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Babies Without A SS

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Babieswithout Social Security Numbers &without

Birth Certifications (Birth Certificates)Making the

Decision:This essay is the result of an encouragement by my dad, who
was, to somedegree, responsible for the status of my daughter, now over two
years old. Inconversations with my father since the birth of my daughter, he
thought it might bebeneficial to others to share my hospital experience with
those who may bewondering about such matters. Having been ‘talked’ into
sharing my experience, Itake up pen (now computer) to share those thoughts
that led up to birthing a babygirl who holds no Social Security number nor any
county (government) issued ‘BirthCertification’ (Birth Certificate), and to
share the events within the hospital inrefusing the allowance of these
government identifications.The decision to do this, although easy in the end,
was somewhat of atorturous path to travel. I have two children, a boy of
several years and now adaughter. Even before my son was born, my father had
spoke with me about varioustopics dealing with the devious nature of
government. Although at that time I was inmy early twenties and believed, as I
thought most American’s believed, that ourgovernment was a champion of the
under dog, the oppressed and those in need. Idid not feel that our government
would intentionally take advantage of our fellowcountrymen.When my father
talked with me about the transgressions of government atRuby Ridge and at
Waco, Texas, I could not help but think that he had taken a walkoff the map.
Our government would not murder innocent people, especially children,as he
was saying took place at Waco. I did not think he was intentionally lying,
daddoes not lie, but I did think that he was wholly mistaken. In my mind, I
hadrationalized that our government had some justified reason to ‘go after
thosepeople’, even if that reason wasn’t readily apparent.My father, despite
my beliefs, kept the conversation alive from time to time,sharing information
and showing me things he had discovered about the actions andcoverup in
which government agents & officials were involved. Apparently tomaintain
the ‘status quo’ within society.
Examining for myself the evidence that my dad presented to me for myreview
caused a shift in my perception about our government. This was evidence,not,
not conjecture and not the opinion of my father. It was being collected
andpresented by many rational people, some of them within the law
enforcementcommunity.Whether or not it is intentional, the lack of education
in our public schoolsystem taught me well to believe in the goodness and
humanity of our government.The dilemma in which I was caught, was a
knowledge that 1) my father would notintentionally mislead me; 2) that my
father is not a stupid manwho is easily swayed,either by self serving patriots
nor by government; 3) that my father and mygovernment were in direct
conflict on a number of critical matters and; 4) that if myfather was
sufficiently concerned to keep bringing up government actions, it wastime for
me to conduct my own independent investigation. Primarily to solidify inmy
own mind which story to believe. The difference between what I wanted
tobelieve and the evidence being presented to me could not co-exist in my
mind. Indetermining the actual truth I could lay to rest the conflict occurring in
my mind andmaybe make my dad eat crow.And so I began doing some
research of my own into some of the premisesdad had been putting forth.
Premises that went far and beyond the events of RubyRidge and Waco, Texas.
I read books, surfed the Internet, investigated ourcountry’s founding
documents, examined the interpretation of our foundingdocuments in court
decisions, paying special attention to the burdens of citizenshipof both the
State Citizen, and the United States Citizen. I must admit, that as I beganthis
trek, I was not even aware that there was a clear difference between citizens
ofa State, and citizens of the United States. However, I was to learn that, as put
forthin the Slaughterhouse Cases (a supreme court decision), Americans do
notnecessarily hold both citizenship classes, and there is considerable
differencebetween the burdens of each. I examined old history and law books
and comparedthem to current ones.To my surprise, dad had been correct in
each and every assertion he hadmade. The ‘commercial burdens’ of the United
States citizens were the means bywhich corporate government was taking the
earnings and property from this class ofcitizenship. Yet, it is not the purpose of
this document to explain those matters indetail, only to provide sufficient
background that the reader will understand mydecision of citizenship for my
daughter.After engaging in considerable reading and research I had came to
that those of us holding a social security number, driver’s license, county
issuedbirth certificate, marriage license, or any other permit or license were
being dupedby our government. Duped into entering into a contract which we
no obligation toenter. A contract which gives corporate government power
and control over ourlives. We are being tricked into believing we are a free
people when we areanything but free. All of the above mentioned documents
bind us to a jurisdictionthat has expanded beyond its constitutionally granted
ten mile square allotment inorder to enslave the American people and hold us
as surety for the national debt.The research provided a realization that the
county issued birth certificate andfederal social security number were a
contractual means for the government to makeliving souls into corporate
entities (what we call a legal fiction) in order to gaincontrol of our lives and
property. These contractual obligations make us subject tothe jurisdiction of
the corporate United States and the Uniform Commercial Code,of which
almost all of our current law is based on. Taking note that there is adifference
between these united States (this refers to the sovereign States of therepublic
that joined together to form a Union) and the United States ( a
corporationcreated by an act of Congress: 16 United States Statutes at Large
act created acorporate UNITED STATES, a completely separate entity from
the Republic ofthese united States ofAmerica. In short, it forms a means by
which the Americanpeople may be tricked.And believe me, I understand more
than you know the reaction you may haveto such statements. I had them when
my father was sharing this information withme. As I have previously stated, I
did not believe it possible for our ‘grand’ and‘great’ government to be capable
of such devious actions. It was very hard for me tofathom so many
government officials, military personnel (to some extent), andpolice officers
(to some extent) were either being bought off through employmentand
benefits, or intimidated (frightened) so badly they would sell out their
ownpeople as well as their own children and families. I had believed in the
checks andbalances put in place by our founding fathersand designed into our
governmentstructure in a way that would never allow for such mass deceit of
the people. Or so Ithought.Although it was my father who was the catalyst for
research, it was theresearch itself that brought me to understanding and then to
feel at least someresponsibility for the ignorance of others in my life. How
could I, or for thatmatter, how could anyone turn their backs from the truth of
what is occurring
right now in our country? While in the beginning I thought that there was
probablyonly a 10% chance my father was correct, I had learned he was 100%
correct, andknowing this would not allow me to continue as I always had,
believing thatgovernment would do the honorable thing. I could no longer take
that chance withthose I love. My father had apologized to me and my brother,
stating that if he knewas a young man what he knows now, neither of us would
have had governmentissued birth certificates nor social security numbers.
Now, as a parent withknowledge and understanding, it is my turn to step up to
the plate.Thus, the decision to birth my daughter without acquiring a
governmentissued birth certification or social security number was an easy
one. Even when mychoice was based upon the partial and incomplete facts
that were available to me atthe time I made this decision. In my heart and
mind there just really wasn’t anyother choice because I wanted my daughter to
enjoy the freedom that so manyAmericans died to provide at the beginning of
our county. To enjoy a freedom thathas been lost through ignorance by so
many Americans. I did not want to sell mydaughter into slavery just to save a
few dollars on my income taxes. I realize thatthese statements may be
inflammatory to some, but I feel confident that if you doyour homework and
research in this matter, you will change your perspective andagree that I have
made the best possible decision on behalf of my daughter.Unfortunately, I had
not been as well informed when my son was born. Oh, Ihad the opportunity to
be informed, I chose not to be informed, not to believe. As Ionce read:“The
mark of a stupid man is not that he does not know,it is that he
chooses not to know!”As such I will be changing my son’s status as soon
as possible, given what I nowknow. My husband and I will avoid asking the
government for any kind ofassistance be it medical, income, retirement, or
housing. These are the ways thegovernment traps individuals in the claws of its
corporate jurisdiction, by gettingyou to contract with them. Government
engineers the crisis and then provides amediocre solution, if you will just
contract with them, and give them jurisdictionover your life. My children will
learn to be responsible for themselves and if theyneed help, to lean on those
who truly care about them, rather than depend on thegovernment to take care
of them. The government is not the parent nor part of myfamily and should not
be responsible for me or my children. It is not right for me or
my children to expect other hard working people, trying to raise their family,
tosupport mine. A lesson learned from my father.Determining the
consequences:Now, that the decision had been made to avoid
contracting with thegovernment on my daughter’s behalf, I needed to check
into aspects of her life thatwill be of immediate concern upon her birth. Both
of my children would be takingadvantage of public education. I had to check
with the school to find out if a socialsecurity number was required for
enrollment into school - it was not. I also checkedto see if the hospital birth
certificate was adequate documentation to enroll a childinto school, and I
found that the hospital issued birth certificate is adequatedocumentation for the
hospital and birth day (never allow the use of
the term“Birth Date”):After determining this, I was ready to proceed
with my plans concerning mydaughter’s citizenship status. After having a
baby it is standard policy for hospitalstaff to bring in paperwork to be filled out
and completed by the parents, to get thenewborn a social security number. I
simply refused to fill it out or sign anything todo with social security, being
polite but firm. The person in charge of getting thispaperwork filled out and
turned in, did attempt to pressure me by stating that whengrown my daughter
will not be able to work or conduct any personal businesswithout that number.
I politely responded that she was misinformed and that I wascertain that my
daughter needed no permission from the government to carry out thethings
she will do in her life. In one last attempt on the Social Security number I
wastold that a social security card would be much more difficult to obtain later.
Iinformed her that didn’t matter to me and she went on to the next thing, the
birthcertificate. Again I refused to sign or authorize anything to do with a
governmentbirth record. This lady and I went through a similar discussion as
with the socialsecurity number. She told me that I would have difficulty
proving my child’s identityand enrolling her in school. I informed her that I
had checked into that matter andthat neither a social security number or the
county birth certificate is required toenroll in school. If necessary, I could sign
an affidavit as to my daughter’s identityand status until she was old enough to
sign one of her own.With this, the lady folded and indicated that she didn’t
want to argue with me.The important thing to realize here is that both of these
documents are contractswhich create a disability (a liability or obligation)
upon your child. Not to put too
fine a point on it, but these contracts with government lack full disclosure
and/orequal consideration. (Necessary elements to a legally binding
agreement.) Additionally, they are accomplished under fraud and deception by
virtue of the lackof full disclosure. These contractual obligations, if entered
into, give thegovernment control of your child, making the government the
parent and you thebabysitter. In short, this is the legal process: 1) The Birth
Certification is registeredwith the bureau of vital statistics; 2) Whenever you
“register” (not record) anythingin any “public registry” you have placed the
object identified (in this case yourchild) into international commerce and
transferred “legal title” to the government,retaining only “equitable title” to
yourself. You may ‘use’ the registered item, butis not your property, you have
transferred it to the government. Thus, when youregister your children, as is
done with the issuance of a ‘birth certification’, youhave given the government
legal title, retaining equitable title to yourself. This iswhy the government may
now take the children and place them wherever they wish.They are protecting
their legal property. Check it out for yourself. Mary’s book is agood place
tobegin. Available at http://mhkeehn.tripod.com/. The benefits: At
the end of my hospital stay I walked out with a citizen of the Republic
ofCalifornia, instead of a United States citizen. As an individual outside
corporatejurisdiction, she will have no taxable income, this ‘benefit[???]’
being reserved forthose citizens inside corporate jurisdiction. She will not pay
social security, another‘benefit’ for those citizens inside a corporate
jurisdiction. She will not have a driverslicense, nor vehicle registration for her
car, both are requirements for those undercorporate [commercial] jurisdiction,
as such they do not apply to her. She will becompletely and totally responsible
for herself, the first requirement of freedom. Nosocial security, no disability
compensation, no workman’s compensation, etc.Itdoes not mean that she can
not have these benefits, it just means that she will haveto purchase them
privately, but not from government.As her parents, we cannot claim her on our
income taxes. This is becausegovernment has no responsibility for her, as such
they can not claim a need forcollection or deduction on her behalf. As stated,
she is outside the control andjurisdiction of corporate government. It is
important to note here that she is notoutside the law (of the Republic), but she
has no connection (contractual nexus) tocorporate commercial law of the
corporate United States. She is not in thatjurisdiction.
Obviously, there is much I will need to teach her in order to prepare her
toprotect the freedom and status of citizenship she will enjoy. But after all, is
that notwhat parenting is all about? It will be a long road and I suspect it will
require myhusband and I to keep up with the changes government may
institute to trap theignorant and unwary. There is a quote from an author that I
admire that is veryapplicable here...“Freedom is easily lost. All it takes is
willful indifference.” - Terry GoodkindFor myself, I have determined that I am
not going to be one of the willfullyindifferent Americans that watches freedom
slip away just because the changestaking place do not seem to affect the
everyday affairs of my life. I am wise enoughto understand that although it is
not my ox that is gored today, if I allow myneighbors ox to be gored, it is only
a matter of time until it is mine. In a free society,all we have to protect us, from
the power of corrupt government, is each other. Thenoose is tightening around
our necks, and because of our own ignorance and ourown indifference, our
rights have been usurped, because there is an entity out therethat is willing to
wait the amount of time it takes for those who knew of the dangersof a strong
central government to forget, or give up or disappear through age anddeath. I
think, that there has been a general lack of concern by most Americans
thatexists because of a general belief that those who founded America had
finally putsomething in place to protect those who would come after.
Unfortunately, I think wehave become much too complacent, I know that I
was... for a while. We have lostour ability to see what absolute power is and
what it looks like. It is a patient,sneaky, devious, and evil foe, and it waits for
the moment when there is no truecitizens of the Republic left for our
Constitution to protect, at which time theConstitution dies for lack of
representation. My daughter is one of those who standsin the way of that
occurring, because she is a true citizen of the Republic of theunited States of
America.I have opened my private life and share this information with you
forwhatever value it may have. For now, I wish to remain anonymous, simply
because Ido not trust the government. Citizens, like my daughter, represent
thegreatest threatto the total take over of our country and lives. And,
remembering Waco, I do notwish to place her (and us as a family) at undue

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