Sustainability Management - 2024-26
Sustainability Management - 2024-26
Sustainability Management - 2024-26
Many civilizations of the past were unaware of threats to their existence until it was too late.
For the first time in human history we have a remarkably clear picture of the sobering
challenges we face: climate change, species extinction, deforestation, resource depletion, and
widespread economic inequality. By 2050, Earth will be host to between 9 and 10 billion
humans. With a population of this size and with growing per capita resource use, humanity has
a large and increasing impact on the ecological systems on which it depends. This Course
explores the concept and practices of Sustainability Development, a measure of human
resource use and pollution, and several anthropogenic activities compared with the Earth’s
capacity to regenerate, called bio-capacity and caring for the generations to come. When we
use ecological intelligence and extend our self to compare different modes of living, it can
point the way towards a sustainable society.
Course Objective
1. Understand the basic concept of Sustainable Development (SD), the environmental,
social and economic dimensions.
2. Know the history of the SD idea and its contemporary applications
3. Be able to discuss the conflicts which are involved in the Sustainability philosophy on
the national as well as on the global scale.
4. Be familiar with potential strategic options for SD (efficiency, sufficiency).
5. Understand the SD challenge for companies, their responsibility and their potentials for
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
CO1: Apply some of the basic sustainability measures at a personal and professional level.
CO2: Have an informed conversation about the multiple dimensions and complexity of
CO3: Evaluate at a concept level sustainability using an evidence-based disciplinary approach
and integrate economic, ecological, and social perspectives.
CO4: Think critically about sustainability across a diversity of cultural values and across
multiple scales of relevance from local to global.
CO5: Recognize and assess how sustainability impacts their lives and how their actions impact
CO6: Identify different stakeholders in a challenge to sustainability, and analyze the political
and economic structures that connect them
UNIT 1: Introduction to Sustainability: Its Purposes, Challenges and Requirements
(6 Hours)
(a) Concept, Context and rational of sustainability
(b) United Nations agenda on Sustainability and SDG
(c) The challenges of Sustainable development
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(d) The Actors and actions in sustainable development
(e) Select Indian Programmes on Sustainability
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1. An Introduction to Sustainable Development – Jennifer A. Elliott
Reference Book
1. Our Planet, Consumption and Wellbeing – Dr Sumit Roy
2. Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered. Author: E. F. Schumacher
3. Capitalism at the Crossroads by Stuart L Hart
4. Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability by Paul Hawken
5. The Dreams of the Earth by Thomas Berry
6. Making Peace with the Earth by Vandana Shiva
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