Brief Note On ECLGd
Brief Note On ECLGd
Brief Note On ECLGd
1. At present the entire world is reeling under COVID-19 crisis which is declared as Global
Pandemic by World Health Organization. Due to outbreak of COVID-19, though human
beings are the most sufferers but the economy of entire world has also been impacted
adversely and there is drastic decline in cash flow. Our constituents whom we have
financed Working Capital/ Term Loan etc. to run their business are not also isolated and
they are facing liquidity crunch.
2. Bank has introduced an Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) for providing
100% guarantee coverage for additional working capital term loans sanctioned to Business
Enterprises /MSMEs, up to 20% of their entire outstanding credit up to Rs.25 crore i.e.
upto Rs.5 crore, as on February 29, 2020, subject to the account being less than or equal to
60 days past due as on that date.
3. The details of the proposed product are as under: