Foley1988 The Genesis of Continental Basic Alkaline Magmas
Foley1988 The Genesis of Continental Basic Alkaline Magmas
Foley1988 The Genesis of Continental Basic Alkaline Magmas
An Interpretation in Terms of
Redox Melting
Max-Planck-1nstitut fur Chemie, Abt. Kosmochemie, Saarstrasse 23, 6500 Mainz, F.R.
No concensus exists at present on the oxidation state of the mantle, with oxygen fugacity
estimates varying over five orders of magnitude between around FMQ to IW or below,
although the majority of authors favour the higher fOl part of this range (see discussions by
Arculus & Delano, 1981, Ryabchikov et al, 1981; Eggler, 1983,1987; Haggerty & Tompkins,
1983; Arculus, 1985; Woermann & Rosenhauer, 1985; Haggerty, 1986; Taylor & Green,
1986, 1987a; Green et al, 1987a; O'Neill & Wall, 1987).
[Journal of Petrology, Special Lithosphere Issue, pp. 139-161, 1988] © Oxford University Press 1988
140 S T E P H E N F. F O L E Y
A probable role for reduced COH fluids (CH 4 + H 2 O) is recognised in the formation of
diamonds (Deines, 1980; Taylor, 1987a), and, coupled with the refractory nature of mineral
assemblages associated with diamond, this indicates that at least some parts of the lower
lithosphere in cratonic regions are of reduced, geochemically depleted nature (Haggerty &
Tompkins 1983).
A widespread mechanism for magma production in the upper mantle termed redox
melting and controlled by the introduction of reduced gases from the lower mantle by the
remnants of primordial degassing has recently been outlined by Taylor (1985), Taylor &
Green (1986) and Green et al. (1987a,/?). In this hypothesis, melting of upper mantle
peridotites is triggered by oxidation of reduced C-O-H fluids (CH 4 + H2), producing water
which causes the solidus temperature of the peridotite to drop sharply, thus initiating
melting caused by volatile introduction rather than temperature increase. Operation of the
Craig, 1981; Lupton, 1983). These plumes are also enriched in methane (Welhan & Craig,
1979), and excellent correlations exist between 3 He, CH 4 content and temperature anomal-
ies at hydrothermal sites along the ridges (Kim, 1983). 5l3C measurements in CH 4 of — 15 to
— 20 are further evidence that part of the methane in hydrothermal systems is mantle derived
(Welhan & Craig, 1983; Taylor, 1985). Biogenic and thermogenic methane are isotopically
light (<513C = - 8 0 to - 4 0 ; Claypool & Kvendolen, 1983), whereas Kaminskiy et a/.'s (1976)
estimate for <)13C in mantle methane is approximately — 15. All these lines of evidence are
needed to assign a mantle origin to CH 4 , since there is no doubt that biogenic methane is
present in hydrothermal systems, and in many cases dominates (e.g., Belviso et al, 1987;
Merlivat et al, 1987).
Christie et al. (1986) have analysed separated glasses from MORBs for FeO and total iron
and, comparing them with whole-rock iron analyses obtained by Carmichael & Ghiorso
FIG. 1. Frequency histograms of the oxidation state of MORB glasses and whole rocks as estimated from
F e 3 + / F e 2 + (after Christie et al, 1986). S denotes intrinsic fOl measurements for the Skaergaard layered intrusion.
ANNO is fOl difference from the nickel-nickel oxide buffer in log units.
consistent with the depth of oxidised overburden being much greater. If the/ O 2 below the
depth of origin of kimberlites (approximately 200 km) is of the order of IW+ 1 —2 log units,
then evidence for the reduced state must survive unoxidized an emplacement through 200
km of overburden, as against 0 2 km in the case of MORs. Xenoliths sampled by the melts
must come from the overlying, predominantly oxidized layer, and this is reflected in/ O 2
estimates from mineral equilibria (Eggler, 1983; O'Neill & Wall, 1987). Oxygen fugacities in
the xenolith samples are further constrained to lie above IW, since below this/ O2 , Ni-rich
metal should precipitate, causing much lower Ni contents in silicate minerals than are
observed (O'Neill & Wall, 1987). Intrinsic fo2 measurements on xenoliths giving values
around IW (e.g., Arculus & Delano, 1981) may be, due to excess carbon giving false fOl
readings (Mattioli et al, 1987).
Nevertheless, some evidence for reducing conditions at deeper levels beneath continental
regions can be found in inclusions in diamonds. Although many diamonds are believed to
originate in the lower lithosphere (Haggerty, 1986), others have higher pressure equilibrated
mineral inclusions and may come from much deeper levels. Moissanite (SiC), which is stable
only at fOl substantially lower than IW, and magnesiowustite/ferropericlase have been
described as inclusions in diamonds by Moore et al. (1986), and these have mineral
associations (garnets with substantial clinopyroxene in solid solution) indicative of pressures
in the region of 100 kb (Moore & Gurney, 1986; Moore et al, 1986). These are thus believed
to be samples from the deep mantle which were emplaced above the kimberlite melt
generation depth by convective overturn (Moore & Gurney, 1986). They presumably owe
their survival to the strength of diamond as a pressure container.
For the redox melting model (Taylor, 1985; Taylor & Green, 1986) it is proposed, by
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fluid phase 100 C / (C+H 2 )
FIG. 2. Fluid compositions coexisting with the graphite saturation curve in the system COH (Taylor, 1985; curve
shown for 30 kb, 1600 K). Heavy arrows show the approximate positions of major fluid species. IW = iron-wustite
buffer. Reduced fluids at (A) will consist of CH 4 + H 2 O, and on encountering oxidized regions will oxidize towards
(B). After (B), H 2 O and C are produced from the oxidationof CH 4 and fluids will proceed towards the XUlO
maximum at (C) with continued oxidation.
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
% fluid species
the CSS over the range of/Oz corresponding to Fig. 2, showing that the carbon species
involved are dominated by CH 4 at oxygen fugacities below the H 2 O maximum and by CO 2
at oxygen fugacities above the H 2 O maximum. It is this 'nose' of high XH2O fluids that forms
the theoretical basis for the redox melting model: any fluid such as A in Fig. 2 which oxidizes
due to interaction with its surroundings during ascent will eventually become carbon
saturated at B and its composition will then proceed along the CSS towards C, according to
the reaction
increasing its H 2 O content and precipitating solid carbon as it goes. The increasing OLHJ0 will
depress the solidus of the peridotite and may eventually result in melting at some point
before C is reached.
For most cases the intrinsic oxygen fugacity of the upper mantle peridotite which plays
host to the invading reduced fluids will be close to that of the upper surface of the CSS, as
indicated by the nodule data noted above. The^-composition trace A-B-C in Fig. 2 refers
only to the fluid composition. Once melting starts it is unlikely that in most circumstances
sufficient volatiles will be present to saturate the melt in a fluid phase. Thus, in its simplest
form, the redox melting model can be envisaged as a layered model with/ O2 decreasing with
increasing depth: the/ O2 of the XHlO maximum corresponds to a fluid-free melt region, with
reduced fluids present below and either more oxidized fluids or hydrous and/or carbonated
peridotites present above (Green et al., 1987a; Taylor & Green, 1987/)). The oxidized layer
will in reality be a mixture of oxidized and more reduced regions.
An important aspect of the model is that experimental investigations of volatile solubility
mechanisms can be used to show that a variety of oxidation states can be borne by the melt
phase in the fluid absent region. In the/ O2 region just above the XHlO maximum CO 2 in the
fluid will dissolve as COl~ groups balanced by mono- or divalent cations (Brey & Green,
1975; Eggler & Rosenhauer, 1978), whereas in the/ Oz region below the XHlO maximum CH 4
will be the dominant carbon species and will dissolve as elemental carbon balanced by
structural changes in the silicate network resulting in an increase in Si/O of the network
(Taylor & Green, 19876).
Figure 4 summarises the simplest picture of the redox melting hypothesis which probably
holds better for oceanic areas than continents because of the more marked redox
Mid Ocean Oceanic
R/RA up to 5
Ridge Island
'';~J£*2&&±'i'", " CrUSt ^ ' ^ 7 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ;
FIG. 4. Cartoon depicting the essential ingredients of the redox melting model as developed and discussed by
Taylor (1985), Taylor & Green (1986), and Green et al, (1987a, b). Upwelling reduced fluids are detected at mid
ocean ridges as 3 He correlated with non-biogenic CH 4 , but undergo oxidation at much deeper levels in other
geological environments so that CH 4 is not detected at the surface. R/RA = typical helium isotopic signatures for
fluids from the various tectonic environments (see text for data sources). Oxidation of CH 4 produces H 2 O
which triggers melting at the oxidation front. Interaction between CH 4 and oxidized subducted material may
produce water which affects melting relations in subduction environments and beneath some ocean islands
(Green et al. 19876).
inhomogeneity expected under the continents. In its purest form, the redox melting model
requires only input of volatiles and not an increase in heat flow, although the two are in
reality likely to go together as may be indicated by the high 3 He anomalies associated with
'hotspots' such as Hawaii and Iceland (Kurz et al., 1983, 1985).
The supply of volatiles, i.e. localization of degassing, coupled with the heat flux, is critical
in controlling melting. In continental regions both will be more variable than in oceanic
regions, so that melting may not occur in some areas of fluid introduction, but may be
widespread in others, such as rift zones. Dependence of melt character on continuity or
episodism of fluid introduction, and on the abundance of fluids has been suggested by Green
et al. (1987a, b) and Foley (1987a, b), and the coupling of progressive reduction with
geochemical depletion of the mantle has been stressed (Foley, 1^86; Taylor & Green, 1986,
1987a). Taylor & Green (1986) suggested that it is this reduction-depletion process that
leads to the association of diamond with the depleted garnet harzburgite paragenesis.
Compositions of fluid inclusions in diamond are compatible with precipitation of diamond
on both the oxidized and reduced sides of the carbon saturation surface (Taylor, 1987a),
showing that reduction processes may be important in their origin.
The seismic low velocity zone (LVZ) and the electrical high conductivity layer (HCL) are
important geophysical anomalies for understanding upper mantle processes. Although the
146 S T E P H E N F. FOLEY
most widely accepted interpretation of these anomalies is a partial melt layer (Anderson,
1962; Green & Liebermann, 1976), alternative explanations for the HCL have been put
forward, namely: (i) a water-rich fluid layer (Tozer, 1981); (ii) a layer including solid carbon
(Duba & Shankland, 1982); and (iii) a layer rich in hydrous minerals (Waff, 1974).
If the redox melting mechanism operates, all four of these features should result, and a
combination of them may explain the magnitude of the anomalies which may otherwise be
difficult to explain by any of the mechanisms alone because of the requirement for
interconnectivity for electrical conductivity. Carbon is produced by oxidation of CH 4 , and is
probably present as a thin film on crystal surfaces (Mathez et al., 1986). The water produced
exists initially as fluid and promotes partial melting. Hydrous phases would be formed both
above and below the melt layer (if present) since the stability of hydrous phases is greatest at
intermediate aHlO (Holloway, 1973).
nephelinite, or melilitite are the most likely candidates (e.g., Spencer, 1969; Wimmenauer,
1974; Ferguson & Cundari, 1975; Frey et al, 1978; Phelps et al, 1983; Pouclet et al, 1984;
Duda & Schmincke, 1985), but that more than one primary magma similar enough to merit
the same name may be involved (e.g., basanites; Ferguson & Cundari, 1975, or nephelinites;
LeBas, 1978a).
In other areas an ultramafic magma type either associated with carbonatites or
originating in a carbonate-rich environment is invoked (Upton, 1974; Currie, 1976; Brey,
1978; Rock, 1986). Amongst these, olivine melilitites and kimberlites, which may form a
continuum by variation of pressure of melting (Brey, 1978), are the best studied, but primary
ultramafic lamprophyre compositions probably also exist (Malpas et al, 1986; Rock, 1986).
Relationships between such ultramafic lamprophyre compositions and kimberlites, meliliti-
tes, and possibly rift-related ankaratrites (Rock, 1986) remain to be investigated. Primary
tes also have ranges of mg-numbers and have been suggested to be crystallization products
of 'protokimberlite' melts (Dawson & Smith, 1977; Harte, 1983).
However, complex histories for such xenoliths need to be unravelled, as the melts may be
modified by processes such as flow crystallization (Irving, 1980) and exchange of compo-
nents with the wall rocks. In the present context, though, it is pertinent to consider which
type of magmas they may represent, and thus the likely conditions of origin of these magmas.
Since the nodules may bear evidence from the very smallest melt fractions, they may include
information about magma types which never reach the surface as volcanics. The only major
distinction which can be made at present is between nodules with Al-rich clinopyroxene and
amphibole and those with Al-poor assemblages, including Al-poor clinopyroxene and
richteritic amphiboles. The former are generally attributed to basanitic melts (Irving, 1980;
Wass, 1979; Menzies et al., 1985), whereas the latter may be crystallization products of
Cratonic regions
The likely effects of reduced fluids and consequent melts in cratonic regions can be
demonstrated by considering progressive fluid introduction into a simple layered model for
the upper mantle with an oxidized SCUM overlying a reduced deep asthenosphere (Fig. 5).
The oxidation state of the SCUM is in detail more complex, containing more reduced
regions at lower lithosphere levels (Haggerty, 1986), but the layered model serves as a useful
schematic guide, because interaction with upwelling reduced fluids would occur where
oxidized material is first encountered.
As discussed briefly by Foley (1987c/), the exact behaviour will depend on whether fluid
supply is episodic or continuous, and on the volumes of fluid introduced. The geothermal
FIG. 5. Redox melting processes in a stable continental region. (A) Oxidation of reduced fluids at very low
geothermal gradients results in extensive hydrous mineral development; (B) Initial melting is either in the presence
of buffered CO 2 + H 2 O fluids, or is disequilibrium melting in the presence of CH 4 and carbonates, but in either case
gives rise to low-silica, CO 2 -rich magmatism such as kimberlite or melilitite: (C) More extensive melting produces
larger volumes of H 2 O-rich magmatism such as basanite or alkali basalt (ii). Melts produced at the leading edge of
the oxidation front remain CO2-influenced and may resemble nephelinites or lamprophyres (i). Magmas failing to
reach the surface will cause basanitic MEE seen as nodules in alkali basalts and basanites. (D) During reactivation
at a later stage, H 2 O may induce melting in a reduced, depleted region of the mantle, and melts may resemble
lamproites if this region has experienced intervening incompatible element enrichment. MEE produced from these
melts will bear a characteristic low Al 2 O 3 signature. The lithosphere may be of more variable oxidation state than
depicted in these schematic cartoons (Figs. 5-7), and the oxidation front may not correspond to the litho-
sphere/asthenosphere boundary, particularly in cratonic regions.
gradient will exert further control, determining whether or not production of water by
oxidation of the fluids will cause melting.
Figure 5A depicts the situation for low geothermal gradients, where CH 4 -rich fluids will
oxidize precipitating carbon and producing H 2 O-rich fluids (see Fig. 2). Hydrous phases will
also precipitate in the zone of oxidation, but a water-rich fluid is likely to persist since only
small amounts of H 2 O are taken up in hydrous phases, and the amount of these is limited by
the K content (Eggler & Holloway, 1977; Wyllie, 1978). The surviving H 2 O-rich fluid will
invade the overlying layer and eventually crystallize in metasomatic reactions producing
hydrous phases. The precipitation of hydrous phases could occur at all levels in cratonic
lithosphere: the presence of fluorine will stabilize amphibole and mica to greater pressures
than those commonly quoted from fluorine-free experiments (Holloway & Ford, 1975; Foley
et ai, 1986).
With the introduction of more fluid and/or a higher geothermal gradient, increasing aHzO
will eventually cause partial melting (Fig. 5B). Since the H 2 O produced at the oxidation
front will migrate rapidly upwards, melting will occur within the overlying oxidized zone.
The nature of melts produced will be a function of the lithosphere composition and the rate
150 S T E P H E N F. F O L E Y
of oxidation of the fluid. Taking oxygen fugacities indicated by mantle mineral assemblages
to be typical of SCUM/ O2 , carbonates are likely to be present in the subsolidus assemblage
(Eggler, 1975; Kushiro et al, 1975). If the H 2 O + CH 4 fluid moves slowly and oxidizes
thoroughly to a H 2 O-rich composition, melting should occur in the presence of H 2 O + CO 2
fluids and will be restricted to low silica compositions which may be kimberlitic at higher
pressures and melilititic at lower pressures (Brey, 1978). It remains to be seen whether
carbonatitic melts are represented amongst these low degree partial melts; these have been
suggested from a number of simple system experimental and theoretical studies (e.g., Wyllie
& Huang, 1976; Wendlandt & Eggler, 1980), but support from experiments on natural
compositions is lacking. The melt composition should be buffered (Eggler & Holloway,
1977; Eggler, 1978; Wyllie, 1978) and the amount of low silica melt produced will depend on
the buffering capacity of the carbonate, which is in turn dependent on which carbonate is
At higher degrees of partial melting the melt pockets will coalesce and a combined melt
layer will exist which is comparable to the fluid-free melt layer described for oceanic regions
by Green et al. (1987a, b). Such a melt layer is capable of supporting a (predominantly
vertical) gradation of oxidation states due to the differing solution mechanisms of CH 4 and
CO 2 in silicate melts: CH 4 dissolves as reduced carbon with complementary reduction of the
silicate network (Taylor & Green, 1987b) whereas CO 2 dissolves as discrete carbonate
groups (Brey, 1976). Therefore the lower oxidation state can be transmitted vertically
through the melt layer and cause progressive reduction at higher levels. Once a melt layer is
established, melting of the overlying oxidized region will be of the 'oxidized' type described
by Taylor & Green (1986) in the presence of H 2 O > C O 2 fluids. Reduced fluids from below
will no longer have access to the carbonated peridotite unless the exceptional case of fluid
saturated melt exists.
FIG. 6. Contrasting origins for kimberlites and lamproites according to the redox melting model. Kimberlites are
produced at the first stage of melting where oxidation fronts are relatively sharp and the oxidized zone is fertile; this
corresponds to Fig. 5B. Lamproites are produced by later episodes of melting and so bear a depleted Ca, Na, Al
signature, although incompatible elements have been enriched in the intervening period resulting in a mica-bearing
source for the later melting episode. The reduced nature of this region results in a H2O-rich, CO2-free melting
environment, so that leucite lamproites with >50 wt.% SiO 2 are produced at lower pressures. Olivine lamproites
have lower SiO 2 due to their greater depth of origin, and rare CO 2 -bearing 'lamproites' may originate where
oxidised blocks persist in generally reduced, depleted regions.
FIG. 7. Redox melting processes in the progressive development of an archetypal continental rift. (A) Initial CO 2 -
rich melting results in melilitites and nephelinites rather than kimberhtes due to the lower pressures relative to
cratonic areas. (B) Basanites and nephelinites follow at greater degrees of partial melting. The two nephelinite
groups (LeBas, 1978a) can be assigned to early CO 2 -rich and later H 2 O-rich melting stages. (C) At later stages,
melting at shallower depths occurs in regions of altered mantle composition due to MEE during earlier stages of
rifting. Magmatism produced at this stage is likely to exhibit local characteristics dependent on the nature of these
enrichment events. Tensional faulting associated with extension will assist emplacement of alkaline, low-degree
partial melts. (D) The transition to production of oceanic crust marks the dominance of decompression melting,
producing tholeiites, over volatile-induced melting. Peripheral activity will include alkaline magmas produced in an
analogous manner to (B) and (C). Symbols as in Fig. 5.
tensional faulting. The recurrence of alkaline magmatism in a single region over long time
periods indicates that this process is probably controlled by lithosphere plate dynamics
(Bailey, 1977; Giret & Lameyre, 1985). The deep faults will form low pressure areas which
attract fluid from surrounding areas beneath the lithosphere (Bailey, 1980). Griesshaber et
ah, (1987) describe gases collected in the Rhine graben as having higher 3 He around graben
faults indicating access of mantle derived fluids along the fractures. Fluids which enter
fractures as reduced CH 4 + H 2 O mixtures may become oxidized, with associated carbon
cl TT r/
FIG. 8. Model of melt separation in an enriched mantle region. (A) Alkaline melts solidify in the upper mantle
producing zoned vein systems rich in amphibole and/or mica, possibly with CO 2 -rich outer zones (Irving, 1980;
Menzies et al., 1985). (B) Reduced fluids mostly, but not exclusively, use the earlier pathways. Melting occurs
preferentially in the enriched vein systems due to their lower solidus temperatures and to water produced from the
oxidation of CH 4 in addition to that prexisting in hydrous minerals. Melt tends to coalesce into horizontal melt
layers, and (C) interacts with peridotitic wall rocks (including minor melting of the peridotite) prior to escape to the
surface. Melts produced in the vein systems will be highly alkaline, and the alkalinity of the volcanic rock will be a
function of the density of MEE in the source region.
156 S T E P H E N F. F O L E Y
compared to that of fluid species (Taylor & Green, 1986; Green et al, 1987a). The reduced
fluids will often use inherited fractures and so their introduction into hydrous mineral
bearing mantle should be disproportionately common (Fig. 8B). Enriched mantle will be
preferentially melted during later periods of fluid introduction due to the lower melting
temperatures of hydrous mineral-bearing assemblages (Bailey, 1984). This effect may be
enhanced by fluids re-using earlier passageways, and by H 2 O produced from oxidation of
reduced fluids.
MEE resulting from earlier partial melt infiltration will have introduced K and related
incompatible elements relative to Na, and later partial melts of the enriched mantle will
therefore inherit this K-rich signature. Experiments on mica-clinopyroxenite, a likely MEE
assemblage, show that partial melts may be ultrapotassic to fairly high degrees of partial
melting (20-30%; Lloyd et al, 1985). The difference between Na-rich volcanism in, for
This paper was written whilst the author was in receipt of a stipendium from the Max-
Planck-Gesellschaft. I am grateful to E. A. Mathez and A. L. Jaques for reviews of the
manuscript which led to substantial changes in presentation. Fig. 1 is reproduced with the
kind permission of D. M. Christie and the Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co., Amsterdam.
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