Lecture 11 (BEE)

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Project Planning & Management

Lecture: 11
Waterfall Model
• The waterfall model is a linear and
sequential project management

• The model emerged in the manufacturing

& construction industry, but was first
described by Herbert D. Benington
(1956), it provides a structured approach
to software development.

• Comprised of seven phases, the model’s

phases must be completed and approved
in sequence.
Waterfall Model

• American computer scientist Winston Walker

Royce formalized the model in 1971. He
was skeptical about the "Testing" to be done
at the end.

• Royce introduced a five-step sequential

process to address flaws in the original

• The term “waterfall” was coined by Bell and

Thayer in a 1976 paper titled "Software
Requirements: Are They Really A Problem?".
• Despite being an old framework,
the Waterfall model is still
relevant today in the
environments where changes
are very costly and the working
environments are highly

• However, this methodology is

not suitable for environments
where changes are frequent,
e.g. software & fashion industry
Rolling Wave

• Rolling wave planning is a type

of project schedule that
focuses on iterative work and
frequent updates to the project
• It’s a project planning
technique for projects that
don’t have all the
data/information needed to
create a plan or schedule up
front (or at the time Project
Rolling Wave Planning
• It evolves like a rolling wave
in the sea-- starting small
in the beginning, but gets bigger
as it rolls to the shore
• The WBS is filled only to the
project manager’s current
• More information is added to the
Project Plan and the WBS as the
project progresses and new
information is made available.
• So, planning remains an
iterative/repetitive process
throughout the project's lifecycle.
Agile Project Management
• Agile is neither a methodology nor a
framework of Project Management, but it is
rather a Philosophy and a mindset to do
projects in a different way.

• The meaning of "Agile" is: To be able to move

quickly & easily. Agile software development
consists of practices that exercise iterative and
incremental techniques which can be easily
Agile Project Management
• Agile was born in 2001 when 17 software development enthusiasts
with different development methodologies background met and
brainstormed for 2 days to find an alternative software development
model that is less rigid and less documentation heavy compared to
the traditional Waterfall model.

• The end result of this meeting was a formal document what they
called the “Agile Manifesto” that defined the 4 core values and the
underlying 12 principles for software development (Still available
at www.agilemanifesto.org).
Agile Project Management
Agile Umbrella
• As described earlier, Agile is
neither a methodology nor a
framework of Project
Management, but a set of
Principles and Values for
doing a project.

• On the basis of these Values

and Principles, many
Project Management
Methodologies and
Frameworks have been

• Agile's philosophy covers all of

them as an umbrella.
Agile PM in
Action: SCRUM
• SCRUM is not an acronym, but it
actually refers to the term used in
"Rugby", where a group of players
from each team who come together
with their heads down and arms
joined, and push against each other,
trying to take control of the ball.
• In this context, Scrum is where the
team comes together to move the
product forward.
Agile PM in Action: SCRUM
• Scrum has three pillars: transparency,
inspection and adaptation.
• Transparency: The emergent process and work
must be visible to those performing the work as
well as those receiving the work.
• Inspection: to detect potentially undesirable
variances or problems.
• Adaptation: If any aspects of a process deviate
outside acceptable limits or if the resulting
product is unacceptable, the process being
applied or the materials being produced must
be adjusted.
Agile PM in Action: SCRUM
• Scrum was actually developed in 1995 as a better way of team collaboration
for solving complex problems. However, later, the practice was used in
software project management successfully. It basically has three roles:
• Product Owner
o Acts on behalf of customers to represent their interests.
• Development Team
o Is a team of five to nine people with cross-functional skill sets is responsible for
delivering the product.
• Scrum Master (aka Project Manager)
o Facilitates scrum process and resolves impediments at the team and organization
level by acting as a buffer between the team and outside interference.
Agile PM in Action: SCRUM Framework
Agile PM in Action: Scrum Framework
o They are fixed length periods of work that last one month or less to create consistency
and ensure short iterations for feedback
o Product Backlog is an emergent, ordered list of what is needed to improve the product.
o It is the set of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint, as well as an actionable
plan for delivering the Increment.
o It is a concrete stepping stone toward the Product Goal.
o It is a formal description of the state of the Increment when it meets the quality
measures required for the product. Once the Definition of Done is met, the Increment
is Done and can be delivered.
Limitations of Agile PM

• It does not satisfy top management’s need

for budget, scope, and schedule control.
• Its principles of self-organization and
close collaboration can be incompatible with
corporate cultures.
• Its methods appear to work best on small
projects that require only five to nine
dedicated team members to complete the
• It requires active customer involvement and

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