to more accurately capture the time frame necessary for the Table 1: Search terms used in the PubMed, Cochrane,
development of avascular necrosis (AVN) of the humeral and Scopus databases
head. The study confirmed factors for screw cutout and had Proximal humerus AND Screw
similar rates of complications.9 Humerus fracture Plate
Since the publication of these two reviews, there has been Shoulder Locking plate
an increase in the literature, regarding locking plate fixation LCP
for proximal humerus fractures. In addition, studies have PHILOS
attempted to curtail the complication rates mentioned
earlier with augmentation strategies such as fibular strut
Fracture fixation
allograft, autograft, cancellous chips, suture fixation of the
rotator cuff, and defined technical steps, regarding plate and Fracture healing
screw placement. Recent years have shown an increase in Open reduction internal fixation
the indications for the use of locking plates, as well as Osteosynthesis
reverse total shoulder arthroplasty versus hemiarthroplasty LCP=Locking compression plate
in the setting of proximal humerus fractures.10,11 Given
the relative infancy of locking plate fixation at the time of studies were graded in accordance with the Journal of Bone
prior systematic reviews, and the small number of studies and Joint Surgery and Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
included within each review, a more recent systematic guidelines, to universally assess the level of evidence of
review of the literature is warranted. This study examines each study. Statistics were performed by authors with
the current literature to evaluate complications experienced training in biostatistics. Complication rates were analyzed
with locking plate in light of changes to operative technique in a simple manner, first divided by the total number of
as familiarity with this implant has increased. fractures treated and followed by stratification by level of
evidence. There were no comparative analyses performed
Materials and Methods due to the heterogeneity of each study.
Following preregistration with PROSPERO
(CRD42015019038), a comprehensive search of the
literature was performed in November 2013 and repeated The initial query conducted through the PubMed, Scopus,
in February 2015, to capture recent publications, utilizing and Cochrane databases identified 51,206 citations. After
the PubMed, Cochrane, and Scopus databases.12 Database removing duplicates and articles with irrelevant titles and
queries were performed using modifiers, limiting results to abstracts, a total of 191 full-text articles were assessed
publications in the English language of the past 10 years, for eligibility. From these 191 articles, 57 articles were
in studies involving human subjects. Search terms were included to be a part of this systematic review. The results
intentionally broad to identify all relevant articles [Table 1]. of screening and application of inclusion/exclusion criteria
are outlined in Figure 1.14-70
The study design was conducted strictly in accordance with
the PRISMA guidelines.12 The results were subsequently There were seven Level 1, three Level 2, 10 Level 3, and
filtered for duplicates, and titles and abstracts were 37 Level 4 studies. Level 1 and 2 studies included control
manually screened for relevance and potential adherence groups in regard to surgical approaches, nonoperative
to our inclusion criteria. To be included, eligible studies treatment, various treatment modalities, or deferring
must have been conducted in the past 5 years (modifier in operative techniques. Some Level 3 studies had a basis for
initial query was 10 years to ensure broadness of search), comparison when evaluating different surgical approaches
involving 10 or more subjects, adults aged 18 years or or operative techniques. Finally, Level 4 studies were
older, and a minimum average followup of 12 months. case series without a basis for comparison. Some of these
International studies with the English translation were series investigated techniques such as strut allografts,
included. Studies involving pathologic fractures, nonhuman suture fixation, bone grafting, and minimally invasive
subjects (in vitro studies), and cadavers were excluded. surgery.
Publications with overlapping or duplicate patient
There were a total of 3422 proximal humerus fractures that
populations were excluded.
were treated with locking plate. Certain studies failed to
Next, articles were assigned a quality score using a mention or report the presence or absence of complications that
previously published quality scoring system, which was were specifically being investigated. If this occurred, the study
also used by Sproul et al.9,13 The scoring system took into was not included in the complication’s analysis. The most
account the quality of the study design, as well as the quality common complication was intraarticular screw penetration
of its information. Two reviewers scored the articles and (9.5%), followed by varus collapse (6.8%), subacromial
only studies with a minimum score of 7/10 were included. impingement (5.0%), AVN (4.6%), adhesive capsulitis (4.0%),
Disagreements were resolved by consensus. Finally, the nonunion (1.5%), and deep infection (1.4%). Reoperation
11,450 records
11,259 titles/abstracts
Table 3: Rate of varus collapse
excluded Level Percentage of Percentage Rate (%)
occurrences of fractures
1 11 116 9.5
191 full-text articles
2 4 23 17.4
3 19 316 6.0
134 articles excluded
4 50 788 6.3
Total 84 1243 6.8
57 articles included
supplemental suture fixation of the rotator cuff in the five discover predictors of necrosis, following a proximal
cases of varus collapse and also used structural allograft in humerus fracture. Hertel et al. determined that the most
the setting of severe osteopenia.16 relevant factors included integrity of the medial hinge,
length of the dorsomedial metaphyseal extension, and
Subacromial impingement (5.0%)
different fracture types.72 Furthermore, growing indications
Subacromial impingement can be the result of poor for reverse total shoulder arthroplasty and recent favorable
intraoperative plate positioning or the sequelae of humeral studies in comparison to hemiarthroplasty may have
head collapse. Impingement is frequently symptomatic artificially decreased the rate of AVN currently being
and may require plate removal. Sproul et al. reported this reported.73 In addition, AVN may present later in followup
complication at a rate of 4.8%.9 Increased attention to plate and inadequate lengths of followup would, in turn, under
placement and preventing varus collapse are the methods report this complication. Recent studies have attempted to
surgeons are using to decrease this complication. use deltoid-splitting or minimally invasive approaches with
the belief that less soft tissue disruption in proximity to the
Level 1
humeral head would preserve its blood supply. Finally,
Only one study mentioned a case of subacromial there is growing belief that asymptomatic cases of AVN can
impingement. Olerud et al. reported one patient in their potentially over-report this serious complication.
treatment group of 27 cases with three-part fractures,
Level 1
who subsequently required plate removal. The authors
recommended averting humeral head collapse to prevent Comparing the minimally invasive approach to the
this complication.48 deltopectoral approach, Liu et al. reported one case of
AVN in the latter group and zero in the former. The authors
Level 2
believed that the minimally invasive approach decreased
Konrad et al. attributed their cases of impingement to soft tissue stripping and preserved the blood supply around
placing the plate too superiorly, leading to five cases in the proximal humerus.39 Zhang et al. reported only one
their study population of 270.34 case of AVN in their study that focused on medial support
Level 3 screws using a deltopectoral approach. In their opinion,
preventing medial collapse also aided in preventing AVN.69
Lin et al. attributed their cases of impingement to varus Interestingly, the findings from Fjalestad et al. showed that
collapse, while Jung et al. attributed their one case to nonoperatively treated patients had a higher rate of AVN
intraoperative error.31,37 Jung et al. described their operative than those in the operative group. All patients had displaced
positioning of the plate following reduction as caudal to three- and four-part fractures.27
the superior end of the greater tuberosity and lateral to the
bicipital groove.31 Bachelier et al. instead specified plate Level 2
position 1 cm caudal to the superior aspect of the greater Buecking et al. reported no case of AVN and no difference
tuberosity.15 between deltoid-splitting and deltopectoral approaches.
Followup, however, was only for 1 year.19 Schliemann et al.
Level 4
reported a lower incidence of AVN in patients treated with
Sahu reported no case of impingement, taking the shoulder their CFR-PEEK implant compared to conventional locking
through a range of motion arc before closure of the wound plate. Their followup was for a minimum of 2 years.58
to detect any symptoms of impingement.55 Osterhoff et al.
Level 3
described the majority of their 10 cases of impingement to
be strongly associated with medial calcar comminution.49 Martetschlager et al. reported higher rates of AVN in
Ricchetti et al. positioned the locking plate 5 mm–10 mm patients treated with a deltopectoral approach compared
lateral to the bicipital groove and 15 mm–20 mm caudal to to a minimally invasive deltoid-splitting approach. With a
the tip of the greater tuberosity. Two patients in their series mean followup of nearly 4 years, AVN was diagnosed in
of 54 cases had postoperative subacromial impingement six of 33 patients in the deltopectoral approach group and
symptoms.52 Finally, Aggarwal et al. described one of 37 patients in the deltoid-splitting approach group.41
provisionally fixing the plate with K-wires and placing the Wu et al. reported similar findings over a mean followup
shoulder through a range of motion arc under fluoroscopy. of 2.5 years in comparing a minimally invasive approach to
This technique resulted in five cases of impingement in a deltopectoral approach.67
their series of 47.14
Level 4
Avascular necrosis (4.4%)
Using a minimally invasive plating technique and a mean
AVN has been a historic concern with proximal humerus followup of nearly 3 years, Chen et al. reported only one
fractures. Sproul et al. reported this rate to affect 10.8% case of AVN in their series of 64 cases.21 Little et al.
of patients.9 This has even led to studies attempting to reported low rates of AVN as well by using a deltoid
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