Learning A Multi-Branch Neural Network From Multiple Sources For Knowledge Adaptation in Remote Sensing Imagery
Learning A Multi-Branch Neural Network From Multiple Sources For Knowledge Adaptation in Remote Sensing Imagery
Learning A Multi-Branch Neural Network From Multiple Sources For Knowledge Adaptation in Remote Sensing Imagery
37 686
6 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Taghreed Abdullah on 02 January 2021.
Abstract: In this paper we propose a multi-branch neural network, called MB-Net, for solving
the problem of knowledge adaptation from multiple remote sensing scene datasets acquired with
different sensors over diverse locations and manually labeled with different experts. Our aim is
to learn invariant feature representations from multiple source domains with labeled images and
one target domain with unlabeled images. To this end, we define for MB-Net an objective function
that mitigates the multiple domain shifts at both feature representation and decision levels, while
retaining the ability to discriminate between different land-cover classes. The complete architecture
is trainable end-to-end via the backpropagation algorithm. In the experiments, we demonstrate
the effectiveness of the proposed method on a new multiple domain dataset created from four
heterogonous scene datasets well known to the remote sensing community, namely, the University
of California (UC-Merced) dataset, the Aerial Image dataset (AID), the PatternNet dataset, and
the Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU) dataset. In particular, this method boosts the
average accuracy over all transfer scenarios up to 89.05% compared to standard architecture based
only on cross-entropy loss, which yields an average accuracy of 78.53%.
Keywords: scene classification; multiple sources; multiple domain shifts; multi-branch neural network
1. Introduction
Over the last two decades remote sensing has become a staple technology for monitoring urban,
atmospheric, and ecological changes [1,2]. One of the prominent and arguably most active areas in this
context refers to scene classification, which enables pinpointing of the semantic tenor of a geographical
area of interest. This may come with the cost of processing large masses of data (e.g., multispectral
and hyperspectral images) that are often manifested in voluminous spectral layers, alongside a wide
spatial context. On the other hand, the mainstream literature so far suggests that scene classification
can be tackled from two perspectives. First, the earliest works in this regard tend to classify image
pixels [3–5], typically by handling raw spectral values along with neighbouring attributes. The second
approach is based on scene-level recognition [6–8], which has received interest recently, thanks to its
property of offering broader semantic information.
In view of the two trends mentioned above, an efficient classification system lies in determining
how to mitigate the semantic gap between low level image features on the one hand, and their
respective semantic attributes, on the other. Thus, a typical classification pipeline would extract
handcrafted features and feed them into a classifier, which has been shown to address the problem
to some extent [9,10]. For instance, a multiresolution representation bag of visual words (BOVW)
model was presented [11]. For an improved classification, a feature fusion by means of compressive
sensing was introduced [12]. Additionally, a correlation model was developed [13], which takes into
consideration pixel homogeneity. A feature extraction method has been proposed, which relies on
multi-scale completed local binary patterns [14]. Additionally, a pyramid-of-spatial-relations model
was introduced to combine both relative and absolute spatial information into the BOVW model for
the scene classification problem [15]. In another work, the authors introduced a method based on
Gabor filters and the completed local binary patterns operator [16].
The amount of remote sensing images has been steadily increasing due to the technological
improvement of satellite sensors [17]. Thus, massive volumes of images with different spectral channels
and spatial resolutions can be obtained [18]. How to recognize and analyze such images has become
a big challenge [19]. Nowadays, plenty of work concentrates on deep learning strategies based on
convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which aim to learn, in an end-to-end manner, representative as
well as discriminative features automatically. Thanks to their sophisticated structure, these models have
the ability to learn powerful generic image representations in a hierarchical fashion. The impressive
results obtained on several remote sensing scene datasets confirm clearly their superiority compared
to shallow methods based on handcrafted features [20–29].
In some domains there are sufficient labeled samples to train a classification model, whereas
many new domains lack labeled samples [30]. Moreover, generating and collecting labeled data is
often expensive and time consuming [31]. As a result, the idea of exploiting the availability of labeled
data in one or more domain to predict unlabeled data in another domain has emerged, and is known
as “domain adaptation”. Unlike several machine learning algorithms, which assume that the training
and testing samples are drawn from the same distribution [32], training and testing data in domain
adaptation have different distributions, that is, the training images are always with labels and are
extracted from what is called the source domain, while the test images are without (or with few)
labels and are called the target domain [1]. The main goal of domain adaptation is to mitigate the
distribution discrepancy between the source and target domains [33]. It is worth recognizing that
domain adaptation has been applied in various applications such as computer vision [34], sentimental
analysis [35], natural language processing [36,37], video concept detection [38], and Wi-Fi localization
and detection [39].
In the literature of computer vision, many works have shown that deep networks can learn more
transferable features for domain adaptation. As a result, domain adaptation methods learn deep neural
transformations that map both domains into a common feature space. In [40], a unified deep adaptation
framework is proposed for jointly learning transferable representation and classifier to enable scalable
domain adaptation, by leveraging both deep learning and optimal two-sample matching. In [41],
to reduce domain discrepancy an adaptation layer is added to the deep convolutional neural network
(CNN) to achieve lower transfer errors. In another work [42], deep adaptation network (DAN) model
is proposed, which gave state of the art results. In [43], to produce the commonality between the source
and target distributions and accommodate the domain-specific parts that should not be aligned, local
patches of varying sizes are extracted and processed via CNNs. In [44], transformation between the
source and target is proposed to be learnt by the deep model regression network. Based on the nature
of CNNs, this approach presumes that the source representation can be interpolated or regressed into
the target, as it can approximate highly non-linear functions. In another work [45], a deep domain
adaptation network is presented for the problem of describing people based on fine-grained clothing
attributes. Specifically, an improved version of the Region CNN body detector is introduced, which
effectively localizes the clothing area. In fact, it consists of three sub-modules. First, a selective search is
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utilized to generate candidate region proposals. Then, a Network in Network model is used to extract
features for each candidate region. Finally, linear support vector regression is exploited to predict the
Intersection over Union overlap of candidate patches with ground-truth bounding boxes. In [46], the
authors trained a network to do both feature and classifier adaptation. Analogous to previous domain
adaptation methods, feature adaptation is accomplished by matching the distributions of features
across domains. Nevertheless, unlike prior works, the presented method allows classifier adaptation
by adding a residual transfer module that bridges the source and target classifiers. The adaptation can
be used in most feed-forward models by extending them with new residual layers and loss functions,
which can be trained efficiently via back-propagation. In another work, a deep coral technique was
proposed to mitigate the domain discrepancy for enhancing the classification procedure of CNN by
reducing the Euclidean distance between covariance matrices in the source and target domains [47].
Yet it is not certain if the Euclidean distance is a typical choice for minimizing the distance between
both domains. Therefore, to deal with this issue, the work in [48] presented a new deep Log-coral
method, which used geodesic distance rather than Euclidean distance. The obtained accuracies have
demonstrated the effectiveness of minimizing geodesic distance instead of using simple Euclidean
distance on covariance matrices. Lately, adversarial approaches to unsupervised domain adaptation
have been introduced to improve generalization performance by reducing the discrepancy between
the training and test domain distributions. The authors in [49] adopted an inverted label adversarial
network loss to divide the optimization into two independent objectives, one for the generator and
one for the discriminator, by comparing them relying on the loss type, and the weight sharing strategy
between the two streams.
With respect to domain adaptation with multiple sources, some contributions based on handcrafted
features have been published. The work in [50] aims to maximize unanimity of predictions from
multiple sources, although not all source domains may be useful for knowledge adaptation. In [51],
a kernel mean matching technique was adopted to match the means of different domains. The work
in [52] proposed to combine multiple auxiliary classifiers trained on source data to classify target data.
In [53], a smoothness regularizer is used to weight different source domains. In [54], it was assumed
that the distributions of multiple sources are similar, but the labelled samples from different sources
may be different from each other. In [55], a clustering based scheme was proposed to divide a dataset
into latent domain, which is further extended in [56] for multi-domain adaptation. The work in [57]
presented an event recognition method for consumer videos by leveraging web videos from YouTube,
in order to handle the mismatch between data distributions of two domains (i.e., web video domain
and consumer video domain).
In the context of remote sensing, in the literature there are few works related to single source
domain adaptation approaches based on deep learning techniques and mainly related to cross-scene
classification. By cross-scene classification, we mean datasets acquired with different sensors and over
different locations (i.e., training and testing images are taken from two different scene datasets). Under
this assumption, the data-shift problem should be considered alongside the representation aspect to
obtain satisfactory results. For example, Othman et al. [58] added additional regularization terms to the
objective function of the neural network besides the standard cross-entropy loss, in order to compensate
for the distribution mismatch to alleviate the low accuracies resulting from the approaches relying
on pre-trained CNNs. In [59], the authors developed an approach based on adversarial networks
for cross-domain classification in aerial vehicle images to overcome the data shift problem. Finally,
the authors in [60] addressed this issue by projecting the source domain samples to the target domain
via a regression network, while keeping the discrimination ability of the source samples.
Although multisource domain adaptation has been shown to be very useful in general computer
vision literature, it is yet to find its way into remote sensing applications. To the best of our
knowledge, there is still no contribution on multisource domain adaptation for the specific task
of scene classification. This could be traced back to the fact that, years ago, remote sensing did not
benefit from multiple scene classification datasets that shared an adequate number of object classes.
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However, thanks to recent efforts made by researchers, several benchmark scene datasets are now
However, thanks to recent efforts made by researchers, several benchmark scene datasets are now
available to the community of remote sensing, which opens the door to development of advanced
available to the community of remote sensing, which opens the door to development of advanced
methodologies such as those related to multisource domain adaptation.
methodologies such as those related to multisource domain adaptation.
In this work, we propose a multi-branch neural network called MB-Net for solving the problem
In this work, we propose a multi-branch neural network called MB-Net for solving the problem
of knowledge adaptation from multiple scene datasets sharing the same number of object classes.
of knowledge adaptation from multiple scene datasets sharing the same number of object classes.
Specifically, our aim is to learn invariant feature representations from multiple source scene datasets
Specifically, our aim is to learn invariant feature representations from multiple source scene datasets
with labeled images and one target scene dataset with unlabeled images. For this purpose, we define
with labeled images and one target scene dataset with unlabeled images. For this purpose, we define
for the network an objective function that allows to mitigate the multiple domains shifts at both
for the network an objective function that allows to mitigate the multiple domains shifts at both feature
feature representation and decision levels, while keeping the discrimination ability between different
representation and decision levels, while keeping the discrimination ability between different object
object classes. The complete architecture is trainable end-to-end via the backpropagation algorithm.
classes. The complete architecture is trainable end-to-end via the backpropagation algorithm. In the
In the experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on a new multiple
experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on a new multiple domain
domain scene dataset created from four heterogonous scene datasets: the University of California
scene dataset created from four heterogonous scene datasets: the University of California (UC-Merced)
(UC-Merced) dataset [61], Aerial Image Dataset (AID) [62], PatternNet dataset[63], and finally, the
dataset [61], Aerial Image Dataset (AID) [62], PatternNet dataset [63], and finally, the Northwestern
Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU) dataset [64].
Polytechnical University (NWPU) dataset [64].
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the proposed method. Section 3 shows the
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the proposed method. Section 3 shows
results obtained on the multiple source scene dataset. Section 4 analyzes the sensitivity of the method
the results obtained on the multiple source scene dataset. Section 4 analyzes the sensitivity of the
and presents some comparisons with some recent state-of-the-art methods based on deep neural
method and presents some comparisons with some recent state-of-the-art methods based on deep
networks. Finally, Section 5 draws conclusions and future developments.
neural networks. Finally, Section 5 draws conclusions and future developments.
2. 2. Description
Description of of
thethe Proposed
Proposed Method
Method Preliminaries
sk() ) (sk () )nsk
n o
us us consider
consider 𝑆 =Xi(𝑋
Sk = , y,i 𝑦 𝑘=
, k, = 1, 1,2,2,
. .…
. , ,M
𝑀 as
fromthe 𝑘-th
thek-th source
source domain
i =1
( ) ( )
nsk 𝑛labeled 𝑀 represents Xi k 𝑋and yand
with labeled images, where the number of source domains. (s ) (sk ) 𝑦
with images, where M represents the number of source domains. Here,Here, i are
( )
theare the images
images in thein 𝑘-th source
k-th domaindomain andcorresponding
and their their corresponding yi k ∈𝑦{1, 2,
( s
class labels
class labels
) ∈ . .1,2,
. , J }…, ,where
𝐽 , where
( n
n o
𝐽 is number
is the the number of classes.
of classes. Also,Also, letconsider
let us us consider a single
a single target
target T =𝑇 =X j 𝑋
( t ) composed
composed nt 𝑛
j =1
unlabeled images.
images. AsAs mentioned
mentioned in in
thethe introduction
introduction section,
section, thethe main
main contribution
contribution of of this
this work
work is to
is to
develop anan MB-Net
MB-Net architecture
architecture (Figure
(Figure 1) 1) that
that captures
captures thethe shared
shared knowledge
knowledge across
across different
different labeled
source datasets Sk 𝑆andand
datasets generalizes
generalizes well
well ononthethe
newnew unlabeled
unlabeled target
target T. 𝑇.
Figure 1. Proposed
1. Proposed MB-Net
MB-Net architecture:
architecture: Pre-trained
Pre-trained convolutional
convolutional neural
neural networks
networks (CNN)
(CNN) coupled
with additional
additional branches,
branches, where
where each
each branch
branch is related
is related to atospecific
a specific source
source Sk . 𝑆 .
2.2. Model Architecture
MB-Net is based on a pre-trained CNN coupled with additional branches. As a pre-trained
CNN, we use the residual network (ResNet) [65], which is based on the idea of identity shortcut
connection. In particular, we use ResNet50, which is a 50-layer network with a 3-layer bottleneck
Remote Sens.
block 2018,2).
(Figure 10, ResNet
1890 has been introduced to solve the vanishing gradients problems in deeper 5 of 18
networks. It introduces the idea of learning residual functions with reference to the layer inputs rather
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 19
than learning unreferenced functions (see Figure 2). ResNet won first place in the ImageNet Large
2.2. Model Architecture
Scale Visual Recognition Competition (ILSVRC) 2015 classification completion. It has been used to
2.2. Model Architecture
replace is based
the VGG-16 on ain
layers pre-trained CNN coupled
the faster Region CNN (RCNN) with additional
learning branches. As a pre-trained
for better improvements in
we use is
the based
residualon a pre-trained
network (ResNet)CNN coupled
[65], which with
is additional
based on
terms detection results. In this work, we use this ResNet50 pre-trained on the well-known ImageNet the branches.
idea of As
identitya pre-trained
dataset theuse
Infirstthe residual
module we network
in our usenetwork.(ResNet)
ResNet50, [65],iswhich
which is based
a 50-layer on the
network withidea of identity
a 3-layer shortcut
block We(Figure
remove In the
2). particular,
softmaxhaswe been
layeruse ResNet50,
and take the towhich
output athe
ofthe 50-layer
vanishing gradients
pooling with
layer a(feature
problems bottleneck
vector of
networks. (Figure
It 2).
introduces ResNet
the has
idea been
of introduced
learning to
residual solve
functionsthe vanishing
with gradients
dimension 2048) as input to different branches. Each branch related to a specific source dataset is to the problems
layer inputsin deeper
composed ofIttwo
learning introduces
unreferenced thefunctions
dense layers idea of learning
of size (seeEach
128. residual
dense2). functions
ResNet withfirst
layer is followed reference
by batch to the
in the ImageNet
layer inputs
normalization rather
linear learning
rectified unreferenced
unit (ReLU) functionsfunction,
activation (see Figure
(ILSVRC) 2015
and 2). ResNetregularization.
won completion.
dropout first placeOn inItthe
tophas ImageNet
theseused Large
dense to
layers, we place a softmax classification layer (Figure 3). Additionally, to reduce the discrepancy to
replace Visual
the Recognition
VGG-16 layers Competition
in the faster (ILSVRC)
Region CNN 2015 classification
(RCNN) learningcompletion.
for better It has been
improvements used in
between thesource
the VGG-16
In thisinwork,
target the faster
we use
distributions, Region
this CNN (RCNN)
network learning
has average on for well-known
pooling better
layers 𝐴 ImageNet
and 𝐴 in
dataset detection
as the first results.
module In
in this
our work,
network.we use this
placed after the first dense layer and the softmax layer, respectively. ResNet50 pre-trained on the well-known ImageNet
dataset as the first module in our network.
We remove the softmax layer and take the output of the average pooling layer (feature vector of
dimension 2048) as input to different branches. Each branch related to a specific source dataset is
composed of two dense layers of size 128. Each dense layer is followed by batch normalization (BN),
linear rectified unit (ReLU) activation function, and dropout regularization. On top of these dense
layers, we place a softmax classification layer (Figure 3). Additionally, to reduce the discrepancy
between the source and target distributions, our network has average pooling layers 𝐴 and 𝐴
placed after the first dense layer and the softmax layer, respectively.
Figure 2.
2. (a)
(a) Residual
Residual block;
block; and
and (b)
(b) architecture
architecture of ResNet50.
We remove the softmax layer and take the output of the average pooling layer (feature vector
of dimension 2048) as input to different branches. Each branch related to a specific source dataset
is composed of two dense layers of size 128. Each dense layer is followed by batch normalization
(BN), linear rectified unit (ReLU) activation function, and dropout regularization. On top of these
dense layers, we place a softmax classification layer (Figure 3). Additionally, to reduce the discrepancy
between the source and target distributions, our network (b) has average pooling layers Av1 and Av2
placed after the first dense layer and the softmax layer, respectively.
Figure 2. (a) Residual block; and (b) architecture of ResNet50.
1 n 1 n
Lh = k
ns ∑i=s 1 h(s) − nt ∑ j=t 1 h(t) k22 , (3)
1 n 1 n
Lo = k
ns ∑i=s 1 O(s) − nt ∑ j=t 1 O(t) k22 . (4)
where λ1 and λ2 are two regularization parameters (set to 1 in the experiments). The term Lce represents
the total cross-entropy loss computed for the M-labeled source datasets;
1(·) is anindicator function
that takes 1 if the statement is true, otherwise it takes 0; and P yi = j X (sk ) , Θsk is the probability
output vector provided by the softmax regression layer of the k-th source domain. The term Lh is the
distance between the source and target domains computed at the hidden representation layer of the
network, as shown in Figure 1. The terms h(s) and h(t) refer to the feature representations of the source
and target domains generated by the average layer Av1 . Similarly, the term Lo is the distance between
the source and target domains computed at the output of the network. Here, O(s) and O(t) refer to
the outputs of the source and target domains generated by the average layer Av2 placed on top of the
softmax regression layers.
To optimize the above loss functions, one can use the backpropagation algorithm and the mini-batch
classical stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method. The learning process starts by pre-training
the network on the labeled source domains by optimizing the cross-entropy loss Lce . This is done
by dividing the source domains into several mini-batches of the same size, afterwhich learning is
performed by updating the weights for every mini-batch as follows:
rnbk (s )
η dLce Xr k
Θ sk = Θ sk −
bsk ∑ s dΘsk
i =1+(r −1)nbk
where η refers to the learning rate, bsk and nbk refer to the size and number of mini-batches in the k-th
source, respectively. Then, in the second phase we fine tune the network weights by minimizing the
complete loss L using both the source and target domains. Mathematically, the weights of the network
are then updated as follows:
(sk ) (sk ) (t) (sk ) (t)
η rnb dLce Xrand dLh Xrand , Xi dLo Xrand , Xi
Θsk = Θsk −
b ∑
+ λ1
+ λ1
i =1+(r −1)nb
where b and nb refer to the size and the number of mini-batches in the target domain. During
k (s )
the learning process, random samples Xrand are extracted from the different sources to reduce the
discrepancy between the domains while keeping the discrimination ability of the network.
It is worth recalling that for better performances, we use in the experiments more advanced
gradient-based update rules based on the mini-batch adaptive moment estimation (Adam) method for
updating the parameters The Adam method is an extension of the SGD method. While SGD maintains a
single learning rate for all weights during the training process, the Adam method computes individual
adaptive learning rates for different parameters from estimates of first- and second-order moments of
the gradients, which makes it very efficient.
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The following algorithm provides the main steps for training MB-Net with its nominal parameters:
MB-Net method.
( sk ) nsk (t) nt
n o n o
(sk )
Input: Source domains Sk = Xi , yi , k = 1, . . . , M and one target domain T = Xi
i =1 i =1
Output: Target class labels
1: Set MB-Net parameters:
• Regularization parameters λ1 = λ2 = 1
• Mini-batch size: b = 100
• Adam parameters: learning rate η = 0.001, exponential decay rate for the first and second moments
β 1 = 0.9, β 2 = 0.999 and epsilon = 1 × 10−8
2: Pre-train the network on the M-labeled source domains using the Adam method (i.e., estimate the
parameters Θsk by optimizing only the cross-entropy loss Lce in Equation (2))
3: Set the number of mini-batches: nb = nt /b
4: For epoch = 1 : num_epoch
4.1 Shuffle randomly the unlabeled target images and organize them into nb groups each of size b
4.2 For r = 1 : nb
(t) rnb
n o
• Pick a mini-batch r from the target domain: Tr = Xi
i =1+(r −1)nb
• Feed this mini-batch to the different branches of the network and take the output hr and Or (t) of
the average pooling layer Av1 and Av2 , respectively
k (s )
• Pick randomly M mini-batch from the source domains Xrand , k = 1, . . . , M
• Feed each source mini-batch to its corresponding branch and take the output hrand and Orand (s) of
the average layers Av1 and Av2 , respectively
• Update the parameters Θsk of the network by minimizing the total loss L = Lce + λ1 Lh + λ2 Lo
(Equation (1)) on the current mini-batch
3. Experimental Results
resort, river, school, sparse residential, square, stadium, storage tanks and viaduct. Specialists in
the field of remote sensing image interpretation annotated all the images, which are multi-source
(from different remote sensing imaging sensors). Furthermore, the images of each class are carefully
collected from various countries and areas around the world, including England, the United States,
Germany, Italy, China, Japan, etc., and they are obtained at different times and seasons under different
imaging circumstances.
The PatternNet dataset is collected from Google Earth imagery for remote sensing image retrieval,
and consists of 38 classes: airplane, baseball field, basketball court, beach, bridge, cemetery, chaparral,
Christmas tree farm, closed road, coastal mansion, crosswalk, dense residential, ferry terminal, football
field, forest, freeway, golf course, harbor, intersection, mobile home park, nursing home, oil gas field,
oil well, overpass, parking lot, parking space, railway, river, runway, runway marking, shipping yard,
solar panel, sparse residential, storage tank, swimming pool, tennis court, transformer station and
wastewater treatment plant. Each class comprises 800 images of size 256 × 256 pixels.
The NWPU dataset is collected by Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU).
It accommodates 31,500 images corresponding to 45 scene classes with 700 images in each class
of size 256 × 256 pixels. The spatial resolution of the images in each class varies from about 0.2 to
30 m. These 45 scene classes include airplane, airport, baseball diamond, basketball court, beach,
bridge, chaparral, church, circular farmland, cloud, commercial area, dense residential, desert, forest,
freeway, golf course, ground track field, harbor, industrial area, intersection, island, lake, meadow,
medium residential, mobile home park, mountain, overpass, palace, parking lot, railway, railway
station, rectangular farmland, river, roundabout, runway, sea ice, ship, snow berg, sparse residential,
stadium, storage tank, tennis court, terrace, thermal power station, and wetland.
To make these datasets suitable for multisource domain adaptation, we consider in this
work only the shared classes across them and discard the remainders. After this pre-processing
step, we obtained twelve shared classes as shown in Table 1, which are airfield, anchorage,
beach, dense residential, farm, flyover, forest, game space, parking space, river, sparse
residential, and storage tanks. Figures 4–7 show sample images related to these shared
classes for the four datasets, respectively. In the experiments, we refer to the four possible
transfer scenarios as follows: (S Merced , S NWPU , SPatNet ) → TAID , (S AID , S NWPU , SPatNet ) → TMerced ,
(S AID , S Merced , SPatNet ) → TNWPU , and (S AID , S Merced , S NWPU ) → TPatNet .
Table 1. Shared classes extracted from Merced, AID, PatternNet, and NWPU datasets.
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Table 2 shows the classification accuracies obtained for the four scenarios. In particular, this table
shows the accuracy achieved by the k-th branch of the network related to the k-th source dataset in
addition to the final accuracy provided by the average fusion layer placed on top of the branches. For
the scenario (S Merced , S NWPU , SPatNet ) → TAID , we observe that the second branch related to NWPU
yields the highest OA, as it is equal to 91.46%, while the other two branches related to Merced and
PatternNet yield lower accuracies of 58.13% and 61.50%, respectively. The average fusion layer permits
us to obtain the final accuracy of 80.42%. For (S AID , S NWPU , SPatNet ) → TMerced , the PatternNet dataset
shows a better correlation compared to the other datasets, yeilding an accuracy of 83.66%, while AID
and NWPU deliver accuracies of 69.33% and 68.50%, respectively. The fusion layer allows the network
to reach an OA of 82.16%. On the other hand, the case (S AID , S Merced , SPatNet ) → TNWPU proves to
be the more challenging as the branch related to AID results in OA of 75.86%. The other branches
related to Merced and PatternNet show weak correlations, as they deliver accuracies of 54.54% and
55.57%, respectively, while the average fusion layer results in an OA of 65.78%. Regarding the last
scenario (S AID , S Merced , S NWPU ) → TPatNet , we observe that the branch trained on Merced shows a
better correlation, as it yields an OA 93.58% compared to the other branches. The average fusion layer
of the network permits us to obtain an OA of 85.77%. These preliminary results show that solving only
the representation aspect is not sufficient to obtain satisfactory results due to the data-shift problem.
Table 2. Results in terms of overall accuracy (OA) (%) obtained by MB-Net, trained by optimizing the
cross-entropy loss Lce and the total loss L: (a) AID, (b) Merced, (c) NWPU and (d) PatNet.
Source Datasets
Merced NWPU PatternNet Fusion Layer
Lce 58.13 91.46 61.50 80.42
L = Lce + Lh + Lo 81.63 95.32 80.95 91.46
Source Datasets
AID NWPU PatternNet Fusion Layer
Lce 69.33 68.50 83.66 82.16
L = Lce + Lh + Lo 83.99 85.83 91.83 90.33
Source Datasets
AID Merced PatternNet Fusion Layer
Lce 75.86 54.54 55.57 65.78
L = Lce + Lh + Lo 87.69 68.25 61.39 76.38
Source Datasets
AID Merced NWPU Fusion Layer
Lce 68.14 93.58 75.54 85.77
L = Lce + Lh + Lo 90.84 99.41 84.25 98.05
In the second phase, we optimized MB-Net by adding the losses dealing with the
distribution discrepancy between the source and target domains at both representation and
decision levels, as explained in the methodology. From Table 2, we observe that the
network yields significant improvements in terms of OA for all scenarios. For instance, for
(S Merced , S NWPU , SPatNet ) → TAID , it gives an accuracy of 91.46% corresponding to an increase of
11%. For the case (S AID , S NWPU , SPatNet ) → TMerced , it yields an accuracy of 90.33%, corresponding
to an increase of around 8%. Similarly, for (S AID , S Merced , SPatNet ) → TNWPU , it reaches an accuracy
𝐿=𝐿 +𝐿 +𝐿 81.63 95.32 80.95 91.46
Source Datasets
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1890 12 of 18
AID NWPU PatternNet Fusion Layer
of 76.30% with an 𝐿 increase of around 69.3310%. For the68.50last scenario83.66 (S AID , S Merced ,82.16
S NWPU ) → TPatNet ,
it boosts its accuracy
𝐿 =𝐿 +𝐿 +𝐿 up to 98.05% with
83.99of an improvement
85.83 of 14%. As
91.83 an indication of the importance
of the extra losses related to the domain discrepancy, we provide in Figure 8a general view of the
distributions in the 2D space of the hidden representation layer with the t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic
Neighbor Embedding) method [66] for the transfer ( S AID , S Merced , S NWPU ) → TPatNet . As can be seen,
Source Datasets
this feature visualization shows an interesting behavior of MB-Net in reducing the distance between
AID Merced PatternNet Fusion Layer
the features of the source and target domains before and after adaptation. As additional information
𝐿 object classes, 75.86
related to different 54.54 9–12 the 55.57
we report in Figures confusion matrices 65.78of all scenarios
before and after adaptation. In detail, for the transfer (S Merced , S NWPU , SPatNet ) → TAID (Figure 9), the
𝐿 =𝐿 +𝐿 +𝐿 87.69 68.25 61.39 76.38
MB-Net improves class accuracies by 1% for dense residential, river and sparse residential; 2% for
arch-field and anchorage; and 5% for the farm class. (d) For (S AID , S NWPU , SPatNet ) → TMerced (Figure 10),
there is an increase of 1% for anchorage, flyover,Sourceand storage cisterns; and 2% for dense residential.
Among these classes, the river class seems difficult to classify, although accuracy has been improved
by 2%. For (S AID , S Merced , SPatNet ) AID Merced
→ TNWPU (Figure NWPUa significant
11), we observe Fusionimprovement
Layer (up
to 6%) for the class farm. For the last scenario,
68.14 ( S , S
93.58 Merced NWPU
AID , S 75.54) → T , the
PatNet 85.77 network shows
a significant improvement for the class farm (up to 7%), while the reaming classes have been improved
𝐿 =𝐿 +𝐿 +𝐿 90.84 99.41 84.25 98.05
by 1% and 2%, respectively.
(a) (b)
Figure 8. t-SNE representation of the source and target features obtained at the output of the hidden
Figure 8. t-SNE representation of the source and target features obtained at the output of the hidden
average layer for the scenario (S AID , S Merced , S NWPU ) → TPatNet when (a) using the Lce loss, and (b) the
Remote layer
2018, scenario (𝑆 , 𝑆
for thePEER ,𝑆 )→𝑇 when (a) using the 𝐿 loss, and (b)
total L 10,
= LxceFOR
+ Lh + Lo .REVIEW
(blue: source domain, red: target domain). 13 of 19
the total loss 𝐿 = 𝐿 + 𝐿 + 𝐿 . (blue: source domain, red: target domain).
(a) (b)
Figure matricesfor
forAID using:(a)(a)𝐿 Lce loss, and (b) the total loss L𝐿 ==L𝐿ce ++Lh𝐿 + +
AIDusing: Lo𝐿. .
(a) (b)
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1890 13 of 18
Figure 9.
9. Confusion
Confusion matrices
matrices for
for AID
AID using: (a) 𝐿
using: (a) 𝐿 loss,
loss, and
and (b)
(b) the
the total loss 𝐿
total loss 𝐿==𝐿
𝐿 +
+𝐿𝐿 +
+𝐿𝐿 ..
(a) (b)
Figure 10.Confusion
10. Confusionmatrices
Confusion matricesfor
matrices forMerced
for Mercedusing:
Merced using: (a)𝐿
(a) loss,
𝐿Lce loss, and
loss, and (b) the
and (b) the total loss L𝐿
total loss 𝐿 ==
𝐿ce ++
𝐿 ++
+ 𝐿. ..
(a) (b)
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW (a)𝐿 14 of 19
Figure Confusion
11. Confusion matrices
matrices forNWPU
for NWPUusing:
NWPU using:(a)
using: (a) 𝐿Lce loss,
loss, and
loss, and (b)
and (b) the
(b) the total loss L𝐿
total loss 𝐿 ==
𝐿ce ++
+ 𝐿. ..
(a) (b)
Figure 12. Confusion matrices for PatternNet using: (a) L𝐿ce loss,
Figure and
loss, (b)
and the
(b) thetotal lossL =𝐿 L=ce𝐿+ L+
totalloss h+𝐿 L+
𝐿 .
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
To investigate further the importance of the additional losses Lh and Lo , we repeated the above
experiments by considering
To investigate them
further the independently
importance with the cross-entropy
of the additional losses 𝐿 andloss𝐿 L,cewe
. The resultsthe
repeated depicted
experiments by considering them independently with the cross-entropy loss 𝐿 . The results depicted
in Figure 13 reveal that adding these two losses to 𝐿 permits us to increase the classification
accuracy on the unlabeled target data. By averaging the results over the four transfer scenarios, we
obtain accuracies of 78.53%, 87.34%, 81.67% and 89.05% for the cases 𝐿 , 𝐿 + 𝐿 , 𝐿 + 𝐿 , and 𝐿 =
𝐿 + 𝐿 + 𝐿 , respectively. We notice that the loss 𝐿 related to the representation level is more
Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1890 14 of 18
in Figure 13 reveal that adding these two losses to Lce permits us to increase the classification accuracy
on the unlabeled target data. By averaging the results over the four transfer scenarios, we obtain
accuracies of 78.53%, 87.34%, 81.67% and 89.05% for the cases Lce , Lce + Lh , Lce + Lh , and L = Lce + Lh +
Lo , respectively. We notice that the loss Lh related to the representation level is more relevant than the
loss Lo computed at the decision level. Yet, the inclusion of the loss Lo seems reasonable as it can boost
further the2018,
Remote Sens. model10, xaccuracy.
Figure Sensitivityanalysis
13.Sensitivity analysiswith
respecttotothe losses 𝐿Lce,, L𝐿h and
thelosses and L𝐿o . .
Finally, we present in Table 3 a comparison between MB-Net and some recent domain adaptation
Table 3. Comparisons with respect to state-of-the-art methods.
methods based on a single source. In particular, we compare our results to the adversarial discriminative
domain adaptation (ADDA) [49],Target whichDatasets
combines adversarial and discriminative learning, and the
Siamese-GAN method, which reduces the discrepancy between the source and target domains using a
Method AID Merced NWPU PatternNet Average Time [m]
Siamese encoder-decoder architecture [59]. These two architectures have been proposed recently for
single domain
ADDA [49] adaptation
86.40 and they85.25 have shown75.22promising results
90.10 compared to several state-of-the-art
84.24 15
methods. Their extension to multisource domain has not been explored yet. To make these methods
S-GAN [59] 88.76 87.30 78.68 92.48 86.80 36
suitable, we concatenate all sources into one source domain and run the experiments. As can be seen
from 91.46 provides90.33
Table 3, our method 76.38 in terms98.05
promising results of classification89.05 20
accuracies. In particular,
it provides an average accuracy of 89.05% versus 86.80% and 84.24% for the S-GAN and ADDA
5. Conclusions
methods. Compared to these methods, MB-Net brings the advantage of tackling the domain shift
by reducing the discrepancy between the different source domains in addition to the target domain.
In this paper we have proposed a multi-branch neural network architecture for tackling the
By contrast, the other approaches mitigate only the difference between a single source and target
domain adaptation problem from multisource scene datasets. The method optimizes a loss function
domains, and ignore the shift between the different sources. The experimental results show the
that reduces the discrepancy between the source and target distributions at the representation and
importance of taking into consideration the discrepancy between the different sources and in boosting
decision levels besides the standard cross-entropy loss. In the experiments, we have validated the
further the classification accuracy.
method on a multiple source scene dataset built from four scene datasets well known to the remote
sensing community. In particular, we have assessed the method using four transfer scenarios (from
Table 3. Comparisons with respect to state-of-the-art methods.
three source domains to one target domain). The results allow us to draw the following conclusions:
(1) deep models based on cross-entropyTarget loss aim to solve the representation aspect; (2) they perform
well when source and
Method target domains
AID are from
Merced NWPU the samePatternNet
domain; (3) they provide
Average reduced
Time [m] accuracies
when the distribution
ADDA [49] of the domains
86.40 85.25are different;
75.22 (4) 90.10
the inclusion of opportune
84.24 15 terms in the
objective function
[59]reduce the discrepancy
88.76 87.30 between both
78.68 domains helps
92.48 86.80 reduce36this effect; (5) the
transfer from multiple
Ours sources 91.46can further
90.33 improve
76.38 accuracy compared
98.05 to single domain
89.05 20 adaptation
by handling the multi-domain shifts. For future developments, we plan to propose advanced
5. Conclusions by taking into consideration the no-shared classes between the different domains.
In Contributions:
Author this paper weM.M.A.R.
have proposed
and Y.B. adesigned
multi-branch neural network
and implemented architecture
the method, and wrotefor
thetackling the
paper. T.A.,
domain adaptation
M.L.M., H.A., problem
and M.Z. fromtomultisource
contributed scene
the analysis of datasets. The
the experimental method
results optimizes
and paper a loss function
that reduces the discrepancy between the source and target distributions at the representation and
Funding: This research was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University through the
Local Research Group Program, grant number RG-1435-055.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University
through the Local Research Group Program under Project RG-1435-055.
decision levels besides the standard cross-entropy loss. In the experiments, we have validated the
method on a multiple source scene dataset built from four scene datasets well known to the remote
sensing community. In particular, we have assessed the method using four transfer scenarios (from
three source domains to one target domain). The results allow us to draw the following conclusions:
(1) deep models based on cross-entropy loss aim to solve the representation aspect; (2) they perform
well when source and target domains are from the same domain; (3) they provide reduced accuracies
when the distribution of the domains are different; (4) the inclusion of opportune terms in the objective
function that reduce the discrepancy between both domains helps reduce this effect; (5) the transfer
from multiple sources can further improve accuracy compared to single domain adaptation by handling
the multi-domain shifts. For future developments, we plan to propose advanced architectures by
taking into consideration the no-shared classes between the different domains.
Author Contributions: M.M.A.R. and Y.B. designed and implemented the method, and wrote the paper. T.A.,
M.L.M., H.A., and M.Z. contributed to the analysis of the experimental results and paper writing.
Funding: This research was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University through the
Local Research Group Program, grant number RG-1435-055.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University
through the Local Research Group Program under Project RG-1435-055.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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