Automation of Structural Designs
Automation of Structural Designs
Automation of Structural Designs
The shortage of engineers
Humanity faces enormous challenges. Global warming, the ever-growing
population and rising water levels are just a few examples. Because of
this, requirements for the things that are built and designed become
higher each year: we need to build faster, cheaper and with less impact
on the environment.
This shortage has significant consequences. Not only do engineering
jobs become more stressful, but it also negatively affects innovation,
productivity, sustainability, and growth while driving up costs.
rodu ti it
nno ation
“We need to a hie e more with less effort to work smarter, not
harder. Automation is key to this, and we need engineers… The
industry needs graduates who can take designs from concept
through to construction as effi ientl and a uratel as possible”
Peter Debney
Author of Computational Engineering | Institute of Structural Engineers
A framework for engineering automation
For long, engineers have been automating parts of their workflow, often
starting with spreadsheets (e.g. Excel), visual programming (e.g.
Grasshopper, Dynamo), or simple scripting (e.g. Python, Jupyter
Notebooks). The impact of these automation tools, however, is often
limited. In most cases, they are used on an individual level or by small
groups of people.
Five levels of automation
To show the impact of different automation initiatives, we created a
framework to help in this discussion: the 5 levels of automation.
1. Out of the box: You use standard, already existing tools that
help you automate part of your processes. For example, a tool to
convert a 3D model into a FEM model, or to do checks according
to a specific norm.
or use artificial intelligence to compare hundreds of designs
and get the best solution across a large part of the design
process. For example, the previously mentioned Python script
not only runs the structural and geotechnical calculations, but
also analyses multiple designs until finding a solution that fulfils
the requirements at both sides, whilst also producing the
engineering reports and drawings.
Value for your team is the combination of both. So, how often a tool is
used times the impact that its use generates.
To better explain this, let us leave engineering aside for a moment and
take an example from everyday life. Google search is of tremendous
value because it helps us find information quickly. However, a single
search rarely has a dramatic impact on our lives. It is the fact that we can
find information and that millions of people use it each day that defines
its real value. Therefore, Google search is a high usage – low impact tool.
At the other side of the spectrum, you have the low usage – high impact
tools. These are tools that are used by a few people (inside a company)
but have a tremendous impact when doing so. We could say these tools
have strategic value. They could make the difference between winning
or losing a million-dollar tender, or between getting a good solution for
a large infrastructure project on time or delaying it for years and making
costly mistakes.
To create value, it is not necessary that a tool has high usage and high
impact. After all, both examples mentioned here also provide real value.
The only requirement is that the combination of usage and impact is
enough for the tool to fall into the 'high alue zone’, which can be seen
on this graph.
1. Usage: How often are the tools used and by how many people?
This is affected by the number of people that can be helped by a
tool and how often they use it for their projects. You can have a
direct influence on this statistic by ensuring user-friendliness,
accessibility, and awareness of the tool through promotion. Do
people know it exists, do they know where to find it, and are
they able to use it?
Reflecting on the previous section, we can conclude that most of the
tools that engineers are currently making, like Excel sheets or
zone. This is because they are either not user-friendly friendly enough
Examples of high-value automation tools
Next, we will share three examples of tools created by engineering and
construction companies that fall into the high value zone. Either
because of their usage, impact, or combination of the two.
Vessel workability assessment tool
Crane foundation design automation
Industry challenges
To meet productivity goals, the engineering and construction industry
needs to build tools that provide real value. o, how ome we often don’t
succeed at this?
In this chapter, we will explain the three main reasons for this in order
to create awareness and be able to discuss fitting solutions in the next
First, most engineers automate using software tools that do not scale
(i.e. Excel, Grasshopper, Dynamo). These tools are fine for simple
automation tasks (level 1). However, it is easy to reach their technical
limits when trying to automate more complex workflows. For example,
with Excel you can automate some calculations, but hit the limit when it
comes to optimizations, handling larger data sets, generating 3D
models, reports, etc.
Moreover, tools like this are not made for collaboration. It is hard – and
very prone to error – to create a script or spreadsheet together with
other colleagues. For example, there is no effective way to see who made
changes to the logic or data and keep track of them. Add to fact that
people who are no expert in using specific software are not able to
operate it due to the complexity.
Required skills
Secondly, automating on a high level requires a set of skills that are not
taught at universities nor on internal company training programs.
Meanwhile, it is incredibly important for engineers to be able to
automate processes, as they are carrying the domain knowledge. It is
the engineer who really knows how to design bridges, tunnels, or
buildings, not the IT department.
When it comes to required skills, there are two types of challenges most
engineers face. On one hand, you have the technical skills required to
automate workflows to a higher level, like having a good understanding
of programming, code version control, knowing how to design and make
a user-friendly interface, etc. On the other hand, you need to understand
how to plan an automation project, evaluate its value for the
organization, create a business case to secure time and budget to work
on it, gather feedback to improve, involve the end-users, and create
awareness by actively promoting the tools.
Alexandre Cousin
Head of Generative Design at VINCI Construction
Pressure on projects
The last challenge most engineers in our industry face is related to the
pressure they experience on projects. The average engineer is
overloaded with work, leaving little time to learn new skills or automate
workflows. Moreover, engineers often face pressure to prioritize billable
work, leaving only a couple of hours per week for other business.
Thomas Prior
Design Engineer at AtkinsRéalis
Strategies for reaching the high value zone
In the last chapter we discussed three reasons engineers are held back
from creating high-value automation tools. Next, we will explain the
strategy to overcoming these challenges, which consists of the following
three components:
2. Process: how and following what steps the automation tools are
created and upgraded
Jerry Dehn
Vice President Design Delivery Transformation at Jacobs
Start scaling your digital assets
In most engineering and construction companies, there are already
many automation tools in use, like Excel sheets, Python frameworks, and
Grasshopper or Dynamos scripts. Even though these are often simple
level-1-automation tools that are used by individuals or smaller groups
of people, it is undeniable that they capture valuable knowledge and are
important digital assets to your organization.
However, a large part of the value of these tools gets lost if they're only
used by a small group of people. Moreover, having automation tools
easily available could help colleagues struggling with high pressure on
projects and billability goals relieve some of the workload.
The first step in the process to getting your tools into the high-value
zone is by making them available to a broad public (increasing the usage
axis for high-value automation). But where to start?
Next, the best way to make your knowledge and resources accessible to
others is by turning your tools into user-friendly web applications that
run your scripts or sheets in the background.
“We ha e lots of engineering experien e that's lo ked awa in
people's brains. It's important to unlock that experience and
capture it for future use so we don't have to go back to the
drawing board at the start of every new project.”
Joseph Kearney
Automated Design Lead at Costain
• Version control: you can be sure that everyone uses the latest
version of your code, and you avoid that there are multiple
versions in circulation.
• Protect IP: people an use our logi but don’t see the ode
behind it, so your IP is safe.
Turning your tools into web applications can be challenging when using
technologies like general (Python) frameworks used by software
developers. Instead, engineers require something less complex and
more accessible to people of all skill levels.
Mina Ya-alimadad
Deputy Lead for AI Initiative at McDermott
Choose tech that scales with you
Another process to get your automations into the high-value zone is
creating or upgrading tools so they will generate more impact. Tools
that make more impact are often of a higher automation level (i.e. 4 or
5). As mentioned earlier, creating high-level automation tools requires a
higher level of automation skill, which is rarely found amongst
Technology limitations
The first step to getting more value from your tools is choosing the right
technology to do so.
On the short term, sticking to Excel sheets for your automations might
feel like a safe and solid option. It is easy to start with and it works fine
for you after all, right? In the long run, however, you will continue to
improve your skill, have higher goals, and may notice that the technical
limitations of Excel can really hold you back in achieving automation
levels higher than 2. This forces you to change the way you automate
your workflows, and you realize that all the time spent creating tools
and learning more advanced Excel functionalities would have been
better invested in a technology that supports level 4 or 5 automation.
The ideal technology for automation has a low entry barrier, helps you
improve skills, and allows you to create advanced level 4 or 5 tools
without having to become a software developer.
Levels 1 to 5 with VIKTOR
1. Out of the box
At VIKTOR, we have tools that enable engineers to create their first
applications using no-code. This is an easy way to create apps by clicking
and adding the different elements you want.
2. Simple automation
For more advanced apps, you can use low code. Low code means using a
programming language, in our case Python, to create the user-interface
and define the logic of your apps. However, the level of Python and the
amount of code required for making these apps is low in comparison to
frameworks used by professional software developers.
Marina Villanueva
Global Technology Leader at Jacobs
3. Integration
The next step is linking your external software programs to your app. We
provide all kinds of integrations that enable you to connect different
software packages so you can automate a larger portion of your
4. Multidisciplinary
Additionally, you can integrate not only your own workflow but the
workflows of multiple other disciplines in your app. You can connect
several software packages to automate various processes within the
same app, improving multidisciplinary collaboration.
5. Hyperautomation and AI
Upskilling with VIKTOR
In addition to the platform, VIKTOR also offers extensive learning
resources, training programs and support to help you ramp-up your skill
and be able to progress from level 1 to level 5 automation.
3. Distribute & collaborate
In the first example approach, we discussed how turning your tools into
user-friendly web apps positively affects usage. However, there's
another part to increasing usage we have not discussed yet, which is
distribution at scale. We're talking about the process of creating
awareness of and engagement with the app (technology) amongst
potential users (people).
Involve the end user
Involving users from an early stage on in the tool development has
proven to be one of the most effective ways to create high-value
applications. Creating a continuous feedback loop helps the creator of
the tool to understand how they can provide value and create a friendly
user-experience. Feedback can be provided directly, for example, by
suggesting improvements but also indirectly by requesting support or
reporting issues. Both types of feedback are incredibly valuable.
Additionally, by making users part of the process, they are more inclined
to feel ownership of the tool. This later results in more willingness to
part from old methods, adopt the new tools you are creating, and even
help you promote them.
Actively promote
The last thing you should take into consideration is the importance of
actively promoting tools within and outside of your organization.
If you have made a VIKTOR app that you want to promote, we are happy
to help by adding it to the Apps Gallery, where you can find all kinds of
inspirational automation projects from the community!
Conclusion and take-aways
Throughout this whitepaper, we have presented a framework for high-
value engineering automation to help you understand how you can
create automation initiatives that generate real value within your
We hope this whitepaper has given you the insights needed to start your
high-value automation journey. We wrote this document because it is
our mission to empower every engineer and domain expert to create
applications to automate their workflow. If you are ready to take the
next step, we wholeheartedly like to invite you to try our platform
yourself and discover how it can help you reach your goals!
John Buckley
IT Manager at KBR
VIKTOR is an application development platform that empowers
engineers and domain experts to rapidly create and deploy web apps.
Engineers use VIKTOR to automate workflows and simplify complex
tasks, giving them more time and flexibility to analyse different
scenarios, reduce risks, and generate better results. But VIKTOR is more
than just a tool to build and share apps. We are a community of like-
minded individuals who are passionate about engineering and dedicated
to advancing in the field!
Peter Madlener