10.A person who has been convicted by a Court for perjury or giving false
evidence is not a competent witness unless______.
A. He amended his ways
B. Get certificate from a court to testify
C. Both
16.All the statements which the court permits or requires to be made before
it by witness in relation to matters of fact under inquiry, such statement is
A. Documentary evidence
B. Oral evidence
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
17.All documents which are provided for inspection of court, such
documents are called_____.
A. Documentary Evidence
B. Oral Evidence
C. Both A & B
20.Any person who can understand the question and give rational answer is
called _____.
A. Competent
B. Incompetent
C. Credible
D. None of these
28.An advocate cannot disclose anything which has been done between him
and his client_____.
A. With order of court
B. With permission of High court
C. With permission of his client
D. All of these
35.In financial cases when there is one male witness then requirement of
law can be fulfilled by ___.
A. Three female and one male as witnesses
B. Two female and one male as witnesses
C. Only 4 females as witnesses
D. None of these
39.One fact is said______ to another when the one is connected with other
in any of the ways referred to in the provisions of qanoon e shahadat to
the relevancy of fact.
A. Relevant
B. Irrelevant
C. Both
47.In suits for damages facts tender to enable court to determine amounts
A. Relevant
B. Irrelevant
C. Both
60.A sues B for Rs.1000, and shows entries in his account books showing B
to be intended to him this amount.
A. The entries are relevant and need no further evidence to prove the
B. Entries are relevant but are not sufficient without other evidence to
prove the debt
C. None of above
64.Whenever the opinion of any living person is relevant the grounds upon
which such opinion are based are also _____.
A. Irrelevant
B. Relevant
C. Depends upon persons past character
76.Admissions are not conclusive proof but they may operate as Estoppels
under _____.
A. Article 35
B. Article 42
C. Article 41
D. Article 45
79.A dying declaration cannot form the sole basis of conviction unless____.
A Cross-examination
B. Corroborated
C. Contradicted
D. None of the
82.Opinion of expert sought upon any point of foreign law or fact will
A. Irrelevant
B. Relevant
C. Depends upon circumstances
116. if a child is born before expiration of six lunar months from date of
marriage, such child shall be deemed as __.
A. Legitimate
B. Illegitimacy
C. Exception
120. The court may forbid indecent and scandalous questions U/A____.
A. 145
B. 147
C 148
D. 146
135. The court has____ power U/A 150 for declaring any witness as
A. Prohibitory
B. Statutory witness
C. Both A and B
D. Discretionary
136. An investigating officer can refresh his memory from his diary U/A.
A. 153
B. 152
C. 155
D. 154
B. Special oath
C. Both A and B
142. Evidence produced through audio cassette is ____.
A. Not admissible in law
B. Admissible in law