Guajava LindaWeni

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Anti-Inflammatory Activity of The Extract of Guava Leaves (Psidium guajava

L) in The Rat (Rattus norvegicus L)

Article in Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention · February 2011

DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjcanchemoprev2iss1pp169-172


9 8,010

3 authors, including:

Linda Weni Harliansyah Harliansyah

Universitas YARSI Universitas YARSI


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Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention, February 2011
ISSN: 2088–0197
e-ISSN: 2355-8989

Anti-Inflammatory Activity of The Extract of Guava

Leaves (Psidium guajava L) in The Rat (Rattus norvegicus L)

Linda Weni1,*, Harliansyah1 and Widayanti2

Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine,YARSI University
Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine,YARSI University


Using of natural sources that have anti-inflammatory activity for the prevention and
treatment of degenerative diseases began to be further explored. An investigation on the
anti-inflammatory activity of the aqueous extract of guava leaves (Psidium guajava L.) from
Sawangan, Depok on white male rats of Sprague-Dawley strain had been carried out on the
carrageenan-induced paw edema method. To examine the effect of guava extract on
subcutan at different doses of 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg of body weight (BW). Indometacine
at dose of 10 mg/kg BW was used as a positive control. Observations were made during
five hours with an interval of one hour. These results demonstrate that the percentage of
inflammation or edema (% E) optimal at the 4th hour and then decreased at the 5th hour,
while the percentage of optimal inhibition occurred at the 5th hour. Guava extract at 125,
250 and 500 mg/kg BW reduced inhibitory percentage activities by 40.81, 55.45 and 43.61%
(p< 0.05) respectively. In conclusion, this study suggests that guava extract has anti-
inflammatory properties by decreasing edema level.

Keywords: Anti-inflammatory, guava leaves, edema

INTRODUCTION The potential of guava leaves is essential to

do research about its activities for the prevention
Increased production of free radicals that and treatment of degenerative diseases caused by
can cause a decrease in the body's defense system free radicals. The purpose of this study was to
(Qian and Nihorimbere, 2004). Free radicals are determine the effect of guava leaves of red fruit
involved in the pathogenesis of chronic extract as an anti-inflammatory of test animals
degenerative diseases such as inflammation, induced by carrageenan. This research is expected
cancer, autoimmune, cardiovascular, to provide additional information about the guava
neurodegenerative, and aging (Liu et al, 2004). leaves as an anti-inflammatory effects that
Psidium guajava L. known as guava is a member economic value can be improved.
of the family Myrtaceae. Pharmacological study of
the whole extract of this plant like bark, fruits, and METHODS
leaves showed the existence of anti-inflamatory
activity, antioxidant, anti-bacteria, hypoglycemic, Plant material
analgesic, antipyretic, spasmolytic, and central Guava leaves of red local fruit were
nervous system pressure (Rai et al., 2007). Part of obtained from Sawangan, Depok. Then it stored in
this plant is also used, among others, to heal room conditioning before used.
wounds, ulcers, and cholera (Sanches et al, 2005).
In addition, this plant is often used as a cough Extracts Preparation
medicine, anti-diarrhea, treatment of hypertension, Guava leaves boiled during 2 hours then
obesity, and diabetes mellitus control (El Sohafy et filtered by using Whatman paper no.1. After that
al, 2009). the results dried for later dissolved by using
distilled water.

Weni, et al., 2011
Indones. J. Cancer Chemoprevent., 2(1), 169-172

ml/kg by eous. The positive control group receives

Animals 0,1 ml keragenan/NaCl 1%. Mean increase in the
Sparague-Dawley albino rats of male (180- volume of edema was measured and the percentage
200g) were housed in standard cages, which of inhibition was calculated.
provided with food and water ad libitum. They
kept for a week to acclimatization before Statistical analysis
experimental sessions. Rats were weighed and had Analysis of data for testing anti-
behavior observed every day. The mice could be inflammatory performed using ANOVA.
used for research unless they signed any symptoms
of pains and their weight changed to more or less RESULTS
than 10% of initial weight. This preservation was
performed in Balitbangkes RI, Jakarta. Figure 1 shows that both the comparison
group Indomethacine, or a group of samples
Carrageenan induced rat paw oedema Psidium guajava L. at doses of 125, 250, and 500
Acute inflammation was induced by mg/kg both have the effect of lowering value of
subcutan injection of freshly prepared suspension %E (=0,05) than the positive control group. This
of carrageenan into the left hind paw of each rat. shows the inhibition of edema caused by injection
The paw volume was measured at 1st, 2nd, 3th, 4th, carrageenan. Thus it can be presumed that the
and 5th hour after the injection of carrageenan sample of Psidium guajava L have anti-
using a plethysmometer. Aqueous extracts of the inflammatory abilities.
guava leaves (125, 250, and 500 mg/kg) and
standard drugs Indomethacine (10 mg/kg in 1%
CMC) were administered by subcutan. The
negative control group received 0.9% saline 0,1

Fig. 1. The relationship edema rate (% E) and time (hr)

Lindaweni, et al
ISSN : 2088-0197123

Figure 2 shows that there was inhibition by that Psidium guajava L. at a dose of 250 mg/ml
Indomethacine and samples of inflammation give the best effect among the three doses tested.
caused carrageenan. This is indicated by the value Even starting at 4th hour, the effect is better than
of %I have available. From this figure also shows Indomethacine.

Fig. 2. The relationship between the inhibition rate (%I) and time

DISCUSSION levels of interleukin-1 (IL-1) which then induces

the cell nucleus polymorphic (PMNs) in the area of
Inflammation is a normal protective inflammation. Activation of PMNs lysosomes
response to tissue injury caused by physical activate enzymes and oxygen radicals, particularly
trauma, noxious chemicals or microbiologic superoxide, which damages tissues and causes
agents. Inflammation is body’s response to swelling (Ratheesh and Helen, 2007).
inactivate or destroy the invading organisms,
remove irritants and set stage for tissue repair. CONCLUSION
Inflammation is triggered by the release of
chemical mediators from the injured tissues and 1. The value of %E and %I both Indomethacine
migrating cells. The specific chemical mediators and samples of Psidium guajava L. have anti-
vary with the type of inflammatory process and inflammatory effect (P<0.05) in these
include amines such as histamine, serotonin, and experimental conditions.
lipids such as prostaglandins and small peptides 2. Anti-inflammatory power Psidium guajava L.
such as kinins (Thangam and Dhananjayan, 2003). at a dose of 250mg/ml at least better than other
Anti-inflammatory test results can be seen in dose groups. Even starting at the 4th hour the
Figures 1 and 2. Edema rate (% E) reached the effect is better than the comparison
peak at 4th hours. Acute inflammatory process Indomethacine. The percentage of
induced by carrageenan occurs through two phases. inflammation or edema (% E) optimal at the
In phase 1st hour after induction with carrageenan, 4th hour and then decreased at the 5th hour,
occurs cytoplasmic enzymes and serotonin while the percentage of optimal inhibition
activation in mast cells, and increase the amount of occurred at the 5th hour.
prostaglandins in areas of inflammation. In the
second phase occurs in the time span of 3-5th hours
after induction with carrageenan. In this phase,
macrophage-induced tissue area showed elevated
Weni, et al., 2011
Indones. J. Cancer Chemoprevent., 2(1), 169-172

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