Deccan Education Society's Fergusson College (Autonomous) Pune
Deccan Education Society's Fergusson College (Autonomous) Pune
Deccan Education Society's Fergusson College (Autonomous) Pune
F. Y. B. Sc. Physics
Program Outcomes (POs) for B.Sc. Programme
PSO No. Program Specific Outcomes(PSOs)
Upon completion of this programme the student will be able to
PSO1 Academic competence
(i) Develop and demonstrate an understanding of the concepts related to heat,
thermodynamic laws, electric field due to static charge distribution, Newtonian
mechanics, wave properties of light, Newtonian mechanics, inertial and non-
inertial frames of reference, radioactivity, elementary particles, quark model,
physical systems from nano-scale to macroscopic scale, magnetostatics,
Maxwell’s equations and plane wave generation and quantum mechanical
systems. Associate the fundamental concepts in physics and interpret information.
(ii) Demonstrate independent thinking and scientific temper. Categorize,
calculate and solve problems using concepts of physics.
PSO2 Personal and Professional Competence
(i) Carry out laboratory-oriented numerical calculations and be capable in data
visualization and interpretation. Perform, demonstrate and analyse experimental
work with suitable techniques in physics to study the phenomena related to light,
scientific instruments, material process, electrical and electronics applications.
(ii) Carry out the calculations in classical mechanics, quantum mechanics,
mathematical methods and solids with advance techniques using computations
and C-programming.
(iii) Analyse experimental results and interpret graphs.
(iv)Formulation of ideas, scientific writing and authentic reporting, effective
presentation and communication skills through group discussion.
PSO3 Research Competence
(i) Apply Physics concepts of thermodynamics, mechanics, wave op tics,
electronics and nuclear physics in day to day life. Integrate core concepts studied
in materials science, electronics, and optics during experimentations and projects.
(ii) Integrate and explore techniques of synthesis, characterization of different
materials and techniques of astronomical data analysis. Cultivate concepts of
measurement techniques in physics and relate physics concepts in day to day life.
(iii) Integrate core physics subjects during experimentation and projects.
(iv) Apply numerical methods to solve various complex physical problems.
(v) Identify and interpret research literature, formulate ideas, write reports and
review articles related to all subjects in physics.
PSO4 Entrepreneurial and Social competence
Enhance and empower the students with their self-reliance capabilities through
the understanding of advance techniques, use of programming language, material
processing, mathematical and classical concepts, advancement of electronics ideas
with reference to advance techniques with their industrial applications.
(i) Employ experimental skills in industrial applications.
(ii) Develop scientific temperament and social awareness through internships
and science popularization. Awareness of ethical issues: emphasis on academic
and research ethics.
(iii) Outline the use of renewable sources for sustainable development of
human beings.
(iv) Execute social competence including effective use of computer languages
to meet global competencies in technological world.
Programme structure
Year Course Code Title of the Course Core / No. of
Elective Credits
Semester I
PHY1101 Mechanics and Properties of matter CORE-1 2
PHY1102 Heat and thermodynamics CORE-2 2
F. Y. B. Sc. PHY1103 Physics Practical - I PCORE-1 2
Semester II
PHY1201 Introduction to Mathematical Physics CORE-3 2
PHY1202 Electricity and Magnetism CORE-4 2
PHY1203 Physics Practical - II PCORE-2 2
Course CE ESE Total
Year Paper No. Title Credits Max Max Max
Marks Marks Marks
Semester V
DSE-1A PHY3501 Mathematical Methods in
2 50 50 100
DSE-1B PHY3502 Solid States of Physics 2 50 50 100
DSE-2A PHY3503 Classical Mechanics 2 50 50 100
Atomic and Molecular
DSE-2B PHY3504 2 50 50 100
Elements of Materials
DSE-3A PHY3505 2 50 50 100
Elective I (Select any
T.Y. One)
DSE-3B OR 2 50 50 100
Radiation Physics
DSE-1 PHY3507 Physics Practical – I 2 50 50 100
DSE-2 PHY3508 Physics Practical – II 2 50 50 100
DSE-3 PHY3509 Physics Practical – III 2 50 50 100
SEC-1* PHY3511 Analog Electronics 2 50 50 100
SEC-2* PHY3512 Numerical Analysis 2 50 50 100
Course CE ESE Total
Year Paper No. Title Credits Max Max Max
Marks Marks Marks
Semester VI
DSE-1A PHY3601 Classical Electrodynamics 2 50 50 100
DSE-1B PHY3602 Quantum Mechanics 2 50 50 100
F.Y. B.Sc. Semester I
Title of the Mechanics and Properties of matter (PHY1101) Number of
Course and Credits : 02
Course Code
Course Outcomes (COs)
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1 Identify fundamental principles in mechanics.
CO2 Illustrate Newton's laws of gravitation and Kepler's laws of planetary motion.
Explain viscosity of Fluid, law of energy conservation and applications of
Bernoulli’s theorems with examples.
CO3 Apply the physical principles of moment of inertia in terms of the mass distribution
from the rotational axis to various symmetrical bodies.
CO4 Analyse the properties and applications of elasticity with experiments.
CO5 Justify the quantitative problem-solving skills in all the topics covered.
CO6 Develop an intuition towards problems solving and design realistic applications in
the physical world.
III Elasticity: Basic concepts of elasticity, Hook’s law, three types of elastic
moduli, Poisson’s ratio, Relationship between Y, k, . Bending of beam,
bending moment, cantilever load at free end, loaded
uniformly, due to its own weight. Determination of Y by bending of a
uniformly loaded beam. Determination of elastic constant using Searle’s
IV Fluid Mechanics: Laminar and viscous flow, viscosity, Coefficient of
viscosity, Streamline flow and Turbulent flow (Tubular flow), Equation of
continuity of flow, Energy of fluid. Bernoulli’s theorem (Steady flow), Euler’s
equation, Applications of Bernoulli’s theorem: Venturi meter, Pitot tube,
Aerofoil, Bunsen burner, Atomizer, Spinning of a ball. Critical velocity and
Reynold’s number
1. University Physics: Sears and Zeemansky, XIIth edition, Pearson Education
2. Physics: Volume I, Resnick/Halliday/Krane John Wiley & Sons (Sea) pvt ltd. 4 th edition.
3. Properties of Matter: D. S. Mathur, Shamlal Charitable Trust New Delhi
4. Mechanics: D. S. Mathur, S. Chand and Company New Delhi.
5. Concepts of Physics, Vol I: H. C. Varma, Bharati Bhavan Publishers
II Applied Thermodynamics: Conversion of heat into work and 8
its converse, Carnot’s cycle and Carnot’s heat engine and its
efficiency, Second law of Thermodynamics, Concept of
entropy, Temperature Entropy diagram, T-dS Equation,
Clausius- Clapeyron latent heat equations
III Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Heat Engines (Otto cycle and its 8
efficiency, Diesel cycle and its efficiency), Refrigerators
(General principle and coefficient of performance of
refrigerator, The Carnot refrigerator, Simple structure of
vapour compression refrigerator), Air conditioning principle
and its applications
IV Equation of state: Equations of state, Andrew’s experiment, 8
Amagat’s experiment, Van der Waals’ equation of state,
Critical constants, Reduced equation of state, Joule-Thomson
porous plug experiment
V Thermometry: Temperature Scales (Centigrade, 4
Fahrenheit and Kelvin scale), Principle, construction and
working of following thermometers (Liquid and gas
thermometers, Resistive type thermometers,
Thermocouple as thermometer, Pyrometers)
1. Physics: Volume I, Resnick/Halliday/Krane John Wiley & Sons (Sea) pvt ltd
2. Sears and Zemansky's University Physics, 12th Edition, H. D. Young, R. A. Freedman,
A. L. Ford,F. W. Sears, Pearson Education
3. Concept of Physics Vol II: H. C. Verma, Bharati Bhavan Publishers
4. Heat and thermodynamics: Singhal, Agarwal and Prakash.
5. Heat and Thermodynamics: Brijlal, N. Subrahmanyam, S. Chand & Company Ltd, New
Title of the Physics Practical – I (PHY 1103) Number of
Course and Credits : 02
Course Code
Course Outcomes (COs)
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO1 Identify various components, devices, instruments and tools for specific
applications. Recall the theory associated with each experiment.
CO2 Illustrate skill of proper use of tools and test and measuring instruments.
CO3 Calculate the values of physical quantities using suitable instruments.
CO4 Explain the results by integrating the theory with experimental
CO5 Evaluate various physical quantities and measure the errors therein.
CO6 Perform the experiments using proper procedures and specify the outcomes.
Integrate the measuring instrumentation system with the experimental
circuit as required.
4 ‘Y’ by bending
F.Y. B.Sc. Semester II
Title of the Introduction to Mathematical Physics (PHY1201) Number of
Course and Credits : 02
Course Code
III Partial Differentiation: Definition of partial differentiation,
Successive differentiation, Total differentiation, Exact
differential, Chain rule, Theorems of differentiation, Change
of variables from Cartesian to polar co-ordinates, Implicit and
explicit functions, Conditions for maxima and minima
(without proof) Problems
IV Applications of differential equations:
First order differential equations: Growth and decay
(Charging and discharging in CR Circuit, LR circuit,
Radioactive decay, Population problems),
Temperature Problems (Cooling of a body),
Falling Body Problems (Equation of Motion for velocity and
position of the body when all resistance is proportional to
velocity of body)
Second order differential equations: Simple Harmonic
Oscillator, LCR Circuit, Buoyancy
1. Mathematical Physics, B. D. Gupta, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut
2. Mathematical Methods in Physical Science, Mary L. Boas, Wiley Publications
3. Schaum's Outline of Vector Analysis, Murray R. Spiegel, McGraw Hill Professional
4. Theory and Problems of Differential Equations (Schaum’s Outline Series), Bronson,
Tata McGraw-Hill Education
Unit. No. Title of Unit and Contents No. of
I Dielectrics: Polarization of matter (Atomic view, Induced
charges, Free charges and bound charges), Polarization charges
and dipole moment, Electric susceptibility and polarization
vector, Electric displacement and examples, Gauss’s law in
Boundary conditions at dielectric surface
II D C circuits: Growth and decay of current in R-L circuit,
Growth and decay of current in L-C circuit, L-R-C 6
series circuit
III A C circuits: Phasors, Resistance and Reactance, L-R-C series
circuit, Power in AC circuit, Resonance in AC circuit,
IV Magnetism in matter: Ampere’s circuit law and it’s
applications, Gauss law for magnetism, Magnetic Materials
(Ferro magnetic, Paramagnetic, diamagnetic), Cause of
magnetization (Spin magnetic moment and orbital magnetic
moment, Bohr magneton), Concepts of H, B, M, χ, ,
Relation between B, H, M, Hysteresis
1. Fundamentals of electricity and Magnetism, Arthur Kip, McGraw-Hill
2. Sears and Zemansky's University Physics, 12 th Edition, H. D. Young,R. A. Freedman,A.
L. Ford,F. W. Sears, Pearson Education
Sr. No. Title of Experiment
1 Determination of frequency of A. C.
2 Study of LCR circuit
3 Verification of circuit theorems
4 Study and calibration of spectrometer
5 Charging, discharging of capacitor
6 L-R circuit: Vector diagram and power factor
7 Diode characteristics
8 Temperature coefficient of resistance
9 & 10 Study visit