Marketing Management-I - 2024-26
Marketing Management-I - 2024-26
Marketing Management-I - 2024-26
Course Description
The course is an introduction to the language and issues of marketing with an emphasis on
learning to develop responsive marketing strategies that meet customer needs. Marketing what
drives any business and economy. This introductory course exposes the participants to the
fundamental concepts, practices and decision making related for marketing. It aims at
providing an exhaustive coverage of all relevant aspects of marketing such as buyer behaviour,
marketing environment, segmentation, targeting, and positioning, product life cycle and pricing
strategies for gaining insights and forming a solid foundation for the specialized courses in the
area. This course also develops understanding of marketing in the new economy. This course
helps developing competitive strategies in fast-paced networked economy.
Course Outcomes:
CO1. Students will exhibit strong conceptual knowledge in the relevant functional area of
marketing management.
CO2. Students will exhibit effective understanding of relevant functional areas of marketing
management and its application in organization and society
CO3. Students will exhibit analytical skills in identifying and resolving problems pertaining
to marketing management.
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3. Analysing Consumer Markets (1.5 Hours)
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(c) Adapting the Price
(d) EDLP, Promotional and differentiated pricing, Discounts & Allowances
10. Marketing Mix variables: Advertising, Sales Promotion, Events & Experiences
and PR (3 Hours)
(a) IMC & Marketing Communication Mix
(b) Selecting Marketing Communication Mix
(c) Sales promotion (only Consumer and trade promotion tools)
(d) Events and Experiences
(e) Public Relations
(f) Online & Mobile Marketing
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Text Book
1. Marketing Management: Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, 15th Edition, 2016,
Reference Books:
1. Marketing Management, 16th Edition, Philip Kotler, Keller, Chernev, Sheth &
Shainesh, Pearson.
3. Marketing (Special Indian Edition) Michael Etzel, Bruce Walker, William Stanton,
Ajay Pandit.
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