Science Chapter 4 Review
Science Chapter 4 Review
Science Chapter 4 Review
Gills Yes No No No
8. The picture below shows animal A, often spotted racing across the desert.
Which of the following statements correctly explains how this behaviour helps animal
A withstand the heat from the hot sand in the desert?
a. By running fast, animal A creates wind to cool itself.
b. As animal A runs, its feet leave the hot sand quickly so that they gain heat quickly.
c. As animal A runs, its feet leave the hot sand quickly so that they lose heat quickly.
d. By running fast, animal A reduces the contact area of its feet with the hot sand so its
feet do not become too hot.
9. How are penguins able to stay underwater for long periods of time?
a. A only
b. D only
C. A and B only
D. C and D only
a. A only
b. A and C only
c. B and C only
d. A, B, and