BIOLOGY: Cellular Biology (Parts of the Cell, Cellular Metabolism, The Cell Cycle, Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis)
● does not include mitochondria, chloroplasts, or components of cilia and flagella, participate in
peroxisomes (they do not receive vesicles from the the formation of spindle fibers during cell
Golgi Apparatus) division
1. Endoplasmic Reticulum - biosynthetic factory b. Microfilaments (as actin filaments)
● “Little net within the cytoplasm” - Common in all eukaryotes (absent in
● Network of connected membranes with tubules and prokaryotes)
sacs (cisternae) - Primarily determines the cell shape; generates
● Two regions: forces for cell contraction and movement;
a. Rough ER - Has bound ribosomes for protein enables cell to pinch into two during division;
synthesis involved in cyclosis
b. Smooth ER - Has enzymes for lipid synthesis c. Intermediate filaments (as nuclear lamins)
and detoxification; found in muscle cells, called - Maintain cell shape and rigidityl holds the
sacroplasmic reticulum, stores Ca2+ for muscle nucleus in permanent position, binds
contraction neighboring cells (desmosomes)
● Shipping and receiving center 1. Mitochondria
● Composed of cisternae that interact with transport ● Site of cellular respiration (process of making
vesicles energy/ATP)
● Two faces: ● Has its own DNA; Undergo self-replication in a
a. Cis face - Receiving; adjacent to the ER manner similar to bacterial cell division. It has thus
b. Trans face - Shipping been proposed that mitochondria are derived from
● May modify its products (cisternal maturation bacteria that formed a symbiotic relationship with
model) eukaryotic cells during the process of evolution (a
3. Lysosome theory termed as endosymbiosis)
● Only in animal cells (absent in plants) ● The inner cavity is filled by the mitochondrial matrix.
● Contents are made up by the rough ER The matrix contains a number of enzymes for the
● Contains digestive enzymes (Acid Hydrolases), tricarboxylic acid cycle or Kreb’s cycle. The products
optimally active at pH of 5.0 of photosynthesis (Carbs + O2) is utilized by the
● Carry out the intracellular digestion: mitochondria to produce energy (ATP) and other by-
○ Phagocytosis - engulfing of smaller organisms products (CO2 + H2O). These by-products are then
○ Autophagy - cells recycle their own organic used by plants for photosynthesis.
materials ● Two membranes:
4. Vacuoles a. Outer (smooth)
● Empty space, diverse maintenance compartments ● Consist of porin, which allows free passage of
● Large and distinct in plant cells, with tonoplast small molecules
● May carry out hydrolysis (digestion) ● Contains enzymes that convert certain lipid
● Acts as storage for organic/inorganic compounds, substrates into forms that can be metabolized
metabolic waste products and pigments (plant cells) within the mitochondrion
F. CYTOSKELETON b. Inner (convoluted)
1. Cytoskeleton ● Thrown into complex folds and tubules called
● Role of the cytoskeleton: structural support, mobility cristae that project into the inner cavity and
and motility, regulation, cell division, and signal encloses the mitochondrial matrix
transmission 2. Chloroplast
● Network of fibers composed of: ● A type of plastid (plant organelle)
a. Microtubules (tubulin subunits) ○ Plastids (Pigmented or non-pigmented): double-
- Common in all eukaryotes (absent in membrane organelles with various forms; with
prokaryotes) specialized metabolism and structure; can be
- Hollow cylinders composed of tubulin subunits sites of synthesis and/or storage of various
- Functions: as conveyor belts moving other compounds
organelles through the cytoplasm, major ● Site of photosynthesis, contains chlorophyll
BIOLOGY: Cellular Biology (Parts of the Cell, Cellular Metabolism, The Cell Cycle, Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis)
BIOLOGY: Cellular Biology (Parts of the Cell, Cellular Metabolism, The Cell Cycle, Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis)