RM Hub Tender Template 29 14

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Department Facilities Management SG'il.i!=irq


Zone Ahmedabad er6ra-+r< si=tr

Bank of Baroda, Ahmedabad +{ qfs qstET, rcq-ffirE 3iE-{
Zone invites scaled Tendcrs RM _HUB, qFrili-{ 3Eq.<r-fl<
under Two Cover system from fi
trnrm + frq qlmflrq +
Larrcllords/ Power of Attorney 3nar{ q( cftq{xr sri + frT
holders having clear and qt-{ frffid c( €rs 3+( ffi
Title of Tender marketable Titles ovcr land Tfr q1-{q qtfr-{Til {f,
and built-up propet'tY for fu{,rTn qfl,
acquiring premises on .*ffi
qrft_.f, r
en1difr t r+r ftraq
Iease/rental basis for setting {rei'r{{T{r
up of RM-HUB, Maninagar, t e-64 frlra=< frfrET 3ilqBa d(
Ahmeclabad. r{T tr
Start Date 30.09.2021 30.09.2021

End Date 20.10.2021 20.10.2021

Documents to be uploaded (if any) are

1. Tender copy

Authorizecl / A :--\:

Name: Motilal Meena

f)esignation: Dy. General Manager (DZH), Ahmedabad Zone'


Page 1 of 2

Bidders Signature with Staftp and date

***"rqr< iqq.,lqq+rqiqc. rai rc. ft q1s +gter zr+f, vt rmiat qrs, CRrsfi-q, {(q'itFrrE - 380006 !IT'd'
Aimodabad Zono, Zonal OfIico, 6!h Floor, Bank of Baroda, Nr. Law Garden, Ellis bridgo, Ahmedabad - 380006. lndia.
fr{/phono:9,1 79 26473246i3023, {-+trie-mail : [email protected] . +dweb: www.bankofbaroda.com
3W itgw
kaf Bamda
l; rr:l

+s'qis q*fl,
Wq-ffflr 3i{q, AHMEDABAD ZONE,
q-{rr<lerq aiqrr orqtrq, AHMEDABAD zoNAL oFFIcE,
Bth Ffr(, *+"stm cst<lqs-(, 8rH FLOSR, BANK OF BARODA TOwERs,
qirrre{*Tm, gffiv, NEAR LAw GARDEN, ELLISBRIDGE,
q-{qilql< / AHMEDABAD - 380006.

+fi stm c$<r, wqrcr+r< Gtqq RM -HUB, qFr+{r< er{q-{rsrc ft rrrnrm + ftq c}_lf+'q * eilerrc q{
cftv<srx o,G + Rq yft sfl-{ frfrfa {qft rrtrrlu oilrfrqun frra rTrkflrT Eo. T{qffi qflq
urftro 7 gran-+mr trrffi q a-aq R-Eq h n-qil ffi-i-i< ftfrsl qT-+E( 6{ eT tl
Bank of Baroda, Ahmedabad zone invites sealed renders under Two cover system
from Landlords/Power of Attorney holders having clear and marketable Titles over
land and built-up property for acquiring premises on lease/rental basis for setting
up of RM-HUB, Maninagar, Ahmedabad.
qrrr / - r efr{ +rm /pant - u,
n-6-fl+1 ddl ofu [q +ff, rEcHNrcAL BrD & pRrcE BrD,
f3fcrf fr<q< ftfFIb t Vm O1-461n), {To be submitted in separate sealed envelope),

fr'E-<t ts di + irrftq / Start date of Tend er - 3O.O9.2O2 L,

ftA-<T qq-r dG ft Biftq ftft / Last date of submission of render - 2o.to.zo2l 3.00 pM
ilf,.ftftfrR-ciffiqrq"ftf Opening of Technical Bids on 2O.LO,2O2L,3.3O pM
frt, qfsqstfl-, BANK oF BARoDA,
6th ffi(, d'*;qfgc*Erar+<, 6th FLooR, BANK oF BARoDA TowERs,
eiq-r*{*crq, gffis, NEAR LAw GARDEN, ELLISBRIDGE,
3eqildr( / AHMEDABAD - 380006.

Pagc 2oF2
Bidders Signature with Stamp and date
3r€€r{r{3iTm, 3iT( {rqtdq, aei n-c, i'+ dq cEtsr zr+S, qi rrnil h qrr, CFRrfi-E, {{s{rErq
- 3so0o6. qTCd.
Ahmedabad Zone, Zonal Offico, 6th Floor, Bank of Baroda, Nr. Law Garden, Ellis bridge, Ahmedabad - 380006. lndia,
frflPhone r 91 79 26473246/3023, t-l-{ie-mail i [email protected] . +E/Web : www,bankofbaroda.com
*mfiw "rr
W3 li :I: f'-,;II

++'dsr*{r,BANK oF BARoDA,
cr{rErqrE 3iTf,, AHMEDABAD zoNE,
erflflqr eiqq m-rqtqq, AHMEDABAD zoNAL oFFIcE,

eirrr€-<*crq, qftrqfrE, NEAR LAw GARDEN, ELLISBRIDGE,

ieqildl( / AHMEDABAD - 380006.

totfrm .w
Bankof Earada

++, 3rts e-st<T, Br-{tr<T{rq aiqm RM -Hug, qFr+{K q{tr<rsr{

ff (rnrilr + ftq @ft-<rq * qTtrr(
q-{ qftfisrfl 6G + ft{ {ft ei,( fiffi( ticft q(trs BIrt Gqum q}q qrR-+t-+t 6t reimi wnrt
qrR-+ I twrc;rrqr ffic+it ( eifi R-€q * a-Ao trrrq;< frft-<r e{r{E-d fi .{r tl
Bank ofBaroda, Ahmedabad Zone.invites sealed Tenders under Two Cover
system from Landlords/Power ofAttorney holders having clear and
marketable Titles over land and built-up property for acquiring premises on
lease/rental basis for setting up of RM-HUB, Maninagar, Ahmedabad.
qrrl / PART - r .rfrt +rm /penr - rr,
Rsfifr ffi efu qeq frff,
(or"r+r -er*rr lftc+;< trrqrh fr q{r 6c{r d{n),
(To be submitted in Separate sealed envelope),

fr'G-<r eJs di ft (r{fq / start date of Tender - 3o,o9.2o21,

ftG-<rqrrtGfi 3iftqftFI/ Last date of submission of Tender -2o,Lo.2o2L,3 PM
iltftff frfiqi Afr qqnft 7 opening of Technical Bids on 20,1o.2o2L,3.3o PM
+s qis {st{r, BANK oF BARoDA,
6th ffi(, il+ qis e-si-(t erdR, 6th FLooR, BANK oF BARoDA TowERs,
qirrr$r*.nq, \rtrrqB-q, NEAR LAw GARDEN, ELLISBRIDGE,
rcIr(r.rrEi AHMEDABAD - 380006.

Pirge 1 of 3
Bidders Signature with Stamp and date
Inviting fenders under Two Cover system from landlords/power of attomey holders having cleal and marketablc Titlcs over
Iand arld builrup propclty for acquirjrlg prenrises on lease/rertal basis for proposed setting up of RM-FIUB, Maninagar,
fffiP rt* ?fi!
:'4,4.8 #aot kol
t3 ixr :lir;is
Premises Required on Lease/Rental basis for RM HUB. Maninagar

BANK OF BARODA invites proposals / offers in Two Bid system from

landlords/power of attorney holders having clear and marketable Titles ovcr
land and built-up property, having carpet area of 1000 sq.ft. 192.9O3 sq.mtr.
t l- 25% variance in area) for acquiring premises on lease/rental basis lor
our proposed setting up of RM-HUB, Maninagar.

Preference sha11 be given to offers lrom Public Sector Units and Government

Location of premises should be within Lala Laipat Rai Mars from 'lulsi
Complex to Rambaug Kankariva Char Rasta. Offers are invited from owncrs
only having registercd clear title and roof rights only ('l'itle Clearance Ileport
of the property to be obtained at their own cost and submit along r.r,ith bid).
Premises having ownership interest of minor/ s will not be considered,
Property Dealers & Brokers need not apply. No brokerage shal1 be paid.
Premises must be situated on Ground Floor preferably and should have
sufficient parking area in front. NOC for commercial use, along with approved
map to be obtained from competent authority by the owner at their own cost.
Owner/s will need to provide 3 phase connection with electrical load 25 KVA
for Branch as per specifications at their own cost. Owners offering the
premises to take note of the bank's policy that Municipal taxes and society
maintenance charges are to be borne by the landlord invariably. Landlord to
bear the cost of construction as suggested by the bank as per specifications.

Offers submitted in two sealed envelopes in conformity with two-bid system

should contain the following details.

Envelop No. (1) - Marked "Technical Bid":- Should contain fu1l technical
details viz. location of premises with detailed address, Municipal Authority
approved plan drawn to scale with completion/ occupation certificate, carpet
area of each portion to be acquired, specification of internal finishes,
amenities, car parking facility etc,. No indication as to price aspect be give n
in "Technical Bid."

Envelop No. (21 Marked "Price Bid":- Should contain strictly Financial
details viz. Rates per sq. mtr. Sq.ft. on carpet area, details of Municipal taxes
and lease expenses etc. Carpet area (as per IS Code 3861-2OO2l shall
exclude staircase. corridor and passage. porch. shaft and machine rooms
for lifts. air-conditioning duct. loft. built-in wardrobes & shelf.
intermediate pillars / columns. partitions & wall and other obstructions.
varandahs. balcony. bathrooms and lavatorv etc.

Page 2 of 3
Bidders Signature with Stamp and date
Inviting Tcndcrs under Two Cover system from landlords/power oI attoney holders having cleal ancl nlarketable Tilles ()\,cr
land ancl built-up property for acquiring premises on lease/rental basis fol proposecl setling tlp of RM-HUB, Maninirllar,
*w E#w y"dfar
li r: frnE':?I
Both the sealed covers (Technical Bid & Price Bid) are to be put in one sealed
cover marked as t'Tenders for acquiring premises on lease/rental basis for
setting up of RM-HUB, Maninagar, Ahmedabad" should be submitted on
or before 2O.1O.2O2L by 3:OO pm. addressed and submitted to

The Dy. General Manager (DZH)

Bank of Baroda, Ahmedabad Zona1. Offi,ce,
6th floor, Bank of Baroda Towers,
Opp. Law Garden, Ahmedabad * 380006
Email - iti r, i"l;l t-i !r i-i"i lli t i l l"t l-'-p,1 ll i"l t,q i:r, !.)i)r !t
i.? 1"l

Telephone * 079-2647 3246 I 3023 (Premises)


Start Date Of Inviting Offers so.o9.202t

Last Date For Submission Of Offers 20.10.202r BY 03.00 PM
Bids received beyond the mentioned time and date wlll not be accepted
under any circumstances and will not be conceded.

Corrigendum, if any, shall be published on Bank,s web site only. All

bidders are requested to visit Bank's web site (www.bankolbaroda.com)
regularly in their own interest till last day of submission of bid.

Technical Bids shall be opened on 2O.1O.2O21 till 3.3O PM at the above

address mentioned and Financial Bids opening shall be informed

Any decision taken by Bank at any point of time in connection with this
process shall be final/ conclusive and no claim/dispute from any quarter in
that regard sha11 be entertained.

ISank reserves the right to accept or reject any offers without assigning any
reason thereof.

Place: Ahmedabad Dy. Zonal Head

Date:30-09-202 1 Ahmedabad Zone
Bank of Baroda

PaSe 3 of 3
Bidders Signature with Stamp and datc
Irrvitillg Tcnders under Two Covcl system fiolr lancllolcls/power of attorney holLlers having clear and marketable Titles over
lanll ancl bLrilt'up Property for acquiing prcmises on lease/rental basis for proposed scttillg up of RM-HUB, Manirugar,

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