Manual ES3000 Ver. 4.00 GB
Manual ES3000 Ver. 4.00 GB
Manual ES3000 Ver. 4.00 GB
Control electronic board for compressors
Control electronic board for compressors
2.1 START 15
2.2 STOP 15
2.3 STAND BY 15
2.7 NETWORK 17
ES3000 is capable to replace ES99 as the terminal connectors are exactly the same. The size of the
ES3000 is exactly double the previous ES99.
Energy supply 12 Vac
Adsorption 6 VA
Max and min store temperature -20..+70 °C
Max and min working temperature 0..+50 °C
IEC801-4 3 Class
Outgoing contact relays 5 A
Outlet current triacs EV 5 A
Inlet current on the optoinsulated contacts 8 mA
The chart below shows the use of the inputs and how the contacts should be in normal conditions.
The chart below shows the use of the inputs and the kind of the sensor connected.
The chart below shows the use of the outputs and how the contacts should be in normal conditions.
The chart below shows the use of the outputs and how the contacts should be in normal conditions.
A serial port RS485 for the communication between other ES3000 boards.
This can create a net up to 6 compressors using the same electronic board.
There is an interface port for communication with a personal computer via RS232 cable.
This is to modify the settings parameters of the board and to monitor the compressor from a remote
location, bringing the start, stop, alarms and status of the compressor signals.
Four dip–switches enable to activate the following features:
In order to make the use of the control box easier, it has been decided to store the setting values into the
static memory type Eeprom. The following cross reference chart shows the default parameters set from
the compressor manufacturer.
In order to modify the values, press button 4 for a few seconds until P0 parameter is shown.
1 Select the parameter to be modifies by using buttons 1 and 2,
2 If the parameters is lower than C7, press button 1 until 4 zeros ‘0000’ are shown (password required).
3 Enter the password by using buttons 1 and 2 and confirm the value by pressing button 4.
4 Select the parameter to be modified by using buttons 1 and 2.
5 Press button 4, the value of the parameter shown on the lower display will start blinking for
6 Modify the selected parameter whose value is blinking by using buttons 1 and 2.
7 Confirm by pressing button 4; the new value will stop blinking.
8 By pressing button 3 you will exit the programming. After 30 seconds without any functions the card
will exit automatically.
Please remember that by modifying “P43” parameter, the “P0” parameters (maximum pressure) will be
automatically modified and it will be equal to “P43”. Consequently even “P1” will change (minimum
pressure) which is set 1,5 bar lower than “P43” (see below).
P43 P0 P1
8.0 8.0 6.5
10.0 10.0 8.5
13.0 13.0 11.5
N.B. By pressing key 3, you will exit the programme in any sequence point; obviously this is valid before
sequence n.7 otherwise the parameter will not be modified.
By pushing this button the compressor starts.
By pushing this button the stop procedure starts.
By pushing the button you exit the programming and maintenance menus.
3 By pushing the button on the display appears the values of the optional probes (if
there are), the total working hours, the full load hours, the date and hours, the
connection with network and (if MASTER) the net address with the number and
status of the Slaves connected.
By pushing the button you move throughout the parameters of the menus.
By pushing the button the off load manually is activated or (in programming) you
1 move throughout the parameters of the menus.
L Yellow Air filter alarm. 022 parameter Warning for coming air filter alarm.
elapsed Starts 50 h before the 022 parameter
E Red Fan motor overload alarm Fan motor overload alarm occurring
The upper display shows the pressure (pressure probe TDC1) with
one decimal after the comma, where comma is made by a light in the
lower part.
The upper display is empty. The light is on by the total working hours
The lower display shows the total working hours of the compressor.
The upper display is empty. The light is on by the load working time
The lower display shows the total working hours in full load of the
If it is MASTER
If it is a SLAVE
By pushing the n.3 button for the fourth time (fifth if the network is activated)
The lower display shows the hours (hh:mm) if the hours parameter
is set at 24.00 h.
The lower display shows the hours (hhX:mm) if the hours
parameter is set at 12.00 h. where X = A (antemeridian) or X = P
By pushing the n.3 button for the fifth time (sixth if the network is activated)
The lower display shows day and month (, if the hours
parameter is set at 24.00 h
The lower display shows day and month (mm.dd), if the hours
parameter is set at 12.00 h
By pushing the n.3 button for the sixth time (seventh if the network is activated), the displays go back to
the initial position.
Internal temperature in the compressor too low:
2.1 Start
When button 6 is pushed, the board starts the sequence of starting and carries out the following steps:
1. The L.E.D. ‘R’ switch on
2. In the case the power relay has just been released, the board wait for the time as per the parameter
‘T8’, or the board wait for the pressure to be lower to the minimum pressure parameter ‘P1’.
3. The relays of line (‘L’) and star (‘Y’) are activated for the time set in the ‘T10’ parameter. From when
the line relay is activated and for the time set into the parameter T9, the ES3000 controls that the
temperature of the machines (temperature probe NTC1) increase at least of the value of ‘R19’ to
confirm that the rotation is correct or by stopping immediately the machine (note that this control is
deactivated if the temperature of the machine is over 30 C°).
4. When the time of T10 is elapsed, the star relay (‘Y’) is deactivated while the line relay remain
activated for a not adjustable time of 50 milliseconds. After that the triangle relay (‘T) is activated.
5. The solenoid valve of load/off load is delayed for the time value set in ‘T11’ (this is to delay the full
load operation). L.E.D. ‘P’ when is lighted on shows when the compressor is in full load.
6. When the maximum pressure is reached, the L.E.D. ‘Q’ lights on and the machine switch in off load.
2.2 Stop
By pushing the button 5 during the three phases of starting, cancels the procedure and stops the
compressor immediately. If the button 5 is pushed when the triangle relay (‘T’) is activated, the board
starts the stopping procedure that lasts for the value of ‘T12’, where the compressor runs off-load with the
solenoid valve deactivated. During all the stopping time, the L.E.D. ‘R’ blinks.
If the board is waiting for re-starting because the maximum pressure is reached, by pushing the button 5
cancel immediately all the functions running.
2.3 Stand By
In absence of compressed air from the system and with pressure over the Pmin (P1 parameter), the
compressor runs in off-load.
To reduce the energy consumption, the compressor stops as soon as a time is elapsed. The values of this
time is calculated as follows:
1) The machine cannot go over the number of starts value of C% parameter (where x=60/C5)
2) The time the machine remain still has to be over two times the F12 parameter ( > 2*F12 ), the
pressure must be over of the following formula [(P0-[1/3(P0-P1)].
3) The calculated temperature of the electric motor must be lower the safety limits as per the graph
The solution adopted to define the idling time before to stop the compressor consists to calculate the
thermal trend of the electric motor in relation with the times and the different way of working of the
el.motor itself and to link this value to the parameter of number of starting (‘C5’).
After the first start (first start is after the ES3000 has been energised), the compressor switch of as
soon as the maximum pressure is reached after a no load time as T12 parameter. All the above
calculation of no load starts from the following cycles.
In order to reduce the pressure drop into the compressed air distribution piping, the compressor in
stand-by restart at 0,2 bar over the minimum pressure ( ‘P1 + 0,2 bar’ ).
The remote control procedure enable stopping the compressor from a remote location by opening the
contacts in terminal board marked 11 and 3. Opening of the contact will start the stopping procedure and
the light 7 will be switched on. When the same contact will be closed, the compressor starts again
following the procedure described in 2.1.
The actions given by pushing the buttons on the ES3000 board are at the same level related to the
commands given from remote; it is possible to start the compressor both from remote location and also
from the machine itself.
N.B.: The function ‘Remote control’ is activated by the dip switch 1 located on the side of the
electronic board. If the position of this is OFF, the function is not activated and even opening the
contact 11 and 3 does not have any effect.
N.B.: If the ‘Remote control’ function is activated and the remote contact between 11 and 3 is open,
when energy returns the machine will not re-start.
2.7 Network
The ES3000 is capable to communicate with other ES3000 and also to manage other compressors
managed Electro-mechanically.
The net could be up to maximum of 6 units as follows:
n.5 Slaves with ES3000 board
n.4 Slaves with Electro-mechanic control board.
Of course every slave Electro-mechanic replace a slave with ES3000 board; the possible combinations
Digital output, contact K10 on terminals 45-46 on the connector CN8 for start or stop.
Analogic output, DAC (0-10 V) on terminals 43-44 on connector CN8 to modulate.
Start, when button n. 6 is pressed and then after the first start when P1 pressure +0,2 is reached.
Modulation of the rotation speed at pressure P0 – 0,5 bar
Idling when the pressure P0 is reached and for time set on parameter P12.
Load when pressure P1 is reached
Stop, when button 5 is pushed or when idling time parameter T12 is elapsed.
Emergency, K10 opens immediately on connector CN8.
Output DAC (0-10V), must give 10V (maximum tension), at the pressure of inverter (P0 – 0,5bar), must
give 0V at the minimum pressure (0bar).
N.B. pushing the button n. 1 (manual off load) make the contact DAC up to 10 Volt.
The lower display shows the hours when to start the above
NET1 + 1 version