What is ISO
ISO 26000 is the international standard developed to help organizations effectively assess and
address social responsibilities that are relevant and significant to their mission and vision;
operations and processes; customers, employees, communities, and other stakeholders; and
environmental impact.
The ISO 26000 standard provides guidance on:
Recognizing social responsibility and engaging stakeholders
Ways to integrate socially responsible behavior into the organization
The seven key underlying The seven core subjects and issues
principles of social responsibility: pertaining to social responsibility:
The seven key underlying principles of social responsibility:
The organisation shows respect for human rights and ensures that its workforce
operates in a safe environment. It also ensures that it is not complicit in human
rights abuses of others, such as forced labor, by business partners or suppliers.
The seven key underlying principles of social responsibility: 07
Respect for
The organisation shows consideration for the interests and expectations of all
stakeholders and manages any negative impacts on their legitimate interests.
Respect for the The organisation works within the local and national laws of each country
rule of law in which it operates.
Respect for international The organisation operates with integrity and transparency beyond
norms of behavior national boundaries.
Respect for The organisation ensures that it is not complicit in human rights abuses of others,
human rights such as forced or slave labor, by business partners or suppliers.
The 7 core subjects and issues pertaining to social responsibility:
Organizational governance 09
1 ISO 26000 encourages organizations to consider accountability, transparency, and ethics in their
decision-making process and governing practices, including formal and informal processes as well as
the organization’s norms and values.
Human rights
2 ISO 26000 provides guidance for companies to support human rights, particularly by:
Allowing free organization and collective negotiation
Providing equal employment opportunities
Preventing all forms of discrimination
Resolving grievances
Seeking ways to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts, including child labour
Labor practices
3 Responsible labour practices should address employment and contractual relationships, working conditions and
social protection, social dialogue, health and safety at work, and human development and training in the workplace
The environment
4 Organizations are urged to embrace initiatives to prevent pollution, use resources sustainably, mitigate and
adapt to climate change, protect the environment, biodiversity, and the restoration of natural habitats.
Fair operating practices 10
5 ISO 26000 calls for organizations to deal ethically with customers, partners, suppliers,
contractors, competitors, and government agencies to bring about positive results.
Consumer issues
6 A responsible approach to consumer issues includes:
Protection of health and safety
Sustainable consumption
Consumer education
Data and privacy protection
Ensuring inclusive products and services
Organisations in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors, whether large or small, and whether
operating in developed or developing countries, use ISO 26000. ISO 26000 can be used for example by:
large multinational corporations
small and medium-sized enterprises
the public sector (hospitals, schools or others)
foundations, charities and NGOs
extractive industries, such as mining and fossil fuel companies
service and financial industries (banks, IT, insurance)
municipal governments
farmers and agribusiness
How to use
ISO 26000
Identify and
Public Improvement
engage the
reporting plans
Communicate with
transparency about
social responsibility
CSR REPORTING: Integrating ISO 18
26000 and GRI Reporting Guidance
ISO 26000 and GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) are two distinct frameworks that organizations
often use for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability reporting.
Determining which
Topics to Report
Identifying Performance
Indicators and Other
Emphasize on the inclusion Specific Disclosures
Ensuring the Quality of
of stakeholders in the
Reported Information
reporting process.
Materiality assessments To be credible, a social
help organizations identify responsibility report must
and prioritize the most measure performance with
indicators. Indicators require Organizations are advised to
significant economic,
specific qualitative or ensure the accuracy,
environmental, and social
quantitative information. completeness, and reliability
aspects for reporting
GRI offers widely-used specific of the information disclosed
based on their impact on
indicators dealing with a range in their reports. This involves
stakeholders and the
of economic, social and internal and, where
environmental topics. appropriate, external
assurance processes.
Project Purpose: To build capacity in the MENA region through the creation of pool of
national expertise supporting selected pilot organizations to implement social
responsibility principles and practices (ISO 26000).
How Cairo Chamber of Commerce used ISO 26000:2010
The chairman decree to form the Sustainable Business Committee issued in May 2013 , to include an equal
representation of all departments and genders in the chamber. The main role of the committee is to act
as the ISO 26000 SR developing team, Headed by the Chamber’s Chief Executive and Directed by the
Chamber’s Chairman to facilitate its mission.
Created the work group themes that involves participants from discussion issue related departments
as well as business sectors and related stakeholders for in focus discussion to specific issues.
We committed to stakeholders roundtables discussions to involve our stakeholders in all related actions to
develop the ISO 26000 SR implementation in the chamber
Assigned social responsibility page in our website reflecting informations about the Chamber SR activities.
Cairo Chamber of Commerce: 22
Main steps of integrating ISO 26000
revised measurements,
governance, monitoring and sphere of training and SR related
systems and reporting of SR influence communication initiatives
procedures performance
Revised governance,
monitoring and reporting Sphere of influence
systems and procedures
of SR performance
Internal External
SR related initiatives
training/communication training/communication
Developing awareness
Jointly with other partners Developed agreement
sessions to University
we developed info with partners for more
student on Social
sessions in focus on some Socially responsible
Responsibility and ISO
of the main subjects of initiatives
the ISO 26000 (consumer Acting as a middle man in
Raising the awareness of all
rights, labour rights, Child reaching tax accounting
chamber’s employee
labour…..) agreements
through information
Provide printed materials Participating in the social
session conducted
on SR in our events and efforts to support victims
other partner events to of natural crises
Created a platform of
share increasing Developing the poultry
communication through
awareness raising of ISO shops by offering loans to
email system and online
26000 enhance their situations
Apiday. (2023, December 29). The implications of ISO 26000 for companies. Apiday.
ISO. (2021) Discovering ISO 26000: Guidance on Social Responsibility. International
Organization for Standardization.
Robichaud, F. (2023, September 6). ISO 26000: 7 Core subjects of Corporate Social
Responsibility: How do you measure up? Boréalis.
Sun. (2022, November 11). What benefits implementing CSR Program by ISO 26000? -
Department of Environment
Faculty of Forestry and Environment, Universiti Putra