8989 21405 1 PB
8989 21405 1 PB
8989 21405 1 PB
Division of Thoracic Cardiac & Vascular Surgery, Departement of Surgery,
Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Medical Faculty of Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh
Division of Thoracic Cardiac & Vascular Surgery, Departement of Surgery,
Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Medical Faculty of Indonesia University, Jakarta
Abstrak. Trauma tumpul toraks memiliki insiden yang sangat tinggi pada populasi dewasa, 20 – 50 % dari kasus dapat
mengakibatkan kematian. Cedera pada struktur pembuluh darah dari bagian dada atas, terutama pembuluh darah arteri
subklavia kiri, sangat jarang ditemukan dan biasanya disertai dengan “hematotoraks massif”. Observasi ketat dari tanda-
tanda vital dan foto toraks serial sangatlah penting. Kami paparkan sebuah kasus jarang dari seorang pasien yang
mengalami cedera traumatik arteri subklavia kiri. Tidak ditemukan gambaran klinis dari hematoma di supra klavikula,
pulsasi arteri radialis kiri tidak teraba, dan tidak ditemukan pelebaran dari mediastinum pada foto toraks. Tetapi didapatkan
hematotoraks massif kiri. Dilakukan posterolateral torakotomi kiri, dijumpai sumber perdarahan dari bagian apex paru kiri,
dicurigai terdapatnya robekan dari pembuluh darah arteri subklavia kiri. Tindakan dilanjutkan dengan insisi median
sternotomy yang diperluas ke arah supraklavikula kiri, ditemukan rupture total dari arteri subklavia kiri dengan jarak 1,5
cm proksimal dari arkus aorta. Tindakan repair (perbaikan) arteri secara primer (end to end anastomosis) dilakukan dengan
hasil baik. (JKS 2017; 2: 103-111)
Kata kunci : Trauma tumpul toraks, hematotoraks massif, cedera arteri subklavia kiri
Abstract. Blunt thoracic trauma highest incidence is in adult, 20% to 50 % of the trauma cause death. Injuries to the
vascular structures of the thoracic outlet, especially left subclavian artery, are rare and typically accompanied by massive
hemorrhage. Close observation of vital sign and serial chest x-ray are very important. We describe an unusual
presentation of a patient who suffered traumatic rupture of left subclavian artery. No clinical presentation of
supraclavicular hematoma, unilateral absence of radial artery pulse and mediastinal widening in chest x-ray was found,
but there is a massive hemothorax. Left posterolateral thoracotomy was performed, the source of bleeding was found in the
apex of the lung, suspected a rupture of the left subclavian artery. The procedure continued with median sternotomy
extended to left supraclavicular incision, a rupture was found in the left subclavian artery, 1,5 cm proximal to aortic arch.
Primary repair was done with a good result. (JKS 2017; 2: 103-111)
Key Words : Blunt thoracic trauma, massive hemothorax, left subclavian artery rupture
Habibie et al.- Left Subclavian Artery Ruptute Due
urgent surgical Emergency Thoracotomy and unilateral absence of radial artery pulse
(ET).3,7,8 was found. The patient complaint to felt pain
on his left hip joint, there is adduction, flexion,
This procedure (ET) is adopted from the endorotation, no shortening and neuro-vascular
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) distal disturbance. Closed reduction and skin
management of penetrating chest injuries and traction was done due to anterior hip joint
selected cases of blunt thoracic trauma. The displacement.
objectives of ET are to release pericardial
tamponade, prevent air embolism, control Left haemato-pneumothorax, 1st and 2nd ribs
massive intra-thoracic or intra-abdominal fractures in left hemithorax was demostrated on
haemorrage, and provide access for open chest radiographs. No sign of mediastinal
cardiac massage and descending thoracic aortic widening, scapular fracture and hematoma at
cross-clamping. Majority of the cases are the apex of the lung was found. Left acetabular
hemodynamically stable on the scene, or are fracture and left femoral head dislocation was
resuscitated using the ATLS protocol. seen in pelvic radiograph. Laboratory findings
Emergency thoracotomy is a life saving shows haemoglobin level of 12,8 gr/dl,
procedure in critically injured patients who haematocryte 38%, leucocyte 27.700/l. On
presents with no detectable pulse or blood observation period, instability of
pressure following chest trauma. 8 haemodynamic happened. The patient was
resuscitated with crystalloid and colloid
We present a case of 35 year-old-man with solution, 800 ml blood was drained from chest
blunt chest trauma, resulting in left traumatic tube. Sign of massive haemothorax and on
subclavian artery rupture with an unusual going bleeding intra thoracic cavity was found,
clinical presentation, whom underwent haemoglobin level was decreased to 5,5 gr/dl.
successful primary repair.
Emergency left posterolateral thoracotomy was
Case Report performed, intra thoracic cavity was entered
A 35-year-old man came to our emergency through 5th intercostal space. About 500 ml of
department unit, had a bajaj collision with a blood clot was found at the basis of the lung,
bus coming from the left opposite direction. and was also found at the apex of the lung.
The patient was conscious and well orientated Source of the bleeding was suspected in apex
on admission, with a normal Glasgow coma of the lung and rupture of the left subclavian
scale. On primary survey, shortness of breath, artery. The procedure continued with median
asymmetrical movement of hemithorax, sternotomy extended to left supraclavicular
decreased left fremitus, and hypersonor on incision. In exploration, aortic arch, innominate
percussion was found, tension pneumothorax artery, right and left carotid artery was intact,
was suspected. Needle thoracosintesis was but there was rupture with active bleeding from
performed, a large bore needle was inserted at left subclavian artery, 1,5 cm proximal to aortic
the 2nd intercostal space midclavicular line, arch. Primary repair was done with a good
followed by insertion of chest tube with initial result.
drainage of 200 ml blood and minor air leak.
Despite these injuries, the patient respiratory
status and blood pressure was remained stable.
On secondary survey, no bruise or
supraclavicular hematoma on anterior chest
Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala 17 (2): 71-74, Agustus 2017
Figure 1. Chest radiograph demonstrating left haemato-pneumothorax with chest tube insertion.
Arrow; 1st and 2nd ribs fractures in the left hemithorax. No sign of mediastinal widening,
scapular fracture and no hematoma at the apex of the lung.
Figure 2. Operative picture. (A) First step we do left posterolateral thoracotomy. Found blood clot at
the basis of the lung about 500 ml, also blood clot at the apex of the lung, suspected source
of bleeding in the apex of the lung and rupture from left subclavian artery, (B) continued
with median sternotomy extended to left supraclavicular incision. Arrow; Left subclavian
artery, found rupture 1,5 cm proximal to aortic arch.
Postoperative, the patient’s condition improved was discharged home on the 10th postoperative
dramatically. He was extubated on the 1st day, with the chest radiograph showing good
postoperative day in Cardiothoracic ICU, and lung expansion.
Figure 3. Post operative chest radiograph demonstrating good lung expansion. Chest drain already
took off.
Habibie et al.- Left Subclavian Artery Ruptute Due
Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala 17 (2): 71-74, Agustus 2017
Habibie et al.- Left Subclavian Artery Ruptute Due
frequent findings in blunt thoracic trauma were breath, was confirmed as tension
pneumothorax and haemothorax. These pneumothorax. Large bore needle was inserted,
complications can be treated successfully by continued with insertion of chest tube to drain
chest tube.3 blood. This management was based on ATLS
protocols. First and second rib fractures was
Table 6. Intra thoracic complication in blunt found in chest radiograph, but no mediastinal
thoracic trauma’s widening was found. Respiratory status and
blood pressure maintained stable. The
mechanism of the trauma was the same as in
the literature mentioned above.
Most traumatic great vessel disruptions that Bruishing over anterior chest
present for repair occur at the aortic isthmus Limb ischemia
near the ligamentum arteriosum and just distal Thoracic outlet hematoma
to the left subclavian artery. These injuries are Discrepancies in pulses and blood
best approached through a posterolateral pressure between the two arms
thoracotomy in the 4th intercostal space.15
Sign of subclavian artery injuries or great
The patient in this case report had traffic vessel injuries in blunt thoracic trauma that can
accident, was councious and well oriented in be found in chest radiographs are also listed
admission, sustained bidirectional compression below. 18
on his chest. The patient had shortness of
Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala 17 (2): 71-74, Agustus 2017
Habibie et al.- Left Subclavian Artery Ruptute Due
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