The Heist at Nimressa v1

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The Heist at Nimressa

A 6–8 hour adventure for 3rd or 4th level characters

On the border of the despotic baroness Ytrix's domain is a treasure ready for the taking.
All that stands in your way is a fort, its walls, a wizard, and a legion of unconditionally
loyal soldiers. Your goal is to get inside, steal the treasure, and get out—alive.

BY Jeremy Tuohy

with special thanks to Blaine, Zach, John, Amanda,

Charlie, Danielle, Sara, Bill, Ginny, Debanjan, Phil,
Olivia, Caitlin, Josh, Lee Ann, and Nick

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Introduction Where is “Nimressa”?
The Heist at Nimressa is a light-hearted adventure that presents This adventure is designed to be placed wherever you happen to
the players with a straightforward, but fun, challenge: There's a be in your current home campaign. The barony of Nimressa,
vault of treasure at the center of a fort, but the fort is filled to the Ytrix, and other elements of the adventure can all be altered to fit
brim with defenses too mighty to simply fight past. How will your world as it exists right now, so long as you have room for a
bunch of hills and a small forest to act as the western border of
you get in, get the loot, and get out—alive? This simple premise
makes it easy to drop into a pre-existing campaign world.
In the Forgotten Realms setting, you could substitute one of the

city-states of the Silver Marches for Nimressa, or squeeze it
smewhere that has not yet been fully developed at your table.
While travelling the open road, the party will encounter Dirinor
and Fennic, two good-hearted thieves trying to part a corrupt
priest from his money to give it to the poor. After deciding to tactic organically while interacting with them or by making a
travel with the party, Dirinor and Fennic invite them to a heist: Wisdom (Insight) check with a DC based on how obvious the
there's a big treasure held in a fort not too far from here. NPC is behaving.
The party will choose how to approach the fort, case the joint, Player characters change NPC goals and tactics through
make their plan, and execute their heist. The fort is filled with a Charisma skill checks. The DCs of those checks are determined
handful of surprises, however, that will keep everyone on their by how important the goal or tactic is to the character.
toes. When they're done, and if they're successful, they'll leave These skill checks can come up naturally during roleplay, or
with a small fortune and even a few magic items. can be explicitly called out by a player. Either way, it is
important to know the particular approach a character is using
to convince the NPC. Have your player be specific: are they
USING THIS DOCUMENT appealing to the NPCs sense of duty? Engendering pity?
Seducing them? That way, should they fail, they (or another
The adventure is divided into three parts, arranged sequentially
in the order that the players will encounter their content. character) can try again with a different approach.
Because of the open-ended nature of the final part (the heist), Some approaches simply won't work against particular characters,
you may need to jump back and forth between different sections and others might be made at advantage or disadvantage. Use
to reference stats or information alluded to elsewhere. In-document your judgment when calling checks in social encounters, like you
links have been provided in the pdf for this adventure to help would for any other skill checks.
you jump around.
Non-player characters are presented in a format that gives you EXAMPLE OF SOCIAL PLAY
the information you need to quickly and consistently play them One of your players, Anna, has her character approach the
at the table. Each NPC description begins with a quote that relaxing soldier in area 9 of Ytrix's fort (see part three). She
exemplifies their personality and manner of speech. This makes wants him gone so she can pick the lock in that room. She asks
it easy to "pick up" an NPC's persona during play. The quote is the soldier, "could you fetch a crowbar from storage for me?”
followed by a character background of important context to The relaxing soldier's goal is listed as “to have some peace and
keep in mind as they interact with the player characters and the quiet for a change” and his tactic is to stay in the library and
rest of the adventure. The two NPC companions include tips at read. Peace and quiet is important to the soldier right now, but
the end oftheir descriptions which you can use when roleplaying other priorities could come up, so 14 is the DC to change his goal.
the characters to really bring them to life. Likewise, he's enjoying the library but there are plenty of other
It is recommended that you have the Player's Handbook, the places to relax and so 11 is the DC to change his tactic.
Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual on hand to Anna's character has asked him to find a crowbar, which is an
reference as you play this adventure, though you can get away attempt to change the soldier's goal (unless she can somehow
with using the D&D Basic Rules with only a few minor changes. convince him that he'd be more relaxed by getting up and
searching the storeroom). You ask Anna how she attempts to
WINNING HEARTS, CHANGING MINDS convince the soldier to do this, and she has her character say “the
door to the armory is wedged shut and I left the marshal's sword
This adventure uses custom rules for social encounters. Social in there. If I don't get it soon I'm in trouble!” That sounds to you
encounters are often unique and multifaceted, but these rules like an appeal to the relaxing soldier's sense of duty and an
give a consistent framework for your players to interact with attempt to replace the goal of "peace and quiet" with "help a
and allow socially-oriented characters to shine during the heist. fellow soldier out" (it also sounds to you like a lie, but this
These rules should be flexible—feel free to tweak them as you example assumes Anna has already passed herself off as a fellow
see fit and as feels right at the table. soldier and is considered trustworthy for the moment).
A social encounter is a scene in which an NPC's behavior is You call for a Charisma (Persuasion) check against the DC of
getting in the way of something the player characters want to 14. Unfortunately, Anna botches the roll and gets a total of 9.
achieve. The PCs objective in the encounter is to change the The soldier remains unpersuaded. As the DM, you have him say
NPC's behavior so that they can continue. Using these rules, something like “if it's so important, why don't you grab it? I'm
there are two explicit ways to do this: Either change the goal using what little free time I have to relax.”
that an NPC is pursuing in any particular encounter or change Anna tries again with a different approach. Her character
the tactic an NPC is using to reach that goal. responds, "Well I'm not leaving you alone until you help me out
For example, the players want to talk an NPC friend out of a here." She's now trying to change his tactic: convince him he'll
dangerous duel they intend to have. He's dueling because he's reach his goal easier by helping her out rather than staying and
got a goal of defending his honor and his tactic is to have this having to put up with her being annoying indefinitely. A
duel. If anyone can convince him that something else is more juvenile—but valid—strategy. You call for a Charisma (Persuasion)
important than his honor or that there's another way to defend check against the DC to change his tactic (11), and she passes!
it without dueling, he'll no longer have reason to duel and it is The soldier gets up and, grumbling, makes his way to the
no longer a problem. storeroom for a crowbar, leaving the room empty for Anna's
Players characters can learn of an NPC's particular goal or character to pick the lock. Success.
The Heist At Nimressa 1
Part One: Dirinor and Fennic both have a goal of relieving the priest of
his money (DC 16 to change). Their current tactic is to threaten
Dirinor and Fennic him with force (DC 13 to change).
Borren the priest' s goal is to come out of this unharmed (DC
20 to change) and his tactic is to plead with the player
Part one introduces the players to Dirinor and Fennic. These characters to set him free (DC 12 to change).
two NPCs kick off the adventure and are companions to the
party during the heist. This scene's goal is to introduce the two
as friends and to get them traveling with the player characters.
That night, they'll invite the adventuring party to the heist.
night, Dirinor and Fennic have a quiet discussion to
themselves. After the conversation (or if anyone approaches
PCs find Dirinor and Fennic committing some robin hood
them beforehand) they tell the others that they have a
proposition for them: Let's work together to steal a treasure
holed up in a keep just a few days' travel from here.
styled thievery. Read the following to the players. It turns out the party is very close to the westernmost edge of
Further on the road, you see a stopped carriage. It is expensive the barony of Nimressa, ruled by the despotic baroness Ytrix.
looking, with gold trimmings and metal fastenings. To the side There is a keep there that has inside it a great treasure.
of the road, a huge blonde man with a lute strapped to his back Dirinor explains that they know this treasure is there because
binds a handful ofunconcious guards to a tree. On the ground next the two of them have attempted to steal it before, three years
to him is a long quarterstaff. He seems to be talking to someone ago, but failed. They climbed over the wall, snuck through the
standing in front ofthe carriage, but the carriage blocks your view. courtyard and the main entrance, but were caught descending
The man tying up the guards is Fennic. In front of the carriage is the stairs to the vault—just bad luck, really. Fennic was actually
Dirinor, who has his sword to the throat of a priest of Torm (or taken prisoner after that attempt.
another good-aligned god of your setting). If the player “But this time around, and with your help, we're sure to get it
characters call out or are spotted, he and Fennic try to explain right. We've got a map of the fort and we know how to get there.
themselves: All we need is a plan.
The man holding the sword at the priest's throat says “Oh! Hello We'll split the treasure evenly amongst all of us. Fennic and I will
there. I assure you that we have a perfectly good explanation for give our share to those in need, but you feel free to use yours as
all this.” But then he pauses. “Fennic,” he says to the other man. you wish. So: What do you say?”
“Yes?” If the player characters are hesitant to agree, have Fennic play up
baroness Ytrix's despotism and wickedness (detailed further in
“What's our explanation for all this?” part three), or the size of the treasure (Dirinor and Fennic have
Fennic finishes tying up the guards and responds, “Well, the first some knowledge of the details of the treasure and have a general
thing you have to understand is that in a manorial system, the idea of how big it is), or even just how amazing it would be to
common man is forced to give any wealth he produces to his pull off such a stunt. Once the characters agree, the next order of
lord—” business is deciding how to approach the fort.
“They're trying to steal from me!” interrupts the priest.
“But for good reasons!” says the first man.
Dirinor claims that one week ago this priest, Borren, passed
through a nearby town and collected fat tithes on Torm's behalf.
But Borren gave none of this money to the needy of the town or
even to a charity run by the local temple of Torm itself. He lives
in luxury on these false tithes ("just look at the richness of his
carriage!") and the money he took should be returned to the
people who need it.
A character who makes a DC 8 Intelligence (Religion) check
knows that Torm's church does not collect tithes and can
assume that this man is abusing his station to enrich himself.
From here this scene can play out in many ways, depending
on what the player characters do. Most likely they'll have to
either convince Dirinor and Fennic to let the priest go, or
convince the priest to give up his money to Dirinor and Fennic.
The "tithes" Borren has collected are 313 silver pieces kept in a
lockbox in his carriage.
No matter how the scene is resolved, the merry men are
impressed with how the party handled the situation. The two of
them will ask the party to join them on the road for a few days,
since they're traveling the same way (espeically if Dirinor and
Fennic wish to return the tithes, which are from a village about
a week south ofhere). That night, they'll invite them to the heist.


The player characters will most likely have to either convince
Dirinor and Fennic to let the priest go, or convince the priest to
give up his money to Dirinor and Fennic. The goals and tactics
of all involved and the DCs to change them are as follows.
2 The Heist At Nimressa

“I know a hundred songs about heroes slaying great beasts or “We are thieves of extraordinary caliber. We steal from the
finding great treasures or bedding great royalty, but none about rich —coin, wine, the occasional heart—and give it all to the poor.
heroes who fed the hungry, gave to the needy, or sheltered the Save the hearts; we keep those for ourselves.”
homeless. Maybe we'll be the first.”

BACKGROUND Dirinor is a handsome-faced elf fighter and honest thief. After
Fennic is a human Bard with blonde hair and a big smile. He was the botched heist where Fennic was imprisoned, Dirinor left to
taken prisoner by Baroness Ytrix the Invincible after a botched do some soul-searching and to train himself to become strong
heist attempt with Dirinor three years ago. He doesn't like to enough to break Fennic out. A few months ago, he was able to
talk about it, but while imprisoned he was forced to help do just that. Since then, the two of them have returned to their
"proctor" the cruel and brutal Trials of the Magi. He fought for old habits: robbing the rich and giving to the needy.
his life against over a dozen would-be wizards of Nimressa.
Dirinor broke him out of the prison a few months ago, but he
doesn't seem quite ready to walk away from the entire ROLEPLAY TIPS
experience. Dirinor is a confident, happy man who is always looking for a
good game or challenge to keep himself entertained. He's also a
bit of a flirt. In speech, he loves double entendre. Dirinor revels
ROLEPLAY TIPS in this kind of wordplay the way Fennic does in puns.
Fennic has a warm, golden heart and deeply wants to take care of
any who have need. He loves jokes and puns and quips often
with both.

Merry Dialogue
Dirinor and Fennic are lovable jokesters who enjoy witty banter between themselves. Here are a few slices of dialogue you can sprinkle into
scenes and encounters while using them to give them a bit more life and endear them further to the players.

“Well that's what we do,” says Fennic. “We right wrongs. And, “Dirinor, you talk of theft!” Fennic says, feigning shock. “Have you
being a bard, I am an exceptional right-er.” forsaken your oath?”
“My oath?” says Dirinor.
“I think I have a song to inspire courage,” Fennic says.
“You swore in front of a king.”
Dirinor responds, “but it's your singing that I'm afraid of!”
“I don't recall swearing to a king”
“You did swear, and I was there next to you. You said, ‘screw off,
“Thieves have little love for gods,” Fennic says.
you pompous ass,’ And then we were thrown out of town!”
“Not so!” says Dirinor. “I love a god.”
“In truth? And which god is that?” “Gods' blood,” says Dirinor. “You fight better than my aunt!”
“Alas, I do not know his name. I know him only by the maidens “I've fought his aunt; that's a big compliment.” Says Fennic.
who pray to him in my bed—and their prayers never get much
further than ‘oh god, oh god!’ But I swear to you, I love him dearly.”

The Heist At Nimressa 3

Getting There
This scene sets up a clue to Fennic's realization at the end of part
One evening after setting up camp and eating dinner, Dirinor
Before beginning the heist, the player characters must decide challenges the player characters to a game. He holds up a gold
from which angle they will approach the fort. The fort is about a coin and tosses it into the heart of the campfire.
three day's journey from their current place on the road, “Now,” Dirinor says, “you each get one chance to retrieve the coin
depending on their route there. Their chances of running into from the fire without putting the flames out.”
Ytrix's forces are higher if they stay near the road, but the Let the players be creative in how they want to retrieve the coin,
chances of running into monsters and orcs are higher in the but only allow each of them one attempt. Any character that
forest and mountains, respectively. tries to simply reach their arm in the flames takes 1d8 fire
damage and must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw
every four hours of travel, consult the appropriate
or drop the coin before they're able to pull it out.
If no one succeeds on their attempt, Dirinor laughs and casts
mage hand to retrieve the coin. Like most high elves, he was
encounter table depending on the terrain the characters are raised knowing the basics of magic. He then gives the gold coin
traveling through and roll a d20 to determine if the characters to whichever character made the most entertaining attempt to
run into a random encounter (and which one). If you roll an get the coin.
encounter you've already used, use the next one in the list (or If a player character does retrieve the coin, Dirinor
just choose one, you're the DM, after all). congratulates them and lets them keep it, but still casts mage
hand to show off how he would have done it. If a character uses
time the party settles down for the evening, there is the
mage hand themselves, Dirinor is excited at their shared genius,
and possibly offers a mage hand high five.

opportunity to slow down and get to know Dirinor and Fennic.
While setting up camp, the merry men ask members of the party
about their lives and share some information of their own. This the moment the PCs accept the invitation, they'll likely
allows the players and their characters to get to know their NPC start making plans on how to steal the treasure. But while
companions better and care about them. Below are specific scenes traveling, their characters can continue to speak with Dirinor
that could come up as the characters settle in for the night. and Fennic to learn more about Ytrix's defenses and hammer out
exactly how they plan to infiltrate and steal the gold. The merry
DIRINOR' S CONCERN men are "open to any and all suggestions" on how to perform
the heist this time around and they'll follow the lead of the
At one point, Dirinor steals a moment with a PC he can trust to
share a concern: Fennic seems suddenly all too eager to return to player characters. This allows the players at your table to come
the scene of their failed heist. In Dirinor's view, Fennic should up with the heist plan themselves. All the same, Dirinor and
be terrified to go back. Fennic might suggest that the group "case the place" and scout
Dirinor explains that he broke Fennic out from Ytrix's grasp out for any defenses of the fort that they don't currently know
only a few months ago. While he was her prisoner, Fennic was about—if anyone's willing to take the risk.
conscripted to help "conduct" the Trials of the Magi, a brutal Dirinor and Fennic have a map of the fortress (See Appendix
and dangerous test that Ytrix forces all magic users in her B: Player Handouts), and they know all the history laid out in the
kingdom to pass in order to legally use their magic. During his introductory paragraphs of part three. In addition, they know
time at the trials, Fennic was forced to hurt and, once, even kill the following information about the fort:
young apprentice magic users. Veterans. All ofthe approximately two dozen men and
Fennic's attitude worries Dirinor, and he wants someone else women occupying the fort are elite soldiers. The party
watching the bard—for his sake. might be able to take one or two in a fight, but any heist
“I know I wouldn't want to be within a hundred miles of that place
plan should avoid open combat.
if it did that to me.” Dirinor says. “Perhaps it's nothing, but I advise The Vault. The treasure is in a vault which is magically
you keep an eye on good Fennic during the heist. It would be a sealed shut and will not open unless a password is spoken.
shame if memories from the last job undo this one.” The password to the vault is known by the marshal of
the fort.
Patrols. Visitors are not allowed near the fortress, and
THE GOLDEN SPOONS OF BARAN DUN the outer walls are constantly patrolled, with the
Fennic plays a song about an old adventure he had with Dirinor. exception of a 15 minute period of time at dawn and
The song is called "The Golden Spoons of Baran Dun." dusk when about half the soldiers of the fort withdraw
The lyrics of the song describe an adventure in which Dirinor for their mandatory "dedication" ceremonies.
and Fennic raid an old dwarven tomb. The size of the tomb they Security Wizard. When an alarm is raised, the wizard
raided and the amount of treasure stored within gets larger with who lives in the tower can cast scrying to find any
each verse, but at the end of the song the adventurers are forced intruders. He'll then cast sending to direct guards to anyone
to flee the cave before it collapses. The only treasure they so discovered.
managed to escape with were two golden spoons, which Dirinor
then pulls out and plays to accompany Fennic during the final Fidelity to Ytrix. The baroness is as ruthless as she is
verse. loved. The guards of the fort have a fanatical devotion
The story which inspired the song is sort of true. There was a to her, which could possibly be exploited.
tomb of Baran Dun which collapsed on Dirinor and Fennic mid- Drainage Access. There is a large drainage tunnel
raid, but it wasn't filled with much treasure in the first place. that leads into the fort's prison. The entrance to the
The spoons, truthfully, are some of the only loot they grabbed tunnel is hidden somewhere along the river just east of
before it collapsed. the fort, though neither Dirinor or Fennic know the
entrance's exact location.
4 The Heist At Nimressa
The Town of Twin Fields is a sleepy, agrarian settlement with
little to do or see within it, but the players may wish to visit in d20 Encounter
order to gather intelligence on the fort. You can play out a
party's intelligence gathering, use ability checks to determine 1 -1 5 No encounter.
whether they learn these rumors and how many, or just allow 1 6-1 7 An orcish dragon-hunting party. Four Orcs and two
the characters to collect a rumor for every hour or so they Orc Eyes ofGruumsh search for Malkiimkrin. Dragon
spend searching for information. A list of rumors about the scales and dragon motif war paints are incorporated
fort that percolate through town is presented here: into their armor.
• Ytrix is unlikely to visit the fort for some time.
1 7-1 8 Three Ogres looking for a snack find the party.
• A band of outlaws lives in the forests near the fort.
• The marshal of the fort is in huge gambling debt. 1 9-20 A small hunting and foraging party from Ytrix's fort
comprised of three veterans.
• A few years ago two manticores were put in the fort.
• A rotating group of farmers supplies the fort with
food and water every few days.
d20 Encounter 1 -1 5 No encounter.
1 -1 5 No encounter. 1 6-1 7 Six Dire Wolves flank the party and attempt to make a
1 6-1 7 Ytrix's troops. Eight veterans on the lookout for rogue meal of them.
magic users. 1 7-1 8 The party comes across a community of outlaws living
1 7-1 8 A traveling merchant, Jinda. Characters can buy in the forest. Unregistered magic users, clerics of
supplies for the heist from her if they need. She's got anything other than Ytrix, and those sympathetic to
anything from the adventuring gear table from the them live in hidden treehouses. The community can
Player's Handbook, so long as it'll fit on a cart. be a place of rest but they do not have any supplies to
1 9-20 Two messengers from Ytrix. They're on their way to share with the party.
the fort to deliver a missive from Ytrix to the marshal: 1 9-20 A Druid rides a Treant through the forest. They are
“Our timetable has been delayed, but I expect your going to asses the damage to a northeastern section
plan all the same.” of the forset burned down by Malkiimkrin.
The Heist At Nimressa 5
Part Three: MAIN GATE
Baroness Ytrix's Fort
Two guards, Kelsey and Wilkes, are posted at the main gate.
They have been commanded by the marshal to turn away any
visitor that does not have business with him, Finaezer, or
someone otherwise important in the fort.
This is the place Dirinor and Fennic failed to heist three years Kelsey's goal in any scene at the gate is to climb the military
ago. It's Ytrix's western-most fort and is close to the edge of her ladder (DC 17 to change) and her current tactic is to obey the
barony, which is named Nimressa. marshal's orders to the letter (DC 13 to change).
Four years ago, the orcs of the nearby hills and baroness Ytrix Wilkes' goal is to make enough money for his family (DC 20
made a deal. The orcs would borrow a huge amount of weapons to change) and his current tactic is to do this job the best he can
and armor from the baroness so that they could finally destroy (DC 13 to change).
Malkiimkrin, a red dragon that terrorizes them in the hills. In
exchange, Ytrix would receive more than her money back once
the dragon was dead and his hoard looted. As collateral, the orcs
gave Ytrix a collection of magical heirlooms—old trophies of
Normally there are no guards posted atop the walls of the fort.
victory that have great cultural value to the orcs (and great The watch is kept instead by the wizard Finaezer and an
monetary value to all). Ytrix keeps this collateral under heavy accompanying guard atop the tower (area 11). Characters
protection in this fort. attempting to scale the wall will have to avoid their notice.
Four years have passed and tales of Malkiimkrin's destruction In addition, the outside of the walls are patrolled by two
continue to pour in. The orcs have obviously not slain the groups of three veterans. Their patrols are timed such that one
dragon yet. The treasures of their clan remain in the fort. of the groups passes by any given point every ten minutes.
During the fifteen minute "dedication" times at dawn and at
is simply a description of the layout, occupants,
dusk, however, only one of these patrols is active.

and state of affairs of Ytrix's fort at the time of the heist. Your
players must make their own plan to get the treasure in the vault
Finding the drainage grate in the hills is tricky and requires a DC
using the information they have and can gather. 1 5 Wisdom (Perception) check by anyone in the party. On a
If a PC wants to case the place, allow them to simply go ahead failure, the party is still able to find the grate, but the search itself
and make their way up to/through the fort however they like, took too long and they are simultaneously discovered by a returning
avoiding obstacles and making stealth checks as necessary. foraging party of the fort (unless they already ran into them in
Anything they find noteworthy can be taken back to the group part 2). The foraging party is made up of three veterans.
to help them plan their heist better. When the PCs find the grate, read the following:
If you don't have the time or would rather not "split the party" The bank here is steep. In the wall of the bank is a large hole,
with such a task, have the scouting character make a DC 13 covered with a grate of iron bars. A weak stream of water pours
Dexterity (Stealth) check. If they succeed, they learn a piece of out from the drain. It smells foul.
information on the state of affairs in the fort. Roll on the table
below to determine what they learn. The scouting character can The grate is not securely fastened, and can be pried off with a
repeat this stealth check as many times as they like, but each crowbar with some effort. Traveling through the drainage tunnel
time the DC for the check increases by 1. If they fail a check, the behind the gate leads to area 16.
soldiers of the fort grow wary. A veteran is posted to patrol the
outer walls and a second veteran is posted in area 5. If the
scouting character fails two checks, they are captured and placed
inside the fort, the PCs must acquire the password to the
in a cell across from Priela in area 16. Their belongings are vault from the marshal or from Finaezer, get past the guards and
confiscated and locked in an empty cell in area 16 as well. magical seal in area 17, defeat the manticores in area 18, collect
the treasure from the vault, and make their escape.
d6 Information Learned
Talking To Soldiers
1 The marshal is keeping a druid prisoner in the fort.
If any or all of your players attempt a social sort of infiltration,
2 The fort wizard, Finaezer, also knows the vault password. they might need to occasionally convince a guard or soldier to do
something for them. In addition, they're very likely to be lying to
3 There's a set of iron bars set into the ground above the guards about their own identity the entire time.
where the vault should be.
Ytrix's soldiers are suspicious of surprise visitors in this remote
4 The fort has an armory filled with weapons and gear. locale. Any player character attempting to don an invented
identity must make a DC 1 3 Charisma (Deception) check in order to
5 A magic bowl at the top of the tower is what allows convince any soldier they come across ofthe impersonation (unless
Finaezer to cast scry. a player is using their Charlatan background feature). But if the
6 The fort cistern is kept dark and might be a good place characters can convince the marshal, Finaezer or a guard at one of
to hide out once inside the fort, if necessary. the entrances of their false identity, the beguiled NPC will vouch
for the player characters, and the other soldiers of the fort will
accept the ruse at face value.


There are three main ways to enter the fort: by passing through
If an NPC needs convincing to do some task for a character, invent
a goal and a tactic for the NPC and assign difficulty checks for
changing them. Common goals for soldiers include earning
the main gate, scaling the walls of the fort, or using the drainage money or prestige or to avoid embarassment. Some soldiers in
entrance on the bank of the nearby river. The PCs encounter this fort might do their job in order to impress Ytrix personally. A
soldier's tactic is typically to follow their current orders.
different challenges depending on how they choose to enter.

6 The Heist At Nimressa

GENERAL FEATURES stepping out into the hall to check out the portcullis ( goal:
Wandering Guards. The fort is an active place, and soldiers "investigate the truth" DC 20; tactic: "check out the portcullis
mill about from room to room doing their daily duties. Every myself" DC 13). He will also make suggestions to amend the plan
time a character enters a hallway of the fort, roll a d6. On a 6, to get near to the portcullis.
there is a veteran soldier also making their way through the If he makes it to the portcullis, he examines the area for traps.
hall at the same time. If any allies are nearby he will ask for their help as well. There
Portcullises. There are two Portcullises in the halls ofthe fort. are no traps to be found, however. The portcullis is lowered and
Each has a lever mechanism that, when pulled, drops the portcullis. raised exclusively using a lever and winch located some six or so
Both the portcullises and the levers are marked on the map. feet away from the gate.
Lighting. The fort is lit by candles and torches, and any Fennic remembers there were no guards near the lever when
particular room can be assumed to be in bright light unless the portcullis fell. And if there were no guards to pull the lever
otherwise specified. and no traps to close the gate, how did he end up captured? It
Doors. The doors in the keep are all made of sturdy, heavy remains a mystery to him until later in the heist (see "Escape" at
wood banded with bronze. the end of part three).


In part one, Dirinor confided in a player character his concerns This is the entrance the Baroness uses when she visits the fort.
about Fennic returning to the fort. Dirinor is right to be worried, As such, the room is kept pristine and the best soldiers are
because Fennic has another goal in coming back here, beyond posted here. Two Veterans stand at attention by the doorway
the heist: to discover what lowered the portcullis that got him to the hall.
Fennic will be looking for an opportunity to examine the This small chamber is lit by braziers near the door. Dark red
northern hallway portcullis of the fort at some point during the banners hang on the walls with a sigil on them: three black
heist. If he ends up in areas 2, 3, 13, or 14, he will insist on snowflakes in a diagonal line across the banner. “Ytrix's sigil,”
whispers Dirinor.
The Heist At Nimressa 7
Against each wall is a plinth with the bust of a thin-faced woman
wearing a tall, tight collar. Two soldiers in pristine armor Baroness Ytrix the Invincible
emblazoned with the sigil of Ytrix stand at attention at the back of Baroness Ytrix has ruled for eighty years, and still looks as
the room. young as the day she inherited the throne. She inspires
incredible loyalty in those who value strength and homeland
and she deals out wicked punishment to foreign enemies. She
2. WAR ROOM earned the moniker “the Invincible” early in her reign, after a
This long room is empty ofpeople but full offurniture. Bookcases botched assassination attempt ended with the assassin being
line the west wall, and a large, comfy armchair rests near a executed by Ytrix herself. Shortly thereafter she adopted a
fireplace on the outer wall. A table rests in the center of the personal sigil: three black snowflakes on a field of deep red to
room. Ivory and Jade figurines sit on a detailed map laid out on symbolize the blood she's already spilled for the country.
the table. Magic in Ytrix's domain is highly regulated. Clerics must
This room is used by the marshal to run war games. He's worship her instead of their own gods and all magic users are
recently been instructed by the baroness to run scenarios to test registered and tracked. It is illegal for a magic user to cast
invasion strategies on a nearby territory. Baroness Ytrix intends spells unless they've first passed the Trials of the Magi—a test
to lay claim to that territory soon. that leaves the few who pass it forever scarred.
The war table has a high-quality map of a nearby rival barony. She requires everyone in the barony to dedicate themselves to
Ivory and jade figurines of soldiers and war machines dot the her regularly. Soldiers are required to do so twice daily (at
table. A character that makes a DC 13 Intelligence check dawn and dusk) . The soldiers serving Ytrix have been plucked
discerns that the scenario depicted on the table is an invasion and picked from the most unfortunate situations and the most
plan against the nearby barony. The ivory and jade figurines are loyal families. They're predisposed to love her, and these
extremely high quality and worth 105gp all together, if stolen. dedications cement that loyalty. A quick way to gain these
The books on the shelves cover history, military tactics, and soldiers' trust is to discuss Ytrix in a positive fashion; especially
rules of succession. if you tie some great quality of Ytrix's to a quality in yourself.
PCs who are indifferent or even derisive toward Ytrix are met
with hostility.
This is where the marshal goes to rest, retire, or do
administrative work. If he's not in the mess or the dedication when not on duty. In the center of the room, six Veterans have
hall, he's at his desk here. The marshal is a veteran with 90 health. pulled together a couple tables and play with a rather high-
The room is quiet, save the crackle of a fireplace in the quality deck of Three Dragon Ante (worth 5 gold). Unless the
southwest corner of the room. A large writing desk sits on the PCs have already convinced marshal Tanz, Finaezer, or an
western wall with ink, papers, wax, and a stamp with a Ytrix's entrance guard that they're okay to be in the fort, the soldiers
sigil inside it. Also in this room is a large bed with a duvet, and here are suspicious of their presence.
another banner with the sigil. When the player characters first reach this room, the soldiers
The marshal has a lockbox underneath his bed. He holds the are discussing the latest gossip of the keep: that marshal Tanz is
only key, but it can be opened with Thieves' Tools. Inside the apparently a huge gambler and in big time debt. One guard quips
lockbox is 14 gp, a scroll of fireball, and a letter which reads: that the news totally ruins the "Mr. Perfect" image that the
Tanz, marshal has worked so hard to maintain.
No more excuses, your debt is due. Come up with the money now. The Barracks has two stories. The upper level is laid out
Isn't there a massive treasure in your fort? Might be painful to similar to the first, but is currently empty. The upper level also
betray the baroness, but I promise it's much more painful to cross has doors to the roofs of the other structures of the fort.

-The Irving Boys

MARSHAL TANZ This bare room is empty save for a spittoon, a short stool, and
the guard seated on top of it. Banners of Ytrix adorn the walls.
“I demand and receive nothing less than perfection from myself This guardroom faces an old side entrance to the fort which is
and from my men.” rarely used and thus is more lightly guarded.
Asher Tanz is the marshal of this fort, hand-picked by Ytrix One Veteran stands guard here. He has a small scrip ofpaper
herself. He's a strict and unrelenting officer and sees himself as and a pencil and is writing down ideas for a novel he'd like to
the perfect model for his subordinates to emulate. write some day.
Unfortunately, he also has a gambling habit, and recently put
himself in a deep debt with dangerous people. He has yet to use
his position to corruptly enrich himself or get out of this mess, 6. MESS HALL
but the temptation to do just that grows stronger each day. Rows of tables and benches fill this large, echoing hall. Giant
Marshal Tanz knows the password to the vault ("blood hearths sit at each end of this room. It smells of spices and meat.
hawk"), and the players might try to convince him to give it up If it's mealtime, the room is full with laughing, chatting, and
in the course of the heist. In any scene that they attempt to do eating soldiers. The door to the kitchens is open. At other times
so, the marshal's goal is to maintain integrity as an example to the mess is nearly empty. Free time is spent in the barracks or in
his men (DC 16 to change) and his tactic is to quash any attempt the nearby town—rarely in the mess.
to break the rules (DC 13 to change). Players who learn about At breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the mess is filled with about
his debts from the lockbox or from area 4 can use that information half the soldiers of the fort (About eleven veterans). There are
to get advantage on checks to change his tactic or goal. two half hour shifts for each meal.

The barracks is filled with cots and beds. Open chests at the foot Several ovens lie against the walls of this room. Salted meats
of each bed reveal clothes, food and the occasional flask. hang in one portion of the room, and baskets and buckets of
Here is where the soldiers most often sleep and rest and relax fruits and nuts sit on counter tops.
8 The Heist At Nimressa
Because of the nearby town, the fort can usually afford to eat Here Finaezer keeps watch with a veteran guard. If he or the
quite well. If it's meal time (or half an hour before meal time), guard accompanying him spot anything suspicious, or if an
the kitchen is filled with a pair of cooks preparing the meals. In alarm is sounded, Finaezer uses the pool of water in the middle
Ytrix's army, even the cooks are veterans. of the tower to cast scrying to find intruders. In fact, the pedestal
is enchanted such that anyone can use this pool of water to cast
8. ARMORY scrying targeting any creature or place within 100 feet ofthe keep.
This room is normally kept locked, and only the marshal has the
keys. Soldiers keep the day-to-day resources they need on
“Ifyou plan to torture me, you'll be quite disappointed. Like every
themselves and in the barracks. Siege equipment, ammunition,
wizard in Nimressa I endured the trials ofthe magi. I assure you:
and other special military supplies are kept here.
they did worse to me than anything you can conjure.”
If they so desire, characters can steal any light or medium
armor listed in the Player's Handbook in here, as well as any Finaezer is a young high elf who wears red military robes. His
weapon useful for a military force (swords, polearms, and the like). silvery-blue hair is cut short in a fanciful style.
All high elves are born with some magical ability. In Ytrix's
domain, this means all high elves are registered and tracked
9. LIBRARY from birth. Finaezer decided that since he was registered already,
This library belongs to Finaezer, the fort wizard. Finaezer is part he might as well study for the test of wizardry, enlist in the
of the same army as the rest of the guard, but wizard soldiers are army, and make something of himself. He has no great love for
allowed special accommodations in Yrix's army. Ytrix herself, but knows that disobedience will mean his magic
The library is left open for soldiers to visit and peruse the will be stripped from him.
books within. The books are enchanted, however, to cast In a typical social encounter, Finaezer has a goal of preserving
shocking grasp (1st level, +5 to hit) on anyone who tries to leave his magic (DC 20 to change) and a tactic of doing his best to
the library with one. As such, soldiers in their downtime must impress Ytrix (DC 14). Charisma (Intimidation) checks against
stay within the library to read the books. Finaezer that threaten him with bodily harm are done with
In fact, when the player characters enter this room, an off- disadvantage. In conversation, Finaezer is a bit of a know-it-all
duty soldier sits in one of the chairs, engrossed in a small book. who does nothing to hide his exasperation before explaining
The reading soldier is a veteran but he is not wearing armor. something.
His AC is 11 and he has no weapon. The wizard knows the security features of the fort that the
If the PCs wish to move him, his current goal is to finally players may not yet know about (such as the manticores and Ytrix's
have some peace and quiet for a change (DC 14 to change) and whip). He also keeps a scrawled copy ofthe password to the vault
his tactic is to stay in the library and read (DC 11 to change). in his pocket (he has yet to memorize it). It reads, "blood hawk."
The door to area 10 has arcane lock cast on it with a password
that only the wizard knows. The lock can be picked with a DC
25 Dexterity (Thieves' Tools) check or forced open with a DC 27 12. OLD CISTERN
Strength (Athletics) check. The door has an AC of 25 and 18 HP. Before the town of Twin Fields showed up a few miles south,
this fort had difficulty getting fresh water. This cistern once
collected the rainwater that was necessary for the fort's operation.
10. WIZARD' S BEDROOM Now, it's a rarely-used redundancy.
This corner of the tower is a large bedroom for Finaezer. At the moment, the cistern is mostly dry, dark, and unused.
Several torches with continual flame cast on them light this room. The only illumination is whatever daylight shines through the
Heavy cloth flaps hang from the heads of each torch, which can drains that collect rainwater from the roof. As such, this
be used to darken them. forgotten room makes a perfect place for characters to rest or
Finaezer has recently been working on his scroll scribing hide in for a short while if they need.
abilities. A table near the bed is covered in bottles of inks,
parchment, and various spell components. A box on the floor
near the table is filled with scroll cases. In the box are a scroll of 13. STOREROOM
mage armor, two scrolls ofarcane lock, one scroll ofclairvoyance, Not only is this large room where food and supplies are kept, but
and three scrolls ofsending. this is also where the meals for the manticores are prepared and
The wizard also has a letter on his desk from the marshal: tossed through the grate to feed them below.
The room is filled with stacks of crates, barrels, boxes, sacks,
For security reasons I must ask you again to please destroy any
and jars full of foodstuffs and supplies, but in the northwest
remaining copies of the password to the vault that you possess.
corner of the room is an open area with a single table. In the
Simply commit the password to memory, as I have done. Thank you.
floor of this empty section is a large iron grate.
-Asher Tanz
The grate is built into the floor and does not open. A DC 14
Wisdom (Perception) check notices faint bloodstains on and
Finaezer has not yet committed the password to memory. He between the table and the grate. Any PC listening by the grate or
has it written on a scrap of parchment on his person in area 11. investigating it can hear the sounds of claws scratching against
stone and low growls as well as, occasionally, what sounds like a
Beyond the foodstuffs and ordinary supplies that can be found
TOWER in here, an opportunistic character can find a dragon's fang
As any character ascends the stairs to this area, read the following: attached to a white gold chain with a DC 15 Intelligence
A closed staircase circles up to a wide platform at the top of the (Investigation) check. It is not magical but is worth 210 gold
tower—exposed to the cold wind. Four cylindrical columns hold pieces.
up the roof of the tower and a squat pedestal inscribed with
magic sigils holds a shallow pool of water. One of Ytrix's soldiers
and a wizard in formal military robes stand on this platform,
At sunrise and sunset, half of the soldiers at the fort (including
looking out across the fort and surrounding countryside. Finaezer at sunrise and the marshal at sunset) retreat to the

The Heist At Nimressa 9

dedication hall to re-pledge their fealty to a statue of Ytrix's
likeness in the north end of this hall.
This massive chamber feels —and appears —like a church. Rows of
cushioned kneelers lie on a marble, tiled floor. The room is filled
with art depicting the baroness' sigil, and Ytrix herself in various
situations. At the north end ofthe room, an extraordinarily lifelike
statue of Ytrix the Invincible stands with her hands outstretched.
The statue is cut from a dark red marble. A carpeted walkway
circles above the room on a second level.
The paintings and sculptures and stained glass about the room
depict various famous stories of Baroness Ytrix the Invincible.
There are the obvious ones such as her coronation and the foiled
assassination attempt, but also scenarios which are less obvious
to outsiders of Nimressa. In one, Ytrix stands in front of a
caravan on a narrow road. In another, she is pulling an orange
snake from a smoking crack in the ground. In another she stands
in a magic circle surrounded by clerics, and so on.
There is a second level walkway that goes round the room. The
walkway has a door with access to the roofs ofthe other structures
of the fort.
The door to the Baroness' bedroom is locked from this side.
The marshal holds the key to that room, but it can also be
unlocked with a DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves' tools.
She is an illegal magic user from Nimressa who lives in the
15. BARONESS' BEDROOM hidden village from the nearby forest. She's currently
imprisoned for using magic illegally, but isn't in need of saving.
This is the bedroom the baroness uses when she sleeps here. A She purposefully got herself captured so she could scout out the
chest of drawers, an elegant bed with black curtains, and a fort for weaknesses in case the hidden village decides to attack
wardrobe stand in the room—all of them cut from red oak. one day. While in her cell, she casts animal friendship and beast
Geometric tapestries hang on the wall, as well the sigil of Ytrix bond with mice and insects who wander too close to her cell and
and the sigil of Nimressa. A red chest sits at the foot of the bed. uses their eyes to scout the place.
This room is lit by torches with continual flame cast on them, Priela generally meets strangers, new ideas, and changes of
much as in Finaezer's bedroom. circumstance with suspicion until she can tell how much of a
The wardrobe in the southwest corner of the room is false—it threat they are and whether she can use them to her advantage.
opens to reveal a staircase to a secret passage to the prison. A Her time scouting has told her many things about the nature
character who makes a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check of the fort, which she can easily be convinced to share with the
notices a slight draft coming from within the wardrobe. party. She knows that somewhere downstairs, the soldiers keep
While the Baroness is away (which she currently is), few ofher a pair of manticores, and that the baroness keeps a magic item
own belongings remain in this room, but the chest at the foot of that controls them in her chambers here. She has also seen,
the bed holds her Lion Tamer's Whip. The Lion Tamer's Whip is a through the eyes ofa mouse, the wizard Finaezer speak a password
magic whip that can cast Compulsion, targeting only beasts and in front of two glowing doors downstairs. She doesn't remember
monstrosities with intelligence 7 or lower (save DC 15). After using the password he spoke, but the wizard himself would.
this ability, you must finish a long rest to cast this spell again in
this way. The manticores in Area 18 have been worn down by
this item's magic numerous times, and automatically fail their
saving throws against the spell.
The vault chamber is covered with geometric carvings in the
walls and floor which glow with a dim, pulsing blue light. Two
16. PRISON Veterans stand guard at the doors here. They've been instructed
to capture or slay anyone who attempts to enter who does not
This is where whatever captives and interrogations Ytrix's know the password.
forces need are held. In the center of this room is a stone chair But the guards are a redundancy. The vault door itself remains
with leather braces built into its arms and legs. There aren't magically locked unless the password is spoken in the room.
currently any guards in this room, but there is a halfling woman
named Priela in one of the cells. The keys to the cells hang on
the wall.
The floor of the entire room is sloped gently toward a grate
Here live Ytrix's last line of defense to protect her treasure—her
in the southeast corner. The grate simply rests over a hole in the two manticores.
ground and can be lifted (and moved) by any character with a This room is dark save for a dim torchlight that shines through a
Strength score of 10 or higher. The tunnel beyond the grate barred hole in the ceiling. Three heavy iron doors stand evenly
leads to the banks of the nearby river east of the fort. spaced on the opposite wall.
In an emergency, the baroness could use the secret passage in
her bedroom and the grate in this room to escape the fort. A DC Two monstrous, four-legged creatures prowl about in the
20 Wisdom (Perception) check in this room reveals the hidden darkness. They look like giant bat-winged lions with twisted
door for the passage to the bedroom. human faces. The tips of their tails are covered in forearm-length
spikes. Their fur is patched with spikes as well. One of them
PRIELA THE D RUID growls at you, and bares rows and rows of shark-like teeth.
“I don't need your help. I'm almost done here anyway.” “Oh goody,” it purrs. “We've been so hungry.”
Priela is a halfling druid with dirty and messy red hair. It's not The manticores are indeed starving, but if the intruders are
clear whether that's the fault of the prison or her own. quick, they can convince the beasts to not eat them. In this scene
10 The Heist At Nimressa
the manticores' shared goal is to sate their hunger (DC 20 to either. Dirinor, however, could have used his mage hand to pull
change) and their current tactic is to eat the food that just the lever remotely. It is the only explanation.
walked in through the door (DC 15 to change). You should have Fennic realize the truth at any dramatic
The back wall of the room has three vault doors, two of which moment when he's in company with Dirinor. It could be soon
are fake and trapped to fool any adventurers who try to make a after he investigates the portcullis, during the manticore fight,
quick run past the manticores. The doors are made of heavy iron during a harrowing escape from the fort, or even after the heist
and are locked. The real vault is behind the center door. The while everyone is getting ready to divvy up the treasure. A player
other two rooms are empty save for the heavy crossbow traps character might even put together the truth before Fennic does
detailed below. and tell him!
When Fennic realizes the truth, he confronts Dirinor:
CROSSBOW TRAP Fennic stares at Dirinor with a hard expression. “I always thought I
Simple trap (level 1–4, dangerous threat) had tripped something. A pressure plate, or a wire... but there's
Trigger. A creature that opens the false door triggers the trap. nothing there. No one else could have reached it.”
Effect. The trap makes two attacks against the triggering
Looking guilty, Dirinor says, “I wanted to close it on the guards. I
creature. Each attack has a +8 attack bonus and deals 5 (1d10) was casting over my shoulder—I thought you had already made it
piercing damage on a hit. This attack can't gain advantage or past.”
Countermeasures. A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) Fennic refuses to move until he's sufficiently said his piece ("do
check reveals the triggering mechanism built into the door of you understand what I had to go through?" and such), and
the vault where it meets the wall. A successful DC 10 Dexterity Dirinor feels guilty enough to accept it.
check using thieves' tools disables the trigger, but a check with a As established above, this confrontation is likely to come at
total of 5 or lower triggers the trap. an inopportune time. The player characters might have to step
in to the conversation get the merry men to focus at the task at
THE TREASURE hand. If so, Dirinor has a goal of showing Fennic the enormity
of his pain (DC 1 7 to change) and a tactic of basically just
The Vault contains an Arrow ofOrc Slaying, a Quaal's Feather
Token (Bird), a Pearl ofPower (in an ornate ring box), a Potion of shouting at him (DC 13 to change). Fennic's goal is to get Dirinor
Stone Giant Strength, a Scroll ofWall ofFire, and a wicked-looking to forgive him (DC 15 to change) and his current tactic is to let
dagger with a curved blade made of some material that looks like Dirinor vent (DC 11 to change).
red obsidian. On the hilt of the dagger, in Orcish, is inscribed The player characters may convince Dirinor and Fennic to get
the name Tooth of Shargaas. back to task, but if the conversation went poorly enough they
The Tooth ofShargaas is a magical dagger which requires may not be able to talk them into being friends again. That will
attunement to use. After you hit a creature with a weapon attack likely require empathy and roleplay from the characters beyond
with the dagger, you may choose to place an invisible mark on the simple mechanics of goals and tactics, if you're up for playing
that target which lasts for one minute. While the mark is active, with those. Have fun diving into the drama of the scene, but
you may use a bonus action to teleport to any empty space be flexible.
within 5 feet of the marked creature. Only one creature may be
marked at a time and the mark disappears if the target moves
more than 100 feet away from you.
When the characters are safely away from Ytrix's fort, it's time
The Vault also contains jewelry and statuettes worth 2,000 gp to divide the treasure amongst the participants. Dirinor and
altogether. Fennic each take one magic item from the haul (though they let
the others choose their magic items first) and the jewelry and
ESCAPE statuettes are divided evenly amongst all the characters
participating in the heist.
It is possible that the characters get in and out of the fort
without anyone noticing and dash away with their treasure From here you can work back into your main campaign's
unopposed—especially if their plan is solid and they deal with story. Alternatively, your players might wish to investigate the
any complication swiftly and smartly. If so, allow them the various factions and events on the periphery of this adventure:
satisfaction of a job well done and perfectly executed. Ytrix and Nimressa, the Trials of the Magi, or Malkiimkrin
If an alarm is raised, however, the characters will need to run and the orcs set against him. All are fertile fodder for further
or fight their way out of the fort with whatever treasure they adventures. As they part ways, Fennic or Dirinor (or both, ifthey
have or can get their hands on in time. Any guard in the fort can remain friends) offer to be a resource to the characters in the
raise an alarm if they can reach Finaezer or the marshal and future, should they ever need some good thievery again.
inform them of the intrusion. Once alarmed, Finaezer uses a All the same, the heist is done; adventure calls elsewhere.
combination of sending and scrying (using the enchanted pedestal
in area 11) to direct guards to the intruding characters.
If the characters run, the guards give chase. But ifthe
characters make it more than a mile outside the fort, the soldiers
are forced to give up.
If Fennic has not investigated the northern portcullis by the
time the characters begin to leave the fort, he attempts to do so
now. He believes it is his last chance to learn how he got caught
last time and rushes over to the spot (see "Fennic's Ulterior
Motive," earlier).
At some point after Fennic has investigated the portcullis, he
comes to a dramatic conclusion: No trap activated the portcullis,
and there was no one at the lever who could have lowered it,

The Heist At Nimressa 11

Appendix A:
Player Handouts

12 The Heist At Nimressa

Appendix B: FINAEZER
NPC Stats Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil

Armor Class: 1 2 (1 5 with mage armor)

Here are descriptions and stat blocks for any NPCs that may end Hit Points: 27 (9d8)
up in combat, need to make skill checks, etc. Speed: 30 ft.

9 (-1)
14 (+1)
11 (+0)
17 (+3)
12 (+1)
11 (+0)
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic good
Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +3
Armor Class: 1 6 (breastplate) Skills Arcana +5, History +5
Hit Points: 27 (5d8+5) Senses passive Perception 1 1
Speed: 30 ft. Languages Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
1 0 (+0) 1 6 (+3) 1 2 (+1 ) 1 4 (+2) 8 (-1 ) 1 5 (+2) Spellcasting. Finaezer is a 5th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 1 3, +5 to hit with spell
Saving Throws Strength +2, Constitution +3 attacks). Finaezer has the following wizard spells prepared:
Skills Athletics +2, Stealth +5
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand, prestidigitation
Senses passive Perception 9
1 st level (4 slots): detect magic*, mage armor, magic missile
Languages Common
2nd level (3 slots): gust ofwind, arcane lock
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
3rd level (2 slots): clairvoyance*, sending*
*Divination spell of 1 st level or higher
Actions Portent (Recharges after Finaezer casts a divination spell of1st level
Multiattack. Dirinor makes two attacks, one with his shortsword or higher). When Finaezer or a creature he can see makes an
and one with his dagger. attack roll, a saving throw, or an ability check, Finaezer can roll a
d20 and choose to use this roll in place of the attack roll, saving
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one throw, or ability check.
target. Hit: 6 (1 d6+3) slashing damage.
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 Actions
ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1 d4+2) piercing damage. Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60

FENNIC ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1 d4+2) piercing damage.

Medium humanoid (human), chaotic good PRIELA

Medium humanoid (halfling), neutral good
Armor Class: 1 5 (chain shirt)
Hit Points: 22 (4d8+4)
Armor Class: 1 0
Speed: 30 ft.
Hit Points: 9 (2d8)
Speed: 30 ft.
1 6 (+3) 1 5 (+2) 1 3 (+1 ) 1 1 (+0) 9 (-1 ) 1 4 (+2) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
Saving Throws Dexterity +4, Charisma +4
Skills Athletics +5, Stealth +6
Skills Medicine +4, Nature +2
Senses passive Perception 9
Senses passive Perception 1 0
Languages Common
Languages Common, Halfling, Druidic
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Challenge 1 /4 (50 XP)

Spellcasting. Fennic is a 3rd-level spellcaster. His spellcasting Spellcasting. Priela is a 1 st-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 1 2, +4 to hit with spell attacks). ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 1 2, +4 to hit with spell attacks).
Fennic has the following bard spells prepared: Priela has the following druid spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): message, vicious mockery Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, produce flame, resistance
1 st level (4 slots): unseen servant, longstrider, healing word 1 st level (3 slots): animal friendship, beast bond, speak with animals
2nd level (2 slots): knock, invisibility
Song ofRest. Fennic can perform a song while taking a short rest.
Any ally who hears the song regains an extra 1 d6 hit points if it
spends any Hit Dice to regain hit points at the end of that rest.
Fennic can confer this benefit on himself as well.
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1 d8+3) bludgeoning damage or 8 (1 d1 0+3)
bludgeoning damage when two handed.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1 d8+2) piercing damage.

The Heist At Nimressa 13

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