FINAL - George Junior Complaint - Institutional Sex Assault Cases

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Civil Division

A.K., A.F., A.R. A.R.J., A.V., A.M., B.J.,

D.P., D.R., D.D., D.B., E.C., J.R., J.W.,
J.K., J.O., J.S., J.Wi., J.V., J.Wh., K.J., No.:
L.D., M.S., M.G., M.J., M.St., N.M., R.C.,
Filed on Behalf of Plaintiffs:
Counsel of Record for this Party:
Pa I.D. No.: 85557
11 Stanwix St., Suite 1800
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: (412) 471-3980

[email protected]



Civil Division

A.K., A.F., A.R., A.R.J., A.V., A.M., B.J., D.P.,

D.R., D.D., D.B., E.C., J.R., J.W., J.K., J.O., No.:
J.S., J.Wi., J.V., J.Wh., K.J., L.D., M.S., M.G.,
M.J., M.St., N.M., R.C., R.M., S.T., T.B., T.M.,
T.Bi., W.D., Z.T., Z.J.,







You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the

following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after this Complaint and Notice

were served, by entering a written appearance personally or by an attorney and filing in writing

with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that

if you fail to do so, the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you

by the court without further notice for any money claimed in the Complaint or for any claim or

relief requested by the plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you.







TELEPHONE 412-261-5555







A.K., A.F., A.R.J., A.V., A.M., B.J., D.P.,

D.R., D.D., D.B., E.C., J.R., J.W., J.K., J.O.,
J.Wi., J.V., J.Wh., K.J., L.D., M.S., M.G.,
M.J., M.St., N.M., R.C., R.M., S.T., T.B.,
T.M., T.Bi., W.D., Z.T., Z.J.,

Plaintiffs, Civil Action No.:






AND NOW, comes the Plaintiffs, by and through their undersigned counsel, Jason E.

Luckasevic, Esquire; and the law firm of Goldberg, Persky & White, P.C., and files the following

Complaint in Civil Action, averring as follows:


1. Given the sensitive nature of the claims made by Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs A.K., A.F.,

A.R., A.R.J., A.V., A.M., B.J., D.P., D.R., D.D., D.B., E.C., J.R., J.W., J.K., J.O., J.S., J.Wi., J.V.,

J.Wh., K.J., L.D., M.S., M.G., M.J., M.St., N.M., R.C., R.M., S.T., T.B., T.M., T.Bi., W.D., Z.T.,

Z.J., are filing their Complaints under a pseudonym initial to protect their identity. Pennsylvania

recognizes the need to protect the identity of sexual assault victims pursuant to 42 Pa. C.S.A. §

5988. While this statute pertains to criminal proceedings, the legislative intent reflects the public

policy commitment within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to publicly protect the identity of

victims of sexual abuse. The Defendants will also not be prejudiced in this proceeding as the

identity of each individual Plaintiff will be provided confidentially.

2. Defendant, GEORGE JUNIOR REPUBLIC is a non-profit corporation organized and

operating pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. At all times relevant hereto,

Defendant GEORGE JUNIOR REPUBLIC was acting independently, and by and through the

actions of its employees who were acting within the course and scope of their employment.

3. Defendant GEORGE JUNIOR REPUBLIC maintains a registered corporate office

address of 233 George Junior Road, Grove City, Pennsylvania 16127.

4. This same registered corporate office address is also registered to both Defendant


PENNSYLVANIA, both of which are also non-profit corporations organized and operating

pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and acting independently, and by and

through the actions of its employees who were acting within the course and scope of their


5. All Defendants shall be referred to collectively throughout this Complaint hereinafter

as “George Junior.”

6. All claimants were born after November 26, 1989, and are currently under the age of

fifty-five (55). Their claims therefore are not barred by any Statute of Limitations within the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

7. As set forth more fully below, Plaintiffs assert their state law claims for negligence,

negligent supervision, negligent hiring, training, and retention, gross negligence, breach of

fiduciary duty, and negligence per se.

8. Plaintiffs seek compensatory and punitive damages for the injuries they have

suffered, as well as reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs and disbursements in bringing this action.


9. Venue lies within this judicial district since some of the individuals identified herein

live in Allegheny County and the actions perpetrated against these individuals occurred within the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

10. Additionally, George Junior Republic is one of the largest juvenile detention centers

in the country.

11. George Junior Republic markets their services throughout the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania and within the tri-state area. This includes specifically Allegheny County.

12. George Junior draws its population from various counties in Western Pennsylvania,

including Allegheny County.

13. George Junior also is a member of the resources utilized by Allegheny County and

its juvenile programs for placement of at-risk youths in detention centers, which includes some

Plaintiffs who were sent to George Junior from Allegheny County.


Sexual Abuse of Minors at Juvenile Residential Institutional Facilities

History and Tolerance of Sexual Abuse at Northwestern Academy

14. For decades, children detained at George Junior suffered sexual abuse at the hands of

guards, counselors, and other agents of Defendant, all while Defendant has had knowledge of, and

turned a blind eye to, this culture of abuse. 1 The sexual abuse at juvenile detention facilities

operated by Defendant such as George Junior has ranged from inappropriate strip searches to rape

using violent physical force. 2 Defendant’s agents have had inappropriate and criminal sexual

relationships with children at George Junior Academy, oftentimes involving bribery and grooming.

Children detained at George Junior Academy were regularly offered contraband—such as

cigarettes, drugs, candy, and alcohol—or privileges in exchange for sexual favors. 3 The pervasive

and persistent abuse, including sexual abuse, at juvenile detention facilities has been publicly

reported on for years. The culture of abuse nonetheless continues to be a reality for children

detained in facilities operated by Defendant to this day.

15. Children who are sexually abused in juvenile detention facilities like George Junior

rarely file grievances against staff due to fear of retaliation or knowing that they will not be

believed. 4 Children at juvenile detention facilities like George Junior know that they cannot trust

facility staff, who regularly engage in physical abuse of the children charged to their care. 5 When

they do witness or learn of sexual assaults, staff members at juvenile detention facilities like

George Junior look the other way and allow it to continue. 6 Sexual abuse at juvenile detention

facilities like George Junior therefore goes severely underreported. 7

See, e.g., U.S. Dep’t of Just., Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities
Reported by Youth, 2008-09 (Jan. 2010), available at
See U.S. Dep’t of Just., Proposed National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape
Under the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) at 15 (Jan. 2011), available at
See, e.g., U.S. Dep’t of Just., Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities
Reported by Youth, 2008-09 at 14 (Jan. 2010),
See Jana Allen et. al., ‘It’s never OK’: Sexual abuse persists in juvenile facilities despite years of reform,
Kids Imprisoned – News21, (Aug. 21, 2020) available at
See Robert W. Dumond, The Impact of Prisoner Sexual Violence: Challenges of Implementing Public
Law 108-79 – The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003, 32 J. LEGIS. 142, 147 (2006) (“To fully understand the
implications of the BJS study, one must recognize that of all categories of crime, rape and sexual violence are
known to be one of the most underreported, making an accurate assessment of its occurrence difficult.”).

16. According to a 2010 report from the U.S. Department of Justice, 13% percent of

youth in juvenile facilities are sexually abused, most often by the staff of the facility. 8

17. In 2008-09, the U.S. Department of Justice conducted a study that found that 88% of

youth who reported staff sexual misconduct reported more than one incident, with 27% reporting

more than ten. 9

18. In another study conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice that examined

substantiated instances of sexual abuse at juvenile detention facilities between 2013 and 2018

found that most juvenile detention staff who sexually victimized children faced no legal

repercussions for their actions. 10

19. This study found that more than 27% of children who were abused by staff were

subject to actions that could be viewed as punishment, such as being issued a disciplinary report,

losing privileges, being placed in a separate housing unit, or confined to their cell or room. 11

20. The study also concluded that the majority of the cases involving staff victimizing

youth were more serious in nature: 68% involved sexual misconduct, which the study defined as

indecent exposure, intentionally touching sexual areas, and actions up through completed sexual


21. While the U.S. Department of Justice Report focused on substantiated reports of

sexual abuse, experts in the field note that “only a minuscule percentage of the overall incidents

Jeremy Travis, Reflections on Juvenile Justice Reform in New York, 56 N.Y.L.S. Law Rev. 1318 at 1322
(2011-12) available at; Melissa
Sickmund, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Juveniles in Residential Placement, 1997–2008 (2010), available at
See U.S. Dep’t of Just., Proposed National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape
Under the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) at 6 (Jan. 2011), available at
See Emily D. Buehler, U.S. Dep’t of Just., Substantiated Incidents of Sexual Victimization Reported by
Juvenile Justice Authorities, 2013–2018 (Mar. 2023) available at

of sexual abuse [are reported]; most kids in custody who endure abuse don’t speak out, and those

who do usually see their reports go nowhere.” 12

22. Defendant was aware or should have been aware that sexual abuse of children by

facility staff was a persistent and prevalent problem in their juvenile detention facilities, including

George Junior. For decades, Defendant has been made aware of the ongoing sexual abuse of

children in their care through various investigations and reports and through numerous allegations

by children at George Junior, extensive media reporting, and criminal proceedings against their

employees and agents.

23. Documented and publicized abuse, and reports of conditions known to be likely to

lead to abuse, at George Junior facilities include:

a. In 2004 a former cottage parent at George Junior pled guilty to

multiple sex crimes including maintaining a sexual relationship
with a child at the George Junior facility. The former George
Junior employee helped one of the students escape the detention
center and housed him for two months while evading authorities;

b. In 2015 a former George Junior employee pled guilty to felony

sexual misconduct with a child at the George Junior facility. The
employee sent lewd text messages and images to the student,
performed oral sex in the laundry facility, and took the boy to a
motel for sex on the weekend.

a. Defendants’ Duty to Plaintiffs

24. At all times relevant and material hereto, the Defendants were responsible for

providing for the care, protection and safety of children placed in George Junior.

See Tami Abdollah, Juvenile detention staff who sexually victimized children face few legal sanctions,
study says, USA Today, (Apr. 1, 2023) available at

25. Defendants were responsible for oversight and monitoring of George Junior to ensure

compliance with applicable city, state, and federal laws.

26. Defendants were responsible for ensuring that the rights of children placed at George

Junior were not violated and that children placed in George Junior continued to enjoy all the

fundamental rights and freedoms children have outside of juvenile detention centers. This included

the basic right to be treated with dignity, the right to be free of cruel and inhumane treatment, and

the right to be free from physical and sexual abuse.

27. Upon information and belief, Defendants were responsible for developing policies

and procedures to prevent the sexual abuse of children in its legal custody.

28. Upon information and belief, Defendants were responsible for performing database

and/or background checks on prospective employees and staff of George Junior.

29. At all times relevant and material hereto, Pennsylvania authorized Defendants to

inspect and supervise George Junior in the interest of protecting the life, health, safety, and comfort

of the children placed in juvenile detention.

30. At all times relevant and material hereto, Pennsylvania law authorized Defendants to

investigate all reported child abuse allegations at George Junior.

31. At all times relevant and material hereto, Defendants had a non-delegable duty to use

reasonable care in the investigation, licensing, supervision and/or monitoring of George Junior and

to develop or implement programs, guidelines, procedures and/or training to prevent the abuse of

children placed within George Junior.

32. At all times relevant and material hereto, Defendants provided child welfare, child

protective care, and childcare services.

33. At all times relevant and material hereto, Defendants were the legal guardian and/or

custodian of Plaintiffs and owed Plaintiffs a duty of reasonable care to protect them from

foreseeable harms.

34. At all times relevant and material hereto, Defendants owed a non-delegable duty to

Plaintiffs to use reasonable care to protect the safety, care, well-being and health of Plaintiffs while

they were under its care and custody. Defendants’ duties encompassed reasonable care in the

supervision of children in its agents’ custody and control, as well as reasonable care in the

selection, retention and supervision of individuals working at George Junior.

35. At all times relevant and material hereto, Defendants owed a non-delegable duty to

exercise reasonable care in the training of employees and/or agents in the prevention of sexual

abuse and protection of the safety of children in its care, custody and/or control.

36. At all times relevant and material hereto, the Defendants owed a non-delegable duty

to establish and implement policies and procedures in the exercise of reasonable care for the

prevention of sexual abuse and protection of the safety of children in its care, custody and/or


37. At all times relevant and material hereto, Defendants owed non-delegable duties to

children in juvenile detention, including without limitation:

a. To evaluate and investigate all reports of child abuse and/or


b. To investigate all relevant conditions of the juvenile detention

centers that might affect the child;

c. To ensure that children residing in a juvenile detention center

are supervised at all times by authorized adult caregivers;

d. To report and investigate all known incidents of sexual abuse or

aggression occurring in the juvenile detention center;

e. To ensure that children were not left in dangerous conditions,
including being subjected to sexual, emotional or physical

38. Defendants are legally responsible for the acts, omissions and negligence of its

agents, employees and entities with which it retains and/or contracts with to render juvenile

detention and other custodial services, including without limitation, at George Junior.

39. Defendants are legally responsible for the acts, omissions and negligence of the

agents, employees and entities carrying out its non-delegable duties, including without limitation,

at George Junior.

b. Sexual Abuse of Plaintiffs at George Junior

40. For decades, counselors, guards, and agents of the Defendant George Junior have

subjected children, including the individual Plaintiffs and others, to sexual abuse and harassment.

41. The institution, with knowledge of the actions of its employees and/or a willful

ignorance to these actions, has turned a blind eye to this culture of abuse.

42. The sexual abuse at these facilities, and as detailed herein, ranges from inappropriate

strip searches to rape using physically violent force.

43. The employees of the Defendants’ institution have had, and continue to have,

inappropriate and criminal sexual relationships with children at the facility.

44. These relationships are oftentimes predicated on grooming, bribery, and threats.

45. Children at the Defendants’ institution are regularly offered contraband or privileges

in exchange for sexual favors.

46. Other children are threatened with punishment, physical harm, and the threat of

individuals not believing their recitation of the abuse by the authority figures at the institution.

47. This culture of pervasive and persistent abuse has been reported publicly for decades.

48. Despite its pervasiveness, the culture continues with children at the institution scared

to file grievances or claims against their abusers for fear of retaliation or knowing they will not be


49. Knowing that the agencies responsible for overseeing their institution do not have

the resources to curtail this behavior, the employees at the institutions abuse the system to commit

repeated sexual abuse against these individuals without any repercussions.

c. Facts Specific to Individual Plaintiffs at George Junior

Plaintiff _A.K.

50. Plaintiff “A.K.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic for 19 months beginning in 2006, when he was 15-16 years old.

51. Plaintiff A.K. was born in 1991 and thus has no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations associated with his claims.

52. Plaintiff A.K. was sexually abused by an individual known as Action Jackson

(“Abuser Jackson” or “Abuser”). 13 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Jackson was a House

Parent at the George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

53. The sexual abuse took place approximately twice per week for the period A.K. was

housed at the George Junior Grove City facility. Abuser Jackson would enter A.K.’s room after

A.K. had showered and was still partially undressed. Abuser Jackson touched A.K. on his genitals

atop and underneath of his clothing or towel. Abuser Jackson also masturbated himself in front of


At the relevant times herein, Abuser Jackson could be described as a black male of average height, with a slim
build in his 50’s. Abuser Jackson was known for wearing a baseball cap with “George Junior” on it.

54. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Jackson were

non-consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff A.K. was a minor and could not legally consent.

55. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Jackson was sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff A.K.

56. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff A.K., Abuser Jackson

was not adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and

belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser

Jackson directly enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff A.F.

57. Plaintiff “A.F.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic for approximately three years between 2005 and 2009, when he was approximately 15

to 18 years old.

58. Plaintiff. A.F. was born in 1990 thus there is no issue with the Statute of Limitations

associated with his claims.

59. Plaintiff A.F. was sexually abused by an unknown individual who worked the night

shift in the Lion Cottage at George Junior Republic (“Abuser John Doe” or “Abuser”). At the

relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe was a staff member at George Junior Republic and served

as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

60. The sexual abuse took place approximately two to three times a week for a period of

approximately six months while Plaintiff A.F. was housed at George Junior Republic. A.F. was

put on 500mg of Seroquel, which made him very drowsy, and on at least one occasion, he woke

up during the night and found that he was not able to move his body due to the medication. Abuser

John Doe would enter A.F.’s room at night and stroke his chest, which was uncovered as A.F. slept

without a shirt on. A.F. would wake up to Abuser John Doe touching him, but he would be able to

move or see clearly because of the medications. Abuser John Doe’s inappropriate touching would

gradually escalate to include groping Plaintiff A.F.’s penis underneath of his clothing.

61. Plaintiff A.F. told another staff member at George Junior Republic that he was being

woken up inappropriately at night, and the staff member dismissed his report.

62. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser John Doe were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff A.F. was a minor and could not legally


63. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser John Doe was sexually abusing

children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff A.F.

64. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff A.F., Abuser John Doe

was not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information

and belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate

Abuser John Doe enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff A.R.

65. Plaintiff “A.R.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic, for approximately two years in 2008 to 2010, when he was approximately 15 to 16 years


66. Plaintiff A.R. was born in 1992 thus there is no issue with the Statute of Limitations

associated with his claims.

67. Plaintiff A.R. was sexually abused by an individual known as Beth (“Abuser Beth”

or “Abuser”). At the relevant times herein, Abuser Beth was a rec staff member, then counselor

in a special needs unit, at George Junior Republic and served as an employee/agent of the


68. The sexual abuse took place approximately three times a week while Plaintiff A.R.

was housed at George Junior Republic. The abuse started when Abuser Beth was a rec staff

member, and she would accompany A.R. off campus, such as to the movie theater. Abuser Beth

would touch A.R. inappropriately overtop of his clothing in his genital area.

69. The abuse continued and escalated when Abuser Beth became a counselor in the

special needs unit where Plaintiff A.R. was housed. A.R. would have to go to the office in the

morning to pick up his radio. When Abuser Beth was working, she would take A.R. into the supply

closet in the office and grope his genitals overtop of his clothing. A.R. was forced to touch Abuser

Beth groping her breasts and buttocks overtop of her clothing.

70. When Plaintiff A.R. was taken to a behavior action unit, he admitted to the

inappropriate conduct with Abuser Beth. Abuser Beth was then fired or transferred to a different

unit and A.R. no longer had any contact with her.

71. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Beth were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff A.R. was a minor and could not legally


72. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Beth was sexually abusing

children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff A.R.

73. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff A.R., Abuser Beth was

not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and

belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser

Beth enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff A.R.J.

74. Plaintiff “A.R.J.” was housed at George Junior Republic for approximately one year

from 2014 to 2015, when he was approximately 12 years old.

75. Plaintiff A.R.J. was born in 2003 thus there is no issue with the Statute of Limitations

related to his claims.

76. Plaintiff A.R.J. was sexually abused by a staff member at George Junior Republic

who served as an employee/agent of the Defendants (“Abuser John Doe” or “Abuser”).

77. The sexual abuse took place on multiple occasions while Plaintiff A.R.J. was housed

at George Junior Republic. Abuser John Doe would touch A.R.J. inappropriately, and on at least

one occasion, forced A.R.J. to perform oral sex on him.

78. Plaintiff A.R.J. was also sexually abused by another staff member at George Junior

Republic who served as an employee/agent of the Defendants (“Abuser Jane Doe” or “Abuser”).

79. The sexual abuse took place on multiple occasions while Plaintiff A.R.J. was housed

at George Junior Republic. Abuser Jane Doe would touch A.R.J. inappropriately, and on at least

one occasion, forced A.R.J. was forced to perform oral sex on her.

80. The Abusers would provide Plaintiff A.R.J. with snacks and allow him to stay out of

his housing unit longer if he complied with the abuse and did not report the Abusers.

81. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abusers were non-

consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff A.R.J. was a minor and could not legally consent.

82. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abusers were sexually abusing

children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff A.R.J.

83. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff A.R.J., Abusers were not

being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abusers enabled

the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff A.V.

84. Plaintiff “A.V.” was housed at George Junior Republic in approximately 2008 to

2009, when he was approximately 17 years old.

85. Plaintiff A.V. was born in 1990 and thus has no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations associated with his claims.

86. Plaintiff A.V. was sexually abused a staff member at George Junior Republic who

served as an employee/agent of the Defendants. (“Abuser John Doe” or “Abuser”). 14

87. The sexual abuse took place on approximately twelve separate occasions while

Plaintiff A.V. was housed at George Junior Republic. The sexual abuse would take place in the

gym area and locker room. Abuser John Doe would make Plaintiff A.V. and other boys at the

facility expose themselves to him. He would then force the boys to touch themselves and others,

including Plaintiff A.V. being forced to perform oral sex on another boy. While this was

happening, Abuser John Doe would expose himself and masturbate in front of the boys.

88. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser John Doe were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff A.V. was a minor and could not legally


89. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser John Doe was sexually abusing

children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff A.V.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe could be described as an African American male in his fifties.

90. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff A.V., Abuser John Doe

was not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information

and belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate

Abuser John Doe enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff A.M.

91. Plaintiff “A.M.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic in 2012 when he was approximately 16 or 17 years old.

92. Plaintiff A.M was born in 1996 and thus has no issue associated with his Statute of

Limitations related to his allegations of sexual assault.

93. Plaintiff A.M. was sexually abused an individual known as Ed (“Abuser Ed” or

“Abuser”). 15 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Ed was a Cottage Parent of Cottage Z at the

George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

94. The sexual abuse took place on a consistent basis while Plaintiff A.M. was housed at

the George Junior facility. Abuser Ed would enter the shower when A.M was naked and touch his

penis and buttocks. Abuser Ed would walk behind A.M. and rub his penis and buttocks against

A.M.’s buttocks. Abuser Ed would also touch and grab A.M.’s penis and buttocks when A.M. was

being restrained.

95. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Ed were non-

consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff A.M. was a minor and could not legally consent

96. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Ed was sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff A.M.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Ed could be described as a white male in his late 40’s or early 50’s, with grey
slicked back hair and a beer belly.

97. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff A.M., Abuser Ed was not

adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser Ed

directly enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff B.J.

98. Plaintiff “B.J.” was housed at George Junior Republic in approximately 2008 to 2009,

when he was approximately 9 to 10 years old.

99. Plaintiff B.J. was born in 1999 thus there is no issue with the Statute of Limitations

associated with his claims.

100. Plaintiff B.J. was sexually abused by a staff member at Geore Junior Republic and

served as an employee/agent of the Defendants. (“Abuser John Doe” or “Abuser”). 16

101. The sexual abuse took place frequently while Plaintiff B.J. was housed in the

Intensive Supervision Unit #2 (“ISU #2) at George Junior Republic. Abuser John Doe would

frequently conduct unwarranted strip searches of the children housed in ISU #2, including Plaintiff.


102. Plaintiff B.J. would be forced to expose his genitals to Abuser John Doe, who would

grab at his crotch constantly.

103. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser John Doe were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff B.J. was a minor and could not legally


104. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser John Doe was sexually abusing

children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff B.J.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe could be described as a white male with salt and pepper hair and a
high-pitched voice who usually wore a shirt that was way too long.

105. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff B.J., Abuser John Doe

was not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information

and belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate

Abuser John Doe enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff D.P.

106. Plaintiff “D.P.” was housed at George Junior Republic from approximately

September 2013 until August 2015, when he was approximately 16 to 18 years old.

107. Plaintiff D.P. was born in 1997 and thus has no issue with the Statute of Limitations

related to his claims.

108. Plaintiff D.P. was sexually abused by a staff member at George Junior Republic who

served as an employee/agent of the Defendants. (“Abuser Jane Doe 1” or “Abuser”). 17

109. The sexual abuse took place on approximately 8 separate occasions while Plaintiff

D.P. was housed at George Jr. Republic. Plaintiff D.P. needed to have knee surgeries during his

time at George Junior Republic, and Abuser Jane Doe 1 accompanied him on at least one occasion

to the hospital in Pittsburgh.

110. When Plaintiff D.P. woke up from the anesthesia, Abuser Jane Doe 1 was at his

bedside, and told him that she had seen his penis when they moved him into the bed while she

touched his exposed inner upper thigh.

111. Plaintiff D.P. was sexually abused by other staff members at George Junior Republic

who served as employees/agents of the Defendant (“Abusers” or “Abuser”). 18

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Jane Doe 1 could be described as a short, white female with blonde hair. She
is believed to have been a university student at the time the abuse occurred.
At the relevant times herein, Abusers could be described as rec staff, many of whom were university students.

112. The sexual abuse took place on approximately a weekly basis while Plaintiff D.P.

was housed at George Junior Republic. Plaintiff D.P. would be taken off campus to doctors’

appointments, and a rec staff member would accompany him on these visits. While off campus,

Abusers would touch Plaintiff’s private area overtop of his clothing.

113. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser were non-

consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff D.P. was a minor and could not legally consent.

114. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser was sexually abusing children

at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff D.P.

115. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff D.P., Abuser was not

being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser enabled

the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff D.R.

116. Plaintiff “D.R.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic in approximately 2005 or 2006, when he was approximately 14 years old.

117. Plaintiff D.R. was born in 1991 and thus has no issues associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his allegations.

118. Plaintiff D.R. was sexually abused by an unnamed individual (“Abuser John Doe 1”

or “Abuser”). At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe 1 was a staff member at the George

Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

119. The sexual abuse took place on approximately every other week for the period D.R.

was housed at the George Junior Grove City facility. Abuser John Doe 1 would come into the

shower while D.R. was showering and fondle his genitals. Abuser John Doe 1 also forced D.R. to

perform oral sex on him.

120. Plaintiff D.R. reported the sexual abuse to his counselor but it was not taken seriously,

and nothing came of it.

121. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser John Doe 1

were non-consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff D.R. was a minor and could not legally


122. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser John Doe 1 was sexually

abusing children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff D.R.

123. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff D.R., Abuser John Doe

1 was not adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and

belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser

John Doe 1 directly enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff D.D.

124. Plaintiff “D.D.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic from approximately 2006 until his 18th birthday in 2010.

125. Plaintiff D.D. was born in 1992 and thus has no issue associated with his Statute of

Limitations associated with the allegations contained in this Complaint.

126. Plaintiff D.D. was sexually abused by two individuals known as Mr. D and Mrs. G

(“Abuser D” and “Abuser G” or “Abusers”). 19 At the relevant times herein, Abusers were a

Cottage Parent Couple at the George Junior Grove City facility and served as a employees/agent

of the Defendants.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser D could be described as a bald Black male in his 40’s. Abuser G could be
described as a short Black female with short hair and a slightly overweight frame.

127. The sexual abuse took place almost every day for four years while Plaintiff D.D. was

housed at the George Junior facility. The sexual abuse took place in Abusers’ cottage and in the

nearby woods on camping trips. At night, Abusers would force D.D. and other juveniles in the

cottage to kiss them, touch their genitals, masturbate them, and perform oral sex on them. Abusers

also forced D.D. and the other juveniles to watch them have sex with each other. Abusers also

touched D.D.’s genitals, masturbated him, and performed oral sex on him.

128. Additionally, Plaintiff D.D. witnessed Abusers force other juveniles to touch each

other’s genitals and perform sex acts on each other.

129. Abusers threatened D.D. if he ever spoke about the sexual abuse. They threatened to

send him to isolation in the Crisis Intervention Unit, to beat him, and to give him negative points

on the George Junior point system, which resulted in him losing all privileges. Abusers also did

not allow D.D. to shower, eat, or drink if he spoke about the sexual abuse.

130. Plaintiff D.D. reported the sexual abuse multiple times to various individuals but was

punished for reporting the abuse.

131. Plaintiff D.D. was also sexually abused by an individual known as Mr. Don (“Abuser

Don” or “Abuser”). 20 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Don was an employee of George Junior

Republic and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

132. The sexual abuse took place at least once a week towards the end of Plaintiff D.D.’s

stay at George Junior Grove City. Abuser Don was a corporate employee of George Junior and

met often with D.D. to use him as a face of the brochure for George Junior. Abuser Don forced

D.D. to masturbate in front of him and raped D.D. by penetrating D.D.’s anus with his penis.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Don could be described as an older white man with a bald head and some
white hair, and possibly a goatee.

133. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abusers were non-

consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff D.D. was a minor and could not legally consent

134. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser were sexually abusing children

at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff D.D.

135. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff D.D., Abusers were not

adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abusers directly

enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff D.B.

136. Plaintiff “D.B.” was housed at George Junior Republic in approximately 2008 to

2010 for over a year, when he was approximately 15 to 16 years old.

137. Plaintiff D.B. was born in 1993 and thus has no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations associated with his claims.

138. Plaintiff D.B. was sexually abused by a cottage parent at George Junior Republic and

served as an employee/agent of the Defendants. (“Abuser John Doe 1” or “Abuser”). 21

139. The sexual abuse took place frequently during the three-month period that Plaintiff

D.B. was assigned to Abuser John Doe 1’s cottage at George Junior Republic. The sexual abuse

started with Abuser John Doe 1 touching Plaintiff D.B.’s penis and buttocks overtop of his


140. Over time, the incidents came to include Abuser John Doe exposing himself to

Plaintiff D.B. and forcing him to perform oral sex on him. Abuser John Doe 1 would also rape

Plaintiff D.B. by inserting his penis into Plaintiff D.B.’s anus.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe 1 could be described as a muscular and athletic white male who
had tattoos and wore his hair in a mohawk sometimes.

141. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser John Doe 1

were non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff D.B. was a minor and could not legally


142. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser John Doe 1 was sexually

abusing children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff D.B.

143. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff D.B., Abuser John Doe

1 was not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information

and belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate

Abuser John Doe 1 enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff E.C.

144. Plaintiff “E.C.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic for 18 months in approximately November of 2016.

145. Plaintiff E.C. was born in 2001 and thus has no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations associated with his claims.

146. Plaintiff E.C. was sexually abused by an individual known as Mr. Sam (“Abuser

Sam” or “Abuser”). At the relevant times herein, Abuser Sam was a staff member at the George

Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

147. The sexual abuse took place on several occasions while Plaintiff E.C. was housed at

the George Junior facility. Abuser Sam would restrain E.C., pull his pants down, and touch his

penis and buttocks. On at least one occasion, Abuser Sam sent E.C. to a padded room after E.C.

spoke up about the treatment of another student. In the padded room, Abuser Sam and three other

individuals pinned E.C. down and digitally penetrated E.C. in his rectum.

148. Plaintiff E.C. was also sexually abused by an unnamed individual (“Abuser John Doe

2” or “Abuser”). 22 At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe 2 was a staff member at the

George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

149. Abuser John Doe 3 sexually abused E.C. in substantially the same manner as

described above.

150. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abusers were non-

consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff E.C. was a minor and could not legally consent.

151. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abusers were sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff E.C.

152. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff E.C., Abusers were not

adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abusers directly

enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff J.R.

153. Plaintiff “J.R.” was housed at George Junior Republic for approximately 30 to 35

months between the years 2007 and 2009, when he was approximately 16 to 18 years old.

154. Plaintiff J.R. was born in 1991 and thus has no issues associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

155. Plaintiff J.R. was sexually abused by an individual known as Mr. Thomas (“Abuser

Thomas” or “Abuser”). 23 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Thomas was a weekend relief

worker at George Junior Republic who served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe 2 could be described as a bald, white male with a red beard.
At the relevant times herein, Abuser Thomas could be described as a short, stocky, African American man who
wore thick glasses and had a weird voice.

156. Abuser Thomas sexually abused Plaintiff J.R. on at least ten separate occasions over

the five-month period Plaintiff J.R. was housed in the cottage where Abuser Thomas worked.

157. The sexual abuse began when Abuser Thomas caught Plaintiff J.R. with cigarettes.

Abuser Thomas took Plaintiff J.R. back to his office, where he threatened J.R. with punishment if

Plaintiff J.R. did not engage in sexual contact with him.

158. The sexual abuse occurred at least ten times over the five-month period Plaintiff J.R.

was assigned to Abuser Thomas’s cottage.

159. During these incidents, Abuser Thomas would grope Plaintiff J.R.’s genitals and

buttocks both overtop and underneath of his clothing. This contact escalated to include Abuser

Thomas performing oral sex, digitally penetrating Plaintiff J.R. by inserting his fingers into

Plaintiff J.R.’s anus, and raping Plaintiff J.R. by inserting his penis into Plaintiff J.R.’s anus.

160. Plaintiff J.R. was forced to endure these actions, touch Abuser Thomas’s penis above

and underneath his clothing, and perform oral sex on Abuser Thomas.

161. Abuser Thomas threatened Plaintiff J.R. that if he told anyone about the sexual abuse,

Abuser Thomas would make sure that J.R. never went back home or earned enough points in the

program to get a home pass. Abuser Thomas also told J.R. that if J.R. told on the Abuser or did

not comply with the Abuser’s requests, Abuser Thomas would not get in trouble, and Plaintiff J.R.

would get in trouble and would be sent into lockdown.

162. The sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Thomas described above were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff J.R. was a minor and could not legally


163. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Brown was sexually abusing

children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff J.R.

164. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff J.R., Abuser Thomas was

not being adequately supervised, monitored or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and

belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser

Thomas directly enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff J.W.

165. Plaintiff “J.W.” was housed at George Junior Republic for approximately 2 months

between May and July 2008, when he was approximately 12 years old.

166. Plaintiff J.W. was born in 1995 and thus has no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations associated with his claims.

167. Plaintiff J.W. was sexually abused by an individual known as Geneva or Miss G.

(“Abuser Geneva” or “Abuser”). 24 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Geneva was a staff

member at George Junior Republic and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

168. The sexual abuse took place on approximately 12 separate occasions while Plaintiff

J.W. was housed at George Junior Republic. At around 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning, Plaintiff

J.W. would be woken up by Abuser Geneva, who would take him into a padded room at the facility

and conduct a strip search. During these searches, Abuser Geneva would grope Plaintiff J.W.’s

genitalia. On at least one occasion, Abuser Geneva exposed her breasts to Plaintiff J.W., and forced

him to touch them.

169. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Geneva were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff J.W. was a minor and could not legally


At the relevant times herein, Abuser Geneva could be described as an African American female with a medium to
chunky build and short black hair.

170. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Geneva was sexually abusing

children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff J.W.

171. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff J.W., Abuser Geneva was

not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and

belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser

Geneva enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff J.K.

172. Plaintiff “J.K.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic in March and August of 2015, when he was 17 years old.

173. Plaintiff J.K. was born in 1998 and thus has no issue with the Statute of Limitations

associated with his allegations.

174. Plaintiff J.K. was sexually abused by an individual known as Mr. Adney (“Abuser

Adney” or “Abuser”). 25 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Adney was a weekend relief staff

member at the George Junior facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

175. The sexual abuse took place approximately six times while Plaintiff J.K. was housed

at the George Junior Republic Grove City facility. Abuser Adney exposed his genitals to J.K. and

masturbated in front of J.K. Abuser Adney forced J.K. to kiss him. Abuser Adney forced J.K. to

expose his genitals to Abuser Adney, and Abuser Adney touched and fondled J.K.’s penis. Abuser

Adney also forced J.K. to use J.K.’s fingers to penetrate Abuser Adney’s anus.

176. Additionally, Abuser Adney threatened J.K. with isolation if he said anything about

the sexual abuse.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Adney could be described as a dark-skinned Haitian male.

177. Plaintiff J.K. reported the sexual abuse anonymously.

178. To the best of J.K.’s knowledge, nothing was done in response to his reporting of the


179. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser were non-

consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff J.K. was a minor and could not legally consent.

180. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Adney was sexually abusing

children at the George Junior facility, including Plaintiff J.K.

181. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff J.K., Abuser Adney was

not adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser Adney

directly enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff J.O.

182. Plaintiff “J.O.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic in approximately 2010 or 2011 when he was 16 or 17 years old.

183. Plaintiff J.O. was born in 1994 and thus has no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations associated with his claims.

184. Plaintiff J.O. was sexually abused an unnamed individual (“Abuser John Doe 4” or

“Abuser”). 26 At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe 4 was a gym staff member at the

George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

185. The sexual abuse took place on over 10 separate occasions while Plaintiff J.O. was

housed at the George Junior facility. Abuser John Doe 4 exposed his genitals to J.O. and forced

At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe 4 could be described as an older, heavy-set, white male with grey

J.O. to expose himself to Abuser John Doe 4. Abuser John Doe 4 touched and fondled J.O.’s penis

and buttocks atop and underneath of his clothing.

186. Additionally, if J.O. did not agree to the sexual abuse, Abuser John Doe 4 would

threaten to take away his points, which would result in J.O. being unable to call home.

187. Plaintiff J.O. was also sexually abused by another unnamed individual (“Abuser Jane

Doe 2” or “Abuser”). 27 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Jane Doe 2 was a Grove City College

student staff member at the George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of

the Defendants

188. The sexual abuse took place on over 10 separate occasions while Plaintiff J.O. was

housed at the George Junior facility. Abuser Jane Doe 2 attempted to kiss J.O. and exposed herself

to J.O. Abuser Jane Doe 2 also touched and fondled J.O.’s penis and buttocks atop and underneath

of his clothing.

189. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abusers were non-

consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff J.O. was a minor and could not legally consent.

190. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abusers were sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff J.O.

191. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff J.O., Abusers were not

adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abusers directly

enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff J.S.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Jane Doe 2 could be described as a heavy-set female with brown hair.

192. Plaintiff “J.S.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic for approximately a year in 2012, when he was approximately 15 years old.

193. Plaintiff J.S. was born in 1996, and thus falls within the Statute of Limitations related

to his claims.

194. Plaintiff J.S. was sexually abused by an unnamed staff member in the Special Needs

Unit at George Junior Republic (“Abuser John Doe” or “Abuser”). At the relevant times herein,

Abuser John Doe was a staff member at George Junior Republic and served as an employee/agent

of the Defendants.

195. The sexual abuse took place one time while Plaintiff J.S. was housed at George Junior

Republic. J.S. had been put on 24-hour surveillance, meaning that a staff member was watching

him constantly. During shower time on the day of the incident, Abuser John Doe was watching

J.S. shower, looking up and down J.S.’s body as he washed himself. J.S. was uncomfortable with

this and reacted, getting into a small altercation with Abuser John Doe, which resulted in him being

sent to the padded room in the unit.

196. In the padded room, Abuser John Doe held Plaintiff J.S. against the wall with one

arm, and with the other groped and squeezed J.S.’s penis and testicles. Abuser John Doe told J.S.

that if he did or said anything about the abuse, he would make J.S.’s stay at George Junior Republic


197. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser John Doe were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff J.S. was a minor and could not legally


198. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser John Doe was sexually abusing

children at Summit Academy, including Plaintiff J.S.

199. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff J.S., Abuser John Doe

was not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information

and belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate

Abuser John Doe enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff J.Wi.

200. Plaintiff “J.Wi” was housed at George Junior Republic from approximately early

2016 to March 21, 2017, when he/she was approximately 17 years old.

201. Plaintiff J.Wi. was born in 1999 and thus has no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations for his claims.

202. Plaintiff J.Wi. was sexually abused by a caretaker in Special Needs Unit 14 (“SNU

14”) at George Junior Republic who served as an employee/agent of the Defendants. (“Abuser

Caretaker” or “Abuser”). 28

203. The sexual abuse took place on one occasion while Plaintiff J.Wi. was housed at

George Junior Republic. Abuser Caretaker pulled Plaintiff J.Wi. out of his room and took him to

a padded room. Plaintiff J.Wi. was fighting against Abuser Caretaker to try and leave the room. In

the struggle, Abuser Caretaker fell down, and in order to stop Plaintiff J.Wi. from leaving, he

grabbed Plaintiff J.Wi. by the genitals and told him to calm down. Abuser Caretaker’s grip on

Plaintiff J.Wi.’s genitals was strong and caused severe pain.

204. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Caretake were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff J.Wi. was a minor and could not legally


At the relevant times herein, Abuser Caretaker could be described as a Caucasian male with brown hair and
glasses, between 5’6” and 5’7” tall, around 250 pounds, and approximately in his early to mid-30s when the abuse

205. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Caretaker was sexually abusing

children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff J.Wi.

206. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff J.Wi., Abuser Caretaker

was not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information

and belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate

Abuser Caretaker enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff J.V.

207. Plaintiff “J.V.” was housed at George Junior Republic on two separate occasions.

The first time was in approximately 2009 to 2011, when he was approximately 13 to 14 years old.

The second time was in approximately 2012 to 2013, when he was approximately 16 to 17 years


208. Plaintiff J.V. was born in 1994 thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

209. Plaintiff J.V. was sexually abused by numerous individuals who served as

recreational staff members at George Junior Republic who served as employees/agents of the

Defendants. (“Abusers John and Jane Doe 1” or “Abusers”). 29

210. The sexual abuse took place daily while Plaintiff J.V. was housed at George Junior

Republic. When Plaintiff J.V. and other children housed at the facility go to the big gym, they

would first go to the shoe closet. In the shoe closet, which was not equipped with cameras, Plaintiff

J.V. would be groped over his clothing and verbally abused by the staff for his physical

At the relevant times herein, Abusers John and Jane Doe 1 could be described as university students from Grove
City College and/or Slippery Rock University. The abusers varied, as it was both men and women, and they came
from diverse ethnical backgrounds.

appearance. This verbal abuse included trying to get Plaintiff J.V. to expose himself to them

through verbal threats.

211. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abusers John and Jane

Doe 1 were non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff J.V. was a minor and could not

legally consent.

212. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abusers John and Jane Doe 1 was

sexually abusing children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff J.V.

213. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff J.V., Abusers John and

Jane Doe 1 was not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon

information and belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise

investigate Abusers John and Jane Doe 1 enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff J.Wh.

214. Plaintiff “J.Wh.” was housed at George Junior Republic in approximately 2016 or

2017, when he was approximately 17 years old.

215. Plaintiff J.Wh. was born in 1998 and thus has no issues associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his allegations of abuse.

216. Plaintiff J.Wh. was sexually abused by an individual known as Mike (“Abuser Mike”

or “Abuser”). 30 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Mike was a staff member at George Junior

Republic and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

217. The sexual abuse took place on one occasion while Plaintiff J.Wh. was housed at

George Junior Republic. Plaintiff J.Wh. was asleep in his room when he woke up to find Abuser

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Mike could be described as a male who wears glasses.

Mike trying to force his way into his pants, touching his penis and testicles overtop of his clothing.

The abuse stopped when J.Wh.’s roommate woke up and startled Abuser Mike.

218. Plaintiff J.Wh. was also abused by a group of unidentified male staff members

(“Abusers”). At the relevant times herein, Abusers were staff members at George Junior Republic

and served as employees/agents of the Defendants.

219. The sexual abuse took place on one occasion while Plaintiff J.Wh. was housed at

George Junior Republic. J.W. had just arrived back at the facility from a home pass, and when they

were searching him, the Abusers forced him to squat down while naked and stay squatting as they

brought in other staff members to laugh at J.Wh.’s genitals and buttocks.

220. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abusers were non-

consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff J.W. was a minor and could not legally consent.

221. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abusers was sexually abusing children

at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff J.Wh.

222. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff J.Wh., Abusers were not

being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abusers enabled

the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff K.J.

223. Plaintiff “K.J.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic in approximately 2008 to 2009 when he was 13 and 14 years old.

224. Plaintiff K.J. was born in 1995 and thus has no issue with the Statute of Limitations

associated with his allegations.

225. Plaintiff K.J. was sexually abused by an individual known as Paul (“Abuser Paul” or

“Abuser”). 31 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Paul was a staff member at the George Junior

Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

226. The sexual abuse took place approximately three times per week while Plaintiff K.J.

was housed at the George Junior facility. Abuser Paul would restrain K.J. and touch his penis and


227. Plaintiff K.J. reported the sexual abuse to a supervisor named Mike McCann and a

therapist named Anne Grady. K.J. was placed in the Crisis Intervention Unit (“CIU”) for two

months where he sat in a room for up to twenty hours per day. K.J. was told he could leave the

CIU when he said his report about the sexual abuse was a lie.

228. Plaintiff K.J. was also sexually abused by additional unnamed George Junior staff

members who sexually abused K.J. in substantially the same manner as described above.

229. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Paul were non-

consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff K.J. was a minor and could not legally consent.

230. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abusers were sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff K.J.

231. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff K.J., Abusers were not

adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abusers directly

enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff L.D.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Paul was a tall White male with a long beard who often wore a cowboy hat.

232. Plaintiff “L.D.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic from approximately 2010 to 2013 when he was 13-16 years old.

233. Plaintiff L.D. was sexually abused by an individual known as Ms. Kylee (“Abuser

Kylee” or “Abuser”). At the relevant times herein, Abuser Kylee was a Special Needs Therapist

at the George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

234. The sexual abuse took place on a weekly basis while Plaintiff L.D. was housed at

George Junior. Abuser Kylee said inappropriate things to L.D. during their therapy sessions and

played games with him that involved over-the-clothes touching. Abuser Kylee fondled L.D.’s

penis and testicles.

235. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Kylee were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff L.D. was a minor and could not legally


236. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Kylee was sexually abusing

children at George Junior, including Plaintiff L.D.

237. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff L.D., Abuser Kylee was

not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and

belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser

Kylee enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff M.S.

238. Plaintiff “M.S.” was housed at George Junior for approximately three years between

2006 and 2009, when he was approximately 15 to 18 years old.

239. Plaintiff M.S. was born in 1990 thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

240. Plaintiff M.S. was sexually abused by staff members at George Junior Republic who

served as employees/agents of the Defendants (“Abuser John” and “Abuser Jane” or “Abusers”). 32

241. The sexual abuse took place on numerous occasions while Plaintiff M.S. was housed

at George Junior Republic. Abuser John and Abuser Jane would pull Plaintiff M.S. away from the

other students during recreational time and take him to a secluded spot in the gym or bathroom.

The Abusers would force Plaintiff M.S. to kiss them, touch their genitals, and perform oral sex on


242. Abuser John would digitally raped Plaintiff M.S. by inserting his finger into his anus.

243. Abuser Jane would rape Plaintiff M.S. by inserting his penis into her vagina.

244. The Abusers threatened to get Plaintiff M.S. in trouble, keep him from going home,

and with worse abuse to get him to comply and not report them.

245. Plaintiff M.S. reported the abuse to another staff member, but that staff member did

not take Plaintiff M.S. seriously and told the Abusers about the report.

246. Plaintiff M.S. was sexually abused by another staff member at George Junior

Republic who served as an employee/agent of the Defendants. (“Abuser Cottage Parent” or

“Abuser”) 33.

247. Abuser Cottage Parent would pinch and smack Plaintiff M.S.’s buttocks and on one

occasion, rubbed Plaintiff M.S.’s private area over his clothes.

248. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser were non-

consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff M.S. was a minor and could not legally consent.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser John could be described as a college aged white male with red hair, and
Abuser Jane could be described as a college aged, light-skinned African American female.
At the relevant times herein, Abuser Cottage Parent could be described as an older white male.

249. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser was sexually abusing children

at, including Plaintiff M.S.

250. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff M.S., Abuser was not

being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser enabled

the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff M.G.

251. Plaintiff “M.G.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic for approximately three years between 2008 and 2011, when he was approximately 16

to 17 years old.

252. Plaintiff M.G. was born in 1992 thus there is no issue with the Statute of Limitations

related to his claims.

253. Plaintiff M.G. was sexually abused by an individual known as Chad (“Abuser Chad”

or “Abuser”). At the relevant times herein, Abuser Chad was a cottage parent in Cottage E at

George Junior Republic and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

254. The sexual abuse took place on a daily basis while Plaintiff M.G. was housed at

George Junior Republic. Abuser Chad would wake M.G. up in the mornings by groping his

genitals overtop of his clothing. Abuser Chad would make continuous advances towards M.G.,

staying that he would provide him with new polo shirts and outside food if M.G. would touch him

in a sexual manner.

255. On at least one occasion, Abuser Chad withheld Plaintiff M.G.’s phone calls home

for a month because M.G. refused Abuser Chad’s advances.

256. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Chad were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff M.G. was a minor and could not legally


257. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Chad was sexually abusing

children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff M.G.

258. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff M.G., Abuser Chad was

not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and

belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser

Chad enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff M.J.

259. Plaintiff “M.J.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic for 90 days in 2008 when he was 14 years old.

260. Plaintiff M.J. was born in 1994 thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

261. Plaintiff M.J. was sexually abused an individual known as Will (“Abuser Will” or

“Abuser”). 34 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Will was a staff member at the George Junior

Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

262. The sexual abuse took place on approximately seven separate occasions while

Plaintiff M.J. was housed at the George Junior facility. Abuser Will forced M.J. to masturbate in

front of him, forced M.J. to perform oral sex on him, and anally penetrated M.J. with his penis.

Abuser Will also performed oral sex on M.J. and attempted to get M.J. to penetrate his anus.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Will could be described as a heavy-set, light-skinned black male.

263. Abuser Will would tell M.J. that if M.J. did not participate in the sexual abuse, Abuser

Will would take away his privileges, such as going to the gym and the swimming pool.

264. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Will were non-

consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff M.J. was a minor and could not legally consent.

265. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Will was sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff M.J.

266. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff M.J., Abuser Will was

not adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser Will

directly enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff M.St.

267. Plaintiff “M.St.” was housed at George Junior Republic in approximately 2012 to

2015, when he was approximately 15 to 17 years old

268. Plaintiff M.St. was born in 1997 and thus has no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

269. Plaintiff M.St. was sexually abused by an individual known as Lindsay (“Abuser

Lindsay” or “Abuser”). 35 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Lindsay was a nighttime staff

member at George Junior Republic and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

270. The sexual abuse took place on approximately 3 or 4 separate occasions while

Plaintiff M.St. was housed at George Junior Republic. The sexual abuse took place at night in

Plaintiff M.St.’s room in his cottage. Abuser Lindsay would approach Plaintiff M.St. and initiate

sexual contact with him. She would expose her genitals to him, and force him to touch her breasts

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Linday could be described as a petite Caucasian woman about 5’1” tall. She
was around 32 years old at the time the abuse occurred.

and vagina underneath her clothing. This inappropriate touching included Plaintiff M.St. being

forced to penetrate Abuser Lindsay’s vagina with his fingers, Abuser Lindsay performing oral sex

on Plaintiff M.St., and Plaintiff M.St. being raped by Abuser Lindsay inserting his penis into her


271. Abuser Lindsay would threaten to tell other employees at George Junior Republic

about the abuse, and that Plaintiff M.St. would have to remain at the facility longer as punishment.

When Plaintiff M.St. complied with the abuse, he was offered cigarettes, outside food, cell phones,

CD players, and MP3 players by Abuser Lindsay.

272. Plaintiff M.St. reported the abuse to a staff member at George Junior Republic, but

he did not claim to have received the report later on. Plaintiff M.St. was also interviewed by a

detective about the sexual abuse but is unaware of what came of that investigation.

273. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Lindsay were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff M.St. was a minor and could not legally


274. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Lindsay was sexually abusing

children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff M.St.

275. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff M.St., Abuser Lindsay

was not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information

and belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate

Abuser Lindsay enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff N.M.

276. Plaintiff “N.M.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic from 2003 until 2006 when he was approximately 13 to 15 years old.

277. Plaintiff N.M. was born in 1990 and thus has no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

278. Plaintiff N.M. was sexually abused by an individual known as S. Pearson (“Abuser

Pearson” or “Abuser”). At the relevant times herein, Abuser Pearson was a Cottage Parent at the

George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

279. The sexual abuse took place on several occasions while Plaintiff N.M. was housed at

the George Junior Grove City facility. Abuser Pearson frequently fondled N.M.’s buttocks and

penis while N.M. stretched before track practice. Abuser Pearson also exposed his genitals to N.M.

and requested oral sex from N.M.

280. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Pearson were

non-consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff N.M. was a minor and could not legally consent.

281. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Pearson was sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff N.M.

282. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff N.M., Abuser Pearson

was not adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and

belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser

Pearson directly enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff R.C.

283. Plaintiff “R.C.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic in approximately 2013 or 2014, when he was approximately 15 or 16 years old.

284. Plaintiff R.C. was born in 1998 thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

285. Plaintiff R.C. was sexually abused by an individual known as Thomas L. (“Abuser
Thomas” or “Abuser”). At the relevant times herein, Abuser Thomas was a counselor at the

George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

286. The sexual abuse took place on several occasions while Plaintiff R.C. was housed at

the George Junior Grove City facility. The sexual abuse took place in Abuser Thomas’s office,

where Abuser Thomas would rub R.C.’s back, arms, legs, and buttocks. Abuser Thomas also

would pull up R.C.’s shirt and rub on his bare skin. R.C. told Abuser Thomas to stop, and that R.C.

would tell his mother what Abuser Thomas was doing, and Abuser Thomas sent R.C. to a holding

facility and disallowed a previously approved home pass.

287. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Thomas were

non-consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff R.C. was a minor and could not legally consent.

288. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Thomas was sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff R.C.

289. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff R.C., Abuser Thomas

was not adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and

belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser

Thomas directly enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff R.M.

290. Plaintiff “R.M.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic from approximately 2006 to 2009, when he was approximately age 17 years to 18 years


At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff R.C. is unsure Li. is Abuser Thomas’s exact last name.

291. Plaintiff R.M. was born in 1990, thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

292. Plaintiff R.M. was sexually abused by an unnamed individual (“Abuser”) who R.M.

believes was an intern from Slippery Rock University. At the relevant times herein, Abuser was

acting a staff member at the George Junior facility and served as an employee/agent of the


293. The sexual abuse took place on a semi-regular basis while Plaintiff R.M. was housed

at the George Junior Republic Grove City facility. The sexual abuse took place in the facility pools.

Abuser would fondle and grip R.M.’s genitals, thighs, and buttocks in the pool. Abuser also

pressed her breasts against his body while making comments on his body.

294. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser were non-

consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff R.M. was a minor and could not legally consent.

295. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser was sexually abusing children

at the George Junior facility, including Plaintiff R.M.

296. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff R.M., Abuser was not

adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser directly

enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff S.T.

297. Plaintiff “S.T.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic from 2008 until 2010.

298. Plaintiff S.T. was born in 1992 thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

299. Plaintiff S.T. was sexually abused by six or seven individuals (“Abusers”). 37 At the

relevant times herein, Abusers were Activities Staff at the George Junior Grove City facility and

served as employees/agents of the Defendants.

300. The sexual abuse took place daily while Plaintiff S.T. was housed at the George

Junior facility. Some of the sexual abuse took place in the group showers of the facility. Abusers

would force S.T. to undress in front of them, watch S.T. shower, and fondle his genitals and

buttocks. The sexual abuse additionally occurred at the pool, during off campus trips, or at any

time or place Abusers were given the opportunity.

301. Additionally, Abusers threatened S.T. not to say anything, and if he did, they would

cover it up. S.T. reported the sexual abuse to his counselor, but nothing changed.

302. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser were non-

consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff S.T. was a minor and could not legally consent.

303. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abusers were sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff S.T.

304. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff S.T., Abusers were not

adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abusers directly

enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff T.B.

305. Plaintiff “T.B.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic in approximately 2013 or 2014, when he was 15 or 16 years old.

At the relevant times herein, Abusers could be described as four white males, and two or three black males. All
were local college students.

306. Plaintiff T.B. was born in 1998 thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

307. Plaintiff T.B. was sexually abused by an unnamed individual (“Abuser John Doe 5”

or “Abuser”). 38 At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe 5 was a staff member assigned to

Special Needs 11 at the George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the


308. The sexual abuse took place during the first week that T.B. was housed at George

Junior. Abuser John Doe 5 touched T.B.’s genitals over and underneath his clothing. Abuser John

Doe 5 also entered the room where T.B. was temporarily sleeping on a cot and began groping him

while he was asleep. Abuser John Doe 5 touched T.B.’s genitals over top of his clothing and was

attempting to get underneath T.B.’s clothes when T.B. woke up and stopped him.

309. Plaintiff T.B. reported the sexual abuse, was placed in lockdown, and never saw

Abuser John Doe 5 again.

310. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser John Doe 5

were non-consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff T.B. was a minor and could not legally


311. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser John Doe 5 was sexually

abusing children at the George Junior, including Plaintiff T.B.

312. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff T.B., Abuser John Doe

5 was not adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and

belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser

John Doe 5 directly enabled the above-described abuse.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe 5 could be described as a white male in his 60’s, approximately
5’9” and overweight, who often wore a baseball cap.

Plaintiff T.M.

313. Plaintiff “T.M.” was housed at George Junior Republic from approximately June 13,

2012 to July 23, 2013, when he was approximately 12 to 13 years old.

314. Plaintiff T.M. was born in 2000 thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

315. Plaintiff T.M. was sexually abused by an individual known as Miss Rachel (“Abuser

Rachel” or “Abuser”). 39 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Rachel was a staff member at George

Junior Republic and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

316. The sexual abuse took place on numerous occasions while Plaintiff T.M. was housed

at George Junior Republic. At first, Abuser Rachel would touch Plaintiff T.M.’s genitalia overtop

of his clothing, and this evolved to touching his genitalia underneath his clothing as well.

317. The sexual abuse continued to escalate and increase in frequency, until it would

happen 2 to 3 times a week. Abuser Rachel would expose her genitalia to Plaintiff T.M., making

him insert his fingers into her vagina. Abuser Rachel would masturbate in front of Plaintiff T.M.

and force him to masturbate in front of her. Abuser Rachel forced Plaintiff T.M. to kiss her, and

she would perform oral sex on him.

318. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Rachel were

non-consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff T.M. was a minor and could not legally


319. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Rachel was sexually abusing

children at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff T.M.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Rachel could be described as a slightly overweight female in her early 20s
with dark brown, almost black hair. She also had a young daughter.

320. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff T.M., Abuser Rachel was

not being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and

belief, Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser

Rachel enabled the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff T.Bi.

321. Plaintiff “T.Bi.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic from approximately 2009 until 2011.

322. Plaintiff T.Bi. was born in 1991 thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

323. Plaintiff T.Bi. was sexually abused by three unnamed individuals (“Abusers”). 40 At

the relevant times herein, Abusers were security guards at the George Junior Grove City facility

and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

324. The sexual abuse took place on approximately four separate occasions while Plaintiff

T.Bi. was housed at the George Junior facility. T.Bi. was forced to wear thin sweatpants as a

punishment because it was easier to see and feel his genitals through the pants. Abusers would

restrain T.Bi. and touch his genitals and buttocks. When T.Bi. told Abusers to stop, they told T.Bi.

to shut up.

325. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abusers were non-

consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff T.Bi. was a minor and could not legally consent.

326. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abusers were sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff T.Bi.

At the relevant times herein, one of the Abusers could be described as a tall, bald, white male with no facial hair
and a husky build.

327. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff T.Bi., Abusers were not

adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abusers directly

enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff W.D.

328. Plaintiff “W.D.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic for approximately 18 months in 2007 until 2008.

329. Plaintiff W.D. was born in 1990 thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

330. Plaintiff W.D. was sexually abused by an unnamed individual (“Abuser Jane Doe

1”). 41 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Jane Doe 1 was a Cottage Parent of Alcoa Cottage at

the George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

331. The sexual abuse took place on frequent occasions while Plaintiff W.D. was housed

at the George Junior facility. Abuser Jane Doe 1 would ask W.D. sexual questions and fondle his

genitals over and underneath the clothes. Abuser Jane Doe 1 would also follow W.D. into the

bathroom and open the shower curtain while he was naked. Abuser Jane Doe 1 would also kiss

W.D on the lips.

332. Plaintiff W.D. was also sexually abused by another unnamed individual (“Abuser

John Doe 3”). 42 At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe 3 was a Cottage Parent of Alcoa

Cottage at the George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the


At the relevant times herein, Abuser Jane Doe 1 could be described as a white woman in her 50’s.
At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe 3 could be described as a white male in his 50’s.

333. The sexual abuse took place on regularly while Plaintiff W.D. was housed at the

George Junior facility. Abuser John Doe 3 would ask W.D. sexual questions, follow him into the

bathroom, and open the shower curtain while W.D. was naked.

334. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abusers were non-

consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff W.D. was a minor and could not legally consent.

335. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abusers were sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff W.D.

336. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff W.D., Abusers were not

adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abusers directly

enabled the above-described abuse.

Plaintiff Z.T.

337. Plaintiff “Z.T.” was housed at George Junior Republic in approximately 2014 to

2016, when he was approximately 16 to 17 years old.

338. Plaintiff Z.T. was born in 1997 thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

339. Plaintiff Z.T. was sexually abused by an individual known as Shawn (“Abuser

Shawn” or “Abuser”). 43 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Shawn was a staff member at George

Junior Republic and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

340. The sexual abuse took place approximately two to three times a month while Plaintiff

Z.T. was housed at George Junior Republic. Abuser Shawn would approach Plaintiff Z.T. either

in his room or in the laundry room. Abuser Shawn would expose himself and masturbate in front

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Shawn could be described as an African American male about 6’4” tall and
weighing approximately 250 pounds.

of Plaintiff Z.T., and would force Z.T. to touch his penis both overtop and underneath of his

clothing. Abuser Shawn also forced Plaintiff Z.T. to expose himself and masturbate in front of

Abuser Shawn. Abuser Shawn would touch Plaintiff Z.T.’s genitalia both overtop and underneath

of Z.T’s clothing.

341. Abuser Shawn threatened Plaintiff Z.T. with physical abuse if he did not comply with

the abuse.

342. Plaintiff Z.T. was also sexually abused by a staff member at George Junior Republic

who served as an employee/agent of the Defendants (“Abuser John Doe” or “Abuser”). 44

343. The sexual abuse took place on approximately two separate occasions while Plaintiff

Z.T. was held in “the bucket” unit of George Junior Republic. Abuser John Doe raped Plaintiff

Z.T. by inserting his penis into Z.T.’s anus. Both times, Z.T. struggled against Abuser John Doe,

and was able to get away because another staff member would come into the room upon hearing

Z.T.’s screams. When the other staff member entered, it appeared as if Abuser John Doe had just

been restraining Plaintiff Z.T.

344. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser were non-

consensual. At the relevant times herein, Plaintiff Z.T. was a minor and could not legally consent.

345. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser was sexually abusing children

at George Junior Republic, including Plaintiff Z.T.

346. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff Z.T., Abuser was not

being adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

At the relevant times herein, Abuser John Doe could be described as a short, stocky, white male about 5’6” tall.
Abuser John Doe worked in “the bucket” and that is the unit where the abuse took place.

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser enabled

the above-described sexual abuse.

Plaintiff Z.J.

347. Plaintiff “Z.J.” was housed at a facility owned and/or operated by George Junior

Republic from approximately 2015 to 2018.

348. Plaintiff Z.J. was born in 1999 thus there is no issue associated with the Statute of

Limitations related to his claims.

349. Plaintiff Z.J. was sexually abused by an individual known as Mr. Jamaal (“Abuser

Jamaal” or “Abuser”). 45 At the relevant times herein, Abuser Jamaal was a Cottage Parent at the

George Junior Grove City facility and served as an employee/agent of the Defendants.

350. The sexual abuse took place occasionally for 9-12 months while Plaintiff Z.J. was

housed at the George Junior facility. Abuser Jamaal would covertly touch Z.J. on his buttocks. Z.J.

expressed to Abuser Jamaal that he was uncomfortable with this conduct, but it did not stop.

351. The above-described sexual contact and/or acts perpetrated by Abuser Jamaal were

non-consensual. At relevant times herein, Plaintiff Z.J. was a minor and could not legally consent

352. Defendants knew, or should have known, that Abuser Jamaal was sexually abusing

children at the George Junior Grove City facility, including Plaintiff Z.J.

353. At the time of the above-described sexual abuse of Plaintiff Z.J., Abuser Jamaal was

not adequately supervised, monitored, or surveilled by Defendants. Upon information and belief,

Defendants’ failure to supervise, discipline, remove, and/or otherwise investigate Abuser Jamaal

directly enabled the above-described abuse.

At the relevant times herein, Abuser Jamaal could be described as a Black male between 5’6” and 5’8” in his
early 30’s. Abuser Jamaal’s wife and co-cottage parent was known as Mrs. Mia.

d. Facts Common to All Plaintiffs at George Junior

354. PERPETRATORS used their positions of authority over Plaintiffs, as agents of

Defendants, to calculatedly manipulate and groom Plaintiffs during Plaintiffs’ time as juvenile

detainees at George Juniors as described above.

355. PERPETRATORS sexually, physically, and/or emotionally abused Plaintiffs, while

they were minors during the period described above.

356. During their tenure, staff members, servants, representatives and/or ostensible agents

hired, certified, assigned, retained, supervised, managed, overseen, directed, administrated,

trained, and/or otherwise controlled by and for Defendants, PERPETRATORS were serial

molesters and sexual, physical, and/or emotional abusers of children, including Plaintiffs.

357. PERPETRATORS committed acts of abuse and molestation against Plaintiffs.

358. At all material times hereto, Defendants knew or should have known that

PERPETRATORS sexually, physically, and/or emotionally abused children and/or were not fit to

serve as staff members, teachers, employees, agents, servants, representatives and/or ostensible


359. At all material times hereto, Defendants knew or should have known that

PERPETRATORS abused Plaintiffs and/or other children at George Junior.

360. The above-described PERPETRATORS engaged in forcible compulsion or threat of

forcible compulsion of each Plaintiff during and in order to facilitate each occasion of sexual abuse,

as the above-described PERPETRATORS committed their sexual abuse by use of physical,

intellectual, moral, emotional or psychological force, either express or implied.

361. At all material times hereto, Defendants took no action and/or or failed to timely and

adequately take action to warn or otherwise protect children of George Junior, including Plaintiffs,


362. At all times material hereto, as a result of the sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse

by PERPETRATORS, Plaintiffs have suffered from extreme difficultly navigating intimate

relationships, and they have experienced and continue to experience bouts of anger, difficulties

when involved in relationships and attempting to be intimate in the context of these relationships.

363. As a result of the sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse set forth above, Plaintiffs

suffered great, permanent harm, including but not limited to, the following: severe emotional

distress, extreme trauma, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms,

suicidal ideations, humiliation, embarrassment, fear, shame, emotional dissociation, and/or loss of

self-esteem and self- worth, all of which has and/or will continue to require counseling, therapy,

and/or other treatment.

364. Also, as a result of the sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse set forth above and

its consequential trauma and harm, Plaintiffs have suffered a severe impairment and disruption of

their enjoyment of life, identity, intimacy with loved ones, sexuality, and/or belief structure,

including, but not limited to, the impairment and disruption of their relationship with members of

their families, friends, acquaintances, and/or others.

365. Also, as a result of the sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse set forth above and

its consequential trauma and harm, the Plaintiffs suffered from destructive and dysfunctional

behaviors, including, but not limited to, addictions (i.e. alcohol and/or drugs) and/or other mental

health issues, all of which have required and/or will require counseling, therapy, and/or other


366. Also, as a result of the sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse set forth above and

its consequential trauma and harm, the Plaintiffs have incurred significant past loss of wages and

future loss of earning capacity to their permanent detriment.

367. Survivors of sexual abuse and victims’ declarations and/or revelations of their

experiences with sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse and corresponding damages caused by

such abuse prompted Plaintiffs to realize they are not alone, and to acknowledge, address, and/or

discover the connection between their abuse and their corresponding emotional distress, social

dysfunction and/or other damages and to speak out concerning same.

368. Now, in conformity with Pennsylvania law, Plaintiffs bring the within action for


369. As alleged in greater detail herein above and/or below, all of Plaintiffs’ severe,

permanent, and ongoing damages were caused by the culpable acts and/or omissions of


370. As set forth more fully herein, the negligence, gross negligence, recklessness, and/or

punitive behavior of the Defendants was a direct and proximate cause of damages to Plaintiffs.

371. Plaintiffs’ injuries and/or damages were caused solely by the negligence, gross

negligence, recklessness, and/or punitive behavior of the Defendants, as set forth more fully herein,

and were not caused or contributed thereto by any negligence, gross negligence, recklessness

and/or punitive behavior on the part of the Plaintiffs.

Defendants George Junior
372. The previous paragraphs set forth above are incorporated herein by reference.

373. Defendants and its staff members had a duty to report child abuse when a reasonable

belief exists it occurred, and the Defendant breached this duty and failed to notify the proper

authorities about the Plaintiff's abuse as required by 55 Pa.C.S.A. § 3680 et seq; 5 Pa.C.S.A. §

3800 et seq; and all other applicable child abuse reporting requirement laws related to mandatory

abuse reporters and applicable to Defendants’ facility.

374. The recklessness, negligence and/or carelessness of Defendants by and through their

actual or apparent staff, teachers, counselors, employees, agents, servants, representatives, and/or

ostensible agents hired, certified, assigned, retained, supervised, managed, overseen, directed,

administrated, and/or otherwise controlled by and for said Defendants, consisted of, among other

things, the following:

a. Failing to properly screen George Junior staff, teachers,

counselors, employees, agents, servants, representatives, and
ostensible agents adequately before placing them in close
contact with children;
b. Failure to properly investigate complaints of sexual, physical,
and/or emotional abuse, inappropriate behavior and/or other
abusive behavior;
c. Minimizing, ignoring, or excusing inappropriate or questionable
behavior and/or misconduct by George Junior staff, teachers,
counselors, employees, agents, servants, representatives, and
ostensible agents over a period of months, years and/or decades;
d. Failure to properly and/or adequately warn judges, probation
officers, court officials, law enforcement, parents, children,
community members, and/or the public at large, including, but
not limited to, Plaintiffs and similarly situated children, and their
parents and/or family members, regarding the inappropriate
behavior and/or misconduct of PERPETRATORS, and/or
abusive staff, teachers, counselors, employees, agents, servants,
representatives, and/or ostensible agents, despite knowledge of
the dangers they presented and the harmful and complicit culture
and environment created by such failures to warn;

e. Assigning George Junior staff, teachers, counselors, employees,
agents, servants, representatives, and/or ostensible agents
known to have engaged in questionable and/or inappropriate
behavior or misconduct and/or known to be pedophiles and/or
sexual predators and/or physical abusers, including but not
limited to, PERPETRATORS, and/or staff members, to a
position within George Junior where said individual(s) had
regular contact with children;
f. Failure to report criminal activity, including child abuse, to
appropriate law enforcement agencies and/or authorities;
g. Negligent failure to provide a safe environment and protective
culture to children within the campus, resident halls, bathrooms,
classrooms, and/or other external locations operated, visited,
and/or owned by Defendants;
h. Failure to establish, implement, and maintain proper and
effective policies and procedures to prevent sexual, physical,
and/or emotional abuse of and/or other abusive behavior toward
i. Negligently maintaining custody, supervision and protection of
children placed in their care by virtue of their legal authority;
j. Failure to properly train George Junior staff, teachers,
counselors, employees, agents, servants, representatives, and/or
ostensible agents to identify signs of child molestation or
inappropriate sexually related behavior to children and/or
physical and/or emotional abuse of children by fellow
employees, associates, and/or individuals within its control,
oversight, supervision, and/or ostensible control;
k. Negligent retention of and/or failure to terminate
PERPETRATORS and/or staff members, and/or other sexually
inappropriate and/or abusive individuals from or associated
George Junior, promoting a culture and environment of
complicity, denial and deception regarding child abuse at
George Junior;
l. Recklessly, negligently and/or carelessly failing to observe,
manage, direct, oversee, and supervise the relationship between
Plaintiffs and PERPETRATORS and/or other staff members;
m. Recklessly, negligently and/or carelessly failing to have proper
and effective policies and procedures to require adequate
observation, management, oversight, and supervision of the
relationship between George Juniors staff, including, but not

limited to, PERPETRATORS, and/or staff members and the
n. Recklessly, negligently and/or carelessly failing to recognize the
conduct of PERPETRATORS, and/or staff members and
behavior prior to the events in question and/or as described
herein as creating a risk of sexual, physical, and/or emotional
abuse toward children, including, but not limited to, Plaintiffs;
o. Recklessly, negligently and/or carelessly failing to have proper
policies and procedures to require adequate observation,
management, oversight, and supervision of Plaintiffs and
PERPETRATORS and/or staff members;
p. Failing to investigate complaints that PERPETRATORS and/or
staff members were behaving inappropriately and/or touching
children inappropriately, including, but not limited to, Plaintiffs;
q. Recklessly, negligently and/or carelessly failing to identify
PERPETRATORS and/or staff members as a sexual, physical,
and/or emotional abuser;
r. Recklessly, negligently and/or carelessly failing to investigate
behavior of PERPETRATORS and/or staff members that put the
Defendants on notice and/or should have placed Defendants on
notice that PERPETRATORS and/or staff members was/were
and/or might have been an abuser, potential pedophile and/or
sexual predator;
s. Recklessly, negligently and/or carelessly failing to identify
PERPETRATORS and/or staff members as a potential
pedophile and/or sexual predator;
t. Failing to detect a rampant and open culture of sexual, physical,
and/or emotional abuse of children in George Junior’s care;
u. Failing to stop a rampant and open culture of sexual, physical,
and/or emotional abuse of children in George Junior’s care;
v. Violating the Juvenile Justice Act, 42 Pa.C.S. §§ 6327(a),
pertaining to juveniles being housed in a location “where the
child is apt to be abused by other children” 42 Pa.C.S. §§
w. Facilitating an environment where residents were encouraged to
sexually, physically, and/or emotionally abuse other residents;
x. Threatening George Junior residents with physical and/or sexual
harm in an attempt to prevent them from reporting abuse, and/or

otherwise threatening punishment (e.g., home passes) if the
abuse was reported;
y. Refusing to allow parents of George Junior residents reasonable
access to their children;
z. Preventing George Junior residents from seeking appropriate
medical attention for injuries caused by George Junior staff;
aa. Preventing George Junior residents from honestly disclosing the
causes of their injuries to medical personnel;
bb. Violating state standards for juvenile correctional facilities.
375. Defendants were negligent under the facts as detailed within this Complaint in that

the Defendants failed to use that degree of care, precaution and vigilance which a reasonably

prudent person or entity would use under the same or similar circumstances, including, but not

limited to, the negligent affirmative acts detailed in this Complaint which a reasonably prudent

person or entity would not have done, and also the negligent omission or failure to act and/or take

precautions as detailed in this Complaint which a reasonably prudent person or entity would have

done or taken under these circumstances.

376. The actions of PERPETRATORS and/or staff members as described herein are

evidence of negligence per se attributable to the Defendants.

377. Defendants are vicariously liable for both the negligent and intentional acts of

PERPETRATORS and/or staff members, their employee(s), where it is widely known that there

is vulnerability of children and a public policy to protect said children from victimization, and

imposes responsibility upon those individuals and institutions in the best position to know of and

stop the abuse to said children, such as the Defendants herein.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, each individually, demand judgment against Defendants in an

amount in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of prejudgment interest, costs

and damages for pre-judgment delay, punitive damages, and such other legal and equitable relief

as the Court deems appropriate.


Defendants George Junior
378. The previous paragraphs set forth above are incorporated herein by reference.

379. Defendants knew or should have known of the need to observe, manage, direct,

oversee, train, and/or supervise staff, teachers, counselors, employees, agents, servants,

representatives, and/or ostensible agents in their relationships with young children properly and


380. Defendants knew or should have known of the particular risk posed by

PERPETRATORS and/or other staff members based on, among other things, their inappropriate

and/or questionable conduct, their history of sexually, physically, and/or emotionally abusing

children, and/or their behavior indicative of an intent to isolate, groom, and/or facilitate sexually

contacting and/or abusing a young minor child, including the abuse of Plaintiffs by


381. The negligence, carelessness, and/or recklessness of Defendants for the conduct of

their actual or apparent staff members, teachers, counselors, employees, agents, servants,

representatives, and/or ostensible agents, in the certifying, assigning, observation, retaining,

supervision, management, oversight, direction, administration, training, and/or otherwise control

of PERPETRATORS and/or staff members consists of one or more of the following:

a. Negligent certifying, assigning, observation, retaining,

supervision, management, oversight, direction, administration,

and/or otherwise control of staff and/or teachers in the employ
of George Junior and/or Defendant;
b. Failing to use due care in certifying, assigning, observation,
retaining, supervision, management, oversight, direction,
administration, and/or otherwise control of PERPETRATORS
and/or staff members and the relationship of PERPETRATORS
and/or other staff members with Plaintiffs; and
c. Failing to investigate and supervise PERPETRATORS and/or
other staff members and their relationships with Plaintiffs.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, each individually, demand judgment against Defendants in an

amount in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of prejudgment interest, costs

and damages for pre-judgment delay, punitive damages, and such other legal and equitable relief

as the Court deems appropriate.


Defendants George Junior

382. The previous paragraphs set forth above are incorporated herein by reference.

383. Defendants knew and/or should have known prior to and/or contemporaneous with

the relevant time frame during which Plaintiffs were sexually abused by PERPETRATORS and/or

staff members that Plaintiffs affiliated and/or associated with George Junior were vulnerable to

and potential victims of sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse.

384. Defendants also knew and/or should have known prior to and/or contemporaneous

with the relevant time frame during which Plaintiffs were sexually abused by PERPETRATORS

and/or staff members that the access to vulnerable youths, together with the trust and authority

placed in staff and/or teachers, which makes working at a juvenile residential care/detention

facility an enticing profession for sexual predators, and/or others seeking to abuse and exploit


385. Defendants owed a duty to exercise reasonable care in the hiring, certifying,

assignment, control, selection, training, and/or retention of staff, teacher, counselors, employees,

agents, servants, representatives, and/or ostensible agents, situated in and/or located at George

Junior and specifically a duty to be on high look out for possible pedophiles, sexual predators, and

others seeking to abuse and exploit children.

386. Defendants failed to exercise reasonable care in the hiring, certifying, assignment,

control, selection, training, and/or retention of PERPETRATORS and/or staff members as staff

members, teachers, employees, agents, servants, representatives and/or ostensible agents, among

other things, the following:

a. Failing to conduct a thorough and proper background check of

PERPETRATORS and/or staff members;

b. Failing to thoroughly and reasonably investigate

PERPETRATORS and/or staff members’ sexual and/or criminal

c. Failing to learn of or investigate PERPETRATORS and/or staff

members’ history of sexual impropriety with children and their
proclivity to sexually assault children;

d. Failing to conduct a thorough and proper interview with

PERPETRATORS and/or staff members;

e. Failing to investigate whether PERPETRATORS and/or staff

members had any inappropriate sexual interest in children;

f. Failing to train staff members to recognize the signs of child sex

abuse and to prevent it;

g. Failing to train staff members to properly report suspicions of

child sexual abuse;

h. Failing to use due care in the selection of PERPETRATORS
and/or staff members as a staff and/or teacher rendering
academic, rehabilitation, and/or delinquent services, and/or all
services rendered when standing in loco parentis and/or
interacting with children;

i. Failing to use due care in the retention of PERPETRATORS

and/or staff members as a staff members and/or teachers
rendering academic, rehabilitation, and/or delinquent services,
and/or all other services rendered when standing in loco parentis
and/or interacting with children;

j. Recklessly, negligently and/or carelessly failing to adequately

check the background of PERPETRATORS and/or staff
members, before hiring them as a staff member and/or teacher
rendering academic, rehabilitation, and/or delinquent services,
and/or all other services rendered when standing in loco parentis
and/or interacting with children; and

k. Recklessly, negligently and/or carelessly failing to have policies

and procedures in place to screen staff and/or teachers for the
possibility of being sexual predators and/or physical and/or
emotional abusers.

WHEREFORE Plaintiffs, each individually, demand judgment against Defendants in an

amount in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of prejudgment interest, costs

and damages for pre-judgment delay, punitive damages, and such other legal and equitable relief

as the Court deems appropriate.


Defendants George Junior
387. The previous paragraphs set forth above are incorporated herein by reference.

388. Defendants were grossly negligent under the facts as detailed within this Complaint

in that Defendants acted with complete disregard of the rights, safety, and well-being of others; in

a palpably unreasonable manner; in an outlandish fashion; and/or failed to exercise slight care or

diligence under these circumstances.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, each individually, demand judgment against Defendants in an

amount in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of prejudgment interest, costs

and damages for pre-judgment delay, punitive damages, and such other legal and equitable relief

as the Court deems appropriate.


Defendants George Junior

389. The previous paragraphs set forth above are incorporated herein by reference.

390. By virtue of their status as owners and/or supervisors of George Junior, a juvenile

residential care facility, Defendants bore a fiduciary relationship to Plaintiffs and other children

and persons at George Junior.

391. Defendants had fiduciary duties to avoid harming children and to protect them from

harm at the hands of staff, teachers, employees, agents, servants, representatives, and/or ostensible

agents hired, certified, assigned, retained, supervised, managed, overseen, directed, administrated,

and/or otherwise controlled by and for Defendants.

392. Defendants breached their fiduciary duties by acting or failing to act in accordance

with their fiduciary duties and/or as alleged in this Complaint.

393. Plaintiffs suffered the above-averred harms and damages as a result of Defendants’

breach of their fiduciary duty.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, each individually, demand judgment against Defendants in an

amount in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of prejudgment interest, costs

and damages for pre-judgment delay, punitive damages, and such other legal and equitable relief

as the Court deems appropriate.


Defendants George Junior

394. The previous paragraphs set forth above are incorporated herein by reference.

395. George Junior was licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

(“PA-DHS”) to operate a residential and educational facility for minors placed in its custody by

courts and government agencies. Thus, George Junior is subject to the Pennsylvania Juvenile

Justice Act, 42 Pa.C.S. §§ 6301, et. seq. As such, George Junior, at all relevant times, was acting

under the color of state law.

396. Section 6327(a) of the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Act provides: “Under no

circumstances shall a child be detained…where the child is apt to be abused by other children.”

397. As alleged above, George Junior violated the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Act when

it allowed, forced, directed, encouraged, knowingly ignored, and/or created an environment in

which Plaintiff were apt to be abused by other children.

398. Plaintiffs suffered physical and emotional injuries as a direct result of George Junior’s

violation of the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Act

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs, each individually, demand judgment against Defendants in an

amount in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), exclusive of prejudgment interest, costs

and damages for pre-judgment delay, punitive damages, and such other legal and equitable relief

as the Court deems appropriate.


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