Managing Soils For Avocado Production 2007
Managing Soils For Avocado Production 2007
Managing Soils For Avocado Production 2007
David Crowley
Department of Environmental Sciences
University of California, Riverside
Management of avocado trees for optimal yields requires the
maintenance of a healthy root system that is fully functional for
nutrient and water uptake and growth of beneficial microorganisms
that help to suppress root disease. Many different physical, chemical
and biological factors influence root growth, all of which interact to
influence conditions for development of the root system. This review
provides an overview of best management techniques that growers
should consider and examines the effects of individual soil factors on
root function. The benefits of mulching, proper fertilizer timing, ir-
rigation and salinity management are considered in detail as variables
that can be managed to optimize avocado yields and root health.
The proper management of fertilizers and water and the control
of root diseases are central concerns for avocado growers who often
have soils that pose difficult challenges for crop production. While
general recommendations can be made based on well established
agronomic principles, the optimization of best management practices
requires a careful consideration of the soil chemical and physical
properties. Across the different areas where avocado trees are grown in
southern California, soils vary from sands to decomposed granite and
heavy clays, each of which requires different management techniques.
This review examines the most important soil factors that affect tree
nutrition and root health, with a particular emphasis on soil physical
and chemical properties that affect root growth. Where practical,
suggestions are provided for specific management practices related
to mulching, irrigation, and fertilization on different soil types.
Figure 1. Typical bulk density values of soils having different soil textures.
Organic matter promotes soil aggregate formation which results in formation of
large pore spaces and lighter soil bulk densities. Sandy soils tend to have poor
aggregate formation and have much higher bulk densities even than clay soils.
Bulk density is simply a measure of the weight per unit volume
of soil. Since the air space does not contribute to the soil weight, the
bulk density value can be used to determine the actual pore space in
the soil. A solid mass of soil particles has a typical weight of 2.65
grams per cubic centimeter. Hence, a bulk density value of 1.3 means
that the soil has approximately 50% pore space. In addition to the
total pore space, the pore size distribution, meaning that there are both
large and small pore sizes, also comes into play for providing both
large pores through which the roots can grow and small pores where
water can be adsorbed and delivered to the roots through capillary
flow. The formation of soils with good pore size distribution is fa-
cilitated by the formation of stable soil aggregates in which there are
both large pores and channels for root growth and small pores within
the aggregates that are cemented together by organic matter, fungal
hyphae, and polysaccharides that are produced by microorganisms.
While seemingly complicated, the importance of soil structure
and soil texture in controlling root growth can be measured directly.
Bulk density directly influences root growth by limiting the pore space
available for roots and by making the roots work harder to push their
tips through the soil. In comparison to hydroponics, where there is
no restriction for root growth, the root length and total number of
roots declines in a linear fashion with incremental increases in bulk
density. The maximum bulk density is attained at a value of 1.8 grams
per cubic centimeter, at which point the soil is too compact to allow
any root growth extension. Organic matter rich soils have the lowest
bulk density and support the greatest root development (Figure 1).
Cultivated clay and silt loams are heavier and have a bulk density
between 0.8 to 1.4. The most heavy and difficult for plants are culti-
vated sandy soils that typically have a bulk density around 1.5.
Soil scientists can show a proportional relationship between
root length and density of soils by growing plants in soils that have
been compacted to different degrees (Figure 2). In this case, the bulk
density is measured using a penetrometer, which is an instrument
that measures the force necessary to push a steel point through the
soil. A soil with low compaction requires a force of approximately
30 pounds per square inch to penetrate the soil. In compacted soils,
the force required to penetrate through the soil can be as high as
300 lbs per square inch, at which point root growth ceases. Since
the abundance of roots determines the ability of the plant to obtain
water and nutrients, any factor that constrains root growth directly
diminishes the potential growth of the tree and decreases both water
use efficiency and plant nutrient uptake. As bulk density increases,
both the water holding capacity and aeration also decrease. Thus the
physical structure of the soil is one of the main components of soil
Root Penetration (%)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Figure 3. Root growth through a soil profile that contains an organic rich layer
over clay with an underlying sand layer. Abundant root development occurs in
the organic profile and continues into a clay layer, after which root growth fails
to penetrate through the sand lens due to the high bulk density and inadequate
pore space.
The most common limiting element for avocado production
is nitrogen (Batchelor, 1933), which is used primarily for protein
synthesis in the leaf and fruit tissues. The quantities vary depend-
ing on the tree compartment, with wood having very low nitrogen
content, fruit containing 0.8% N (fresh weight), and leaves having a
relatively high demand for nitrogen where it comprises 2-2.5% of the
leaf dry weight. Much of the nitrogen in the leaves can be recycled
during decomposition of the leaf litter that has fallen from the tree.
Fruit harvest, on the other hand, results in removal of nitrogen that
must be replenished with fertilizers or organic inputs. Avocado fruit
contains a much higher protein content as compared to other fruit
crops, with the fruit containing 0.7 to 0.8% nitrogen fresh weight,
which is equivalent to approximately 1 gram of nitrogen per average
size fruit (Lovatt, 1996).
Nitrogen use efficiency refers to the amount of nitrogen that
gets into the tree versus that which is applied. Typical nitrogen use
efficiency is 50%. The other 50% is lost by leaching of nitrate nitrogen
and denitrification, in which microorganisms convert nitrate into N2
and N2O gas during their respiration. In high pH soils, volatilization
of ammonia is another pathway that can lead to nutrient loss. Us-
ing the N removal calculator at, and assuming
100 kg (220 lbs) of fruit per tree with 100 trees per acre (~22,000 lb
yield 10,000 kg), harvest of the fruit results in 61.7 lbs of nitrogen
per acre. Given a 50% nitrogen use efficiency, 123 lbs of nitrogen
per acre would be needed to provide for a large crop from a mature
orchard. This is generally in line with the amounts of fertilizer that
are used by avocado growers, which range from 80 to 160 lbs per
acre (89-178 kg per hectare)(Lovatt, 1996). These quantities are of
course adjusted for trees that are of different age and size or plant-
ing densities and in accordance with the expected crop yields. The
nitrogen use efficiency will also depend on the form of nitrogen that
is supplied, the soil nutrient holding capacity, and factors affecting
N losses by leaching or denitrification. A major concern from the
high levels of nitrogen is pollution of groundwater. Growers are also
concerned with fertilizer timing to maximize nitrogen use efficiency,
to improve fruit set, and to push fruit production versus promoting
growth of the leaf canopy.
Specific recommendations for nitrogen fertilization have
been derived from many studies over the past 75 years (Batchelor,
1933) and there are extensive papers on this topic (Embleton et al.,
1972; Lahav et al., 1980; Meyer et al., 1992; Lovatt, 2001). Early
recommendations by Gustafson (Gustafson, 1979) called for nitro-
gen to be provided in split applications in February and July starting
with 1/8th pound per tree for two year old trees with incremental
increases up to 1 ½ to 2 lbs per tree for 11 to 20 year old trees. More
recent work has greatly refined fertilizer timing (Lovatt, 2001). In
the review by Gustafson, fertilization was not recommended during
the blossom and fruit setting period of March to June. In contrast,
recent studies by Lovatt show that yield and fruit size could both be
increased by applying N during early shoot development in the fall
flush (mid-November) and again during early fruit set (mid-April).
The precise timing is best matched to the actual phenological stages
that vary depending on the climatic zone, with the first (fall) stage
occurring when shoot apical buds have four or more secondary axis
inflorescence meristems, and during the spring, when the trees are at
anthesis to early fruit set and have initiated the vegetative shoot flush
at the apex of indeterminate floral shoots.
Timing of fertilizers also must be considered in relation to
soil chemical properties. Only the positively charged form of nitro-
gen, NH4, can be held in soils on the cation exchange sites in clay
and organic matter. This form of nitrogen is slowly converted to
nitrate, NO3- nitrogen, through the action of nitrifying bacteria that
use the NH4+ ion as an energy source. The NO3- ion is highly subject
to leaching and further losses by denitrification. Leaching removes
the nitrate ion below the root zone and results in nitrate pollution of
ground water. Denitrification is facilitated by high microbial activity
under low oxygen conditions where nitrate is used as an alternative
electron acceptor for microbial respiration. Thus high soil moisture,
high soil carbon levels, and high nitrate levels together promote the
loss of nitrogen by this pathway. In some cases, half of the applied
nitrogen can be lost by denitrification. High rainfall can also leach
out nitrate nitrogen and is a major loss route leading to pollution of
In addition to fertilizer nitrogen, this element is also provided
to trees through nutrient cycling from decomposing plant litter, mulch,
and can be provided entirely to the trees by additions of manure and
other organic amendments. Typical levels of nitrogen in composted
organic materials are 15 to 20:1 on a dry weight basis, or 5 to 7% N by
weight. If the soil contains 2% organic matter, this represents 20,000
kg of organic matter per hectare (17,850 pounds per acre), containing
~1000 kg (892 lbs) of nitrogen, respectively. In this manner, organic
matter decomposition from leaf litter and organic amendments can
deliver large quantities of nitrogen to the crop. An advantage to this
form of nitrogen is that organic nitrogen provides a slow release as
the organic matter is mineralized to carbon dioxide and nutrients.
In nature, this is the most efficient process for maintaining a closed
nitrogen cycle in soils.
Avocado orchards in southern California are routinely fertilized
with phosphorus fertilizers but seldom show responses to this fertilizer
nutrient. In general phosphorus levels in most soils in this region are
relatively high in comparison to the tree demand and crop removal
rates. Avocado leaf tissues normally contain 0.1 to 0.15% P. In sand
culture, P deficiency symptoms manifest as decreased vegetative
growth, small leaves, early leaf drop, and branch dieback (Lahav et al.,
1980). Phosphorus is primarily found in soils in the form of minerals,
including iron and aluminum phosphates in acid soils, and calcium
phosphates in neutral and alkaline pH soils. Dissolved phosphorus
concentrations in solution are very low due to the low solubility of
these minerals, with a maximum availability to plants at pH values
between 6.5 and 7.0. Due to the low solubility of phosphorus, this
element is often limiting to plants with coarse root systems. This is
overcome by formation of symbioses with mycorrhizal fungi that form
vast hyphal networks in the soil that function to transport phosphorus
and other diffusion limited elements (Fe, Zn, Cu) to plants. Fertilizer
forms of phosphorus include soluble salts such as ammonium phos-
phate and triple super phosphate. Other forms of phosphorus include
organic materials and manures. In general, manures contain relatively
high amounts of phosphorus and potassium as compared to nitrogen.
Thus the use of manures to fertilize trees with nitrogen results in
excessive application of phosphorus, leading to accumulation and
storage of this element in the soil in mineral forms. All phosphorus
containing materials, whether fertilizer phosphorus, phosphorus acid,
and phosphorus liberated from organic materials undergo very rapid
transformation to minerals that are precipitated out from the soil
solution. This leads to large reserves of phosphorus that can supply
this element for many years before depletion occurs.
Phosphorus is also supplied to avocado orchards indirectly by
use of phosphorous acid containing chemicals that are used to treat
avocado root rot, either by inclusion in the irrigation water or by trunk
injection. Generally phosphorus fertilization will not be a concern
except in acid sandy soils with low reserves such as in San Diego’s
Fallbrook sandy loams, Florida, and in coastal areas of Queensland
and New South Wales in Australia.
Avocado trees have a relatively high requirement for potas-
sium, but as with phosphorus seldom show a response to potassium
fertilizers, indicating that there are abundant reserves of this element
in most California soils. In contrast to phosphorus, potassium is
relatively soluble and is easily leached from soils with a low cation
exchange capacity. Orchards are routinely fertilized with potassium,
but the importance of fertilization is greatest in sandy soils where this
element is readily leached below the root zone. As with phosphorus,
manures and other organic materials contain excess potassium in
relation to nitrogen. Thus organically managed orchards that use
manures and other organic materials to supply nitrogen will generally
have abundant potassium.
Of the many different elements that are required in trace amounts
for plant nutrition, only iron and zinc are of concern to avocado grow-
ers. Both iron and zinc are relatively abundant in soils where they
occur as iron oxide and zinc oxide minerals, but nonetheless are often
deficient and are difficult to correct. The solubility of these minerals
is directly controlled by pH, with iron oxides and zinc oxides being
most soluble under acid conditions. For every unit increase in pH,
iron oxides and zinc oxides decrease in solubility by 1,000 fold and
100 fold respectively. At neutral to alkaline pH, these elements are
essentially insoluble and must be provided to the tree in an organic
complex or chelate. In this case, the organic molecule, generally an
organic acid, or the chelate function by attacking the mineral surfaces
to strip out the metal and form a complex that contains the metal ion
within a shielded center that is enveloped by the organic molecule.
The complex then moves by diffusion and mass flow to the plant
roots where it is released into an ion channel and exchanged with
another carrier, generally citrate, within the plant. The citrate metal
complex then is transported through the xylem to the leaf tissue and
incorporated into various molecules that use these metals for reactions
involving energy transfer and electron transport.
In alkaline soils one of the main factors that contributes to
iron and zinc deficiency besides the low solubility of these elements
is interference from dissolved carbonates that form from dissolution
of calcium carbonates (lime, seashells), and that are generated by
respiration of the roots when CO2 respired by the roots dissolves in
the soil solution to form carbonic acid. Carbonates are also taken up
by the plant and strongly interfere with the binding and transport of
the metals by citric acid in the xylem; hence the difficulty in treat-
ing these trace-metal deficiencies. Often zinc and iron deficiencies
show up in hotspots in the orchard in areas that contain free lime or
calcium carbonates (Crowley et al., 1995). The symptoms will be
most severe in heavy, poorly drained soils where CO2 accumulates
in the root zone (Crowley et al., 1995).
One of the most important considerations in treating trace-
metal deficiency is correct diagnosis of the problem. Zinc deficiencies
occur in both acid and alkaline soils. In acid soils, zinc deficiencies
result when zinc has solubilized and leached into the subsoil so that
total soil quantities are depleted in the root zone. Here an application
of zinc sulfate will provide a quick and easy response. In contrast,
both iron and zinc deficiency can occur singly or together in neutral
and alkaline soils. In this case, visual diagnosis of the deficiency is
not adequate as a deficiency of either metal is manifested by nearly
identical symptoms that appear as interveinal chlorosis or yellowing
of the leaf tissue between the leaf veins, and that show up primarily
in the new foliage. Because there has been so much emphasis on zinc,
avocado growers have often applied zinc fertilizers as part of their
fertilization regime when the real problem is iron deficiency. As more
and more zinc fertilizer has been applied over the years, the levels
of zinc in many soils in southern California have reached near toxic
concentrations. Thus it is essential to use plant leaf tissue analysis
to determine which type of metal deficiency is actually occurring
when deficiency symptoms arise and then treat with the appropriate
Zinc fertilizers have been applied to trees by foliar applica-
tion, soil application of fertilizers, trunk injection and fertigation. Of
these methods, trunk injection is the least effective, followed by foliar
application, and either fertigation or soil application of fertilizers is
the most effective (Crowley et al., 1996). Experiments examining
foliar application of zinc using radioactive labeled zinc show that
negligible quantities of this element are transported in the plant to
other locations from the treated leaf surface. Among the different
fertilizer materials, zinc and iron chelates applied to the soil or in the
irrigation water are the most effective as compared to materials such
as zinc sulfate. Alternatively, zinc sulfate can be applied along with
acid forming materials such as sulfur to increase the metal solubility.
In contrast to zinc where a variety of fertilizers are available, iron
is applied only as a synthetic chelate. There are many different iron
chelate formulations that have either EDTA or EDDHA as the active
material. EDTA is unstable with iron at high pH and is a very tem-
porary fix. The better but more expensive formulations will contain
Fe-EDDHA. This chelate is very stable with iron at alkaline pH and
will last for over a year, with the molecule acting as a taxi to shuttle
iron continuously from iron minerals to the roots. Timing of any zinc
or iron fertilizer should be matched with new root growth, as trees
will not show any response until active new root growth occurs when
the element is taken up by the new elongating roots.
Future Outlook
Good soil management practices provide the foundation for sus-
tainable agriculture and are essential for optimizing the productivity
and root health of any agronomic or horticultural crop. In comparison
to many crops, avocado trees, with most of their feeder roots prolifer-
ating in the top six inches of the soil profile, are especially sensitive
to soil management practices. They are susceptible to damage due
to poor aeration, waterlogging, salinity, and root disease. Avocado
growers, on the other hand, take pride in a “hand grown” crop and are
attentive to using the best methods available for producing high crop
yields of quality fruit. This requires that individual growers be aware
of the specific properties of their orchard soils and the best way to
tailor their irrigation and fertilization practices. Research funded by
the California Avocado Commission has provided the framework for
development of best management practices, but requires a continual
education program to make sure that recommendations are dissemi-
nated and followed by growers and grove managers. Management
of soil physical and chemical properties can be achieved by proper
use of organic amendments and mulches, routine applications of
gypsum, and proper irrigation methods to avoid deterioration of soil
structure through soil salinization. With the increasing cost of water
and likelihood that growers will need to increase their reliance on
saline groundwater or reclaimed water, there is still considerable room
for improvement in water monitoring and salinity management prac-
tices. Likewise, fertilizer timing and best management of fertilizers
for optimal production while avoiding excessive use of nitrogen and
micronutrient fertilizers that can cause pollution need further study.
Organic farming methods that are increasingly being used by growers
will almost certainly be beneficial for promoting good soil properties
but should be carried out scientifically to determine those practices
and products that are beneficial and cost effective.
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Note: Many of the cited articles are available at
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