Syllabus BAP POLSC 2017-2018
Syllabus BAP POLSC 2017-2018
Syllabus BAP POLSC 2017-2018
Tutorial 1 Credit)
Suggested Readings :
1. G. H. Sabine, A History of Political Theory (USA: Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc,)
2. A.K. Mukhopadhyay, Western Political Thought : From Plato to Marx (Kolkata: K.P. Bagchi)
3. S. Mukherjee and S. Ramaswamy, A History of Political Thought, (New Delhi: PHI)
4. Brian R. Nelson, Western Political Thought: From Socrates to the Age of Ideology, (Delhi:
5. Shefali Jha, Western Political Thought (Delhi: Pearson)
5. Theories of State: (a) Idealist (b) Liberal (c) Marxist (d) Gandhian
Suggested Readings:
1. R. Bhargava and A. Acharya eds. Political Theory (Delhi : Longman, 2008)
2. O. P. Gauba. Introudction to Political Theory (New Delhi : Macmillan, 2011)
3. J. C. Johari. Contemporary Political Theory (New Delhi : Advent Books)
4. S. Ramaswamy. Political Theory: Ideas and Concept (New Delhi : Macmillan)
5. A. Roy and M. Bhattacharya. Political Theory: Ideas and Institutions (Kolkata: World Press)
6. S.P. Verma. Modern Political Theory (New Delhi: Vikash)
7. D.C. Bhattacharyya, Political Theory (Kolkata: Vijoya Publishing House)
CC- 1C : INDIAN POLITICAL THOUGHT 6 Credits Total Classes 60
1.Ancient Indian Political Thought : Features ; Kautilya’s theory of Saptanga and the
concept of ‘Dandaniti’.
2. Main features of medieval Muslim Political Thought.
3. RammohunRoy : perception of British Colonial Rule and their role as Modernize rs.
4. Bankim, Vivekananda : Nationalism.
5. Gandhi : Satyagraha; trusteeship
6. Tagore ; State, Society and Nation.
7. Ambedkar : Social Justice.
Suggested Readings :
1. Altekar, A.S., State and Government in Ancient India (Delhi: MotilalBanarsidass)
2. Varma, V. P., Ancient and Medieval Indian Political Thought (Agra: Lakshmi Narayan
3. Varma, V. P., Modern Indian Political Thought (Agra: Lakshmi Narayan Agarwal)
4. Pantham, T and Deutsch, K. L., Political Thought In Modern India (ed.), (New Delhi: Sage
5. Chakraborty, B and Pandey, R. K., Modern Indian Political Thought, (New Delhi: Sage)
Suggested Readings :
H. Kalra, (2011) Public Engagement with the Legislative Process PRS, Centre for Policy
Research, New Delhi
G. Rose, (2005) 'How to Be a Media Darling: There's No getting Away From it', State
N. Jay al and P. Mehta (eds), (2010) The Oxford Companion to Politics in India,
OxfordUniversity Press: New Delhi,
Suggested Readings
3. Kashyap, S.C., Our Political System (New Delhi: National Book Trust)
CC-1D : INDIAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS: 6 credits Total Classes 60
1.a The Constituent Assembly: its Composition and role b. The Preamble and its
2. (a) Fundame ntal Rights and Duties (b) Directive Principles of State Policy
5. Union Executive: President and Prime Minister: Powe rs and functions; Governor
and Chief Minister: Powe rs and function
Suggested Readings :
3. Kashyap, S.C., Our Political System (New Delhi: National Book Trust)
5. Johari, J. C., Indian Government and Politics, Vol. 1 and 2 (New Delhi: Vikash
Suggested Readings:
1. R. Erikson and K. TedinAmerican Public Opinion, 8th edition (New York: Pearson Longman
2. G. Gallup, A Guide to Public Opinion Polls (Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press)
3. Kothari, C. R., Research Methodology (New Delhi: PHI)
4. Ahuja, Ram, Research Methods (New Delhi: Rawat Publications
Suggested Readings:
Suggested Readings:
1. G. H. Sabine, A History of Political Theory (USA: Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc,)
2. S. Mukherjee and S. Ramaswamy, A History of Political Thought (New Delhi: PHI)
3. ShefaliJha, Western Political Thought (Delhi: Pearson)
4. Altekar, A.S., State and Government in Ancient India(Delhi: MotilalBanarsidass)
5. Varma, V. P., Modern Indian Political Thought (Agra: Lakshmi Narayan Agarwal)
6. Pantham, T and Deutsch, K. L., Political Thought In Modern India (ed.), (New Delhi: Sage
7. Chakraborty, B and Pandey, R. K., Modern Indian Political Thought, (New Delhi: Sage)
8. Singh, M. P. and Roy, H, Indian Political Thought: Themes and Thinkers, (New Delhi: Pearson)
Suggested Readings:
1. Chakrabarty, Bidyut and Bhattacharya, Mohit (eds.), The Governance Discourse (New Delhi:
2. Smith, B.C., Good Governance and Development (Palgrave)
3. Evans, J. P., Environmental Governance (Routledge)
4. Rosenau, J. and Czempiel, E., (eds.) Governance without Government: Order and Change in World
Politics (Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press)
5. Mander, H. and Asif, M., Good Governance (Bangalore: Books for Chance)
SEC-3 : Democratic Aware ness Through Legal Lite racy 2 Credits Total Classes 30
Suggested Readings:
1. Basu, D. D, Introduction to the Constitution of India(Nagpur: Lexis Nexis)
2. Kashyap, S, Our Constitution, (New Delhi: National Book Trust)
3. Gender Study Group, (1996) Sexual Harassment in DelhiUniversity, A Report, Delhi: University of
4. D. Srivastva, (2007) ‘Sexual Harassment and Violence against Women in India: Constitutional and
Perspectives’, in C. Kumar and K. Chockalingam (eds) Human Rights, Justice, and Constitutional
Empowerment, Delhi: OxfordUniversity Press.
5. J. Kothari, (2005) ‘Criminal Law on Domestic Violence’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.
40(46), pp. 4843-4849.
Suggested Readings:
1. Geetha, V. Gender. (Calcutta: Stree)
2. Geetha, V. Patriarchy. (Calcutta: Stree)
3. Menon, Nivedita, Gender and Politics in India, OxfordIndia Paperbacks
4. Saigol, Rubina, Feminism in India, (Women Unlimited Publication)
5. John, Mary E., Women Studies in India: A reader (ed.), (Penguin India Publication)
1.Ancient Indian Political Thought : Features ; Kautilya’s theory of Saptanga and the
concept of ‘Dandaniti’.
2. Main features of medieval Muslim Political Thought.
3. RammohunRoy : perception of British Colonial Rule and their role as Modernize rs.
4. Bankim, Vivekananda : Nationalism.
5. Gandhi : Satyagraha; trusteeship
6. Tagore ; State, Society and Nation.
7. Ambedkar : Social Justice.
Suggested Readings :
1. Altekar, A.S., State and Government in Ancient India (Delhi: MotilalBanarsidass)
2. Varma, V. P., Ancient and Medieval Indian Political Thought (Agra: Lakshmi Narayan
3. Varma, V. P., Modern Indian Political Thought (Agra: Lakshmi Narayan Agarwal)
4. Pantham, T and Deutsch, K. L., Political Thought In Modern India (ed.), (New Delhi: Sage
5. Chakraborty, B and Pandey, R. K., Modern Indian Political Thought, (New Delhi: Sage)
DSE-1B : Understanding Globalization 6 Credits Total Classes 60
Suggested Readings:
1. Kriesberg, Louis, Constructive Conflicts: From Escalation to Resolution (Maryland: Rowman&
2. Starkey, Boyer, and Wilkenfield, Negotiating a Complex World (Maryland: Rowman& Littlefield)
3. Levy, Jack, "Contending Theories of International Conflict: A Levels-of-Analysis Approach" in
Crocker et al,
Managing Global Chaos, USIP
4. Galtung, Johan, There Are Alternatives: Four Roads to Peace and Security (Nottingham:
Suggested Readings:
1. Baxi, Upendra, The Future of Human Rights (New Delhi: Oxford)
2. Priyam, Menon and Banerjee, Human Rights, Gender and the Environment (New Delhi: Pearson)
3. Donnely, Jack, Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice (CornnelUniversity Press)
4. Clapham, Andrew, Human Rights: A very short introduction (Oxford)
5. Narayan, S, Human Rights Dynamics in India(Kalpaz Publications)
6. Mander, H. and Asif, M., Good Governance (Bangalore: Books for Chance)
1.a The Constituent Assembly: its Composition and role b. The Preamble and its
2. (a) Fundame ntal Rights and Duties (b) Directive Principles of State Policy
5. Union Executive: President and Prime Minister: Powe rs and functions; Governor
and Chief Minister: Powe rs and function
Suggested Readings :
3. Kashyap, S.C., Our Political System (New Delhi: National Book Trust)
5. Johari, J. C., Indian Government and Politics, Vol. 1 and 2 (New Delhi: Vikash