Api-2b 2001 (R2020)
Api-2b 2001 (R2020)
Api-2b 2001 (R2020)
Amen can
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Copyright © 2001 American Petroleum Institute
3 DEFINITIONS ........….........….........…..................…...........................….........…............ 1
4 MATERIAL ...........….........…...............……························…….........……....................... 1
5 FABRICATION. …................................…..........................……·….................... 2
5.1 G巳neral .........…………………...............….................... ....……··…….......…................. 2
5 .2 Weld mg Procedure Quahficat1on ................ ............ .............................. ............... 2
5.3 Welder and Welding Operator Qualification ..........…............................... 2
5 .4 Longitudinal W巳Ids ............................................................................................... 2
日 Girth Wei出….......…....... …. .. ....…....... .......... .... . . .. ..….. ............…… .. .. . ..….. .. .. ........ 2
56 ........ ........ ........... ..... . . ......... ........ .. ..... . ............................... 3
A I-Plate Rolling Direction Orientation. ........ .. ......……… ....... . ............ 6
B-1 Metnc Conv巳rs10n Table .. .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .. ......…............... ........….8
Suggestions for Ordering API 28 Pipe
In placing orders for steel pipe to b巳 fabricated in accordance with API Sp巳cification 2B, th巳 pur
chaser should sp巳cify the following on the purchas巳 order:
• Specification APl2B
• Quantity As required
• Size Nominal length, wall thickness, and outside
• ASTM (or other industry standard) Speci且cation/Grade/
designation for steel plate Supplementary requirem巳nts
• Delivery date and shipping instructions As required
The purchaser should state whether any of the following optional requirements are to apply:
• Mill test certificat巳 for steel plate
• End finish (sp巳cify, if not standard 30 degre巳 b巳vel)
• SRl, plat巳 dir巳ction of rolling
Longitudinal- ‘‘ S-lL”
• SR2, notch toughness (sp巳cify test temperatures and minimum energy requirements)
• SR3, 100% radiographic 巳xamination Uoint can quality assurance)
• SR4, matching weld toughn巳ss for designated plat巳 material
Nothing in this specification should be interpreted as indicating a preference by the committee for
any optional requirement. In the selection of requirements, the purchaser must be guided by the
purchas町、 experience and by the servic巳 for which the pipe is int巳nded.
Specification for the Fabrication of Structural Steel Pipe
mill identification numb巳rs, including sections cut to size 5.2 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION
from the original mill-produced plate.
The welding procedures shall b巳巳stablished in accor
Note: Ultrasonic inspection, as a supplementary requirem巳nt to the d四i gnat巳d dance with AWS D 1.1. Written pre qualified welding proce-
plat巳 specification, may be specified, if desired, when structural steel pipe is to
dures may be employed by the fabricator provid巳d the
be used m 由e fabrication of tubular joint cans in T, Y, and/or K connections
where freedom from laminations and/or other internal defections is required. procedure compli巳s with all requirements (joint detail, filler
metal, and so forth) for pre qualified status detailed in
5 Fabrication Appendix IV of AWS Dl.1. More stringent Charpy V-notch
toughn巳SS in th巳 W巳ld and/or heat affect巳d zones than
5.1 GENERAL r巳quired in 5.1.3 above may be obtained, if desired, by sp巳c
5.1.1 Forming pipe furnish巳d to this sp巳cification shall nor- ification of Supplementary Requirement (SR2).
mally be formed below 400。F, that is, cold formed. Warm The welding procedures shall be established in accor-
forming (between 800。F and 1200°F or 50。F b巳low the tem- dance with AWS D 1.1 . Written pre qualified welding proce-
pering temperature of quenched and tempered steels) may be dures may be employed by the fabricator provided th巳
employed provided forming procedures for h巳at treated or procedme complies with all requirements (joint detail, filler
I孔1CP steel are qualifi巳d to d巳monstrate the m巳chanical metal, etc.) for pre qualified status detailed in Appendix IV
str巳ngth prop巳rties requir巳d by the original plate sp巳cification of AWS D .1.1 More stringent CVN toughness in th巳 weld
are met in 出巳 warm formed condition. Hot forming (abov巳 and/or h巳at affected zones than required in Par. 3.3. abov巳
the upper critical temperatur巳) may also b巳 employed pro- may be obtained, if d巳sired, by sp巳cification of Supplemen-
vided the fonηing proc巳dure is quali白ed to d巳monstrate all tary Requirement S2.
mechanical properties required by the original plate specifica-
The foregoing requirements shall apply separately to
tions ar巳口1巳t.
plate welds, pip巳 welds and girth welds.
5.1.2 The purchaser may sp巳cify Suppl巳mentary R巳quire
ment 1 if the rolled direction of the plate is desired to be ori- 5.3 WELDER AND WELDING OPERATOR
ented in a specific direction during the forming of the pip巳, QUALIFICATION
and the pipe shall be so identifi巳d.
Welders and welding operators shall be qualified in accor-
5.1.3 All welding shall be in accordance with AWS D 1.1- dance with AWS Dl.1 , Chapter 4, Part B or C, as applica
2000, Structural Welding Code-Steel. Unl巳ss otherwise bl巳. Radiography is acceptable for th巳 qualification of
approved by th巳 purchaser, th巳 submerged arc welding pro- submerged 但℃ machine op巳rators.
cess shall be employed for all welding一巳xcept tack welds,
root passes and repair welding where other AWS approved 5.4 LONGITUDINAL WELDS
processes may be utilized. All welds shall be complete joint
Radial offset of abutting edges of longitudinal weld
penetration groove welds produced by employing AWS Dl .1
prequalifi巳d joint details, or other joint configurations quali
seams shall not exceed 1/8 in. For LWDS pipe, no two longi
a巳d by procedur巳 qualification testing.
tudinal seams shall b巳 closer together than one pipe diame-
t巳r or 5 ft, whichever is greater. Longitudinal weld seams of
W巳lding electrod巳s and fluxes shall conform to applicable a句oining cans shall b巳 staggered as shown below, unless
AWS speci白cations and shall be selected to match the mini- closer spacing is agreed upon by the purchas巳r and the fab-
mum ultimate strength of th巳 base material, and to provide a ricator.
minimum of 20 ft-lbs Charpy V-notch (CVN) impact energy
at 0°F. Matching CVN toughness may be specifi巳d by invok- seam spacing stagg巳r
ing Supplementary Requirement S4.
360° (single s巳am) 90° 180°
Ifth巳 AWS specification requirement for the electrodes and 180。(LWDS) 45° - 90。
fluxes to be employes is less than the foregoing, or if the other (LWDS) min. 25% of smaller seam spacing
welding procedure falls outside the range of essential vari-
ables tested m 由e AWS specification, then Charpy test speci- 5.5 GIRTH WELDS
mens shall be removed from a simulated production weld and
Radial offset of abutting 巳dg巳S of th巳 girth s巳ams shall
tested in accordance with Annex 皿 ofAWS Dl.1.
The d巳posited weld m巳tal shall possess an energy value not not exc巳ed 0.2T (where Tis the wall thickn巳ss) or 1/4 in.
less than indicated. Th巳 foregoing requir巳ments shall apply maximum provided the offset exce巳ding 1/s in. is weld巳d
separately to the final condition of plate welds, pipe welds, from both sides. On巳 localized area per gi1th weld up to
and girth welds. 0.3T, or 3/s in. maximum, is permitted provided the local-
All welding shall conform to the minimum workmanship ized area is under 8T in length and weld metal is added to
standards of Section 5 of AWS D 1.1. this region to provide a 4 : 1 tapered transition.
No two girth welds shall be located closer together than dicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe within 1/16in. per ft
one pip巳 diameter or 3 ft, whichever is less. Ther巳 shall be of diameter, with a maximum allowable d巳viation of 1/4 in.,
no more than two girth welds in any 10 ft interval of pipe. measured with a square and straight edge across the 巳nd of
the pip巳.
For LWDS pipe, no two girth welds shall be located closer 7 Inspection and Repair
together than 10 ft. This r叫uirement does not apply to subse-
quent fabrication which inco叩orates th巳 mill pip巳 into a pile
or structure. Fabrication and verification inspection shall b巳 conducted
in accordance with the requirements of AWS D 1.1, Section
6 Dimensions and T。 lerances 6, to assure compliance with the applicable requir巳ments of
Sections 1 through 6.
The diameter, length, and wall thickness of pipe furnished 7.2 WELD INSPECTION
to this specification shall be as specified by the purchaser.
The length of 巳ach pipe shall not vary from the specifi 巳d All welds shall b巳 visuall y in sp巳cted on both the inside
and outsid巳 s urfac巳s . Th巳 W巳ld profile shall meet the
nominal length more than ± 11/2 in. p巳r 10 ft of length.
requirements of AWS Dl.1 , Section 5 .24.
The out-of-roundness, that is, the differenc巳 between
the major and minor outside diameters at any point in a 100% of each girth weld and spot testing amounting to
length of pipe, shall not exceed 1% of the nominal diame- 10% of each longitudinal weld (including 出e extr巳me 巳nds)
ter or l/4 in. maximum for wall thicknesses up to and shall be examin巳d by radiographic or ultrasonic inspection
including 2 in. For wall thickness exceeding 2 in. , the in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 and Part E
maximum permitted deviation shall not exceed an out-of- with Paragraph 6.12.3 and Part F with Paragraph of
roundness to wall thickness ratio of 1:8. For pipe exceeding AWS Dl.l. Mor巳 extensive radiographic coverage may be
obtain巳d, if desired, by sp巳cification of Supplementary
48 in. in diamet町, a maximum deviation of 1/2 in. shall be
R巳quirement SR3. Th巳 fabricator shall b巳 r巳spon s ible for
p巳rmitted provided the circumferenc巳 tolerance is main-
conducting all radiographic examinations.
tained within ± 1I4 in.
6.4 STRAIGHTNESS thickness or l/16 in. in depth need not be removed. Imper-
fections which exceed the above shall be ground to sound
The maximum allowable straightness deviation in any 10- metal. The excavation area shall be faired, and the thickness
ft length shall b巳 1 /8 in. For lengths over 10 ft, th巳 maximum in the ground area shall not be reduced more than 7% of the
deviation of th巳 entire length may be computed by the fol- nominal thickn巳ss but in no case more than 1/8 in. depth. If
lowing formula, not to exceed 3/8 in. in any 40-ft length. the dep由 of imperfections in as-rolled plate exc巳巳ds the
above limits, but not more than 20% of the nominal thick-
I :_ total length in 白
- Ill • ness, welding repairs may be performed. Repair of d巳f巳cts
8 …. 10 ft d巳巳per than 20% of th巳 nominal wall thickness or repair of
defects with a length and/or width more than 20% of the
nominal diamet巳r shall not be permitted. Tubulars made
from other than as-rolled plate shall not be repaired by
Unless oth巳rwise specifi时, all pipe shall be beveled fm welding unless sp巳cifically approv巳d by the pUI℃has er.
welding with an angle of 30 degrees ± 2.5 degrees (measured
from a line perpendicular to the surface of the pipe) with a
root fac巳 of 1/16 in. 士 l/32 in. The root fac巳 shall be perpen-
When specified on the purchase order, the following sup-
plementary requirem巳nts shall apply:
Plate Rolling
SR1 Plate Rolling Direction Orientation Direction
SR1 .2 Pipe fabricated in accordance with this supple-
mentary requirement shall b巳 identified by marking “ S-IL"
t nHU
or “ S-lT” adjacent to “ API 2B” as required by Section 8,
SR2 CVN Toughness Tests
Notch toughness tests shall be conducted as a require- Transverse-一“S-1T”
ment of th巳 welding procedur巳 qualification tests. The w巳ld
Figure A-1-Plate Rolling Direction Orientation
ing procedur巳 qualification test coupon shall b巳 welded and
t巳sted in accordance with Paragraph 5.10.1 of AWS Dl.l.
r巳quired weld metal CVN toughness shall be as given in
Charpy V-notch t巳st sp巳cimens shall be remov巳d from the
Table C4.1 of AWS 01 .1 , and the heat affected zone (HAZ)
weld and h巳at a旺巳cted zone in accordance with the require自
CYN toughness shall be given in Table C4.2 of AWS D.1.1.
ments of Appendix III of AWS Dl.I The test temperature,
notch location (if different from AWS), and the minimum SR4.2 Cha叩y test specimens shall be removed from both
averag巳巳n巳rgy value shall b巳 as indicated on the purchase th巳 weld metal and HAZ of a s imulat巳d production weld
order. The pip巳 shall b巳 identifi巳d by marking as required in and tested in accordanc巳 with Annex III of AWS Dl.I. The
Section 8, Item g. deposited weld metal and HAZ shall poss巳ss averag巳 energy
values not less than indicated in Tabl巳s C4.1 and C4.2 of
SR3 100 Percent Radi。graphic AWS Dl.l, respectively, and no single test shall be more
than 5ft-lbs lower. The foregoing requirements shall apply
S巳parately to plate welds, pipe welds and girth welds.
In addition to 100% radiography of th巳 girth welds sp巳ci SR4.3 For steels not listed in Table C2.4 of Aws Dl.I, or
tied by 7.3 , 巳ach d巳signated longitudinal weld shall b巳 below, the purchas巳r shall designat巳 th巳 group and class for
exam in巳d by radiography throughout its entire length. Pipe which matching weld toughness is desired. HAZ require-
insp巳cted in accordance with this supplementary require- ments for Group III Class B shall be the same as for Group
ment shall be identified by marking as required in Section 8, II Class B.
Item g.
additional steel group class
SR4 Matching Weld CVN T。ughness for API Spec 2肌1TI II B
Designated Plate Material
SR4.1 Depending on th巳 Strength Group and Toughness SR4.4 Further guidance is given in Sections C2.42.2 and
Class of the designated API or ASTM plate specification, as C4.12.4.4 of AWS Dl.l.
given in Table C2.4 of AWS Dl.l, the co盯巳sponding
Application of th巳 following equivalent values may be Table B-1-Metric Conversion Table
employed when converting the units of measur巳 employ巳d
herein to standard metric (SI) practic巳. Stated 飞lalu巳 Metric Equivalent
1/32 in. 0.8 mm
1/16 in. l .6mm
1/8 in. 3.2mm
1/4 in. 6.4mm
3/8 in. 9.5mm
1/2 in. 12.7 mm
1112 in. 38.l mm
2 in. 50.8 mm
48 in. 1.22m
10 ft 3.05 m
40 ft 12.19 m
。。F 18。c
50。F 10。c
400。F 204°C
800。F 427。c
1 200。F 649°C
20 ft - lbs 28 J