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GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2021

ISSN 2320-9186 2466

GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2021, Online: ISSN 2320-9186


The Effect of Superior Subordinate Relations, Work

Discipline and Career Development on Employee
Performance at Health Center of East Poleang,
Bombana Regency
Sunarno¹, Abd. Azis Muthalib², Ruslan³

Author Details
¹Program Magister of Management High School of Economic Science of Enam Enam Kendari, Indonesia.
²Faculty of Economics and Business, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia.
³ Faculty of Economics and Business, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia.

Key Words: Superior Subordinate Relations, Work Discipline, Career Development, and Employee

This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of superior-subordinate relationships,
work discipline, and career development on employee performance at the East Poleang Health Center,
Bombana Regency. The sample in this study were all employees at the East Poleang Health Center,
Bombana Regency, amounting to 45 people. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis.
The results showed that: (1) The relationship between superiors and subordinates, work dis-
cipline, and career development had a positive and significant effect on employee performance. (2)
The relationship between superiors and subordinates has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance. (3) Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. (4)
Career development has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

Human resource management in the context of the organization is a major factor in the success
of the organization. Of all the resources available in an organization, both public and private organiza-
tions, human resources are the most important and very decisive. Human resources are the only re-
sources that have a reason, feeling, desire, skill, ability, knowledge, drive, power, and intention. All
potential resources are very influential on the organization's efforts to achieve goals.
The implementation of duties and work is an obligation for members in an organization, both in
government and non-government organizations. In carrying out these duties and obligations there is a
common goal, namely expecting a good and satisfactory result by what has been determined previous-
ly. To get a good work result by the objectives, then every organization has a rule that is outlined in
the form of a policy.
Wahyuni (2012: 6) states that the civil servant profession, which is the spearhead of service de-
livery in the government, should be highly considered and managed professionally, to be able to make
a positive contribution to society and the progress of government institutions through improved per-
formance. Performance is the result given by a person in carrying out the duties and responsibilities
assigned to him.
Performance is so important because employee performance is a benchmark for organizations
to assess capabilities, productivity and provide useful information for matters relating to employees.
Performance is the result of work compared to predetermined standards. Performance plays an impor-
tant role in increasing progress or changes for the better for the achievement of organizational goals.
The success or failure of carrying out individual tasks in an organization is determined by the perfor-
mance achieved during a certain period (Mawartin; 2013:5).

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GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2021
ISSN 2320-9186 2467

Performance can be described as a process function of the individual's response to the perfor-
mance measures expected by the organization, which includes performance design, empowerment
processes, and mentoring, as well as from the individual side which includes skills, abilities, and
knowledge. Performance is the result of a process of combining individual capabilities with individual
attitudes towards aspects of work and organization. Performance is influenced by several factors, in-
cluding superior-subordinate relationships, work discipline, and career development.
The first factor that influences employee performance is the superior-subordinate relationship.
The superior-subordinate relationship describes the process of creating roles between a leader and a
subordinate (Graen & Haga in Yunus, 2019; Graen & Cashman in Yunus, 2019). The premise of this
theory is that leaders develop separate exchange relationships with each of their subordinates, most
leaders make special relationships with a small number of subordinates who are believed to function
as assistants, lieutenants, or advisors.
The maintenance and development of the relationship between the two parties in a mature way
are not only beneficial for both, but more importantly for the organization in achieving performance,
growth, and success. Leanne and Abraham in Ilham (2017) examined how leaders create incentives
for creativity at work, the analysis shows that Leader-member exchange is positively related to em-
ployee feelings and energy, which in turn is associated with high levels of involvement in creative
The second factor that influences employee performance is work discipline. Work discipline is
a tool used by managers to communicate with employees so that they are willing to change behavior
to increase their awareness and willingness to comply with all organizational regulations and applica-
ble social norms (Rivai: 2011).
The application of discipline for employees aims to ensure that employees follow all applicable
regulations, carry out work as well as possible and can provide maximum service, can use and main-
tain work facilities and infrastructure, can participate by applicable norms and employees can produce
productivity/performance high according to organizational expectations (Sastrohadiwirjo in Hendra-
wan, 2018).
According to Hasibuan (2004:20), the discipline factor is very influential on employee perfor-
mance. Discipline is usually directly proportional to the productivity/performance of employees in an
organization, if the level of discipline of employees of an organization is good, then the level of prod-
uctivity/performance of the organization will also be good. Enforcement of discipline that is too high
can trigger employee work stress or it can also trigger employee motivation because some employees
tend to be lazy to work if there is no strict enforcement of discipline.
About the level of career development and employee performance above, the Poleang Timur
Health Center, Bombana Regency is required to highlight a good image in the eyes of the community,
especially the existence or conditions attached to each of its employees. The Poleang Timur Health
Center in Bombana Regency is a supporting element for the implementation of services to the com-
munity, the success of achieving its goals and targets is strongly influenced by the level of participa-
tion from community elements and employees of the Poleang Timur Health Center in Bombana Re-
gency so that the Poleang Timur Health Center in Bombana Regency is required to be able to carry
out the implementation of coaching and training. community empowerment and district government
administration. As employees who carry out these public services, employees of the Poleang Timur
Health Center in Bombana Regency to carry out their roles and functions professionally. The profes-
sionalism of employees in carrying out their roles and functions requires discipline in all respects as a
prerequisite for achieving organizational goals.
Based on the initial observations made, it is known that the performance of employees at the
Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency is still very low. This can be seen from the existence
of employees who are indifferent to work and responsibilities, the reluctance of employees to be in-
volved in any work, slow response in providing services from leadership orders. In addition, there are
still employees who are not satisfied with the leadership's policy regarding the division of tasks given.
Where employees state that there are still employee job placements that are not by the skills and skills
of employees so that there is a delay in service to friendly communities (Results of interviews with
Mr. Santri., S.KM., M.Kes as the head of Administration for the East Poleang Health Center, Bomba-
na Regency, January 2021).

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GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2021
ISSN 2320-9186 2468

Literature Review
Superior Subordinate Relationship Concept
The superior-subordinate relationship describes the process of creating roles between a leader
and a subordinate (Graen & Haga in Yunus, 2019; Graen & Cashman in Yunus, 2019). The premise of
this theory is that leaders develop separate exchange relationships with each of their subordinates,
most leaders make special relationships with a small number of subordinates who are believed to
function as assistants, lieutenants, or advisors.
The maintenance and development of the relationship between the two parties in a mature way
are not only beneficial for both, but more importantly for the organization in achieving performance,
growth, and success. Leanne and Abraham in Ilham (2017) examined how leaders create incentives
for creativity at work, the analysis shows that Leader-member exchange is positively related to em-
ployee feelings and energy, which in turn is associated with high levels of involvement in creative
work. Strong empirical support for Leader-member exchange on work results, including performance
(Gerstner & Day in Ilham, 2017).
The indicators for the superior-subordinate relationship according to Liden and Maslyn in Il-
ham (2017) are:
1. Affect, namely the relationship of mutual influence or mutual affection between the two
relationships based on mutual personal interest rather than work or professional values.
2. Professional Respect, namely mutual respect between both parties for their respective
professional abilities.
3. Loyalty, namely Loyalty or the extent to which both leaders and members support each
other's actions and character.
4. Contribution, namely the contribution or perception of the amount of work and the quality of
work of each member of the reciprocal relationship.

Work Discipline Concept

Gibson, Ivancevich, and Donelly in Dewi (2019) define discipline as the use of some form of
punishment or sanction if employees deviate. The use of punishment is used when managers are faced
with problems of subordinate behavior that are not by regulations and work performance that is below
company standards.
Rivai in Hendrawan (2018): "Work discipline is a tool used by managers to communicate with
employees so that they are willing to change a behavior as well as an effort to increase one's aware-
ness and willingness to obey all company regulations and applicable social norms”.
Discipline can be interpreted as the attitude of a person or group who intends to follow the rules
that have been set. About work, work discipline is an employee's attitude and behavior towards orga-
nizational regulations. Intention can be interpreted as the desire to do something or the willingness to
conform to the rules. Attitudes and behavior in work discipline are characterized by various initia-
tives, willingness, and will obey the rules.
Emmel in Riesky (2018) defines discipline as a system of rules to control behavior. The main
function of discipline in the workplace is to encourage unsatisfactory employees to become better.
The focus on improvement means that discipline is about trying to achieve, and not using accusations
or bad intentions. Punishment is used only at the last moment when other means have failed.

Career Development Concept

A career is the history of a person's work, or a series of positions held during his working life,
a career is a sequence of promotions or transfers to positions that are more demanding of responsibili-
ty or to better locations in the hierarchy of employment relationships during one's working life.
According to Marwansyah (2015: 170) there are two perspectives about careers, namely from
one perspective, a career is a series of jobs that a person undertakes during his life which is called an
objective career. Meanwhile, from another perspective, a career includes changes in values, attitudes,
and motivations that occur with increasing age which are called subjective careers. Both of these
perspectives put the focus on the individual.
According to Siagian (2015: 68), career development is the personal changes that a person
makes to achieve a career plan. According to Widodo (2015: 53) "Career development is a series of
lifelong activities that contribute to the exploration, consolidation, success, and fulfillment of one's
career". Keith Davis and Werther in Yunus (2019) explain that there are four indicators for measuring
career development, which is as follows:
1. Justice in career. Employees want fairness in the promotion system with equal opportunities
for career advancement.

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GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2021
ISSN 2320-9186 2469

2. Attention to Supervisor. Employees want their supervisors to play an active role in career
development and provide regular feedback on performance.
3. The Interest of Workers. Employees need several different information and in fact; have
different degrees of interest in career advancement which depends on various factors.
4. Career Satisfaction. Employees, depending on their age and position, have different
satisfactions. An effective career program must take into account the different perceptions of
employees' desires.

Employee Performance Concept

According to Mohamad Mahsun (2016: 25) states that: "Performance is a description of the
level of achievement of the implementation of an activity or program or policy in realizing the goals,
objectives, mission, and vision of the organization contained in the strategic planning of an
organization''. According to Mangkunegara (2015: 67) performance (work achievement) is the result
of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties by the responsibili-
ties given to him.
Employee performance appraisal absolutely must be done to determine employee perfor-
mance that is useful for the company to determine further policies. According to Hasibuan (2017: 87),
performance appraisal is assessing the ratio of real work results to the quality and quantity standards
produced by each employee. Establishing policy means whether employees will be promoted, de-
moted, and/or their remuneration is increased. Meanwhile, according to Mangkunegara (2015: 69),
employee performance appraisal is a process of evaluating employee performance appraisals carried
out by company leaders systematically based on the work assigned to them.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the performance appraisal is a
process of seeing and knowing how much the employee's work achievement is in carrying out his du-
ties. The high and low performance of an employee is determined by the factors that influence it either
directly or indirectly.

Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses

Conceptual Framework
Based on the understanding and theories put forward in the literature review, a conceptual
framework can be developed that will examine several variables, namely the relationship between
superiors and subordinates (X1), work discipline (X2), career development (X3), and employee per-
formance variables (Y). This study will analyze the effect of superior-subordinate relationships, work
discipline, and career development on employee performance at the Poleang Timur Health Center,
Bombana Regency. The framework for thinking in this study is built based on the problem and study
objectives, theoretical and empirical studies as the basis for formulating hypotheses.

Schematic 1. Research Conceptual Framework

Research Hypothesis
Based on the formulation of the problem with the research framework that has been put for-
ward, the hypothesis of this research is as follows:

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GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2021
ISSN 2320-9186 2470

1. The relationship between superiors and subordinates, work discipline, and career
development have a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
2. The relationship between superiors and subordinates has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance.
3. Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
4. Career development has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

Research Methods
Research Population and Respondents
According to M. Nazir (2003:271), states that "population is a collection of individuals with
predetermined qualities and characteristics. The population in this study were all employees at the
Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency. The total number of employees at the Poleang Ti-
mur Health Center in Bombana Regency is 45 Civil Servants, not including the leadership at the Po-
leang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency. The population in this study as well as a saturated
sample or census totaling 45 Civil Servants at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency.

Data collection technique

The techniques used in data collection in this study are as follows:
1. A questionnaire; is data collection by submitting a list of questions or statements to
employees at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency. The seriousness of
respondents in answering questions or statements is important, considering that this data
collection was carried out by questionnaires and it is hoped that the data obtained can be
analyzed and interpreted to conclude.
2. Observation; a way of collecting data by direct observation and systematic recording of the
object to be studied. Observations were made by researchers by observing and recording the
relationship between superiors and subordinates, work discipline, career development, and
employee performance.
3. Documentation, namely collecting documents related to discipline, superior-subordinate rela-
tionships, career development, and the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency as
well as from respondents.

Data Analysis Method

This study uses two kinds of analysis, descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistic-
al analysis of the data obtained in the field. Descriptive analysis is used to describe in more depth
each research variable. While quantitative techniques are used to see the strength of the influence
between independent variables and the dependent variable, namely by analyzing the data that has
been scored according to the measurement scale that has been determined through multiple linear
regression analysis using Microsoft Excel and SPSS software.

Research Result
Multiple Linear Regression Equation
The results of multiple linear regression analysis in this study can be seen in table 5.10. as
Table 1. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results
Independent Variable (X) Significance Information
Hubungan Atasan Bawahan (X1) 0,994 0,000 Significant
Work Discipline (X2) 0,781 0,000 Significant
Career development (X3) 0,671 0,000 Significant
β0 = 7,674
R Square = 0,930 N = 45
R = 0,965 α = 0,05
Significance = 0,000
Standar error = 5,308
Source: Primary Data Processed in 2021
Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis in table 5.10, the resulting
regression model as an explanatory model for the influence of superior-subordinate relationships,
work discipline, and career development on employee performance at the Poleang Timur Health

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GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2021
ISSN 2320-9186 2471

Center, Bombana Regency can be stated as follows:

Y = 7.647 + 0.994 X1 + 0.781 X2 + 0.671 X3 + 5.308
Based on the equation of multiple linear regression analysis above, it can be seen that:
a. The regression coefficient for the superior-subordinate relationship variable (X1) is 0.994,
indicating that there is a positive influence of the superior-subordinate relationship on
employee performance with the assumption that other factors (work discipline and career
development) are considered constant (Ceteris Paribus).
b. The regression coefficient for the work discipline variable (X2) is 0.781, indicating that there
is a positive effect of work discipline on employee performance with the assumption that
other factors (superior-subordinate relationships and career development) are considered
constant (Ceteris Paribus).
c. The regression coefficient for the career development variable (X3) is 0.671, indicating that
there is a positive influence of career development on employee performance with the
assumption that other factors (superior-subordinate relationships and work discipline) are
considered constant (Ceteris Paribus).

Coefficient of Determination (R Square)

Based on the calculation of the coefficient of determination obtained by 0.930, it means that
the contribution of superior-subordinate relationships, work discipline, and career development to
employee performance at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency is 93.0%. While the
remaining 7.0% is explained by other variables that are not included in this research model.

Hypothesis test
1) F- test
The first hypothesis proposed in this study is: superior-subordinate relationships,
work discipline, and career development have a positive and significant effect on employee
performance at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency. To prove the
hypothesis, a simultaneous regression test was carried out using a significance value of 0.000
which means it is smaller than the value of = 0.05. Thus, simultaneously the variables of
superior-subordinate relationships, work discipline, and career development have a positive
and significant effect on employee performance at the Poleang Timur Health Center,
Bombana Regency. On this basis, the first hypothesis proposed previously can be accepted
because it has been proven true.
2) t-test
The second hypothesis proposed in this study is: the relationship between superiors
and subordinates has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Poleang
Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency. To prove the hypothesis, a partial regression test
was conducted using a significance value of 0.000 which means it is smaller than the value of
= 0.05. Thus, partially the superior-subordinate relationship variable has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana
Regency. On this basis, the second hypothesis proposed earlier can be accepted because it has
been proven true.
The third hypothesis proposed in this study is: work discipline has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana
Regency. To prove the hypothesis, a partial regression test was carried out using a
significance value of 0.000 which means it is smaller than the value of = 0.05. Thus partially
the work discipline variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at
the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency. On this basis, the third hypothesis
proposed previously can be accepted because it has been proven true.
The fourth hypothesis proposed in this study is: career development has a positive
and significant effect on employee performance at the Poleang Timur Health Center,
Bombana Regency. To prove the hypothesis, a partial regression test was carried out using a
significance value of 0.000 which means it is greater than the value of = 0.05. Thus, partially
career development variables have a positive and significant effect on employee performance
at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency. On this basis, the fourth hypothesis
proposed previously can be accepted because it has been proven true.

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GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2021
ISSN 2320-9186 2472

The Influence of Superior-Subordinate Relationships, Work Discipline, and Career
Development on Employee Performance
From the results of the analysis, it is shown that the hypothesis testing has a simultaneous
effect on the independent variables, namely the relationship between superiors and subordinates, work
discipline, and career development on the dependent variable of employee performance using the F
test. The relationship between superiors and subordinates, work discipline, and career development
has a significant effect on the dependent variable, namely employee performance. Characteristics of
employees in terms of high morale, ability, and knowledge as well as mastery of work materials, good
cooperation between employees, fair and equitable career development justice, and the desire of
employees to show achievements in developing careers based on their level of education and years of
This means that if the superior-subordinate relationship, work discipline, and career
development are good together it will have an impact on the good performance of employees, and
vice versa if discipline, superior-subordinate relationships, and poor career development together it
will result in poor employee performance. Thus the hypothesis that together the variables of
discipline, superior-subordinate relationships and career development have a significant effect on
employee performance can be accepted. The results of this study are in line with previous research,
namely research conducted by Yuli (2013) which states that discipline and superior-subordinate
relationships influence improving employee performance. Wicaksono (2010) stated that career
development has a significant influence on employee performance.

The Influence of Superior-Subordinate Relationships on Employee Performance

The relationship between superior-subordinate relationships with employee characteristics at
the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency, focuses on working relationships that are forged
with high professional ties with a high commitment to continue to be loyal to the institution and the
community. The relationship is more emotional for employees in increasing loyalty to the leadership
and goals of the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency.
The superior-subordinate relationship referred to in this study is the employee's perception of
the relationship created between superiors and subordinates where the focus is on a two-way
relationship or called a unique reciprocal relationship because it is different for each person. Based on
the results of the hypothesis test, it is known that the relationship between superiors and subordinates
on employee performance is positive and significant. This shows that the superior-subordinate
relationship has a significant role in improving employee performance at the Poleang Timur Health
Center, Bombana Regency. The relationship between superiors and subordinates has an impact on
increasing or improving employee performance. Good relations between superiors and subordinates
will have an impact on good work interactions, employees can conduct consultations and work
guidance to superiors, and superiors have exemplary values and good examples for their employees
which results in increased employee performance.
The empirical phenomenon that occurs at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana
Regency is where superiors develop relationships with their subordinates with various qualities,
superiors choose subordinates they like, based on trust and emotional closeness, the nature, and roles
performed are also considered capable of carrying out their duties and responsibilities. considered
capable of representing superiors on several occasions, thus superiors will be easier to command or
ask for help from subordinates to help him do all the tasks that are his responsibility.
This research is supported by previous research conducted by Wahyuni and Reffi Singgi
(2010) which explains that the superior-subordinate relationship has a significant influence on
performance. The test results prove that the relationship between superiors and subordinates that can
shape employee attitudes is the loyalty of each superior and subordinate. It can be interpreted that
employees who work very highly uphold the orders of superiors. This study is not in line with
previous researchers Siti Choimah (2012) which states that superior support can improve employee
performance, nor does it support the results of Purbudi et.al (2010) research that superior support has
a positive and significant effect on performance appraisal ratings.

The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance

Work discipline has a close relationship with the characteristics of employees who already
exist in him. Employees who have an understanding and experience of duties and responsibilities tend
to carry out all the rules that have been set. The work behavior of Poleang Timur Health Center

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GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2021
ISSN 2320-9186 2473

employees, Bombana Regency, which prioritizes work procedures are based on the employee's
excellent working knowledge from the results of his experience and education.
Empirically, the dominant indicators that contribute to discipline are compliance with all
organizational regulations, effective use of time, responsibilities, and levels of absenteeism. Thus it
can be interpreted that employees who work by the time set, are employees who have high discipline
and commitment to work, full responsibility for each work result, excellent attendance rates as
evidenced by the services provided at the Poleang Timur Health Center. Bombana Regency ends when
working hours are over, resulting in good performance.
The results of this study state that discipline has a significant effect on employee
performance. This is by a study conducted by Munawaroh (2012) which said that motivational
variables and discipline variables had a direct effect on performance. The results of this study support
the theory of Sastrohadiwiryo (2003: 291) which states that work discipline is an attitude of respect,
respect, obedience, and obedience to the applicable regulations, both written, and unwritten and able
to run them and do not avoid receiving sanctions if he violated the duties and powers given to him.
Poor implementation of work discipline can cause the implementation and improvement of employee
performance to be hampered. For this reason, it is hoped that the leadership and staff elements at the
Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency can translate and improve work discipline in a
sustainable manner.
This study is in line with research conducted by Anugerah (2011) which states that work
discipline has a significant influence on employee performance. Based on this thought, the researcher
concluded that work discipline is very decisive in improving employee performance. Work discipline
can be reflected in the attitude of the Poleang Timur Health Center employees, Bombana Regency
who are willing and obedient to follow various standards and rules set by the local government and
leaders at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency so that fraud can be avoided. In
applying discipline, other factors also play a role, namely the goals and abilities of employees as
actors, exemplary leadership shown in daily work interactions and relationships, and remuneration
provided to employees for compliance with all regulations.

The Effect of Career Development on Employee Performance

Career development can significantly improve performance in a positive direction because its
implementation when viewed from the aspect of career development indicators, namely career justice,
attention to supervisors, awareness of opportunities, work interest and employee satisfaction can
improve employee performance. This means that employees who can develop their careers will be
more enthusiastic to improve their performance.
Career development has a close relationship with the characteristics of employees in this
study. This is because employees at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency, try to show
maximum work performance as an effort to improve their career in the future as a result of
performance appraisal. Employees with a high level of education with a long service period tend to
want an increase in their careers. This is no exception for the employees of the Poleang Timur Health
Center, Bombana Regency, who continue to manage their potential at work and show quality work
The results of this study support Abdul Hameed, et al (2011) who said that the success or
failure of an organization depends on the performance of employees, therefore the local government
in this case the leadership at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency, gave a positive
response by being fair to employees to develop their careers. The results of this study are in line with
previous research conducted by Wicaksono (2010) which stated that there was a significant influence
of career development on employee performance. Based on this premise, the researcher concludes that
career development has a positive and significant influence on employee performance at the Poleang
Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency. Career development for employees has a very important
meaning because it is considered as one of the goals for employees in developing themselves and
careers in the future. Career development also has a role in shaping employee attitudes to increase
loyalty, work skills and skills, discipline, independence, and confidence in work.

Research Limitations
The researcher realizes that the implementation of this research cannot be separated from the
limitations experienced, in addition to the limitations of time and cost, namely:
1. This study uses a questionnaire so that sometimes the answers given by respondents do not
show the real situation because they are not supported by in-depth interviews.

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GSJ: Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2021
ISSN 2320-9186 2474

2. The data obtained are direct answers from research respondents, so that the acquisition of
data in this study is strongly influenced by the perception and honesty of respondents in
providing answers to the statements given in the questionnaire.

Conclusions and Suggestions

Based on the research findings, problem formulation, research objectives, research
hypotheses, results of data analysis and discussion of research results, the conclusions of this study
can be stated as follows:
1. The relationship between superiors and subordinates, work discipline, and career
development has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Poleang
Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency.
2. The relationship between superiors and subordinates has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency.
3. Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Poleang
Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency.
4. Career development has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the
Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency.

Based on the results of data analysis, discussion, and conclusions of this study, suggestions
that can be put forward are:
1. For the leadership of the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency, it is
recommended that they continue to build and maintain mutually beneficial long-term
relationships between employees by improving superior-subordinate relationships, work
discipline, and career development so that it will have implications for improving employee
2. The need for leaders at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency to continuously
improve the superior-subordinate relationship, especially the professional respect indicator
because based on the results of the average score obtained from the research results show that
the professional respect indicator has a small role or contribution from the four indicators of
the superior relationship variable subordinate.
3. The need for leaders at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency to continuously
improve work discipline, especially indicators of effective use of time because based on the
results of the average score obtained from the research results show that indicators of
effective use of time have a small role or contribution from the four indicators work discipline
4. The need for leaders at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency to continuously
improve career development, especially indicators of career justice because based on the
results of the average score obtained from the research results show that the indicators of
career justice have a small role or contribution from the four indicators of development
variables career.
5. The need for leaders at the Poleang Timur Health Center, Bombana Regency to continuously
improve employee performance, especially indicators of work initiative because based on the
results of the average score obtained from the research results indicate that the work initiative
indicator has a small role or contribution of the nine employee performance variable

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ISSN 2320-9186 2475

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