IFRS, IAS, SOX Summary
IFRS, IAS, SOX Summary
IFRS, IAS, SOX Summary
IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers
IFRS 6 specifies treatment for some exploration and evaluation costs, and IFRS 15 establishes the following five-step model for recognition of revenue
costs incurred on determination of technical feasibility of extraction of from contracts with customers (other than leases, financial instruments and
mineral resources. IFRS 6 allows companies to make determine an some other exceptions):
accounting policy regarding their exploration/evaluation and development
activities and carry out impairment testing if there are indications that any
exploration and evaluation assets are impaired. Identifying the contract with customer.
Identifying the performance obligations in a contract.
IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures Determining transaction price of the contract.
IFRS 7 prescribers financial instruments disclosure aimed at giving the
users of the financial statements an overview of the significance of financial
Allocating the transaction price to difference performance If a specific IFRS does not address an accounting transaction, IAS 8
obligations. requires entities to draw guidance, first from IFRSs dealing with similar
transaction, and then from the Conceptual Framework. Any change in
Recognizing revenue based on progress towards satisfaction of accounting policies shall be made retrospectively unless an IFRS contains
each performance obligation. specific transition provisions. Any change in accounting estimates is
accounted for prospectively. Any prior period errors or omissions are
IFRS 16 Leases corrected retrospectively.
IFRS 16 replaces IAS 17, the previous lease accounting standard. It
requires lessees to present all leases (except short-term leases and leases IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period
of low-value items) on their statements of financial position (by recognizing IAS 10 requires than an entity adjust its financial statements for any
a right of use asset and a lease liability). However, it retains the finance adjusting events but not for non-adjusting events. Adjusting events are
lease and operating lease bifurcation in case of lessors. Lessee depreciation those that provide evidences of conditions existing at the year-end.
their right of use assets and unwind the lease liability. Lessors recognize However, significant non-adjusting events are disclosed.
finance income on their net investment in lease (in case of finance leases)
and operating lease income (on some reasonable basis) in case of
operating leases. The standards also provide guidance on lease term, lease IAS 12 Income Taxes
components, lease modifications and sale and leaseback transactions. In accordance with IAS 12, an entity recognizes a liability or asset in
respect of current tax for current or prior periods at tax rates which are
enacted or substantively enacted. IAS 12 also requires recognition of
IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts deferred tax liability or a deferred tax asset for temporary differences
IFRS 17 will be effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after arising from differences between financial accounting treatment and tax
1 January 2023. IFRS 17 requires an entity to identify insurance contracts treatment of transactions (based on tax rates expected to be enacted when
with customers, separate the non-insurance (investment, embedded those differences reverse). Deferred tax assets may also be recognized in
derivative, etc.) components, divide the contracts to different groups and respect of tax losses carried forward. However, a valuation adjustment is
measures the groups at (a) a risk-adjusted present value of the future cash needed if future tax profits will not be enough to utilize the whole deferred
flows, and (b) an amount representing the unearned profit. The standards tax assets.
requires an entity to recognize profit from insurance contracts as the entity
provides services and it is released from the risk. However, any loss is
required to be recognized immediately. IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment
IAS 16 stipulates accounting treatment for tangible fixed assets. It requires
capitalization of costs which are expected to generate economic benefits in
International Accounting Standards more than on period. Subsequent to initial recognition, it allows an entity to
adopt either the cost model or the revaluation model. While the cost model
just depreciates the initial cost of the asset on some systematic basis, the
IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
revaluation model allows for recognition of changes in fair value of the
IAS 1 provides guidance on structure, contents, frequency and overall
asset which are credited/debited to shareholders’ equity.
presentation of financial statements. It stipulates that a complete set of
financial statements include:
IAS 19 Employee Benefits
IAS 19 provides accounting guidance on employee compensations other
A statement of financial position, than share options (which are dealt by IFRS 2). Short-term benefits such as
A single statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive salaries are recognized at their undiscounted amounts when the employees
income or separate statement or profit or loss and statement of provide services. In case of a defined contribution plan, an entity
other comprehensive income, recognizes the contributions payable as expense when the employee
provides services unless they can be capitalized under another standard. In
A statement of cash flows
case of a defined benefit plan, an entity determines its liability and expense
A statement of changes in equity in relation to the present value of future expected outlays and plan assets.
Cross-referred notes to the financial statements. An entity recognizes termination benefits at the earlier of when the entity
cannot withdraw offer or when it recognizes associated restructuring
provision in accordance with IAS 37.
It also specifies other requirements such as when an entity can claim
compliance with IFRS, going concern, changes in classification, etc.
IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of
Government Assistance
IAS 2 Inventories IAS 20 deals with accounting for government grants. Entities recognize
IAS 2 allows an entity to capitalize direct labor and conversion costs and government grants only when they are reasonably certain they will meet
only such other costs which are necessary to bring the inventories to their the associated conditions. Expense-related government grants are
present location and condition. It allows assigning cost of inventories to recognized in the periods in which the associated expense is recognized,
sales using either specific identification, or FIFO or weighted average and asset-related government grants are either netted-off from the
methods. Cost of inventories is recognized when associated revenues are associated asset or presented as a deferred amount. If a government grant
recognized. The closing inventories are carried at the lower of cost or net becomes repayable, it is treated as a change in estimate.
realizable value (which equals estimated selling price less costs to sell) and
any write-down is expensed. IAS 2 also allows any reversal of impairment
loss recognized on inventories if their value recovers. IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
IAS 21 stipulates accounting for foreign exchange transactions, translation
of foreign operations to its functional currency (currency of its main
IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows economic environment) and translation of its own financial statements to
IAS 7 requires an entity to present its cash flows segregated into operating, another presentation currency. A foreign currency transaction is initially
investing and financing activities using either the direct method (which recorded at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. At each
shows each category of inflow and outflow) or indirect method (which reporting period, foreign-currency monetary items are translated at the
determines net operating cash flow by adjusting net income for non-cash closing exchange rate, the non-monetary transactions at the historical
transactions and working capital changes). Operating activities are the exchange rate or the date of their fair value (if carried at fair value). Any
principal revenue-producing activities, investing activities are concerned difference is carried to profit or loss except for differences arising from net
with acquisition or disposal of long-term assets, and financing activities investment in foreign operations which are taken to other comprehensive
represent transactions with providers of capital. IAS 7 allows policy choice income. Translation of financial statements to foreign currency is carried
in classification of interest received, interest paid and dividends. out by translating assets and liabilities at the closing rate and the income
and expenses at the date of transactions. Any differences are reflected in
IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and other comprehensive income.
IAS 23 Borrowing Costs
IAS 23 requires capitalization of borrowing costs incurred in qualifying IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
assets (assets that necessarily take a substantial period of time in getting IAS 37 requires provisions (liabilities with uncertain timing and amount
ready for their intended use). It contains guidance on borrowing costs arising from present legal or constructive obligation) to be recognized at the
measurement. discounted present value of future cash outflow. If outflow is not probable,
a liability is treated as a contingent liability and is disclosed in the financial
statements (but not recognized) unless the probability of outflow is remote.
IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures
Contingent assets are assets whose existence depends on some future
IAS 24 defines a related party and specifies disclosure requirements of
events. If it is more likely than not that an inflow related to a contingent
related party relationships and transactions with related parties. It also
asset would occur, it is disclosed.
requires disclosure of management compensation.
IAS 33 Earnings per Share Many thousands of companies face the task of ensuring their accounting
IAS 33 is used by entities with publicly traded (current or potential) operations are in compliance with the Sarbanes Oxley Act. Auditing
ordinary shares in calculating the earning per share. Non-public entities departments typically first have a comprehensive external audit by a
choosing to present EPS must also comply with IAS 33. It specifies the Sarbanes-Oxley compliance specialist performed to identify areas of risk.
calculation mechanics for both the basic EPS and the diluted EPS. Next, specialized software is installed that provides the "electronic paper
trails" necessary to ensure Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.