Ejercicio2 PublishAndShare 3DScene
Ejercicio2 PublishAndShare 3DScene
Ejercicio2 PublishAndShare 3DScene
In the previous exercise, you authored a global scene that had 3D data (multipatches) and 2D data. You would now like
to create a scene layer package from your multipatch feature data (buildings) and publish it as a hosted scene layer using
ArcGIS Online.
Note: This exercise builds on previous exercise results. If necessary, complete the Author a 3D
scene exercise before continuing.
In this step, you will use the Create Scene Layer Package geoprocessing tool to create a scene layer package
(.slpk) from the input multipatch feature layer.
In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and open the Create 3D Object Scene Layer Content tool.
In the Create 3D Object Scene Layer Content tool, set the following parameters:
The first step to publish content to ArcGIS Online is to sign in to your organizational site.
15/5/24, 16:23 Exercise: Publish and share the 3D scene
After you sign in, your organization's home page typically appears.
Now that you have signed in, you will add the scene layer package to the site and publish it as a hosted scene
The Content page is your storage space for items that you have added to the site or created. You can add files
here, and (if the files are the appropriate file type) you can publish them as hosted layers.
Check the Add 3DBuildings_SLPK.slpk And Create A Hosted Scene Layer option.
If you choose the option to Add 3DBuildings_SLPK.slpk Only, your scene layer package is added to Content, but
no scene layer is published. You can publish it later by opening the item page for the scene layer package and
clicking Publish.
Click Next.
In the New Item dialog box, for Tags, add the following tags to describe the scene layer package: Portland,
3D, 3D Buildings, 3D GIS, pressing Enter after each tag.
Click Save.
Note: It might take a few minutes for the scene layer package to publish.
After the file has successfully published, the item's details appear. The item page provides descriptive information
about an item, along with options to use or configure the item.
The publishing of the tree point features as symbolized trees is not covered in this exercise. However, you can
convert the symbolized trees to 3D objects using the Layer 3D To Feature Class geoprocessing tool, and then you
can publish both the trees and the buildings using the Scene Layer Package geoprocessing tools.
You will complete the item's details to help other site members understand what this information represents.
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To the right of the thumbnail, click Add A Brief Summary About The Item and type Site-specific 3D scene,
City of Portland, Oregon.
Click Save.
Repeat this process for the Description, Terms Of Use, and Credits (Attribution) fields, using the following
· Description: This content represents the buildings from the city of Portland, Oregon.
· Terms Of Use: Use of this data is restricted to training, demonstration, and educational purposes only.
· Credits (Attribution): City of Portland, Oregon
Scroll up and click Share.
In the Share dialog box, check the box for Everyone (Public), and then click Save.
When you share with everyone, your scene becomes public; anybody who has access to ArcGIS Online, including
anonymous users, can find and use it, and group owners can include it in their group content.
Note: If you are unable to share with everyone, share with your organization instead.
You will open the scene to confirm that it has successfully published.
Scene Viewer opens, and the hosted service layer displays in the map.
Point to the scene and, if necessary, click the Rotate button to pan or rotate in 3D.
15/5/24, 16:23 Exercise: Publish and share the 3D scene
In the scene, navigate to a view of your choice, and then in the Slides pane, click Capture Slide.
On the right side of the application, from the toolbar, click the Daylight/Weather tool .
Experiment with sun exposure by sliding the Daylight slider back and forth.
You will see the shadows move based on the time of day that you select.
When you are finished, in the Contents toolbar, click the Save button .
· Title: 3D Buildings
· Summary: Portland 3D Scene
· Tags: Portland, 3D
Click Save.
In ArcGIS Pro, save your changes, and then exit ArcGIS Pro.
15/5/24, 16:23 Exercise: Publish and share the 3D scene
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