 1.848 -0.605 -0.865 0 0
SC01_IOU 20 5.293 4.509 2.298 -1.271 2.088 0 0
SC01 20 3.786 4.075 1.877 -0.644 -0.609 0 0
SC02_MC 20 2.926 4.630 2.422 0.221 -1.019 0 0
SC02_KS 20 3.145 4.628 2.420 -0.091 -0.929 0 0
SC02_IOU 20 3.036 4.590 2.381 0.067 -0.960 0 0
SC02 20 3.036 4.590 2.381 0.067 -0.960 0 0
SC03_MC 20 3.036 3.874 1.696 -0.407 -0.879 0 0
SC03_KS 20 2.720 4.235 2.027 0.422 -0.426 0 0
SC03_IOU 20 5.010 4.528 2.317 -0.718 1.114 0 0
SC03 20 3.589 4.043 1.847 -0.155 -0.794 0 0
SC04_MC 20 3.025 4.429 2.216 -0.162 -1.322 0 0
SC04_KS 20 3.348 4.529 2.318 -0.673 -0.980 0 0
SC04_IOU 20 4.959 4.036 1.841 -1.327 2.627 0 0
SC04 20 3.778 4.170 1.965 -0.556 -0.846 0 0
SC05_MC 20 3.628 4.645 2.438 -0.312 -0.429 0 0
SC05_KS 20 3.361 5.292 3.165 0.066 -0.989 0 0
SC05_IOU 20 4.787 5.067 2.901 -0.906 0.783 0 0
SC05 20 3.926 4.857 2.666 -0.297 -0.526 0 0
GC01_MC 20 3.775 4.584 2.374 -0.341 0.011 0 0
GC01_KS 20 3.888 4.617 2.409 -0.541 0.083 0 0
GC01_IOU 20 4.888 5.097 2.936 -0.921 1.023 0 0
GC01 20 4.183 4.651 2.445 -0.548 0.264 0 0
GC02_MC 20 3.451 5.127 2.971 0.092 -0.889 0 0
GC02_KS 20 3.401 5.211 3.069 0.151 -1.006 0 0
GC02_IOU 20 5.385 5.120 2.962 -1.779 2.844 0 0
GC02 20 4.079 4.914 2.729 -0.381 -0.396 0 0
GC03_MC 20 3.936 4.775 2.577 -0.475 -0.110 0 0
GC03_KS 20 3.398 5.210 3.068 0.156 -1.004 0 0
GC03_IOU 20 5.061 5.059 2.892 -1.249 1.707 0 0
GC03 20 4.132 4.846 2.654 -0.395 -0.272 0 0
GC04_MC 20 4.095 5.537 3.464 0.066 -0.147 0 0
GC04_KS 20 3.988 6.028 4.107 0.146 -0.888 0 0
GC04_IOU 20 5.117 5.188 3.041 -1.194 1.490 0 0
GC04 20 4.400 5.427 3.329 -0.224 -0.295 0 0
GC05_MC 20 4.047 5.328 3.208 -0.016 0.001 0 0
GC05_KS 20 3.989 6.403 4.633 -0.089 -1.024 0 0
GC05_IOU 20 4.732 4.403 2.191 -0.778 1.197 0 0
GC05 20 4.257 5.183 3.036 -0.130 -0.447 0 0
EAP01_IOU 20 5.447 5.586 3.527 -1.366 1.354 0 0
EAP02_IOU 20 4.569 5.485 3.400 -0.401 -0.282 0 0
EAP03_IOU 20 4.799 5.899 3.932 -0.810 -0.035 0 0
EAP04_IOU 20 5.130 5.406 3.302 -1.145 0.898 0 0
EAP05_IOU 20 4.911 5.423 3.323 -0.775 0.277 0 0
EAP06_IOU 20 4.118 6.507 4.786 -0.097 -1.282 0 0
EAP07_IOU 20 4.853 5.287 3.158 -0.809 0.419 0 0
EAP08_IOU 20 4.786 5.827 3.837 -0.922 0.052 0 0
EAP09_IOU 20 4.964 5.118 2.960 -1.034 1.167 0 0
EAP10_IOU 20 4.903 5.428 3.329 -0.990 0.500 0 0
EAP11_IOU 20 5.028 5.065 2.899 -1.181 1.566 0 0
EAP12_IOU 20 5.262 4.611 2.403 -1.056 1.597 0 0
EAP13_IOU 20 3.787 6.288 4.468 0.092 -1.097 0 0
EAP14_IOU 20 4.968 5.023 2.852 -1.103 1.524 0 0
SAP01_IOU 20 4.591 5.884 3.913 -0.580 -0.443 0 0
SAP02_IOU 20 5.484 5.132 2.976 -1.883 3.316 0 0
SAP03_IOU 20 5.923 4.371 2.159 -2.277 6.152 0 0
SAP04_IOU 20 6.088 4.309 2.099 -2.588 7.901 0 0
SAP05_IOU 20 5.352 5.482 3.396 -1.308 1.346 0 0
SAP06_IOU 20 5.210 5.159 3.007 -1.437 1.881 0 0
SAP07_IOU 20 4.073 4.630 2.423 -0.870 0.459 0 0
SAP08_IOU 20 2.933 6.364 4.577 0.600 -1.168 0 0
SAP09_IOU 20 5.878 5.451 3.358 -2.135 3.897 0 0
GAP01_IOU 20 5.021 5.068 2.903 -1.165 1.528 0 0
GAP02_IOU 20 5.747 5.342 3.225 -2.054 3.715 0 0
GAP03_IOU 20 4.297 6.695 5.065 -0.412 -1.179 0 0
GAP04_IOU 20 5.587 5.390 3.283 -1.718 2.654 0 0
GAP05_IOU 20 5.312 5.290 3.162 -1.465 1.825 0 0
GAP06_IOU 20 4.747 5.342 3.225 -0.600 0.060 0 0
GAP07_IOU 20 5.133 5.657 3.616 -0.974 0.254 0 0
GAP08_IOU 20 5.532 5.483 3.397 -1.569 2.046 0 0
GAP09_IOU 20 5.814 5.223 3.082 -2.272 4.751 0 0
GAP10_IOU 20 4.589 5.559 3.493 -0.343 -0.563 0 0
GAP11_IOU 20 5.639 4.735 2.534 -1.586 2.654 0 0
GAP12_IOU 20 5.247 5.450 3.357 -1.317 1.144 0 0
EP01_IOU 20 5.102 5.097 2.936 -0.454 -0.151 0 0
EP02_IOU 20 4.828 4.654 2.448 -0.320 0.372 0 0
EP03_IOU 20 5.316 4.828 2.634 -0.904 1.055 0 0
EP04_IOU 20 4.988 4.630 2.422 -0.626 0.696 0 0
EP05_IOU 20 4.764 4.881 2.692 -0.366 0.138 0 0
EP06_IOU 20 4.814 5.041 2.872 -0.319 -0.071 0 0
EP07_IOU 20 4.643 5.291 3.163 -0.448 0.030 0 0
EP08_IOU 20 4.640 5.292 3.165 -0.442 0.023 0 0
EP09_IOU 20 4.291 5.558 3.491 -0.201 -0.123 0 0
EP10_IOU 20 4.407 5.317 3.195 -0.199 -0.065 0 0
SP01_IOU 20 4.238 6.398 4.626 -0.271 -1.086 0 0
SP02_IOU 20 4.122 6.576 4.887 -0.201 -1.160 0 0
SP03_IOU 20 4.724 6.013 4.086 -0.851 -0.292 0 0
SP04_IOU 20 4.464 6.132 4.249 -0.423 -0.893 0 0
SP05_IOU 20 4.583 5.808 3.812 -0.468 -0.695 0 0
SP06_IOU 20 4.757 5.338 3.220 -0.620 0.088 0 0
SP07_IOU 20 5.157 5.220 3.080 -1.240 1.505 0 0
SP08_IOU 20 3.781 6.142 4.263 0.171 -0.642 0 0
SP09_IOU 20 4.395 5.325 3.204 -0.177 -0.092 0 0
SP10_IOU 20 4.398 5.323 3.202 -0.183 -0.085 0 0
GP01_IOU 20 5.052 5.881 3.908 -1.254 0.601 0 0
GP02_IOU 20 3.208 5.756 3.745 0.448 -1.028 0 0
GP03_IOU 20 4.698 5.178 3.030 -0.868 0.557 0 0
GP04_IOU 20 4.057 5.206 3.063 0.044 -0.150 0 0
GP05_IOU 20 4.417 5.133 2.977 -0.388 0.156 0 0
GP06_IOU 20 4.287 6.700 5.073 -0.150 -1.215 0 0
GP07_IOU 20 4.591 5.801 3.802 -0.245 -0.607 0 0
GP08_IOU 20 4.470 5.401 3.297 -0.267 -0.200 0 0
GP09_IOU 20 3.875 6.159 4.286 -0.045 -0.904 0 0
GP10_IOU 20 4.420 5.970 4.028 -0.432 -0.695 0 0
REVENUE 20 0.004 0.581 0.038 -2.546 9.172 0 0
NI_(LOSS) 20 0.217 1.472 0.245 4.148 18.021 0 0
EBIT 20 0.106 0.294 0.010 0.120 -1.272 0 0
EBITDA 20 0.103 0.378 0.016 1.921 4.559 0 0
GPR 20 1.828 0.378 -4.292 18.872 0 0
GPM 20 4.331 2.120 -4.467 19.966 0 0
OP 20 0.106 0.294 0.010 0.120 -1.272 0 0
OPM 20 0.221 2.150 0.522 4.264 18.596 0 0
ROS 20 0.353 2.817 0.897 2.877 7.098 0 0
ROA 20 0.202 2.008 0.456 4.325 19.080 0 0
ROE 20 0.212 2.180 0.537 4.386 19.471 0 0
ROIC 20 0.204 2.064 0.481 4.349 19.230 0 0
MV 20 0.102 0.345 0.013 -0.126 -0.766 0 0
PRCC_F 20 0.165 0.741 0.062 3.381 13.332 0 0
EMPL 20 0.279 0.009 -1.841 4.721 0 0
Appendix A
During the past 2 years, to what extent did your plant engage in the following
environmental activities with your primary suppliers (inks, substrates, equipment)? (1 =
not at all, 4 = moderately, 7 = great extent)
During the past 2 years, to what extent did your plant engage in the following
environmental activities with your major customers? (1 = not at all, 4 = moderately, 7 =
great extent)
Appendix B
To what extent did your firm engage in
the activity of…
E Achieving environmental goals
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 collectively
Developing a mutual understanding of
responsibilities regarding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
environmental performance
Working together to reduce
environmental impact of our 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Conducting joint planning to
anticipate and resolve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
environmental-related problems
Making joint decisions about ways to
reduce overall environmental impact 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
of our products
Appendix C
During the past year, to what extent did your INTERNAL with KEY with MAJOR
firm engage in activities to … OPERATING SUPPLIERS CUSTOMERS
Achieve environmental goals (e.g., reduce
packaging, emissions, waste, water, energy, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
steam, solids, fuel, etc.)
Understand responsibilities regarding
environmental performance (e.g.,
disclose environmental issues, share 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
environmental policies, learn each other’s
operations, etc.)
Reduce adverse environmental impact of
E operations (e.g., pollution from material
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 flows, production processes, chemicals use,
waste, storage, disposal, etc.)
Anticipate and resolve environmental-
E related problems (e.g., develop recovery
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4 systems like fuel, waste, reuse, recycle, re-
manufacture, closed-loop solutions, etc.)
Reduce adverse environmental impact of
your products (e.g., use eco-friendly,
E recyclable and substitute materials, bio-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 degradable packages, re-manufacture,
recycle, and take-back products at end-of-
life cycle, etc.)
Appendix D
Typical Questions, after pilot test, Included in the large scale web-based survey
EC01 Achieve environmental goals (e.g., reduce packaging, emissions, waste, water,
energy, steam, solids, fuel, etc.)
EC02 Understand responsibilities regarding environmental performance (e.g., disclose
environmental issues, share environmental policies, learn each other's operations,
EC03 Reduce adverse environmental impact of operations (e.g., pollution from material
flows, production processes, chemicals use, waste, storage, disposal, etc.)
EC04 Anticipate and resolve environmental-related problems (e.g., develop recovery
systems like fuel, waste, reuse, recycle, re-manufacture, closed-loop solutions, etc.)
EC05 Reduce adverse environmental impact of your products (e.g., use eco-friendly,
recyclable and substitute materials, bio-degradable packages, re-manufacture,
recycle, and take-back products at end-of-life cycle, etc.)
SC01 Achieve social goals (e.g., improve labor practices, employee working conditions,
training, skills development and total wages paid, promote gender and ethnic
equality, reducing work place injury, illness rates, abolish child, forced or
compulsory labor, prevent workplace discrimination, etc.)
SC02 Understand responsibilities regarding social performance (e.g., disclose social
issues, share policies on Remuneration, Health & Safety, Human Rights, Training,
SC03 Improve favorable social impact of your operations (e.g., increase local jobs,
develop local workforce skills, improve community relations/development,
schools, housing, infrastructure, etc.)
SC04 Anticipate and resolve social-related problems (e.g., develop Code of Conduct,
Supplier Management System, proactively identify and correct possible, human
rights concerns and CSR challenges, etc.)
SC05 Reduce adverse social impact of your products (e.g., provide public service
announcements, training and incentives to return, recycle or reuse 'end of use'
products, promote use of returnable, recyclable packages and containers, etc.)
GC01 Achieve governance goals (e.g., align supply chain goals with business objectives,
track performance against goals, translate goals into actionable targets for all
employees across all functions, meet customer and other stakeholder expectations,
meet responsible sourcing requirements, adopt fair and open communications, etc.)
GC02 Understand responsibilities regarding governance performance (e.g., disclose
governance issues, share ethics policies, report annually sustainable performance
to stakeholders, measure and disclose organizational performance against the goal
of sustainability development, etc.)
GC03 Improve favorable governance impact of your operations (e.g., make changes to
improve corporate reputations, rebuild public trust, improve living and working
conditions, make long-term commitments and investments that create trust in the
community, etc.)
GC04 Anticipate and resolve governance-related problems (e.g., implement anti-
corruption, extortion & bribery initiatives, integrate sustainability into Supply
Chain Management decisions, safe-guard reputations, etc.)
GC05 Reduce adverse governance impact of your products (e.g., procure quality raw
material inputs, purchase inputs from ethical and responsible business partners, buy
from sources that embrace human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-
corruption, etc.)
EAP01 disclose Environmental data and practices in annual reports (e.g. Corporate Social
Responsibility, Sustainability, etc.)
EAP02 initiatives to protect biodiversity (e.g., trees, vegetation, wildlife, and endangered
species, etc.)
EAP03 initiatives to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions (e.g., from operations,
products, goods, services, etc.)
EAP04 initiatives to use energy more efficiently (e.g., perform energy audit, reduce energy
use, reduce peak-hour use, certify to ISO 5001, etc.)
EAP05 initiatives to reduce its environmental emissions (e.g., to the air, water, soil, etc.)
EAP06 believe it is important to be a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (e.g.,
ten core values in the areas of human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-
EAP07 launch products, goods, services which reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions
EAP08 make its packaging more environmentally friendly (e.g., improve the recyclability
of packaging, use less environmentally damaging materials in packaging, etc.)
EAP09 reduce the environmental footprint of its supply chain (e.g., introduce
environmental management systems, reduce waste, resource use, environmental
emissions, etc. in the supply chain)
EAP10 certify environmental policies to an independent or third-party assessment (e.g.,
ISO 14001, etc.)
EAP11 introduce environmental management systems to help reduce the environmental
footprint of its operations
EAP12 reduce waste generated during the course of its operations
EAP13 comply with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) (e.g., Sustainability Reporting
EAP14 use environmentally-friendly principles in the construction or renovation of its
SAP01 disclose Social data and practices in annual reports (e.g. Corporate Social
Responsibility, Sustainability, etc.)
SAP02 demonstrate, in a remuneration policy, its commitment to pay a fair wage (e.g.,
minimum, living, sustainable, competitive wage, etc.) to all company employees
SAP03 recognize, in a health and safety policy, its risks and responsibilities concerning the
welfare of all employees
SAP04 commit, in an equal opportunity policy, to support non-discriminatory practices
SAP05 identify, in a human rights policy, initiatives to protect of the rights of all employees
SAP06 commit, in a training policy, to instruct new and existing (management and non-
management) employees on career development, education or skills
SAP07 train employees on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
To what extent …
SAP08 are the employees of your company represented by labor unions, or belong to labor
SAP09 is the number of employees, in your company, disclosed in annual reports (e.g.
Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, etc.)
GAP01 disclose Governance data and practices in annual reports (e.g. Corporate
Social Responsibility, Sustainability, etc.)
GAP02 establish guidelines, in a business ethics/compliance policy, for its
management and non-management employees
GAP03 include women, on its Board of Directors
GAP04 require Directors to attend at least 75% of the board and key committee
meetings on which they sit
GAP05 evaluate the number of Board of Directors meetings per year
GAP06 review the length of a board member's term (in years)
GAP07 evaluate its leadership structure for justification to combine or separate the
positions of CEO and chairman of the board
GAP08 evaluate itself to ensure that Board Members have appropriate skills and
GAP09 require Audit committee members to meet at least quarterly
GAP10 commit to increasing the percentage of independent directors
GAP11 commit to maintaining the appropriate number of directors for future
operations and challenges
GAP12 elect independent directors to minimize conflict between management's and
shareholders' interests
SP01 reduced the number of lawsuits for pay imbalances in your organization
SP02 reduced the cost of lawsuits for pay imbalances in your organization
SP05 increased opportunities for advancement
SP06 increased opportunities for training
SP07 increased the brand equity of the firm in the eyes of community members,
customers, employees, and regulators
SP08 increased the firm's ability to obtain higher prices (rents) than its competitors
GP03 increased the attendance rate of board members attending director meetings in your
GP04 increased the frequency of its meetings to recover from poor performance, faster
GP05 increased stability and sustainability by managing the orderly succession of board
members' terms
GP06 increased shareholders' interests and board flexibility by separating CEO and
chairman roles
GP07 increased the quality of board members' skill-sets by appointing and retiring
members as needs of the firm dictate
GP08 increased the frequency of its audit committee meetings to carry out its function of
GP09 increased the firm's independence, transparency and ability to obtain higher prices
(rents) than its competitors
GP10 increased the reputational equity of the firm in the eyes of customers, employees,
investors and regulators
Appendix E
Subject: 2013 Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Study: Take Our Short
Survey and Get Valuable Information
Dear Executive,
Please take 15 minutes of your time, and share your insights with us. This survey is being
conducted exclusively using the Internet. To access the survey, please click on the
following URL link, or cut and paste this link into your internet browser:
If for any reason you need to leave the survey, you can re-enter by clicking on the link in
this message.
Responsibility Officer, Corporate Social Responsibility Officer, Chief Compliance
Officer, etc.). Participation is 100% voluntary, and all participant responses will be kept
confidential. Only aggregated data will be analyzed and published.
The goal of this research is to elicit responses from America’s top performing U.S.
Listed companies in order to identify common principles, methods and practices of how
business leaders can proactively change their organizations and supply chain partners to
achieve successful and sustainable outcomes. The top 3000 U.S. Listed companies
represent a small fraction of the companies in the U.S., but they represent the
overwhelming majority of market capitalization. They confront obstacles that are unique
to this group, and they face similar issues and challenges.
The opportunity to study how the most valued American organizations can
succeed, in an era demanding that leaders increasingly embrace Environmental Social
Governance (ESG) risk factors, in both actions and disclosures,* is the focus of this
research. Their factors of success will, hopefully, be applicable to all U.S. Listed
companies, and their lessons will be instilled in future generations of business leaders.
As a participant, and where a returned questionnaire contains the name and email
address details of the respondent, the researchers will receive this information for the
purposes of sending out to you an executive summary of all the findings, as well as an
industry benchmarking report. Furthermore, researchers will do everything in their
power to prevent anyone who is not on the research team from knowing that you provided
this information, or what that information is.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Please feel free to contact me at (P)
419-884-0210, or via email at (E) [email protected].
Vincent G. Whitelock, BA, MSIA, MBA, ABD
PH.D. Candidate and Adjunct Professor
College of Business and Innovation
The University of Toledo
2801 West Bancroft Street ST-S 1031B
Toledo, OH 43606-3390
(P) 419-884-0210
(E) [email protected]
Survey Instructions: This study takes about 15 minutes to complete, and seeks input from
the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (or his/her direct report with accountability for ESG/
Sustainability reporting), or from other appropriate senior level managers (e.g. CEO,
President, COO, CFO, Executive Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer,
Corporate Responsibility Officer, Corporate Social Responsibility Officer, Chief
Compliance Officer, etc.).
To access the survey, please click on the following URL link, or cut and paste this link into
your internet browser:
If for any reason you need to leave the survey, you can re-enter by clicking on the link in
this message.
For the purposes of this survey: Environmental Social Governance (ESG) is defined as
a set of activity or processes associated with an organization’s relationship with its
ecological surroundings, its coexistence and interaction with human organisms and other
populations, and its corporate system of internal controls and procedures (such as
processes, customs, policies, laws, rules and regulations, etc.) to direct, administer and
manage all the affairs of the organization, in order to serve the interests of stockholders
and other stakeholders.
Appendix F
We are sending this follow-up note to kindly remind you how important it is to receive
your response.
The opportunity to study how the most valued American organizations can succeed, in
an era demanding that leaders increasingly embrace Environmental Social Governance
(ESG) risk factors, in both actions and disclosures,* with their supply chain partners,
is the focus of this research.
Please take 15 minutes of your time, and share your insights with us. This survey is being
conducted exclusively using the Internet. To access the survey, please click on the
following URL link:
As a participant, and where a returned questionnaire contains the name and email address
details of the respondent, “your anonymity will be preserved,” and the researchers will
receive this information for the purposes of sending out to you an executive summary of
all the findings, as well as an industry benchmarking report.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Please feel free to email me at
[email protected].
Appendix G
Dear CEO,
This recognition has spurred shareowner demand for enhanced disclosure of all material
business risks having the potential to directly affect both short- and long-term financial
performance, including risks posed by climate change, water scarcity, human rights,
employee health and safety, and other sustainability issues. Many companies have
responded positively to this new reality, expanding their reporting and overall
transparency, as well as establishing new governance structures (for example risk
To help meet this demand, Ceres—which has worked with investors and companies on
sustainability issues for more than 20 years—developed its Roadmap for Sustainability.
The Roadmap is a practical guide detailing key expectations that every company should
strive to meet by 2020, in order to be best positioned to thrive in an increasingly
competitive and resource constrained global economy. Recognizing that many companies
have already embarked on this journey, while others are just getting started, the Roadmap
is designed to demonstrate what is possible now and what is needed in the future, making
it applicable to both new and current reporters:
We ask that you use your standard investor communication vehicles—analyst calls, road
shows, annual meetings—to highlight actions you are taking to address material
sustainability risks and transform them into competitive opportunities.
We look forward to learning about steps you are taking in this area. Please direct responses,
as well as any questions or comments, to Amy D. Augustine, Director, Corporate Program
at Ceres via email at [email protected] or telephone at 617.247.0700, x156.
Daniel Pedrotty
Director of the Office of Investment
Anne Stausboll
California Public Employees’ Retirement System
Jack Ehnes
California State Teachers’ Retirement System
Bill Lockyer
California State Treasurer’s Office
Bennett Freeman
Senior Vice President, Sustainable Research and
Calvert Asset Management Company
Denise L. Nappier
Connecticut Office of State Treasurer
Adam Kanzer
Managing Director & General Counsel
Domini Social Investments
George Gay
First Affirmative Financial Network, LLC
Peter Knight
Generation Investment Management LLP (US)
Kristina Curtis
Senior Vice President
Green Century Capital Management
William Atwood
Executive Director
Illinois State Board of Investment
Steven Falci
Head of Strategy Development – Sustainable
Kleinwort Benson Investors International Ltd.
Richard Metcalf
Director of Corporate Affairs
Laborers’ International Union of North
Ian Greenwood
Local Authority Pension Fund Forum
Luan Steinhilber
ESG Analyst/Director of Shareholder
Miller/Howard Investments, Inc.
Michael Kramer
Managing Partner & Director of Social Research
Natural Investments LLC
John Liu
New York City Office of the Comptroller
Thomas DiNapoli
New York State Comptroller
Jerome Dodson
Parnassus Investments
Julie Gorte
Senior Vice President for Sustainable Investing
Pax World Management Corp.
Bill Somplatsky-Jarman
Associate for MRTI and Environmental
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Richard Torgerson
President & Director of Research
Progressive Asset Management
Ron Freund
Duncan Meaney
Social Equity Group
Thomas Ellington
Trust Administrator
The Sustainability Group at Loring, Wolcott and
Timothy Smith
Senior Vice President, Director of ESG
Shareowner Engagement
Walden Asset Management
Matt Diserio
Water Asset Management, LLC
Jack Robinson
Founder and Chief Investment Officer
Winslow Management Company,
A Brown Advisory Investment Group
Sonia Kowal
Director of Socially Responsible Investing
Appendix H
Appendix I