1 s2.0 S0263224124011278 Main
1 s2.0 S0263224124011278 Main
1 s2.0 S0263224124011278 Main
Peide Yang, Ting Chen, Dongfang Wang, Lu Ye, Yunuo Chen, Wei Lang,
Xiangchao Zhang
PII: S0263-2241(24)01127-8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2024.115242
Reference: MEASUR 115242
Please cite this article as: P. Yang, T. Chen, D. Wang, L. Ye, Y. Chen, W. Lang, X. Zhang, Recognition and
separation of fringe patterns in deflectometric measurement of transparent elements based on empirical curvelet
transform, Measurement (2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2024.115242
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Recognition and separation of fringe patterns in deflectometric measurement of
fringes reflected from the front and rear surfaces to establish the pixel correspondences between the
camera and screen pixels. But it is a challenging task due to the low reflectivity and uneven
background of transparent elements. A reliable fringe separation method is proposed based on the
empirical curvelet transform. The captured fringe images are decomposed into different modes
according to their directions, periods, curvatures or modulation coefficients, and then a weighted
separated patterns. By employing the proposed method, the measurement accuracy is significantly
improved, the number of demanded images is effectively reduced, and high-precision, automatic,
and rapid measurement is thereby achieved. The measurement accuracy of spherical and cylindrical
Funding acquisition.
fringes reflected from the front and rear surfaces to establish the pixel correspondences between the
camera and screen pixels. But it is a challenging task due to the low reflectivity and uneven
background of transparent elements. A reliable fringe separation method is proposed based on the
empirical curvelet transform. The captured fringe images are decomposed into different modes
according to their directions, periods, curvatures or modulation coefficients, and then a weighted
separated patterns. By employing the proposed method, the measurement accuracy is significantly
improved, the number of demanded images is effectively reduced, and high-precision, automatic,
and rapid measurement is thereby achieved. The measurement accuracy of spherical and cylindrical
1. Introduction
Transparent optical elements, including lenses, prisms, and others, play a crucial role in optical
systems such as high-end cameras, VR/AR devices, and lighting equipment. They find extensive
applications across various industries, including automotive, electronics, aerospace, and medical
equipment [1, 2]. The form accuracy of these transparent elements directly affects the performance
of the optical systems, e.g., the form error of an injection molding lens is normally required to be
Various methods have been developed for measuring the form quality of complex objects.
Traditional contact measurement methods, such as the coordinate measuring machine, scanning
profilometer, and other instruments, are inefficient and prone to damaging the surfaces under test,
which are not preferred in practice [4]. Subsequently, various non-contact optical measurement
methods have been proposed, which possess advantages such as non-contact, full-field measurement,
high accuracy, and high efficiency. Structural light profilometry including the Moiré profilometry,
the Fourier transform profilometry, and modulation measuring profilometry is widely employed.
The Moiré profilometry allows the reconstruction of a three-dimensional (3D) surface by analyzing
the Moiré patterns generated by two gratings. The contours of the measured objects can be specified
by analyzing the Moiré fringes [5]. The Fourier transform profilometry obtains the height map of
an object through the Fourier transform of the captured fringe patterns. It offers higher sensitivity
than traditional Moiré methods and reduces errors from higher-order harmonic distortions in the
gratings [6, 7]. The modulation measuring profilometry analyzes the modulation of the captured
sinusoidal fringes, and this technology normally applies to coaxial systems in which the projection
axis coincides with the observation axis. It is capable of measuring objects with significant height
variations or discontinuities [8, 9]. However, these fringe projection methods apply to diffuse
surfaces only.
As for those specular surfaces, interferometry is a typical non-contact testing method with a
and inconvenient for measuring complex surfaces due to its low dynamic range [11]. The phase
measuring deflectometry (PMD) method is a powerful optical technique for measuring complex
specular surfaces [12]. The fringe patterns displayed on a screen are reflected by the surface under
test and captured by a camera, and then the pixel correspondence between the screen and camera is
obtained according to their gray levels of phases. The normal vectors of the surface under test are
specified based on the law of reflection, and finally, the surface form is reconstructed from surface
gradients. The PMD possesses remarkable advantages such as high precision, high efficiency, high
All the aforementioned methods need to retrieve phases from sinusoidal fringes, but 2 π
discontinuity occurs due to the periodicity of the sinusoidal and cosine functions. Then phase
unwrapping is required to obtain the true phase maps. There are primarily two kinds of methods,
namely the spatial phase unwrapping and temporal phase unwrapping. Spatial phase unwrapping
compares the phase values of adjacent pixels and eliminates the 2π discontinuities, such as the
diamond type algorithm [14], the quality-guided method [15], and the deep-learning-based method
[16]. It is efficient, but it unrobust to noise, leading to cumulative phase errors propagating from
projecting/displaying a series of fringe patterns with different frequencies. The phase associated
each pixel can be independently specified. Therefore it applies for discontinuous surfaces and the
phase errors will not propagate [17]. The most widely employed temporal methods is the three-
reflected from and front and rear surfaces are superposed, making it difficult to establish pixel
correspondences. In addition, the low reflectivity of transparent elements results in a very low
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the captured images, consequently reducing the measurement
accuracy. Existing methods for measuring transparent elements require a lot of fringe images to be
captured, or introducing additional hardware into the PMD setups [20, 21]. As a result, there is an
urgent demand for an efficient and convenient method for the deflectometric measurement of
transparent elements. Due to the excellent representativity of curve features, the curvelet transform
is adopted for fringe separation. The proposed method can significantly reduce the number of
images to be captured, avoid the demand for additional equipment, and achieve high-precision
realized simultaneously.
modes and automatically allocate the fringes associated with the two surfaces of transparent
delineates the related work. The proposed method is introduced in Section 3 and numerically
2. Related work
A lot of work has been developed for the deflectometric measurement of transparent elements.
The reflection from the rear surface can be suppressed by using ultraviolet light as most mineral
glass and plexiglass are opaque to the radiation below the wavelength of 330 nm [22]. However,
building a ‘UV fringe projector’ would pose serious technical difficulties and high costs. In addition,
this method eliminates the backward-reflected signal, hence it could not measure double surfaces at
In [23], the reflected light from both surfaces can be separated by displaying and scanning dots
or lines, but line scanning is often time-consuming and some areas cannot be detected. In [24], Hao
et al used binocular stereovision to measure the normal directions of transparent objects. The
consistency constraint of stereo normal vectors can be used to calculate the form of the transparent
element under test. However, due to the limitation of the binocular method, its measurement
accuracy is low, and additional uncertainty is introduced. In [25], a binary pattern method was
proposed to measure the front surface of a transparent element. It requires setting an appropriate
threshold to distinguish the regions associated with the rear surface, which is often not
straightforward to set. In [26], Jeong et al proposed a digital filtering method, in which the optical
layout and lighting source area are modified to bypass the generation of unwanted light. This method
is only applicable when there exists a large difference between the radii of curvature of the two
surfaces. In [27], the deflectometric measurement of transparent elements based on fringe separation
was proposed. The two-dimensional fast iterative filtering is developed to optimize the fringe
separation results. However, this method cannot separate the fringes with similar frequencies but
different directions, and the precision of fringe separation is not high, thereby resulting in mode
The multi-frequency method is widely used for fringe separation, in which the phase is solved
iteratively by nonlinear optimization [28]. However, a disadvantage of this method is that plenty of
images are needed and appropriate initial values need to be provided in advance, and phase
discontinuity may occur due to the numerical singularity problem. Tao et al. [29] proposed an
envelope curve algorithm to eliminate parasitic reflection and obtain the phases associated with the
front and rear surfaces at the same time, but this algorithm needs to display hundreds of fringe
patterns with different frequencies. In [30], a method is proposed to obtain the initial conditions and
reduce the required number of images by about 8 times. However, this method is time-consuming
because the numerical optimization is implemented pixel by pixel, and it behaves robustly only for
relatively planar elements. Wang et al. [31, 32] proposed an algorithm to analyze harmonic
components in the power spectrum to unwrap the double-surface reflection, but this method applies
3. Methodology
Unlike the scenario of measuring ordinary mirrors, the setup for measuring transparent elements
is shown in Fig. 1 (a). The propagation of light in the reflective phase measuring deflectometry
system can be divided into two paths. Starting from a point S1 on the screen, the light of the first
path is directly reflected via a point M1 on the front surface and captured by the camera; The light
of the second path, which starts from a point S2 on the screen, passes by a point M2 and is reflected
by a point N1 on the rear surface, refracted through M1, and then captured by the camera. The
resulting two sets of fringes are superposed with each other and the underlying ground-truth phase
cannot be obtained. When the light is approximately vertically incident, the reflectivity of glass is
about 4%. Therefore, the light intensity reflected by the rear surface at one time is slightly lower
than that by the front surface. On the contrary, the secondary reflection of light is much weaker,
thus it can be ignored. Fig. 1 (b) is a typical superposed fringe pattern caused by parasitic reflections.
The captured image can be expressed as
where Ic represents the superposed intensity, A is the background intensity, η stands for random
noise, B1 and B2 are the modulation coefficients of the reflected fringes from the front and rear
Fig. 1. PMD measurement of a transparent element. (a) PMD system, (b) superposed fringe pattern
When the fringes are correctly separated, phase retrieval and phase unwrapping can be conducted
to obtain absolute phase values and thus the correspondence relationship between camera pixels and
screen pixels can be established accordingly. The multi-step phase-shifting technique can be used
for phase retrieval [33]. Then, the absolute phases are determined using marker-assisted spatial
After the correspondence relationship between the camera pixels and screen pixels is established,
the Software Configurable Optical Test System (SCOTS) method is adopted to iteratively calculate
the X-direction gradient gx and Y-direction gradient gy at a measurement point M [35]. The surface
form could be reconstructed from the gradients [36]. In order to address the refraction of rays in the
transparent element, the form of the rear surface can be reconstructed reliably by using a hybrid
The adaptive empirical wavelet transform proposed by Gillies et al [23, 24] defines a set of
bandpass filters in the frequency domain. It can automatically identify the Fourier support that best
separates the harmonic modes present in the analyzed signal. Their selections of support in the
Frequency domain are not specified as dyadic tiling but adaptively selected.
In a one-dimensional (1D) empirical wavelet transform (EWT), assuming that the signal is
composed of N single components. N wavelet filters, including a low-pass filter and N-1 bandpass
filters, are defined in the 1D Fourier domain based on ‘carefully selected’ supports. In this way, the
spectrum is divided into N continuous segments, with the n-th segment represented as Λn = [ωn-1,
ωn], n=1, 2, …, N, and ÈLn = [0, p ] , as shown in Fig. 2. t represents the width of the transition
band of filters. Several boundary partitioning methods can be adopted [23], e.g., the local maximum
of the spectrum amplitude is identified, and then, filters can be constructed in each frequency band
of the Empirical Wavelet Transform, which includes various extension methods, such as the Tensor,
Littlewood-Paley, and curvelets [37]. The empirical curvelet transform (ECT) is an appropriate fit
of curves, because the curvelet transform can provide a stable, efficient, and near-optimal
representation of discontinuities along smooth curves, and the twisted 2D sinusoidal fringes can be
viewed as consisting of an infinite number of smooth curves. The ECT first implements the pseudo-
polar Fourier transform to 2D data, and then divides the Fourier spectrum to obtain a set of scale
When dividing the frequency domain, one can to detect the angles first and then find a set of scale
radii for each angular sector, as shown in Fig. 3(a), or detect the scale radii first and then detect the
angular sectors for each scale, as shown in Fig. 3(b). Of course, they can also be detected
The bandpass curvelet filters Ψn,m are polar wedges defined by the product of the radial windows
Wn and the polar windows Vm. Wn are defined as:
If n ≠ Ns − 1,
ì1 (1 + g )w n £ w £ (1 - g )w n +1 ,
ï ép æ 1 n +1 ö ù
ïcos ê 2 b ç 2gw n +1 ( w - (1 - g )w ) ÷ ú (1 - g )w n +1 £ w £ (1 + g )w n +1 ,
ï ë è øû (2)
Wn (w ) = í
ï é p æ 1 n ö ù
ïsin ê 2 b ç 2gw n ( w - (1 - g )w ) ÷ ú (1 - g )w n £ w £ (1 + g )w n ,
ï ë è øû
î0 otherwise
and if n = Ns − 1,
ì1 (1 + g )wNs -1 £ w ,
ï ép æ 1 öù
WNs -1 (w) = ísin ê b ç ( w - (1 - g )wNs -1 ) ÷ú (1 - g )wNs -1 £ w £ (1 + g )wNs -1, (3)
ï ë 2 è 2gw
Ns -1
ï0 otherwise
ì1 q m + Dq £ q £ q m +1 - Dq ,
ïcos é p b æ 1 (q - q m +1 + Dq ) ö ù q m +1 - Dq £ q £ q m +1 + Dq ,
ïï êë 2 çè 2Dq ÷ú
Vm (q ) = í (4)
ïsin é p b æ 1 (q - q m + Dq ) ö ù q - Dq £ q £ q + Dq ,
m m
ï ê 2 çè 2Dq ÷ú
ï ë
îï0 otherwise
ì1 w £ (1 - g )w1 ,
ï ép æ 1 öù
f1 (w ) = ícos ê b ç ( w - (1 - g )w1 ) ÷ ú (1 - g )w1 £ w £ (1 + g )w1 , (5)
ï ë 2 è 2gw
ïî0 otherwise
where |·| denotes taking the absolute value. ω and θ are the polar coordinates in the Frequency
domain. β is an arbitrary function, with a suitable choice β(x) = x4(35 − 84x + 70x2 − 20x3). The
parameter γ is properly set to ensure that only two consecutive filters can overlap. The corresponding
where ϕ1 is the low-pass filter described in Eq. (5), and {Ψn,m} are the polar wedges. The curly
brackets {} denote a set. Finally, conduct filtering on the Fourier transform F of the input image
where Wεc represents the curvelet coefficients in the Fourier domain, and the angle brackets < >
denote the Hadamard product, i.e., element-wise multiplication. Then, the spatial filtering results can
Ideal 2D sinusoidal fringes appear as a pair of conjugate symmetric points in the frequency
domain. However, due to various factors such as the curvedness of the fringes, frequency changes,
and spectral leakage, the fringe signals will disperse in the frequency domain and be accompanied
Fig. 4. Examples of different fringe images and their Fourier spectra. (a) fringe images, (b) Fourier spectra, (c)
The aperiodic truncation of the image will lead to remarkable spectral leakage, which in turn
seriously affects the detecting accuracy of the radial boundaries. As shown in Fig. 4, there are plenty
of horizontal and vertical artifact lines in the Fourier domain. Therefore, it is recommended to
specify the angular boundaries before the specifying radial boundaries. The pronounced spectral
leakage is suppressed by windowing. The Hamming window, with its first sidelobe attenuation of -
42 dB and a sidelobe attenuation rate of -20 dB/decade, is adopted for such a purpose. It is defined
ì 2p x
ï0.54 - 0.46cos 0 £ x £ N -1
Hamming(x) = í N -1 (8)
îï 0 else
where x represents the lateral coordinates. Multiplying the 2D window function by the original
image f as
where ⊙ represents the Hadamard product, and y is the vertical coordinate. Then perform the
pseudo-polar Fourier transform on fw. For each angle, calculate the average of those points with the
top 5% highest magnitudes as an indicator for spectrum segmentation. This approach ensures that
even if the sidelobe attenuation rate is low, the spectrum segmentation will not be significantly
This is a non-parametric histogram segmentation method that does not require any prior assumptions
of modes in the histogram. An adequacy test called 'meaningful rejections' is proposed to determine
whether two consecutive separated modes belong to the same mode. After that, a set of angular
boundaries Ωθ = {θm}, m =1, 2, × × × , Nθ, is obtained, where Nθ is the number of the angular segments.
Furthermore, if the angular interval Ωθ contains the fringe component of interest, the spectral
intensity within this interval should be one of the first two maximum values. Therefore, in order to
remove the superfluous boundaries, the first two maximum values of Nθ are detected, and then the
left and right borders Ωθ' closest to them are preserved, while the others are deleted. Within each
angular interval, a fine-to-coarse algorithm is adopted again to detect radial supports to obtain a set
It is worth noting that windowing is only applied to enhance the detection accuracy of the Fourier
supports, rather than participating in filtering directly. In practice, the original image f is filtered in
the frequency domain using the wedge filters Ψn,m formed by Ωω and Ωθ', as presented in Eq. (6).
The results of separating an image with different filters are called modes. In some cases, excessive
separation of modes is inevitable, which leads to fringe components missing, as shown in Fig. 5.
They need to be recombined together in the spatial domain to recover the complete fringe patterns.
A two-stage method is proposed to remove invalid modes, reassemble identical modes, and
automatically distinguish the front and rear fringe patterns from multiple modes.
Before recombining the patterns, obviously meaningless modes should be removed first. The
Weighted Permutation Entropy (WPE) is a nonlinear statistical index used to estimate the
complexity of time series [39]. The more regular the time series is, the smaller the corresponding
permutation entropy is. Since sinusoidal fringes still appear as sinusoidal when projected
horizontally and vertically, WPE can be simply generalized to a 2D form to represent the degree of
disorder and abrupt changes of 2D fringe patterns. The separated fringe patterns can be regarded as
a set of row or column signals. The target fringe patterns are approximately sinusoidal with a
uniform amplitude and low entropy, while noise is chaotic with high entropy. The variance of each
pattern can be calculated after excluding noise. The reason for using a variance instead of directly
calculating energy is that low-frequency backgrounds may also have relatively high energy levels.
Step 1: For a 1D sequence {xn}, n = 1, 2, × × × , N, where N is the data length, map the signal to a
where j1, j2, ..., jm represent the column indices of a subsequence. If the columns are of an equal
length, the elements are listed according to their indices. Then, each subsequence Aj can be mapped
S j = { j1 , j2 , ×××, jm } (12)
Obviously, m elements have at most m! different permutations, and the set of all the symbol
permutations is denoted as Π.
Step 3: All permutations are counted and the probability of a certain permutation Sj is calculated as
j =1
Su ÎSv ( X j )w j
pw ( wSv ) = K (13)
å lSu ÎP ( X j )w j
j =1
lsu Îs ( X j ) = 1,0, Su Î S
Su Ï S (14)
Xj, and S is a particular symbol permutation or a set of symbol permutations. wi is the weight of the
1 m 1 m
wj = å j +( k -1)l m å
m k =1
[ x -
k =1
x j + ( k -1) l ] (15)
WPE xn , m, l = -å pw ( wSi ) log( pw ( wSi )) (16)
i =1
columns where N is the data length. The WPE is calculated for each sequence separately, and then
1 T
WPE2D(m, l ) = å WPE( xn,t , m, l )
T t =1
A mode with its WPE2D value greater than 0.6 can be regarded as noise and removed. Then,
where xi represents pixel values, M is the total number of pixels, and μ is the arithmetic average of
The two modes whose variance rank the first and the second are chosen as the initial fringe
patterns of the front and rear surfaces, respectively denoted as F1 and F2. The remaining modes are
denoted as F3, F4, …, and FL, where L is the total number of separated modes. When WPE2D is
minimized, the fringe pattern undergoes no mutations, and the level of disorder is at its minimum,
indicating the complete integration of fringe information. The modes recombination algorithm is
shown in algorithm 1.
In this section, some numerical experiments are presented first. The results of the proposed
method are compared with those associated with the empirical curvelet transform and those of
Fig. 7. Superposed images and their boundaries in the Frequency domain. (a)an example image, (c) boundaries of
(a) detected by ECT, (d) enlarged partial view of (c), (e) the boundaries of (a) detected by our method, (f) enlarged
partial view of (e). The right part shows another example
A set of 200 superposed fringes is generated according to Eq. (1), including fringe patterns, noise,
and background. Among them, randomly generated three-ordered polynomials are used to twist the
fringes by adjusting the fringe width distribution. The fringe period ranges from 20 to 128 pixels,
and the background consists of a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution with a variance in a range
250~550. The noise is a combination of normally distributed noise and salt-pepper impulsive noise,
and the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) is between 10 and 25 dB. The settings of ECT described
in Subsection 2.2 are applied to decompose and de-noise the fringe patterns. The ECT method does
not give an answer on how to recombine the possible separated modes, and this task needs to be
implemented manually. Two superposed fringe patterns are selected, as shown in Fig. 7(a), and (b).
Fig. 7(c), (g), (e) and (i) show the boundaries detected using EWT and the proposed method. It is
obvious that the direct use of the ECT algorithm will produce plenty of unnecessary patterns, and it
Fig. 8. Histogram of SSIM value of 200 images. (a) SSIM value of all pixels of 200 images. (b) SSIM value of 200
images after 30 pixels near the edges of the image are deleted.
On the other hand, the proposed method behaves superiorly on the aspect of accuracy of mode
separation, and it is more inclined to fine segmentation in the regions containing the signal, as shown
in Fig. 7 (f) and (j). In most cases, the proposed algorithm can separate the fringe patterns completely,
with little information leaked into the background. The structured similarity index measure (SSIM)
is used to quantitatively measure the image quality, as shown in Fig. 8 (a). A higher SSIM value
indicates more complete separation. It can be found that the mean value of the SSIMs obtained by
the proposed algorithm is about 0.84, and if the edge effect is not considered, this value will be
further increased as shown in Fig. 8 (b). In terms of computation time, this algorithm takes only 10
seconds to compute a single channel image of 512 × 512 pixels in MATLAB on a laptop with AMD
The proposed approach is compared with mainstream modal decomposition methods, namely
2D-TV-VMD [30], fpFIF2 [41], and BEMD [42], and the results are shown in Fig. 9. The SSIM
The 2D-TV-VMD algorithm has 13 parameters, which need to be finely tuned to achieve
satisfactory results, and the number of modes needs to be specified a priori. The 2D-TV-VMD has
the lowest level of automation but possesses high robustness. fpFIF2 separates fringe patterns in the
same direction and different frequencies effectively, but inaccurate parameter setting will reduce
the accuracy of separation, which means that the parameters need to be adjusted according to the
actual situation. Since fpFIF2 employs the Fokker-Planck filter, which lacks directional analysis
capabilities, it performs poorly in separating superposed fringes with similar frequencies but in
different directions, as shown in Fig. 9 (c), (d). BEMD does not require any parameter adjustments
and it has the highest level of automation but produces poor and unstable separation results. As it
does not incorporate any prior information about fringes, the AM-FM components separated by
BEMD may not be as expected. Interestingly, our method consistently achieves good fringe
separation results in various situations, with clear fringe patterns and minimal mode mixing.
Another advantage is that it can automatically recombine possibly over-separated modes, allowing
end-to-end output of results. During experimentation, this method performs well without manually
The fringe patterns separation is a step in deflectometry for transparent elements. The ultimate
measure of the separation results is the accuracy of the retrieved phases associated with the double
surfaces. As a decrease in contrast due to the loss of energy may not necessarily result in significant
errors in the phase, whereas perturbations in the shape of the fringes after filtering may lead to errors
To further validate the performance of the proposed algorithm, ray tracing is conducted to obtain
the fringe patterns associated with different plano-convex lenses, plano-concave lenses, biconvex
lenses, biconcave lenses, and crescent lenses. The four-step phase-shifting technique is applied for
phase retrieval and then the Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Max Error (ME) between the separation
results and the ground truth are adopted for quantitative comparison. The calculation methods for
MSE and ME are shown in Eq. (20) and Eq. (21), respectively.
1 p
MSE = å ( yi - Yi )2
p i =1
ME = max | y i - Yi | (21)
where p is the total number of pixels, and yi is the retrieved phase of the i-th pixel, and Yi is the
associated ground truth. In the fringe patterns, background and random noise are introduced as
described in Section 3.1. The separation results of different methods are listed in Tables 2 to 6.
Table 2. The phase quality of the separated fringes of crescent spherical lenses
Radius of 2D-TV-VMD fpFIF2 BEMD Ours
Surface curvature MSE ME MSE ME MSE ME MSE ME
(mm) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad)
front 200 0.030 0.117 0.014 0.083 0.772 4.999 0.036 0.168
rear 500 0.072 0.213 0.085 0.623 0.628 4.999 0.029 0.133
front 500 0.823 4.99 0.158 0.489 1.856 4.998 0.078 0.378
rear 300 0.508 1.021 0.274 0.766 1.381 4.999 0.050 0.198
front 600 0.035 0.161 0.017 0.087 0.942 5.000 0.031 0.159
rear 200 0.489 4.15 0.037 0.123 1.561 4.999 0.068 0.345
Table 3. The phase quality of the separated fringes of plano-concave spherical lenses
Radius of 2D-TV-
Thickness fpFIF2 BEMD Ours
Surface curvature VMD
(rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad)
front 300 0.011 0.039 0.016 0.134 0.379 4.988 0.026 0.154
rear 20000 0.145 0.338 0.024 0.107 0.165 2.804 0.031 0.134
front 400 0.376 0.874 0.014 0.065 0.445 4.997 0.023 0.121
rear 20000 0.228 0.616 0.039 0.134 0.398 4.986 0.021 0.152
front 250 0.117 0.310 0.011 0.073 0.774 4.449 0.025 0.116
rear 20000 0.324 0.986 0.014 0.063 0.336 4.986 0.026 0.096
Table 4. The phase quality of the separated fringes of plano-convex spherical lenses
Radius of 2D-TV-VMD fpFIF2 BEMD Ours
Surface curvature MSE ME MSE ME MSE ME MSE ME
(mm) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad)
front 300 0.030 0.117 0.017 0.076 0.178 2.384 0.026 0.104
rear 20000 0.028 0.063 0.043 0.178 1.103 4.999 0.033 0.176
front 400 0.355 0.665 0.029 0.096 0.626 4.997 0.033 0.210
rear 20000 0.021 0.064 0.042 0.186 1.021 4.994 0.040 0.153
front 250 0.170 0.463 0.023 0.071 0.191 4.998 0.044 0.252
rear 20000 0.019 0.062 0.028 0.084 0.202 4.986 0.034 0.154
Table 5. The phase quality of the separated fringes of biconvex spherical lenses
Radius of 2D-TV-VMD fpFIF2 BEMD Ours
Surface curvature MSE ME MSE ME MSE ME MSE ME
(mm) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad)
Front 300 0.069 0.241 0.018 0.099 0.315 4.489 0.022 0.123
Rear 500 0.134 0.409 0.018 0.072 0.269 4.998 0.012 0.063
Front 400 0.070 0.222 0.021 0.098 0.175 1.313 0.043 0.159
Rear 300 0.542 5.000 0.024 0.200 0.071 0.853 0.047 0.200
Front 300 0.079 0.248 0.051 0.229 0.126 0.975 0.035 0.144
Rear 600 0.161 0.449 0.038 0.158 0.217 4.763 0.032 0.169
Table 6. The phase quality of the separated fringes of biconcave spherical lenses
Radius of 2D-TV-VMD fpFIF2 BEMD Ours
Surface curvature MSE ME MSE ME MSE ME MSE ME
(mm) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad) (rad)
Front 300 0.033 0.080 0.042 0.167 0.824 0.813 0.028 0.162
Rear 300 0.025 0.065 0.048 0.379 0.202 4.089 0.024 0.122
Front 400 0.028 0.060 0.026 0.089 0.774 5.000 0.037 0.229
Rear 300 0.032 0.996 0.301 0.160 0.440 4.994 0.025 0.153
Front 250 0.025 0.093 0.013 0.056 0.802 4.999 0.019 0.097
Rear 600 0.024 0.104 0.024 0.119 0.256 4.972 0.065 0.363
The above experiments prove the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method, as well
as the decomposition accuracy. The MSE results are comparable to those of fpFIF2, with an average
A deflectometry experimental system is set up. The system consists of a Basler acA1920-150µm
USB 3.0 camera with a resolution of 1200×1920 pixels and a pixel size of 4.8 µm, an Apple iPad
Mini2 screen with a resolution of 2048×1536 pixels, as illustrated in Fig. 10. Two transparent
elements are used for measurement, one of which is a plano-convex spherical lens with a convex
curvature of radius of 361.76 mm, an aperture of 76.2 mm, and a central thickness of 7 mm, and the
other is a plano-convex cylindrical lens with a convex radius of curvature of 129.15 mm, a central
thickness of 4 mm and a size of 40×40mm. The refractive indices of both elements are measured
with an Abbe refractometer, which turns out to be 1.5192. The system is calibrated using an
integrated calibration board, and the components under test are fixed at the same position as the
calibration board.
Fig. 10. The measurement system.
In order to mitigate the influence of random noise and fringe separation error, a four-step phase-
shifting method combined with three-frequency heterodyne is adopted to obtain the wrapped phase
and perform temporal phase-unwrapping [20]. A total of 24 orthogonal fringe patterns of three
different frequencies are displayed, and then the images captured by the camera are cropped to
500×500 pixels for the plano-convex spherical lens and 300×300 pixels for the plano-convex
cylindrical lens to speed up the calculation and avoid the influence of the background. The front
surface of the element is reconstructed using the SCOTS method and Zernike polynomials. It is
worth noting that every 4 of the 24 fringe patterns have the same frequency but different phases,
thus the spectrum boundaries need to be detected only 6 times, and then the fringe patterns with
different phases of the same frequency are separated using the same filter bank. It takes less than 8
seconds to separate a superposed fringe pattern, and the entire experiment takes about 3 minutes.
Fig. 11 shows the fringe patterns before and after fringe separation associated with a spherical
lens. Because the shape of the fringes is simple and the frequency difference is large, the fringes are
effectively separated and there is almost no mode mixing, except for the method BEMD. The
empirical mode decomposition method based on the mathematical envelope cannot accurately
Fig. 12. Experiment results of the plano-convex cylindrical lens. (a) superposed image in the x direction. (b)
superposed image in the y direction
Fig. 12 shows the fringe patterns associated with a cylindrical lens before and after separation
using different methods. The fringe patterns of the front and rear surfaces have similar frequencies,
but obviously different directions, as shown in Fig. 12(b). The VMD method requires adjusting a
large number of parameters, and it is difficult to establish a mapping between fringes and
corresponding parameters, which is inconvenient to apply. Fig. 13 illustrates all the modes separated
by fpFIF2 in Fig. 12(b). BIMF6 suffers from severe mode mixing, leading to a significant
degradation of fringes. On the contrary, the proposed method still exhibits robustness.
The multi-frequency fringe separation approach [28] the neural network-assisted fast iterative
filtering method [27] are adopted for comparison on the transparent elements described in
Subsection 5.1. When using the multi-frequency method, it is necessary to perform reverse ray
tracing to obtain the initial phase values, which is quite troublesome and time-consuming. Moreover,
it requires capturing 32 fringe images. As for the latter, the 2D fast iterative filtering is used for
coarse fringe separation, and a neural network is established for refinement, as depicted in Fig. 14.
By comparing the separation results of fpFIF2 described in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12, it is evident that
after neural network optimization, the adverse effects caused by noise, background interference,
modulation loss and mode mixing are significantly reduced. Due to the poor fringe separation results
of fpFIF2, the fringes of the cylindrical lens still have some fluctuations caused by noise and mode
mixing after neural network optimization. Therefore, the accuracy of surface form for the cylindrical
lens remains relatively low. Additionally, the mode decomposition results of the referenced method
require manual combination, which becomes problematic when there exist numerous modes or over-
Fig. 14. Comparative fringe separation results of the spherical lens and cylindrical lens. (a) fringes of the front
surface of the spherical lens, (b) fringes of the rear surface of the spherical lens, (c) fringes of the front surface of
the cylindrical lens, (d) fringes of the rear surface of the cylindrical lens
The phase unwrapping results of the spherical lens are shown in Fig. 15 (a), (c), and (e), while
those of the cylindrical lens are shown in Fig. 15 (b), (d), and (f). The phase maps obtained with
[28] exhibit phase jumps and data missing, as shown in Fig. 15 (c) and (d). After phase retrieval,
the forms of the front surfaces of the two lenses are reconstructed and compared with those of the
LuphScan profilometer. The measured forms and relative deviations of the spherical lens are
depicted in Fig. 16, whereas those of the cylindrical lens are depicted in Fig. 17.
The proposed method achieves a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.073 μm and a peak-to-
valley error (PVE) of 0.436 μm for the spherical lens, and 0.322 μm and 1.471 μm for the cylindrical
lens, which demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method, as listed in Table 7.
Table 7. Experimental results of the plano-convex spherical lens and the plano-convex cylindrical lens
Methods Lens RMSE/μm PVE/μm
The Spherical 0.073 0.436
proposed Cylindrical 0.322 1.471
Spherical 0.288 1.81
Cylindrical 0.774 4.23
Spherical 0.119 0.438
Cylindrical 1.01 7.81
Fig. 15. Experiment results of the front surface of plano-convex cylindrical lens. (a) the phase of spherical lens
obtained by the proposed method, (b) phase of cylindrical lens obtained by the proposed method, (c) phase of
spherical lens obtained by [28], (d) phase of cylindrical lens obtained by [28], (e) phase of spherical lens obtained
by [27], (f) phase of cylindrical lens obtained by [27].
It is worth noticing that some high-frequency errors occur, as depicted in Fig. 15 (b) and (f). This
could be because some high-frequency components are falsely allocated into the noise, leading to a
mismatch between the camera pixels and the screen pixels. As a result, the surface shape calculated
by SCOTS will be erroneous, giving rise to high-frequency periodic errors. In addition, the increase
in the measurement error of the cylindrical lens is mainly caused by inaccurate calibration and
systematic error, as the position of the cylindrical lens is difficult to specify precisely.
Fig. 16. Experiment results of the front surface of the plano-convex lens. (a) form of the proposed method, (b)
form error of (a), (c) form measured by [28], (d) form error of (c), (e) form measured by [27], (f) form error of (e)
Fig. 17. Experiment results of the front surface of the plano-convex cylindrical lens. (a) form measured by the
proposed method, (b) form error of (a), (c) form measured by [28], (d) form error of (c), (e) form measured by
[27], (f) form error of (e)
5.3 Discussions
The proposed method not only exhibits higher accuracy but also avoids phase jumps and
omissions. More importantly, unlike the multi-frequency method, it neither requires complex ray
tracing to determine initial phase values nor necessitates capturing hundreds of images. Even
without using neural networks for optimization, higher accuracy can be achieved compared to [27],
while significantly outperforming it in measuring the cylindrical lens. Furthermore, the proposed
method operates under identical experimental conditions with those of traditional PMD techniques,
requiring only one or two cameras, as well as a screen and a fixture to hold the transparent element.
This avoids the demand for auxiliary devices described in [24] and [26].
Fig. 18. An example of failure. (a) the superposed patterns, (b)the frequency domain image of (a)
Looking back at Fig. 8, there are a few images with very low SSIM, as shown in Fig. 18 (a). The
filter bank is shown in Fig. 18 (b). Although the proposed method is fast and robust in most cases,
not in all cases the superposed fringe patterns can be well separated. If the elements are very thin or
flat, or the two surfaces are nearly parallel to each other, the fringe frequencies of the two surfaces
are almost identical, as shown in Fig. 18 (b). For two fringes with very close frequencies, due to
resolution limitations in the frequency domain, the proposed method cannot separate them properly,
In addition, the quality of the separated fringe patterns is poor at the edge. This is a common
problem of convolution-based digital filtering methods. Sudden truncation of the image boundary
will produce ringing effects and pattern distortion in the spatial domain, which will become serious
in the case of low frequencies. Methods such as image expansion can alleviate the degree of spatial
We examined various image padding techniques, such as zero padding, replication padding, and
anti-reflective padding [44]. Fig. 19 (a) illustrates superposed fringes, with (b) and (c) representing
ground truth, and (d) and (e) displaying error maps for fringe separation without padding. Fig. 20,
Fig. 21 and 22 demonstrate error maps associated with zero padding, replication padding, and anti-
reflective padding, respectively. Table 8 presents the MSE errors with respect to the ground truth.
It is evident that proper image expansion techniques can marginally enhance fringe separation
quality. Replication padding and anti-reflective padding are more effective than zero padding.
However, excessive padding can lead to a decline in the quality of fringe separation.
Fig. 19. Boundary effect on separation results. (a) superposed fringe pattern, (b) ground truth of fringe 1, (c)
ground truth of fringe 2, (d) error map of fringe 1, (e) error map of fringe 2
Table 8. Effects of different padding methods and padding sizes on fringe separation results
Methods Fringe 0 pixels 6 pixels 12 pixels 48 pixels
No 1 0.0109 - - -
Padding 2 0.0126 - - -
1 - 0.0105 0.0102 0.0109
2 - 0.0120 0.0119 0.0145
1 - 0.0099 0.0097 0.0112
2 - 0.0109 0.0096 0.0127
Anti- 1 - 0.0121 0.0092 0.0135
reflective 2 - 0.0161 0.0117 0.0138
Fig.20. Fringe separation error of "zero padding". (a) fringe 1 with 6 pixels padding, (b) fringe 2 with 6 pixels
padding, (c) fringe 1 with 12 pixels padding, (d) fringe 2 with 12 pixels padding, (e) fringe 1 with 48 pixels
padding, (f) fringe 2 with 48 pixels padding
Fig. 21. Fringe separation error of "replicate padding". (a) fringe 1 with 6 pixels padding, (b) fringe 2 with 6 pixels
padding, (c) fringe 1 with 12 pixels padding, (d) fringe 2 with 12 pixels padding, (e) fringe 1 with 48 pixels
padding, (f) fringe 2 with 48 pixels padding
In the practical application, structural light profilometry and other methods involve fringe analysis
may suffer from issues of low fringe quality and fringe superposition. As a result, the proposed
method can be applied in these measuring methods to suppress disturbance and extract underlying
fringe components. For the convenience of the readers, the data and codes of the developed
Fig. 22. Fringe separation error of "anti-reflective padding". (a) fringe 1 with 6 pixels padding, (b) fringe 2 with 6
pixels padding, (c) fringe 1 with 12 pixels padding, (d) fringe 2 with 12 pixels padding, (e) fringe 1 with 48 pixels
padding, (f) fringe 2 with 48 pixels padding
6. Conclusions
In this paper, an empirical curvelet transform method is proposed to separate the superposed
fringes associated with transparent elements. It assumes that the two fringe patters can be well
separated in the frequency domain. The proposed method can obtain the fringe patterns of the two
surfaces at the same time, greatly reducing the time of measurement and data processing, and
realizing full automation without adjusting any system configurations. In addition, numerical
experiments and two measurement experiments are conducted to quantitatively demonstrate the
validity of this method. In the case of separating low SNR fringe patterns and fringe patterns in
different directions, it proves attractive robustness and separation accuracy. These advantages
suggest that this method is a valuable alternative to the current mainstream multi-frequency phase-
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Declaration of interests
☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal
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