NIM. : 211405052
1. Our national curriculum, including English curriculum, has been changed from time to
time. What are the reasons of the curriculum changes according to you?
as time goes by, more and more advanced developments and sophisticated Of course, the
curriculum must dynamically adjust to developing conditions. The curriculum must always change to
suit the times, especially now that science and information technology have developed more and
more. The methods and context of the previous curriculum are certainly no longer relevant to the
current conditions and characteristics of students. In addition, the curriculum must also be able to
meet the learning needs of students and be able to prepare the nation's generation for the future as
a visionary generation that has big aspirations and is able to look far into the future.
2. What kind of approach in English teaching did we use in KTSP curriculum? Explain the
approach with the steps!
A task-based syllabus is based on task-based learning, an approach where learners carry out
tasks such as solving a problem or planning an activity. The language learnt comes out of the
linguistic demands of the activity. A task-based syllabus is structured around a series of these
They are pre-task, task-cycle and language focus.
1). Pre-task: introduces the class to the topic and the task activating topic-related words and
2). Task-cycle: offers learners the chance to use whatever language they already know in
order to carry out the task and then to improve their language under the teacher's guidance
while planning their reports on the task. Task cycle offers learners a holistic experience of
language in use. There are three components of a task cycle
a) Task: Learners use whatever language they can master, working simultaneously, in pairs or
small groups to achieve goals of the task. b) Planning: Comes after the task and before the
report, forming the central part of the cycle. The teacher's role here is that of a language
adviser. Leamers plan their reports effectively and maximize
e) Report: is the natural condition of the task cycle. In this stage learners tell the class about
their findings.
So the report stage gives students a natural stimulus to upgrade and improve their language.
It presents a very real linguistic challenge to communicate clearly and accurately in language
appropriate to their circumstances.
3. Explain the following terms based on your own Each term:
a. Need analysis
Needs analysis includes a wide variety of techniques for collecting And analyzing
information, both learners and about language. In general, there are two main approaches in
conducting needs analysis, language-centered and learner-centered needs analysis. In
language-centered needs analysis, the information about the linguistic features of the target
situation (i.e. what the learner needs to do in the target situation) is identified.
b. Environmental analysis
Environment analysis involves looking at the factors that will have a strong effect on
decisions about the goals of the course, what to include in the course, and how to teach and
assess it. These factors can arise from the learners, the teachers, and the teaching and
learning situation.
c. Goals
It is essential to decide why a course is being taught and what the learners need to get from
it. Goals can be expressed in general terms and be given more detail when considering the
content of the course.
Students continue to develop speaking and listening skills necessary for participating in
classroom discussions with an introduction to oral presentation and critical listening skills.
(College Oral Communication, Roemer, 2006)
d. Objectives
The objectives of the study are (1) to achieve the needs of Teaching Materials and
Student’s Worksheets of Curriculum and Textbook Analysis based on KKNI at the 3rd
semester in the English Education Study Program and (2) to develop appropriate
Teaching Materials
e. Materials
The material in a course needs to be presented to learners in a form that will help learning.
This presentation will involve the use of suitable teaching techniques and procedures, and
these need to be put together in lessons.
1. Alphabet/punctuation
4. Greeting ,
5. Transactional & interpersonal text
6. Sing a song
7. Notice, caution, warning
8. Asking and giving opinion
9. Descriptive text
10. Preposition.
4. Choose three types of syllabi, explain them clearly and give example for five meetings of each
subordinate clauses, past tense, and so on, although formal syllabi may
is used, or of the notions that language is used to express. Examples of functions include: informing,
agreeing, apologizing, requesting, promising, and so on. Examples of notions include size, age, color,
comparison, time, and so on.
3. A situational syllabus. It is one in which the content of language teaching Is a collection of real or
imaginary situations in which language occurs or Is used. A situation usually involves several
participants who are engaged In some activity in a specific setting. The language occurring in the
Situation involves a number of functions, combined into a plausible segment of discourse. The
primary purpose of situational language teaching syllabus is to teach the language that occurs in the
situations. Sometimes the situations are purposely relevant to the present or future needs of the
language learners, preparing them to use the new language in the kinds of situations that make up
the syllabus. Examples of situations include: seeing then dentist, complaining to the landlord, buying
a book at the bookstore, meeting a new student, and asking directions in a new town.
-The student (the all of person that wanna join to class translet quickly) r Olympics Students.
c. Objective, to know about using a grammar, understanding reading comprehension, and translet
d. Indicator, example the using a simple present, know about the form of a sentences, or the
meaning of a sentences.