Marketing Management-I - 2024-26

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Course Description

The course is an introduction to the language and issues of marketing with an emphasis on
learning to develop responsive marketing strategies that meet customer needs. Marketing what
drives any business and economy. This introductory course exposes the participants to the
fundamental concepts, practices and decision making related for marketing. It aims at
providing an exhaustive coverage of all relevant aspects of marketing such as buyer behaviour,
marketing environment, segmentation, targeting, and positioning, product life cycle and pricing
strategies for gaining insights and forming a solid foundation for the specialized courses in the
area. This course also develops understanding of marketing in the new economy. This course
helps developing competitive strategies in fast-paced networked economy.

The course aims at helping the Students in:

1. Appreciating the role of marketing function in organization

2. Understanding and appreciating the concepts of marketing in theory and practice
3. Analysing set of marketing problems through cases and
4. Finding opportunities to relate these concepts to real-life situations through group
projects and assignments

Course Outcomes:

On completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1. Students will exhibit strong conceptual knowledge in the relevant functional area of
marketing management.

CO2. Students will exhibit effective understanding of relevant functional areas of marketing
management and its application in organization and society

CO3. Students will exhibit analytical skills in identifying and resolving problems pertaining
to marketing management.


1. Introduction to Marketing (4.5 Hours)

(a) Value and Scope of marketing what is marketing? What is marketed?
(b) Core concepts: Needs, Wants, Demand
(c) Company Orientation towards the Market Place
(d) Jerome McCarthy’s 4 Ps (Marketing Mix), 7Ps, 4Cs Of Marketing, 4 A’s
(e) Marketing Myopia
2. Marketing Environment (1.5 Hours)

(a) Analysing the Macro Environmental Factors

(b) PESTEL and SWOT: an introduction
(c) Market Demand, Market Potential, Sales Potential and Market share

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3. Analysing Consumer Markets (1.5 Hours)

(a) Major Factors influencing consumer behaviour: Social, Cultural, Personal

and Psychological factors

(b) The Five Stage Buying Decision Process Model


4. Identifying Market Segments, Targeting and Positioning (3 Hours)

(a) Need for Segmentation, Bases for segmenting consumer markets

(b) Market Targeting: Evaluating and selecting market segments
(c) Effective Segmentation criteria
(d) Definition of Positioning, POP and POD, Straddle positioning

5. Building Strong Brands (1.5 Hours)

(a) Role and Importance of Branding

(b) Defining Brand Equity
(c) Brand Elements
(d) Branding Strategies: House of brands Vs Branded house
6 Addressing Competition and Driving Growth (1.5 Hours)

(a) Growth, Levels of competition (Generic-Form-Industry-Brand)

(b) Igor Ansoff’s Growth Vector Matrix


7. Marketing Mix variables: Setting Product Strategy (3 Hours)

(a) Product Characteristics and Classification (Consumer Products)

(b) Theodore Levitt’s Product Hierarchy Model
(c) Product Mix
(d) Packaging Decisions
(e) Product life cycle, Common PLC patterns
(f) New Product Development

8. Marketing Mix variables: Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs (3 Hours)

(a) Understanding Price and Process of Setting the Price

(b) Quantitative Approach to Pricing Methods: Break Even Pricing, Cost Plus
Pricing, Target Return Pricing, Perceived Value Pricing

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(c) Adapting the Price
(d) EDLP, Promotional and differentiated pricing, Discounts & Allowances


9. Marketing Mix variables: Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing

Channels (3 Hours)

(a) Definition and importance of marketing channels, push vs pull strategy,

(b) Channel levels and channel flows
(c) Channel Density: Exclusive-selective-intensive distribution
(d) Introduction to Vertical Marketing System and Horizontal Marketing System
(e) Introduction to Wholesaling and Retailing

10. Marketing Mix variables: Advertising, Sales Promotion, Events & Experiences
and PR (3 Hours)
(a) IMC & Marketing Communication Mix
(b) Selecting Marketing Communication Mix
(c) Sales promotion (only Consumer and trade promotion tools)
(d) Events and Experiences
(e) Public Relations
(f) Online & Mobile Marketing

11. Customer Value, Satisfaction & Loyalty (1.5 Hours)

(a) Customer Perceived Value & Value Triad

(b) Measurement & Degrees of Customer Satisfaction-
- NPS & Wallet Allocation Rule
(c) Introduction to Customer retention & Customer Lifetime Value
(d) Introduction to Customer Relationship Management
12. Introduction to Services Marketing (1.5 Hours)

(a) Characteristics of Services, 4I’s, 7P’s

(b) Extended Marketing Mix variables
13. Developing Marketing Strategies & Plans (1.5 Hours)

(a) Concept of SBU

(b) BCG Matrix, Porter’s Five Forces

Total (30 Hours)

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Text Book

1. Marketing Management: Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, 15th Edition, 2016,

Reference Books:
1. Marketing Management, 16th Edition, Philip Kotler, Keller, Chernev, Sheth &
Shainesh, Pearson.

2. Marketing 5.0: Technology for Humanity, Philip Kotler- Hermawan Kartajaya-

Iwan Setiawan, Wiley Publishing.

3. Marketing (Special Indian Edition) Michael Etzel, Bruce Walker, William Stanton,
Ajay Pandit.

4. Marketing Management, Ramaswamy and Namakumari / Tata McGraw Hill.

5. Marketing Management, Rajan Saxena / Tata McGraw Hill.

6. Marketing Management, Arun Kumar and N Meenakshi / Vikas Publishing.

7. Basic Marketing-A Global Managerial Approach William D. Perreault, Edmund Jerome


8. Marketing Management: An Indian Prospective Situn Krushna Sahu, Sunil Kumar


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