Guide - Creating Successful Applications
Guide - Creating Successful Applications
Guide - Creating Successful Applications
Building successful
Before we get started 2-3
Wrapping it up 37-38
About VIKTOR 39
So, you have decided that you want to build an application; that is great! This guide is
here to help you build apps that provide real value to your work and that other people
will definitely want to use as well.
Over the past years, we, the application developers at VIKTOR, have built many apps
for many different industries. We have learned a lot from that and now want to share
our experiences with you. The principles and processes we explain in this guide are
the same as we apply daily. They have helped us build anything from simple apps,
designed to save time, to advanced engineering applications that are used to
automatically calculate underground tunnels, dikes, and other large structures. Most
importantly, these apps help us make people happy. And is there something better
than that?
In this guide, we will provide you with tools, methods, and tips for building your own
application that you can start using right now. Don’t worry, you do not need to do
everything all at once. First, pick the parts that make the most sense to you and start
implementing those into your process. Keep in mind that it is important to try things,
see how it works out, and use your new insights to keep improving!
How will we go about this? In each chapter, a different aspect of building a good
application will be highlighted. First, mapping out the process, then planning and
designing, after that coding, then the importance of gathering and processing
feedback, and at last a recap of and some tips and trick for the best ways to create
real value from your application!
While you’re at it, don’t forget: Building good apps is all about people. Listening to
others, taking their feedback seriously, and using it to improve the application. These
people may be your colleague sitting next to you, your manager, or someone outside
of your company. It does not matter. Throughout this guide, we will call them ‘clients’,
and we think you should treat them as such.
Before you start building an application yourself, you should know everything about
the steps that you need to take to do so. In this chapter, these steps will be explained,
and you will learn the best method to structure your development process for
building a successful application.
When you develop a successful software tool yourself, there are six steps that you
need to follow. These are: Define, design, develop, test, deploy and get feedback. Here,
we will explain each step in short, and most importantly, elaborate on how you should
work through the process of building awesome tools that other people will want to
use as well.
In this world, we build many things following a linear and stepwise process. This
means you first define the end goal and then follow the steps that are required to get
there. For example, think of a building. First, you decide what you are going to build.
Then you lay the foundations, start adding the levels, place the roof, and continue
until you have finished the construction. So, what we believe is that if we have a good
plan, we just need to follow it to get a good result. But is this also true when building
an application?
In the software world, we call this linear process ‘the Waterfall Model’. Most people
agree that this method does not work so well for building apps due to two reasons:
• Because most end-users (read: clients) don’t know the exact requirements for
the application beforehand. Only after they see the software in action can they
tell what is good and what is still missing or needs to be improved.
• Because it is hard for a developer to predict all difficulties that are going to
occur during the development process and if the features that they invented
really solve the problem of the client.
That is why we don’t believe you can make a master plan beforehand, simply follow
those steps, and then end up with a successful application. It is a considerable risk;
you invest all your time and energy and then have a ‘grand inauguration’ which could
become either a great success or the biggest fiasco.
Instead of a linear method, a more versatile and explorative approach has proven to
yield the best results. This one is called the Agile method. Its core principle is to
collaborate with the client as much as possible and iterate a lot during the
development process. This doesn’t mean we are saying that you should not have a
clear goal in mind. In fact, you really should. It is just that the exact way your software
will end up looking and working is something that should develop over time and in
collaboration with the end-user. It cannot be defined at the beginning.
Instead of planning all details and building the app in one sit, the Agile method
proposes dividing the project into a series of short sprints. After each sprint, you will
deliver the most basic app that fulfils the requirements (the minimum viable
product), even if it is not fully functional, so that end-users can test it and provide
feedback. With that feedback in mind, you and the client agree on the priorities and
requirements for the next sprints. In that way, you will always work on what provides
value for the client and end with a much better product than when you would have
built everything in one shot.
Each sprint usually lasts for about two weeks, followed by one week of client testing
and feedback. We do not recommend taking longer than this if you are programming
full-time. It is sometimes best to take baby steps in the beginning with new clients or
on new projects and ask for feedback even during a sprint to ensure mutual
Approaching software development in this way ensures that you end up with a better
end-product. You also put in less effort since you lower the risk of investing a lot of
time in something that clients don’t like. Even more important, including end-users
into the development process results in tools that people will want to use eventually.
However, things change once the first versions of the application appear and people
can actually see that their feedback is being taken seriously. The synergy between
developers, domain experts and end-users grows, and the people who once were the
most critic end-users will become the biggest ambassadors, promoting the
application you have built together.
In this section, we will give you a brief overview of the process and explain each step
in short. In the next chapters we will explain the different steps in more detail and
give you handy tips.
Building successful applications always start with a big dream: What do you want to
achieve ultimately? Next, you can begin designing the workflow required to get there,
all of it. This is too much to start; that is why select a small portion of the workflow to
start creating an app. After you have defined all the details, you can start designing
and creating the application, not in one shot but in several short sprints. After each
sprint, you will get end-user feedback (clients) and define the following steps to get
closer to your big dream.
Everything starts by defining a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG). Dare to dream,
everything is possible. This BHAG will guide the development process. Don’t think
about all the features yet. Rather think about what you want to achieve; for example,
‘I want to automate a tunnel’s design fully’.
To improve your process, you need to understand it thoroughly first. Map out your
process and involve everyone you need to be able to understand all the details. Create
a workflow diagram and see how the process can be improved to get closer to your
BHAG. Organise a brainstorm, think about your ideal process and the benefit of the
changes you want to make. Don’t overthink possible technical challenges yet.
Select a small portion of the workflow diagram and start with that. Which portion this
will be depends on two things: Maximum impact and feasibility. In other words, where
can you make a significant improvement with little effort? That is always a good
starting point.
This is where you start using the Agile method. Formulate short term objectives in
the form of user stories and write them down. For this you can use a product backlog.
User stories are statements written from the end-user’s perspective. The idea here is
to define what the user wants to achieve. Not how they want to achieve it. That part
you can leave to the developers.
For your first development sprint, you should create the simplest app that fulfils the
requirements: A minimum viable product. Let the end-user interact with the product
and ask them for feedback. Store this feedback on a feedback board and decide the
goal for the next sprint(s) together with the end-users. Repeat this until you reach
your BHAG.
In this chapter, we will explain the importance of and best way to go about the first
steps: defining your dream, mapping the process, selecting somewhere to start, and
designing and planning the app. But before all of this, we will talk about gathering the
right team. Remember, creating successful applications is all about people.
Building an application isn’t done by software engineers only. In the ideal situation, it
should be a collaboration between the software developers who write the code, the
domain experts who have the specialised knowledge (e.g. geotechnical engineering),
the end-users who are going to use the application once it is finished, and the
product owner who is the bridge between all of them.
Sometimes the domain expert is also the one building the tools, and that is fine.
However, even though it is possible for one person to take on multiple roles, this does
not mean that a role can simply be left out or that you won’t need to have separate
end-users to test your tool. Especially the latter is the first and biggest mistake you
can make: Assuming that, because you are able to use a tool and you find it handy,
other people will think this as well. So, it is important to involve a representative
group of end-users from the very beginning of the development on.
An application can be built for all kinds of processes, such as automating a repetitive
task and making people’s work more fun. Maybe you have a big idea and want to build
a large and complex application. That is nice; we like that! Having such a point on the
horizon is great and works very motivating. However, creating such an extensive
application can also become very complex and frustrating. Well, we are here to tell
you: Don’t let this stop you; we have a solution to make it work!
Here we have a short story to make the point. Jaap Wierenga is Lead Engineer
Hydraulic Engineering at Heijmans, a large Dutch construction company. He has
more than five years of experience making pretty impressive automation tools. One
of those is WILMA, a parametric design tool that automates the design of dikes. The
funny part? In the beginning, Jaap Wiernega was the first to say: “This is not possible
because of many, many, many, many technical reasons!”.
Jaap Wierenga
Lead Engineer Hydraulic Engineering at Heijmans
Developing a complex application doesn’t necessarily mean you build a huge
application that will take years to develop. It is very well possible to build a complex
application without actually making it too complex for yourself and others. How? You
just need to break it down into smaller pieces. For example, start by building
something small that can solve only part of the problem, just like with the Agile
method, remember?
Dreaming of a big and complex application is good, but starting big can also tie the
knot around your application’s neck really quickly. Many projects have already failed
due to this approach. The problem? People are asking too much of themselves and
their end-users. Going from 0 to 100 at once is a lot to take in and makes the
development process unmanageable.
Thus, start small. But while you do this, you also need to think ahead. How else are
you going to get there? This can be along the lines of ‘How can I make my application
grow?’. To answer this question, let’s look at an example:
Now that you have a big dream, it’s time to flesh out how you will get there. The key
to improve and automate a workflow is to understand it fully. Start creating a
workflow diagram of the process that you want to turn into an application. For your
workflow diagram, you will map out the whole process from start to finish with all
details included. Remember, while a software developer can be super powerful in
making calculations, they are terrible with improvisation.
"When you start looking at a problem and it seems really simple, you
don't really understand the complexity of the problem. Then you get
into the problem, and you see that it's really complicated, and you
come up with all these convoluted solutions. That's sort of the middle,
and that's where most people stop… But the really great person will
keep on going and find the key, the underlying principle of the problem
— and come up with an elegant, really beautiful solution that works.
Steve Jobs
Here are five reasons why it is worth investing time in a good workflow.
• Overview and clarity: The diagram is important for everyone. Not only for the
domain expert(s) to keep an overview of the workflow but also for the
developer who will turn it into an application. All the steps in the workflow
must be incorporated, even if everyone is assumed to know them. It is funny
to notice that people often overestimate how well they know the working
process of a colleague, while in reality, this is not true at all. It is good that
everyone is on the same page.
• New insights: Humans are creatures of habit. A field specialist may find it
logical to do things as he has always done it. A programmer, however, may look
at it from a very different angle. Working together on the workflow and discuss
all detail is an excellent opportunity to improve the process.
• Anticipate critical aspects: Creating a workflow diagram helps understand the
details and identify possible critical elements of the development. This can
avoid a big headache later. Some important discussions are, for example,
which software packages are used? Does this software have an API? How does
information flow? In which format the data is share, and is this always the
• A common language: By including the terminology of each part into the
workflow diagram, you clarify how vocabulary should be used. This is
important to avoid misunderstandings when multiple domain experts and
developers are involved in the process.
• Evaluate edge cases: Most time, a workflow diagram is made for the ‘standard’
situations that occur in about 95% of the cases. This is fine; you don’t want to
overcomplicate things at the beginning. Once you are confident about having
the proper workflow, try to evaluate some special situations. Maybe you don’t
want to include these cases at the beginning of the development but making
everyone aware of them can make the difference between incorporating them
in the future or not.
Calculation main
Moments Plate reinforcement Plate Crack width
Geometry Plate
Calculation shear
SCIA model Shear force
Shear forces Plate reinforcement Plate
Geometry Piles
Calculation Pile
Internal forces Piles Pile loads
Rotation foundation
Calculate horizontal
spring stiffnesses
Geotechnical input
Once you have the final workflow diagram, you can figure out which (if not all) parts
of the workflow can be made into an application. If the process is already contained,
the whole thing can be an application. If the process is very large, start small and
make it big.
To select the first step, think about two things: Maximum impact and feasibility. In
other words, where can you make a significant improvement or save a lot time with
little effort? That is always a good point to start.
A user story is an informal, general explanation of a software feature, written from
the perspective of the end-user; something that the user should be able to do in the
application once it is finished. This helps the developer to understand what the end-
user is trying to accomplish when using the application and serves as guideline when
creating the different features. This form is chosen because the goal of the
application is ultimately presenting value to the end-user.
User stories are usually built in the from ‘As a user, I want to…’.
If you are creating a complex app, the user stories that are given as example here
could be too broad for a developer. In that case, it is recommended to create topics
and think of more specific user stories per topic. For example, we will take the first
user story from the previous list, assign it a topic, and make it more specific:
Keep in mind that sometimes it is more important to communicate
what you want to achieve and why you want to achieve it than how you
are going to do it. Making super-specific requirements can have a
negative effect on the development speed and quality of the product.
Be clear about what you want to achieve but give the developer the
freedom to find the best solution from their own perspective.
After you have gathered your team and decided on which processes you are going to
incorporate and how, you should also make a planning on when you are doing all of
these things. To ensure success, it is important to think about which steps should be
taken at every moment of developing your application and make time estimations
based on that before you start programming.
Even though the end-goal is not specified completely within the Agile method, a time
estimation should be made on when you will reach a finished product, nevertheless.
This can be done based on the workflow diagram and user stories. For each of the
user stories, a separate time estimation can be made thinking it is an isolated code
block designed for a specific function. This is a good method because a time
estimation is easier to make when it is for isolated functions that can be
implemented next to each other instead of for the whole application at once.
Having a time estimation based on user stories also has other benefits: You can be
very transparent about the progress to all parties involved and have a clear way to
compare expectations and reality (what was easier than you expected? And what was
harder and took more time and why?). This transparency helps generate mutual
understanding and trust, which is beneficial when discussing any deviation from the
original planning.
When making a time planning, also take other aspects into account like
communication with the end-users, project management, reviewing
each other’s code, writing test, etc.,
It is recommended to use a product backlog to keep track of time, budget, and
progress. In the product backlog, you will add all user stories organised by topic, a
time estimation for each user story, and it’s progress status. Examples of status could
be: Pending, in development, under review, ready for release, and approved by client.
In the picture you can see an example of a product backlog. You can download the
product backlog template from the VIKTOR website
With a clear idea for an application, all your processes mapped out, user stories and
requirements defined, and a time planning prepared, coding can finally start! In this
chapter, we will not go into the specifics on how to code your application but rather
on where a good place to start is and how you can best manage your code throughout
the development process, so you end up with a truly successful application.
Just as with the entire development process of your application, with coding it is also
important to dream big but start small. For example, by starting with a mock-up user
interface. You can build this interface within a day to get a clear picture of how the
elements (parameters, input, and output) interact with each other. You can add some
dummy calculations, models, graphics, and reports to complete the picture. Together
with the end-users and product owner, you can look at the mock-up and decide on
which parts are good and which things should be adjusted or changed. This way, you
can quickly get a broad view of what your end-product will look like, without putting
lots of effort into completely working out all kinds of different options.
Only after you have built a successful mock-up, the coding of the logic can start. Don’t
worry, not all at once. Start with something small and expand from thereon,
according to the product backlog you made.
We recommend trying that you try to connect all the islands of information first. Try
creating a fully functional but very simplistic code that goes through all parts of the
workflow. Just take a very simple calculation, it does not matter if you hard code
some things or it only works for one case. The most important thing that you want to
prove here is that you are able to automate the workflow as planned. The worst thing
that can happen is that you fully develop one part of the workflow and later discover
that you are not able to connect that part to the next one.
Once you have verified that the complete system is working, you can start improving
each part and make it more complex.
On bigger projects, there are often multiple developers working on writing the code.
To keep a clear overview, it is good to have a structured way of working and are
somehow able to keep track of everyone’s progress and adjustments. This is also vital
to keep all parts of the code compatible with each other.
We recommend using a code sharing platform with a version control system, such as
GitHub or GitLab. These platforms have several benefits, such as:
Version control: Everyone that is working on a code will always work with the right of
it. No version 1, version 2, version 3, flying around anymore. If someone changes a part
of the code, the system immediately tracks this change, and everyone is immediately
able to see it as well.
Improved collaboration: Code sharing platforms allow people to work on one big
project, but still have their own separate ‘branch’ (part of the code) within. You are able
to change your own code and later merge the branch into another branch and make
sure everything stay compatible. You can also see and check the code that others are
working on.
Issue management: To remain in control over the different parts of the code that are
worked on, different issues can be created for specific features. Each of these issues
can be linked to one of the user stories. On a code sharing platform, you can link
deadlines to issues as well. This way, the planning and controlling the project is done
easily and all in one place.
Sustainability through sharing: Because it is possible to check each other’s code when
you’re using a code sharing platform, developers are more likely to write code that
other people will be able to understand. This benefits not only other people but
developers themselves as well. When others have difficulties understanding your code,
you will have difficulties understanding your own code too in a couple of weeks. Due to
the sharing-aspect, working on a platform basically forces developers to write
futureproof code that enables them and others to work with on the long term. So, even
after you may have taken a break from it for a while.
It can be difficult to determine if the underdeveloped tool is generating real value for
the end users and which of the many requested features should be made first. Of
course, you already made your planning and have outlined what you are going to do.
Still, it can be difficult to choose which user story requires the most attention and if
the feature under development really solves the problem. The solution: actively
search for feedback of the end-users and process it carefully. In this chapter, it will be
explained how you can do this best.
People underestimate the importance of end-users testing the app and the time that
this requires. After all, what could go wrong, right? Well, developers are humans too!
So even if they take their best effort to deliver a bugs-free app, we guarantee there is
still a way to make it malfunction. This is especially the case when the developer does
not have any domain knowledge, which make it extra hard for them to check the
results and think of all kind of unusual but still realistic cases. An experienced domain
expert, on the other side, can come up with all kinds of special cases and is able to
identify in a split second that a results is a bit off.
Everyone has a busy job. Experience has shown that not making a time-planning and
setting deadlines to test the application, leads to people not testing it at all in the
end. Testing the app and giving feedback will be low on people’s to-do lists and only
happen once they have a good reason to do it. This often reads: In case something
really goes wrong. Trust us, you really don’t want to be in that situation, especially
close once you get closer to the deadline.
Getting feedback on a regular basis really helps improving the application. With
rounds of feedback every two weeks, bugs, errors, and other mistakes and/or
misunderstandings can be solved quickly.
Throughout the process, you want to test your application so you can receive
feedback on both objective aspects, such as whether the correct answer is presented
or not (for example with calculations), and subjective aspects, such as the layout and
If feedback is given in time, problems later on can be prevented and anticipated. You
don’t want to build on loose soil. Otherwise, things can get really ugly. It is crucial to
schedule not only the coding sprints, but also the tests and following feedback
moments with everyone involved. Such feedback moments are not just 5 minutes of
talking but rather take up several hours of testing and reviewing the application
thoroughly to add the most the value.
Most times it is clear (but maybe laborious) how you get the right numerical solutions
to a problem. However, designing the interface for a good user experience can be a
much more complex and abstract task. The layout and usability of an application are
subjective aspects and therefore differ from user to user. To get the most optimal
results, it is important to gather feedback from as many end-users as you can get. All
of this information should then be combined to build the final concept version of
what your application is going to look like, tending to the most common and
important needs of every user.
Not only end-users but also developers benefit from this feedback. In sessions with
domain experts, developers often gain the best insights into the technical processes
that are happening and then come up with creative ways to solve problems!
Additionally, it is possible that you find out a user-story appears to be too broad
because it is not formulated clearly enough for developers to understand well. During
these feedback moments, problems like this can be discussed and anticipated. Now
you know your user-story needs to be described in more detail, so that the developers
have a clear image of where they are headed and what concrete steps they need to
take to get there.
If you start building without having feedback rounds in-between, an assumption you
made at the beginning may turn out to be wrong in the end. This means you can
throw away a lot of code and start all over again. A frustrating and time-consuming
way of developing, in our opinion.
• Who: Developers want to know who provided the feedback so they can reach
out to them to find a good solution together. Mention the feedback came
from you.
• Location: To which part of the app is this feedback relevant? In the input part
of the interface? Or some visualisation? A calculation? The menu? Etc. You
could also add a screenshot to clarify it even more.
• Condition: Did you find a bug? Please also report under which conditions this
bug happens so it can be reproduced and checked by the developer. For
example: I get error X when using input X when toggle button Z is activated.
• Priority: Feedback is good, but too much can be confusing. Please let people
know how important this feedback is. For example: not needed – nice to have
– should have – must have – urgent to have.
• User story: Can you relate this feedback to a user story of the backlog?
It is recommended to use an issue board to keep track of all the feedback you have
gathered from your end-users. In this board, you can indicate which items of
feedback already have been processed and which items should still be worked on.
In a small application team, sending feedback directly to the developer seems more
convenient than making a whole issue board. However, this isn’t the best practice.
The more people that get involved in the application, the more reason for why you
need to have an issue board to keep track of all the suggestions. Sending the
feedback directly via email to the developers creates a lot of extra work for everyone,
since that way there is no clear overview of the to-do’s.
If you want to keep it simple, you can create an issue board in a worksheet. This sheet
contains all the feedback, problems, and other comments that you have gathered up
to this point. Also, relevant information such as when the feedback was given, who
gave the feedback, an extra description, the priority, and if the feedback has been
incorporated and approved.
Description feedback
# Date Author What is the current situation and what is the desired Priority Approval Status
Coordinates are given in [m] but are actually in degrees latitude
1 26/07/2021 John Doe and longitude. Must have Ready for release
Using a download button in blue will fit better with the house
2 26/07/2021 John Doe style Nice to have Finished
3 26/07/2021 John Doe Show coordinates of the CPT on a mapview Must have Finished
Add the pile tip levels (and other levels) in the geometry
4 26/07/2021 John Doe visualization Should have Ready for release
If you want to bring it to a more professional level, you can use platforms such as
GitHub, GitLab, or others. Here you can make issues for each feedback point, assign it
to a developer, classify them, give them labels, and plan when they will be solved
(sprints planning). You can also start a discussion on each issue, where you can ask for
more input from clients or developers. Additionally, you create a new branch to solve
each issue or a collection of them. A branch is a copy of the code on which you can
work solving the issue without affecting the original code. Once you have solved the
issue, you can merge the branch with the ‘main code’. This also makes it possible to
solve several issues simultaneously with different developers, without breaking the
main code.
There are several things you should consider throughout the development process
that help you add even more value to your application. In this chapter, we will provide
a quick recap and some tips and tricks that help you increase adoption of your
application even more!
A good way to add more value to your application is by having clear communication
and efficient collaboration between your team members, thus the product owner,
domain experts, developers, and the end-users.
Here are some tips you can use to boost teamwork to make the most out of your app:
• Map your process in detail: Understanding your process in full detail is vital
to a successful application. Bring all people involved together, create a
workflow diagram, and discuss all the details. Give everyone enough time to
speak. The greatest improvements often arise thanks to this process.
product throughout the whole process. After you found testers, help
them to own this role. Think about how you can help, maybe it is as easy
as simply inviting them to do a presentation or talking to their manager so
they have more time for this process.
It is simple: People will not use your application if it is unfriendly, no matter how
wonderful the code in the background is. Don’t overcomplicate things. Less is more.
Here are a few things to think about:
• The workflow inside the app should be recognisable by the end-users. Try to
emulate the current workflow as much as possible and include the same
steps wherever you can.
• It should be clear what an end-user is supposed to do to get results. Use clear
descriptions for all element that the end-user interacts with, such as the
input fields. Provide additional info (wherever needed) using tooltips or other
• The application should react/calculate fast otherwise people will lose interest
and patience quickly. As a developer you can do a lot to your code to improve
performance. Yes, sometimes calculations are just heavy, like running a FEM
model. In that case try to divide the fast parts of the calculations from the
intensive ones. Maybe it is possible to at least show part of the results
• Make your app robust and avoid that the user gets errors. If they get, make
sure they have a clear error message that helps them make the app work
again. There is nothing more annoying than having to solve 10 errors before
getting any results.
We often hear that people don’t want to use an app because it is a ‘black box’. This is
understandable. For example, put your self in the shoes of an engineer that needs to
use the application to calculate a bridge. He doesn’t know what the app is doing, but
he is supposed to put his signature on the design without having any idea about all
the calculations and processes behind it. Yea, sure… we bet he prefers his old and
trusted Excel sheet to do the work instead.
Here some things you can do to help end-users understand what is happening behind
the scenes:
Like it is explained throughout this manual, developing an application is a circular
process without a set-in-stone end goal. Just as the definition of the word
development, the process of building an application is something that is “growing
and improving along the way”. You start with a big idea, a great complex process, that
you try to make easier. If you think big and clearly define the point on the horizon
that you are working towards, you have a good starting point. Start little, with easy
and small steps. Then, become more practised as you gain experience and review your
previous thoughts and creations. Only after doing that you can continue to the next
step. If you develop your application according to this way, you can continuously keep
a good overview, make clear progress, keep receiving and processing feedback, and
add the most value in the end!
We hope this guide has been proven useful throughout your journey of building your
own application. If you have any questions or if you are interested in the possibilities
an application development platform can offer you, don’t hesitate to contact us. More
information about VIKTOR and ways to get in touch can be found on the next page.
VIKTOR makes it really easy to build powerful web applications and share them with
everyone you want. The apps have a user-friendly and interactive interface, where you
can present results with all kinds of visualisations, like 3D models, graphs and maps.
You don’t need to worry about integrating with different software packages, the front-
end, back-end, database management, user-management system, etc.. We automate
all the boring stuff, so you can focus on creating awesome apps that provides real
Contact person:
Anande Bergman
Developers Relations
[email protected]